Nets for Echolink, D-Star, and D-Rats -- UALR Ham Radio Club Exam Info -- Plus Other Files

Nets for Echolink, D-Star, and D-Rats -- UALR Ham Radio Club Exam Info -- Plus Other Files

To return to the previous page, press the BACK BUTTON on your web browser. This page, and the appropriate files, were last updated March 22, 2025.

Originally designed as a page for Echolink Nets, courtesy of The Millennium Net (the page was started in March, 2006...the net went QRT (offline) as of August, 2020) I have decided to update the page with an information overview, and just links for these files.

Note: For information on upcoming amateur radio license exam sessions at the University Of Arkansas At Little Rock (UALR), sponsored by the UALR Ham Radio Club, in Little Rock, Arkansas, click here. The information file was last updated March 16, 2025.

For the net list, I've decided to go with an Excel Spreadsheet Only (it was last updated as of the date above). For items 4-11 below, you'll need either Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice, OpenOffice, or your favorite PDF viewer to view/print the Excel or PDF Files.

For much of the United States, Standard Time is from the first Sunday in November to the Second Sunday in March, with Daylight Savings Time otherwise. For a Users Guide for the list, choose item 12 below. For a guide on converting UTC time to a different time zone, click here. UTC Time is based on the time at the Greenwich Meridian in England.

Thanks to Gary, VA3GDZ, for the original net list spreadsheet...for the rest of the items, you will need an appropriate PDF Viewer to view/print the files. With some of the files, the last update is noted at the top of the particular file, or noted below.

Lastly, another hobby that I'm involved with, square dancing, had a post from a publication called ''The Sets In Order'' back in March, 1966...on ''15 Ways To Kill Your Square Dance Club''. I've modified this for ''15 Ways To Kill Your Ham Radio Club''. Obviously, I do NOT recommend doing ANY of these...but clubs (no matter the hobby) who have these (or similar items) going on, the sad fact is that the future existence of their club...and the associated in grave danger. You can obtain that file here.

1) How To Contact Me (updated Jan. 5, 2025)

2) Nets Where N5VLZ is Net Control (updated March 6, 2025)

3) Credit Where Credit Is Due (updated Feb. 19, 2023)

4) Selected D-Star, D-Rats, and Echolink Nets (Eastern Time)(Excel) (updated Feb. 21, 2025)

5) Selected D-Star, D-Rats, and Echolink Nets (Central Time)(Excel) (updated Feb. 21, 2025)

6) Selected D-Star, D-Rats, and Echolink Nets (Mountain Time)(Excel) (updated Feb. 21, 2025)

7) Selected D-Star, D-Rats, and Echolink Nets (Pacific Time)(Excel) (updated Feb. 21, 2025)

8) Selected D-Star, D-Rats, and Echolink Nets (Eastern Time)(PDF) (updated Feb. 21, 2025)

9) Selected D-Star, D-Rats, and Echolink Nets (Central Time)(PDF) (updated Feb. 21, 2025)

10) Selected D-Star, D-Rats, and Echolink Nets (Mountain Time)(PDF) (updated Feb. 21, 2025)

11) Selected D-Star, D-Rats, and Echolink Nets (Pacific Time)(PDF) (updated Feb. 21, 2025)

12) Excel Net Spreadsheet Users Guide (updated Feb. 19, 2023)

13) Net Additions, Changes, Corrections, and Deletions (updated Feb. 21, 2025)

14) Expanded Information On Selected Nets (updated Feb. 12, 2025)

15) Abbreviated Ratflector List (updated Nov. 11, 2023)

16) UTC Times, Other Net Links, and More (updated Dec. 21, 2023)

17) Mode Overview file -- (Information on D-Star, D-Rats, Pi-Star, the QuadNet Array, Kansas City Wide Fusion Network, and the Rogers County Wireless Association among other items)(updated Nov. 2, 2024)

18) The Queen And Princess Of D-Star

19) Selected Ham Radio Humor - Graphics And Text(updated March 22, 2025)

20) The PCL Net (Packet Via Telnet)(updated Feb. 29, 2024)

21) The E.D. Net (You Had To Be There (hi hi))

22) 2020 ARVARF Hamfest Forum Presentation (updated Dec. 13, 2024)

23) My Ham Radio Biography (updated March 6, 2025)

24) The Felony Question (REQUIRED of ALL ham radio licensees)

25) Setting Up Netlogger For Nets (updated Oct. 16, 2023)

26) Quick Netlogger Color Option Guide (updated Oct. 3, 2022)

27) Operating Internet Radio (updated Oct. 10, 2024)

28) Setting Up Connections To The NS2B BBS (updated Jan. 17, 2024)

Thanks to the acquisition of a SharkRF OpenSpot 4 Pro, I can do D-Star, NXDN, Fusion, and other modes. Echolink, CQ100, and D-Rats, are accessed with their separate programs.

If you find any invalid links here, contact me, with the details.

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