How The Gospel Poetry Came About

How The Gospel Poetry Came About

Gospel Poetry
Secular Poetry
Tribute Poetry
Soar With Jesus


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I'd like to tell you a little of how each of the poems in the collection came about. Many of the poems have direct Bible verses within the lyrics. These are not necessarily in the same order as on the website.

All the poetry is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar with Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission. This page was last updated on Oct. 19, 2024.

NOTE: If You're Offended By These Words, The Lord, He Made The Rules...NOT ME...let alone the other Bible Believing Christians...and The True Hate Crime Committed There would be if I Betrayed you, and did NOT tell you of The Judgment that you will face When You Stand Before The Lord. So, You Can't Say That You Weren't Warned, when you realize the consequences if you refuse to accept Jesus Christ As Your Lord And Saviour.

However, The Lord gave you FREE WILL, and whether you choose to ACCEPT or REJECT Him...Your Decision Will Be Honored at The Moment Of Your Death, for all Eternity. There Are No Less Days in either the joy of Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed...or the torment of The Home Of The Damned...hell, then The Lake Of Fire...once you enter either place at The Moment Of Your Death.

And, if the believers ON Jesus Christ...and not just IN Him, are wrong...they won't lose much when they die. But, if those who refuse God's Free Love Gift, are wrong...The Price Of Being Wrong will be far greater than they ever could pay...eternal torment in The Home Of The Damned. And, One Day, All Mankind Will Know Who's Right.

The reason that this poetry is a WITNESS to those who have not yet repented (turned from) their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift; and a MINISTRY to those who that I do NOT want my fellow man or woman to burn forever in The Lake Of Fire. I look at this poetry of my being used as one of the Vessels Of The Lord. I personally CAN'T write poetry, so I give Him all the glory, honor, and praise, as Christ Alone is the ONLY One worthy of such. Regardless, Your Eternal Destiny depends on your choice of what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

While Some Poems Are Similar, The Message Is The Same. For a background on how this entire poetry collection came to be, along with a bit of personal testimony, click here, as well as a history and overview of the collection click here. But overall, All Praise And Glory To The Lord, For What He Gave To Me.

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Gospel Poetry

Soar With Jesus

Based on Isaiah 40:28-31, the idea came from, of all things, a square dancing belt buckle, with the logo of an Eagle, against a multi-colored sun, with the words ''Soar With Jesus''. The words for this song are entirely from the Scripture it is based on, with some slight changes to fit it to poetic form. The art was designed by Dale Larison, who was living in Oregon the last I heard.

A Friend For Life

The first song and poem that I ever wrote came to me about 1 1/2 years before I was actually my high school English class, when I was living in south Florida...before my late father's job transferred the family to central Arkansas in 1977. They were doing a poetry unit, and even more today than back then, boys thought ''writing poetry is for sissies''. I figured that ''I would try anything once''. I was sitting there, trying to figure out what to write about, when the title of this poem came to mind...based on John 15:13, ''Greater Love Has No Man Than This...that A Man Lay Down His Life For His Friends''. I got two lines, then went blank. I could hear Satan say ''Forget it!! You can't write poetry!!'', I just set it aside for a bit. Two weeks later, I picked it back up, and to The Glory Of God, I had 20 lines faster than you could shake a stick at...and as the saying goes, ''the rest is history''. Jesus is A Friend For Life, both here on Earth...and for those who accept Him as Saviour and Lord...and a Friend in Eternity as well. As I heard one evangelist describe it...''Jesus can be your Best Friend, or The Worst Nightmare There Faced''...the latter for those refusing to repent of their sin, and accept Him as Saviour and Lord.

My Life With My Lord

This song is a brief song about my life, and how The Lord always cared for me, in every situation...from my physical my spiritual birth...and beyond to my heavenly birth one day...whether it be by death or Rapture. While I pray it's the latter, that's The Lord's Choice to make.

Running The Race, Looking To Jesus

Based on Hebrews 12:1-3, life is a race...both physically and spiritually. This song, as the Scripture says...shows us Who our focus should be on.

The Coming Of Christ

This song was penned in the poetic style of a sonnet, originally done by William Shakespeare...the great English playwright, who wrote Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, and other great literary and dramatic works. In short, this tells of the state of the world just before...and after The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ to reign in Power and Glory. There are several other companion poems in the collection on this same topic.


The title is from a Greek word that means ''Our Lord Come'' or ''The Lord Is Coming Soon''. I originally was going to do this as a four part choral work, but I integrated it into the accompaniment. A companion piece to The Coming Of Christ, this tells of Rapture Of The Church, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, and martyrdom of believers, The Coming Of Christ, the Millennium Of Peace, and The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. This is one of many songs in the collection that has ''an invitation'' to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.


Based on 1 Peter 2:6-7, no better word could describe what Jesus Christ is to the believer, and to describe the decision that one can make by accepting God's Free Love Gift.

Let Me Go On To Glory

This song was written, and lovingly dedicated to the memory of my late grandmother, Rose B. Rentja, who went on to be with The Lord on June 11, 1993, after a long battle with lung cancer. I read the lyrics at her funeral, but was too overcome by grief to sing the song itself. It was sung at the funeral of my late father, who went on to be with The Lord on Feb. 5, 2007, after a short battle with pancreatic cancer...sung at the funeral for my late wife, who went on to be with The Lord on April 27, 2007, from a heart attack...and for my late Mom, who went on to be with Lord on August 9, 2019, after a battle with congestive heart failure...which I have to deal with now, but I've known several folks who've had the condition for years.

The Gift Is Christ

Based On 2 Corinthians 9:15, this song is my description of Christmas morning. Jesus Christ was not only born of a Virgin in a manger...and lived on the Earth among mankind...but, He came to die in our place, to save us from our sins, and with His Resurrection from the dead, to give us Eternal Life, when we accepted This Gift. To me, The Perfect Year Round Christmas Tree, Is That Rugged Cross.

I Loved You So, My Child

Ironically written on Good Friday, the bass part is constant octaves...signifying the nailing of our sins to The Cross with Christ...and the hammering of them into the grave. This is one of two songs in the collection where Jesus ''speaks'' from The Cross. The key change in the song symbolizes The Resurrection...and the song finishes with a personal invitation by Jesus for the unsaved to accept Him as their Lord and Saviour.

Without The Resurrection

Based on 1 Corinthians 15:13-14, this song was ironically penned one Easter weekend. At the time it was done, the church that I belonged to, usually did their Choir Easter Cantatas a few weeks before the actual Easter the choir members could go and enjoy other churches Easter Cantatas. As it turned out, the night of Good Friday, no activities were scheduled at my church. So, I went out square dancing, a hobby I did from 1986 to 2002...then, took it up again after the death of my wife in keep the loneliness at bay. As a side note, I'm currently Editor, Webmaster, and Circulation Chairman, for the Arkansas State Square Dance Federation, as well as Chaplain and Club Reporter for the Maverick Mixers Square Dance Club. Anyway, my late grandmother wasn't too happy with what I did, so I told her ''The Crucifixion is important...but Without The Resurrection, It's Just Not The Same''. A companion poem is Just One Sin Not Paid For, Means Christ's Still In The Grave. However, to put it bluntly, If The Blood Of Christ Ignored, Or The Rugged Cross, Christianity would be just like all of the other religions and faiths...and we'd all be ''wasting our time'', and each one of us, at The Moment Of Your Death would be headed straight to The Home Of The Damned...first Hell, then The Lake Of Fire, for all Eternity.

What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??

This song came to me while hearing a sermon from Evangelist Rick Caldwell. He told of young people who were in a church service...and who became uneasy when the invitation to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour was given. He said that their attitude may have been ''I can't go up to the front, not with all my friends here...i'm too proud for that''. Rick shot back with ''Let me ask you...what Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??''. This is one of two songs in the collection done in a minor key.

Equal At The Cross

This song came during a Sunday School lesson, where one of the participants, Debbie Smith, noted that ''the ground is Equal At The Cross''.

The Preaching Of The Cross

Based on 1 Corinthians 1:18-19, this song tells of the joy of the the unsaved feel toward it...and that the Saints one day will die for their faith.

Do You Have Time For Me??

Based on Revelation 3:20, this song is the most convicting for me personally, physically, and spiritually. All mankind has 24 hours (1440 minutes) in a day...and whether we want to admit it or not...we make time for what we want to do, or consider important. This is the second song in the collection where Jesus ''speaks''...and asks for each of us to give Him time in our daily lives, no matter how hectic they are. This song also finishes with a personal invitation by Jesus for the unsaved to accept Him as their Lord and Saviour.

The Lord, He Saved

A mini-testimony, telling of how The Lord knew me even before I was conceived, how He saved me, how He cares for me, a personal prayer, and that He is waiting for the unsaved to come to Him as well. A companion poem is located here.

How Shall We Escape??

Based on Hebrews 2:2-3, this is the second song in the collection done in a minor key. Creating a ''spooky'' atmosphere of sorts, it tells of the fate that awaits those of mankind who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord.

The Last Days

A companion to both The Coming Of Christ, and Maranatha...this song is an overview of the last days prior to The Coming Of Christ to Earth. It includes The Rapture, The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, The Battle Of Armageddon, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, the Millennium Of Peace, The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, The New Heaven and New Earth, and an invitation to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord...before all these events take place.

Borne On An Angels Wings

This song started on a belief that I had when I was real young...when I believed that the offering that was taken at church went directly to God, Borne On An Angels Wings. The song also tells of the many things done by the Angels Of The Lord, the messengers of God.

They Never Would've Crucified The Lord Of Glory

Based on Romans 2:8, the powers of darkness...satan and his demons, thought they had all of mankind doomed to Hell forever, when Jesus Christ died on the Cross. But, when Jesus rose from the dead, According To The Scriptures, it sealed the defeat of Satan and his armies. Had they known Christ was going to rise from the dead, they never would have crucified Him...because that since Jesus defeated death and the grave, the saved would as well.

Rewards Were There For Me To Claim

Based on 1 Corinthians 3:13-15. All mankind will stand before Jesus Christ one day, to give an account for their lives here on Earth. Those who accepted Him as their Lord and Saviour will be judged at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ on the way they served Him during their lives...with some works pleasing to Him (gold, silver, and precious stones...for The Five Eternal Crowns), and others not at all (wood, hay, and stubble). Christians, due to their sin nature (which they will have until their death, or until the Rapture, may shrink back to where they lose rewards, but not so far as to lose the issue of sin for Christians was settled at The Cross, when they repented of their sin, and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. So, the issue of sin will not even be considered at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...but many will likely have ''the smell of smoke on them'', from the ''wood, hay, and stubble'' that was burned up...yet, they will still be in Heaven.

The Way

Based On Matthew 7:13-14, this song tells that of all the things that mankind does in life, thinking that they'll get them into Heaven...they will instead hear the somber Judgment from the Lord Jesus Christ, ''Depart from Me...For You, I've Never Known...and tragically, many will end up this way. The song also includes an invitation to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, and to become part of The Believing Remnant...the few...that will inherit Eternal Life.

Sinner, Seek The Lord Today While He May Be Found

Based On Isaiah 55:6, this tells that one day, the Grace Of God will come to an end...and after that point, it'll be too late for those who rejected Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord to receive Him. These will be sentenced at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne to the Eternal Lake Of Fire.

The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart

Based on Acts 2:37, this tells of when The Spirit Of The Lord began to convict me of my sin, and my need to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

Your Sins Are A Barrier

Based On Isaiah 59:2, this tells of how man is out of fellowship with God, because of the sin in his it has put a barrier between him and God. It also tells how God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the Cross in our place, and remove the sin barrier, if we would repent of our sin, and accept Him as our Lord and Saviour.

Statement Of Faith

Originally from a Christian BBS (bulletin board system) Network, SON_Net, this statement is how I believe. Although the SON_Net BBS Network is no more...and for that matter, sadly very few BBS's are still online, I still subscribe to this Statement of Faith. With The Lord's Help, I transcribed the document into poetic verse.

When You're Far Away From Home

Many people can relate to this poem, with feelings of homesickness, etc. This was written when I found out that I was to move with my family from south Florida, to central Arkansas...due to my late father's company transferring the family. The bottom line is that no matter where you are...if you know The Lord, He's with you always.

The Sun -- God's Light On The Sunset

These two poems tell of the beauty of the sunrise and sunset...god's created light on the world.

His Story

History has been called ''His Story''...and this poem tells of Creation, man's rebellion and sin before God, God sending His Son, Jesus Christ to this Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk among us, and be like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN...then to die on an Old Rugged Cross for our sins, to be raised from the dead, According To The Scriptures, and to one day return to this Earth in Power and Glory to reign...finishing with an invitation to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

Sin Won't Rise A Second Time

Based on Nahum 1:9, this tells of how sin first corrupted God's Heaven, when introduced by Lucifer (who became Satan)...then the Earth...then how God dealt with the judgment, then by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to Earth, to die for the sins of the world. When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, at His Second Coming, and after the Millennium Of Peace, Satan's evil forces try one last rebellion, but are cast into the Lake Of Fire, along with all who refused to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. God then creates a New Heaven and a New Earth, and declares that sin won't be permitted to occur a second time.

A Life On Trial

The inspiration for this came, ironically, from serving on jury duty in central Arkansas, in 1998, on two capital murder trials. Where mankind may ''get away with murder'' in this life, their lives will be before The Righteous Judge of all the Earth one day, at The Supreme Court Of The Universe...and all the evidence...hidden and visible...will be there for all to see...with No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Of Scot Free, and There Will Be No Appeal There. For those who have done The One Thing God Requires, to repent of their sin and then accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour will have Jesus as their ''Defense Attorney'' before God. On the other hand, those who did not, will have Jesus as their ''Prosecuting Attorney'', ''Judge'', ''Jury'', and ''Executioner''. This also shows that They May Escape Conviction Now; But Won't After They Die.


Done in the style of a Shakesperian sonnet, originally done by William Shakespeare, the great English playwright, who wrote Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, and other great literary and dramatic works. This tells of the rebirth of life with the spring that winter's icy chill is gone. As a side note, I prefer the colder while it makes the arthritis hurt more (especially as I have gotten older), it means no insects (especially the stinging ones), no heat illness, no lawn mowing, and no tornadoes.

Christmas Means and I Remember Christmas Past

These two poems, tell of the true meaning of Christmas, and how I remember Christmas of long ago, as I was growing up.

The Cry

Various ''cries'' throughout history...from God, His Prophets, John The Baptist, Jesus Christ, The People Of Jerusalem at Christ's Triumphal Entry, and at His Crucifixion, The Angel At The Empty Tomb...the Archangel at the Rapture, and lastly, asking what the sinner's cry is toward God.

Today, Oh, Lord, What Will You Have Me Do??

Based on Acts 9:6, when the former Saul Of Tarsus, the son of a Pharisee, who was on a mission to Damascus to round up the early church arrest, imprison, and eventually kill them. He was blinded by a midday light from Heaven, brighter than the sun. The voice of Jesus asked Saul ''Why are you persecuting me?''. Saul asked ''Who are you, Lord?'', and Jesus told him that it was He who Saul was actually persecuting. Saul then asked ''Lord, What Will You Have Me Do??''. This should be the question ALL TRUE CHRISTIANS should ask Christ every He Is The Lord...and His Children are His Servants. Saul became the Apostle Paul, who was Divinely Inspired to write much of the New Testament portion of The Books Of The Bible.

The Lasting Treasure

Many people go after things of this lifetime, but sadly fail to realize that ''you can't take it with you''. All who have died, are in their graves without one thin dime (let alone a wooden nickel) in their hands. Even the graves of the Pharoahs of Egypt have had their tombs looted. C. T. Studd penned a poem that sums it up well. Jesus Christ, He Never Changed, He's Always The Same, and He is the One you CAN take with you after death...iF you will repent of sin, and accept Him as your Lord and Saviour.


We make choices every day of our lives. The choice to reject or accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour is the most important choice that you'll ever make. This poem was also based on this tract from Chick Publications.

Vessels Of The Lord

Based on Acts 9:15, after the former Saul Of Tarsus (now the Apostle Paul) was converted on the road to Damascus; where The Lord said that ''he is a chosen vessel for My Use''. All of His Children are that...even in their human, sinful, form of the corruptible flesh of this life.

The Road to the 1977 Florida All State Chorus

I had sung for many years, but never knew of my musical gifts until high school. When I began chorus, I literally couldn't hit a tone in a bucket. But, by the end of the year...the Lord graciously gave me these musical gifts:

A. Perfect pitch -- Having had no formal ''Ear Training'' whatsoever, I can be singing with a group, and tell if we're ''on key''. I can also tell whether an instrument is out of tune...and without looking, can reproduce a note on the piano after hearing it played. I was given the award of ''Most Improved Chorus Student'' at years end. The next year, only myself and a fellow student, Elvy Alvarez, were the only ones from the south Florida area to make the Florida All State Chorus, held in Orlando in 1977.

B. Sight Reading -- I can pick up a piece of choral or vocal music that I've never seen before, and sing it as written...unless there are a lot of ''accidentals'' in the music...then it takes some work.

C. Piano Playing and Song Writing -- Having been reluctant to practice my piano lessons when growing up, I took it up one day on my own. The songs I write basically are chordal improvisation, and rather simple. However, the melody and basic accompaniment gets the job done. To me, the words are far more important than the music. I have not played the piano since I became caregiver for my late Mom, who went on to be with The Lord on August 9, 2021, and the piano here at the house is now woefully out of tune. And unfortunately, declining health over the years has greatly reduced or eliminated my participation in choirs, etc....but, I still enjoy singing and writing poetry for The Lord.

Drama and A Thespian Is...

Having been part of theatre arts in high school, I wrote these poems telling briefly of what all is involved. The International Thespian Society, named after the Greek actor Thespis, is a group of individuals who enjoy working with theatre arts, dramatic productions, etc. The experience carried over into dramatic cantatas done at churches. The most memorable experience I have was years ago, doing a cantata entitled ''Joy Comes In The Morning'' at a central Arkansas area church several years ago. Surrounding the last week of Jesus' Life on Earth, it dealt with Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, The Betrayal in the Garden Of Gethsemane by Judas Iscariot, the denial of knowing him by Peter, the beating before Pontious Pilate, His carrying of The Cross, upon which He was crucified...and His Resurrection. It was like a ''time warp''...choir members went from being the angry the weeping mourners in a matter of seconds. You felt like you were there at the Crucifixion...and then experiencing the joy of the Resurrection.


Again in the same poetic sonnet style of Springtime, this is a brief overview of what music is...and my favorites of it.

The Rocky Road Of Life

Life is a challenge, from birth to death...whether one marries or not. The best decision one can make is accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

You Can't Earn God's Salvation

Based on Acts 8:20, the only thing that will obtain Salvation in Jesus Christ is through admitting that you're a sinner, that nothing else can save you, and that you're willing to turn away from your sin (repent), and accept what Jesus Christ did for you on Calvary. Doing good deeds, what's right in this life, etc. is not You Can't Earn God's Salvation, nor can it be bought. It is a free gift to all who would receive it.

The Lord Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die

Based on Ezekiel 18:32...for everyone who refuses to accept God's Free Love Gift in what Jesus Christ did on Calvary's Rugged Cross for all who would ever live, that is one less soul in the Kingdom Of God...and it brings no pleasure to God to have to cast these into the Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, with Satan and his demons. This poem also carries an anti-abortion does Children Are A Heritage.

Eternally and Eternity

From time past, to the present day, to the you will fare eternally, at The Moment Of Your Death is dependent on what you did with Jesus Christ while you were here on Earth.

Don't Take A Chance With God

Tomorrow Is Promised To No One...let alone the next 5 seconds. Taking a chance with God is like playing eternal Russian Roulette with your soul. If that ''gun'' fires, you won't have another chance to change your mind. Tragically, my younger brother committed suicide in a similar manner in early July, 2024...but it was with a single gunshot wound to the head. He was involved in a freak motorcycle wreck not 3 months after my late wife went on to be with The Lord. He was on his motorcycle, wearing only a pair of short pants and helmet, shirt, socks, or shoes. A mailbox on the side of the road caught the handlebar, while the motorcycle stopped, he didn't...flying over the motorcycle, and slamming on to the pavement. He broke his shoulder, ankle, and elbow, and fractured his hip in the wreck, having to be Med-Flighted to an area hospital for numerous surgeries to put in screws, puns, staples, etc. The increased arthritis as the years went on, made the pain increasingly excruciating by the day. It apparently got so bad at the end, where he was heavily smoking (tobacco and medical marijuana), and drinking alcoholic the pain medications were tearing up his stomach. So, he basically took a gun to his head, and ''blew his brains out''. Shortly after I experienced The Most Important Day in my life, in regards to doing The One Thing God Requires, I was telling him about that, and he snarled ''I wish you'd shut up, and quit preaching to me!!''. That broke my heart, but I realized that ''you can not cram a Bible down someone's throat'', plus that Once You Witness To Someone, Their Blood Is Off Your Hands, and that The Lord Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free Will. So, he was exposed to The Gospel, but the impression I got is that he had an aversion to anything spiritually related, as well as having a hard time with the issue of mortality...with any creature, man or beast, experiencing The Moment Of Your Death. Unfortunately, the issue of mortality is all part of The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. And, if he did not do The One Thing God Requires, the hard reality is that he is now in The Home Of The Damned, and we'll never see each other again. But, even though we were brothers, it boiled down to One Said 'Yes', And One Said 'No', To Gospel Of Salvation.

The Second Home

Everyone has a home where they live, and hopefully, a church home...their Second Home...where The Word Of God, and the message of Jesus Christ Crucified and Resurrected, is preached. For a time, Second Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas, was my ''Second Home''...pun intended. I had attended The Community Church Of God, the church that my girlfriend, and eventually my late wife went to...getting married there, and stayed there throughout our marriage as a courtesy to her. But, after she went on to be with The Lord over 17 years ago, the memories were too painful to stay there. Even more painful was that some churches ''showed me the door''...proving that ''Christians are the only army that buries their wounded''. For various reasons, I had been to several churches over the years...but because of various circumstances, I had been out of church for several years. Then, I met several sweet teenage ladies who worked at the Otter Creek (southwest Little Rock) location of David's Burgers, who invited me to their church, East Union Missionary Baptist Church, where I felt welcome and loved. However, due to having to quit driving in June, 2022, due to vision issues, I now just view their worship services on Facebook. Regardless of where you have The Second Home, it is beneficial for your spiritual life, to be around God's People for fellowship, instruction, and most of all, praise and worship of The Lord.

Oh, That You Would Bless Me (The Prayer Of Jabez)

Based on 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 and Proverbs 3:5-6, the story of Jabez' simple prayer to God, God's granting of his request...and the admonition to Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Anbd Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??

This question is the most important question that you, and everyone who has ever lived on Earth must answer. Your Eternal Destiny...blessedness or doom...depends on your decision. Jesus will either be your Saviour, or your Judge; A Friend For Life, or The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

An All Consuming Fire Is Our God

Based on Deuteronomy 4:24, the all consuming fire of God tells of His Awesome Power and Glory, and how that will destroy the wicked one day in judgment.

The Judgment

Based on Hebrews 9:27, when mankind dies, they will face a judgment and an accounting before The Lord. It'll be either at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, The Judgment Of The Sheep and Goats, or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Those at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or as the Sheep, will live and reign forever with Jesus Christ in Heaven, as they accepted God's Free Love Gift of what Jesus Christ did for them on Calvary. Those who are as the Goats, or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, will have rejected this Gift, and will spend Eternity in the Lake Of Fire, with Satan and his demonic hordes.

God's Protection

Throughout history, God has protected his own from His Wrath and Judgment, by removing the believers before The Judgment fell. The fate of those who spurned this protection is obvious.

Why Do The Heathen Of The Earth Always Rage?

Based on Psalm 2:1, the question is asked ''What Has God Done to deserve all the contempt directed toward Him?''. He gave mankind everything they could ever want or need...and they responded by ''thumbing their nose'' at His Goodness.

The Cross Is Empty

Many people wear crucifixes (crosses) around their necks, some with ''a figure of Jesus Christ'' on them. However, Christ was taken down off of the Cross after His Death, which was to pay for the sins of all mankind who would ever live. After 3 days in the grave, He arose from the dead...defeating both Death and the grave. So, both The Cross and The Tomb are Empty. However, to receive this free gift, it must be humbly and willingly accepted, and not just Going Through The Motions.

For You Would Not Allow It

This will be the main reason that people are sent to Eternal Doom in the Lake Of Fire from The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. The Lord Did All He Could To Save Your Soul...however, this forgiveness was not asked it was not applied to these people, because they would not allow it.

One Heartbeat Away

At The Moment Of Your Death, which can come quickly, and without is over. And, at that point, so is the chance you have to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. If you don't accept Him, you automatically reject Him.

No Question Of Guilt

Everyone will stand before God one day to give an account of their life. Everything done...the good, the bad, the thought, word, motive, or deed...whether done in secret, or in the open...will be displayed for all to see. And, there will be no question of guilt on your part for the deeds that you did.companion poems include They May Escape Conviction Now, But Won't After They Die, A Life On Trial, Everyone's Accountable, and Your Life Is Being Recorded.

The Words Are So Inadequate

Just saying THANK YOU to God for sending His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, to Earth, to die for all sins, seems so we can NEVER repay Him for what He did for us.

God Will Not Wait Forever

While God is patient, He will not wait forever for mankind to repent of his sinful ways, and come to accept His Free Love Gift in the Person Of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Saviour. One day, His Patience and His Grace will run out, and When God's Patience Ends, it'll be too late to make that decision.

Your Life Is Being Recorded

Everything that you say, think, and do...whether in the open for all to see...or in being recorded. And, it will be played back at The Judgment to be used against you. While you might ''get away with murder'' on Earth...whether you thought of killing someone, or you actually killed will answer for that deed When You Stand Before The Lord one day.companion poems include They May Escape Conviction Now, But Won't After They Die, A Life On Trial, and Everyone's Accountable.

The Books Of The Bible

From the 39 books of the Old Testament, to the 27 books of the New Testament, God's plan for mankind, and history, is noted therein. While Heaven and Earth will pass away one day, God's Words Live Forever, Friend...and The Only Wholesome Meditation Is On God's Holy Word.

Years From Now, You'll Remember

Many years after your death, you will remember how you reacted when you first heard the Gospel that Jesus Christ died for your sins. You'll remember whether you either repented of your sin, and accepted Him as Lord and Saviour...or whether you rejected His Free Love Gift for you.

The One Sin Unforgiven

There is only one sin that God will NOT forgive...the rejection of His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, in His Life, Death, and Resurrection, to pay for every other sin that mankind would ever do. And, if this one sin is on your ''record'', it will keep you OUT of Heaven...and instead, send you to The Home Of The Damned...the Lake Of Fire to be tormented for all Eternity.

One Day, On Bended Knee

Based on Philippians day, Eagerly Or Compelled, and Without Excuse, by the Truth Of God's Word...for everyone who has lived on Earth throughout Eternity; EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, and EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS that JESUS CHRIST IS the Glory of God The Father. What you do with Jesus Christ, God's Free Love Gift, will determine which way you will bow before Him.

The Commandments Ten

Based on Exodus 20:3-17, the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. But, if you break only one of these commandments, there is only one way you can be forgiven; as just one sin, the breaking of the law, The One Sin Unforgiven, will keep you OUT of Heaven, without Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

The Rapture And Beyond

Based on 1 Corinthians 15:51-55, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, and other verses...this tells what will happen at the Rapture of the Church, and beyond...with a message for those reading this before, and after that event.

Like A Roaring Lion

Based on 1 Peter 5:8, Satan is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, and destroy. His rebellion started with deceiving one third of the angelic realm; and because ''misery loves company''. Throughout history, Satan and his demonic minions have worked to try to keep all mankind from hearing the Good News...that Jesus Christ, The Lion Of Judah, died on Calvary to save mankind from all their sins, if they'll only come to Jesus in humility, repentance, and faith. Satan was defeated once before, at the Resurrection; and Christ will again defeat Satan and his forces When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, and at the end of the Millennium Of Peace...then cast Satan and his evil hordes into The Lake Of Fire, to be tormented for all Eternity.

The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace

Based on Revelation 6:2, after the Rapture Of The Church, an evil king will rise to power, proclaiming himself to be ''the saviour of the world''. In reality, he will be ''The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace'', the Antichrist, Satan Incarnate...worse than Judas Isacariot...the disciple who betrayed Jesus Christ for thirty pieces of silver. This individual, who Scripture terms as ''The Beast'', will unleash such a flood tide of evil, that'll make the regimes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and other tyrannical despots throughout history, to pale by comparison. But, he and his ally, The False Prophet, will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, to suffer for all Eternity, at the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth...and they later will be joined by Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone who refused God's Free Love Gift. This poem was also based on this tract from Chick Publications.

When You Stand Before The Lord

Based on 2 Corinthians 5:10 and Revelation 20:12, when you stand before The Lord Jesus Christ, to give an accounting for your life on you will react to it will be whether you rejected or accepted God's Free Love Gift.

Children Are A Heritage

Based on Psalm 127:3, children are a heritage of The Lord, a physical gift from God. Sadly, many of these children are never born, due to ''abortion by convenience'', killing the unborn child, thinking the child is a ''side effect from having sex'' (what do you think the act was designed for??!!). The sin of abortion is basically ''a way out for the fornicators''...or so they think.

Having never known the curse of sin or an Earthly life, the unborn children, who were the victims or abortion (in reality, murder), are with Jesus Christ, and the angels in Heaven. Christ Alone can cleanse you from this sin, if you will repent of your sin, and accept Him as Lord and Saviour...for ''the Lord hates the shedding of innocent blood''. Christ Himself was innocent, when He went to The Cross, to die for all the sins ever committed...even abortion. Yet, those who die without doing The One Thing God Requires, will have to answer for the abortions they underwent, or even performed. This poem is also based on this tract from Chick Publications.

Where Did They All Go??

Based on 1 Corinthians 15:51-55, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, and other verses, this will be the cry of those left behind at the Rapture of the Church. The joy in store for those raptured is told in this poem, and also how you can be part of this group, if you're reading it before the Rapture occurs. This is also based on this tract from Chick Publications.

If You Wait, 'Til It's Too Late

At The Moment Of Your Death...which can come suddenly, and without'll be too late for you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. God is able to save all those who call upon His Name, in repentance and faith...up until The Moment Of Your Death...when the threshold of Eternity is crossed. You'll see that you're The One To your suffering for all Eternity ...if you reject what Jesus Christ did for you on The Cross Of Calvary.

The Testing Of The Lord

Based on Matthew 4:7 and Malachi 3:10, testing or ''tempting'' The Lord is a dangerous thing to do. It can be whether you dare for Him to strike you dead (such as asking to be hit by lightning), or your repeated mocking and spurning of His Grace. For if you push God too far, you WILL regret it Eternally. However, there is ONE INSTANCE in Scripture where God WILL allow you to ''test'' Him...but, it must be done in a loving, giving bringing all the tithes to His Storehouse. Then, He will open up the windows of Heaven, to pour out so many blessings, that there won't be room enough to receive them. Aside from this, will YOU pass The Greatest Test Of All?? Will you reject or accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour??

Your Eternal Destiny

There are many beliefs on where people will go when they die. Some believe that once you're dead...that's it...just like the Saducees of Biblical they're ''sad, you see'' (pun intended). Others believe that you go to a place of preparation first, such as Purgatory...the term of which is NOT in the Bible. In truth, At Death, No Other Option Does Exist, it's either Heaven Or Hell. If you do nothing, you'll go to The Home Of The Damned...a place of eternal suffering...first Hell, then the Lake Of Fire. However, if you do The One Thing God Requires, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you'll go to The Home Of The Redeemed, a place of eternal joy...heaven.

The Price Of Being Wrong

In any decision, when one is wrong, they have to deal with the consequences. Concerning the religions of the world...if the believers ON Jesus, and not just IN Jesus, are wrong...they won't lose very much when they die. But, if those who reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, are wrong...they will lose far more at their death. And, one day...we'll KNOW who is RIGHT.

What Can God Do To Me??

People give little thought to the gravity of this question when they ask it. The Creator of all things can provide blessings, and just as easily remove well as bringing triumph, or allowing tragedy to enter ones life. He can also save a repentant sinner from eternal damnation, if they will humbly let Him. Since God Has Always Been A Gentleman, He will NOT force anyone to accept His Free Love Gift...and He will let them go their way into Eternity without Him...and if they fail to do The One Thing God Requires, He will cast the unregenerate into The Lake Of Fire.

Judgment Must Begin

Based on 1 Peter 4:17, God's Judgment must begin at His Throne, with His Children. If those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are going to be judged, where does that leave those who have rejected Jesus??


When you're betrayed by a close friend, you feel that your whole world has crashed down. And, I'd be betrayed to you, as a friend...if I didn't warn you about God's Judgment for sin. This Gospel Poetry Collection is a witness to those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour...and a ministry to those who have. The choice of whether you accept or reject Jesus Christ is yours to make.

The Wages Of Sin

Based on Romans 6:23, the ''wages of sin'' is physical death...where the shedding of innocent blood would have to pay for any sin commited. But, God provided the Gift of Eternal Life through His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, in His Precious Blood shed on an Old Rugged Cross. On Easter morn, Jesus got ''payback'', defeating Hell and the Grave at His Resurrection. While the wages of sin (physical death) are never reduced, those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour...and ''who are alive and remain'' at the Rapture Of The Church, will NOT have to receive these wages. Will you be in this group??

For All Have Sinned

Based on Romans 3:23, everyone who has lived on Earth has sinned before God. And, only one sin done will keep you out of Heaven. The only perfect, sinless life lived on Earth was The Lord Jesus Christ...god's Only Begotten Son...who left Heaven's Glory to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, then live and walk among us in all ways (EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN), and then be crucified on an Old Rugged Cross to die to pay for every sin done.

Even The Virgin Mary, the Earthly Mother of Jesus Christ, made an offering of turtledoves, as she knew that Jesus Christ would be her Saviour. In Luke 1:46-47, she sang ''My soul does magnify The Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God, My Saviour''. If she was sinless, as some believe, WHY did she say she needed a Saviour?? And, as I John 1:10 says, ''If we say we have no sin, we make God a liar, and His Word is not in us''.

After your death, you WILL stand in Judgment before The Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. If He sees that you did not accept what He did on Calvary, refusing to repent of your sin, and receive Him as your Lord and Saviour...that puts The One Sin Unforgiven, on your ''record''...and, Christ will have no choice, but to condemn you to The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity...with Satan, his demonic hordes, and every other person on Earth, who also refused God's Free Love Gift...and for each of these, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

The Changing Of God's Word

Based on Revelation 22:18-19, the adding to, or taking away from God's Word, is an Eternally dangerous sin. If God did change, everything would be consumed by His Righteous Judgment. Man's words are spoken and changed, but God's Word NEVER changes. For those who add to, or take away from His Word...such as in various Bible translations...he will add to them the plagues described in The Books Of The Bible...and take away their citizenship in The New Heaven, The New Earth, and The New Jerusalem...casting them into the Lake Of Fire, with Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone else throughout history who rejected Him...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Those Not In God's Kingdom

Based on Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and Revelation 21:27 and 22:15, these tell of everyone who will NOT be in God's Kingdom of eternal peace and blessing. Instead, they'll suffer eternal damnation, and never ending torment in the Lake Of Fire...where Satan, his demonic hordes, and all the unsaved will be. All the deeds listed, or just the sin of rejecting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour...if any of these show up when your life is reviewed before Jesus Christ, you tragically will also be a part of this group.

Tragedy At Rapture

These words seem out of place, as the Rapture is the fantastic event for all those, dead and alive, who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. The tragedy will be for all those who are left behind, as they will witness a period that truly can be called Hell On Earth For Seven Years. A period of Great Tribulation will engulf the Earth, which has never been seen before...or will ever occur again. At the end of that time, Jesus Christ...the King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords...will return in Power and Glory...with the Heavenly Host, and all those who were raptured seven years earlier. After casting The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace and The False Prophet into The Lake Of Fire, as well as destroying the contending armies at the Battle Of Armageddon, and all who rejected Him...he will conduct The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, then set up His Millennium Of Peace, and Of Christ's Kingdom, There Shall Be No End.

I'll Break The Pride Of Your Power

Based on Leviticus 26:19, nations and individuals who get proud and cocky with their power...whether from wealth or other means...will have the pride of their power broken by The Lord. Their nations and their lives will be afflicted with adversity, and see their wealth and riches disappear...because they thought more of these things, than of the things of The Lord. And, He wants to break the pride of your power in your rebellion toward your repenting of your sin, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

Lost Without A Compass

Anyone who has lost their sense of direction...whether while traveling, being outdoors, at sea, etc. knows how frustrating and confusing things are...especially if they don't have a compass or a way to guide them. Just as being lost without a compass in this life is discouraging, being lost without a compass from an eternal standpoint is far worse. God Almighty, The Lord Jesus Christ, is the Master Compass of Life, and He can right your ship, if you will accept Him as Lord and Saviour, and let Him be your Guide. Those who refuse this direction will be Eternally lost.

Going Home

The idea for this came at a memorial service for a friend of the family...actually from a sermon entitled ''The Enoch Story''. Based on Genesis 5:22-24, Enoch was a man who walked with God on a daily basis. Every day at sunset, the time came for them to go their separate ways...but one day, God told Enoch ''Tonight, we're closer to My Home''...and so God took him Home to Heaven. When the sunset of your life arrives, which home will you go to Eternally?? God's Home Of Bliss in Heaven, reserved for those who repented of their sin, and by faith, accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour?? Or to The Home Of The Damned and unregenerate, full of eternal suffering and pain?? The choice is solely yours to make.

All Roads Lead To God; But To Heaven, Only One

All roads do lead to God, in the Person of His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, The Giver Of All Life. However, ONLY ONE ROAD LEADS TO matter what the religions of the world say. You'll face The Lord Jesus Christ at one of two Judgments...either at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ), or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. The difference is whether or not you accept God's Free Love Gift, while you were on Earth.

The Wicked Shall Be Turned Into Hell

Based on Psalms 9:17, the destination for all who refuse to repent of their sin, and to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, will first be the torment of Hell...then after The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, Eternal Suffering in the Lake Of Fire, with Satan and his demons.

You Are Bound For Hell

Like it or not, unless you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and your death, you are bound for Hell...and then the Lake of Fire for all Eternity with Satan and his demons. A Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, but it DOES TAKE A DECISION TO GO TO HEAVEN. No One Else But Jesus lived a sinless life worthy to go to Heaven...and putting your faith in anything else (good deeds, religions, etc.) to get you to Heaven will be WORTHLESS When You Stand Before The Lord on Judgment Day.

When Christ Returns To Planet Earth

Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, The King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords, and The Only Way To Heaven, will return to Earth one day...and Business As Usual Will End. First at the Rapture Of The Church, then seven years later, at the Second Coming, He will set up His Millennium Of Peace, and destroy all those who rejected Him. You can be part of the Bride of Christ, if you repent of your sin, and accept Him as Lord and Saviour BEFORE the Rapture Of The Church, and part of the Heavenly Host at the Second Coming. However, if you also reject Him during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, and If You Take The Mark, you'll be condemned at the Second Coming, and suffer eternal torment in the Lake Of Fire with Satan and his demons.

Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags

Based on Isaiah 64:6, all the good deeds that you could ever do to try to enter Heaven, are as filthy rags...literally, bloody menstrual cloths...before God. And, if God sees these ''dirty rags'', instead of ''rags as clean white snow'', washed by the Precious Blood Of His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ...he will have no choice but to send you to the Lake Of Fire, to suffer for all Eternity. Whether this ''spiritual cleansing wash'' is done, is determined by your rejection or acceptance of Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

Going Through The Motions

A companion poem to False Repentance Before Christ; Him You Cannot Fool, and It's Not The Color Of Your Sin, But The Color Of Your Heart, Going Through The Motions in your ''religious life'' where it becomes where you could ''do it in your sleep'', is done by so many people. You're fooling others into thinking that you are really blessed by God, but the fool is really YOU. Like the nauseating effects of tepid water (neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm), Jesus will ''vomit these lukewarm individuals out of His Mouth''. You think you're pleasing God, but you're literally ''making Him sick'' by your actions. You'll be ashamed, and terrified one day When You Stand Before The Lord...if all you did was ''live like The Lord for a few hours on Sunday, but lived like Satan the rest of the week''...basically Sunday Saint, But The Rest Ain't, For Most Folks Today...a hypocrite in everything you did. If you don't feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit in your ''life of sin'', the question is ''did you truly accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour, forsaking the old life of sin??''.

Hated By The Lord

Based on Proverbs 6:16-19, there are six things The Lord hates, and a seventh is an abomination to Him. He also hates it when someone dies without receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour...noted in this companion poem, The Lord, He Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die. Wouldn't you rather be loved by The Lord, instead of being hated by Him, in His Righteous Anger??

The Will Of The Lord

If you've wondered what The Will Of The Lord is, it can be summed up this way. He is Sovereign over all creation, and His Will is determined by the prayers of His People. He will either direct or permit circumstances, according to what mankind does...but His Divine Will ultimately will ALWAYS be matter what man thinks or wants...and nothing that occurs catches Him by surprise. And, it is also His Will that ''no one should die in their sin, but that all should come to repentance'' by faith in His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ. However, The Lord, He Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free Will, to accept or reject Him.

Seals, Bowls, and Trumpets

Three sets of seven judgments, are set to come upon the Earth, during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, The Great Tribulation, and truly, Hell On Earth For Seven Years...literally, the seven year period before When Christ Returns To Planet Earth in Power and Glory. Starting after the Rapture Of The Church, these will increase in scope and severity, until the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. While the ''actual order'' is ''seals, trumpets, and bowls'', I modified the title a bit for better poetic rhythm. But, regardless of order, they WILL occur...but, you can miss all of these, if you repent of your sin, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, before the Rapture.

Unless It's Done For Christ, It Does No Good

When your life is over, and you stand before God's Son, Jesus Christ, at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ as a believer (you repented of your sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift...or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne as an unbeliever (you refused to repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love'll realize that only what you did in your life for Jesus Christ will last for Eternity as gold, silver, and precious stones. Anything else, done for self, will burn up as wood, hay, and stubble. So, while your deeds may appear to be gold, silver, and precious stones, His Refining Fire will show if these are true, or false. And, When You Stand Before The Lord one day, if you don't even have the gem of repenting of your sin, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and, and your entire book of lifes deeds will burn, suffering for all Eternity, in The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned.

King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords

Based On Revelation 17:14 and 19:16, Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, is the ULTIMATE Ruling Authority. When He came to Earth the first time, to suffer and die for the sins of mankind...he humbly and willingly submitted to both the Will of His Heavenly Father, and to the wisdom of Earthly Potentates. However, at His Second Coming, All Those In Authority, Their Scepters, They Will Yield to the King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords...and Of Christ's Kingdom, There Shall Be No End. How you will react when you meet Him, will be determined whether or not you accepted Him as your Lord and Saviour, while you lived on Earth. You'll bow before Him, either Eagerly Or Compelled.

Quickly Coming Is the Lord

Based on Revelation 2:5, 2:16, 3:11, 22:7, 22:12, and 22:20...when mankind least expects it, The Lord Jesus Christ will Return...first at the Rapture Of The Church, and then seven years later to Return PERMANENTLY to the Earth. When the moment on God's Timetable for Christ's Return arrives, He will no longer delay...but come quickly. Those who repent of their sin, accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and serve Him every day, won't be caught off guard when He returns.

God Is Like The Wind

You can't see the wind, or know where it began. But, you can see the effects of it...whether it's a gentle rustling breeze, or from a powerful tornado, or hurricane. God is like the wind...he has always existed, and while you can't see Him, there's evidence of His Power throughout all Creation. He is in control of everything, including lifes storms...both weather related, and various situations. But, the greatest storm of all is the one for your eternal soul. Will you accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Saviour?? Or, will you negate the cooling breeze of His Salvation, and instead prefer the blazing, never ending, inferno heat of The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned??

The Lord Is In Control

Throughout Eternity past, present, and future...the Lord is in control...even though it may not seem like it, with all the evil in the world throughout history. But, if God were to cease control for even a nanosecond, the entire universe would implode upon itself. The Lord, by His Direct or Permissive Will, either directs or allows things to happen, people to be in charge of a nation, etc. And, His Will is going to ultimately be done...whether mankind accepts or believes that, or not. And, The Lord wants you to give Him Control of your life, by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. However, He will not force this control on's your choice to accept or reject Him. Your Eternal Destiny hinges on your decision.

The Lord Is Not Surprised

When good and bad things happen, people wonder if The Lord ''was surprised''. The truth is, He knows all of Eternity...from before Creation, into the Future and beyond. Nothing happens without His Direct or Permissive Will...whether it's done in secret or in the open...unheard or shouted from the mountains. He knows everyones motives, words, deeds, and thoughts, before they're even brought to mind, or to our tongue. He knows what is best for us, and what will destroy us. And, He ultimately knows whether one will accept or reject Him...but that decision is up to the individual to make....what they decide determines where one will go at The Moment Of Your Death.

The Now And Eternal Cost

There is a cost to following Jesus Christ...both here on Earth...and Eternally. For those accepting God's Free Love Gift of may appear that they are suffering greatly in this life, with persecution from their friends, etc. But, either at death or rapture, all that was endured for Christ will be worth it all, in exchange for eternal joy and bliss. By contrast, those who rejected this Precious Gift, not wanting to be ostracized on Earth, and preferring a life of sin...these will pay a far greater cost in Eternity, in the Lake Of Fire. Which of these costs you wish to pay is a choice that you alone must make.

Heaven Or Hell

No matter what you've heard, only one of two destinations will be yours when you die. It won't be purgatory, reincarnation, or even a state of eternal sleep. It'll either be Heaven... The Home Of The Redeemed, for those who accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and served Him throughout their lives...or Hell...The Home Of The Damned, who rejected God's Free Love Gift...accompanied by Satan, his demonic hordes, and the vilest and most evil people that ever lived on this Earth.

Compared to the beauty of Heaven, the agony of Hell is a stopover on the way to The Lake Of Fire, where the unrepentant and unregenerate will suffer in never ending torment. As noted, Heaven is a place of incredible beauty, where God The Father, His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, and those who trusted in Christ through the years now dwell. At the Rapture Of The Church, all those who died in the faith, will receive their new, eternal, resurrection bodies, in a split second before the saved ''who are alive and remain''...and all these will meet Christ in the sky, seven years prior to His Return to Earth in Power and Glory to rule and reign. And, since only a perfect sinless life can enter Heaven, No One Else But Jesus is qualified. By dying in our place on that Old Rugged Cross, and sealing the victory with His Resurrection, He made the way to enter Heaven by His Righteousness, applied to all those who would turn from their sin, and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour.

YOU ALONE must make the decision to either accept, or reject Jesus Christ. And, while God will NOT FORCE you to make a decision, the consequences of that decision will determine where you will go upon The Moment Of Your Death...which can come at any moment, without warning.

What Will Christ Jesus Say To You??

Like it, admit it, accept it, believe it...or WILL stand before Christ Jesus one day, in judgment. What He will say to you will be determined by whether or not you accepted what He did for you on Calvary's Old Rugged Cross, and how you lived your life on Earth...serving Him, or your own sinful desires.

The Gamble

Many people gamble in various ways...betting on sporting events, playing at the casinos, taking part in lotteries, etc. The sad thing is, that the ones who are spending the most money on these things, are the ones who can least afford it. But, many more are playing ''Russian Roulette'' with their soul, gambling that ''Heaven Is Guaranteed To Them At Death''. But, just as you have a better chance at being struck by lightning here on Earth, than winning big time at a gambling have the same chance of being struck by the 'Divine Lightning Of God's Judgment''...if you choose to gamble with your soul, and that your ''good deeds'' will get you that ''winning ticket to Glory''. Only by repenting of your sin, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, will you be allowed entrance into Heaven. The fact is that Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and Heaven, You Won't Get At Death, Without Accepting Christ.

The Grace Of God

God's is totally unmerited and undeserved, by everyone on Earth. Yet, because God has always loved spite of his rebellion...he sent His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, to Earth. He, who left Heaven's Glory, for a sinful be born of a Virgin, Christ lived and walked among us, in all ways, but without sin or guile. For God knew that by Christ's Life on Earth, His Precious Blood that was shed for every sin mankind would ever commit...resulting in His Undeserved Death on the Old Rugged Cross of Calvary, and His Glorious Resurrection on the Third Day, redemption would be a FREE GIFT to all who would receive it. Even though all the sins of those who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are forgiven, where these can now enter Heaven and eternal joy at their death...god's Grace is a License To Serve; Not License To it's the least that we can do for Him, since we can NEVER repay Him for dying in our place. However, this Free Gift is NOT must humbly, and willingly accept it. If you refuse it, Christ will have NO CHOICE, but to condemn you to suffer Eternally in The Lake Of Fire, with Satan, his demons, and every one of the most evil and vile people that ever walked this Earth.

What Will You Be Doing??

When Christ returns...first at the Rapture Of The Church...then seven years after The Great Tribulation has wracked the Earth...what will you be doing?? Will you be ashamed, as you were engaged in acts of sin...or will you rejoice, as you were serving The Lord when He returns?? For while the Rapture is ONLY for those who through the years have accepted Him as their Lord and Saviour...whether they're alive or not at that time...his Second Coming will be where Every Eye Will See Him. He will order the resurrection of the dead, and the translation of the living ''in the twinkling of an eye'' at the Rapture. And, at His Second Coming, it'll be too late to fall at His Feet, and call Him Lord.

The Cross Of Christ

The Cross Of Christ, where God's Plan Of Redemption was fulfilled, by the Shed Blood of The Precious to the repentant sinner, and a joke to those who reject it. But, Pre-Figured On Calvary, The Final Judgment Scene...with The Lord (the Judge) in the center, the lost (the Goats) on the left, and the saved (the Sheep) on the right...and as noted here. The ground is Equal At The Cross, and God's Free Love Gift, obtained by what Christ did there, is available as a Free Gift to all who would receive it. Where you will go upon The Moment Of Your Death is determined by whether you accepted, or rejected it.

The Name Of Jesus

Based on Philppians 2:9-11, the Name Of Jesus, is above every other name in Heaven, on Earth, and under the Earth. And one day, everyone who has ever lived...will bow before His Throne, and at His Name, confessing that He is Lord, to the Glory of God The Father. They will bow before Him, Eagerly Or Compelled. His Name encompasses all that God has; and there are only two ways to use that wonderful Name...either in prayer to Him, or when you witness of Him. Anything else...including as ''a swear word'' taking His Name in vain, and He will NOT hold you guiltless if you do this. The Name is Precious to the repentant sinner, who comes to Him in faith, to accept Him as their Lord and Saviour...and it is terrifying to those who reject Him, when they will face Him one day. When a true believer On Jesus Christ (and not just In Him), knowing that they are seated with Christ in the Heavenlies, as they have on The Whole Armour Of The Lord, uses The Name Of Jesus on Satan or his demons, THEY MUST BACK OFF!! They are terrified of that Name, because it represents to them their humiliating defeat at Jesus' Resurrection. Which way is this Name to you??

The Suffering Servant

Based entirely on the prophecy of the book of Isaiah, chapter 53, it tells of Jesus Christ, The Lamb Of God, The Messiah, as The Suffering Servant...his role in His first visit to suffer and die for the sins of everyone would ever live. Now, as conquering King, He will one day return to judge the world, and the lives of everyone who would ever live. And, depending on what you did with Him while you were on Earth, will determine where you spend Eternity...either with the eternal joy of Heaven, or eternal torment in The Lake Of Fire.

Tomorrow Is Promised To No One

You may have plans that you're going to live for many years...when in actuality, tomorrow is promised to no one...not even the next five seconds. I experienced this fact, firsthand, with the untimely death of my wife three weeks shy of our fourth wedding anniversary. Every day and moment of life is a gift from God, just as the Death of His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, on Calvary's Old Rugged Cross, was for mankind so long ago. Today could very well be your last day on Earth...and you may in fact, be in your final minutes of life here on Earth. Once the threshold of Eternity is crossed at death, it is TOO LATE to repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. And, if you fail to make that choice, you will regret it Eternally, as you suffer never ending torment in The Lake Of Fire.

No One Else But Jesus

Based On Acts 4:12, there is Salvation ONLY in Jesus Christ...and ONLY by believing on Him, accepting what He did for you on Calvary's Rugged Cross, dying in your place for your sin, and making Him your personal Saviour, and Lord of Your Life...will get you to Heaven. Praying to, believing in, or on another person, a church, a religion, or something else for your salvation, will send you to eternal torment in The Lake Of Fire, with Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone else who rejected God's Free Love Gift. And, unlike what you may have heard, Eternal Torment Not A Joke.

What Lies Ahead

What lies ahead for you at The Moment Of Your Death will be eternal torment in The Lake Of Fire, if you rejected Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour...or eternal joy in Heaven, if you accepted God's Free Love Gift. The choice is yours, and I pray that you will make the right one.

Relationship, Not Religion

A companion poem to Religions Keep Mankind Enslaved; But Christ Will Set You put it in's NOT what you know...but WHO you get you into Heaven. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Saviour, anything else that you do or believe on in life will COUNT FOR the value of all these will be Zip, Zero, Zilch, When You Stand Before The Lord one day.

The Only Time That Satan Truthfully Speaks

Originally the covering cherub, who guarded the Throne of God, Lucifer filled with pride, and became Satan...the father of lies...when he deceived one third of the angelic realm into thinking they could overthrow God and His Heavenly Kingdom. Amazingly, there are times when Satan does tell the truth...usually the moment an unsaved soul enters the pit of Hell. But, neither he, nor anyone else, can fool God. Usually, Satan's speaking is really to cover up what he's doing, and to keep people from hearing the Gospel that Jesus Christ died for their sins, and to free them from Satan's grip. And, this tragic truth is what you'll find out if you die in your sins, having never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. After Death, Belief Too Late to make that decision...for One Day, On Bended Knee...satan, his demonic hordes, and all the unrepentant souls that have ever lived, will all bow on their kneees in the Lake Of Fire, compelled by the Truth of God's Word, and declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God The Father. When a true who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour...knows that they are seated with Christ in the Heavenlies, uses The Name Of Jesus on Satan or his demons, they MUST back they are TERRIFIED of that Name, because it represents to them their humiliating DEFEAT at Jesus' Resurrection.

The Great Whore

The worst thing that a woman can be called is a whore. These prostituted, adulteresses, have been around for centuries, engaged in the orgy of unbridled sexual behavior...known as ''the world's oldest profession''. In truth, two things rule the and money. While the Bible does mention two of these...rahab (Joshua 2-6), and the sinful woman (John 8:10-11)...and both of these experienced God's Amazing Grace...the subject of this poem is ''The Great Whore'' (Revelation 17:1-18). This counterfeit, apostate, ecumenical church, revealed after the Rapture, will be the Tool of The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace during the first part of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, The Great Tribulation...and this church will be comprised of all the worlds ''religions'', and those left behind after the Rapture, who choose to be a part of it. This church will be totally contrary to The Word Of God, as any emphasis on what Jesus Christ did for mankind will be removed from its doctrine. Then, sometime during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth For Seven Years, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace will destroy it, as he...literally, Satan incarnate... will demand worship as God. However, just as he destroys The Great Whore, he himself will be defeated and captured alive by Jesus Christ at His Second Coming...and The Lord will cast The Beast into The Lake Of Fire, along with his ally, the False Prophet. They will be joined later by Satan, his demonic hordes, and all those on Earth who refused God's Free Love Gift, in the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Will I See You At Christ's Throne??

This pointed question is to everyone who reads this poetry collection that The Lord has graciously given me. Will I see you there at Christ's Throne?? Or, will you not be there, because you chose to reject God's Free Love Gift??

A Reunion Like No Other

Many of us have been to family reunions in this life. But one day, there will be a reunion like no other. First, the Day Of Rapture, when all those who have died in the faith, having accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour...will be joined by all the saved who are alive and all meet Jesus Christ, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, The One who made it all possible...and these will never say ''goodbye'' again. Tragically, a reunion like no other also exists for those who choose to reject God's Free Love Gift, when instead of meeting who could have been their Best Friend in all Eternity...christ will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced. At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, all the unsaved, evil souls that have ever lived, will be reunited with Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace (The Antichrist), and The False Prophet, and be sentenced to be tormented forever in the Lake Of Fire. Which reunion you'll be a part of is determined by whether or not you reject or accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

Two Feasts Of The Future

Based on Revelation 19:7-9, and 17-18, there are two feasts of the different as night and day. First, the Marriage Supper Of The Lamb, where Jesus Christ Himself, The Groom, serves His Bride, The Church, of all the redeemed saints from Pentecost to the Rapture, who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. This feast is where everyone lives happily ever after, and no one gets ill from the food served. By contrast, ''The Feast Of Fools'' is the repugnant bloodbath carnage from the Battle Of Armageddon, where the world's armies, try with demonic fury, to attack Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Host at Christ's Second Coming. With just a Word, the multitudes fall as one...dead...and the resulting quagmire of 200 miles is so great, that Christ calls the vultures and all the birds of the air to feast. Everyone will be part of one of these feasts...the first one where you will enjoy the food and fellowship, not having to worry about getting sick...and the second one so gross that the thought of it can make you sick!! It all depends on whether or not you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour before the Rapture... or whether you took The Mark Of The Beast, Eternally damning yourself to the Lake Of Fire with Satan, his demonic hordes, and all the others who refused to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

The Last Person Saved

God has always had a ''Divine Quota'' of how many would be saved before His Judgment fell upon the Earth. It was Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives, prior to the Great Flood (Genesis 6-9), Lot and his two daughters prior to the fiery destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:20-19:29)(although Lot's daughters got him into a drunken, incestuous relationship afterwards), and all the saved from Pentecost (Acts 2) to the Rapture of The Church (1 Corinthians 15:51-55, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). And, once that last person in God's Quota has been reached, God will remove His Believers, and Judgment will fall quickly. Each soul saved counts toward that total, and only God knows who the last person is. While you may or may not actually be the last person to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and reach that quota...being part of that quota that will be removed before the Judgment falls, is much better than being left behind to face the Judgment of Almighty God, which will truly be Hell On Earth For Seven Years.

There Is No Second Chance

Contrary to what you may have heard, there is NO SECOND CHANCE after death to make the decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Once the threshold of Eternity is crossed, if you failed to make that all important decision, it'll be one that you'll regret for all Eternity. You'll realize seconds after you enter the torment of Hell, that Jesus Christ died to save you from that tragic fate...if you had only accepted what He had done for you. And, while some have gone to Hell for a very brief time, then returned...that happening is EXTREMELY RARE...and it's NOT worth gambling with your eternal soul. Plus, reincarnation is another lie from the Pit Of Hebrews 9:27 notes It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment. If you do nothing, and end up in torment, you'll wish there was a second chance...but tragically realize that it will never come.

Who Is Jesus??

This is a question that EVERYONE must you WILL stand before Him one day. Some say He was just a man, others say a prophet, and some think ''Jesus is a curse word''. Truth be told, He is The Son Of God, God In Flesh, The Creator Of The Universe, The King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, The Saviour Of The World, and The Judge Of All Mankind. Depending on how you answered that question while here on Earth (Lip Service Isn't Good Enough), will determine whether He will be your Best Friend in all Eternity...or The Worst Nightmare There Faced. This poem was based on this tract from Chick Publications.

Not In A Hurry

With the rapid pace of life today, it's hard to believe that there are two things that people are NOT in a hurry to do... accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour...and die. Now is the time, today is the day of salvation...for life is like a vapor, and it can end suddenly, without warning...when The Moment Of Your Death arrives. And, After Death, Belief Too Late to make that decision for Jesus Christ, and the eternal torment the unsaved will endure in the Lake Of Fire will never end.

It's Appointed All To Die

Based on Hebrews 9:27, because of the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden Of Eden (Genesis 3), It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment. Except for those who have by faith, accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, who are alive and remain at the Rapture, all mankind one day will die, and face The Lord in Judgment. Those in the faith who are alive at the Rapture, will be changed without having to experience ''The Wages Of Sin''...physical death. However, everyone will face Jesus Christ at The The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, if they've accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour...or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne if they've rejected Him.

The Effectual Fervent Prayer

Based on James 5:16, ''the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails (accomplishes) much''. God Almighty has given His Children the Wonderful Privilege of Prayer, in direct communication and fellowship with Him, The Creator Of The Universe, anytime and anywhere. I have personally heard many, many instances of answered prayer, and have experienced it firsthand as well. While The Lord answers prayer in His Time, and NOT ours...we have to bring it to Him, by faith, to the Throne Of Grace, and LEAVE IT THERE. No matter what the situation or matter how small, trivial, minor, or major...including The Sinners Prayer...the Lord is ready and willing to answer the prayers of His Children. Have you prayed that Sinners Prayer as well?? He has the time to hear you, and answer you, if you will come to Him in repentance and faith, if you do so before The Moment Of Your Death.

The Moment Of Your Death

No one knows the exact moment when they will die. And, at the moment of your death, which can come suddenly, and without warning (some literally ''drop dead''), you'll instantly go to one of two places... Heaven Or Hell. Either Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, if you've repented of your sin, and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour...or Hell, The Home Of The Damned, if you refused God's Free Love Gift.

Other Gospels Preached

Based on Galatians 1:7-9, if anyone preaches another Gospel...besides Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, who left the Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk among mankind in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN, was crucified for the sins of all mankind on an Old Rugged Cross, was resurrected on the Third Day According To The Scriptures; and is coming back one day to rule and reign in Power and Glory...let him be cursed. God inspired the prophet Jeremiah to write ''Cursed are they that do the Lord's Work deceitfully''. Satan has for centuries deceived billions...saying that there are many ways to Heaven. But, the truth is that if the Gospel that is preached is NOT what is in God's Holy Word, then it is a FALSE Gospel. These include ''gospels'' which do not preach against sin, those that teach that ''your church, or your works will save you'', that ''God owes you Heaven'', ''name it and claim it'', the ''prosperity gospel'', etc. If you accept this rather than the Truth, you will be in for a rude awakening at The Moment Of Your Death...because Heaven Is Not Owed To You.

What Must I Do To Be Saved??

Based on Acts 16:30-31, the simple answer to this question that everyone must answer, determines whether one goes to Heaven Or Hell at The Moment Of Your Death>. As the jailer asked Paul and Silas, ''What Must I Do To be Saved??''...paul's reply ''Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved''. This belief is MORE than ''lip service''...and Going Through The Motions. It means turning from a life of sin, admitting that you're a sinner, you can't save yourself, and you ask Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, to forgive your sin, to come into your heart and life, as your Lord and Saviour...and then you serve Him with all your heart and life.

The One Thing God Requires

Based on John 6:29, the one thing that God requires is to ''believe on the One He has sent'' the person of His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ. While He didn't have to do it, for He Who Knew No Sin At All, Christ left the Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, be born of a Virgin, and live like us in all ways, except without sin. While Christ suffered and died in the place of you and me...on that Old Rugged Cross for every sin we'd ever commit. His Resurrection sealed the victory over sin and death, and this will be yours as well...if you have done The One Thing God Requires When You Stand Before The Lord on Judgment Day.

The Gospel In A Nutshell

Based on John 3:16-18, the Gospel (Good News) is that ''God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Son (the Lord Jesus Christ), that whoever would believe on Him would not die (spiritually), but have eternal life. God sent Christ into the world not to condemn it, but that the world through Him would be saved. Whoever believes on (accepts) Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour is not condemned, but those who don't are condmened already''. People try to add to the simplicity of the Gospel, and what it takes to get into Heaven...when The One Thing God Requires is to believe on the One He has sent. For those who refuse to accept God's Free Love Gift, they will see that they're The One To Blame on Judgment Day.

Without Excuse

Based on Romans 1:20, all Creation declares God's Glory. Having read The Gospel In A Nutshell through this Gospel Poetry Collection, you are now WITHOUT EXCUSE, and you will NOT be able to say that ''you have never heard The Gospel'', plus You Can't Stay That You Weren't Warned, When You Stand Before The Lord on Judgment Day. If you do not make a decision to repent of your sin, and to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, while you're alive on will tragically be part of Those Not In God's Kingdom, and spend Eternity in The Lake Of Fire, with Satan, his demonic hordes, and all of mankind who refused God's Free Love Gift...where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Zip, Zero, Zilch

These three words ''signify nothing''...the value of all you've gained in life at The Moment Of Your Death. The Pharoahs of old have had their tombs looted, and the wealthiest millionaires and billionaires on Earth who have died, are in their graves without one thin dime (never mind a wooden nickel) in their hands. The only thing you can take into Eternity is if you've accepted God's Free Love repenting of your sin, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and any works done solely to win souls into His Kingdom, and doing works for His Glory. As the poem by C. T. Studd noted here, ''Only One Life, Twill Soon Be Past, Only What's Done For Christ Will Last''.

A Letter From The Lord

Just as to the seven churches in Revelation, The Bible is God's Letter to mankind, concerning His Plan Of Redemption for the sinner. Whether you go to the blessings of Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed...or to The Home Of The Damned, in the torments of Hell at The Moment Of Your determined by whether you accept or reject the contents of the letter...and whether or not you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

The Only Thing That Matters

When You Stand Before The Lord, there will be only one thing that matters most...whether or not you accepted God's Free Love Gift, in the Person of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Where you will spend Eternity is determined upon your decision.

The Last Laugh

There is a saying that ''He who laughs last, laughs best''...and everyone likes to have ''the last laugh''. However, from an eternal standpoint, The Lord will have the last laugh, the final say in things; including where you spend Eternity...depending on your acceptance or rejection of what He did for you on Calvary.

The Five Eternal Crowns

The Bible records that at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, five eternal crowns await those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. They are:

1) The Crown Of Victory...for those who have overcome their fleshly, sinful desires.

2) The Crown Of Rejoicing...for those who have shared their faith, witnessing for Christ at every opportunity, and have won souls to God's Kingdom.

3) The Crown Of Righteousness...for those who are Loving The Appearing Of The Lord, eagerly anticipating The Rapture, and The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ.

4) The Crown Of those who suffer and die for their faith...and lastly,

5) The Crown Of Glory...for those men called to preach God's Holy Word, who serve Christ in love and humility, as a preacher of a congregation.

However, if you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, and serve Him in the way noted to earn these crowns...or are just Going Through The Motions, as People Who Are Christians Just In Name, the amount of these crowns that you will receive is Zip, Zero, Zilch.

By Their Fruits, You'll Know Them

Based On Matthew 7:16-20, the true test of peoples motives are what they produce in their lives. Just as a good tree can not produce bad fruit...and a bad tree can not produce good fruit...those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, produce things pleasing to The Lord. Those who are just Going Through The to realize that False Repentance Before Christ, Him You Cannot Fool...or who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour...will one day, be like the bad trees that are cut down, and cast into the Fire. When The Lord examines ''the roots'' of the tree of your life, will He find them stained with sin, or washed clean by His Blood?? The result determines where you will spend Eternity.

The Eternal Square

One of my other hobbies, square dancing, brings to mind verses from Psalms 149:3...''Let us Praise His Name in the dance''...and 2 Samuel 6:14...''David danced before The Lord with all his might''. Several dancers have gone on to be with The Lord...and He, Christ Jesus, The Master Caller for our lives, wants you to repent of your sin, accept Him as Lord and Saviour...and to join The Eternal Square that will never break down, and as the song says, ''the circle won't be broken''...because The Lord is The Master Caller.

Your Sin Will Find You Out

Based On Numbers 32:23, whatever sin you do, you will have to answer for it one day...and you will be found out about it. Whether in this life, or at The Judgment, there will be No Question Of Guilt as to the sins in your life. Will you repent of your sin, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, to have Him pay for your sins?? Or will you pay for them yourself forever in The Lake Of Fire??

Hell Was Meant For Satan

Based on Matthew 25:41, it must be fairly stated that Hell was meant for Satan and his demons...and NOT for mankind. Tragically, many will end up here, because they refused to Accept Jesus Christ As Their Lord And Saviour. God does NOT send anyone to Hell...they go there of their own free will and choice. Since sin of any kind can NOT enter Heaven, everyone who has not had their lives cleansed by the Blood Of Jesus Christ, will end up in this terrible place of never ending torment. Hell will eventually be cast into The Lake Of Fire...along with Death (the last enemy to be destroyed)...satan...his demonic hordes...the Antichrist (The Beast)...the False Prophet...and every unregenerate person who has ever lived. If you do nothing, in regards to a decision for Jesus Christ, you'll end up here...the choice is yours...because a Decision Not Required To Go To Hell.

You Can Believe, Or Be Deceived

To get to Heaven, the ONLY way is to believe, and accept by faith, that Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left Heaven's Glory, to come to Earth, to die in place of everyone who would ever live, for every sin they would commit...that He would rise again on the Third Day after his Crucifixion...that He's coming back in Power and Glory to reign...that He is the ONLY way to Heaven...that you must repent (turn) from your sin, and ask Christ to forgive your sin, and come into your life as your Lord and Saviour. Or, you can let yourself be deceived by Satan, into thinking that there are many ways to Heaven...and that it's ''owed'' to you. The truth is...Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and One Day, On Bended Knee...EVERYONE...including Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone who has ever lived on Earth...will bow on their knees before Jesus Christ, and declare Him King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, to the Glory Of God The Father. The choice is can believe the simple truth of God's Word... or be deceived into accepting Satan's lie...the latter you will regret for all Eternity. In short, the way you will bow before Jesus, will either be Eagerly Or Compelled.

I Wonder What The Lost Will Say

On Judgment Day, everyone who refused God's Free Love Gift, will stand before Jesus Christ, who will sentence them to The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity...with Satan and his demonic hordes. Those there will undoubtedly offer every kind of reason and excuse imaginable as to why they should not be there. But, every thought, word, motive, and deed, will be replayed...including the times they had the chance to make A Decision For Christ, and turned it down. In short, they'll be Without Excuse, and they'll have to confess the justice of their sentence. If you do nothing in regards to making A Decision For Jesus Christ, you'll tragically be part of this group as well.

Sin Is Like A Cancer

Sin, just like cancer, spreads rapidly. Ever since our first parents, Adam and Eve, rebelled in The Garden Of Eden, sin permeated the entire human race. It took the proper diagnosis from The Lord Jesus Christ, The Great Physician, who would ''perform surgery'' on His Creation, and die on an Old Rugged Cross for every sin committed...and be resurrected on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures, to ''cure the patient''. The thing is, if you refuse to take this ''Divine Prescription'' of repenting of your sin, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour...just like cancer will bring death physically...unforgiven sins will bring death spiritually...and eternal punishment in The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned.

License To Serve; Not License To Sin

For those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, while all of the sins that we have done, or will ever do, are paid for...that we have been forgiven for them, and are now under ''No Condemnation from God'', it is NOT a license for us to sin. It is a license to gratitude to The Lord for what He did for us, as we can never repay Him for Him dying in our place on The Old Rugged Cross of Calvary. However, for those who have not yet made that decision for Christ, God's wrath is still upon you...and Tomorrow Is Promised To No One. Don't wait to make that decision for Christ. For, if you don't accept Him, you AUTOMATICALLY reject Him.

God Is Angry With The Wicked

Based on Psalms 7:11, God is angry with the wicked every day. That includes all of those ALIVE AT THIS VERY MOMENT, who have not accepted His Free Love Gift, in the Person of His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ. His Wrath burns toward the unsaved RIGHT NOW, and it will be INTENSIFIED if they die without Christ...and they will experience His Wrath for all Eternity in The Lake Of Fire. Conversely, for those who HAVE received God's Free Love Gift, while they still have their ''sin nature'', there is No Condemnation to those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1) these who have repented of their sin, and have asked Jesus Christ to come into their lives as their Lord and the ONLY way to Heaven.

Nothing That Defiles

In contrast to all the disgusting and dirty things we see on Heaven, there will be nothing that defiles. No trash, disease, death, pain, sickness, waste, or sin of any kind, will be there. Only those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour will share in the blessings that God has for His Children. All those who refuse to accept that Free Gift, will not be there...nor will remembrance of them be brought to mind. In truth, No One Knows The Things That God Has Prepared for those who love Him.

The Home Of The Damned

Unlike the Glory Of Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, where there will be eternal joy, blessing, and Nothing That Defiles...The Home Of The Damned will be a place of never ending torture, pain, suffering, demonic taunting, and being alone for all Eternity. There will be no one there to comfort or console any of the unregenerate there...and all those who refuse to accept God's Free Love Gift will spend Eternity here, starting at The Moment Of Your Death...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

If You Reject The Lord

Tragically, there may be some reading this Gospel Poetry Collection, who have no intention of repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift...and they regard this entire collection as ''trash''. However, if you choose to reject The Lord, you'll see that you're The One To Blame upon The Moment Of Your Death. Your eternal all its described in this, and many other poems in this Gospel Poetry Collection. The Lord Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die in their sin... and I would be considered Betrayed before you, if I didn't share God's Goodness with you. I also want your answer to the question of Will I See You At Christ's Throne? to be YES. I personally was right where you are right now, on March 28, 1978. Jesus Christ died for ALL people... all races, all backgrounds, all cultures, all religions...and No One Else But Jesus will get you to Heaven, because It's Not The Color Of Your Skin, But The Color Of Your Heart. Please don't be one of those that rejects The Lord, and is denied Heaven's Eternal Joy. The Price Of Being Wrong is far too great for you to pay.

You'll Answer Only For Yourself

When You Stand Before The Lord on Judgment Day, you'll ONLY have to answer for what you did...NOT what someone else did in their lives. And, every person will have to answer whether or not they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Both those who have...and for those who haven't...will still have to give an account of their lives at The Judgment before Jesus Christ. As I heard someone note (and I agree with this statement)...''Don't Worry About My Sins On Judgment won't be asked about them''.

It'll Be A Shock One Day

To the enemies of The Lord throughout history, it truly will be a shock one day, when He again intervenes in the affairs of mankind. First, at the Rapture Of The Church...then during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, truly Hell On Earth For Seven Years...with the Two Witnesses, and the 144,000 Jews that have been sealed to preach the Gospel...and ultimately at His Second Coming... when He takes His Chosen People, the Jews...and all the others who have accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, as His Own. To all those who rejected Him, in favor of another religion, or otherwise...they will be shocked to find out...tragically too late...that they will NOT be allowed to enter His Millennium Of Peace...but are instead sentenced to eternal damnation in The Lake Of Fire. No One Else But Jesus will get you to Heaven....and what you do with Him determines where you will go at The Moment Of Your Death.

The Book Of Life

Just as Precious as God's Holy Word, The Books Of The Bible, are...there is The Book Of Life. This book, has written in it, the names of everyone who has ever been born into the world. If by the time the person dies, they have NOT accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, their names are REMOVED from The Book Of Life. During The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, the Great Tribulation, those who Take The Mark Of The Beast, will have their names IMMEDIATELY REMOVED from The Book Of Life. At The Judgment, The Book Of Life will be opened. Your name is NOT GUARANTEED to be in there...UNLESS you have repented of your sin, and by faith, accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Those names that are in there, will have eternal blessedness in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed...while those whose names are not, will have eternal torment in The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned.

Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works

Based on Ephesians 2:8-9, we are saved by Grace Through Faith, the undeserved Gift Of God, and NOT of works, lest anyone should boast, and be proud. Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags...literally bloody menstrual cloths...and all our sins are as scarlet. But, when we repent of our sins, and accept by faith, that Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left Heaven's Glory to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, live like us in all ways (but without sin), die like a criminal on an Old Rugged Cross, to pay for every sin we'd ever commit, to rise from the dead on the Third Day According To The Scriptures, to ascend to Heaven after 40, is interceding for us now as Our Passover And Mediator, and is coming back to Rapture all those who've accepted Him as Saviour and Lord, by His Grace through Faith...our sins become white as snow. Those who preach that salvation is ''grace through faith plus something else (works or otherwise)'' are preaching a FALSE MESSAGE. God's Standard is Perfection...and except for His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ...NO ONE CAN PAY IT. And, When You Stand Before The Lord, if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record...of not accepting God's Free Love Gift, of Salvation by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned, The Lake Of Fire, where for all there, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

The Fool Says ''There's No God''

Based On Psalms 14:1,3 - God's Word says that ''the fool has said in his heart, ''there is no God''''. Tragically, Satan and his demonic hordes have spiritually blinded billions throughout history...when yet, all Creation declares the Glory Of God. To those who deny Him now, God calls them ''fools''...and One Day, On Bended Knee...all those who have accepted Him...and even those who have denied Him...will confess that ''Jesus Christ Is Lord'' the Glory Of God The Father (Philippians 2:10-11)...basically, when they bow, it'll be either Eagerly Or Compelled. Those who've REFUSED God's Free Love Gift will be cast into The Lake Of Fire... The Home Of The Damned...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night for all Eternity. Those who've ACCEPTED that same Gift, will rule and reign with Christ...with blessings...for all Eternity.

God's Words Live Forever, Friend

Based on Matthew 24:35, while mankind speaks, and his words die...god's Words live forever. In fact, while Heaven and Earth will cease to exist one day...god's Words will not pass away. You may forget the words that another human being spoke to you. But, God's Words are a witness about your need to repent of your sin, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour...and God will not let you forget them. For if you die without making a decision for Christ, these words will be brought back to your memory for all Eternity...and You'll Hate Yourself Forever for refusing God's Free Love Gift. Truthfully, in The Books Of The Bible, The Only Wholesome Meditation, Is On God's Holy Word.

If You Take The Mark

After the Rapture Of The Church, the world will enter The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, The Great Tribulation...truly, Hell On Earth For Seven Years. The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, the most evil person the world has ever known, will institute The Mark Of The Beast, that everyone will have to take if they want to buy, sell, hold a job, receive benefits, pay bills, etc. Those who take this Mark will be guilty of The Selling Of Ones Soul to Satan; guaranteeing them the events in this poem...from painful, loathsome scorpion like stings from creatures from the death fleeing from them when they try to commit their eternal doom and burning forevermore in The Lake Of Fire, with the Antichrist, The False Prophet, Satan, his demonic hordes, and all the other unregenerate people who have ever lived...where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Aside from all those who choose to take this Mark, (of which, the decision is irrevocable)...there will be many who will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour...and they will then refuse to take this Mark. This decision will ''cut them off from economic survival''...and they will be hunted down...and likely captured, imprisoned, tortured, and martyred (likely beheaded) for their faith. But these will rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years during His Millennium Of Peace...and they will join all of the redeemed in eternal blessings. Which group will you be part of??

The Freedom Of Religion

The Freedom Of Religion was one of the reasons that the forefathers of America broke away from the rule of England, and set sail for the shores of America. They wanted the freedom to worship God, as dictated by His Precious Word, and Holy Spirit...and not be forced into some ritual by the rules and decrees of sinful man. Tragically, many think this should be ''Freedom From Religion''; where they won't ever have to answer to God. But, The Lord applies this ''Freedom Of Religion'' to the fact that The Lord, He Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free Will. And, it's a choice that all mankind must either accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, or to reject Him. And whatever choice is made, Your Decision Will Be Honored for Eternity...the eternal blessedness of the redeemed in Heaven...or the eternal torment in The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned, for those who choose to reject God's Free Love Gift.

Justice Will Be Done

Ever since mankind sinned against The Lord in The Garden Of Eden, it seems that innocent people, as well as the righteous individuals serving The Lord...and even unborn children who were victims of abortion...always got ''the short end of the stick''...where those against The Lord appeared to constantly have the upper hand...benefitting from their crimes against the innocent. But, one day soon, JUSTICE WILL BE DONE. All those who did evil against The Lord and His Children, will receive the punishment they deserve; while those who did The One Thing God Requires, accepted Christ as Saviour, and suffered for The Lord in this life, will be recipients of immeasurable blessings...and eternal fellowship with The Holy Trinity (God The Father...jesus Christ The Son...and The Holy Spirit), throughout Eternity.

His Truth Refused, God Sends Delusion

Based on 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, after The Rapture Of The Church...because mankind refused to believe the simple Truth of God's Word through the ages, He will send them strong delusion, that they will believe a lie with all their hearts. Then, God will judge these for rejecting the Truth, and believing the lie. Basically, God Gave Them Over, as they'll be Given What Was Desired. However, mankind's insatiable appetite for sin and ''unrighteous pleasure'' will never be satisifed. The climax of 21 Divine Judgments of the Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets will result in The Coming Of Christ to Earth to set everything right, where Justice Will Be Done. If you refuse to accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour before The Rapture Of The Church, you will be exposed to this delusion. If you accept the lie, and If You Take The Mark, you will suffer never ending torment in The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity.

You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend

A companion poem to False Repentance Before Christ, Him You Cannot Fool, you may consider yourself as sneaky and crafty, fooling everyone by the life you live...going to church, being benevolent, etc. to impress people. While you may fool everyone else by what you are Going Through The Motions, you can NOT fool The Lord. He knows your motives, words, deeds, and thoughts; and you will answer for everything you've ever done, said, and thought, When You Stand Before The Lord one day. You'll be Without Excuse, as there will be No Question Of Guilt for your actions.

Lip Service Isn't Good Enough

Many people think that just because they give Jesus Christ ''lip service''...being a Christian in ''name only''...that's all they need to enter Heaven. However, unless you have repented of your sin, and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you will be one of those who will hear Him say ''Depart From Me... For You, I've Never Known''...before you are cast into The Lake Of Fire, to be tormented for all Eternity.

Your Decision Will Be Honored

Your decision here on Earth to either accept or reject Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, will also be honored in Eternity. Those who repent of their sins, and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour while they were on Earth, will instantly go to Heaven upon The Moment Of Your Death...receiving a new resurrection body at the Rapture Of The Church, and spend Eternity in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemded, filled with eternal joy. By contrast, those who choose to reject Jesus Christ, while they were here on Earth, will go to The Home Of The Damned at The Moment Of Their Death... first to the torments of Hell, then to The Lake Of Fire, to suffer for all Eternity. God won't force you to accept His Free Love Gift, in The Person of His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ. That decision is entirely yours.

God's Word Is Not Here To Tickle Your Ears

Like it or not, the title says it all. God's Word is not here to tickle your ears...but to convict you of sin, and how to live as you should before Him. Tragically, many churches would rather preach ''a candy-coated, social gospel, feel good sermon'' avoid offending their congregations (basically, Other Gospels Preached)...instead of believing and doing that the Full Counsel Of God Must Be Preached. This is preaching the uncompromising Word Of God The Books Of The Bible)... calling sin as sin...and not changing God's Word to suit their desires, and what their ears want to hear. And, while The Lord has graciously given me all the poems in this collection...the poems, and His Word CONVICT ME OF MY SIN ON A DAILY BASIS, and my need to go to Christ, confessing my sin, repenting of it, and receiving the forgiveness that was obtained for not only me...but for all mankind...when Christ Jesus died on that Old Rugged Cross. However, one has to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour to obtain that forgiveness...for Available, Not Automatic, Is Salvation's Gift. And, God can tell your motives...whether you are sincere...or if you're just Going Through The Motions, because False Repentance Before Christ; Him You Cannot Fool.

Touching the Apple Of God's Eye

Based On Zachariah 2:3, whoever touches Israel, God's Nation on Earth, touches the Apple Of God's Eye. As God told Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3, those who bless and pray for Israel and the Jews will be blessed by God...both now, and in the future. And likewise, those who curse Israel and the Jews will be cursed by God...both now, and in the future. Every nation of the world rises or falls, depending on how they treat Israel...and God's People. In short, Bless Or Curse The Jews, There...god Will Do The Same To Thee. And, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, Israel will be where Christ's Millennium Of Peace will be based. One day, all of Israel will be saved, and recognize Jesus Christ as her Messiah. But, for those not part of Israel...jesus Christ wants to be your Messiah as well...not to mention your Lord and Saviour. And, whether you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, or reject Him...will be just as how you treated His Chosen People...especially during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble...Hell On Earth For Seven Years...the period before When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. You'll either be receiving blessing...or torment...for all Eternity. The choice, is yours.

There Will Be No Appeal There

At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, all of those who have ever lived...who refused to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, will have their lives thought, word, motive, and deed. Whether in secret, or in the open...every thing they've ever thought, said, or done, will be seen by all...the good, the bad, and the ugly. There will be absolutely No Question Of Guilt, and No Pardons And No Mercy, as No One Gets Off Scot Free. God's Standard Is Perfection, and the verdict pronounced there, is there will be no appeal there. None of these can meet that Righteous Standard Of Perfection...although many will try to plead their case, but No One Will Defend The Lost. And, Christ will tell them ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known''. You can avoid being part of this group, who will be sentenced to eternal suffering in The Lake of Fire, by repenting of your sin, and accepting Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Saviour. However, no one can make this decision for you...and if you fail to make the decision, you will tragically end up with this group, as a Decision Not Required To Go To Hell.

No Degree Of Sin Exists

While mankind thinks there are ''degrees'' of sin...such as a lie isn't as big a sin as killing God's Eyes, ALL SIN IS THE SAME. In fact, Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, and The One Sin Unforgiven on your record is your failure to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

They Couldn't Look Upon Christ There

There were times in history, where individuals could not look upon the face of Christ...because of His Righteousness and Power. The Lord declared that ''no one shall see My Face, and live''...although He allowed Moses to ''see Him from the back...while Moses hid in the Cleft Of The Rock, The Lord passed by''. When Jesus came to Earth to die for our sins, He said that ''He who has seen Me has seen The Father''. At His Crucifixion, His visage was so marred from the Blood shed, that no one could look on Him. At His Resurrection, Satan and his demonic hordes could not look on Christ, as they realized their eternal doom was now sealed. At Christ's Second Coming, those on Earth who took The Mark Of The Beast will not be able to look on Christ...and neither will those at The Judgment Of The Great White The Lord comes in Righteous Judgment...taking vengeance on all who rejected Him. By repenting of your sin, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you will be able to look on Him, without fear. The ultimate choice, up to you.

The Lord Is Not Politically Correct

In the world today, people talk about being ''politically correct''...not offending anyone, tolerating all religions, there are many ways to Heaven, etc. However, as the title of this poem says, The Lord is NOT politically correct; but Biblically Correct, as His Word NEVER CHANGES...and it is The Only Thing That Matters. Like it or not, there are things Hated By The Lord...and you have the choice to accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour, or to reject Him. Your Eternal Destiny depends on your choice.

Righteousness Exalts A Nation

Based on Proverbs 14:34, a nation that is righteous is exalted...but sin is a reproach to any people. If a nation lives by God's Laws, they will be blessed...but if they spurn God's Words, He will remove the blessings, and place judgment on that nation. And, this applies to you individually as well. God will not approve of a life of sin on Judgment Day, and He will send you to The Lake Of Fire, to be tormented forever. But, if your life is righteous...only by your repenting of sin, and accepting Jesus Christ as Your Lord And Saviour, God will lift you up, where you'll experience His Blessings for all Eternity.

As In The Days Of Noah

Based on Matthew 24:37, the world we live in today is just as in the days of Noah...and in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah...when the wickedness of mankind will cause God's Righteus Judgment to fall one day...when it's least expected. However, you can escape the judgment by repenting of your sin, and accepting Jesus Christ as Your Lord And Saviour.

Repent And Receive, Or Reject And Regret

While God won't force you to make the decision to accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord And Saviour, because God Has Always Been A can either repent of your sin, and receive God's Free Love Gift...or you can reject it, and regret that choice for all Eternity.

The Majority Was Wrong

Just as in the case of the story of people jumping off a bridge...just because the majority does it, does not make it right. And, it has been that way through history...with the majority of mankind WRONG time and time again, concerning things of The Lord. Don't be part of the majority who is wrong, who will choose to reject God's Free Love Gift.

The True Hate Crime Committed There

Down through history, mankind considers The Preaching Of The Cross, and God's Warning Of His Coming Judgment against their sin as a ''hate crime''. Truth be told, these who have not yet repented of their sin, and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, do NOT want to hear that they're headed for The Judgment, to The Home Of The Damned. Those who have done The One Thing God Requires, and accepted Jesus Christ as Our Lord And Saviour would be guilty of a ''hate crime'' if we did NOT warn of God's Judgment. It is because we do NOT want our fellow man and woman to burn forever in The Home Of The Damned, as the reason WHY we are giving the warning. If God gave the warning to us before we repented of our His Children now, we can do no less in warning those who still have not chosen God's Free Love Gift.

The Sinner And the Sin

It must be fairly stated that, while The Lord has always loved mankind...even though ALL of us are sinners (since the rebellion of our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden Of Eden)...the Lord DOES NOT...and CAN NOT ACCEPT our sinful behavior; For All Have Sinned, and come short of the Glory Of God. Whether you've broken one or more of The Commandments Ten, or any other part of God's Holy, Righteous, Perfect Law...if You've Broken One Of God's Laws,'ve Broken Every One. And, if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record When You Stand Before The Lord at The Judgment, He will have no choice, but to send you to The Home Of The Damned. The ultimate decision where you spend Eternity is up to you.

God's Standard Is Perfection

At The Judgment before Jesus Christ, the standard for ANYONE to enter Heaven will be to have lived a life of PERFECTION in thought, word, motive, and deed. And, if at any time in your life...if You've Broken One Of God's Laws,'ve Broken Every One. This is whether you thought about it, or actually did the deed. With mankind's sin nature, and propensity to rebel against God, the ONLY way to Heaven, and how one can achieve this PERFECTION is to repent of our sin, and by faith, accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Otherwise, NO ONE CAN PAY THEIR SIN DEBT...and you will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned, if you choose to reject what Jesus Christ did for you on The Rugged Cross Of you will end up having The One Sin Unforgiven on your record.

From Within, The Nations Fell

All thoughout history, all nations haven't fallen from attack from outside forces...but from forces within. And, just as all nations have fallen before The too, will fall like them, unless you repent of sin, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

There Will Be No Less Days

Our lives on Earth are TEMPORARY...and upon The Moment Of Your Death, you go either to Heaven Or Hell... Your Eternal Destiny is determined by whether or not you accepted Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Saviour. And, once you have entered either one of these matter how many days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, or millenia go by...there are NO LESS DAYS of your being in either the torment of The Lake Of Fire (The Home Of The Damned)...or the peace, joy, and blessedness of Heaven (The Home Of The Redeemed). Basically, it's like ''every day is day 1''...never mind the movie Groundhog Day.

Salvations Roman Road

One of the most ''popular'' and ''easy'' ways to present the Plan Of Salvation is through ''The Roman Road''. This is so named, as it takes verses primarily from the Epistle (Letter) to the Romans, written by the Apostle Paul, who The Lord inspired to write much of the New Testament portion of The Books Of The Bible. It basically notes that:

1) All have sinned, and fallen short of God's Glory.

2) There is none righteous on the Earth.

3) The wages of sin is death (physical and spiritual), but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ.

4) God commanded His Love toward us, in that while were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

5) If you confess with your mouth The Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

6) Whoever calls upon The Name Of The Lord, in faith, will be saved.

7) The saved are justified through faith in Jesus Christ.

8) There is No Condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.

9) Once saved, nothing in this life can separate us from The Love Of God.

Of all the roads you may travel in journey of life, a trip down Salvations Roman Road, and what you do with the signs along the way, will determine Your Eternal Destiny at The Moment Of Your Death.

For You, I've Never Known

Based on Matthew 7:23, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, when all of mankind who refused God's Free Love Gift, they will hear the HORRIFYING words from Jesus Christ Himself, ''Depart From Me, For You I've Never Known'' response to their reply that ''But, Lord...we did all these things in Your Name''. However, those who receive God's Free Love Gift through Salvations Roman Road, and sincerely prayed The Sinners Prayer, they will not be at this judgment, and won't hear those words. Which group will you be in??

Perilous Times

Based On 2 Timothy 3:1-5, this tells how ''perilous times'' have seemingly existed since Lucifer's rebellion in Heaven, and that continues to this day. In the final days before When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, this tells how the majority of mankind will behave. For those who repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift...while they may not escape the perilous times on Earth, they will escape them for Eternity.

They Would Not Repent

A companion to For You Would Not Allow It, this poem tells why certain people will be part of Those Not In God's Kingdom. Despite all the warnings from The Lord of The Judgment that awaits all mankind, these would not repent from their lives of sin. And, you'll see that you're The One To Blame When You Stand Before The Lord one day, if you're part of this group.

The Horror In Their Eyes

Throughout history, when God's enemies saw The Lord intervene...rendering their plans for could see the horror in their eyes. Tragically, at will be like that for all those rejected God's Free Love Gift...when they see the never ending, tormenting fires of Hell...and it'll be multiplied when they stand before The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...and when they realize they are about to be cast into The Lake Of Fire forever, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

These Three Are One

Based On 1 John 5:7 (which is removed or corrupted from most Bibles, except for the King James Version (1611) (for details, click here)), there are Three that bear record in Heaven...the Holy Trinity. God The Father, Jesus Christ The Son, and The Holy Spirit...and these Three are One. Jesus Christ was both God...and Man...and only God Himself would be able to take upon Himself the sins of all the world, die on an Old Rugged Cross, be raised from the dead the Third Day According To The Scriptures, and one day will return to Earth to rule and reign. Sadly, many people today...and most Bibles, deny this fact. And, they will answer for this one day, when they stand before The Lord.

I Worship Only Jesus Christ

Today, as in years past, mankind has worshipped ''everything under the sun''. These include statues, objects, idols, money, etc., both on Earth, in the sky, etc. They ''pray'' to these objects, hoping for help, protection, etc. But, Behind Every Idol There, A Demon Does Exist. Plus, the worship of these is idolatry, and God's Word notes that ''no idolator shall enter Heaven''...and in The Commandments Ten that ''you shall NOT bow down to these images or serve them''. The ONLY ONE WORTHY OF WORSHIP and the PRAISE is Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, The Way, The Truth, The Life, and The ONLY Way To Heaven. Your Eternal Destiny hinges on Who, and what you worship.

Given What Was Desired

The Lord purposely created a desire in our hearts to love and worship Him. But, when rebellion came...first with Lucifier, the covering cherub...followed by a third of the angelic realm...then mankind...that desire turned into a void of emptiness, that only God can fill. Mankind's arrogance toward The Lord grew exponentially...wanting to do things his way instead of The Lord's way. So, they would be Given What Was Desired...the consequences of their sin. And, unless you accept God's Free Love Gift, God will give you what is desired by your sin nature...eternal torment in The Lake Of Fire.

Behold, The Bridegroom Comes

Based on Matthew 25:6, the traditions of a Jewish Wedding also hold true in a spiritual sense, with The Church, The Bride of Christ...and The Lord Jesus Christ, The Groom. He will come at an unexpected time, at any moment, to Rapture His Bride to the Wedding. I have to confess that every time I read this, that as one who has accepted God's Free Love Gift, because The Lord, He Saved my life and soul...I GET EXCITED with anticipation of the IMMINENT Rapture of The Church. The only ones invited to this Special Wedding...and the Feast afterwards...will be those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. In the Parable of ''The Wise and Foolish Virgins'', the wise ones trimmed their lamps with oil, having The Holy Spirit...but the foolish ones did not have this oil, or The Holy Spririt. When the cry of the coming of the Bridegoom finally came, the wise virgins were the ones invited into the wedding banquet...while the foolish ones were refused entry. Which one will you be part of??

The Mental Anguish Of The Lost

To the unsaved, the witness of God's Holy, Righteous Word ''causes them mental anguish''. Truthfully, it is the conviction of The Holy Spirit, that their heart, mind, and life, are not right before The Lord. To obtain true peace, they need to repent of their sin, and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. However, the mental anguish that they ''suffer'' in this life will pale in comparison to the mental anguish that they will suffer for all Eternity, in The Home Of The Damned, if they refuse God's Free Love Gift.

All Nations And All Peoples Judged One Day

Contrary to what the majority of the world's religions preach, It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment. No matter what their background, race, or creed, everyone will stand before The Lord Jesus Christ one day to be judged. What they did with God's Free Love Gift will determine where they spend Eternity.

Inclusive, Yet Exclusive

These two words truly tell what Christianity is about. While The World Says We're Intolerant, The Lord meant for the Gospel to be presented to EVERYONE... but, Sadly, Not All Will Repent. Christianity is the ONLY faith, where its founder died for well as for all cleanse it from the curse of sin. To those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, they will be part of the exclusive group that will, at The Moment Of Their Death, or at the Rapture Of The Church, enter the joy of Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, for Eternity. Those refusing to be part of this group will instead spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Intevention By The Lord

The Lord does not sit idly by, and let things happen, out of control. The Creator of the Universe, the Heavens, and The Earth, has set everything into motion to accomplish His Divine Plan and Will...and nothing escapes His Glance. When He has had to, numerous times through history, He has intervened in His protect His come and die for all mankind in the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay for mankind's raise Christ from the dead According To The Rapture His Bride, The bring judgment, to return to Earth, and With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule the nations, during the Millennium Of Peace. The Lord Did All He Could To Save Your Soul, and He has done all He could do to bring to your attention your need to repent of sin, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour...the decision is now yours to make.

The Groaning Of Creation

Based on Romans 8:22, when The Lord brought The Judgment of The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, because of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden Of Eden, Creations Paradise was quickly overrun...first by thorns, thistles, weeds, etc. -- and then by nature...with earthquakes, fires, floods, tornadoes, tidal waves, hurricanes, drought, intense heat, snow, blizzards, bitter cold, eclipses, and so much more...all because of the curse of sin. And, as Creation groans and travails, those who refuse God's Free Love Gift will groan and travail for all Eternity, as They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. But, as Creation will be restored at The Coming Of Christ, you can have your spiritual life restored as well, by repenting of your sin, and accepting Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Saviour.

The Glory Is Departed From The Land

Based on 1 Samuel 4:21-22, when the people of a nation continually refuse to hearken to The Lord and His Righteousness, effectively When A Nation Tells God He's Not Wanted Anymore...the Lord will one day oblige them, as God Has Always Been A Gentleman...and they will be Given What Was Desired. Then, God's Glory...along with God's Protection will be REMOVED from that nation...making it ripe for The Judgment. And, if Judgment Must Begin in the House Of God, where does that leave those who have rejected Him?? Don't let God's Glory depart from you, as it has from most nations on the Earth. Repent of your sin, and by faith, accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Saviour TODAY, as Tomorrow Is Promised To No One. Because If You Wait Until It's Too The Moment Of Your Death, it will be TOO LATE to change your mind, and Your Eternal Destiny.

The Selling Of Ones Soul

Throughout history, Satan has used his lies of cunning and deceitfulness to ''give people whatever they want'', fame, glory, etc. -- all in exchange for the cost of selling their soul to him for all Eternity. Tragically, because of the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden Of Eden...WE ALREADY BELONG TO SATAN, because of the inherited sin nature. So, in reality, any Deals With The Devil Are All do NOT need one of these to go to The Lake Of Fire, and burn in torment for all Eternity, with Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace (the Antichrist), The False Prophet, and all the unregenerate, vile, evil men and women that have ever lived. If you refuse God's Free Love Gift, you will be paying the cost of selling your soul for all Eternity...with no hope of ever escaping The Home Of The Damned. This is based on this tract and this tract from Chick Publications.

God's Judgment There When Least Expected

Despite warnings from God's People throughout history, the majority of mankind ignored them...and when it was least expected, God's Judgments fell. The locations ranged from the Garden Of Eden, when our first parents the Flood Of Noah (which covered all of planet Earth) the destruction of Sodom and the ten Divine Plagues sent against Pharoah and Egypt through the many times through Israel's Christ's Death and The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The the destruction of the armies invading Israel (both before, and at Christ's Return)... and to The Judgment awaiting at The Moment Of Your Death. God's Ways are NOT our ways...and no one can know for sure the day and the hour these judgments will fall. But, as with those in times past...the ones yet to be fulfilled, will fall when least expected...and not a moment before The Lord has decreed that they occur. Don't let these judgments catch you by surprise...repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love There Is No Second Chance after The Moment Of Your Death to Make That Decision For Christ.

The Sinful Soul Will Not Prevail

Many times through history, it seems evil has the upper hand. But, one day, Justice Will Be Done, and it will be shown that the sinful soul will NOT prevail against The Lord Jesus Christ. Don't let Satan fool you into thinking you can win...because he himself knows that at the end, he will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, to be tormented for all Eternity...with The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, the False Prophet, and everyone else who rejected God's Free Love Gift.

Everlasting Punishment, Or Life Eternal, There

Based on Matthew 25:46, at The Moment Of Your Death, you'll either enter everlasting punishment in The Lake Of Fire...or everlasting joy in Heaven. It won't be purgatory, soul sleep, or something else. What you did with God's Free Love Gift determines what you will receive. And, If You Wait Until It's Too Late, you won't have a chance to change your mind. Plus, There Are No Less Days in either the everlasting punishment...or the everlasting joy.

No One Gets Off Scot Free

A companion poem to A Life On Trial, no one gets off ''scot free'' before The Lord. Your Life Is Being Recorded, and everything will be played back at The Judgment before Jesus Christ. For All Have Sinned, and God's Standard Is Perfection. When You Stand Before The Lord...whether or not you have accepted God's Free Love Gift, you will give an account for everything you've thought, said, or done. While the saved will lose rewards at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...the unsaved will lose far more at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. What you do with Jesus Christ will determine which of these judgments you will be present at.

Vengeance Is The Lord's

Based On Romans 12:19, many people have felt they have been ''done wrong and dirty'' by others they have known in life. While man's sinful nature cries for revenge, the redeemed know that The Lord sees everything...whether in thought, word, or deed. And one day, Justice Will Be Done, when everyone stands before The Lord to give an account for their life. Vengeance belongs to The Lord...and to all those who have seemingly ''gotten the upper hand by evil deeds'' well as for all those who have rejected God's Free Love Gift, He will repay them in kind.

No One Will Defend The Lost

Unlike in a modern day court of law, where the accused usually have a Defense Attorney...for those who refused God's Free Love one will be there to defend them against the wrath of The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. For whatever reason, these chose to come to God by the basis of their own righteousness...but God's Standard Is Perfection, and no one can pay it. Instead of being A Friend For Life...and for all Eternity...jesus Christ is The Worst Nightmare There Faced. Every unrepentant soul there is cast into The Lake Of Fire, with Satan, and his demonic be tormented forever. There are only two Choices you can make for Eternity... Heaven Or Hell. If you do ''nothing''...The Home Of The Damned will be yours upon The Moment Of Your Death.

All Scripture Given By The Lord

Based on 2 Timothy 3:16, every bit of God's Holy Word is Divinely Inspired...perfect, and Without The Books Of The Bible, from Genesis through Revelation. It is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in The Only Wholesome Meditation, Is On God's Holy Word. The King James Version (1611) is the only one that The Lord has Divinely Protected from tampering by Satan's evil hordes (for details, click here). Tragically, all those who are guilty of The Changing Of God's Word, or even rejecting it... will suffer eternal torment in The Home Of The Damned, the same place for everyone who rejected God's Free Love Gift.

Just One Thing Will Save Your Soul

No matter what you've heard, only one thing will save your soul from The Lake Of Fire. God's Standard Is Perfection, For All Have Sinned, and all Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags. That being said, the one thing that describes God's Free Love Gift is that it's Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works, by which you obtain salvation in Jesus Christ. While faith without works is dead, your works alone will NOT save your soul from The Home Of The Damned.

Resurrections Coming Soon

Based on John 5:28-29, you should not be surprised at the fact that one day soon, all those that are in the graves will hear The Lord's Voice, and all will be resurrected. Those who have done good...accepting God's Free Love the resurrection of life...and to those who refuse the resurrection of damnation. What you do with God's Free Love Gift determines which resurrection you will be at.

Thy Word Is Settled In Heaven

Based on Psalm 119:89, God's Word is settled in Heaven...and what He has promised that would matter what mankind says, believes, or thinks. The Lord Is In Control, of all things...and Your Eternal Destiny depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

To Those Left Behind On Earth

A companion poem to Tragedy At Rapture, and Where Did They All Go?, this poem is for what to expect for those who miss the Rapture. The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, and Hell On Earth For Seven Years will be a time of tribulation never seen on Earth...or will ever be again...and will in fact, be the last seven years of human history before The Coming Of Christ to Earth, and With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule the nations, during the Millennium Of Peace. Those left behind after the Rapture can still accept God's Free Love Gift...but they likely will be hunted down, captured, tortured, and killed (likely beheaded) for their faith.

Eagerly, Or Compelled

One Day, On Bended Knee, all will bow before Jesus Christ, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, at The Judgment. All those who accepted God's Free Love Gift will EAGERLY rush to bow before The Lord in Praise, as they'll be with Him forever in Heaven. Those who rejected Jesus Christ will be COMPELLED by the Truth Of God's Word to bow before The Lord. Tragically, for the latter, it'll be too late to escape their eternal sentence to The Home Of The Damned.

The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth

When Adam and Eve rebelled in The Garden Of Eden, the Lord pronounced a curse on all creation. That curse led to thorns and thistles in the ground, plagues, pestilences, earthquakes, bizarre weather patterns, and especially a sin nature to all humans who would ever be born. But, in the fullness of time, God's Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, left Heaven's Glory to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk like all of us, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN OR GUILE, as Christ was He Who Knew No Sin At All. He chose to die on an Old Rugged Cross to redeem us...and ultimately, Creation...from this curse. The victory was gained by His Resurrection...and it will be realized When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Whether or not you are freed from this curse Eternally, depends on whether you accept, or reject God's Free Love Gift.

Closer By The Second

Through Eternity, The Lord has ordained a moment for everything to occur. Nothing happens that does not escape his glance, as The Lord Is Not Surprised at all. And, with each passing moment, each instance on God's Divine Timetable is closer by the second...including The Moment Of Your Death, the Rapture Of The Church, and the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Only The Lord knows the exact moment when these occur, and if you choose to take The Gamble with your eternal soul, you will regret it Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and Your Eternal Destiny is determined by what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Absolutely Not

Many people have taken both man's laws, and God's Laws into their hands, in dealing with those who won't convert to their faith. They murder people involved in acts of sin, and threaten with torture and death, those who won't recant their present faith, to go to ''the religion'' of their captors. They even will go so far as to ''force a Bible down the throat of the unsaved''. While The One Thing God Requires is for mankind to ''believe on the One He Has Sent''...for us to repent of sin, and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour...The Lord, He Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free everyone the freedom to accept, or reject it. In short:

1) Should we take God's Laws into our own hands??

2) Should we murder those who are clearly involved in sin, such as abortion, homosexuality, etc., or encourage others to do such??

3) Should we force a Bible down the throats of the unsaved??

4) Should we not pray and witness to the lost, and let them burn in The Lake Of Fire??

5) Should we ignore making a decision for Jesus Christ??

The answer to all of these questions is ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Vengeance Is The Lord's.

The Battle Is The Lord's

Based on 2 Chronicles 20:15, when God's people have faced adversity that they could not overcome, when they called on The Lord in prayer and by faith, He stepped in, and won that battle for them. But, the most important battle you will face is for your eternal soul...and it was waged on The Old Rugged Cross of Calvary. The thing is, while The Lord won that battle with His Life, Death, and Resurrection, you can not obtain the victory laurels, unless you accept God's Free Love Gift.

The Rebels Won't Accept The Truth

Those who are united in rebellion against The Ways Of The Lord will tragically not accept The Truth that is in God's Holy Word...concerning their fate before The Lord. The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishness to these...but whether they want to admit, believe, or accept it or one will escape The Judgment before The Lord Jesus Christ. What everyone does with God's Free Love Gift determines where they spend Eternity.

Decision Not Required To Go To Hell

Many people think they have to make a decision to go to The Home Of The Damned...first Hell...then The Lake Of Fire. Truth be told, Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, but a decision IS REQUIRED to go to what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Eternal Torment, Not A Joke

Many people think that the concept of eternal torment in Hell, and The Lake Of Fire is just a joke. Tragically, that is what Satan and his demonic hordes WANT you to believe...that no such places exist. But, it must be fairly stated that Hell Was Meant For Satan, and his demonic hordes...and NOT for mankind. However, God's Righteousness decrees that ''the soul that sins shall die''...and while His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, died on the Rugged Cross of Calvary to pay for every sin that would be committed...if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record...the sin of refusing to accept God's Free Love Gift, you will experience this eternal torment in The Home Of The Damned, starting at The Moment Of Your Death.

As Lightning Comes From East To West

Based on Matthew 24:27, as lightning strikes quickly...with little will the Rapture Of The Church, and The Coming Of Christ be. Although the warning of both the Rapture Of The Church, and The Coming Of Christ are mentioned in The Books Of The Bible...when they occur at their appointed times, it'll be too late to join in the Rapture Of The Church...or to bow at the Feet of The King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, at The Coming Of Christ, and call Him Lord. As Jesus Christ warned, ''you need to be ready...for at such an hour as you are not expecting it, The Son Of Man comes''. And, if you have not repented of your sin, and accepted God's Free Love'll either be left behind at the Rapture Of The Church...or not be allowed to enter the Millennial Kingdom at The Coming Of Christ. Your Eternal Destiny depends on your decision. For a video on how FAST the Rapture may occur, click here.

At Least One Chance Is Given There

Everyone who has ever lived will get at least one chance to hear the Gospel News...that Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the Glory Of Heaven to come to Earth, to be born of a live and walk among us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN (as for Christ, He Who Knew No Sin At All) die on an Old Rugged Cross for every sin that everyone would ever rise again on The Third Day, According To The coming back to Rapture His Church, and to return to Earth one day to rule and reign in Power and Glory. All creation declares His Glory, and once reading this, or any other poem in this Gospel Poetry Collection, you will NOT be able to stand before Jesus Christ on Judgment Day, and say that ''you never heard the Gospel''. As noted so many times in these poems that The Lord has so graciously given me, Your Eternal Destiny depends on whether or not you accept God's Free Love Gift.

Even So, Lord Jesus, Come

Based on Revelation 22:20, these are the words that are the prayer of every person who has repented of their sin, and accepted Jesus Christ as Their Lord and Saviour, throughout history. Quickly Coming Is The Lord, and one day, He will answer that prayer, asking Him to Return...first at the Rapture Of The Church...and second, at The Coming Of Christ to Earth to rule and reign as King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords. Tragically, those who have not yet received God's Free Love Gift...and for those who died in their sins, that are now in The Home Of The Damned...they are terrified of these words, as they know after The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night, with Satan, his demonic hordes, and every other unregenerate person who has ever lived. What you do with Jesus Christ, determines Your Eternal Destiny...and whether or not you say these words with anticipation and expectation...or with fear and dread.

A Judgment Far Worse Coming There

While there were numerous judgments by The Lord in the past...far worse judgments are coming soon for the Earth. If those who were judged with destruction by The Lord in years gone by, could see the abundance of sin and iniquity that is in the world today (such as with Sodom And Gomorrah), they likely would cry ''And we were destroyed for what we did??!!''. While The Lord is patient and long suffering, His Righteous Nature demands that one day, He will judge all Creation, because of The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth...and the life of every person who has ever lived. No One Gets Off Scot Free, and everyone will face The Lord to give an account for their lives. While Jesus Christ took upon Himself every sin that would ever be committed by mankind...dying in our place on an Old Rugged Cross...and then resurrected on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures...those who reject God's Free Love Gift will fare far worse than those who accept it.

Naked And Alone

Just like a newborn baby that is naked, alone, crying, and moaning...those rejecting God's Free Love Gift...will experience the same thing...first at The Moment Of Their Death...then at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, before Jesus Christ casts them into The Lake Of Fire, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. You can avoid this situation...horrifying and repenting of your sins, and accepting God's Free Love Gift.

A Debt You Can Not Pay

Unlike credit cards...where you can be financially bankrupt; the true cost of your sin...where you are spiritually one debt that you can NOT pay. Christ Alone, in the Precious Blood that He shed for all mankind on The Old Rugged Cross of sufficient to pay the cost. If you try to pay for it any other way...Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags...and if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record When You Stand Before The Lord one day...he will have no choice, but to cast you into The Lake Of Fire, with Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone else throughout history, who rejected God's Free Love Gift.

The Old Things Are Passed Away

Based on 2 Corinthians 5:17, ''if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creature. Old things are passed away, and all things are become new''. The statement holds true in both the physical, and the spiritual realm. Physically, when one dies, the old things of this life are passed away...and all things are that either Heaven Or Hell will be their new home for all Eternity. Spiritually, when a person truly repents of sin, and by faith, accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, their old life of sin has passed away, and they now have a new desire to serve The Lord in all that they do...and there is No Condemnation to those in Christ Jesus. While we still have our old sin nature in this corruptible flesh, our desire should be to serve The Lord, forsaking all sinful, fleshly desires. Tragically, there are those who are just Going Through The Motions in regards to their ''faith''. It'll Be A Shock One Day, when they find out too late that they'll be part of Those Not In God's Kingdom, in that they were never ''saved''...never repenting of their sin, or receiving God's Free Love Gift. And one day soon, when God creates The New Heavens, The New Earth, and The New Jerusalem, as Sin Won't Rise A Second Time...truly, the title of this poem will come to pass.

Your Spiritual Father

Like it or not, unless you have repented of your sin, and accepted Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Saviour...your Spiritual Father is NOT The Lord...but Satan, the father of lies. Who you are serving determines where you will go at The Moment Of Your Death.

They Tragically Turned Their Backs On The Lord

Unfortunately, throughout history, so many people who originally came to The Lord in faith and followed Him, have turned away from the faith...essentially turning their backs on Him. When You Stand Before The Lord one day, you'll either be thrilled to see Him...or you'll be terrified...discovering that you're part of Those Not In God's Kingdom. A companion poem is located here.

Seven Then One Thousand

First, starting with the Rapture Of The Church, the last seven years of human history, Hell On Earth For Seven Years, with mortal man ruling, will The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace starts his unprecedented reign of terror on the Earth...which is also the Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets of God's Wrath upon a Christ rejecting world. At the end of this seven year tribulation, known as The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, He will destroy all of His Enemies, and set up His Millennium Of Peace, righteousness, and equity.

If you repent of your sins, and accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Saviour, prior to the Rapture Of The Church, you'll miss going through the seven years of tribulation on the Earth, Hell On Earth For Seven Years...but you'll get to rule and reign with Jesus Christ during the one thousand years of the Millennium Of Peace that will follow His Return.

However, if you miss the Rapture, you will experience the seven year period of tribulation, one like the world has never seen before...or will ever see again...literally Hell On Earth For Seven Years. Those who accept God's Free Love Gift during the tribulation, will most likely be martyred for their faith...death by beheading. However, these who give their lives for The Lord, will join the saved who do survive...and enter the Millennium Of Peace. Tragically, those who miss the Rapture, and who, instead of accepting Christ...choose to take The Mark Of The Beast instead...they will NOT be allowed to enter the Millennium Of Peace, Instead, these will spend eternity in The Lake Of Fire, with Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone else who rejected God's Free Love Gift...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. Which of these two time periods you will have a part in depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Business As Usual Will End

The term ''business as usual'', refers to the ''status quo''...that the situations in life as we know it, will never change. But, as noted numerous times throughout day, this ''business as usual'' will come to an abrupt Intervention By The Lord once again, occurs. And, at The Moment Of Your Death, the ''business as usual'' of your life will will as the chance for you to receive God's Free Love Gift.

You'll Hate Yourself Forever

Upon The Moment Of Your Death, you'll realize that...tragically, it's too late for you to accept God's Free Love Gift...if you never made that decision while on Earth. You'll hate that you chose to believe Satan's lies, instead of The Gospel In A Nutshell...that God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Son, The Lord Jesus Christ...that whoever would believe on Him, would not die in their sins, but have everlasting life in Heaven. You'll hate that you don't have another chance to accept God's Free Love Gift, and hate that instead of the bliss of Heaven, The Home Of The Damned is now yours forever.

Heaven Is Not Owed To You

No matter what you've heard, Heaven is NOT owed to you upon The Moment Of Your Death...but The Home Of The Damned, is. God's Standard Is Perfection, and the price of your sin is A Debt You Can Not Pay. The only way you can enter Heaven is to repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift...and truly mean it...not just Going Through The Motions.

The Home Of The Redeemed

Unlike The Home Of The Damned, The Home Of The Redeemed will be a place where there will be Nothing That Defiles...only joy, happiness, and eternal fellowship with Jesus Christ, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, as well as with everyone else who repented of their sin, and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Note that Heaven Is Not Owed To You upon The Moment Of Your, unless you make the decision to Receive God's Free Love Gift, you will not be allowed to enter this wonderful place, which No One Knows The Things That God Has Prepared for those who love Him.

God's Promises Are Kept

From eternity past, to the present day, and yet to be fulfilled...every promise that The Lord has made, He will keep. The most critical promise is that if you reject God's Free Love Gift, you will spend eternity in The Home Of The Damned. However, for those who repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, you will spend eternity in The Home Of The Redeemed...the choice is yours.

After Death, Belief Too Late

Everyone's a believer on Jesus Christ after The Moment Of Their Death. Unfortunately, for those in The Home Of The Damned, it is way too late for them to gain access to The Home Of The Redeemed. Your Eternal Destiny will be either Heaven Or Hell...depending on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Our Passover And Mediator

Based On 1 Corinthians 5:7 and 1 Timothy 2:5, Christ Alone is both our ''Passover'', and our ''Mediator''. When we repent (turn from) our sin, and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, The Blood that He shed for all mankind on the Cross of Calvary, as the Spotless Lamb Of has the same effect as the blood from the spotless lamb that was spread on the doorpost to avoid the tenth and final plague that God sent over the land of Egypt. God's Judgment ''passed over'' those covered by The Blood. God's Word says that Without Shedding Of Blood, There, No Remission Done. And, while The Grace Of God is a License To Serve, Not License To Sin...when His Children do transgress because of The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, The Lord intercedes for us...the One Mediator between God and Man. Even Our Lord's Earthly Mother, the Virgin Mary, made a sin offering of turtledoves...she knew that her first born son, The Lord Jesus Christ, would also be her Saviour. She sang ''My Soul Does Magnify The Lord...and My Spirit Has Rejoiced In God My Saviour''. If Mary was many believe...WHY did she say that she needed a Saviour??

1 John 1:10 says ''If we say we have no sin, we make God a liar, and His Word is not in us''. That deed...of saying you or someone else has no sin (except for Christ Alone)...basically puts you on the same par with Satan...the father of lies...who called God a liar from the outset...when he, the one time covering cherub, led one third of the angelic realm, to rebel against God in Heaven. Satan, all his demonic hordes, and everyone who has ever lived on Earth, who choose to reject God's Free Love Gift, will spend eternity in The Home Of The Damned.

First By Water...then By Fire

Water and Fire are used many times in The Books Of The both means of judgment, and of baptism. The first time God destroyed the world, it was by Water...the second time, it will be by Fire. After Pharoah's army was destroyed in the Waters of the Red Sea...the Lord was with His People as a Pillar Of Fire. When Elijah and the prophets of Baal did battle on Mount Carmel, The Lord sent down Fire from Heaven, and it burned up all the the altars that were built, and the water that surrounded them. When John The Baptist saw The Lord, He said that ''I baptize you with Water...but One greater than me will baptize you with The Holy Spirit and Fire''. In the story...not a parable...of the rich man and the beggar...both of them died. Tragically, the rich man was now in Torments...and he called for cooling drops of water to ease the tormenting flame. But Abraham...joined by the beggar in Paradise...told the rich man that ''his torment would never end''. Water baptism WON'T save your soul, but it is a testimony that you have repented of your sin, and asked Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Saviour. Those who truly repent and believe...not Going Through The Motions...will not only have their sins washed away by The Blood Of Jesus...something that water can NOT do...but they won't have to pay the cost of their sins in The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned.

Where Will You Spend Eternity, Friend??

This question is one that MUST be answered by every person who has ever lived on Earth. Contrary to what you may have heard or believe...only Heaven Or Hell... The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned are the available Choices. Your choice on whether you accept or reject God's Free Love Gift, determines where you will end up going upon The Moment Of Your Death.

No Respecter Of Persons

Based On Acts 10:34 and Romans 2:11, God is no respecter of persons. No matter whether you were born into wealth in royalty...dirt poor...or somewhere in between...everyone must make the choice on whether to accept or reject God's Free Love Gift.

The Believing Remnant

Based On Romans 11:5, tragically, most of mankind will reject God's Free Love Gift. However, God has always had a ''believing remnant'' that He has preserved with each generation. Will you be part of this group??

The Point Of No Return

Many times in life, once you've passed a certain point in a decision that you made, there is ''no turning back'''ve reached the point of no return. And, at The Moment Of Your Death, you'll have reached this point when it comes to accepting or rejecting God's Free Love Gift.

Will You Praise Christ, Or Curse Yourself That Day??

The title of this poem is a pointed question to every soul that has ever lived upon this Earth. Which one of these you do When You Stand Before The Lord will be determined on what you did with God's Free Love Gift, while you were on Earth.

The Alpha And Omega

Based On Revelation 1:8, 1:11, 21:6, and 22:13, this poem tells of the many attributes of Jesus Christ...creator, and King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, He knew all things from eternity past...and He knows all things both at this very moment...and in eternity future. He knows you better than you know yourself...your motives, words, thoughts, and deeds...nothing escapes His Glance. And, When You Stand Before The Lord, to give an account of your life, Will You Praise Christ, Or Curse Yourself That Day??...on what you did with God's Free Love Gift.

Every Eye Shall See The Lord One Day

Based on Revelation 1:7, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, every eye shall see matter where they are on the matter whether they have accepted or rejected God's Free Love Gift. At that point, when He comes as the King Of Kings, And Lord Of will be TOO LATE to fall at His Feet, and call Him Lord. So, in advance of The Coming Of Christ, if someone tells you that ''Christ Is Here'' NOT believe it. When He does return to judge the world, you won't need satellite, television, smartphone, or anything else to see everyone will know instantly that Christ has returned. And, what you did with God's Free Love Gift will determine Your Eternal Destiny.

Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The Lord

Based on Psalm 33:12, the nations who serve and honor The Lord will be blessed by Him...and those who are against Him, will see those blessings removed. But, All Nations And All Peoples Judged One Day...and the nations are as a drop of water in a dust in the balance. Both nations, and individuals will face The Lord at The Judgment...on how they treated His People, and whether or not they accepted God's Free Love Gift.

The Worst Nightmare There Faced

Many times in life, one has bizarre, scary, and terrifying nightmarish dreams...where they wake up screaming in fear. However, for those who refuse God's Free Love Gift...jesus Christ, for these will NOT be A Friend For Life...but the worst nightmare there faced, the most terrifying person they will ever meet at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

The Way, The Truth, The Life

Based on John 14:6, Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, is The ONLY Way To Heaven. Unless you repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift...upon The Moment Of Your Death, you'll go to The Home Of The Damned...instead of The Home Of The Redeemed. And, instead of Jesus Christ being A Friend For Life...he'll be The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

The Folded Napkin

Based on John 20:7, the folded napkin left in Christ's Grave with His Burial Clothes after His Resurrection, has an interesting similarity with meal customs of that day. The servant would prepare the meal for his master. Then, while his master ate, the servant would wait just ouside the room. If the master crumpled up his dirty napkin before he left the table...that signal would tell the servant that his master was done, and he would not the servant could clean things up. But, if the napkin was neatly folded, that indicated that the master would be returning. With the folded napkin left there with Christ's Burial Clothes, it meant that He's coming back again!!

There will be Two Feasts Of The The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb...possibly combined with the Millenial Banquet after When Christ Returns To Planet Earth...and the other where all the vultures and birds of the air dine on the bloody carnage of the armies who tried to destroy Christ at His Second Coming. Which of these feasts you will attend when The Master Comes Back, is determined by what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All

Based On Romans 5:8, The Lord Commanded His Love toward all that while we still sinners...his Enemies...he left the Glory Of come to Earth to be born of a live, and walk among us in all ways...EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN (for Christ, He Who Knew No Sin At All...then was scourged, and then crucified on an Old Rugged Cross for every sin everyone would ever commit...then rose again on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures, and one day, is coming back to rule and reign in Power and Glory. The Lord did not have to do what He did...but in Truth, not just for everyone else, The Lord, He Did It Just For You...because even if was JUST FOR YOU ALONE, He still would have done it. Will you reciprocate This Great Love, by repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift?? If not, you'll see that you're The One To Blame for all Eternity.

You Can't Take The Fifth Before The Lord

One of the items in the U. S. Constitution, in the Bill Of Rights, is the Fifth which those on trial can use to protect against self incrimination from their testimony. However, When You Stand Before The Lord, with A Life On Trial, you WON'T be able to ''take the Fifth'' in your defense. Everyone's Accountable, Your Life Is Being Recorded, and You'll Answer Only For Yourself, for your life, and what you did with God's Free Love Gift.

The Doom Of Satan's Lie

Once the covering cherub who guarded The Throne Of God...lucifer inflated with pride, deceiving one third of the angelic realm to join him in rebellion against God. They were promptly cast out of Heaven for all Eternity, and The Lord created The Home Of The Damned for all of them. Lucifer's name was changed to Satan... and his fallen angels were changed into horrific demons. Since that time, they have spread lies against the Righteousness Of The Lord...deceiving our first parents, and bringing The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. It would be Christ Alone, the Second Person in The Godhead...truly, the God-Man... who would take upon Himself His Righteous Wrath meant for all mankind...and die on an Old Rugged Cross to pay for every sin that would ever be committed...and achieving the victory when He rose again on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. Even though Satan and his demonic hordes were defeated when Christ rose from the dead...because Without The Resurrection, It's Just Not The Same...but, Like A Roaring Lion, Satan and his evil throngs continue to work feverishly, to continue to deceive billions into believing The Doom Of Satan's Lie. Tragically, most will believe these lies, and find out too late the folly of rejecting God's Free Love Gift. Those who do will be Without Excuse on Judgment Day.

Don't Crucify The Lord Again

Based on Hebrews 6:6, The Lord Did All He Could To Save Your Soul. But, in spite of Christ crying ''It Is Finished'', when He died for all mankind on that Rugged Cross...meaning that no further sacrifice for sin was needed, many people ''crucify The Lord again, putting Him to shame''. This can be of those rejecting God's Free Love those not believing that The Grace Of God is a License To Serve; Not License To Sin...or to those who believe that Christ's Death was not Sufficient And Enough to pay for all our sins...that His Sacrifice is ''ongoing''...with the elements of The Lord's Supper (the bread and the wine) being literal, and not symbolic.

If there is anyone who needs to be crucified, it should be every one who has repented of their sin, and by faith, accepted God's Free Love crucifying their old sin nature One Should Bring Each Thought There To Obedience Of Christ. According to I John 1:10, ''if we say we have no sin, we make God a liar, and His Word is NOT in us''. To me, the idea of eating human flesh, in cannibalistic fashion, is revolting...humans are NOT cannibals or vultures!! And, for that matter, WHY should Christ go through all that shame and suffering again?? If you are one of those who ''crucify The Lord again'', instead of accepting that His Sacrifice was COMPLETE...just Going Through The Motions, you will be in for a RUDE AWAKENING at The Moment Of Your Death, When You Stand Before The Lord, and you hear the terrifying words ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known''. The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ Alone is Sufficient And Enough to take care of A Debt You Can Not Pay...the eternal cost of sin...both mine and yours. As the Apostle Paul was inspired to write, I Glory In The Cross Of Christ, And Nothing That I've Done, as FULL AND COMPLETE PAYMENT for my sin...because Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags (as well as mine), before The Lord.

This Kingdom Will Not End

Based on Isaiah 9:7, Christ's Millennium Of Peace will be just the start of His Kingdom of Righteousness, Truth, Purity, and Equity, for all Eternity. Unlike the numerous kingdoms before it...which were run by sinful men and women, Christ's Kingdom will NEVER end. Life will be similar to what it was in the home of our first parents...adam and The Garden Of Eden. The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the mute will speak, the lame will walk, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth will be removed, the animals and insects will peacefully co-exist with mankind and each other, no one will say ''I am sick''... and many other blessings that The Lord will pour out on His Creation after He returns to Earth. The thing is, only those who have repented of their sin, and by faith, accepted God's Free Love Gift will be allowed entry into this Kingdom. Will you be part of this group, or will you be denied entry, because you either refused God's Free Love Gift, or you were just Going Through The Motions??

Those Too Blind To See

In spite of evidence throughout all of Creation...throughout history, there are still those who, for whatever reason, choose to ignore the effect, they are ''too blind to see''. The Glory of The Lord, His Power, Righteousness, Majesty, Truth, Wisdom, and especially His Free Love Gift is so clearly seen in His Precious Word. Please don't be one of those who chooses to be ''spiritually blind'' for all Eternity The Great Physician, Christ Alone is the ONLY one who can cure this condition. However, if you choose to ignore this ''Divine Prescription'' of repenting of your sin, and receiving God's Free Love Gift, spending Eternity in The Home Of The Damned will burn far worse than any stinging eye drop, or other trial in life that you have ever experienced.

Who Is Seated Upon Your Lifes Throne??

Everyone has a ''throne'' in their life...and only two choices exist for occupying it. It is either yourself, with Satan, and all your selfish, sinful pride...or Christ Alone, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords. Who is on that Throne at The Moment Of Your Death...on what you did with God's Free Love Gift determines Your Eternal Destiny.

God's Word Is Final Authority

Whether you want to accept it, believe it, or not...god's Word is FINAL AUTHORITY on everything...from Creation, to your life...and, The Changing Of God's Word is NOT an option...and When You Stand Before The Lord at The Judgment, God's Words Live Forever, Friend. What you do with His Word, and His Free Love Gift determines Your Eternal Destiny.

One Appointment You Will Keep

Throughout life, every day has a new set of tasks, appointments, etc. that you have to take care of. And, some days, you likely end up missing some appointments because of other tasks or circumstances. But, upon The Moment Of Your Death, there is one appointment that you WILL keep...When You Stand Before The Lord at The Judgment. Where you spend Eternity...Heaven Or Hell, is determined what you did with God's Free Love Gift.

Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell

A companion poem to The One Sin Unforgiven, and God's Standard Is Perfection, the commission of ONLY ONE SIN... whether you thought about doing it in your mind...or you actually did the vile enough to send you to Hell, The Home Of The Damned. But, refusing to do The One Thing God Requires...repenting of your sin, and accepting His Free Love Gift...will send you there as well.

The Two Gardens

First, in The Garden Of Eden...then second, in The Garden Of Gethsemane...these were the two gardens where our eternal life was first lost...and the second began the process of reclaiming it. Access to The Tree Of Life was lost in The Garden Of Eden...but access to it was regained, starting in The Garden Of Gethsemane...and ultimately to The Cross Of Christ. And, as The Lord walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden in the cool of the day...he wants you to meet Him ''In The Garden''...and for you to accept His Free Love Gift.

The Lord Is Never Late

With the hectic pace of life, mankind overburdens himself with numerous appointments each day. In fact, there can be so many of these, that one is either late for them, or misses them altogether. The only things that all are Not In A Hurry to do...are to accept God's Free Love Gift...and The Moment Of Your Death. But, God Will Not Wait Forever...and while it may seem that The Lord is delaying things...according to ''our timetable'' reality, in the grand scheme of things for all Eternity, there is a time for every purpose and event under Heaven. While it may seem that God is ''slow'' by our reality, The Lord Is Never Late. However, If You Wait 'Till It's Too Late, you will regret it for all Eternity in The Home Of The Damned.

Not What They Were Looking For

From the Jews of Israel, to those in the world today...for the most part, Jesus Christ, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, was not what they were looking for. The Jews wanted a Godlike warrior to overthrow the burden of Roman Rule...and thought that at best, Jesus was ''a misunderstood Rabbi, who didn't have all his marbles together''...or at worst, He was ''a deceiving blasphemer''. The world today would prefer that He preach a ''prosperity and social gospel'' (part of Other Gospels Preached).. And never be talking about The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth...The Commandments Ten... The Doom Of Satan's Lie...The Now And Eternal Cost... The One Thing God Requires...that Christ Alone is The Way, The Truth, The Life...that The Grace Of God would be shown by The Cross Of Christ...which was The Gospel In A Nutshell...and that Without The Resurrection, It's Just Not The Same. When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, to the unsaved masses of mankind, Christ will be not what they were looking He will sentence these to The Home Of The Damned.

Hell Is Not A Party Place

A companion poem to The Home Of The Damned, many people believe that Hell is a place where they can party, and engage in unbridled sin forever. And, that is part of The Doom Of Satan's Lie, that he and his demonic hordes want you to believe. Tragically, upon The Moment Of Your Death, if you refuse to accept God's Free Love Gift, you will find out too late that Hell Is NOT A Party Place...and for all those there, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

There Is None Beside The Lord

Based On Isaiah 45:5-6, countless deities and gods...mythological, pagan, etc. have seemingly existed forever. But, There Is None Beside The Lord, and all these other deities, gods, etc...set up by Satan and his demonic hordes...are FALSE. These false gods can NOT see or hear...and any prayers to them are IGNORED; as Satan, the father of lies, ALWAYS ''double-crosses'' his followers. However, The Lord, Christ Alone, The ONLY Way To Heaven...promises that if you will repent of your sin, and by faith, accept God's Free Love Gift, He WILL hear and answer your prayer...and NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU.

When God's Invitation Ends

Many people think that they have plenty of time to make a decision for Christ. Unfortunately, after The Moment Of Your Death...or When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, it's too late to make that decision that determines Your Eternal Destiny. God Will Not Wait Forever for mankind to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. And, If You Wait Till It's Too Late, you'll see that you're The One To Blame When You Stand Before The Lord one day.

Sadly, Not All Will Repent

While The Lord's Question of Do You Have Time For Me?? is the most convicting for me personally...this poem was truly a burden to write. The Will Of The Lord is not for anyone to die in their sin...but that all should come to repentance of their sin, and by faith, accept God's Free Love Gift. Tragically, The Rebels Won't Accept The Truth, even though At Least One Chance Is Given There to hear The Gospel In A Nutshell...for some men, women, and even Those Too Blind To See...They Would Not Repent of their sin. And, at The Judgment, they discover too late The Price Of Being Wrong is one that they will be paying on for all Eternity.

Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord

A companion to Hell Is Not A Party Place, The Home Of The Damned, and Hell Was Meant For Satan, this poem is meant to counter the claim made by the late blasphemer, Altamonte...who declared on his death bed, ''Hell Is A Refuge If I Can Get Away From The Voice Of God''. Tragically, all who are now in this horrifying, eternally painful place, have discovered that they were Given What Was Desired...that God's Voice...and any other thing of goodness, righteousness, etc. is absent from this place. But, all who entered here by their own choice, will still face Christ Alone...the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, at The Judgment...where One Day, On Bended Knee, ''every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God, The Father'' (Philippians 2:10-11). And, afterwards, these will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, to burn forever...with Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone else who rejected God's Free Love Gift...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

The One To Blame

With the Choices that all of us make in life, each of us must take the responsibility, and the blame for our actions. Because Sin Is Like A Cancer...that started in The Garden Of Eden, when our first parents, Adam and Eve, were deceived by Satan...every one who has ever lived and walked upon the Earth is The One To Blame for our actions against The Lord. And, it is because of this, that The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, by leaving The Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, and be born of a live and walk among us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN (as He Who Knew No Sin At All) take upon Himself the blame of all our sin and die on an Old Rugged Cross...and to rise again in victory on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. For those who have repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, they realize that each one of them is the one to blame for what Christ had to do to get us into Heaven. Tragically, if you are part of those who believe that The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishness, choosing to reject God's Free Love Gift, you will realize upon The Moment Of Your Death, that you are the one to blame, because you believed The Doom Of Satan's Lie.

Two Souls Every Second

It's hard to believe, but at least 2 souls die every second. That's 120 souls every minute, 7200 souls every hour, and 172,800 souls every day...although it may tragically be far more than that!! Each of these souls go either to Heaven Or Hell...all dependent on what they did with God's Free Love Gift; which really isThe Only Thing That Matters. God's Standard Is Perfection, and ONLY ONE SIN is enough to send you to The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. You can't know The Moment Of Your Death, and After Death, Belief Too Late to change Your Eternal Destiny.

Jerusalem, A Burdensome Stone

Based on Zechariah 12:3, it was prophesied that ''Jerusalem would become a burdensome stone to all the nations; and that those who burden themselves with it, would be cut in pieces''. As The Coming Of Christ draws closer...more and more nations of the Earth are aligning themselves against Jerusalem, and Touching The Apple Of God's Eye. Jerusalem is the ONLY place that God called ''My City''...and after The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Jerusalem will be from where The Lord Jesus Christ sets up His Millennium Of Peace...a Kingdom of Righteousness And Equity. The only ones who will be allowed to enter this Holy City will be those who have accepted God's Free Love Gift. All others will hear the horrifying words from The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...''Depart From Me... For You, I've Never Known.

You Cannot Argue With The Lord

Many times in life, when people disagree, or don't get their way...they resort to getting into arguments. And, tragically, many will try to argue with the principles that God laid down...but they forget that The Lord, He Made The Rules...and trying to argue with the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords will be a waste of He already knows every thought before you think it out...and every word before it is on your tongue.

The Lord Knows Everything About You, Friend

As the title of this poem says, The Lord knows everything about you...even better than you know yourself. He knew you before you were conceived, when you'd be born, how long you'd live, what circumstances you'd encounter, when you would die, and whether or not you would accept His Free Love Gift. But, the choice of Your Eternal Destiny...Heaven Or Hell, remains yours to make, before The Moment Of Your Death.

Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn

Whether you know it or not, you have an enemy worse than any enemy on Earth. Satan and his demonic hordes HATE YOU WITH A PASSION...and they want to BURN WITH THEM FOREVER in The Home Of The Damned. However, you do NOT have to go there...or believe The Doom Of Satan's Lie. Repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift...and instead, your eternal place will instead be The Home Of The Redeemed.

The Time Of Jacob's Trouble

Based on Jeremiah 30:7, a time of tribulation never before seen upon the Earth...or will ever be again...Hell On Earth For Seven Years, is to begin shortly after the Rapture Of The Church. This last ''week of years'' for the nation of Israel, will also be God's Judgment on a sinful, Christ rejecting world. The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace will rise to power, and appear to be the Saviour of the world...when in truth, he will make the regimes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and others, pale by comparison...becoming the most evil man to ever be upon the Earth...literally Satan incarnate.

During this time, 21 sets of judgments...Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets will pour God's Wrath upon the Earth, and at least two thirds (if not more) of those living on the planet at the start of this time period will die. At the end of this time, the nation of Israel will realize that There Is Only One Messiah... Christ Alone, The Suffering Servant...and, they will call on Him, to save them from certain extinction by the armies of the world...and He does!! Every Eye Shall See The Lord One Day...and for all those who rejected Him...they'll realize that they were part of Those Too Blind To See...and that the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords is now The Worst Nightmare they will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned.

However, for those who did The One Thing God Requires, they will then enter Christ's Millenial Kingdom on Earth...where the devastation from the previous seven years will be removed...with both The Groaning Of Creation, and The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth will be no more. You can avoid the worst seven years that the Earth will experience...Hell On Earth For Seven Years, if you repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, before the Rapture Of The Church.

Let God Be True, But Every Man A Liar

Based on Romans 3:4, throughout history, ''wolves among the flock'' have constantly worked to sow discord among the true believers that have repented of their sin, and accepted Jesus Christ as Their Lord And Saviour. They create a bunch of man-made traditions, rituals, a ''feel good social gospel that tickles the ears'', etc. (basically Other Gospels Preached). But, these sinful souls in positions of authority in The Church, refuse to accept the fact that God's Word Is Final Authority, that God's Word Is Not Here To Tickle Your Ears, and that God's Words Live Forever, Friend. Everyone is urged to ''test the spirits'', because not every man preaching from the pulpit, is actually preaching The Truth Of God. To these, at The Judgment, these will hear the horrifying words from the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords... ''Depart From Me...For You've I've Never Known.

After The Rapture Of The Church. Don't Worry About Me

One day soon, with no advance warning...and taking place faster than light can enter the eye and strike the retina...millions of people, dead and alive...will vanish from Planet Earth in the Rapture Of The Church. All those who put their faith in Christ Alone...the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, as their Saviour...will rejoice at the cry Behold The Bridegroom Comes.

Tragically, Tragedy At Rapture will be the rule To Those Left Behind On Earth after the Rapture. The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, ruled by The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, will be a time of trouble never before seen on Earth. It will take The Coming Of Christ to stop the destruction.

But for those who are worried about those taken in the Rapture, there is no need to worry...they are now with The Lord for all Eternity, where their every need is met, and they won't know sorrow, pain, illness, hunger, sin, or death, ever again.

You can be part of this group, if you repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift before either The Moment Of Your Death, or the Rapture Of The Church. However, If You Wait Till It's Too Late...and either miss the Rapture Of The Church...or you die unexpectedly, as Tomorrow Is Promised To No will regret that choice in The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

The Lost Will Get Their Wish Granted One Day

A companion poem to Given What Was Desired, everyone who has refused to accept God's Free Love Gift, The Lord will give them their wish one day. At the Rapture Of The Church, all the true believers, dead and alive, will vanish from the Earth to join Christ in the Heavens. Since those left behind continually refuse to listen to The Lord's Still Small Voice, He will finally grant them their request. Tragically, in The Home Of The Damned, they'll realize that it's too late for each one to change Your Eternal Destiny.

Prophecies Will Be Fulfilled One Day

A companion poem to God's Promises Are prophecies from The Lord in times past were fulfilled...the remainder of unfulfilled prophecies will be fulfilled one day as well. Starting with the Rapture Of The Church, followed by The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth For Seven Years, and ultimately The Coming Of Christ. For those who reject these prophecies, saying that The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishness and stupidity...they tragically will see too late that The Price Of Being Wrong is a far greater cost than they can pay.

The Blessed Hope

Based on Titus 2:13, this is the ultimate hope of those who have repented of their sin, and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. When The Last Person Saved has been reached in God's Divine Quota, the cry of Behold, The Bridegroom Comes will resonate through the Heavens...and faster than it takes light to enter eye and strike the retina, or faster than it takes for a neuroelectrical synapse firing in the brain, the Rapture Of The Church, will occur...where it will be A Reunion Like No Other. Those left behind, who rejected God's Free Love Gift, will enter The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth For Seven Years. After that, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth as King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, it will be too late at that point to make a decision to change Your Eternal Destiny.

Pride Before Destruction

Based on Proverbs 16:18, those who arrogantly gloat and boast about themselves in their prideful egos, will be shocked to find one day that The Lord will bring them down, with God's Judgment There, When Least Expected. The Lord declares that I Will Break The Pride Of Your Power, and asks What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??. Pride is what brought down Lucifer, originally the covering cherub...who became Satan, the father of all lies and well as the third of the angelic realm who followed him, and became his demonic minions. One Day, On Bended Knee...satan himself, his demonic hordes, and every soul who has ever lived...whether or not they accepted God's Free Love Gift, will bow before the Throne of Jesus Christ, The King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, and declare that Jesus Christ Is Lord, to The Glory Of God The Father. Everlasting Punishment Or Life Eternal There will be yours, depending on what you do with God's Free Love Gift... and you will bow before The Lord, Eagerly Or Compelled.

Those Now In The Flames Of Hell

A companion poem to The Home Of The Damned, billions of souls are in a place that they never thought they'd end up in...they don't want their loved ones to join them...they wish they could get out, but realize there is no escape from the place originally made for Satan and his demonic hordes. Those now in the flames of Hell refused to do The One Thing God repent of sin, and Receive God's Free Love Gift. Tragically, you too, will join this group, if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record When You Stand Before The Lord...and before that at The Moment Of Your Death.

God Has Always Been A Gentleman

The title of this poem may be misleading, where some believe that The Lord of all Creation will never be angry. However, from the pages of The Books Of The Bible, we know that isn't the case...especially in the many instances of Intervention By The Lord. What this poem describes is that The Lord, He Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free that people would VOLUNTARILY worship and serve Him out of love and gratitude, for when The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, by sending His Only Begotten Son, Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords to take all of the sins that would ever be done upon Himself (for He Who Knew No Sin At All)...and die on an Old Rugged Cross, shedding his Precious Blood to cleanse our sins away for Eternity.

But, when most of mankind They Tragically Turned Their Backs On The Lord...effectively telling God ''We Don't Want You In Our Lives''...they were Given What Was Desired. And, so the Hand of God's Protection was lifted from both these individuals, and nations...with God's Judgment There When Least Expected. The Lord will NOT force you to repent of your sin, and accept His Free Love Gift. But, If You Reject The Lord, You'll Hate Yourself Forever, as you spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned.

Soon All Of Earth Will Feel Sodom's Fate

Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by The Lord for their sinful God's Righteous Fire. And as 2 Peter 3:10 notes, one day, all of Earth will meet the same fate. While water cleanses, fire purifies...and the Earth will need to be fully purified from The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth before The Lord makes all things new. And, just as the Earth will feel Sodom's fate of Fiery Judgment, all those who reject God's Free Love Gift will be sent to The Home Of The Damned, The Lake Of Fire, for all eternity. And unlike this current Earth, which will be burned up, before The Lord creates a New Heaven, a New Earth, and a New Jerusalem...those in The Lake Of Fire will never burn up. You don't have to receive this horrifying, eternal fate. Repent of your sin, and accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord And Saviour.

You Can't Say That You Weren't Warned

At Least One Chance Is Given There for everyone to hear the Gospel Truth, that Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, left the Glory Of Heaven to come to be born of a live and walk among us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN (for He Who Knew No Sin At All) be condemned to die in our place on an Old Rugged rise from the dead on the Third Day According To The Scriptures...and that He's coming back to rule and reign one day. The Lord Did All He Could To Save Your Soul...but Your Eternal Destiny depends on your decision.

Not Everyone Will Enter Heaven

Based on Matthew 7:23, not everyone who calls Jesus LORD will enter Heaven...but those who have repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift. Lip Service Isn't Good Enough, and just Going Through The Motions will tragically make you a part of this group.

Confession Or Denial Of The Lord

Based on Matthew 10:32-33, those who confess Jesus Christ before others, He will confess them before His Father in Heaven...and conversely, those who deny Jesus Christ before others, He will deny them before His Father in Heaven. Those who repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, will not have to fear The He will be A Friend For Life, both here on Earth, and in Eternity. Tragically, those who choose to spurn God's Free Love Gift, The Lord will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

The Day All Hope Is Gone

For those who read this Gospel Poetry Collection...and yet, choose to reject God's Free Love Gift... The Moment Of Your Death for you, will be the title of this poem. It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment. And, once you enter The Home Of The Damned, you'll realize too late that there is no escape.

Mankind Never Learns

Throughout life, every day events are a ''learning experience''. You're shown what will happen if you disobey the rules, and the consequences. Sadly, just as many spurn the advice of their parents, family, etc. -- most of mankind also spurns The Words Of The Lord, and His Rules for Life. Despite all the warnings...and resulting seems that, as the title of this poem states...mankind never learns. Tragically, those who choose to reject God's Free Love Gift, they will also be in this category.

Not Confusions Author

Based on 1 Corinthians 14:33, The Lord is not the author of confusion. The Gospel News is so simple...yet mankind does so much to make it confusing. Those choosing to refuse God's Free Love Gift, because they chose to listen to The Doom Of Satan's Lie, will regret it for all Eternity.

It Won't Be By Accident At Death

Upon The Moment Of Your Death, you will go either to Heaven Or Hell. And, it won't be by accident that you entered either place. A Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, The Home Of The Damned...but you can either Repent And Receive, Or Reject And Regret God's Free Love Gift. Your Eternal Destiny depends on your decision.

They Believe, And Tremble There

Based on James 2:19...Those Now In The Flames Of Hell...including Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone who refused God's Free Love Gift...realize too late the Truth of God's Word, and know that they will be Without Excuse, before the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...and realizing that Jesus Christ will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced, makes them The Horror In Their Eyes will be with them for all Eternity.

God Is Not Mocked

Based on Galatians 6:7, When You Stand Before The Lord at The Judgment, you'll be Without Excuse. Your Life Is Being Recorded, Everyone's Accountable, and everything will be played back...whether done in secret, or in the open...and there will be No Question Of Guilt on your part, in every motive, word, thought, and deed that you committed.

God's Standard Is Perfection, and if You've Broken One Of God's Laws,'ve Broken Every One. You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend, and unless you choose to repent of your sin, and accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Saviour, instead of spending Eternity in The Home Of The Redeemed, The Lake Of Fire...The Home Of The Damned will be your eternal fate.

They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night

Based on Revelation 20:10...this is the fate for Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace (The Antichrist), The False Prophet, and everyone else who refused to repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. I pray that you will NOT be part of this group.

Bible Prophecies Show That They're True

As in years past, the prophecies in The Word Of God...that came to pass 100% of the God's Own Time, all of the remaining unfulfilled prophecies will be fulfilled in like manner...just as they were prophesied that they would be. All Scripture Given By The Lord, in all of The Books Of The Bible, and God's Word Is Final Authority. There is nothing that mankind can do to keep every event prophesied in God's Word from occurring. But, you can make TODAY The Most Important Day for you in all Eternity, by repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. Please note that Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and You Can't Say That You Weren't Warned When You Stand Before The Lord one day.

Destined For The Lake Of Fire

Sadly, Not All Will Repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. Those Not In God's Kingdom, and Those Now In The Flames Of Hell are destined for this horrible place, created for Satan and his demonic hordes...and these will be there for all Eternity, with no hope or chance of escape. I pray that you WON'T be part of this tragic group.

Humbled And In Awe

When I consider all that The Lord did for me, even though I was still a sinner...i am greatly humbled and in awe when I stand in His prayer or otherwise. I can NOT understand why He would leave the Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk among mankind, and to allow Himself to be beaten and crucified for not only every sin I would ever commit...but also for the sins of everyone who ever lived...and guarantee the victory with His Resurrection. However, to obtain this forgiveness, one must repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, which is The One Thing God Requires.

When God's Patience Ends

God Will Not Wait Forever for mankind to repent of sin, and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. And, when God's Patience ends, His Judgments will come fast and furious...and it'll be too late to make a decision for Christ. And, it will truly be a frightening time on it has been many times throughout history...literally Hell On Earth For Seven Years.

The Most Hated Words

The Words that Jesus Christ said in John 14:6, ''I am The Way, The Truth, And The Life. No one comes to The Father, except through Me''...and the Words of the Apostle Peter in Acts 4:12, ''Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other Name on Earth, under Heaven, given whereby we must be saved''...are likely the most hated words ever spoken by anyone who has walked the Earth. It is the ''death sentence'' to all other religions; showing that ONLY by repenting of sin, and accepting by faith what Christ Alone did for all mankind in dying in our place on that Old Rugged Cross, rising from the dead on the Third Day According To The Scriptues...and accepting God's Free Love Gift...can one expect to enter Heaven. What you do with these words determines Your Eternal Destiny.

No Pardons And No Mercy

For those who refuse to do The One Thing God Requires...repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, there will be No Pardons And No Mercy, as all these are Destined For The Lake Of Fire. I pray that you will NOT be part of this group.

Everyone's Accountable

A companion poem to You'll Answer Only For Yourself, A Life On Trial, and Your Life Is Being Recorded, everyone will be accountable at The Judgment before The Lord one day. Like it or not, your life will be replayed in every way...but, it'll be too late at that point to accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord And Saviour.

Those Calling On The Lord's Name Shall Be Saved

Based on Romans 10:13, whoever shall call upon The Name of The Lord...not Going Through The Motions...but truly believing that Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh... left Heaven's Glory to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk among us in all ways (EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN...for He Who Knew No Sin At All), to die on an Old Rugged Cross for all mankind, that God raised Him from the dead on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures, that He's coming again to rule and reign...when they ask Christ to be their Lord and Saviour, He will do so...saving their souls from the wrath of God's Judgment. But, Sadly, Not All Will Repent, and for these...instead of being A Friend For Life, Christ will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

A Day That These Will Dread

Of all the days in life, one thinks that the day which has The Moment Of Your Death, is the most feared day. For those who refuse to accept God's Free Love Gift, this statement is indeed, SAD, BUT TRUE. However, for those who repent of their sin, and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, they have nothing to fear of this day.

Deals With The Devil Are All Fake

All of mankind, in their sinful, corruptible flesh, has an insatiable appetite for power, fame, riches, etc. Some are so consumed with this, that they will engage in The Selling Of Ones Soul to the Devil. Tragically, one fails to realize that ''payments come due at The Moment Of Your Death...and then, it's too late to change ones mind.

The Law Made For The Lawless Ones

Based on 1 Timothy 1:9, The Law was made not for the righteous man, but for those who prefer to live in sin. And, once You've Broken One Of God's Laws,'ve Broken Every One. And, that sin will condemn you to The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags, and Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell. God's Standard Is Perfection, and if you refuse to God's Free Love Gift, you'll find that you're The One To Blame When You Stand Before The Lord.

The Cup Of Man's Iniquity Is Filled

Just like a glass filled with liquid, the cup of mankind's iniquity keeps filling...and at times, it overflows from Earth to Heaven. And, The Lord has a cup as well...full of wrath...which one day will be poured out in Righteous Anger to counteract mankind's cup of iniquity. Every person's sin nature keeps adding to that cup, and the only way you'll wash away the overflow stain from that sinful cup is to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

All Resistance To The Lord Will End

God Will Not Wait Forever for mankind to repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. And, one day, All Resistance To The Lord will end. First, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, at The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats... then at the end of the Millennium Of Peace, after The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, when The Lord creates a New Heaven and New Earth...where Sin Won't Rise A Second Time.

There will be no more of this ''political corruption'', ''political correctness'' (The Lord Is Not Politically Correct), or anything against The Will Of The Lord. Those who think The Freedom Of Religion should be ''freedom from religion'', one day will be Given What Was Desired, and they will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ

Based on 2 Corinthians 5:10, The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ is ONLY for those who have God's Free Love Gift. However, The Judgment there will be the most solemn time for believers, as they will give an account for how they served the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords while on Earth, detailed here. It is NOT a judgment for sin, as that issue was settled at The Cross Of Christ. But, it will determine the eternal standing of one before The Lord...with rewards gained and lost...and how many of The Five Eternal Crowns they will receive.

The Judgment Of The Great White Throne

Based on Revelation 20:11-15, The Judgment Of The Great White Throne will be the final event The Lord will have with mortal this case, the most somber day in all of history. Everyone there, from the time of Adam, to the end of the Millennium Of Peace, who REFUSED to accept God's Free Love Gift...will be there.

Those Not In God's Kingdom, Those Now In The Flames Of Hell, include those who were totally antagonistic toward The Lord, and His Things...those who were 'amoral' (not caring one way or the other)...those who were just Going Through The Motions...and those who were guilty of doing things to both the believers on Jesus, and to the innocent children...including the unborn with abortion. These will have already spent time in The Home Of The Damned...and now, Hell is it, and Death (the last enemy to be destroyed) will be cast into The Lake Of Fire...along with everyone at this horrifying Judgment.

Each unsaved soul will have their lives replayed...every thought, word, and deed...whether hidden or in the open...will be shown for everyone to see. And, there'll be No Question Of Guilt on the part of each individual there. They will be COMPELLED by the Truth of God's Word, to bow, and declare that Jesus Christ Is Lord...even though they would not accept Him while on Earth. Tragically, it is now TOO LATE for them to change their Eternal Destiny...the Lake Of Fire...where they will join Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, and the False Prophet, for all Eternity, and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. I pray that you will NOT be part of this group.

Millennium Of Peace

Based on numerous passages from the book of Isaiah and elsewhere, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth will finally be REMOVED, and the ravaged planet, corrupted by sin for over 6000 years, will be restored at The Coming Of Christ to the incredible beauty not known since the time of Adam and Eve in The Garden Of Eden, before they fell into sin. Long life spans will be restored, there will be no more hurt and fear between mankind and the animal kingdom, there will be no more war or threat of crime, and With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule the nations. For Of Christ's Kingdom, There Shall Be No End...tragically at the end of Millennium Of Peace, Like A Roaring Lion, Satan will gather up a force as numerous as the sand of the sea, and surround the Holy City in a state of siege. But, God will destroy them with His Righteous Fire, and they will be raised to stand before The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...and afterwards, be cast into The Lake Of Fire...where they will join Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, and the False Prophet, for all Eternity, and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes

Based on 1 Corinthians 15:52, the Rapture Of The Church will occur in a time period so fast, that it can not be divided. Faster than it takes light from a far distant star to enter the eye and strike the retina, and faster than the time it takes for a neuro-electrical synapse firing in the brain to will happen so quickly, that those who are left behind will NOT have time to say ''good-bye''. For a video of exactly how quickly the Rapture Of The Church may occur, click here. Those throughout history, with faith in Christ Alone to save them...because they are saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works, ''the dead in Christ shall rise first...then those that are alive and remain, will be caught up in the clouds to meet The Lord in the air, and shall forever be with The Lord'' (I Thessalonians 4:16-17). Those who are left behind will have REJECTED God's Free Love Gift, and will enter The Time Of Jacob's Trouble...literally Hell On Earth For Seven Years...where The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace will rule the world for seven years...a time of trouble that the world has never seen. Then, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, He will be joined by His Bride, The Church, which was raptured seven years earlier...and With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule the nations during the Millennium Of Peace. Once the Rapture Of The Church occurs, There Is No Second Chance to join the Rapture. However, those who do accept God's Free Love Gift during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble will LIKELY be martyred by beheading. But, these will rule and reign with Christ during the Millennium Of Peace.

With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule

Based on Revelation 19:15, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, All Those In Authority, Their Scepters, They Will Yield to Christ, during the Millennium Of Peace. The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth will have been removed, and Earth will be under the reign of its Rightful Ruler, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords. Those who REFUSED God's Free Love Gift will NOT be allowed to enter Christ's Kingdom...and a time of joy not seen on Earth since the fall of man in Genesis 3; which resulted in the expulsion of our first parents, Adam and Eve, from The Garden Of Eden...and brought down The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth.

The Unsaved Will Regret Their Choice For All Eternity

The title of this poem is truly a sad statement to make. Sadly, Not All Will Repent of their sin, and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. To these, The Freedom Of Religion meant ''freedom from religion''...and they despise the statements that The Lord Is Not Politically Correct, and The Lord, He Made The Rules. Tragically, Those Too Blind To See, will have The Horror In Their Eyes, when they join Those Now In The Flames Of Hell, and realize that they are part of Those Not In God's Kingdom. You can change Your Eternal Destiny, and not be part of this group, by repenting of your sins, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

Of Christ's Kingdom, There Shall Be No End

Based on Isaiah 9:7, and a companion poem to Millennium Of Peace, and With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, All Those In Authority, Their Scepters, They Will Yield to Him. Unlike all the kingdoms before, ruled by sinful souls, Christ's Kingdom will be pure in righteousness and equity. Only those who have repented of their sin, and have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour will be admitted into this Kingdom.

Followers Of Satan's Ways Will One Day Get The Shaft

Those Too Blind To See the folly of their sinful behavior, and following Satan's lying ways, will tragically realize too late, that Satan always lies to his followers. He tells them that The Judgment Of The Great White Throne is something that they don't have to worry about, that the The Preaching Of The Cross is a bunch of foolishness and stupidity. But, one day, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, Christ Alone, will have The Last Laugh. Everyone who has ever lived, one day at either The Bema Judgment Of Jesus Christ (if they accepted God's Free Love Gift)...or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, respectively...they will bow...Eagerly, Or Compelled by the Truth Of God's Word, The Books Of The Bible, and declare the Jesus Christ Is Lord. Even Satan and his demonic hordes will be forced to do so, just before being cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity...where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Against The Flesh And Blood, We Wrestle Not

Based on Ephesians 6:12, many believe that they're fighting against other individuals...but, in reality, it's the unseen powers of darkness in Satan's realm of wickedness, who are seemingly moving the Earth and everyone else to destruction. God's Protection from these evil forces are His Holy Word, The Books Of The Bible, The Blood Of Jesus, and The Whole Armour Of The Lord, for those who have accepted God's Free Love Gift.

A Famine In The Land, Will One Day, Come

Based on Amos 8:11-12, one day, unrepentant man will be Given What Was Desired. God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and since mankind has wanted to remove every vestige of The Books Of The Bible from his existence...the Lord will cause a famine in the land...not only of food, but in the Truth Of The Word Of God. This will be most pronounced during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth For Seven Years after the Rapture Of The Church, and before When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. At that point, evil influence and unbelievers will be removed from Earth to The Home Of The Damned, where they will be tormented with Those Now In The Flames Of Hell...prior to The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Only those who have accepted God's Free Love Gift will be ushered into the Millennium Of Peace.

Loving The Appearing Of The Lord

Based on 2 Timothy 4:8, one of The Five Eternal Crowns, The Crown Of Righteousness is laid up for those who love the appearing of The Lord at the Rapture Of The Church. Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords is the one who remove The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, when He returns. Those who have accepted God's Free Love Gift long for the appearing of The Lord, and for the cry Behold, The Bridegroom Comes, which is Closer By The Second.

No One Knows The Things God Has Prepared

Based On Isaiah 64:4 and 1 Corinthians 2:9, no eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has entered into the heart of man, the things that God has prepared for those who love Him. While we now see through a glass darkly, those who have gone on to be with The Lord...those who have accepted His Free Love Gift, now see Him face to face...and are experiencing these things firsthand. And, this joy will be for all in Christ to experience one day.

Without Witness Or A Preacher, How Shall People Hear??

Based on Romans 10:14, without the witness or preaching of The Gospel Truth...that Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, left the glory of Heaven, to come to Earth to be born of a live and walk among us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN (for Christ, He Knew No Sin At All) die on an Old Rugged Cross for the sins of everyone who would ever live... would rise again on the Third Day According To The Scriptures...and is coming back again to rule and reign one would hear this Good News. And, like was shared with me over 45 years ago, I now feel the need to share this with the many poems that The Lord has given me...designed as a witness to the lost, and a ministry to the saved. For an overview of this, and a brief personal testimony, click here.

Full Counsel Of God Must Be Proclaimed

A companion poem to The Lord Is Not Politically Correct, and God's Word Is Not Here To Tickle Your Ears, the full counsel of God's Holy Word, The Books Of The Bible, must be preached...calling sin for what it The Lord, He Made The Rules, even If You're Offended By These Words. Because Other Gospels Preached will lead you only to The Home Of The Damned, and eventually to The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where The Horror In Their Eyes will be fully realized, when they hear Christ's Words ''Depart From Me...For You, I've Never Known''.

God, He Will Supply All Of Your Need

Based On Philippians 4:19, the key is that ''God will supply all of your needs according to His Riches and Glory in Christ Jesus''...note that the word is NEEDS, and it's not WANTS. For if we ask outside of His Will, or have sin in our hearts...he will not answer our request. However The Will Of The Lord is not for any to perish, but all should come to repentance. And, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, by dying on an Old Rugged Cross to pay for every sin that would ever be committed...and rising from the dead the Third Day, According To The Scriptures, to supply the need to restore us back to fellowship with Him, if we would repent of our sin, and accept His Free Love Gift.

God's Not A Genie, As Some Do Believe

Some people think that God is like a parachute cord, that one can pull in an emergency...or that He is like a Genie, to grant our every wish, want, and if God should respond a certain way to a Christian when they say certain words. That teaching...known as ''positive confession'', smacks of sorcery. When we ask outside of His Will, or if we are hiding sin in our hearts, He will not hear our prayer...nor will He answer it. That includes if you're Going Through The Motions in The Sinners Prayer. The Lord knows your motives, words, and thoughts...and while you may fool others into thinking you're blessed by God, You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend...because False Repentance Before Christ, Him You Can Not Fool, and you'll be terrified when you hear the words ''Depart From Me, For You've I've Never Known'', there at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

Woe To Them

Based on Isaiah 5:8, 18, 21-22, 10:1, 29:15, Hosea 7:13, and Jude 11...the Lord declares ''woe to them'' that do the things in this poem. But, even more so, woe to those who refuse God's Free Love Gift.

People Who Are Christians Just In Name

A companion poem to Going Through The Motions, many people nowadays are ''Christians in Name Only''. They may talk the talk, but they never have walked the walk, repenting of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift. You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend, and The Lord Is Not Surprised by any of your actions. Instead of appearing at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, these will appear at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, and they will hear the horrifying words from The Lord, ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known''.

My Heart Breaks When Someone Spurns The Lord

A companion to Sadly Not All Will Repent, when I think of the souls that have been witnessed to through the ages, and rejected the Truth, in favor of Other Gospels Preached, it breaks my heart when someone spurns The Lord, and His Gospel. But, Christ commanded us to witness to all nations, that How Shall We Escape if we neglect so great salvation?? But, At Least One Chance Is Given There for everyone to make a choice to accept, or to reject God's Free Love Gift. And, as someone witnessed to those of us who are saved, we can do no less to those who are still have not repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift. Once You Witness To Someone, Their Blood Is Off Your Hands.

God Is No Respecter, There, Of Persons Anywhere, and The Lord God Shows No Partiality

Based on Acts 10:34, and Deuteronomy 10:19, The Lord does NOT play favorites. No matter where you were born, whether Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, race, gender, nationality, etc., The One Thing God Requires is to believe on the One He has sent, in the Person of His Only Begotten Son, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, Jesus Christ. God's Standard Is Perfection, and no one on Earth can meet that requirement. Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, is determined by what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

You Can't Praise The Lord Through Clenched Teeth, There

While many people are Going Through The Motions, fooling people of the truthfulness of their relationship to Christ Alone, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend, and ''praising Him through clenched teeth'' is as Rebellion, Just Like Witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23). The Lord Is Not Surprised by your actions, and When You Stand Before The Lord, the truth of all of your thoughts, words, and deeds will be shown for all to see...including whether or not you accepted God's Free Love Gift.

Two Places Where The Lord Cannot Be Found

A companion poem to Where God Can't Be Found, this poem notes that while Christ Alone did create all things, there are two places where The Lord cannot be found. Both of these are The Home Of The Damned...but it must be fairly stated that Hell Was Meant For Satan, his demonic hordes, and all who refused God's Free Love Gift. In The Pit Of Hell, which will eventually be cast into The Lake Of Fire...there is no joy, happiness, laughter, holiness, anything good, comforting, or anything of God. The Lord Did All He Could To Save Your Soul from these places, but Your Eternal Destiny will include these two places, where you and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night, because a Decision Not Required To Go To Hell.

No Athiests Exist There In Hell Fire

Similar to the old saying ''there are no athiests in foxholes'', all Those Now In The Flames Of Hell, are all believers. Unfortunately for them, they did NOT do The One Thing God Requires while they were alive on Earth. They thought that The Preaching Of The Cross was foolishness and they see that they are The One To Blame because they would not repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. And, in these Two Places Where The Lord Cannot Be Found, as Prayers Have No Effect At All In Hell. For these, God's Grace is over, and they will face Christ Alone at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where they will be Without Excuse for their actions...and they will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night, with Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone else who refused God's Free Love Gift.

Every Idle Word That's Spoken There

Based on Matthew 12:36, every word spoken, every deed done, and every thought that went through ones mind...whether for good or evil, each individual will give account of at The Judgment...because Everyone's Accountable. This applies to both believers, who have accepted God's Free Love Gift, as they stand before The Bema Judgment Seat Of well as to those who refused God's Free Love Gift, and they appear at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Your Life Is Being Recorded, and You'll Answer Only For Yourself, When You Stand Before The Lord...and there will be No Question Of Guilt on what you said, thought, or did.

They Profess They Know The Lord, But Their Works Deny

Based On Titus 1:16, there are many who profess that they know The Lord, but their works actually deny Him. Not Everyone Will Enter Heaven, and You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend. There will be No Question Of Guilt When You Stand Before The Lord one day...including Every Idle Word That's Spoken There, and if you preferred Other Gospels Preached, rather than The Cross Of Christ.

There Is None Good But One, That Is God

Based on Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18, and Luke 18:19, the text is from the story of The Rich Young Ruler...who came to Jesus, and asked Him what he should do to inherit Eternal Life. Christ told him, ''Why do you call Me ''Good''?? There is none good but one, that is God''. While Jesus Christ is God In The Flesh, He shows that God's Standard Is Perfection, and that no one on Earth can meet that standard...except for repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift.

Two Questions

The idea for this poem came from a lapel pin I saw had two question marks. Curious, I asked the gentleman who was wearing them what that meant, and he provided the ''two questions''. First, ''If you were to die in the next five seconds, would you know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Heaven would be your eternal home??''...and the second question was ''If you were standing before Almighty God right now, and He said 'Give Me one reason why I should let you into My Heaven', what would you say??''.

My answers would be ''I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that Heaven would be my Eternal Home''...and ''Only Because of what Christ Alone, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords did for me on Calvary's Old Rugged Cross''. While the answers are there, you can NOT just ''take these and apply them to yourself'' (because You Can't Ride Coat Tails Into Heaven's Space), UNLESS you too, repent of your sins, and accept God's Free Love Gift. Lip Service Isn't Good Enough, and for those who try it, they will hear the horrifying words at The Judgment Of The Great White Christ Alone, will be telling them ''Depart From Me... For You I've Never Known.

I Stake My Eternity On Christ

In answer to the Two Questions, I stake my eternity on Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, and what He did for me on The Cross Of Calvary, to pay for every sin I would ever commit. If I'm wrong, I won't lose much when I die...but, for those who refuse God's Free Love Gift, The Price Of Being Wrong will be greater than they could pay.

Seven Fundamental Truths That I Do Believe

A companion poem to my Statement Of Faith, this poem tells of seven fundamental Bible Truths that I do believe. These are that God's Word, The Books Of The Bible, is totally error free...jesus Christ, is God In The Flesh, and that He has always existed eternally with His Father...that Christ was born of a Virgin (to bypass the blood curse because of mankind's sin)...that Christ's Death on The Cross paid the cost of sin, and for those who accepted God's Free Love Gift, they were reconciled to God...that Christ arose from the dead in victory on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures...that we're saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works...and that When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, all those rejecting Him will be sentenced at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne to The Lake Of Fire, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night for all Eternity.

Destruction And Hell, They Are Never Filled

Based On Proverbs 27:20, despite many souls every day plunging toward destruction, and entering The Home Of The Damned, on The Moment Of Their Death, both these places are never filled, nor are they bursting at the seams. One day, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, these will be emptied...and everyone there will be cast into The Lake Of Fire; with Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone who refused God's Free Love Gift.

According To The Scriptures

Based On 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, everything prophesied in The Books Of The Bible, will one day be fulfilled in their entireity...for Thy Word Is Sealed In Heaven, and no matter what man may try to do with The Changing Of God's Word, he will see too late that he is powerless to stop The Lord. Even Satan is a created being with LIMITED POWER...but Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With UNLIMITED POWER. And, those who feel that they can circumvent what The Lord does, they will find out too late that The Price Of Being Wrong will be far greater than they can pay.

The Scriptures Are Not Open To Private Interpretation

Based On 2 Peter 1:20, and a companion poem to The Changing Of God's Word, many people would rather change God's Word to suit their desires. But, God's Word Is Final Authority, and God's Word Is Not Here To Tickle Your Ears. Those adding to, or taking away from things in God's Word, The Books Of The Bible, will pay a huge price, Eternally...and these may be part of Those Not In God's Kingdom. For further details, click here.

The Rapture Will Occur So Fast

Based on 1 Corinthians 15:52, The Rapture will occur so an atomos of time. In short, in a period of time that happens so quick, that it cannot be divided. It'll occur faster than the time it takes for a neuro-electrical synapse firing in the brain to occur...and faster than the time it takes light from a distant star in the night sky to enter the eye and strike the retina. For a look at possibly how quick that may be, when The Rapture does occur, click here. Only those who have repented of their sins, and placed their faith in Christ Alone to save them, and who have accepted God's Free Love Gift before it, will be included in this glorious event. While one can still be saved after the Rapture, Martyrdom (likely beheading) will be the price of salvation during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble...Hell On Earth For Seven Years...the last seven years of human history, before the time When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

The Heart Is Wicked, And Full Of Deceit

Based on Jeremiah 17:9, the heart of everyone upon the Earth is wicked and full of much so, that no one (except The Lord) can know the true extent of man's evil and depravity. There Is None Good But One, That Is God, and God's Standard Is Perfection. Without repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, you will enter the torment of Hell at The Moment Of Your Death, and be sentenced at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne to suffer in The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where Eternal Torment, Not A Joke, and for all there, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

You Can't Take It With You, But Can Send It On Ahead

At The Moment Of Your Death, every bit of wealth, possessions, etc. that you accumulated through your life on Earth will be left behind. People have been deceived into thinking they can put certain things in their coffins, and that it'll go with them to ''the other side''. Truth be told, only Heaven Or Hell is where you go the moment your heart stops beating...and everyone is One Heartbeat Away from Death. For those who repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, the works they do for The Lord are ''sent ahead'', as ''treasures in Heaven'', proving that For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart...and they'll be rewarded at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. As the poem by C. T. Studd noted, Only One Life Twill Soon Be Past, Only What's Done For Christ Will Last.

Tragically, for those who choose to reject The Lord, the only thing sent ahead will be their sins...including The One Sin Unforgiven...and that will send them to The Home Of The Damned forever.

I Know That My Redeemer Lives

Based on Job 19:25, and a companion poem to both my Statement Of Faith, and Seven Fundamental Truths That I Do Believe, I know that My Redeemer, Christ Alone, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, is alive and well, and that The Lord Is In Control, The Lord Is Not Surprised by anything in His Creation, The Lord Is Not Politically Correct, and I Stake My Eternity On Christ. If you have not yet repented of your sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, I pray that you will do so before The Moment Of Your Death, for After Death, Belief Too Late to change Your Eternal Destiny.

If You See The Man Of Sin, You've Been Left Behind

Many times throughout history, people have attributed the title of Antichrist, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace to many people...including religious or political leaders, heads of countries, empirical despots, etc. The truth is, the identity of the most evil person that will ever walk the Earth, won't be revealed until after the Rapture Of The Church. While this person...who will ultimately be Satan likely alive on Earth at this very moment...the truth is that you DON'T want to know who he is!! Because His Truth Refused, God Sends Delusion, and the world will believe the lie that when he first appears, he is ''the savior of the world''. But, in reality, he will ultimately make the regimes of Hitler, Mao, and Stalin, among others...pale by comparison. And, if you do realize his identity, you will realize that you were LEFT BEHIND when millions of people, dead and alive, vanished from planet Earth, in The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church.

The Lord Does Not Want You To Go To Hell

The title of this poem says it all. But, while The Lord does not want you to go to Hell, and The Lord Did All He Could To Save Your Soul, He will NOT force you to accept His Free Love Gift. Your Eternal Destiny depends upon your choice.

The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin

Based on 1 John 1:7, the Precious Blood Of Christ Alone is sufficient to cleanse the repentant sinner from every sin they've ever done or will do...once they accept God's Free Love Gift. We're saved on what we believe...NOT how we behave. However, According To The Scriptures, ''If any one is in Christ, they are a new creature...The Old Things Are Passed Away, and all things are become new''; and we're admonished Don't Crucify The Lord no further sacrifice is necssary, because what Christ did for us is Sufficient And Enough. However, those who are just Going Through The Motions will find out that Lip Service Isn't Good Enough When You Stand Before The Lord.

God Gives Grace To The Humble; He Resists The Proud

Based on James 4:6, those who are prideful and self-righteous, as the Pharisees of Jesus' day, will find out too late that they are part of Those Not In God's Kingdom. While the Pharisee, who boasted of his deeds to be seen of men...the publican, couldn't even lift his face toward Heaven. But, he simply prayed ''God, have mercy on me, a sinner''. Unlike the Pharisee, the publican went home justified before The Lord. Those who repent of their sins, and receive God's Free Love Gift, realize that they are undeserving...and are Humbled And In Awe before The Lord. Unfortunately, those who are full of pride, and believe The Doom Of Satan's Lie, and think that God will automatically let them into Heaven, will find out too late that Heaven Is Not Owed To You upon The Moment Of Your Death.

The Lord, He Grades Upon The Cross, And Not Upon A Curve

Unlike the grading system in school, where a ''curve'' is in place to make grades seem better than they really are...God's Standard Is Perfection, and the one standard that The Lord will grade your life on is whether or not you accepted God's Free Love that is The Only Thing That Matters at The Judgment.

All My Prayers Are Only To The Lord

A companion poem to I Worship Only Jesus Christ...Christ Alone, The King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords is not just the ONLY Way To Heaven...but He is the ONLY One who hears every word you speak, and every prayer you pray. If you're praying to statues, idols, objects, people (dead or alive), or other ''gods''...and expecting them to hear and act on your prayer, you're basically wasting your time. Followers Of Satan's Ways Will One Day Get The Shaft...because There Is None Beside The Lord. Only repenting of your sin, and only by accepting God's Free Love Gift by praying with the attitude of The Sinners Prayer with a contrite heart...will you escape The Home Of The Damned upon The Moment Of Your Death.

The Spirit Says, In The Last Days

Based on 1 Timothy 4:1-3, The Holy Spirit says that in the last days, some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. This poem lists many of the things these people will embrace as ''gospel'' (basically Other Gospels Preached)...yet these are totally contrary to The Word Of God, The Books Of The Bible. Those who are part of this group will find that they are part of Those Not In God's Kingdom, as at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, Christ will say to these ''Depart From Me, For You I've Never Known. These will spend Eternity in The Lake Of Fire, with Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, The False Prophet, and everyone else who rejected God's Free Love Gift.

His Blood Be On Us, And On Our Children, Too

Based on Matthew 27:24-25, the angry mob wanting Pontius Pilate to crucify Jesus Christ, replied this statement when Pilate said ''I am innocent of the Blood of this Just Man''. Ironically, the words were that The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, and Christ Alone, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords was to shed His Precious Blood in His Death on that Old Rugged Cross, for every sin that would ever be committed by those who would ever live...for Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission, Done. Those who repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift will have The Blood Of Christ applied to them, and their sins will be washed away. However, those who spurn The Blood Of Christ, trampling it underfoot, will regret their choice for all Eternity.

Christ's Love, And Our Sins, Held Him To The Cross

It wasn't the ropes or nails, around and through, Christ's Hands and Feet, that held Him to The Cross on which He was crucified. In reality, it was His Love, and our sins that held Him there. He Who Knew No Sin At All, The Lamb Of God, Christ Alone, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, God In The Flesh, became a Divine Substitute...and was scourged and crucified for the sins of every man, woman, and young person, that would ever walk the face of the Earth. While The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, and God's Free Love Gift is a Free Gift To All Who Would Receive It, the act itself should be enough to cause everyone to repent, and bow before The Lord in confession, humility, and gratitude for what He did, and serve Him all the days of their earthly lives. Those who do will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Redeemed, where joy will never end.

But, Sadly, Not All Will Repent, trampling His Blood underfoot...and these will be sentenced at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne to The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned, for all Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

It's A Fearful Thing To Fall Into The Lord's Hands

Based on Hebrews 10:31, those who refuse to repent of their sin, and God's Free Love Gift will realize too late the truth of the words of this poem. The Lord not only sees every deed that is done...but He also knows every motive, word, and thought that led to the deed...good or evil. The Lord Is Not Surprised by anything that occurs in all of Creation...but the unrepentant will find that It'll Be A Shock One Day when they stand before The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, and they'll be condemned to The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned, for all Eternity...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Salvation Is A Gift, Not Earned Or Bought

A companion poem to You Can't Earn God's Salvation; with the exception of Biblical Christianity, the world's religions say you can ''earn'' or ''buy'' your way to Heaven. But, as the title of this poem notes, ''Salvation is a Gift, not earned or bought''. While some may consider th words at the top of this page as false...salvation is a free gift to all who would receive it. The Bible notes that Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags; literally bloody menstrual cloths before The Lord. Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, and Just One Thing Will Save Your repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. Your Eternal Destiny depends upon your choice.

God's Riches At Christ's Expense: The Meaning Of Grace

Someone once said ''the meaning of Grace is God's Riches At Christ's Expense''. He Who Knew No Sin At All became sin for us...dying in our place on an Old Rugged Cross...and rose again the Third Day According To The Scriptures, to complete the victory won for all who would repent of their sin, and God's Free Love Gift. No One Knows The Things God Has Prepared for those who love Him...but the redeemed will one day rule and reign with Christ...partakers of the riches of His Kingdom that will never end. While God's Grace is undeserved, it's a License To Serve, Not License To Sin; as it's the least we could do for Him. If you have not yet repented of your sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, Sinner, Seek The Lord Today, While He May Be Found. For After Death, Belief Too Late, and you will regret the choice of spurning this Grace for all Eternity.

Our Sufferings Now Do Not Compare With Glory That Awaits

Based On Romans 8:17-19, those who have accepted God's Free Love Gift, many of these throughout history have been mocked, scorned, laughed at, persecuted, tortured, and even murdered for proclaiming that Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, and He Who Knew No Sin At All, is the ONLY Way To Heaven...and that Salvation Is A Free Gift, Not Earned Or Bought. While these suffer persecution as Our Lord did, No One Knows The Things That God Has Prepared for those who love and serve Him...and when the Redeemed get to Glory, the title of this poem will ring true...and as the classic hymn notes...''It Will Be Worth It All''.

Tragically for those who refuse God's Free Love Gift, the sufferings on this earth will pale in comparison after they die, when they discover that the subject of Eternal Torment, Not A Joke in The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

If The Lord Marks Sins There, Who Shall Stand??

Based On Psalm 130:3, the answer to this question is NONE...EXCEPT for those who repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. God's Standard Is Perfection, Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, and Just One Thing Will Save Your Soul...and it is The Only Thing That Matters When You Stand Before The Lord.

If The Gospel's Hidden There, It's Hidden To The Lost

Based On 2 Corinthians 4:3, those who have not yet repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, have been spiritually blinded by Satan and his demon they can not see the Gospel Light, which would outshine the darkness of sin in their lives. Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn, and would prefer that you listen to Other Gospels Preached, rather than The Preaching Of The Cross. But, When You Stand Before The Lord, your answer to the question of ''What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??'' determines Your Eternal Destiny...either Heaven Or Hell...either The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned.

Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With Unlimited Power

The title of the poem says it all. Though at times, it seems throughout history, that sin has gained the upper hand...The Lord Is In Control, The Lord Is Never Late, and The Lord Is Not Surprised by what goes on throughout Creation. Creator Of The Universe, He's The Alpha And Omega...knowing the Beginning from the End. While Like A Roaring Lion, looking who he may devour...satan is LIMITED on what he can actually do by The Lord's Restraining Hand and Power. And, one day in The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity...satan, his demon hordes, and everyone else who refused to repent of their sins and accept God's Free Love Gift, they will bow down in The Home Of The Damned, and declare that Jesus Christ Is Lord, to the Glory Of God The Father. On the other hand, those who accept God's Free Love Gift will rule and reign with Him for all Eternity.

Self Is Navigating...the Acronym For Sin

Acronyms are a way to abbreviate long sayings...for example, SBC for the Southern Baptist Convention. The use of these abbreviations makes it easier in writing articles, etc., without having to list the entire meaning of the group, etc. each time. For sin, ''the breaking of The Law'' (1 John 3:4), a perfect acronym would be ''Self Is Navigating''...the individual is directing the affairs of their life, answering the question of Who Is Seated Upon Your Life's Throne??. For if Christ Alone is not your Saviour and Lord, take heed that Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and After Death, Belief Too Late to change Your Eternal Destiny.

God Is Not A Man, That He Should Lie

Based on Numbers 23:19, God is Holy, Righteous, and Perfect. He can NOT sin, lie, or go back on His Word. Everything that has been prophesied has been, or will be fulfilled, as The Alpha And Omega, knows the beginning from the end, and everything in between. The Lord Is Not Surprised by anything that has occurred, or has yet to occur, throughout Eternity. Even before the foundation of the world, God knew that mankind would rebel, and would need a the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ...who was like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN (for Christ, He Who Knew No Sin At All. He chose to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk among us, then be scourged and crucified on an Old Rugged rise again The Third Day According To The Scriptures, and that one day, He will return to rule and reign in Power and Glory.

Those who repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift will rule and reign with Him one day. Those who refuse, will hear the horrifying words at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...''Depart From Me...For You, I've Never Known.

Israel Shall Stand Alone One Day

The world sees Israel and the Jew as ''the source of all its problems''...and truly, Jerusalem, A Burdensome Stone has drawn the ire of the entire world. One day, every one who has been Touching The Apple Of God's Eye will feel the Wrath of God in Judgment. After the Rapture Of The Church, as prophesied by Ezekiel...Russia, the Muslims, and others will attack Israel...which by this time, will be ALONE in the battle. But, there will be Intervention By The Lord that saves Israel from certain destruction. At the end of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth For Seven Years, Israel will see the error of their ways, and call upon the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, Jesus Christ, Their Messiah, to save them...and He will, with His Return to Earth. With the Millennium Of Peace, the hour of persecution for Israel, and God's Chosen People, the Jews, will be finished forever...and they will receive all the blessings promised to them, since the time of Abraham (Genesis 12). Those who repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, will receive these blessings as well. Sadly, Not All Will Repent...including those bent on seeing the destruction of Israel...and they will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned.

The Lord Is A Witness To Everything You Do

A companion poem to A Life On Trial, Your Life Is Being Recorded, Everyone's Accountable, and No Question Of Guilt, among others...everything you do or think...hidden, in the open, discussed with others, or kept to yourself...the Lord sees every aspect of your deeds, motives, words, and thoughts. God's Standard Is Perfection, and You'll Answer Only For Yourself When You Stand Before The Lord one an account for all of these...including Every Idle Word That's Spoken There. No One Gets Off Scot Free at The Judgment, and what you do with God's Free Love Gift will determine whether you are at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...and whether Your Eternal Destiny is Heaven or Hell.

Without Holiness In Life, No One Will See The Lord

Based on Hebrews 12:14, Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, and God's Standard Is Perfection. Being holy means ''set apart for God''...but with mans sin nature, everyone is destined for The Home Of The Damned, unless they repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. When one truly does that, and is not just Going Through The Motions, there is No Condemnation to those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)...and these are seen by God as righteous as His Son, Christ Alone, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, He Who Knew No Sin At All. These will not only see The Lord one day, but rule and reign with Him forever. By contrast, those who reject God's Free Love Gift, will regret their choice for all Eternity. While they will see The Lord, it will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...just before they are sentenced to The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity...and they will see that Eternal Torment, Not A Joke.

The Lord Is In His Holy Temple There

Based On Habakkuk 2:20, The Lord is in His Holy Temple there, and all the Earth is to keep silence before Him, because compared to His Righteousness, everyone on Earth is Without Excuse. Since God's Standard Is Perfection, and with The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth is means that without repentance, and faith in Christ Alone to save you, Without Holiness In Life, No One Will See The Lord. However, One Day, On Bended Knee, everyone will face The either The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ for those who have repented of their sins, and accepted God's Free Love Gift... or The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, for those who have rejected The Grace Of God.

One Day, Heaven's Gates, Forever Close

A companion poem to God Will Not Wait day, The Grace Of God will end...and no one else will be allowed to enter Heaven. If You Wait 'Til It's Too Late, you'll find that you're The One To Blame, and you'll be Without Excuse When You Stand Before The Lord.

The Warning

A companion poem to You Can't Say That You Weren't Warned, God warned people throughout history the consequences of disobeying His Words, and The Commandments well as warning every single person on Earth of what would happen, if they refused to accept God's Free Love Gift, in the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ, King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords, He Who Knew No Sin At All, as their Lord and Saviour. Will you heed this warning, or ignore it at your eternal peril??

Why Satan And The World Both Hate The Jews

Throughout history, it seems that nearly everyone has hated the Jews, God's Chosen People. This poem, from the Truth of God's Word, gives the reasons why not only the world, but Satan and his demon hordes hate both the Jews, and the nation of Israel. This hatred can best be summed up in three ways:

1) It was through the Patriarch, Abraham, and his children, Isaac and Jacob, that the twelve tribes of Israel, would be born.

2) Through the Jews, much of God's Word, The Books Of The Bible, was penned.

3) Through the Jews, Christ Alone, God's Only Begotten Son, would come into the world, He Who Knew No Sin At All, to die on an Old Rugged Cross for the sins of mankind, and be resurrected on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. Those who repented of their sin, and accepted God's Love Gift would be FREED from the power of sin over their eternal destiny.

Also, According To The Scriptures, even though the Jews broke the Covenant God gave them time after time, The Promised Land and The Covenant that God gave to them is theirs, FOREVER. In the last days, Jerusalem, A Burdensome Stone to the nations of the world, will end up bringing The Judgment of God upon them. Plus, just prior to The Coming Of Christ to Earth a second time, The Believing Remnant of Jews will realize the error of their ways so long ago, and cry ''Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord''...which marks the point When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Satan and his demon hordes, along with the rest of the world, want to make God out as a totally destroying the essence, the title of this poem. However, all their evil schemes will be for nothing, as Christ will return to Earth, to rule and reign in Power and Glory, with the Millennium Of Peace. Only those who repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift will rule and reign with Him. Those who refuse, will face The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, and be sentenced to The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned, for all Eternity.

These Things You Shall Not Do

In growing up, you probably remember many times, your parents telling you ''not to do something, or you'll pay the consequences''...such as putting your hand on a hot stove burner (I'm the voice of experience with that one!). And just like caring parents, God The Father tells all, women, boys, and girls...that there are certain things you shall not do. While this poem is not an exhaustive reference of things that ''Thus Saith The Lord'', from The Books Of The Bible...many things, including The Commandments Ten...are here. Sadly, one thing that many say that ''they shall not do'' is repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. To those who decide to make this choice, they will face The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, and be sentenced to The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned, for all Eternity.

Worthy Is The Lamb For Sinners Slain

Based On Revelation 5:12, this is the cry of praise from all the redeemed in Heaven to Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, the Precious Son Of God, who lived a perfect, sinless life (for Christ, He Who Knew No Sin At All, dying for all on an Old Rugged Cross, and rising again on The Third Day According To The Scriptures. Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords is the ONLY One to whom ALL Praise, Honor, Glory, Worship, and Blessing are due. He also is the only one permitted to open the Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets of God's Wrath upon the Earth. The believers will also cast down The Five Eternal Crowns that they matter the the feet of Jesus Christ, saying that ''Lord, You Deserve These Crowns Much More Than Me''. However, unless you have repented of your sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, you will NOT be part of this group.

Lord, You Deserve These Crowns Much More Than Me

A companion poem to The Five Eternal Crowns...that will be awarded to the redeemed at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, all those who have repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, will bow before His Throne, proclaiming in worship that Worthy Is The Lamb For Sinners Slain...and realize that they are UNDESERVING of anything...including The Grace Of God. As a result, they will say the title of this poem...truly that The Lord deserves the crowns more than them. However, unless you have repented of your sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, you will NOT be part of this group.

The Signs Of A Cult

As the old saying goes, ''Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery''. However, in the case of ''faiths'', Satan, Like A Roaring Lion, has set up numerous religions, faiths, etc., to spread the concept that ''there are many ways to Heaven and Salvation''. However, that will turn out to be The Doom Of Satan's Lie. In these various groups, there are several signs that qualify it as a ''cult''...including The Changing Of God's Word, The Books Of The Bible (adding to, or removing from it) to suit their desires...stripping the Divinity of Jesus Christ, reducing Him to ''just a man'', etc.,...denying the doctrine that ''you're saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works,...dividing the loyalty of their followers,...and denying that God's Word Is Final Authority,...among other things. Sadly, these will be part of Those Not In God's Kingdom, and they will be horrified at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, when Christ Alone, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords tells them ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known,'' before they are cast into The Home Of The Damned, The Lake Of Fire, for all Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

The Sabbath Is Not Just Another Day

Christ Alone, the Second Person in The Holy Trinity (God The Father, Jesus Christ The Son, The Holy Spirit), created the universe in six days. Then, on the seventh day, He rested...not because He was tired or fatigued...but because Creation was perfect and complete, and nothing more needed to be done. He declared the seventh day to be the Sabbath, a Holy Day...not only for rest, but where worship of The Lord, the study of The Books Of The Bible, is PRIMARY. However, after our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden Of Eden, sinned against God, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth has basically transformed the Sabbath into ''just another day during the week'', for either work to earn money, play, or anything except for what it was originally designed for. However, one of The Commandments Ten says that ''We are to remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it Holy''. And, as God's Holy Word notes, if You've Broken One Of God's Laws,'ve Broken Every One. And, like it or not, it's true that For All Have Sinned, and come short of God's Glory. God's Standard Is Perfection, all Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags before The Lord, and only by repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, will you be allowed to enter Heaven at The Moment Of Your Death.

God's Glory Won't Be Shared With Anyone

Based on Isaiah 42:8, The Power, Majesty, Righteousness, and Glory (among other things) of The Lord God of all Creation, will NOT be shared with anyone...whether angels or mankind. His Ways are not our ways, and it's not because The Lord has an ''ego'' as reprobate, sinful mankind does. It is because He is Creator of all things, and to whom we owe the highest form of reverence, love, obedience, and worship...because The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, and He rose again the Third Day, According To The Scriptures.

However, throughout the centuries, many have tried to usurp or steal God's Glory, and have met with grave consequences. Starting with Lucifer, the covering cherub (who originally guarded the Throne Of God), he led one third of the angelic realm in revolt against The Lord. Lucifer became Satan (the accuser/the adversary), his beaten army of angels were changed into demons...and all of them were cast out of Heaven. Hell Was Meant For Satan, and his demonic hordes, and not for mankind. But, after he deceived our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden Of Eden, everyone developed a sin nature. It was shown through The Books Of The Bible, that For All Have Sinned, and The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth continues to this day, with The Groaning Of Creation. This lesson, and so many others, in The Books Of The Bible...including that one is saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works...are things that everyone would be well to learn, and heed. Your Eternal Destiny is determined on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Once You Close Your Eyes In Death, Eternal Fate Is Sealed

A companion poem to There Is No Second Chance, once you close your eyes in death, you've reached The Point Of No Return, concerning Your Eternal Destiny. Depending on what you did with God's Free Love Gift, it will either be The Home Of The Damned, or The Home Of The Redeemed. And, if you chose to reject God's Free Love Gift, There Will Be No Appeal There, When You Stand Before The Lord. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and Your Decision Will Be Honored, by the Choices that you made.

You've Broken One Of God's Laws, Friend; You've Broken Every One

Based on James 2:10, God's Standard Is Perfection...and if you've broken JUST ONE of His Laws, or just one law on are GUILTY OF BREAKING EVERY LAW. And because there will be No Question Of Guilt When You Stand Before The Lord, if even just The One Sin Unforgiven is on your record, you will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned. The only way to get that blotch removed is to truly repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

I Glory In The Cross Of Christ, And Nothing That I've Done

Based on Galatians 6:14, the only thing that I can glory and rejoice in is The Cross Of Christ. Both Mine, and Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags, and nothing that anyone can do, except repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, will get them into Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed. Those who are ''Christians In Name Only'', without true repentance and faith...who are just Going Through The Motions, will hear the terrifying words from The Lord Jesus Christ Himself at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...''Depart From Me...For You, I've Never Known''.

There Is No Fear Of God Before Their Eyes

Based On Romans 3:18, there is no fear (respect, reverence) of God before the eyes of the unsaved. They feel that they can do whatever they want, and there won't be any consequences...either in this life, or at The Moment Of Their Death. But, God's Judgment Coming When Least Expected, and the fear of God for the lost will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, when Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, He Who Knew No Sin At All, will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

If You Sow The Wind, My Friend; The Whirlwind, You'll Reap (Hosea 8:7)

Based On Hosea 8:7, those sowing the winds of sin, they'll reap the whirlwinds of it, like a massive category 5 hurricane, or an EF-5 tornado. While it may start as a soft breeze at first, like an approaching hurricane or tornado, the winds of sin ramp up until they engulf you. And, at The Moment Of Your Death, which will come without warning...just like realizing the hurricane or tornado is upon you, you'll realize there is no escape. Some have related the sounds of a being in the eyewall of a hurricane, or the center of a tornado, to be akin to ''demons screaming''...and that's exactly what will await you in The Home Of The Damned, unless you repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

Simplicity Of Gospel Truth, Many Do, Reject

The One Thing God Requires is to ''Believe On The One He Has Sent''; Christ Alone, who left the Glory of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN (for Christ, He Who Knew No Sin At All), to die on an Old Rugged Cross, and rise from the dead on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures. Yet, many people think you have to add works, pay money, belong to a certain church, etc., to be acceptable to God. The thing is, Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags...literally bloody, menstrual cloths...and there is NOTHING we can do to earn Salvation, except for what is noted above. And, sadly, because of the simplicity of the Gospel Truth, many will reject it. And, those who do, will be Destined For The Lake Of Fire, to spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned, with Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone else who rejected God's Free Love Gift.

What A Difference There Will Be In Twinkling Of An Eye

The imminent Rapture Of The Church will occur in ''atomos'' of time...a moment of time so fast, that it can not be humanly divided. It'll occur faster than the time it takes for a neuro-electrical synapse firing in the brain to occur...and faster than the time it takes from light in a distant star in the night sky to enter the eye and strike the retina. Some have said it'll be even faster than 1/1000th of second. In that flash of time, when they hear the trumpet blast, the shout from The Lord, and The Cry ''Behold, The Bridegroom Comes'', all those since the day of Pentecost, who have put their faith in Christ Alone to save them...both dead and alive...will be removed from the Earth to join Christ in the Heavens. The dead in Christ will be resurrected from their graves first. Then, those alive in Christ who remain, will rise...and both groups will be instantly changed into incorruptible flesh, in their new resurrection bodies that will never again grow old, gain weight, get sick, need to eat, drink, sleep, or deal with the call of nature, the curse of sin, or its wages...death. And, in that moment of time, all of these will rise up to meet The Lord in the air, and immediately head to The Home Of The Redeemed, where The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ will occur.

In that same instant, the restraint of evil by The Holy Spirit will end, as The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth For Seven Years begins...ruled by The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, which will bring a time of evil that the world has never seen. There is no prior event that must occur before The Rapture Of The event that is growing Closer By The Second...and as fast As Lightning Comes From East To West. There Is No Second Chance after death to accept God's Free Love Gift, and no chance to be part of The Rapture after it occurs. But, If You Wait 'Til It's Too Late, you'll find that you alone are The One To Blame.

Satan, Father Of All Lies, Speaks His Language, There (John 8:44)

Based on John 8:44, Satan, the father of all lies, speaks his native language. He was a liar and murderer from the beginning, and the Truth of God's Word is not in him. He does this, because if he spoke the truth, people would flee from him, like the plague!! Originally the covering cherub, Lucifer, filled with pride, and deceived one third of the angelic realm into thinking they could overthrow The Lord. They were promptly cast out of Heaven, with Lucifer becoming Satan...the accuser, and the adversary. His beaten army of beautiful angels were changed into horrific looking demons. Their next target was to deceive Adam and Eve, our first parents in The Garden Of Eden, and as before, he deceived them into a lie that ''God was holding out on them''. They were cast out of The Garden Of Eden, as The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth began to take hold, spreading like wildfire. Just as today, the plague of sin got so bad, that As In The Days Of Noah, God had to execute Judgment on the world. Millions died in the Flood of Noah...and over the centuries, millions more have died in their sin, and gone to The Home Of The Damned, as they chose to believe the lies of Satan, rather than The Preaching Of The Cross, and the need to accept God's Free Love Gift.

Who Offends These Little Ones, Who Believe In Me (Matthew 18:6)

Based on Matthew 18:6, stern words of warning from Christ Alone; that those guilty of offending those preaching the witness of The Gospel Truth, or destroying the innocence of little children...whether by kidnapping, trafficking, molestation, abuse, abortion, etc.; it'd be better for them at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne that they were sentenced to death upon Earth, by having a millstone put about their neck, and they were drowned in the deepest ocean. Children Are A Heritage Of The Lord, and ''such is The Kingdom Of God''. And, those who reject The Gospel Truth, are not just rejecting those who are sharing it, as The Lord commanded...they are rejecting The Lord as well. And, if they remain unrepentant of their sin, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, The Lord will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced by each of these who refused God's Free Love Gift.

If People Knew The Truth Of Satan's Real Identity

If people really saw Satan...who is Like A Roaring Lion, moving about, seeking whom he may devour and destroy...for what he REALLY is...they would NOT stay around him, but they would flee in terror!! But, to mask the truth of his real identity, Satan, Father Of All Lies, Speaks His Native Tongue, working to keep people from hearing The Preaching Of The Cross, and to make them think they have plenty of time to accept God's Free Love Gift. But, he does not tell them that The Moment Of Your Death will come WITHOUT WARNING, and that Tomorrow Is Promised To No One...let alone the next 5 seconds. There Is No Second Chance after death, and only one of two destinations...Heaven Or Hell...either The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned will be your home for all Eternity...depending on whether or not you accepted God's Free Love Gift.

Satan's Forces Cannot Cross The Line Of Christ's Blood, Shed

Satan, and all the hosts of Hell, are so blinded by their insane depravity, that they still think they can do whatever they desire, in causing grief, destruction, etc. to destroy what The Lord created. Indeed, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth has resulted in The Groaning Of Creation, and it's getting worse by the day. However, Satan Has Been On A Leash; God Will Pull It In one day. Basically, Satan and his demonic hordes can only do what The Lord allows. And, no matter what they do...just like the red light at a traffic signal, they can NOT cross The Line that Christ's Blood, shed. The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, and once someone truly repents, and accepts God's Free Love Gift, that Christ Alone, is the ONLY way to Heaven, that Your Righteousness Is As Filthy Rags, ''There is now No Condemnation to those in Christ Jesus'' (Romans 8:1). However, God's Riches At Christ's Expense (Grace) is a License To Serve, Not License To Sin. What Will You Do With Jesus Christ will determine both What Will Christ Jesus Say To You When You Stand Before The Lord.

All Those Missing From The Earth, On The Rapture Day

There will be Tragedy At Rapture, as The Rapture Will Occur So Fast, that there will be a large contingent of souls, dead and alive missing from the Earth, in the amount of time it takes to blink ones eye...or faster than it takes from light in a distant star in the night sky to enter the eye, and strike the retina. From the unborn children in the womb, from conception to the many who have gone on before, many martyred in the cruelest ways the children who have not yet reached the age of accountability for their those who are alive and remain, with faith in Christ Alone to save them...NOT in a church, works, etc., In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes. To Those Left Behind On Earth, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, led by The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, will bring a time of horror such as the world has never seen...starting with The Rapture Of The Church. Whether or not you join this throng of what will be ''the missing'' is whether or not you accept God's Free Love Gift before the Rapture occurs.

The Rapture Is The Pin That Will, The World's Bubble, Burst

A balloon, if it is pricked by a sharp object...or once it fills to a certain point with air, liquid, etc., it can no longer hold together, and as a result, it bursts. Conversely, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth has filled its balloon to the point of bursting. But, the Rapture Of The Church will be the ''Divine Pin'' that causes the balloon of the staus quo to burst. A flood tide of evil will so fill the Earth, in the aftermath of the disappearance of so many people...dead and alive...including unborn babies, children below the age of accountability, and all those who repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift...that Business As Usual, Will End. The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth For Seven Years, and it will end When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church is Closer By The Second, and In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes. And, once it occurs, the final Prophetic Dominoes Of Judgment will begin to fall.

Those Who Are Offended Now, One Day, Will Be Enraged

So many people are offended by The Preaching Of The Cross, they want no part of God in their lives, or despise The Most Hated Words that Jesus Christ said in John 14:6 -- ''I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life. No Man Comes To The Father, But Through Me''; and in Acts 4:12, the words that the Apostle Peter said, that ''Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other Name on Earth, under Heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved''. These feel that their ''religion'' will get them to Heaven. But, it's Relationship, Not Religion...basically, not WHAT you know...but WHO you know. And, for those who are offended now, they really will be enraged in anger when they individually find out that Heaven Is Not Owed To You; and because they rejected God's Free Love Gift, they will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned... where they'll be cursing God, because all hope is gone...and themselves, because they refused The Gospel...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

When A Nation Forgets God

While God Has Always Been A Gentleman, letting mankind make the choice on whether they want Him in their lives or not, there are consequences for when a nation forgets Him. And, there are also consequences for everyone who refuses to accept God's Free Love Gift....eternal torment in The Home Of The Damned.

Sooner, More Than Later, There

Contrary to popular belief, God Will Not Wait Forever for mankind to repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. As In The Days Of Noah, and As Lightning Comes From East To West, sooner, more than later, there, Christ Jesus will return to Earth. And, when He does, it'll be too late to fall at His Feet, and call him King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.

You Belong To Satan, If You've Not Accepted Christ

As strange as the title of this poem may sound, the simple truth is that if you've put your faith in something else to get you to Heaven...not repented of your sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, you ALREADY belong to Satan by default, and You Are Bound For Hell, and One Heartbeat Away from The Moment Of Your Death. And, After Death, Belief Too Late, to change Your Eternal Destiny.

All Belivers In Hell, But For These, It Is Too Late

A companion poem to No Athiests Exist There In Hell Fire, the sad, tragic truth for all Those Now In The Flames Of Hell, is that while everyone there is a ''believer'', it is TOO LATE for them to change the fact that they will stand before Christ Alone at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, knowing that they are Destined For The Lake Of Fire. If You Wait, 'Til It's Too Late, at The Moment Of Your Death, it'll be TOO LATE to change Your Eternal Destiny.

When A Nation Tells God, He's Not Wanted Anymore

A companion poem to When A Nation Forgets God, this tells of the fate of a nation who basically ''kicks God out of their lives''. And, just as with nations, individuals who tell God the same thing, will meet the same fate, eternally, in The Home Of The Damned.

Your Trouble Has Just Begun; If In Your Sin, You Die

While many believe this life is full of trouble and pain, the content of this poem shows that what pain one experiences in this life, pales to the torment in The Home Of The Damned; where countless souls who chose to reject God's Free Love Gift, realize that Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, and that after The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, that they are Destined For The Lake Of Fire. This is a companion poem to Your Worst Life's Pain's Nothing, If You Die Without The Lord.

Christ Lived The Life That I Could Not

Since God's Standard Is Perfection, not one person who has ever lived on Earth has been able to live such a life...with the EXCEPTION of Christ Alone, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, He Who Knew No Sin At All. Before the Foundation of The World, it was decreed by The Trinity, that Jesus Christ would leave the Glory Of Heaven, and come to born of a virgin...and live like us in all ways (He had to eat, sleep, and yes, even answer the call of nature)...but He did all of it WITHOUT sin or guile, in thought, word, or deed (as noted, Christ He Knew No Sin At All). It would be the life that we were MEANT TO LIVE, until our first parents rebelled in The Garden Of Eden. That brought The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, and The Groaning Of Creation. The Wages Of Sin for all is to be Eternal Death in The Home Of The Damned. However, for those who repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, they are forgiven, and know that at The Moment Of Your Death, they have a place in The Home Of The Redeemed.

You Could Be Doing Many Things, On The Rapture Day

One day soon, it'll seem like just another day, when you could be doing many things...whether sleeping, eating, at school or work, in church, taking care of personal hygiene or others, driving or traveling, or involved with acts of sin. But, In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes, and Business As Usual Will End. The only ones that will vanish from the Earth, dead and alive, will be those who have repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift. Tragically, If You See The Man Of Sin, You've Been Left Behind.

The First And Second Comings

The Lord Jesus Christ came to Earth the first time to save the sinner. The Second Time He comes to Earth will be in Judgment of all who rejected Him. This poem tells of the differences between the two. However, when He returns the Second time, it will be too late to accept God's Free Love Gift.

While Christ Died For Everyone; Each One Must Decide

As the title of this poem notes...salvation is NOT automatic. While every sin ever committed has been paid for...this payment does you NO GOOD, unless you repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. Because After Death, Belief Too Late, and You'll Hate Yourself Forever if you choose to refuse God's Free Love Gift.

Sufficient And Enough

The Simplicity Of Gospel Truth, Many Do, Reject. The concept that ''God did all the Work'', According To The Scriptures, in sending His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, to Earth, to live like us in all ways, except without sin (for Christ, He Who Knew No Sin At All, and to die on an Old Rugged Cross, and to rise again in victory on the Third Day...paying the total cost for every sin that everyone would commit...granting Eternal Life to all those who would repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

Instead, the world prefers Other Gospels Preached, where you have to do a series of good works, join a certain denomination, kill those not of your faith, confess sins to a priest, etc. to earn your salvation. Yet, as the Apostle Paul, when he prayed that three times that The Lord would remove ''a thorn in the flesh'', The Lord told him that ''My Grace Is Sufficient''. And, so it is with doing The One Thing God Requires, and in answer to the question What Must I Do To Be Saved?? -- is to ''Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ''.

It Surely Is A Dreadful Thing, To Fall Into God's Hands (Hebrews 10:31)

A companion poem to It's A Fearful Thing To Fall Into The Lord's Hands (Hebrews 10:31), this second poem, using the same Scriptural verse as its meant to underscore this Biblical Truth...that if you die in your sin, refusing to repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, you will find out the Truthfulness of the title of this poem. Those who live like, and act like ''they aren't scared of God, and ask What Can God To Do To Me?? will be absolutely terrified of Him when they face Him at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. At that place, on the most somber day in human history, for everyone there, who died without doing The One Thing God Requires, they will find that there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Gets Off Scot Free, No One Will Defend The Lost, There Will Be No Appeal There, and no bribery of The Judge to get a suspended or reduced sentence. They will see that Cries For Mercy From The Lost, Too Little And Too Late, and For The Lost On Judgment Day, Their Mercy Cries In Vain. The fact is that Mercy, But Not Justice, You Should Want Before The Lord. If God was fair and just, He would have sent ALL of mankind to The Home Of The Damned Long Ago. The only way you can get that mercy is before The Moment Of Your Death is by repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift.

You'll Go With Angels Into Heaven; Or Demons Into Hell

At The Moment Of Your Death, you'll be escorted into Eternity, by one of two entities. If you've ACCEPTED God's Free Love Gift, you'll be Borne On An Angels Wings into The Home Of The Redeemed, join all those who've gone on to be with The Lord. On the other hand, those who heard The Preaching Of The Cross, and REJECTED it...demonic hordes will take you into The Home Of The Damned, face Eternal Torment, Not A Joke.

Available, Not Salvation's Gift

While The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, to have that cleansing applied to your soul, you must realize that you, as a sinner, can NOT save yourself...and that Your Sins Are A Barrier between you and God...You Are Bound For Hell...and Just One Thing Will Save Your Soul. Salvation is in Christ Alone, is by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works.

The One Thing God Requires is for you to repent (turn from) your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and neither is Salvation; although it is Inclusive, Yet Exclusive. It's available to all, but only those who receive it will go to The Home Of The Redeemed when they die. All others will go to The Home Of The Damned.

If Satan Showed His True Colors, All Would Run Away

The title of this poem says it all. Once the Covering Cherub, the most beautiful angel created, Lucifer rebelled with pride, and deceived one third of the angelic realm into joining him into trying to overthrow The Lord God out of Heaven. Instead, Lucifer and the fallen angels were cast out of Heaven...with his name changed to Satan...and the fallen angels changed to demons...and becoming the most hideous evil creatures ever to exist...worse than any horror and/or extreme violence movie producer could ever conceive. The hideous sight, and knowing his true motives, would turn everyone away from him. So, ''the father of lies'' appears as an ''Angel Of Light'', masking his true motives...questioning and accusing The Lord God, as well as those who have received God's Free Love Gift every chance he gets. Satan knows that Two Souls Every Second die, and tragically, the majority of these will end up REJECTING God's Free Love Gift. And, Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with him and his demonic hordes...all who are Destined For The Lake Of Fire, in The Home Of The Damned.

Where God Can't Be Found

A companion poem to Two Places Where The Lord Can Not Be Found, while The Lord is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent (all knowing, all powerful, and everywhere at once), the two places where The Lord can't be found are The Home Of The Damned, and The Eternal Lake Of Fire...the latter is where, after The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone who refused God's Free Love Gift, will spend The Lake Of Fire.

To A Mind, There Reprobate...god Gave That, To Them, There

A companion poem to Given What Was Desired, the unrepentant will finally be given what they've wanted. Since they have chosen to spurn God's Free Love Gift, they now get to constantly try to fulfill their insatiable desire for evil...which they will do, until The Moment Of Their which time, they will be consigned to The Home Of The Damned, as they are Destined For The Lake Of Fire.

If God Was Fair In Judgment, There...all Would Go To Hell

No doubt at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where all those who REJECTED God's Free Love Gift, will be...everyone will cry out that ''God Is Not Fair''. Truth be told, as the late Jack Kinsella of The Omega Letter, noted...''Fair Is A Call In Baseball''...and it is also a weather term, and a fall carnival. Truthfully, it is only what Christ Alone, did on The Cross Of Calvary, in dying for the sins of all mankind...then He rose again on the Third Day According To The Scriptures; and that those who have ACCEPTED God's Free Love Gift, because Your Righteousness Is As Filthy Rags (literally bloody menstrual cloths), that it is the ONLY reason why the believers are in The Home Of The Redeemed. Without that, everyone would be Destined For The Lake Of Fire. A companion poem to this one is located here.

No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne

The most sad and somber day in all of history will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. While on that One Day, On Bended Knee, everyone will bow, and then confess that Jesus Christ Is Lord, to the Glory Of God The Father...but for these, it is now TOO LATE for salvation, and No Pardons And No Mercy will be given everyone there is Destined For The Lake Of Fire.

If Not For This...

If not for the things described in this poem, everyone would appear at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where there would be No Pardons And No Mercy, as everyone would be Destined For The Lake Of Fire. It is ONLY because of the things in this poem, that the true believers, who did The One Thing God Requires, that they can miss The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. However, they will appear at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and while everyone there will say Rewards Were There For Me To Claim, they will realize that they are The One To Blame for rewards lost...and the latter holds true for those who REJECTED God's Free Love Gift.

Bible Prophecies Show That They're True

The true test of a prophet in Bible Times was the accuracy of his prophecies...100% RIGHT, 100% OF THE TIME. If a so called prophet was WRONG JUST ONCE, he would face DEATH BY STONING (with heavy boulders, that is). In The Books Of The Bible, prophecies abound in both The Old Testament, and The New Testament. And, just like all of those have been fulfilled in their entireity, prior to The Blessed Hope, everything else that has been prophesied with The Rapture And Beyond, will also be fulfulled.

This includes The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth For Seven Years, with the revealing of The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, and the final seven years of human history before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Every Eye Shall See The Lord One Day, and on that day, it will be TOO LATE to accept God's Free Love Gift. After The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, where the fate of everyone alive on Earth at that time will be either Everlasting Punishment, Or Life Eternal There.

While The Goats are Those Not In God's Kingdom, The Sheep, The Believing Remnant will enter a Millennium Of Peace. For With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule the nations of the Earth, and the Earth will be restored to its former glory, before our first parents, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God, and brought The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. This will truly be Heaven On Earth...but alas, at the end of the Millennium Of Peace, Satan and his demonic hordes, along with ''a number as numerous as the sand of the sea'', will try to kick The Lord off His Throne. At that point, ''fire will come down from God out of Heaven, to devour them'' Planet Earth will undergo its final judgment, which was First By Water, Then By Fire. Then, will come The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where all the unsaved from all time will appear before The Lord, then sentenced to eternal torment, as they are Destined For The Lake Of Fire. Then, a New Heaven, a New Earth, and a New Jerusalem, will appear, which will be The Home Of The Redeemed forever, as Sin Won't Rise A Second Time.

A Special Friend

Through life, we meet many people who are our friends...and some become special friends...and they may even become our spouse. But, the ultimate Special Friend is A Friend For Life, The Lord Jesus Christ. He is waiting for you to repent of your sin, and to accept Him as your Lord and Saviour...and you can do that by accepting God's Free Love Gift, and making today The Most Important Day of your life.

It's Too Late For You To Pray, Once You Enter Hell

At The Moment Of Your Death, you will go to one of two places...Heaven Or Hell. Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, for those who repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift...or Hell, The Home Of The Damned, for those who rejected it. And, unlike on Earth,Prayers Have No Effect At All In Hell... because once you enter Hell, your Eternal Doom is sealed. And, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, you'll find that Jesus Christ will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

The World Does Not Want Jesus Christ

Sad to say, but true. Throughout history, the majority of mankind has wanted nothing to do with God, or His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ. Except for The Believing Remnant, it seems that everyone else would prefer to spurn The Grace of God on Salvations Roman Road, and instead, spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned. One day, they will be Given What Was Desired, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, as they all will be Destined For The Lake Of Fire.

Your Will, Be Done

These four words, will determine where you spend Eternity. Either it will be you, saying this to God before you die...doing The Will Of The Lord, in that He is ''not willing that any should perish (die in their sin), but that all should come to repentance'' The One Thing God Requires. Or, it will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...where The Lord tells you that ''Since you chose to reject Me in your life on Earth, Your Decision Will Be Honored in Eternity.''

Those In Hell, Wish They Could There, See The Cross Again

In this life, The Preaching Of The Cross, was foolishness to so many people. Now, in The Home Of The Damned, they know the truth of the warning that Those Who Are Offended Now, One Day, Will Be Enraged. They are angry at Satan and his demon hordes (among others) for lying to them...and angry with themselves that they made the wrong Choices...both in their life on Earth, and where they would spend Eternity. In this life, they refused to believe that Just One Thing Will Save Your Soul, and that Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell. Now, those who wanted Freedom From Religion instead of The Freedom Of Religion, were Given What Was Desired. And, they tragically now realize that they're in a place Where God Can't Be Found.

The Self Righteous On The Earth, Are Headed Straight For Hell

You've no doubt seen them...people with a ''Holier Than Thou'' attitude about themselves, like the Pharisee in Jesus' day. But, Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags, and if You've Broken One Of God's Laws, Friend; You've Broken Every One. Just like the Pharisee who boasted about ''how he was not like the others'', he never considered the question What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??. And, without the Righteousness Of Christ in your life, by your repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift...upon The Moment Of Your Death, instead of spending Eternity in Heaven, The Home Of The'll be instead in The Home Of The Damned.

Three Strikes, And You're Out

In baseball, the thing the pitcher wants, and the batter hates, is the Umpire's call of ''three strikes, and you're out''. However, life is like a vapour, and it's not a game...because the same can be applied from a spiritual standpoint. This is especially true to the United States Of America...with 3 strikes against the nation.

Strike One was When A Nation Tells God, He's Not Wanted Anymore, and America did that when the Supreme Court sided with an athiest, distorting The Freedom Of Religion, wanting ''Freedom From Religion'' instead...and the downhill slide began. America was apparently too proud to accept what would happen When A Nation Forgets God, and they forgot both that Children Are A Heritage, and ignored the fact that The Lord Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die, when they legalized the murder of countless unborn children...which, along with numerous acts of sin making The Cup Of Man's Iniquity Is Filled to Strike Two. Strike Three will be when nations forsake Israel, and are Touching The Apple Of God's Eye). While Israel Shall Stand Alone One Day, before the nation realizes that Christ Alone is their Messiah, all nations that mistreated Israel, will feel The Judgment of God. But, both as nations and individuals, unless one repents of sin with a contrite heart, and accepts God's Free Love Gift, they will find out at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, that There Will Be No Appeal There, when The Lord tells them ''Three Strikes, and You're Out''.

The Lost Look For Men Of God Who Lied, And Damned Their Soul

From a sermon I heard years ago, the setting was a nightmare that this individual had experienced. The scene was an unregenerate, lost soul, who had joined Those Now In The Flames Of Hell. He was moving through the flames, reaching into the fire, and pulling out one of the others now in The Home Of The Damned, then shoving that soul back under the torturing flames. He repeatedly did this a myriad of times...and when someone asked him what he was doing, he snarled ''I'm looking for the preacher who lied to me''. Sadly, so many of these so called ''Men Of God'' are nothing more than ''wolves in sheeps clothing''...and they will hear the most terrifying words from The Lord Himself at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...''Depart From Me, Into The Everlasting Fire... For You, I've Never Known.

Satan Has Been On A Leash; God Will Pull It In

Many think that Satan has had ''free reign'', with sin, death, destruction, etc. ever since he rebelled in Heaven, deceiving one third of the angelic realm to join him in rebellion against God. But, Satan is a created being, with LIMITED POWER...yet Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With Unlimited Power. In short, Satan can only do what The Lord effect, Satan Has Been On A Leash; And God Will Pull It In, ending Satan's reign of evil. But, while Satan is still moving about Like A Roaring Lion, seeking who he may devour, those who have not yet repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, are fair game for the Devil's evil deeds.

The Righteous Souls, Are There Removed; Then, The Judgment Falls

The Lord God has always had The Believing Remnant...a group of souls that, despite the iniquity of others around them, remain faithful to Him and His Word. As Abraham asked The Lord, before He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, ''Shall Not The Judge Of All The Earth Do Right??'', The Lord faithfully removes the Righteous BEFORE executing His Divine Judgment, and slaying all the wicked souls. This was seen with The Worldwide Flood (where Noah, his wife, their 3 sons, their wives...and 2 of every kind of animal on the Ark were the only ones who survived)...and with Lot and his 2 daughters being removed before Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by Divine Fire (Lot's wife disobeyed the command not to look back, and was turned into ''a pillar of salt''). It will happen again with the Rapture Of The Church...and again at the end of the Millennium Of Peace, Christ's 1000 year Rule on Earth, after The Coming Of Christ to Earth a Second, and Final Time. Those who have truly repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, will be part of those removed from Earth...the rest will be destroyed in Divine Judgment.

To These, It Is, Doomsday

To the majority of mankind, they want to believe The Doom Of Satan's Lie, in that like the Saducees of Jesus' Day, there is no life after death, no accountability, no judgment, no Heaven or Hell, and that they won't have to bow before, or submit to anyone. The thought that there IS life after death, an accountability, a judgment, and that they will have to bow before the unrepentant souls, it is DOOMSDAY. At The Moment Of Your Death, Eternal Torment, Not A Joke, will be the fate of all those who REJECTED God's Free Love Gift.

The Days Of Noah And Sodom Are Here

As In The Days Of Noah, as well as ''Sodom And Gomorrah''...people are doing what is right in their own eyes, along with a dearth of wickedness, evil, rebellion, and grievious sins toward The Lord. Jesus Christ noted that it would be like these times, when He, God In The Flesh, would intervene in the affairs of mankind. As with First By Water, Then By Fire; with the Flood of Noah, and the Fire Judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah; Soon All Of Earth Will Feel Sodom's Fate, in the judgments of Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets, then The Coming Of Christ, followed by Millennium Of Peace, Judgment by Divine Fire, then The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

God's Offer Of Pardon Expires At Death

God's Free Love Gift is Inclusive, Yet Exclusive, in that while it is available to all who ask for it, it EXPIRES upon The Moment Of Your Death. And, depending on what you did with God's Free Love Gift while you were alive on Earth, determines Your Eternal Destiny. This is based on this tract from Chick Publications.

The Laws Of God, They Supercede, All The Laws Of Man

A companion to The Lord, He Made The Rules, no matter how many laws that mankind makes, no matter what the topic, God's Laws will ALWAYS SUPERCEDE them, whether mankind likes it or not. And if You've Broken One Of God's Laws, Friend; You've Broken Every One) of them. God's Standard Is Perfection, and NO ONE CAN PAY. Unless you repent of your sin, and receive God's Free Love Gift, you will NEVER make it to Heaven.

Once The Church Is Raptured There, The Unsaved Will Rejoice

The true believers on Jesus Christ, are thought of by the unrepentant souls of the world as ''conservative Christian, Bible Thumping, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Intolerant, Jesus Freaks''. So, when these, thought by the unregenerate souls as ''their opposition'' are gone in ''the twinkling of an eye'' at The Rapture Of The Church, they will rejoice...thinking that they won't be bothered by them again. In reality, since His Truth Refused, God Sends Delusion, so they will be allowed to believe a lie with all their hearts. Yet, in Hell On Earth For Seven Years...the final seven years before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, there will be 21 Divine Judgments of Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets, that will, along with all the wars, practically destroy the planet, and nearly destroy all human life. Christ Himself said that if He didn't return, there would be no one left alive on Earth.

The Church Is Not A Building, And It Can't Your Soul, Save

Many think that the church is just a building, or that it can save your soul, or that you have to be part of this church, and do all its doctrinal requirements, in order to get to Heaven. However, the actual TRUE CHURCH is The Bride Of Christ...all those individuals, Jew and Gentile, who have repented of their sins, and have accepted God's Free Love Gift, by doing The One Thing God ''Believing On The One He Has Sent''.

One Way Or Another,'ll Bow Before The Lord

In this life, many people RESENT the idea of submitting to someone in authority...whether it's their parents, their employer, or to The Lord Himself. But, one way or another... Eagerly, Or Compelled, in this life, or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, you will bow before The Lord.

One Second After Rapture There; A Time That Is To Dread

A companion poem to One Second After Rapture There; Don't Call 911...truly, a contrast like this can't be described. The one second BEFORE The Rapture Of The Church...and the one second AFTER The Rapture Of The Church...will be so drastic, that it will catch the world by surprise. For those who have repented of their sins, and have accepted God's Free Love Gift, as The Only Way To Heaven...faster than they can blink their eyes, they will be CHANGED, and in the Presence Of The Lord, forever...away from this sin infested planet. Tragically, for those who REFUSED God's Free Love Gift, they will enter a time of evil like the world has never seen before...Hell On Earth For Seven Years, the last period of time before The Lord returns to Earth.

Two Things That God Can't Do

On the surface, it sounds like the ''Omnipotent'' (all powerful) nature of God isn't true. But, there are two things that God can NOT do. First, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and he will NOT FORCE HIMSELF into anyone's life. Of the Choices that one makes in life, they must choose to repent and receive God's Free Love Gift...basically to Repent And Receive, Or Reject And Regret. This is because God's Offer Of Pardon Expires At Death, and once the threshold of Eternity is crossed, After Death, Belief Too Late, and God can NOT save them, if they chose to die in their sins, without Christ.

True Or False Believer There; Friend, Which One Are You??

From a phrase by Dr. J. Vernon McGee, and from an article at by Grant Phillips, on May 2, 2018...this poem will ask if you are a true believer in Christ...or just playing church. This is a companion poem to Seven Fundamental Truths That I Do Believe.

Literal Or Symbolic

The Holy Bible, the Divinely Inspired Word Of The Living God, is God's Words to mankind. The Books Of The Bible, sixty-six in all, while penned by humans, they were Divinely Inspired by The Holy Spirit. It is ERROR FREE, and within its pages, are among so many other things, Seven Fundamental Truths That I Do Believe. Even the future events that will come to pass, because Bible Prophecies Show That They're True. So, Let God Be True, But Every Man A Liar, because if only ONE of His Words was FALSE, then all of are wasting are time, as we're all headed for The Home Of The Damned. It would be the same as if Christ was still in the grave, due to one sin not being paid for...because Without The Resurrection, it's just not the same. The One Sin Unforgiven, is REJECTING God's Free Love Gift.

The Day A Nation Dies

There is a saying that ''History teaches us that man learns nothing from history''...and it bears itself out with every passing day. Every nation that falls is not from without...but from within.
There is debate on when a nation actually ''implodes and dies''...but that fatal moment is when they turn their back on God. God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and He will NOT force His Will on anyone. But, whether as a nation, or as an individual, you can only say ''NO'' to God so many times. At Least One Chance Is Given There to repent of sin, and to accept God's Free Love Gift. But, once The Point Of No Return is reached, then either the individual, or the nation, will be Given What Was Desired.

After The Rapture Of The Church, There'll Be No Place To Hide

Privacy is all but gone in today's world. ''Big Brother'' is watching you with cameras, drones, smartphones, satellites, home appliances, etc. -- to where all your habits, travels, etc., are known. And, after The Rapture Of The Church (numerous poems on it are in this collection), there'll be NO PLACE TO HIDE.

The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace will rule over the Earth for 7 years, truly Hell On Earth For Seven Years... The Time Of Jacob's Trouble takes hold. Even your thoughts will be able to be revealed, whether you support or oppose the Antichrist. And, If You Take The Mark, to be able to buy, sell, or hold a job; while you'll be able to do such, you'll have sentenced yourself to The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity, receiving such at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne (Revelation 20:11-15).

Those who REFUSE THE MARK will be cut off from economic survival...unable to buy, sell, hold a job, or receive benefits, and there will be NO PLACE TO HIDE. Martyrdom by guillotine beheading is now the price of salvation...but those who are martyred, will live and reign with Christ during the Millenium Of Peace. The Lord Knows Everything About You, Friend, so today...and even more so, the title of this poem will come to pass.

To Pay In Or Out, You Can Not Afford

Most people feel that they can buy or pay their way out of debt, or into Heaven. On Earth, while you may be able to pay your way out of debt, you can NOT pay your sin debt, and ''buy your way into Heaven''. You Can't Earn God's Salvation, because God's Standard Is Perfection. God's Salvation is A Free Gift to all who would receive it. And, you can't buy your way out of Hell, once you've crossed the threshold of Eternity, because you refused to do The One Thing God Requires, and to accept God's Free Love Gift.

Removal After Rapture, And In The Coming Years

Several things will happen at the Rapture of The Church. First, with the cry of Behold, The Bridegroom Comes, The Lord Jesus Christ will REMOVE The True Church, His Bride, all those who have done The One Thing God Requires. For In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes...and the redeemed will proceed to The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. Those left behind on Earth will enter The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth For Seven Years. As The Lord notes, I'll Break The Pride Of Your Power. He will REMOVE the veil between the physical and the supernatural, allowing demons to manifest themselves across the planet, and REMOVE the restraint on evil, allowing The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace to be revealed. Martyrdom will now be the price of salvation for those who heed the warning If You Take The Mark. This Hell On Earth For Seven Years, will culminate in The Coming Of Christ back to Earth. And, If You Wait Till It's Too Late, either at The Moment Of Your Death, or The Second Coming, it'll be too late to bow at His Feet, and call Him Lord.

The Colors Of The US Flag, They Stand For So Much More

The colors of the US Flag, Old Glory, Red, White, and Blue, stand for so much more than just the basic colors. Just as the late Red Skelton did with his meaning of The Pledge Of Allegiance; this poem tells of the physical significance, as well as the spiritual significance of the colors as well.

God Gave Them Over (Romans 1:28-32)

A companion poem to To A Mind, There, Reprobate...god Gave That, To Them, There, when a nation or an individual reaches The Point Of No Return, since God Has Always Been A Gentleman, He finally gives them over to a reprobate mind. Now, they have no clue of the difference between right and wrong, unrestrained evil is now the rule...and this poem shows what deeds these unrepentant and unregenerate individuals and nations do.

After the Rapture of The Church, the restraint of evil by the Holy Spirit will be ended, and it will literally be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble...where possibly two-thirds, if not more, of the Earth's population will die in the 21 plagues from God with Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets, prior to the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth for the second time.

With just a Word, At Christ's Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds, and He will then judge the remaining survivors on Earth in The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats. Those who helped the Jews, or those who repented of their sins, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, will be allowed to enter The Millennium Of Peace, to a restored Earth, like the Garden Of Eden, with Christ Himself ruling over it...and to be with Him in Heaven forever. By contrast, the unrepentant and unregenerate will be slain and cast into Hell. A thousand years later that'll be followed by The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where everyone will have A Life On Trial, with every thought, word, motive, and deed played back...and there will be No Question Of Guilt, plus No Pardons And No Mercy will be all will be cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity.

At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye

The Rapture of The Church will occur so quickly, that those left behind won't have time to say goodbye. Some have estimated that it'll occur in one eleven-hundredth of a second...faster than the time it takes for the light of a distant star in th night sky to enter the eye, and strike the retina...or faster than the time it takes for a neuro-electrical synapse to fire in the brain. A YouTube Video from Final Act Productions on how fast the Rapture of The Church may occur, is located here.

Once it occurs, The Age Of Grace is OVER, and everyone that remains left on Earth will have failed to do The One Thing God Requires, and will be left behind to face The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth For Seven Years, with 21 plagues of Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets of Divine Judgments on a Christ Rejecting World. The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, who will literally become Satan Incarnate, will appear as ''savior of the world''; but he'll eventually murder scores of Christians and Jews (many by beheading), because these refused to take The Mark Of The Beast. While many will be martyred, many more who refuse to repent will die in the plagues, battles, etc. The Rapture of The Church can occur at any time, so if you want to be included, you need to accept God's Free Love Gift. While you'll still be able to do so after the Rapture of The Church, you likely will be martyred for your faith.

The Law Of The Lord Is Perfect There (Psalms 19:7-10)

The Books Of The Bible from Genesis to Revelation, are God's Word for Mankind. Some have referred to the word ''Bible'' as actually an acronym, B. I. B. L. E. -- for ''Book of Instructions Before Leaving Earth''. Indeed, it tells of The Creation of the Universe and Planet Earth...then the animals, and mankind. But, it also records mankind's rebellion in the Garden of Eden, followed by God's Plan Of Redemption to save repentant man...where God's Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, would leave The Glory Of Heaven, and come to be born of a Virgin, and live a life like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN....for Christ Alone, was He Who Knew No Sin At All. Then, He would take the scourging upon Himself for the sins of mankind, and to die on an Old Rugged Cross...but then raised on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. He will come back first in the Rapture of The Church, then after The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, with Hell On Earth For Seven Years, He will return in Power And Glory, defeating His Enemies. His word is true, pure, and righteous...a comfort to those who have received God's Free Love Gift, and a convicting power for those who have not yet done so. God's Word Is Final Authority, God's Word Is Not Here To Tickle Your Ears, and God's Words Live Forever, Friend. Your Eternal Destiny depends on your choice on whether to accept or reject God's Free Love Gift. Rejection of such is The One Sin Unforgiven, and it will send you forever to The Home Of The Damned.

The Voice Of The Lord (Psalms 29:3-9)

The Voice Of The Lord can be in a still small voice, or it can be from the mighty thunder of creation. Whichever way He speaks, all creation knows it's Him...and whether in this life, or in the next one, all mankind will acknowledge that it is Him. Sadly, for those who refuse to accept God's Free Love Gift in this life, instead of a comforting sound, they will grovel in abject terror at His Judgment.

My Prayer For Forgiveness (Psalm 51)

As David prayed to The Lord after he committed adultery with Bathsheba, and had her husband Uriah The Hittite, murdered...and as in The Sinner's Prayer, those who are saved in Christ must constantly confess and repent of their sin in this earthly life, which interrupt the fellowship between The Lord and each one of us. While The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, His Grace is a License To Serve, Not License To Sin. And, the unsaved soul must first realize that they are a sinner, and that there is nothing they can do to make themselves worthy of Heaven, except to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

If I Regard Iniquity (Psalm 66:18-20)

A companion poem to My Prayer For Forgiveness, the truth is if I regard iniquity (sin, evil, etc.) in my heart, and am just Going Through The Motions, God will not hear my prayer. It's like the story of the Pharisee and the Publican in Luke 8:9-14, where the Pharisee boasted in front of everyone that ''I thank God I'm not like all the others'', and bragged of all the ''good things he had done''. Yet, the publican didn't even lift his eyes toward Heaven, and said ''God, be merciful unto me, a sinner''. Jesus said that the publican went away ''justified''. Truly, God Resists The Proud, But Gives Grace To The Humble. But, when I am in a repentant, contrite attitude before The Lord, realizing how unworthy I am before Him, when I confess my sin, He'll forgive me. I'm continually reminded that His Grace is a License To Serve, Not License To Sin, as it's the least we can do for Him. To one who hasn't yet accepted God's Free Love Gift, until you do so, with confession and repentance, and pray The Sinners Prayer, He won't hear you, either. And, After Death, Belief Too Late.

Around Christ's Throne In Heaven, There'll Be A Throng One Day

There'll actually be two throngs of people around Christ's Throne one day...the saved at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and the unrepentant at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. At the first one, will be never ending praise and worship to God's Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ... and at the second one, the terror of the unrepentant as they realize that it's too late for them to accept God's Free Love Gift...because After Death, Belief Too Late.

The Dispensations And Judgments There, Throughout History

A companion poem to His Story, this poem gives an overview of the Biblical timeline of history, with several events, and the dispensations that went with them. It notes Eternity Past, Creation, The Fall of Man, The Worldwide Flood, The Tower Of Babel, The Calling Of Abram, The Destruction Of Sodom And Gommorrah, Moses and Pharoah with the 10 Divine Plagues, The Commandments Ten, The Testing Of Job, the 400 years where God didn't speak to the Jews (until the birth of John The Baptist), Christ's First Coming, His Life, Death, Resurrection, And Ascension, Pentecost and The Age Of Grace, Rapture, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble with The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, The Second Coming, The Millennium Of Peace, The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, the New Heavens And The New Earth, where Sin Won't Rise A Second Time, and Eternity, where everyone will be. The question is, will it be in The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned.

You Can Never Get It Back, Once Your Time's Run Out

A companion poem to Do You Have Time For Me?, and The End, one never knows how long they will live on Earth. For at The Moment Of Your Death, you're in Eternity; either in The Home Of The Damned, or The Home Of The Redeemed. Your Eternal Destiny is dependent on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

The World Says We're Intolerant

According to the world, the believers on Jesus, the TRUE Christians, are hateful, bigoted, misguided, old fashioned, uncaring, with numerous phobias, and so many other adjectives. The thing is, they don't want to be told what they can and can not do...yet, they refuse to accept the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules. What they can't see is that they are spiritually blind, and can't know or understand the things of God. So many things noted in this Gospel Poetry Collection...done as a witness to the lost...and a ministry to the saved...are the warnings of a watchman on the wall.

It must be fairly stated that The Lord, He Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die, and this is why so many others have obeyed The Great Commission that The Lord gave, to ''preach the Gospel to every creature''. The truth is, The Preaching Of The Cross, while it's foolish to the lost...yet, to the saved, it's the Power Of Almighty God. The lost also say that we're wrong....but, the thing is, The Price Of Being Wrong, will be realized with The Horror In Their Eyes, when they take their last breath, and know it's too late for them to accept God's Free Love Gift.

The Blood And The Cross

While my late wife, Janice, had The Inner Beauty, she was also my precious sister in Christ. Our two favorite hymns comprised two central doctrines of the Christian Faith. Her favorite was ''Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus'', and mine was ''The Old Rugged Cross...and my Dad's favorite was Amazing Grace. Without the Precious Blood that Jesus Shed on The Cross Of Calvary...and Without The Resurrection, it's just NOT the same. She played the tambourine while she sang her favorite hymn...and the first time I heard mine, I broke down and cried, as that was when The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart. And, it truly was ''Amazing Grace'' that The Lord He Did Command His Love To All, as we were truly undeserving of such.

Tragically, many churches nowadays do NOT want to talk about, or preach about The Blood Of Jesus, The Cross, Sin, Repentance, and the they don't want to offend the people in their congregations...which will mean a loss of money in the offering plates...and they say ''those topics make Christianity a slaughterhouse religion''. But, The Price Of Being Wrong is like the price of one's is TOO GREAT for one to pay. Sadly, most are more concerned about the things of this world, than about Eternity. At The Moment Of Your Death, which every person is One Heartbeat Away from, either Heaven Or Hell is Your Eternal Destiny, as Your Decision Will Be Honored. The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishness to the unrepentant...but to the saved, it's the Power of Almighty God.

When The Door Is Finally Closed, Then It Is Too Late

In this life, once a door is closed and locked, whether it's for the day, or forever, it's too late to go into that door. Indeed, some businesses are open only a limited number of hours per day, while some are open constantly, and never close. The thing is, this also applies to the Door Of Heaven. At certain times in history, which became The Point Of No Return, the individual would no longer have the chance to enter Heaven. For those who refuse God's Free Love Gift, it's at either The Moment Of Your Death, or If You Take The Mark during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and Your Decision Will Be Honored; for if you reject God's Free Love Gift in this life, that will be the case for you in Eternity.

There's Nothing Bad In Heaven, and There's Nothing Good In Hell

Truly, a study in different as night and day. The difference between Heaven Or Hell... The Home Of The Redeemed compared to The Home Of The that Nothing That Defiles will enter Heaven...and Hell is One Of Two Places Where The Lord Can Not Be Found. At Death, No Other Option Does Exist, because It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment. For those who have repented of their sin, and have accepted God's Free Love Gift, they will face The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. Unfortunately, and tragically, for those who rejected God's Free Love Gift, they will face The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Of all the Choices one makes in life, this one is The Most Important Day.

The Rainbow Was God's Covenant, With Noah From The Ark (Genesis 9:12-16)

After the Noahic Flood (Genesis 6-9), where only 8 people survived (Noah, his wife, their 3 sons, and their wives), from the Divine Flood that The Lord had sent upon the entire Earth...after Noah built an altar, and made a sacrifice of thanksgiving to The Lord for protecting them (and all the animals on board), the aroma was ''a sweet smelling savour to The Lord''...and so, The Lord promised with the rainbow to ''never again destroy the Earth by water'' the next time, it will be by fire (this is illustrated with First By Water, Then By Fire).

Unfortunately, much, if not all, of the good things that The Lord has provided and created, have been perverted by sinful man...who want nothing to do with The Lord. Yet, The Lord, He Made The Rules...and for those who don't like it, too bad. He didn't have to provide a plan of rescue or safety with The Judgment that all will face one day...either at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ (for those who have repented of their sin, and have humbly accepted God's Free Love Gift)...or The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, for those who reject God's Free Love Gift. The latter would've been the case for EVERYONE had God done nothing.

To The Gospel Preached

Everyone must make a decision to God's Free Love Gift...but it must be done while they are still alive on Earth. Tragically, most would prefer to listen to Other Gospels Preached, with such lies as ''there are many ways to Heaven'', ''Jesus was only a man'', etc.. But, Not Everyone Will Enter Heaven, because Heaven Is Not Owed To You. Of all the Choices one makes in life, this one can be The Most Important Day in your life. A Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, and only Heaven Or Hell are the only 2 destinations available upon The Moment Of Your Death. You'll either be glad that you listened To The Gospel Preached, or regret that you refused to listen To The Gospel Preached.

Hell On Earth For Seven Years

A combination of several poems, including The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets, After The Rapture Of The Church, There'll Be No Place To Hide, Bible Prophecies Show They're True, Business As Usual Will End, Intervention By The Lord, One Second After Rapture; A Time That Is To Dread, Prophecies Will Be Fulfilled One Day, and Removal At The Rapture, And In The Coming Years, among others...this tells of a time coming on the Earth of Divine Judgment that has never been seen before, or ever will be again. Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn, and God will let evil rule for seven years...then Every Eye Shall Seee The Lord One Day when He returns to defeat all those who rebel against Him, and who spurn His Free Love Gift. One Way Or Another,'ll Bow Before The Lord...either Eagerly Or Compelled. It'll either be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Of all the Choices you will make in life, this one can be The Most Important Day.

They Got What They Deserved

The title for this poem, is thought of by the world as ''karma''. As Isaac Newton noted, ''For every action, there is an equal an opposite reaction''...but for every thought, word, and deed, there is also ''cause and effect''. Depending on whether the deed is good or evil...the person doing it receives a blessing...or punishment. Many times in this life, it seems that those who are doing good are the ones who suffer; and those who do evil seem to get away with their deeds...or as some note, ''the criminals get the justice''.

What many folks will be shocked to see, is that at The Moment Of Your Death, Everyone's Accountable, and there will be A Life On Trial for everyone who has ever lived. While Followers Of Satan's Ways Will One Day Get The Shaft, it must be fairly stated that If God Was Fair In Judgment There, All Would Go To Hell...and all would truly get what they deserved. But, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All by sending His Only Begotten Son to come to Earth, where Christ Lived The Life That I Could Not, and He Who Knew No Sin At All, took our sin and judgment upon that we could, by accepting God's Free Love Gift...even though we are unworthy...would get what we deserve, as joint heirs with Christ, His Blessings throughout Eternity, as No One Knows The Things That God Has Prepared for those who love Him...because we did The One Thing God Requires.

He Who Knew No Sin At All

It doesn't seem like an even exchange. The Lord Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, who knew no sin at all...took the sins that every man, woman, and child, who would ever live on Earth, would commit... and take all of them on Him as if He committed them. The Lord, He Did Command His Love To Us, and we got God's Riches At Christ's Expense: The Meaning Of Grace, when we repented of our sins, and accepted God's Free Love Gift...which was The One Thing That God Requires. And, when we did that, for us, it was The Most Important Day.

They May Escape Conviction Now; But Won't After They Die

In this life on Earth, in courtrooms every day, is A Life On Trial...whether for a ''minor crime'' defined as a ''misdemeanor'' a ''heinous crime'' defined as a ''felony'' American courts, the burden of proof is on the prosecution, as the defendant is considered innocent, until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, by a jury of their peers. However, I've heard one describe the definition of a jury as ''twelve people deciding who has the best lawyer''. Only The Lord Himself, and the individual charged with the crime, knows the truth of their guilt or innocence. And sadly, many of those who are guilty, will have their attorney lie about things, hoping that the jury will buy into their story...and acquit them of all guilt. Yet, The Lord will in no way, acquit the guilty...because if they refuse to accept God's Free Love Gift in this The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, there will be No Question Of Guilt, and there will be No Pardons And No Mercy, as No One Will Defend The Lost.

If We Don't Warn Them Of Their Sin (Ezekiel 3:18 and 33:8)

Based on Ezekiel 3:19 and 33:8, The Lord has commanded His Believers to ''Preach The Gospel To Every Creature'', and that includes warning the unsaved of the consequences if they fail to repent of sin, and to do The One Thing That God believe on The One He Has Sent, by repenting of their sin, and to receive God's Free Love Gift. If we fail to witness to these lost souls, and they die in their sin, their blood is on our hands. However, if we do witness to them, and warn them of what will happen if they don't repent...and they die in their sin...then we have delivered our souls from their blood. At Least One Chance Is Given There for every soul to hear The Gospel. And, whether that person accepts or rejects God's Free Love Gift, their blood is off our once we have provided the warning as ''A Watchman On The Wall'', we have done all that God has asked us to do. That's why I share this Gospel Poetry Collection, as a ministry to the saved, and a witness to the lost. Those who reading this (or any related website), and have not yet repented and received God's Free Love Gift, You Can't Say That You Weren't Warned When You Stand Before The Lord one day.

Judgment Falls At The Point When God Has Seen Enough

A companion poem to When God's Patience Ends, God Won't Wait Forever, and Sooner More Than Later, There...there comes a point when Almighty God has to execute judgment. He can not, and will not, tolerate sin...and He will deal with it at the appropriate time. And, when that time comes, The Judgment will come...either through death, The Wages Of Sin, or calamity on individuals, rulers, nations, or All Nations And All Peoples Judged One Day. Those who insolently ask What Can God Do To Me?? give little thought to the gravity of that question.

Truly, Vengeance Is The Lord's, and He will execute it at the Divinely Ordained Time. And, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, there will be No Pardons And No Mercy. The cry is Sinner, Seek The Lord Today, While He May Be Found. For If You Wait 'Til It's Too Late, you will regret it for all Eternity, for Eternal Torment, Not A Joke.

For The Unsaved Know At Death, They Chose To Go To Hell

Of all the frightening realizations one can have in life, this one is the ultimate of despair. There have been cases where right before the unsaved die...they see demons, hear horrific screams, and feel the flames of Hell. Then, they realize tragically, that they chose to go to this horrible place, by rejecting God's Free Love Gift. They laughed at all the warnings in this life, but they aren't laughing they realize Hell Is Not A Party Place, and that Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord.

Instead, they are screaming in agony, terror, and pain...being constantly tormented by demonic hordes...and having unquenchable thirst in the searing heat. They wish they could come back to Earth to tell of this horrible place, but realize now that After Death, Belief Too Late. They realize that they will now stand at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, with A Judgment Far Worse Coming There in The Home Of The Damned, in The Lake Of Fire, with The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, the False Prophet, and every other unsaved, vile, evil, unrepentant, and unregenerate person, who has ever lived, will spend Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night, as Eternal Torment, Not A Joke.

The World Is Begging For God's Judgment, Which Will One Day Fall

Based on 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 1 Corinthians 6:9, and Galatians 5:21, and a companion poem to As In The Days Of Noah, The World Today Is Begging For God's Judgment Wrath To Fall, and Soon All Of Earth Will Feel Sodom's Fate, mankind is openly flaunting its rebellion toward, and in The Face Of God. But, When God's Patience Ends, Those Not In God's Kingdom, because There Is No Fear Of God Before Their Eyes, will to, The Horror In Their Eyes, see that The Judgment begins with Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets, and will culminate When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. At the Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, it'll be either Everlasting Punishment, Or Life Eternal, There...punishment for the lost, and blessedness for those who repented of sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift.

It's Not The Color Of Your Skin, But That Of Your Heart

One of Satan's many lies is that he says that ''Christianity is an example of white supremacy''. The truth is, the Bible does NOT say what color our first parents were...although in that part of the world (and even in Israel for many years), the high angle of the sun would react with the melanin in their skin (every human being has a certain amount of melanin), and they would appear darker. In portions of the Middle East, some even appear ''olive complected''. Some even say that Cain was the first black man, because black is associated with darkness, the occult, and sin...and that God placed a mark on him after he killed his brother Abel in a jealous rage...but that was to prevent others from killing Cain when they came upon him. The truth of the matter is, that the King James Bible (1611) does NOT explicitly indicate what color Cain was...although it DOES note that the wife of Moses was ''a Cushite'' (a black woman from the African nation).

However, as the title of this poem says, The Lord does NOT care what the color of your skin is (and for that matter, neither do I). Basically, to put it bluntly...''we pee the same yellow...poop the same brown...and bleed the same red''. My late wife was ''a mix'' her Mom was black, and her Dad was white (her Mom died a year after my Mom did, and her Dad may be dead and gone now as well). When I worked for Burger King over 40 years ago in central Arkansas, many nights, I was the only ''white person'' on the crew; but we had a ball working together. One employee, a fellow cashier (he and I were great friends), called out ''Chicken...make It All White Meat...'', then he, and the rest of us busted out laughing!!

However, what The Lord looks on is NOT the color of one's skin...but instead, the color of one's heart. And, if it is black with the darkness of evil deeds, and it has NOT been cleansed by The Precious Blood Of Jesus, then at The Moment Of Your Death, you will enter The Home Of The Damned...then face The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where He'll say to you, ''Depart From Me, For You I've Never Known, as you are Destined For The Lake Of Fire. There, you will join Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, and every unrepentant, vile, evil soul, of all colors, that ever lived. And you, with them, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Though Your Sins As Scarlet, They Shall Be White As Snow (Isaiah 1:18)

No matter what you've done in thought, word, or deed. When you truly come to Christ in humility and repentance, on The Most Important Day, the title of this poem applies to you. It's Not The Color Of Your Skin; But The Color Of Your Heart, and The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin. Then, when God looks upon your heart, He sees your sins covered by the Precious Blood of Jesus...and at The Moment Of Your Death, you'll instantly be in The Home Of The Redeemed, with all the others who received God's Free Love Gift.

When Nations Turn Their Back On God, And On His Laws All There (Deuteronomy 28:15-44, and Nahum 3:3, 5-6, and 16)

A companion poem to When A Nation Forgets God , When A Nation Tells God He's Not Wanted Anymore, and The Wicked Shall Be Turned Into Hell...verses from Deuteronomy 28:15-44, and Nahum 3:3, 5-6, and 16, describe The Judgment of God that will fall upon that nation, in the form of curses upon the cities as follows:

1) Widespread crime (no place is safe...and it seems like ''criminals get the justice'')

2) The economy (prices of everything skyrocket...where basically, from I Wish We'd All Been Ready (by Larry Norman), ''a piece of bread would buy a bag of gold''). As of September, 2024, an ounce of gold is over $2500 in cost...and a typical gold bar weighs 400 ounces...making the cost over one million dollars!!

3) Turmoil in the futures market (prices of animals and crops).

4) Diplomacy (the country's enemies laugh at them).

5) Illnesses and plagues (widespread disease, for which there's no cure).

6) Famines and dust bowls (crops are wiped out, and many go hungry).

7) A country's armies flee in terror from the military of their enemies.

8) The breakdown of the family (rampant divorce and infidelity, most prefer shacking up instead of marriage).

9) The wealth of nations is removed (countries and its citizens in debt).

10) A generation of youth who don't care about God or Christianity...let alone the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules).

11) Illegal citizens take from those who legally live there.

12) Now a debtor nation, like all the others.

As a result of all of these curses, patriotism is gone, there's widespread death, the majority of wealth is gone, and things like porn/filth, and evil are everywhere. They now learn the hard truth that If You Sow The Wind, My Friend; The Whirlwind, You'll Reap, and that God Is Not Mocked. Everyone's Accountable, and Every Idle Word That's Spoken There will be answered for When You Stand Before The Lord.

The Faces That I Want To See

The Moment Of Your Death can be a frightening occurrence...but really, that only apply applies to those who have chosen to REJECT God's Free Love Gift, as they enter The Home Of The Damned. However, for those who repented of their sin, and eagerly accepted God's Free Love Gift, whether at death or at rapture...they will be now in the presence of ''the cloud of witnesses'' from Hebrews 12...and see The One who made it all possible...the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, Christ Alone, God's Only Begotten Son, and THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN. While all the loved ones who accepted Christ will be there as well, ALL of them will forever praise Him, singing Worthy Is The Lamb For Sinners Slain. The question I have to ask here, though, is that Will I See You At Christ's Throne??, and will you be part of the faces that I want to see??

When Something's Advertised As Free; Someone Paid The Cost

The word ''free'' usually means ''without cost''. Truth be told, someone had to pay for it, or make up the difference for an item to be ''free''. No doubt you've heard promotions to ''Buy One And Get One Free''...and while being frugal is beneficial (you're not ''wasting something'' (money or time), it's not good if you're known as ''a cheapskate''. Yet, The Creator Of The Universe, Christ Alone, The Alpha And Omega, the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, part of The Holy Trinity, who spoke the Universe and Planet Earth into existence, was NEVER a ''cheapskate''. Lacking nothing, before the foundation of the world, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, as He chose to leave the Glory Of Heaven, to come to be born of a virgin...and lived like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN (for He Who Knew No Sin At Christ Lived The Life That I Could Not. Then, He took upon Himself, the scourging and death on an Old Rugged Cross, that was meant for us...and rose again on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. While God's Free Love Gift is a FREE GIFT to all who would receive it, IT COST HIM EVERYTHING HE Salvation Is A Gift, Not Earned Or Bought.

The Ultimate Insult One Can Do, Is To A Gift, There Spurn

Normally, you'd think that one would be grateful for a gift...whether for a birthday, wedding, anniversary, new baby, etc...especially if it was a FREE GIFT that one could NOT afford...but one they DESPERATLY NEEDED. Sadly, there are people in the world who are selfish and ungrateful...thinking the world revolves around them, and that everyone should be doing things for them...but they wouldn't dare return the kindness of the favor. As the title of this poem notes, the ultimate insult to the giver of the gift, is to spurn it. And, sadly, that not only applies to gifts here in the physical realm, but in the spiritual realm as well. Even though Salvation Is A Gift, Not Earned Or Bought, and a FREE GIFT to all who would receive it...tragically, far more in the world will commit The One Sin Unforgiven and REFUSE to do The One Thing God Requires. At The Moment Of Your Death, these will realize, and know The Horror In Their Eyes, as they enter The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. And, then at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they will realize the folly of spurning this gift.

Mankind Or Satan Can Not Stop, Events That God Ordained

While mankind and Satan think they can subvert God's Plans and Actions, the truth is that The Lord Is In Control, and The Lord Is Not Suprised. In most games or battles in this earthly life, you have to figure out what your enemy or opponent is going to do next. Yet, The Lord ALREADY KNOWS EVERY MOVE that will occur...whether in the physical or spiritural realm. In the latter case, had Satan and his demonic hordes (the powers of darkness) known that Jesus Christ was going to rise from the dead, They Never Would've Crucified The Lord Of Glory.

Basically, The Lord is always ONE STEP AHEAD, and He even knows the outcome of everything. He even knows the number of hairs on your head, as well as The Moment Of Your Death. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, let alone the next 5 seconds. Sinner, Seek The Lord Today, While He May Be Found, for After Death, Belief Too Late. Your Eternal Destiny, either in The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned, depends on your choice.

One Second After Rapture There, Don't Call 911

A companion poem to One Second After Rapture There; A Time That Is To Dread, most people call 911 if there is an emergency situation. However, one second after the Rapture, all of the 911 lines will likely be jammed, as the phone network circuits will be overloaded, with calls wanting help from violence, or to find those family, friends, and loved ones, who have disappeared. The restraint of evil by the Holy Spirit will have ended, and it'll be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, until the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. If you refuse God's Free Love Gift, you will be left behind, and will experience the reality of this poem.

At The Second Coming, The Tribes Of Earth Will Mourn (Revelation 1:7)

When a person realizes it's too late to do anything on a particular choice or situation, they are emotionally devastated. And, such will be the case When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. When He finally returns to Earth as King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, it will be TOO LATE to fall at His Feet, and call Him Lord. At that point, all of mankind will have decided whether or not to accept or reject God's Free Love Gift...and when they stand before Him in The Valley Of Decision, Hell know who gets to enter the Millennium Of Peace, and who is cast off into outer darkness.

At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds

Satan and his deluded forces are so depraved that they think they can defeat The Lord Of Hosts When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Through over six millenia, they have plotted against The Lord, making one wonder Why Do The Heathen Of The Earth Always Rage. Yet, it will be The Lord who has The Last Laugh, as He is laughing at them now, with a laughter of scorn...and He knows that the armies of Earth are by no means equipped to fight the armies of Heaven. Yet, Satan will assemble Earth's armies to try to stop The Lord's return at Armageddon, and with just a Word from His Mouth, Christ will cut His Enemies to shreds. The quagmire of blood from the kings, horses, and mighty men that were slaughtered, will reach up to the bridle of horses for 200 miles. Of the Two Feasts Of The Future, instead of the Marriage Supper Of The Lamb, these armies now become a part of this revolting feast of fools, as Christ calls all the birds of the air to dine at this grisly dinner.

Once You Witness To Someone, Their Blood Is Off Your Hands (Ezekiel 3:18 and 33:8)

While My Heart Breaks When Someone Spurns The Lord, the truth of the matter is, once I have witnessed to them, to present the Gospel, and how to receive God's Free Love Gift, I've done all that God has asked me to do. It is up to God's Holy Spirit to prick their cold, hard, heart. To the question whether we should ''cram a Bible down their throat'', the answer is Absolutely Not!!. You may have family, friends, or loved ones, who have given you ''the cold shoulder'' when you presented the Gospel, but their blood is off your hands...and they will have to answer for that at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, should they die without receiving God's Free Love Gift ...but After Death, Belief Too Late.

Five Earthquakes Are Coming; And Planet Earth Will Shake (Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8, Luke 21:1, Ezekiel 38:20, Zechariah 14:4, and Revelation 6:12, 11:13, and 16:18

While Christ said that part of the birth pangs prior to His Second Coming, there would be earthquakes in many places, these five are likely to occur after the Rapture Of The Church. They are as follows:

1) At the Battle Of Ezekiel 38, when Russia, the Muslims, and others, try a sneak attack on Israel, to wipe them off the face of the Earth. God lets them get to the Golan Heights (the mountains of Israel), then He makes His Presence known, by hail, fire, and brimstone from Heaven, a huge earthquake, and He sets them battling against themselves, where 5 out of every 6 troops will die on the spot.

2) At the Sixth Seal Judgment. Mankind will flee to the mountains, praying for the rocks to fall on them, as They Couldn't Look Upon Christ There, and don't want to ever have to face Him (but they ultimately will).

3) Three and a half days after the Two Witnesses were murdered by The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, they will be resurrected, then raptured into Heaven, as the entire Earth watches. A huge earthquake occurs, and 7000 people are killed.

4) At the Seventh Bowl Judgment. An earthquake, the likes of which has never been seen on Earth, will rock the entire planet. The mountains and islands will disappear back into the Earth, and the landscape will be remade prior When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

5) After Christ has defeated His Enemies, He stands on the Mount Of Olives, and a huge earthquake occurs, creating a huge valley, ''The Valley Of Decision'', where all the non-combatants of The Tribulation, Hell On Earth For Seven Years, will be gathered. Depending on whether they helped the Jews, or accepted God's Free Love Gift will determine whether they will enter the Millennium Of Peace.

The World Carouses At Sin's Saloon; When Rapture Does Take Place

Just like in the Old West, the world is partying and carousing at Sin's Saloon...ignoring the warnings that The Rapture Express is about to leave the station. God has always removed His Own before Judgment has fallen. The two main examples are with Noah, his family, and the animals in the Ark, before the worldwide flood...then Lot and his two daughters from Sodom and Gomorrah...before He destroyed both cities with fire and brimstone. Tragically, Lot's wife disobeyed the command to not look back, and she was instantly killed. Noah had found Grace in The Eyes Of The Lord, and Lot was the only one God considered righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah. Before the fire of judgment fell on Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham asked The Lord, ''Surely you won't destroy the righteous with the wicked. Shall not the Judge of all the Earth do right??'' (Genesis 18:25).

The majority of the world, except for The Believing Remnant is ''partying like there's no tomorrow''. But, when The Church Age ends, just like two blasts on the horn of a train leaving the station, those translate as the shout and the trumpet of the Rapture Of The Church. When the unsaved realize that they weren't on the platform for the departure to Heaven, panic will ensue, as it'll be Hell On Earth For Seven Years. As The Lord warned in Matthew 24:44, ''Therefore be ready. For in such an hour as you are not aware, The Son Of Man comes''.

Religions Keep Mankind Enslaved; But Christ Will Set You Free

A companion poem to Relationship Not Religion, this poem shows the difference between Christianity and all the religions of the world. Mankind tries to do all these things to become acceptable to God, but God's Standard Is Perfection. You would have to live your entire life on Earth, WITHOUT A SINGLE SIN in thought, word, motive, or deed, from birth to death. For if You've Broken One Of God's Laws, Friend; You've Broken Every One. Basically, religion keeps mankind in bondage, and a slave to it...but the plan of salvation with God's Free Love Gift is so easy...truthfully, Salvation's Plan So Easy, But Mankind Says ''It's A Lie''. And, tragically, many refuse to accept it because of the simplicity. No Athiests Exist There In Hell Fire, but After Death, Belief Too Late. Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, depends on your choice.

Some Possible Explanations, And The Rapture Truth

When the Rapture Of The Church occurs, those left behind will be wanting some sort of explanation for the sudden disappearance of millions of people across planet Earth. Men and women, young and old, every child below the age of accountability, and every unborn child in the womb, (as Children Are A Heritage of The Lord), will be GONE, as In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes. Indeed, The World Carouses At Sin's Saloon; When Rapture Does Take Place, and they will realize too late, that they missed it. Since His Truth Refused, God Sends Delusion...and part of that may well be some of the ''explanations'' given by those left behind, on why so many people disappeared.

The womb of every woman who was left behind, that was pregnant, will be instantly empty. God will make a monumental statement that ''LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION'' -- in other words, there will be Miscarriages At Rapture, For All Women Left Behind that were pregnant. It will shortly become Hell On Earth For Seven Years, before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth to set everything right. All those who were raptured, will return with Christ, and the Heavenly Host of angels, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, to set up his Millennium Of Peace...and only those who accepted God's Free Love Gift will be allowed to enter.

A Repentant Sinner's Like, The Thief There, On Christ's Right

The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats after Christ's Return To Planet Earth (Matthew 25:31-46) was prefigured on Calvary. The Judge (Jesus) in the Center...those who did The One Thing God Requires, on His Right...and those who rejected God's Free Love Gift, on His Left. The thief on the left cursed and yelled at Christ, saying ''If you're The Son Of God, Save Yourself And Us!!''. Yet, the thief on the right, who originally mocked Christ as well, then realized that Christ's Righteousness was shining through...and he rebuked his fellow thief, asking ''Don't you fear the wrath of God?? We're getting what we deserve, but This Man has done nothing wrong!!''. Then, he turned to Jesus and said ''Lord, Remember Me, when you come into Your Kingdom''. He likely never expected the reply from The Lord, that ''Truly I say to, you'll be with Me in Paradise''. The best representation of this is in the song Too Small A Price by Don Francisco...first telling of the thief who'd be on Christ's right on Calvary...and the reward promised to the thief, now in Paradise...where the redeemed continually praise that ''Jesus Is The Lord Of All -- We Have Been Redeemed!!''

Just One Sin Not Paid For Means, That Christ's Still In The Grave

A companion poem to Without The Resurrection, It's Just Not The Same, as the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15: 14-20, ''If Christ isn't risen from the dead, our preaching is in vain, your faith is in vain, those who've died in Christ have perished, and we're the most miserable of all creatures. But, Christ has risen from the dead, and is the firstfruits of them that sleep''. However, The One Sin Unforgiven is failing to do The One Thing God Requires, to believe on The One He has sent. Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, even if it's The One Sin Unforgiven. Just One Thing Will Save Your Soul, and that's repenting of your sin, and then accepting God's Free Love Gift. And, The One Sin Unforgiven, the one that God won't forgive, is your rejecting God's Free Love Gift.

When At Death Or Rapture There, These Things Are Left Behind

At The Moment Of Your Death, everything in your earthly life will be left behind. Cars, bank accounts, homes, clothes, medical devices, and a whole host of other items. For those who did The One Thing God Requires, by repenting of sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, they are now in The Home Of The Redeemed, and if before the Rapture Of The Church, they are now in their spiritual bodies, present with The Lord...and awaiting their new resurrection bodies that they'll receive at the Rapture Of The Church. For the believers On Jesus at the time of the Rapture Of The Church, they'll receive their new resurrection bodies a fraction of a second after the dead in Christ are resurrected, and receive their new resurrection bodies...then all will rise to join Christ in the Heaven's, and He'll take His Bride to Heaven, to be with Him.

Tragically, for those who have refused to do The One Thing God Requires, by repenting of sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift...they will be left behind at the Rapture Of The Church, to face Hell On Earth For Seven Years until the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Every Eye Shall See The Lord One Day, and at that point....just like at The Moment Of Your Death, it'll be too late to change Your Eternal Destiny. This is a companion poem to At The Rapture Of The Church, All These Left Behind.

King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords, Forever Christ Shall Reign (Revelation 11:15, 19:16)

Based on Revelation 11:15 and 19:16, along with numerous other day, the title of this poem will come to pass. While He's ruling and reigning from Heaven now, after Hell On Earth For Seven Years, and When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, He will assume His Rule and Reign on Earth as well...having destroyed His Enemies at the Battle of Armageddon. The Old Testament saints, who will receive their resurrection bodies at Christ's Second Coming, will join The Church, The Bride Of Christ, who were taken in the Rapture Of The Church, at least seven years rule and reign with Christ during the Millennium Of Peace. Then, after The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, a New Heaven and A New Earth will be created, and where Sin Won't Rise A Second Time. Then, He rule and reign for all Eternity. The only way you can join Him, is if you repent of sin, and do The One Thing God Requires, in accepting God's Free Love Gift.

The Seven Dispensations

Based on a study by the late Jack Kelley of Grace Thru Faith, this poem covers The Seven Dispensations through History. These include:

1) The Age Of Innocence - From Creation To The Fall.

2) The Age Of Consicence - From The Fall To The Flood.

3) The Age Of Human Government - From The Flood To The Tower Of Babel.

4) The Promise - From Abraham To Moses.

5) The Law - From Moses To Jesus.

6) The Age Of Grace - From Pentcost To The Rapture.

7) The Kingdom - One Thousand Years Of Peace, Starting With The Second Coming.

Note that The Age Of Grace ''interrupted'' The Law, seven years short of completion. The first time Jesus came to Earth, the Jews rejected their Messiah. But, when He returns the second time, they will accept Him.

As Jack Kelley notes in his study, ''I think the overarching purpose of these seven dispensations is to demonstrate that there are no conditions under which natural man can behave in a manner acceptable to God''. Only the Church is able to do so, and then only after being perfected in the Rapture. This is why Paul wrote that after the end of the Millennium, when it comes time for Jesus to present the Kingdom to the Father, He will first destroy all dominion, authority, and power (1 Corinthians 15:24). What that means is when we enter Eternity, neither mankind, nor the angels will ever have the desire or ability to disobey God again. That's why there isn't an eighth dispensation called Eternity. Yet throughout these seven dispensations, the majority of mankind will try any other way possible to get to Heaven, instead of doing The One Thing God Requires, in accepting God's Free Love Gift.

The Judgments And Their Lines (Based on 2 Corinthians 5:9-11, Matthew 25:31-46, and Revelation 20:11-15)

There are three judgments coming soon, and every human who has ever lived will be at one of them, as follows:

1) The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, for believers of The Church Age from Pentecost to the Rapture Of The Church.

2) The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats...for survivors of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which was Hell On Earth For Seven Years, into two groups...the sheep (the righteous)...and the goats (the unrighteous).

3) The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, for every person who died without receiving God's Provision for sin, because they failed to do The One Thing God Requires.

Depending on what you do with God's Free Love Gift...whether it's before the Rapture Of The Church...right after the point When Christ Returns To Planet Earth...or worst of all, if you do nothing, as Decision Not Required To Go To'll be in the longest line of The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats (Matthew 25:31-46)

When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, He will first rescue the repentant Jews...then destroy the contending armies who oppose Him...and separate the survivors from The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which was Hell On Earth For Seven Years, into two groups...the sheep (the righteous, who protected the Jews, at the risk of their own life)...and the goats (the unrighteous, who persecuted the Jews, or took The Mark Of The Beast). The Righteous will get to enter the Millennium Of Peace... while the Unrighteous will be cast off into The Home Of The Damned.

Faster Than A Strobelight Flash, The Rapture Will Be Done

A companion poem to In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes, the idea for the title came from, of all things, the strobelight on the fire alarm in the hospital...someone had set it off. I was in the Emergency Room from July 29 through August 1, 2021, diagnosed with atrial flutter (where the heart races...and if there's a blood clot somewhere in the body, it can lead to a fatal heart attack or stroke). Anyway, it appears that I had caught it in time...and while I know that Heaven will be my home when I die, I'd still like to be here at least until the Rapture Of The Church. But, when a strobe light flashes, it is so quick...just like a lightning strike...and as the Rapture Of The Church will be. By the time people realize what has happened, it will be TOO LATE to take part...and they will then be in The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, until the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and the Rapture Of The Church will occur with no prior warning. For a look of how quick the Rapture may occur, click here.

Life Rough Before The Rapture; Afterwards, A Living Hell

While life on Earth seems rough now, as soon as the Rapture Of The Church occurs, it'll become a Living Hell, for all those left behind. It will truly be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, with 21 Divine Judgments pummeling the planet...leading up to When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. The time until the Rapture Of The Church is Closer By The Second, and Faster Than A Strobelight Flash, The Rapture Will Be Done. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One...let alone the next 5 seconds. For If You Wait Until It's Too Late, which it will be at either The Moment Of Your Death or at the Rapture Of The Church, you will regret it for all God's Offer Of Pardon Expires At Death, and those left behind after the Rapture Of The Church, may not get another chance to repent and receive God's Free Love Gift.

The Lost Will Curse The Lord Of Hosts, When His Judgments Fall (Revelation 16:21)

A companion poem to Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets, and based on Revelation 16:21, mankind's rebellion toward God will reach its zenith during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years. Mankind has always blamed God for all his problems, when in reality, Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with them forever, in The Home Of The Damned. The Lord Did All He Could To Save Your Soul, and The Lord Does Not Want You To Go To Hell. However, Your Decision Will Be Honored, at The Moment Of Your Death, on what you did with God's Free Love Gift.

Denominations Do Not Save, Only Faith In Christ

Denominations were NOT God's invention, but man's...based on their interpretation and beliefs of doctrines of what ''The Lord Has Saith''. However, The Scriptures Are Not Open To Private Interpretation. Yet, no matter whether you're Christian, non-Christian, Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, or Gentile...or whether you're Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly Of God, Pentecostal, Quaker, Episcopalian, Church Of Christ, or something else...NONE OF THOSE DENOMINATIONS, or ANYTHING THAT YOU DO, will get you into Heaven...eXCEPT doing The One Thing God repenting of sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. This is because, to God, Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags (literally bloody menstrual cloths), and if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record, you will NOT be allowed into Heaven...but instead, you'll join Satan, his demons, and all the other unrepentant souls in The Home Of The Damned, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night for all Eternity.

Today Is Not Too Early, As Tomorrow May Be Too Late

A companion poem to Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, today...right now...would NOT be too repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. God's Offer Of Pardon Expires At Death, and at The Moment Of Your Death, it is TOO LATE to make a decision for Christ, as Your Eternal Destiny is now sealed, and it can't be changed. Don't fall for Satan's lie of ''you have many years left''...because Tomorrow Is Promised To No One...let alone the next 5 seconds.

Two Types Of Thanksgiving; And One Of Them, A Lie

The Thanksgiving Holiday, inspired by the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, has basically turned into ''just another day'', with many forgetting what the true meaning of the day was for. The late Jack Kelley of Grace Thru Faith ministries, did a study on The God Without - A Thanksgiving Message.

But, there will be two types of Thanksgiving when the Rapture Of The Church occurs. For true believers on Jesus as THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN (John 6:29, John 14:6, Acts 4:12), at that moment, the Thanksgiving will be that they're now free from this life of sin and shame, they will have A Reunion Like No Other, with all their family, friends, and loved ones, who did The One Thing God Requires, repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. And, they'll be with The One who made it all possible, declaring that Worthy Is The Lamb For Sinners Slain, and that Christ Alone is worthy of the praise.

By contrast, the unrepentant will have their version of ''thanksgiving'', now that ''the Bible believing Christians are gone, and there is no more restraint on evil''. As the late Dr. Charles Stanley, who was the founder of In Touch Ministries, and Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia (he went on to be with The Lord in April, 2023) noted, ''they will feel that have died, and gone to their warped picture of Heaven''. But, to these spiritually blind, His Truth Refused, God Sends Delusion, that they should believe a lie. So, The Lord will let them believe that lie with all their hearts...and He will then judge them for rejecting God's Free Love Gift. Then, He will allow The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace to create Hell On Earth For Seven Years, with Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets of His Wrath, with 21 Divine Plagues that will pound the planet, and at least two thirds (if not more) of those on Earth after the Rapture Of The Church, will die.

The Lord Did All He Could To Save Your Soul. Your Eternal Destiny depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift...and Your Decision Will Be Honored throughout Eternity.

The Evil Forces Surely Lose; While They Think They Will Win

Started and inspired by Satan, who had the origination of sin in the universe, all those who rebel against God feel that they can defeat Him. As Psalm 2 notes, even the majority of the rulers of Earth say ''let us break the bonds of God from us''...and ''The Lord who sits in Heaven, laughs at them, in scorn''. Yet, Satan is a created being with LIMITED POWER...but, Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With Unlimited Power. While The Lord is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and omnipresent (everywhere at once), Satan is NONE of those three traits.

It's like he's playing a chess game against the Creator...but The Creator knows ALL THE MOVES IN ADVANCE...and Satan does not...and he can NOT know them!! In short, every time Satan thinks he ''has God in check'', The Lord makes a move, and Satan is ''checkmated'' once again. Yet, Satan and his demonic hordes are so depraved in their thinking, that even though they know the Bible says that The Home Of The Damned (including The Lake Of Fire) is for THEM...they still believe that somehow they can avoid all of that, and defeat The Lord. Even with the crucifixion of Christ, what Satan thought was his greatest victory, turned out to be his total defeat, at Christ's Resurrection on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. Satan has been defeated once before, but at The Coming Of Christ, this time, The Lord Jesus Christ will finish him off!! While Satan will be released from his prison after Millennium Of Peace, the final rebellion...when he raises up an army ''as numerous as the sand of the sea'' to defeat The Lord...won't even get off the ground. God will strike all of them with fire from Heaven, and they will be annihilated. Then, Satan and his demonic hordes wiill be cast into The Lake Of Fire to join The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, The False Prophet, and eventually everyone else at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. And once there, they'll finally see that all hope for defeating The Lord is gone is any hope for relief of never ending torment, pain, darkness, and loneliness, because in The Home Of The Damned, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. As some have said, ''We've read The Books Of The Bible, and ''We Know Who Wins!!'' -- and it's NOT the forces of evil. You can be on ''the winning side'' by repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. But, if you willingly refuse to do such, then the theme of this poem will be yours.

When Fullness Of The Gentiles Has Come In (Romans 11:25)

People are wanting to know when the Rapture Of The Church will occur. That date is NOT available, according to The Lord. If it was known, people would ''live like Satan right up to the last second'', and then ''repent''...but Lip Service Isn't Good Enough, and it's equivalent to just Going Through The Motions. It's Not The Color Of Your Skin, But The Color Of Your Heart, and whether or not you've repented of your sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift. When Israel and the Jews rejected Jesus Christ as their Messiah, Israel was temporarily set aside, as God would call ''a people to Himself'' (the Gentiles (non-Jews) of the world). Once the ''Divine Quota'' has been reached, when ''fullness of the Gentiles has come in'', that will END the Church Age, with the Rapture Of The Church.

But, At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye, as In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes, when the cry Behold, The Bridegroom Comes echoes through the Heavens and the Earth. Once the Rapture Of The Church occurs, God will turn His Attention back to the national redemption of Israel, and punishment of all those (both nations and individuals) who rejected Christ as Lord and Saviour. It will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, as 21 judgments of Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets pound the Earth during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble. At the end of this time, The Believing Remnant of the Jews will come to faith in Jesus Christ as their Messiah, and At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds.

The point of the title of this poem is Closer By The Second, and once the Rapture Of The Church occurs, everyone left behind will experience a time of judgment on Earth that has never been seen, or will ever be again. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and everyone is just One Heartbeat Away from either Heaven Or Hell, and a Decision Not Required To Go To Hell. Your Eternal Destiny depends upon your choice.

The Unrepentant Will Not Have Christ Reign

Sadly, far more of mankind, will choose to reject God's Free Love Gift than to accept it. The simple reason is that these unrepentant souls have vowed ''We will not let Christ reign over us''. Basically, mankind wants to be ''their own god''. God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and He will not force mankind into making that choice. Yet, a Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, and Your Decision Will Be Honored at The Moment Of Your Death. Your Eternal Destiny will either be The Home Of The Damned if you do nothing...or The Home Of The Redeemed if you repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

More Of Mankind Refuses Christ, Than Those Who Will Say 'Yes'

Ever since our first parents rebelled in the Garden Of Eden, bringing the curse of sin and death to the world, the title of this poem rings so true. Most were deceived by Satan, preferring a life of sin, and persuaded that ''this life is all there is''. Yet, Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn; so he, as ''the father of lies, and a murderer from the beginning''... turns the majority of mankind against The Lord. Some have speculated that since one third of the angels joined Satan (originally Lucifer, the covering cherub) in a coup against The Lord Of Hosts (they were cast out of Heaven, sentenced to eternal banishment, and changed to horiffic looking demons)...that two thirds of all mankind will rebel against The Lord, refusing God's Free Love Gift.

Sadly, Not All Will Repent, and that would leave only The Believing Remnant, which God has always preserved through each generation. Christ Himself said that ''Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who find it. But, straight is the gate, and narrow the way, that leads to eternal life, and few there are who find it''. Yet, one day, Eagerly Or Compelled, all will bow before The Lord. And, after The Moment Of Your everyone is One Heartbeat will be too late to make the decision to accept God's Free Love Gift. And, if you don't accept Him before that point, then you automatically reject The Home Of The Damned will be yours forever...where you will be like all the others who refused Christ... They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

There Will Be Consequences When You Die

You may think that ''no one is watching you'', and that all of your deeds, motives, words, and thoughts...done in the open or in secret...will never come back to haunt you, and you'll never have to answer for them. However, Your Life Is Being Recorded, Your Sin Will Find You Out, You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend, and You'll Answer Only For Yourself at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where there will be No Question Of Guilt, and No Pardons And No Mercy will be No One Will Defend The Lost. Everyone who has ever lived will experience A Life On Trial...and whether your trial is conducted at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, which is exclusively for The Believing Remnant...those who have repented of sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift...or for the majority of mankind that will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, Eagerly Or Compelled, you will bow before The Lord Jesus Christ, and answer for everything you have ever done.

Mankind And Earth Will Be Judged For Rejecting Christ

It started with Adam and Eve's sin in the Garden Of Eden, with The Groaning Of Creation, as both mankind and creation were cursed, because of their disobedience. Man died spiritually, and developed a rebellious nature, which continues to this day...and it will continue until after The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, at which point, The Lord will purify the Earth so tainted with sin, by setting it on fire with a fervent heat...then creating a New Heaven, New Earth, and New Jerusalem. For all of the unsaved at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night, in The Home Of The Damned. During The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, 3 sets of judgments of Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets (written this way for better poetic structure -- the actual order is seals, trumpets, and bowls), will pulverize the Earth, and if The Lord didn't return at the appointed time, no life would be left on Earth. Sadly, Not All Will Repent, and most would rather curse God and die...because they refused to do The One Thing God believe on the One He Has sent, repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

You Are Being Laughed At If You're Lost

If you have not repented of your sin, and received God's Free Love Gift, whether you realize it or not, two entities are laughing at you. The first one is The Lord Jesus Christ, because sinful mankind, and the nations, are no match for Him at all. No one can not outwit or outsmart Him, as He knows all the motives, words, thoughts, and actions before they think about the deed(s). The second one is Satan himself, who is laughing at you, because of the chains you've let him put on you. You may think you have it all, but There Will Be Consequences When You Die. Because everyone who has ever lived, will one day, Eagerly Or Compelled will bow before The Lord Jesus Christ. That includes the angels in Heaven, those on the Earth, and those under the Earth...including Satan and his demonic hordes. Ultimately, The Lord will have The Last Laugh, and all of those opposing Him will be sent to The Lake Of Fire, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

The Long Lines Of Judgment

There will be two judgments after one's life on Earth is done. Either The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ is for those who have repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift. By contrast, The Judgment Of The Great White Throne will be for all those who refused God's Free Love Gift in this life. At both of these judgments, there will be long lines of individuals...but at the latter judgment, the line will be far longer... and the atmosphere will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced. However, for those at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, it will follow A Reunion Like No Other, when the faith will become sight, and they will be face to face with The One who made it all possible for them to enter Heaven.

A Sampling Of The Sins Done There, On Judgment Day, Revealed

Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, whether it's The One Sin Unforgiven, or any of the sins listed in this poem (or even those that are not listed), God's Standard Is Perfection...and the ONLY way you can enter Heaven is a life totally free of sin, in thought, word, and deed. On Judgment Day, for everyone, it is One Appointment You Will Keep...whether at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ for those who have repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift...or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

While for the believers ON Jesus won't be judged for their sins, The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ will result in rewards gained or lost. Tragically, for those who rejected God's Free Love Gift, these will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...and there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, because No One Will Defend The Lost, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Your Decision Will Be Honored for all Eternity...and Your Eternal Destiny depends upon your choice.

The World Today Is Begging For God's Judgment Wrath To Fall

A companion poem to As In The Days Of Noah, The World Is Begging For God's Judgment Which One Day Will Fall, and Soon All Of Earth Will Feel Sodom's Fate, mankind is openly flaunting its rebellion toward, and in The Face Of the point of ''daring Him to do something''. These unrepentant, rebellious souls, fail to realize that You Are Being Laughed At If You're Lost...but when they do, The Horror In Their Eyes will be the start of their time in The Home Of The Damned, which will last for all Eternity, and they'll see that Eternal Torment Not A Joke.

God is patient and merciful, but as seen As In The Days Of Noah, When God's Patience Ends, Soon All Of Earth Will Feel Sodom's Fate, when God used Divine Fire to ''blast Sodom and Gomorrah off of the face of the Earth forever''. Like it or not, The Lord, He Made The Rules, and Decision Not Required To Go To Hell. The only ones who will spend Eternity in happiness, joy, and bliss, in The Home Of The Redeemed, will be those who did The One Thing God Requires, repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift.

False Repentance Before Christ; Him You Cannot Fool

A companion poem to Going Through The Motions, You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend, and It's Not The Color Of Your Skin, But The Color Of Your Heart, The Lord knows you better than you know yourself...and He knows every thought, word, deed, and motive, that you are going to do, before they even come to your mind. So, your actions toward Him...whether in the open, or in secret...are no surprise at all. He knows which ones truly wish to repent of sin, and receive God's Free Love Gift, and those who are ''just faking it'', as they're doing it ''to be seen of men''. Of the latter, Jesus says ''They have their reward''...and for these, it will be The Home Of The Damned, because they didn't sincerely do The One Thing God believe on The One He Has sent (Acts 16:31), which is truly repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift.

Those Who Do Not Know The Lord, Aren't Forced To Be Lost

The title of this poem is based on a quote from pastor Dr. J. Vernon McGee...''There is not a person on topside of this world that is being forced to be lost. They are lost, because they've chosen to be lost.'' Just like the poem Choices, ultimately all of us individually make the choice and decision to embark on a particular task, or commit a particular sin.
In the parable of the talents, The Lord Jesus Christ excused no one from personal responsibility. On Judgment Day, everyone will experience A Life On Trial, where Everyone's Accountable. Many are too prideful to repent of their sin, but the question is What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??.

You'll Hear About It Now Or Later; The Latter Is Far Worse

A companion poem to At Least One Chance Is Given There, everyone will hear the Gospel in two places...both in this life, and in Eternity...the latter will be either in Heaven Or Hell. In Heaven, with all those who repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, these will forever praise The Lord, saying Worthy Is The Lamb For Sinners Slain, and that Christ Alone is worthy of the praise. In truth, Christ Lived The Life That I Could Not, and Christ's Love And Our Sins, Held Him To The Cross...and The Words Are So Inadequate, in just saying ''Thank You'' is just not enough. Yet, we are like the one leper of the ten that The Lord cleansed...all he could say to The Lord was ''Thank You''...and he was told ''Go your way...your faith has made you whole''. Indeed, once one truly repents of their sin, and believes on Christ Alone as The Only Way To Heaven, He now sees us as righteous as He is...even though in this life, we still are in the ''corruptible, sinful flesh''. But, In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes, and we'll be changed to an incorruptible, perfect body, just like The Lord Himself...never again having to worry about things like sickness, diease, pain, death, or the need to eat, drink, or sleep...let alone ''the call of nature'' or the curse of sin.
There will be praise and service to, and for The Lord, in Heaven, like we've never been able to do on Earth. Indeed, No One Knows The Things That God Has Prepared for those who love Him...and eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, or has entered into the heart of man, any of it. The glory and beauty of Heaven will be far better than the most pleasurable experience we had on Earth.

Tragically, More Of Mankind Refuses Christ, Than Those Who Will Say 'Yes'...and for those who choose to reject God's Free Love Gift...upon The Home Of The Damned will belong to these unrepentant souls upon The Moment Of Your Death. Those Now In The Flames Of Hell know the Truth...but for these, it's too late. They will know that they truly are The One To Blame, and to them, The Horror In Their Eyes When You Stand Before The Lord, in realizing that instead of being A Friend For Life, Jesus Christ will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced. For at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they will see The Lord for the last time, before they are cast into The Lake Of Fire...where along with Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, the False Prophet, and everyone else who rejected God's Free Love Gift, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

If God Hated All Mankind, There'd Be No Salvation

A companion poem to The True Hate Crime Committed There, and The World Says We're Intolerant, the truth of the matter is reflected in the title of this poem. When Lucifer, originally the covering cherub, rebelled against God, and deceived a third of the angelic realm to launch a coup against The Lord Of Hosts...and then deceived our first parents in The Garden Of Eden to sin against God, The Lord could've ''shut everything down right then, and there''...condemning all to The Home Of The Damned, as Hell Was Meant For Satan, and all who followed him.

Yet, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, launching The Plan Of Redemption before the foundation of the, it was in place when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden Of Eden. Christ Alone, the King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords would come to Earth, be born of a Virgin, and live like us in all ways, except without sin...for He Who Knew No Sin At All would shed His Precious Blood to pay for every sin that every person who would ever live, would commit...EXCEPT for The One Sin Unforgiven...failing to do The One Thing God Requires (to believe on The One He Has Sent). He would die on that Old Rugged Cross, and then rise from the dead on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. The Lord Did All He Could To Save Your Soul, and The Lord, He Did It Just For You. Your Eternal Destiny depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

At Death, Who Will Your Sin Debt Pay?? If Not Christ, Then It's You

In this life, when you have a debt of some sort, either you or someone else has to pay it. Aside from the debts one would expect (monetary and otherwise), everyone has a ''sin debt'' that they owe to God. God's Standard Is Perfection, and Your Righteousness Is As Filthy Rags (literally bloody menstrual cloths) before Him. After our first parents, Adam and Eve, sinned in The Garden Of Eden, eating of the Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil, that God clearly told them These Things You Shall Not Do...The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth became apparent quickly. Both of them died spiritually, and all their children would develop a rebellious nature.

But, God had launched His Plan Of Redemption before the foundation of the world, in that Christ Alone, God In The Flesh would leave The Glory Of Heaven, and come to be born of a Virgin, and live like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN...for truly, He Who Knew No Sin At All would become God's Free Love Gift, because Christ Lived The Life That I Could Not. He took upon Himself every sin I would ever commit in thought, word, motive, or deed...along with every other likewise sin, of everyone who'd ever live. So, Christ became sin for us, so we might become the Righteousness of God. He was practically beaten to a pulp with the scourging before carrying The Cross to Calvary, and the sight of Him hanging there, bloody and naked, was so gruesome, that They Couldn't Look Upon Christ There. In fact, most prisoners who underwent the scourging, died from it.

Just before He died, He shouted ''Tetelestai'' or ''It Is Finished''...meaning that the huge cost of mankind's sin had now been paid. Then, He rose from the dead on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures...because Without The Resurrection, it's just not the same. Even one sin not paid for would mean that Christ would still be in the grave...and everyone would be bound for The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

The One Thing God Requires is to ''Believe On The One He Has Sent'', to repent of one's sin, and to accept God's Free Love Gift...and not just be Going Through The Motions. He knows whether you're sincere or not, because You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend. And, It's Not The Color Of Your Skin, But The Color Of Your Heart that will get you into Heaven. Because, if The One Sin Unforgiven is found on your record When You Stand Before The Lord, He will say to you, ''Depart From Me, For You I've Never Known.

'Rules For Thee, But Not For Me', The Hypocrites All Say

It's basically a double standard...the ruling class and elites versus their subjects, the peasants. These elites and rulers make all these rules, requiring the subjects and peasants to follow them to the letter. However, they themselves ignore the rules, as ''it doesn't apply to them''. What they refuse to accept is that The Laws Of God, They Supercede, All The Laws Of Man. It is His Creation, and The Lord, He Made The Rules. Mankind can either choose to serve The Lord in his earthly life, or serve Satan. God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and He will NOT force anyone to make the Choices on who to serve. Yet, for everyone Your Eternal Destiny depends on your decision on whether to accept or reject God's Free Love Gift.

Our Citizenship In Heaven; Not This Earthly Place (Philippians 3:20)

Based on Philppians 3:20, those who've done The One Thing God Requires, our citizenship is NOT on this Earth, filled with corruption, sin, and death, because of The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth...but in The Home Of The Redeemed, where Nothing That Defiles will ever enter in, or become part of it. The Groaning Of Creation signifies that it, too...wants to be redeemed and released from The Curse Of Sin On Planet those who have repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, to be free from this corruptible, sinful, flesh...dealing with pain, illness, death, etc. For, at Rapture Of The Church, the believers on Jesus will become like Him, with perfect and complete resurrection bodies, that will never grow old, get sick, gain weight, have to eat, drink, sleep, answer the call of nature, or deal with disease, death, or sin, ever again.

Christianity is Inclusive, Yet Exclusive...which means that The Gospel is for all its INCLUSIVE, but Heaven is EXCLUSIVE to those who do The One Thing God believe on The One He Has Sent. And, in Heaven, the saved will be free from the constraints and sins from this earthly life forever. What you do with God's Free Love Gift determines Your Eternal Destiny...which is only in one of two places...either The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The of which will be entered upon The Moment Of Your Death.

What You Will And Will Not See

It's truly a study in contrast on what you will and will not see at The Moment Of Your Death. Depending on whether you accepted or rejected God's Free Love Gift will determine Your Eternal Destiny, which will be either Heaven Or Hell...either The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned. In short, There's Nothing Bad In Heaven, And There's Nothing Good In Hell. In Heaven, besides gathered with all the individuals who did The One Thing God'll see The One who made it all possible, Jesus Christ, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords. Also, in Heaven, there'll be Nothing That Defiles...meaning no sorrow, crying, death, pain, let alone The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth...or any part of it. Everyone there will NEVER AGAIN have to say ''goodbye''...with nonstop happiness, praise, worship, and service to Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh...because everyone will agree that Christ Lived The Life That I Could Not...and Christ Alone is worthy of all praise.

By tragic contrast, Hell Was Meant For Satan and his demons...and everyone who rejected God's Free Love Gift. Those there will find out, too late, that Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord, Hell Is Not A Party Place, and that Eternal Torment, Not A Joke. Sulphur has a thick, dark, flame...and they won't see anyone else there. Yet, they will be constantly haunted by never ending, blood curdling, bone chilling, screams of agony...from endless pain, taunting, and torment from demons...and they realize that Prayers Have No Effect At All In Hell. In fact, Hell, and The Lake Of Fire are Two Places Where The Lord Can Not Be Found...and they are also where there is no hint of goodness, peace, joy, brightness, etc. While All Believers In Hell, But For These, It Is Too Late. And, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, There Will Be No Appeal There. Those who enter The Home Of The Damned will NEVER AGAIN see their family, friends, and loved ones who accepted God's Free Love Gift. And, for the saved in The Home Of The Redeemed, the memory or thought of those who failed to do The One Thing God Requires, will never be brought to mind.

Prayers Have No Effect At All In Hell

All Believers In Hell, But For These, It Is Too Late. In short, there are no athiests or agnostics, among Those Now In The Flames Of Hell. These are all Those Not In God's Kingdom, because they rejected God's Free Love Gift while alive on Earth. They wanted nothing to do with God, The Lord Jesus Christ, Christianity, prayer, etc. on Earth...and they thought ''Hell Would Be One Big Party''. Tragically, they found out that Hell Is Not A Party Place, and that Eternal Torment Not A Joke. Now, they want to pray, but their prayers are powerless...and they have no effect at all. Plus, they are constantly haunted by blood curdling screams, nonstop torment from demons, and constant pain, heat, and thirst. They now realize that The Price Of Being Wrong is far greater than they can pay. Those In Hell, Wish They Could There, See The Cross Again, but they realize that will never happen. They will see Jesus Christ again at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, and instead of being A Friend For Life, He is now The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

What Groom Would There, Abuse His Bride, On Their Wedding Day??

There is a cute joke with the innocence of children, at a wedding ceremony. The little one asks their parents why the Bride is dressed in White. They are told that ''White is a symbol of happiness, and purity...and this is the happiest day of her life''. After a moment, the little one asks ''So, why is The Groom wearing Black??''. But, as the title of the poem says, it is unthinkable that on the wedding night, that the groom would abuse his new bride!! Tragically, in this sin infested world, sometimes that does happen.

But, the real meaning of this poem is the spiritual significance...namely the wedding of The Bridegroom, who is The Lord Jesus Christ, The King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords...and The Bride is The Church, of everyone, Jew or Gentile, from the day of Pentecost, until The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church...all of who would take Salvation's Roman Road, repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. The Groom, Christ Alone, He Who Knew No Sin At All, as the Precious Spotless, Lamb Of God...would give His Bride, the White of His Purity and Righteousness...while He took the Black of every sin she would ever if it was He, Himself, had done such. With His Death and Resurrection, it proves that The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin...and now, His Bride, The Church, proving ''The Incomparable Riches Of God's Grace'', is seen as Righteous And Pure as He, The Groom, is. Christ Himself said in Revelation 3:10, ''Because you have kept The Word of My Patience, I will keep you from the hour of tribulation, that will come upon the world, to try all flesh''. This period of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, will be the last seven years of rule by mortal man, led by The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace...a time of tribulation never seen before, nor will ever be again.

At the appointed time, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, He will destroy all who oppose Him with just A Word...and after The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, the goats (unrepentant) will be cast off the Earth to The Home Of The Damned...he will restore planet Earth that was so ravaged by the previous seven years, to a place of incredible beauty, and begin His Millennium Of Peace, where all the saved survivors from The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, The Great Tribulation, which was Hell On Earth For Seven Years, will live... and life will be as it was meant to be. While there will be those who come to Christ after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, these are known as Tribulation Saints, and they are NOT part of The Bride Of Christ. Many of these will likely die for their faith, as during The Tribulation, martyrdom is now the price of salvation. But, during the Millennium Of Peace, they will also rule and reign with Christ for 1000 years.

After The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, and The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, will be the Heavenly Wedding, followed by the Marriage Supper Of The Lamb. While that is going on in Heaven, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble will ravage the Earth, with the Divine Judgments of Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets...21 Divine Plagues that will bombard and pummel the Earth, for its rejection of The Saviour. Then, at the end of ''the honeymoon'', the new couple is presented to the world as Husband and Wife. Only The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church allows for all these other events to take place in Heaven, while judgment is being poured out on the Earth. As Romans 8:1 notes ''There is now, therefore, No Condemnation to those in Christ Jesus. Contemporary Christian songwriter Don Francisco, who has done a large amount of dynamic songs, said it so well in this song...which also includes a part of his personal testimony. While the audio and video are out of sync, the message and music of the song, is what's far more important. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church is Closer By The Second...and it could happen at any moment, day or night. As a Bride looks forward to Her Wedding Day with her New Husband, The Groom...the Church, The Bride Of Christ, is looking forward to Her Wedding Day as well, with Christ Alone, The One Who Made It All Possible. Only those who repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift prior to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church will be there at that Glorious Wedding, and The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb. Will you join us there??

God's Seal Of Approval

On Earth, mankind feels that they have to have ''the seal of approval'' by everyone else, to be successful. The truth is, that it's NOT the approval of mankind that's important, but the approval of Almighty God. Because without that, you won't make it to Heaven. Yet, because of the rebellion of our first parents in The Garden Of Eden, everyone ever born (except for Christ Alone, has a sin nature...because Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, because God's Standard Is Perfection. So, before the foundation of the world, Christ Alone, God The Son, would leave the Glory Of Heaven, and come to be born of a Virgin, and live like us in all ways, but without any guile or sin...for He Who Knew No Sin At All, would become sin for us, that we might become The Righteousness Of God. He would be scourged, and die on an Old Rugged Cross, but be raised from the dead on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures. Because Without The Resurrection, it's just not the The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, as Just One Sin Not Paid For, Means Christ's Still In The Grave.

The Resurrection is God's Seal Of Approval> on the Work that Christ did On The Cross. All who repent of sin, and God's Free Love Gift, have God's Seal Of Approval on their life...and that is what will get them into Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed. Yet, those who have not done The One Thing That God Requires, believing on The One He Has Sent, they don't have God's Seal Of Approval on their life, and because you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record at The Moment Of Your Death, Your Eternal Destiny will be in The Home Of The Damned.

All Lost Souls, They Will Oppose The Lord Until They Die

Tragically, the title of this poem is so true. The majority of people throughout history, preferring to live in sin, and rebel against The Lord, will do so right up through their last breath. They refuse to accept, or realize that Heaven Is Not Owed To You, that Hell Is Not A Party Place, Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord, and Eternal Torment Not A Joke. In truth, Hell Was Meant For Satan and his demonic hordes...but it also became The Home Of The Damned for all who would not repent of their sins, and receive God's Free Love Gift. They are too prideful to bow before anyone but themselves, yet What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??.

In this life, they think What Can God Do To Me??, but give little thought to the gravity of that question. Once they enter The Home Of The Damned, they'll realize that Prayers Have No Effect At All In Hell. Those In Hell, Wish They Could There, See The Cross Again, as No Athiests Exist There In Hell Fire. They now know The Truth, but for these, it's too late. God is able to save until the threshold of Eternity is crossed. Don't Take A Chance With God, and Don't Let The Lord's Death For You Be In Vain. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and He will NOT force you to accept His Free Love Gift. But, if you choose to reject it, upon The Moment Of Your Death, you'll realize that you alone, are The One To Blame.

Just Over Seven Years Remain After Rapture Day

In the Old Testament Book Of Daniel, the angel of The Lord told him that ''Seventy Weeks Are Determined Upon Your People''...the Jews. These are known as ''weeks of years'', which began when Persian King Artexerxes Longimonus granted Nehemiah permission to re-build all 490 Biblical years of 360 days each. On the day that Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (the day we call Palm Sunday), it was the one day He allowed the people of Israel to worship Him as King for the first and only time in His Life...and that marked exactly 483 years. Unfortunately, by then, most of the Jewish leadership no longer took the Scriptures literally, and the validity of the prophecy was being denied. When Israel rejected Him, the ''Divine Time Clock'' stopped, 7 years short of its completion...and the following Thursday, 14 Nisan, Passover, Jesus Christ was crucified on an Old Rugged Cross, to pay for the sins of mankind...then He arose on the Third Day According To The Scriptures. For more information on ''the three day and night mystery'', from Grace Thru Faith, click here. Forty days later, He ascended to Heaven...and ten days later, on the Day of Pentecost, The Holy Spirit came on all those gathered (Acts 2), and The Church Age began.

When The Fullness Of The Gentiles Has Come In, The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church will occur...then God will turn His Attention back to the national redemption of Israel. The final seven years of human history under the rule of mortal man, will begin when The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace signs a peace treaty with Israel. Yet, these final seven years, known as The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, will be the worst seven years that Earth has ever seen...and they will start when that peace treaty is signed. At that point, there will only be 2520 days left before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth...and when He does return, it will be TOO LATE to fall at His Feet, and call Him ''Lord''. At His Return, He will destroy His Enemies with just a Word, and at The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, all those who did The One Thing God Requires, or helped and protected the Jews from The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace...will be allowed into His Millennium Of Peace...while those who persecuted the Jews, and rejected Christ, will be cast off of the planet into eternal judgment. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church is Closer By The Second...and it could happen at any moment, day or night. And, as noted, once that peace treaty is signed (it'll be broken 3 1/2 years (1260 days) later), God's Divine Time Clock will resume ''the final countdown'' toward the end of the rule on Earth by mortal man...and to the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. And, there's nothing that mankind can do to stop or delay that, because The Lord Is In Control, and all that is prophesied in His Word, will eventually come to pass. Those who miss The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, may not survive The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, and see the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Those who repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift prior to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, will be in the army with The Lord When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

Believe On Christ, Or Be Condemned, To The Lake Of Fire (John 3:18, Romans 8:1)

The Gospel In A Nutshell is reflected in John 3:16-18...noting that those who have done The One Thing God Requires, with sincere repentance, and not just Going Through The Motions (for You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend. are now under No Condemnation. While they still have their sin nature until death or until The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, they are seen as Righteous as Christ is. However, it should be noted that God's Free Love Gift is a License To Serve, Not License To Sin, as it's the least that we can do for Him. When they die, they'll be taken by angels into The Home Of The Redeemed, to never know pain, sickness, sin, death, heartache, disease, etc. ever again. After they receive their new resurrection bodies at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, they'll join all the others at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, where the issue of sin won't even be considered...but rewards gained and lost...yet, they'll still be in Heaven.

Tragically, for those who have not done The One Thing God Requires, they are CONDEMNED RIGHT NOW. When they die, demons will take them into The Home Of The Damned, and they will give an account for their entire life, and every sin they did at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...before they are cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. A Decision Not Required To Go To Hell...and Your Eternal Destiny depends upon your choice on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Miscarriages At Rapture For All Women Left Behind

This poem, an anti-abortion message, is a companion poem to Children Are A Heritage, and All Those Missing From The Earth, On The Rapture Day. On that day, one thing they don't consider is all the women who are left behind who were pregnant...will suffer a miscarriage, as their womb will be instantly empty at the moment of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. God will make a monumental statement that ''Life Begins At Conception''.

The majority of the world thinks that pregnancy is a side effect from having sexual intercourse (what do you think the act was designed for??!!), and that the unborn child is ''not a human being''. Yet, God knew us before we were conceived in the womb, and only He has heard the cries of the unborn through the ages as they are murdered through abortion. Chick Publications, who has been producing soul winning Gospel Tracts for over 60 years, has prepared an excellent tract on the truth of abortion, located here. Yet, at the moment of the The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, for the women who are pregnant who have done The One Thing God Requires, both they and their unborn child will be changed and taken to Heaven together, where there'll be A Reunion Like No Other. Sexual relations are acceptable to The Lord ONLY within the confines of the marriage relationship, between A MAN AND A WOMAN. Anything else is rape, adultery, and fornication...and Scripture indicates that all who are engaged in such behavior will be judged by God...and there will be No Question Of Guilt for these on Judgment Day. Once a man has had sexual intercourse with a woman, it makes him the father...whether he wants to accept that fact or not...because The Lord, He Made The Rules.

Christ Will Get The Glory There, That Is His Alone

In this life, man's selfish nature is that THEY should get the glory and the praise for everything they do. While there is a ''righteous pride'' for ''a job well done, to the best of your ability'', the original sin of this case, to satisfy one's ego...was what brought sin into the universe. Originally, the covering cherub, Lucifer became inflated with pride, and deceived one third of the angelic realm into launching a coup against The Lord Of Hosts. They were easily defeated, cast out of Heaven, sentenced to eternal banishment, as God created The Lake Of Fire, for them...and everyone else throughout history who would refuse to repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. For more information on Satan's Doom, click here.

As noted in Philippians 2:8-11, one day, ''At The Name Of Jesus...every knee on, above, or below the Earth...will bow...and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is The Glory Of God The Father''. Since Jesus Christ is God In The Flesh, He will get the Glory that is His Alone...and as 1 John 5:7 notes ''These three bear record in Heaven, The Father, Son, and Spirit...and These Three Are One''. Christ Alone is Worthy Of All Praise, as one day, all mankind, Eagerly Or Compelled will bow before Him. And, to those who can't answer ''an altar call'' to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, because they're too proud to declare it in front of their friends, I ask What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??.

The Old Hymns Are Rarely Heard, Because They Now Offend

There are many classic hymns, sung at The Old Country Church, known as Hymns Of The Cross... such as Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, What A Friend We Have In Jesus, Are You Washed In The Blood/I'll Fly Away, Amazing Love, How Can It Be??, Just As I Am, The Old Rugged Cross, Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus, Beneath The Cross Of Jesus, Alas, And Did My Saviour Bleed??, and There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood, among so many others.

Tragically, many of these are spurned by the majority of congregations, as ''they're too graphic and offensive''...especially with dealing with what The Lord Jesus Christ went through to purchase our redemption from the stain of sin...saying that ''these make Christianity a slaughterhouse religion''. But, the sight of our sin before a Holy God, is just as Your Righteousness Is As Filthy Rags...literally bloody menstrual cloths. Throughout The Books Of The Bible, God declares that Without Shedding Of Blood, There, No Remission, Done. Yet, most churches would rather have ''feel good, ear tickling, propsperity gospel messages''... with NOTHING on sin, repentance, righteous living, let alone Full Counsel Of God Must Be Proclaimed. Like it or not, God's Word Is Not Here To Tickle Your Ears...and God's Word Is Final Authority...because The Lord, He Made The Rules. Yet to me, all of these classic hymns are Precious to remind me of what it cost The Lord to get me into Christ Alone is worthy of all praise...both now and for Eternity. This is why I say All Praise And Glory To The Lord, For What He Gave To Me. On YouTube, Luke Powell has done videos of nearly 5 dozen of the classic hymns, with the history, lyrics, and a performance of them. You can find these here.

'All Aboard', The Statement Made When Time To Depart

The words ''ALL ABOARD'' are normally used on a transportation mode...whether car, train, bus, plane, boat, etc. to signify that all passengers who have made plans to travel, and have paid for the trip, are now on board the mode of travel...and the trip, or even the vacation can now begin to their destination. This can be locally, across town, county, state, country, or the world. Once those words have been announced, those who did not make the trip, and are at the station in time are ''left behind''. So, they either have to wait on another chance to take the trip...or they won't make it all.

Back in the 1970's, the Christian Group Issac Air Freight did a routine on ''The Eternal Vacation'' with Rapture Airlines. While I incorporated a lot of railroad related items, the moment of departure is the matter what mode is used. Once that moment of departure is reached, it is too late for any one else to join the excursion. The group did a segment before and after the Rapture Airlines segment; where this guy calls them on the phone, and asks ''Are you still here??''. He was told ''We sure are. Would you be interested in accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour??''...and he told them ''I've got to go and catch some rays''. Shortly after the Rapture Airlines segment, he calls them...and this time, the phone just incessantly the staff has been raptured away. When Fullness Of The Gentiles Has Come In, the call ''ALL ABOARD'' will be made...and In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes, when the cry Behold, The Bridegroom Comes is made...and At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye. Our departure time is Closer By The Second, and our excursion could depart at any time. Your ticket has already been purchased, but you must claim it from The Master Conductor, Christ Alone...the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords...and The Only Way To Heaven. God's Offer Of Pardon Expires At Death, and if you don't claim it by that time, you won't make this truly once in a lifetime excursion.

Jesus Won't Be Meek And Mild When He Comes Again

The first time that Jesus Christ came to Earth, it was not to judge the world, but to save it. He was meek and lowly, submitting to the wisdom of Earthly potentates. But, when He comes the second time, His anger will be akin to the day He threw the money changers out of the Temple, saying ''It is Father's House shall be called a House Of Prayer. But, you've made it a den of thieves'' (Matthew 21:13). However, when He comes again, He will compel all Earthly rulers to yield their scepters to With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule...allowing no disobedience, as His Word Will Be Law. He will restore the Earth that had been horribly ravaged by The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which was Hell On Earth For Seven a place of incredible beauty...not seen since before our first parents disobeyed God in The Garden Of Eden. After The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, the Millennium Of Peace will begin...and life on Earth will be as it was meant to be. Only those who do The One Thing God Requires, in repenting of their sin, and believing on The One He Has Sent, and then accepting God's Free Love Gift, will be allowed into the Millennium Of Peace.

Those who choose not to do such, will be cast off the planet into outer darkness, The Home Of The Damned, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night for all Eternity.

Evil Deeds Greatly Increase, Then God Intervenes

So many times through history...starting with the rebellion of Lucifer in Heaven, conning a third of the angelic realm to join him in a coup against The Lord Of causing our first parents, Adam and Eve, to break the one rule that God had given mankind with evil deeds filling the Earth, that God sent a worldwide flood to destroy everyone (except for Noah and his family, and the animals in the Ark) the destruction of Sodom and the punishment of Israel and the Jews for forsaking The Lord for pagan the time of Christ's Birth and life on Earth, then His Death on an Old Rugged Cross to pay for the sins of mankind...and His Resurrection on the Third Day According To The the The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, and The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven When Christ Returns To Planet Earth...and finally just before The Judgment Of The Great White Throne after the Millennium Of Peace...along with so many other instances...the title of this poem is borne out. God won't stand idly by, and let sin run free...but sooner more than later, When God's Patience Ends, He will act...putting down all opposition, and destroying all those who oppose Him. In short, The Lord, He Made The Rules, and His Will is going to be done, whether mankind likes it or not. Yet, He has given man free will and choice to either accept or reject God's Free Love Gift.

God Sees All Your Skeletons In Your Closet There

The term ''skeletons in the closet'' refers to one's ''secret sins, thoughts, words, and deeds'' that they don't want anyone else to know about. These people are Going Through The Motions, making people think they are ''holier than thou''. The truth is, For All Have Sinned, and come short of the Glory Of God (Romans 3:23), and ''There Is None Righteous'' (Romans 3:10). God knows you better than you know yourself...and Your Life Is Being Recorded. Hebrews 9:27 notes It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment. In your life on Earth, depending on what you did with God's Free Love Gift determines The Judgments And Their Lines that you will be in. It will either be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ for those who did The One Thing God Requires...or The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. At the latter, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, There Will Be No Appeal There, and No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

God Does Not Send Folks To Hell; By Choice, They All Go There

One of the many lies that Satan has gotten mankind to accept is that ''God Is A God Of Love, and He Won't Send Anyone To Hell''. The truth is that mankind chooses to go to Hell, because they refuse the alternative, Heaven. They refuse to accept the fact that Heaven Is Not Owed To You, that Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, and refuse the warning of Don't Take A Chance With God. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and at The Moment Of Your Death, it'll be too late to change Your Eternal Destiny.

God's Grace Or Salvation There, Can't Be Bribed Or Bought (Acts 8:20)

Based on Acts 8:20, and a companion poem to You Can't Earn God's Salvation, unlike here on Earth, where people caught in crimes, acts of sin, etc., try to bribe for a lesser charge, or to have the deed of it erased from ever happening...after you die, you will be part of A Life On Trial...and there will be No Question Of Guilt in what you've done in thought, word, or deed. There is nothing you can do to save yourself, and it's pointless to try to bribe or influence The Lord, as Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags before Him. The only way to get into Heaven when you die is to do The One Thing God believe on The One He Has repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

Of God, Job Said ''Though He Slay Me, Yet In Him, I Will Trust'' (Job 13:15)

If there ever was a story of suffering, it is the story of Job. Blessed by God beyond day, Satan comes with the other angels before The Lord...and God lets Satan take everything away from Job... except his life. Job loses his family, livestock, house, health, and so much more. Likely depressed and angry, Job curses the day he was born, and surely wonders why...although he noted that ''The Lord gives, and The Lord takes away -- blessed be the Name Of The Lord''. Job's friends abandon him, and Job's wife tells him ''Why suffer?? Just curse God and die!!''...and Job tells her the words that this poem is based on. And, like Job, both the saved and the lost, experience good and bad things in this life...because The Lord still sends down rain on the just and on the unjust...due to The Groaning Of Creation, because of The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. In the end, God confronts Job in the whirlwind...and Job repents in dust and ashes...but God gives him twice of what he had before.

Admittedly, at times, it's hard to understand Romans 8:28, that notes ''All Things Work Together For Those That Love Them That Are Called According To His Purpose''. But, Our Sufferings Do Not Compare With Glory That Awaits. From a spiritual standpoint, Satan not only wants to take everything from us physically, monetarily, etc. -- but especially spiritually. The truth is that Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with them in The Home Of The Damned...the Lake Of Fire for all Eternity...where Eternal Torment, Not A Joke. The only way to avoid that is to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

On Judgment Day, You Won't Be Asked About The Sins I've Done

On looking at the title of the poem, it would seem I'm being ''self righteous'', and ''holier than thou''. The truth is that for everyone, myself included, Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags, and everyone after The Moment Of Your Death, at The Judgment; whether at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ (for those who've done The One Thing God Requires)...or for those who refused to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...all will undergo A Life On Trial before The Supreme Court Of The Universe.

While for those who have done The One Thing God Requires, the issue of sin was settled at The Cross...the life of the believer will still be reviewed. While there is No Condemnation to those in Christ Jesus, how their lived their Earthly lives for Him will determine their status in His Eternal Kingdom.

Tragically, for the unbelievers, they will answer for every sin in thought, word, and deed, that they did...whether done in secret or in the open...and for them, there will be No Question Of Guilt. However, whether you are saved or lost, You'll Answer Only For Yourself When You Stand Before The Lord. In short, ''Don't Worry About My Sins On Judgment Won't Be Asked About Them''.

The Perfect Year Round Christmas Tree, Is That Rugged Cross

A companion poem to Christmas Means, I Remember Christmas Past, and The Gift Is Christ, the sad thing in the world today is that the true meaning of Christmas...where ''Jesus Is The Reason For The Season'', has been diminished to practically Santa Claus, reindeer, and anything else that would leave Christ out of the picture. But, as people give presents and gifts on Christmas Day, before the foundation of the world, the Plan Of Redemption was set in motion by Almighty God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit...the Holy Trinity, as These Three Are One. In the fullness of time, The Lord Jesus Christ would leave the glory of Heaven...and come to God In The Flesh. He would be born of a Virgin, and live like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN, for He Who Knew No Sin At All would become sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. It would truly be God's Riches At Christ's Expense: The Meaning Of Grace. He would take the scourging that all of us deserved, then would die on an Old Rugged Cross, to shed His Precious Blood to wash away our sin...then He would rise on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures. The resurrection was God's Seal Of Approval of what Christ did on The Cross...because Without The Resurrection, it's just not the same. As this poem notes, the perfect year round Christmas Tree, is ''three nails in a Cross Of Wood''. This Gift, would be the Best Christmas Gift that anyone could receive...but sadly, far more will reject it than accept it.

The Contrasts In The Judgments There, That Will Soon Take Place

Just as there is a contrast between night and day, there is a contrast between two judgments that will soon take place, and everyone on Earth will be attending one of it is One Appointment You Will Keep. It will either be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ -- for those who have done The One Thing God Requires...or The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...for those who rejected God's Free Love Gift. While The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats will occur shortly after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth...and that judgment will determine who gets to enter the Millennium Of Peace... the contrast in the judgments noted in this poem are as follows:

1) The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, which will occur shortly after the The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. The Judgment Of The Great White Throne will occur after the Millennium Of Peace...where, for 1000 years, With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule the nations on the Earth.

2) At The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, some you didn't expect to be there, will be in attendance (some will be there by the skin of their teeth). And, some you expected to be there will instead be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...especially if all they did was Going Through The Motions. Only God knows each one's heart, and He determines which judgment they will be at.

3) The issue of sin, having been settled at The Cross, won't even be considered at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. The Judgment Of The Great White Throne will show No Question Of Guilt on the part of the offender; with every sin they have ever done in thought, word, or deed...whether hidden or in the open...revealed for all to see.

4) Mercy and Pardon, received at The Cross, will be applied at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. There will be No Pardons And No Mercy at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

5) At The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, there will be No Condemnation for those there. At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, all there will be condemned to The Lake Of Fire.

6) At The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, all there will eagerly bow before The Lord. At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, all there will be compelled by the Truth of God's Word, to bow before The Lord.

7) At The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, will come the welcome plaudit ''Enter Into The Joy Of Your Lord''. At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne will come the terrifying verdict ''Depart From Me!! For You I've Never Known.

8) After The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, all there will enter The Home Of The Redeemed. After The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, all there will enter The Home Of The Damned.

In short, of all the Choices you must make in your life on Earth, will be to accept or reject God's Free Love Gift. Which of these two judgments you will attend, as well as Your Eternal Destiny depends on your decision.

I Am So Unworthy There, Of This, I Realize

To most in the world today, they feel that they're inherently good, that God will wink at their sin, and that everyone is going to Heaven when they die. The truth is that Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and that Decision Not Required To Go To Hell. To the world, The Most Hated Words are comprised in the 2 Scripture Verses of John 14:6, where Jesus Christ said ''I am The Way, The Truth, The One Comes To The Father, But Through Me''...and Acts 4:12, where the Apostle Peter proclaimed ''Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is No One Else But other Name, given under Heaven, whereby we must be saved''. They feel so prideful, but the truth is, What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??. I realized the true meaning of this poem on The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart...and still feel that way today. How He could still love me, both before I came to Him and realizing that the ground was Equal At The Cross...and through the rest of the days of my earthly I'm still with the sin nature, and in this corruptible flesh...i'll never understand...either here on Earth, or in Eternity. But, after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, when I stand before The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...afterwards, I will cast my crowns at His Feet, saying Lord, You Deserve These Crowns Much More Than Me, joining the Heavenly Choir in singing Worthy Is The Lamb For Sinners Slain.

The day I realized that Your Righteousness Is As Filthy Rags, and hearing about The Blood And The Cross, it truly became The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart. But, whether in this Earthly life, or when I get to Heaven, I'll still realize the title of this poem...along with all the rest of those who did The One Thing God Requires, in repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. Sadly, Not All Will Repent, and instead of being at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...they'll be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. And instead of being A Friend For Life...jesus Christ to these will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

The Life Is In The Blood (Leviticus 17:11)

Based on Leviticus 17:11, God laid down that ''the life is in the blood''. Not only for the bodies of humans and animals, to carry the nutrients from digestion of our food to our body, and to carry away ''waste'' to be excreted...and to help prevent infection...but to wash away the stain of sin. It was first noted in The Garden Of Eden, after Adam and Eve disobeyed the one rule that God had given them... to not eat of ''The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil''. Tragically, they fell for The Doom Of Satan's Lie, then realized they were naked, and became ashamed of their nudity. So, they sewed together fig leaves to cover up their immodesty. It was man's first attempt at ''works'' to appease God, after they had sinned. As the prophet Isaiah declared, Your Righteousness Is As Filthy Rags (literally, bloody menstrual cloths before God) God chose innocent animals to die, and he took their skins off, and covered Adam's and Eve's nakedness. Some believe the animals were lambs, noted several times in Scripture...especially in John 1:29, when John The Baptist first saw his cousin, The Lord Jesus Christ, he said ''Behold, The Lamb Of God, who takes away the sins of the world''.

Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission, Done...and as the classic hymn notes, Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus can wash away sin. This also is applied to food, and as the Christian pun notes, ''food should be cooked 'well done, thou good and faithful servant'''. Food poisoning from undercooking food (especially meat and eggs) is definitely not fun. But, sin is a far worse poison...and unless Christ's Blood washes it away, it will destroy you both physically and on Earth, and for Eternity.

On The Day Of Christ's Return, These Things Will Take Place

A companion poem to When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, The Coming Of Christ, and Maranatha, among others...this poem tells of the many things that will happen on planet Earth when Christ returns as King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords. He will first rescue The Believing Remnant of the Jews, who have taken shelter in Petra...then He will destroy the contenting armies at Armageddon....and the birds of the sky will devour their flesh in ''The Feast Of Fools''. Next, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace (The Antichrist/The Beast), along with The False Prophet, will be captured alive, and thrown into The Lake Of Fire, while still in their mortal life. Then, Christ's Feet will step on the Mount Of Olives, and a great earthquake will result, splitting it in two, creating The Valley Of Decision for The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats.

Those who believed on Christ, and helped protect the Jews, will be allowed into the Millennium Of Peace; while those who refused Christ, and persecuted the Jews will be cast off the planet into outer darkness in The Home Of The Damned. All the Earthly Rulers will be compelled to yield their scepters to The Lord, as With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule...with a Kingdom of Righteous and Equity. He will also restore the ravages from The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which was Hell On Earth For Seven Years to a place of incredible beauty...not seen since Creation Day. Other things may occur that are not noted in this poem...but, every jot and tittle of God's Word, in The Books Of The Bible will be fulfilled...and you can be sure that everything in His Word will come to pass.

Every Jot And Tittle Of God's Word Will Be Fulfilled (Matthew 5:18)

Based on Matthew 5:19, unlike other ''religion texts'', The Word Of God is 100% truthful, without error, telling of future events before they occurred. Covering such things as the plan of redemption before the foundation of the the prophecies of the coming Redeemer in Genesis the flood of Noah (The Rainbow Was God's Covenant With Noah From The the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (The Days Of Noah And Lot Are Here, and Soon All Of The World Will Feel Sodom's Fate) the ten Plagues that hit Egypt (including Passover) whether or not Israel would win their battles (depending on if they served God, or turned their back on Him) The Suffering Servant -- Christ's Virgin Birth, and coming to Earth to be resurrected on the Third Day According To The The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The The Time Of Jacob's the day When Christ Returns To Planet The Judgment Of The Sheep And the Millennium Of The Judgment Of The Great White the first part of Eternity.

God lets His people know of His intentions in advance...and with the closing of the Book Of Revelation, that's all that God has given us. But, His Word, which is sharper than any two edged sword, will come to pass in every way in the coming days...just like it did in times past. What Will You Do With Jesus Christ? is the question that everyone else on Earth...and you... must answer before The Moment Of Your Death. Your answer to that question determines Your Eternal Destiny...which will either be The Home Of The Redeemed in Heaven...or The Home Of The Damned in The Lake Of Fire.

I'm Thankful God Did Not Give Me What I So Deserve

Many people in the world today have the mindset that ''I wish God would give me what I deserve''. The thing is...he just might do it. If all of us got what we deserved, we would've been stamped out of existence long ago, and Jesus Christ wouldn't have had to die a horrible death for the sins of humanity. Yet, He Who Knew No Sin At All, became sin for us, that we might become The Righteousness Of God In Him. Your Righteousness Is As Filthy Rags (literally, bloody menstrual cloths) before God...who can not allow sin in His Presence. He must judge sin, and reject it. Yet, before the foundation of the world, Redemption's Plan was set in motion.

In it, The Lord Jesus Christ, the Second Person in the Godhead Trinity, would leave the glory of Heaven to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, and live like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. He then took the scourging meant for us, and took all the sins everyone would ever commit upon Himself, as if they were His Own...and die an excruciatingly painful death on an Old Rugged Cross, and shed His Precious Blood, to wash away the sins of all those who would do The One Thing God Requires...then He rose up from the dead on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures.

Yet, if The One Sin Unforgiven is on your record at The Moment Of Your Death, that you refused to repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, then instead of being A Friend For Life, Jesus Christ will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

The World Says God Is Racist There; But He's Colorblind

A companion poem to It's Not The Color Of Your Skin, But The Color Of Your Heart , God's Free Love Gift is available for all mankind. It truly is Inclusive, Yet that it's INCLUSIVE...available for all matter your race, nationality, background, country, citizenship, financial or royalty status, or whether you're male or female. But The Home Of The Redeemed is EXCLUSIVE to those who receive God's Free Love Gift. God gave all mankind free will and choice, to either accept or reject that. By default, a Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, The Home Of The, if you do nothing, you'll find out at The Moment Of Your Death that Eternal Torment, Not A Joke.

Creation Obeys Its Creator, There; But Mankind Won't Comply

The Lord is Sovereign over all His ''The Earth Is The Lord's, And The Fullness Thereof''. He set everything into motion, ''creating something from nothing''...which only He can do. So, every element of the galaxies, heavens, Earth, and all that is in it, is subject to His Command. When Joshua felt the day wasn't long enough for him to finish the work God had ordained for him, he prayed that ''God would make the sun stand still''. When Jesus was on Earth, on a ship on the Sea Of Galilee, a sudden violent storm came up (those can happen quite frequently). The disciples thought they would drown, and woke The Lord from slumber. As a side note, while God ''doesn't slumber or sleep'', in His Earthly Body (fully God and fully Man), The Lord needed to rest at times. Anyway, The Lord commanded the sea ''Peace!! Be Still!!'', and it became as smooth as glass. The disciples marveled, noting that ''Even the wind and the seas obey Him!!''.

When Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, and the crowd shouted ''Hosanna'', the Jewish Scribes and Pharisees were indignant. They felt that Jesus was NOT the Messiah (in truth, He was Not What They Were Looking For)...and that the crowd was committing blasphemy by their cries of praise. They told Jesus to ''command your disciples to be quiet'', and He replied ''If they do, the very rocks and stones will cry out!!''.

With The Groaning Of Creation from The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, Creation will do what its Creator commands... whether for a storm, earthquake, etc. But, unlike Creation's behavior toward it's Creator, mankind, for the most part, is just the opposite. When one wonders Why Do The Heathen Of Earth Always Rage??, and the answer can be found in the fact that rebellious mankind wants nothing to do with God, Jesus Christ, or Biblical Christianity. Yet, The Lord Is Not Politically Correct, and because The Lord, He Made The Rules. One day, Eagerly Or Compelled, all in Heaven...the angels and saints of all time...on Earth...all of mankind who has ever lived...and all under the Earth (in Hell)...will bow before Jesus Christ, and declare that Christ Alone is the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords. Sadly, for those at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, it will be TOO LATE for them to receive salvation.

The Difference Between Hell And Heaven; Just Like Night And Day

A study in contrast, if there ever was one...the difference between night and day...darkness and light...hell and and pain...The Home Of The Damned and The Home Of The Redeemed. One of these two will be your home upon The Moment Of Your Death, as Purgatory and ''Soul Sleep'' are Lies From The Pit Of Hell). Your Eternal Destiny depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

While Your Sins You Enjoy Now; You Don't See The True Cost

Satan wants you to believe that ''this life is all there is'', and that there's no such thing as Heaven Or Hell, The Home Of The Redeemed, The Home Of The Damned...or The Judgment. But, God Is Not Mocked, and Your Life Is Being Recorded, in every thought, word, and deed. Too many will find out too late that Hell Is Not A Party Place, and that Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord. Instead of being A Friend For Life at The Bema Judgment Seat Of these, Jesus Christ, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords will be The Worst Nightmare Faced at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Yet, while still alive on Earth, you can change Your Eternal Destiny, by repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift.

Things Are Falling Into Place, Just As Prophesied

As Bible Prophecy commentator Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries has noted, ''Things aren't falling apart...they're falling into place''. While the world seems chaotic and so out of control, all of this was foretold in The Books Of The Bible...both by the prophets of the Old Testament, by The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and through the Apostle Paul, among many others. The key to one being ''a prophet of The Lord'' was that ''every prophecy was fulfilled to the letter, 100% of the time''. If even one did not come to pass, that individual (a false prophet) would face a cruel death by being stoned with rocks and boulders, as it was considered as much a sin as blasphemy. God is Sovereign over His Creation, The Lord Is In Control, and no matter what occurs on Earth (in the open or in secret), The Lord Is Not Surprised. Every Jot And Tittle Of God's Word Will Be Fulfilled, and just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean that it won't. That includes Your Eternal Destiny in regards to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??. You have to decide before The Moment Of Your Death.

Refusing To Come To Christ Will Be One's Big Defeat

God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and He will NOT force you to accept His Free Love Gift, in the person of His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, who is the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords. Like it or not, one day, Eagerly Or Compelled, everyone who has lived on Earth, will bow before Him....and Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell depends on your choice.

You Will Live Forever, Friend; The Question, Where

There are only two places that you can go at The Moment Of Your's either Heaven Or Hell. Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, and that is the DEFAULT for most of mankind, who will refuse to hearken to The Preaching Of The Cross, and to do The One Thing God Requires. It's NOT purgatory, soul sleep, reincarnation, or anything else, once your life on Earth ends, and the threshold of Eternity is crossed. At that point, Your Eternal Destiny is sealed. And, as the title of this poem notes...everyone is going to live forever...either in eternal joy and blessedness in Heaven...or in eternal torment in The Lake Of Fire. It's up to you where you will go.

Mankind Will Have No Excuse, There On Judgment Day (Romans 1:20)

A companion poem to Without Excuse, on Judgment Day, when there will be No Question Of Guilt, all mankind will find out that for each one, there is One Appointment You Will Keep, When You Stand Before The Lord. Whether at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne (for the unsaved)...or at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ (for the saved), except for those who are alive and remain at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment.

While for believers (who repented of sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift), the issue of sin, having been settled at The Cross, won't be considered at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, their lives will be reviewed, and their eternal standing before The Lord will be determined.

Tragically, for those who refused to repent of sin and accept God's Free Love Gift, their lives will also be reviewed...but it will include everything they've done...including all of their sins...the good, the bad, and the ugly...and that nothing will be skipped over, or omitted.

For the believers, while their salvation is not in question at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and they'll be in Heaven...that judgment will still be a solemn time. Tragically, for the unbelievers, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they'll realize it's too late for them to come to salvation...and that they're denied Heaven. Plus, instead of being A Friend For Life, to the unsaved, Jesus Christ is The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

All Will See The Rapture For Different Reasons There

Another study in contrast, the The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church will be seen in different ways. For the believers on Jesus Christ, who did The One Thing God Requires, it'll be the end of this earthly life...with all its pain, sorrow, death, cares, and an Eternity in The Home Of The Redeemed...with all the others who received God's Free Love Gift, to forever serve and worship Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords. It'll be full of happiness, bliss, and all there will never have to say goodbye again.

By contrast, for all those who are left behind...those who were just Going Through The Motions...and even more so, those who wanted God out of their lives, and to be rid of all the ''Born Again, Bible Believing, Jesus Freak Christians'', will finally be Given What Was Desired. The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, will come to Earth...and it will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, before the time When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, to set everything right. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church will come without any warning, and by the time all those who are left behind realize what happened, they'll realize what happens If You Wait, 'Til It's Too Late. Just like a train departing the station, it's 'All Aboard', The Statement Made When Time To Depart...they'll realize they missed the train to Glory. Some will repent with bitter tears, while others will shake their fist toward God in rebellion. But, either way, once it occurs...just like a train that left the depot station, you won't be able to catch it.

The Sea Of Forgetfulness; Where Sins Of The Saved, Lie

When someone truly repents of their sin, and comes to Christ with a repentant, contrite heart (not Going Through The Motions), to do The One Thing God believe on The One He has sent...and to accept God's Free Love Gift, the sins of that individual, and the books that they are contained in, are thrown into this sea, and destroyed. Basically, The Lord says What Sins Are You Talking About?? I Don't Remember Them Anymore. As the late Corrie Ten Boom noted, ''There Is NO FISHING In The Sea Of Forgetfulness''.

The thing is, God's Grace and Forgiveness is a License To Serve, Not License To Sin. However, for those who refuse to repent and accept God's Free Love Gift, every sin they've ever done in thought, word, and deed, will be brought back up at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where there will be No Question Of Guilt as well as No Pardons And No Mercy.

Not Ungrateful At The Bema Seat, But Undeserving There

At The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, which will occur shortly after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, and only for those who have done The One Thing God Requires, while many there will receive one or more of The Five Eternal Crowns, everyone there will realize that they are all undeserving of these...and lay all the rewards, crowns, praise, honor, and glory, at the feet of The Lord, declaring that Christ Alone is worthy of the praise. All of the saved also realize that they are undeserving of God's Free Love Gift.

Yet, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, by leaving The Glory Of Heaven to come to be born of a Virgin (His earthly Mother, Mary, was one of the Vessels Of The are all of those who repented of their sin, doing The One Thing God Requires, and receiving God's Free Love Gift)...and Christ lived like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. Then, He Who Knew No Sin At All became sin for us, that we might become the Righteousness Of God in Him. He took the scourging and crucifixion meant for us, to die on an Old Rugged Cross...then He arose in Victory on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures. Then, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years... With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule. Those who were at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, will rule and reign with Him, during the Millennium Of Peace.

The only way you will be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, will be if you repent and receive God's Free Love Gift before either The Moment Of Your Death, or before The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. Otherwise, if you die without receiving God's Free Love Gift, you'll be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, and be cast into The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

The Lost Declare ''We Won't Have Christ, Over Us, To Reign'' (Luke 19:14)

Based on Luke 19:14, the majority of mankind would rather ''be their own god'', and do NOT want anyone or anything ruling over, the title of this poem is their consenus thought. What they refuse to accept is that The Lord, He Made The Rules, and because God Has Always Been A Gentleman, one day, they will be Given What Was Desired...and they'll find that they got more than they bargained for. Then, when they die, they'll enter The Home Of The Damned, and realize too late, that they made the wrong choice.

Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent

The sad truth is that while God's Free Love Gift is available to all who would receive it, far more will choose to reject it, than to accept it. Mankind ''loves the darkness more than the light'', and is so enamored and hypnotized with sin, that they say ''A God Of Love Wouldn't Send Anyone To Hell''. That is a true statement, because God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and one day, the unrepentant will be Given What Was Desired. In short, the majority of mankind chooses to go to The Home Of The Damned because they refuse the alternative.

The Lord's Soverign Over All Creation; All In His Control

A companion poem to The Lord Is In Control, nothing happens without His Knowledge or Permission. While at times, it seems that everything is ''out of control'', as it was in both the Days of Noah and Lot, and in the days prior to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church...with the abundance of evil...The Lord Is Not Surprised by anything that goes on...and there's nothing that mankind can do to stop Him, or His Plans.

Goodbye For Now, When My Loved One, In The Lord, There Died

A companion poem to Let Me Go On To Glory, while the loss of our loved ones makes us grieve...those who had accepted God's Free Love Gift, the ''goodbye'' we said to them at their funeral, was only temporary. They are in The Home Of The Redeemed...heaven. And, sooner more than later, at the The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, there'll be A Reunion Like No Other, where we'll never say goodbye again.

Tragically, for those loved ones who chose to reject God's Free Love Gift, we will never see each other again after death. In most cases, though...each one heard the Gospel...One Said 'Yes', And One Said 'No', To Gospel Of Salvation. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and if someone doesn't want salvation, they will be Given What Was Desired, in The Home Of The Damned.

In Heaven And Eternity, The Saved Will Not Be Bored

No One Knows The Things That God Has Prepared for those who love Him, and many have speculated what the redeemed will do when they get to Heaven. Some think it'll be one constant, nonstop, praise and worship service...and others feel we'll just sit around on clouds playing harps forever...doing nothing else. For a look at misconceptions about Heaven, click here.

The truth is, we won't know until we get to Heaven...but according to the Millennium Of Peace, someone or something needs governing. That tells me that the redeemed of all time before the time of When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, will rule and reign with Him. All our needs (and those of those on Earth) will be met, and life will be as it was meant to be. In short, In Heaven And Eternity, The Saved Will Not Be Bored.

Tragically, for those who choose to refuse God's Free Love Gift, instead of boredom, they'll be dealing with constant, nonstop, torment, pain, and suffering in The Home Of The Damned, forever.

Admirer Or Follower, Of Christ; Which One Are You??

Inspired by a message from Brother Dennis Holmes of East Union Missionary Baptist Church (which is now The Second Home for me), it confronts mankind with how they feel about Jesus Christ. They are either just an admirer...viewing Him from a a good man, a prophet, a good teacher, etc. -- without any commitment or devotion to Him. Or, they are a follower...committed to Him, as He is God In The Flesh, the Creator of the Universe, who came to die for the sins of mankind, and be resurrected on The Third Day According To The Scriptures. Just being an admirer is akin to Going Through The Motions...and that won't get you to Heaven.

Man Thinks This Life's All There Is, As God's Words, They Spurn

Just like the Saducees of Jesus' Day, who didn't believe in life after death (once you're dead, that's it), there are ''modern day Saducees'' (pardon the pun), they're sad, you see. These believe that this life is all there is, and you can do whatever you want, as there is no accountability, no Heaven Or Hell, and that there is no such thing as The Judgment. Since they do not know The Lord, they can't understand spiritual things from The Books Of The Bible, including The Commandments Ten, along with numerous other, they lack spiritual discernment.

The thing is, Everyone's Accountable, Your Life Is Being Recorded, you will undergo A Life On Trial, When You Stand Before The Lord, where You'll Answer Only For Yourself.

God Will Settle His Accounts At The Appointed Time

The idea of this poem is based on the story of two neighboring farmers. One was a Christian, and the other one was an athiest. The athiest worked his fields every day...but the Christian let his fields lie fallow (dormant) on the Sabbath. It's like the third verse from the country-western song High Cotton...which notes ''When Sunday mornings rolled around, we dressed up in hand me downs...just in time to gather with the Church. Sometimes, I think how long it has been...and how it impressed me then. It was the only day my Daddy wouldn't work''. At harvest time, the athiest's field had a better crop, and he mocked the Christian for ''taking the day off''. The Christian farmer replied ''God doesn't settle all His Accounts at Harvest Time''.

In Old Testament Times, the Jews were commanded to let the land lie fallow for one year out of seven, to give it ''a Sabbath rest''. Well, the children of Israel didn't regard The Word Of The Lord, and after many years, God's Patience ran out. He had the Babylonians take away the Jews into captivity, to give the land the Sabbath Rest that it was due...and it had built up to 490 years. As Hebrews 9:27 notes ''It is appointed all to die, and after this, The Judgment. Depending on whether each person did The One Thing God Requires, it will be either The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. At both of these, God will settle up the accounts of each individual, and there will be No Question Of Guilt. Nowadays, the Sabbath remains Holy, and indeed, the fourth commandment of The Commandments Ten, notes ''Remember The Sabbath Day, To Keep It Holy''. Worship of The Lord, and the study of The Books Of The Bible is PRIMARY...with works of necessity and mercy (police, fire, ambulance (emergency services), weather warnings, medical/health, etc.) only being excepted. In the case of weather warnings, there have been severe weather events on Christmas Eve, Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, and at other times. While God sends down rain on the just and unjust, it's incumbent on us, to be weather aware, and to take appropriate action when required. And, it's also incumbent on mankind to heed the ''spiritual warnings'' if they don't, they'll end up in The Home Of The Damned.

Christ Excuses No One From Responsibility

Based upon the Parable Of The Talents, Christ Excuses No One From Personal Responsibility. Whether it's in our life at home, at work, at school, or how we live our lives...the bottom line is that all of our motives, words, thoughts, and deeds (whether done in secret, or in the open), are done by each of us, individually. And, with each task, we have certain responsibilities that we must do. While we can be influenced by others to do good or evil, the ultimate responsibility for what we do, in the Choices we make, are ours alone.

Many will likely say on Judgment Day that ''they were set up'', but the evidence will show that there is No Question Of Guilt When You Stand Before The Lord one day. And, to get into Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, you have the responsibility to do The One Thing God Requires, to believe on The One He has sent, to repent of sin, and receive God's Free Love Gift. Otherwise, The Home Of The Damned will be where you spend Eternity. Contrary to what you may have heard, Heaven Is Not Owed To, Hell Is Not A Party Place, and Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord.

One Should Bring Each Thought There To Obedience Of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5 and Galatians 5:19-24)

Based on 2 Corinthians 10:5, and Galatians 5:19-24, the conversation, life, and thoughts of a Christian, should be brought to the obedience of Christ...for He Who Knew No Sin At All; neither was their guile found in His Mouth. While those who've done The One Thing God Requires, in repenting of our sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, we still have the sin nature in this life, which is at war with The Holy Spirit...with the works of the flesh battling against the Fruits Of The Spirit. Yet, the goal of the Christian is to put off the fleshly things, as God molds them into the image of His Son...although that won't be realized until The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church.

To See How Lot And Noah Felt, We Just Need Look Around

Many true Christians are likely discouraged when they witness for The Lord today...and as throughout history, one gets a picture of how both Noah and Lot felt in their day. Noah, his wife, their 3 sons, and their wives, were the only 8 righteous souls saved when God destroyed the Earth by water. Then, only Lot and his 2 daughters survived the fiery judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah (Lot's wife disobeyed the command to not look back, and was turned to a pillar of salt...and afterwards, Lot's 2 daughters got him drunk, and committed incestuous sex with their father). The fate that fell on Sodom and Gomorrah will fall on the entire world the next time Earth is destroyed, to purify the Earth so tainted with sin. The Bible records that ''Lot was vexxed by the filthy sinful lifestyles'' of those around him...and Noah likely was as well.

But, the warnings from both Noah of the coming flood judgment, and of the two angels, were largely laughed at and scorned. And, once God's righteous ones (ones He considered righteous) were safely out of harm's way, then the Divine Judgments fell. At that point, all those who were in the path of the flood, and then the fire, plunged into the torments of The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

Sunday Saint, But The Rest Ain't; For Many Souls Today

To most folks, Christianity is for a few hours on Sunday, or asking the blessing on the meal...yet, they can live like the Devil the rest of the week. The truth is like the Pharisees of Jesus' Day, they appeared so pious and righteous, like whitewashed tombs on the outside...but inside, they were full of dead men's bones. The word ''hypocrite'' comes from the word meaning ''actor''...such as playing a character in a play in the theatre, or in a church canata (I've done both over the years).

What these folks actually are doing are making it look like they're Christians, when in reality, they're no different from those who've not repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift. They're basically just Going Through The Motions, with no real commitment to the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords. These will hear the terrifying words from The Lord Himself, ''Depart From Me, For You I've Never Known'', at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

They're Ready To Repent In Hell; They Waited Far Too Long

A companion poem to No Athiests Exist There In Hell Fire, and Those In Hell, Wish They Could There, See The Cross Again, those who refused to do The One Thing God Requires, are more than ready to repent. But, after The Moment Of Your Death, it's too late to make that decision for Christ. Prayers Have No Effect At All In Hell, and so these will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned, because they refused to accept God's Free Love Gift while they were still alive on Earth.

The World Says Christians And The Jews Are The Ones To Blame

At Creation, and through the Worldwide Flood Of Noah, there were only Gentiles (non-Jews) on the planet. But, when God called Abram (later Abraham) to leave his homeland, and go to a country that God would show him, the Jewish race was born. Since then, the world has been composed of 2 classes of people...jews, and Gentiles (non-Jews). But, after Christ came to Earth to die for mankind's sins, then rise again on The Third Day...both According To The Scriptures, there came a third group into existence...christians. Yet, all the world says that it's the Christians and the Jews who are to blame for all the problems and evils in the world.

The truth of the matter is, that The Heart Is Wicked, And Full Of Deceit...For All Have Sinned, and fallen short of God's Glory...and there is none righteous...all from the rebellion by Satan, the god of this world, who deceived our first parents in The Garden Of Eden, bringing sin and death to all of creation. It was through the Jews that Jesus Christ, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, the Jewish Messiah, would come, in the fullness of time.

Throughout history, the Jews had repeatedly rebelled against God, and He had disciplined them many times. Finally, when God sent Jesus to Earth, the Jewish religion had degenerated into just a series of over 610 laws, that no one could keep. The Pharisees and Saducees held Jesus in utter contempt, as they viewed Him as ''a threat to their operations''. But, through the shedding of His Blood, it created ''a New Covenant''...where anyone, with just faith in Christ Alone to save them, would be declared righteous by God (even though it was totally Christ's Righteousness imputed to them, by their belief on Him), and these would be called ''Christians''.

Satan hates the Jews, because that's the race through who The Messiah, Jesus Christ, came to Earth...and Satan hates the Christians, as they're spreading The Gospel In A Nutshell...basically, as noted above, one is saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works. This is why Satan and the world hates the Christians and the Jews...because the world loves the darkness of sin more than The Light of The Gospel...and Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with them in The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

Ambassadors Are There Recalled, Before The Judgment Falls

Many countries have ambassadors, representatives that are also in other countries of the world, housed in places like their embassies. However, before things like a war or an invasion break out, one of the countries usually recalls their ambassadors to ''get out of Dodge'', and come they won't perish in the upcoming battle. This application in the physical realm also has an application in the spiritual realm. Christians serving The Lord are referred to as His Ambassadors...but Our Citizenship In Heaven, Not This Earthly Place.

There are 3 cases in The Books Of The Bible, where this pattern is seen. The worldwide flood, where only Noah, his family, and the animals in the Ark survived...the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, where only Lot and his 2 daughters survived...and The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. In each case, God gave the Warning...removed His Believers...then The Judgment fell. After The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, will be God's Ultimate Declaration Of War against the world for its rejection of The Saviour. At the end of that time, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, He will destroy all those opposing Him, and set everything right during the Millennium Of Peace.

God Gives The Best To Those, When The Choice Is In His Hands

Inspired by a message from Brother Paul Roberts of East Union Missionary Baptist Church (which is now The Second Home for me), in the study of the book of Job, it proves when we trust The Lord in all things, that He will give us the desires of our heart. But, God's Not A Genie, As Some Do Believe, as they just treat Him as ''a good luck charm'' or like a parachute cord that you pull in the event of an emergency situation. But, everyone must make the individual choice on whether or not to accept or reject God's Free Love Gift...because Your Eternal Destiny depends on it.

Comparison In Many Ways, Two Groups Of Mankind

Though there are many races, ethnic groups, nationalities, etc., in reality, there are only two groups of mankind...especially from a spiritual standpoint. These are initially either Jew or Gentile...then either saved or lost. And for every person, Jew or Gentile, Your Eternal Destiny will be Heaven Or Hell...depending on whether one accepts or rejects God's Free Love Gift.

It Truly Is An Insult There, If A Gift's Refused

While most people are grateful when they receive gifts...whether for birthday, anniversary, or in a gesture of kindness by someone else...tragically there are some who are callous, selfish, and arrogant, and refuse the gift that was prepared or provided...and instead of a blessing to both's an insult to the giver, who paid the cost, and prepared the gift, which has now been refused. But, the worst insult is to Almighty God, when someone makes the choice to refuse to repent and accept God's Free Love Gift.

You Can't Ride Coat Tails Into Heaven's Space

While most folks hope they can ''ride the coat tails'' of family members or friends into Heaven, the fact is that is that Decision Not Required To Go To Hell... and that Heaven Is Not Owed To You. The decision to enter Heaven must be made INDIVIDUALLY, with true repentance of sin, and asking Christ to be your Lord and Saviour. Just Going Through The Motions is a waste of time, because You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend... and He can tell if you're sincere or not, in receiving God's Free Love Gift.

Quenching Of The Spirit Is Not The Thing To Do (1 Thessalonians 5:19)

Based on 1 Thessalonians 5:19, The Holy Spirit, the third entity in the Trinity (God The Father, Jesus Christ The Son, and The Holy Spirit) convicts of sin, and impresses people on their need to receive God's Free Love Gift. But, we still have the sin nature after we're saved, and The Holy Spirit will convict the believer of sin, for them to repent and turn from it, confess it to The Lord, and claim His Forgiveness. But, both the lost and the saved quench The Spirit daily...either by spurning the Gospel Truth when witnessed to...or repeatedly going back to acts of sin that they should have forsaken. While The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, both the saved and the lost will stand before The Lord one day, and have to give an account for their lives.

While the issue of sin won't be considered at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, the way the believer lived their life on Earth will reflect their standing with The Lord throughout Eternity. For the unbeliever, they will answer for every sin they've ever done at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where there will be No Question Of Guilt.

Who Is On The Lord's Side?? (Exodus 32:26)

Based on Exodus 32:26, there are two sides of life...god or Satan...good or evil. Originally, all creation was pronounced ''good'' by The Lord...until Satan (originally Lucifer, the covering cherbub), inflated with pride, and deceived one third of the angelic realm to launch a coup against The Lord Of Hosts. For this deed, they were cast out of Heaven, and The Home Of The Damned was made for them. Sadly, it'll also be the eternal home for all those who reject God's Free Love Gift.

What Mankind Wants Here In This Life Are Not Holy Things

The lure of things in this life, such as money, fame, and power, are extremely tempting...especially considering that ALL of mankind has a sin nature, obtained when our first parents rebelled against The Lord in The Garden Of Eden so long ago. They had a perfect environment, perfect health, and fellowship with God...but they threw it all away. So, Satan, the god of this world, now uses things like the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, and everything that is against what God commanded, to have mankind sell their soul to him, lying to them that ''this life is all there is''. But, It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment.

As the poem by C. T. Studd noted, Only One Life Twill Soon Be Past, Only What's Done For Christ Will Last...and that includes your choice on whether you will accept or reject God's Free Love Gift.

If Any Of God's Word Is False, We're All Doomed To Hell

Inspired by a message from Brother Paul Roberts of East Union Missionary Baptist Church (which is now The Second Home for me), starting with Psalms 119:160, if ANY of God's Word is false, then we're wasting our time in this life. Basically, if that's the case, we're ALL doomed for The Home Of The Damned, and going to The Judgment Of The Great White share the same fate as Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace (who the Bible refers to as the Antichrist)...along with every soul who ever walked the Earth, whether you thought they were good or bad.

Without The Resurrection, it's just not the same...and just one sin not paid for would mean that Jesus Christ would still be in the grave...and that His Death on The Old Rugged Cross was a needless tragedy, instead of the fulfillment of God's Redemption Plan for mankind. Basically, as the Saducees of Jesus's day, who didn't believe in life after death, and they felt like ''this life is all there is''. Yet, as Hal Lindsey, author of books like The Late Great Planet Earth, Satan Is Alive And Well on Planet Earth, There's A New World Coming, and many other books...noted ''If the believers on Jesus are wrong...the most we'll lose are a few petty sins, which in the end, don't make anyone happy anyway. But, if the unbeliever is wrong, they will spend eternity paying the debt...that they gambled with their soul, and lost it!!''. But, because His Word IS true, one day, for those who have done The One Thing God Requires, the faith will become sight, and No One Knows The Things God Has Prepared for those who love Him.

When Mankind Hits The Panic Button, It'll Be Too Late

There is a term in life, when in an emergency situation, one ''hits the panic button'' summon aid, assistance, help, etc. But, from a spiritual standpoint, when those who don't know The Lord see His Righteous Judgment being executed, they panic as well...knowing that it's now too late to make a decision for Christ. They realize that After Death, Belief Too Late, as Once You Close Your Eyes In Death, Eternal Fate Is everyone is only One Heartbeat Away from Eternity. For The Unsaved Know At Death, They Chose To Go To Hell. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and Compared To Eternity, Earthly Life Is Short. Heaven Or Hell are the only two places you can go at The Moment Of Your Death...and at that point, if you haven't done The One Thing God repent of your sin, and to receive God's Free Love Gift...doing it sincerely, and not just be Going Through The Motions...the default place is The Home Of The Damned, instead of The Home Of The Redeemed.

The Unrepentant Cannot Stop God's Will From Being Done

Both Satan and mankind have though they can outwit God at what happens, and that they have the power to stop God in His Actions. Yet, Satan is a created being with LIMITED power...but Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With Unlimited Power. The Lord knows the end from the beginning, and to Him, everything is now ''eternity past''. He has already decreed and ordained the events in history, and had done so before the foundation of the it's His Creation, and His Rules. So, all the efforts mankind or Satan and his demons do, are all futile and suicidal...there's no way they can defeat The Lord in what He does. In short, His Will is going to be accomplished, whether mankind likes it or not.

Compared To Eternity, Earthly Life Is Short

Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, let alone the next 5 seconds. Every beat of one's heart, and every breath that one takes, is by the Grace of God. Only He knows how many days your life will have, as well as ''the hairs on your head''. It's Appointed All To Die, and then The Judgment. Those who have done The One Thing God Requires will stand before The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...while those who did not, will instead stand before God at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. In Eternity, There Are No Less Days. Basically, it's ALWAYS ''Day One''...just like the movie Groundhog Day. But, for those who end up going to The Home Of The Damned, there will be no happy ending, as there was in the movie. Only those in The Home Of The Redeemed will get to ''live happily ever after''.

In Position Of Authority, Judgment Is Far Worse

From the leader of a nation, all the way down to the lowly janitor who cleans the toilets, and everyone in between, while All Nations And All Peoples Judged One Day, and Everyone's Accountable, and all will face A Life On Trial, those who are in a position of authority, will be judged far more harshly. This includes folks like those preaching the Gospel, or even teachers in Church. Do they subscribe to the fact that Full Counsel Of God Must Be Proclaimed, The Lord, He Made The Rules, and that God's Word Is Not Here To Tickle Your Ears?? Or are these just individuals who are only Going Through The Motions??

You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend, and He knows where your heart truly is. Even parents are in a ''position of authority'' in the Home, and do they believe that Children Are A Heritage Of The Lord, and Christ's Warning of Who Offends These Little Ones Who Believe In Me, as well as they should bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of The Lord?? Or do they just consider them ''a piece of useless trash'', that can be murdered by abortion??

Even if you've never been in a position of authority in this life, When You Stand Before The Lord, either at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ (if you've repented of sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift), or before The Judgment Of The Great White Throne (if you failed to do The One Thing God Requires), there will be No Question Of Guilt; because in the Parable of the Talents, Christ Excuses No One From Responsibility.

The Unrepentant, Godless Souls, Are Totally Deceived

Sadly, this is the state of the majority of mankind. They want nothing to do with God, Jesus Christ, Church, or Biblical Christianity. Those Too Blind To See, are seemingly content in their lives of sin, not realizing that payments don't come due until Death and Hell. If they are part of Church, they likely are just Going Through The Motions. But, for these, at The Moment Of Your Death, they will come to the shocking realization that At Death, Who Will Your Sin Debt Pay?? If Not Christ, Then It's You. The truth is that Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn along with them in Hell, and The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. Yet, Compared To Eternity, Earthly Life Is Short. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, let alone the next 5 seconds. The sad fact is that the Simplicity Of The Gospel Truth, Many Do Reject. Like it or not, The Lord, He Made The Rules, and one day, Eagerly Or Compelled, all will bow before The Lord one day. Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, will be determined by what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

The Lord, He Does Not Force Mankind, Deciding Who They Choose

The unrepentant say that God is forcing mankind to accept Him to avoid the fires of Hell and Judgment. The truth is, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, giving FREE WILL to all He created...both the angels in Heaven, and eventually, mankind on Earth. Lucifer, originally the covering cherub, got inflated with pride, and deceived one third of the angels to join him in a coup against The Lord Of Hosts...for which he, and his beaten angels, were cast out of Heaven. When God created Adam and Eve in the Garden Of Eden, He gave them only one rule...and they only broke it once. While Eve was deceived by the serpent, Adam ''gave in without a fight''...but both chose to rebel against God, and believe the lies of Satan. If one truly loves and is committed to someone, they will gladly obey them...forced obedience is NOT love...because The Lord, He Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free Will. And, if they choose to ignore ''The Still, Small Voice of The Lord'', regarding the need to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, they have no one to blame but themselves. For the fallen angels who sided with Satan, there's no way they can be saved, as they were originally in the Presence Of God...but they threw it away. At Least One Chance Is Given There for everyone on Earth to hear the Gospel...and of all the Choices that one makes in life, this one is the most important, as it will determine Your Eternal Destiny.

Hand To The Plow, And Looking Back, Is Nothing For The Lord (Luke 9:62)

Based on Luke 9:62, and inspired by a message from Brother Paul Roberts of East Union Missionary Baptist Church (which is now The Second Home for me), it was based on how so many people, after they've come to The Lord, decide that The Now And Eternal Cost of following Christ, is far too great for them to want to pay. They term the life of Christianity as ''too restrictive and too outdated''.

But, The Lord, He Made The Rules, and those who prefer to go back to what they were doing before (a life of sin), likely means that they weren't sincere in their commitment to Christ in the first place. In Luke 9:62, Christ said ''No one having put his hand to the plow, and looking back (to the old life of sin) is fit for the Kingdom Of God''. If you are like the Prodigal Son, and have wandered away from your commitment to The Lord, He's grieved at your behavior, but He'll restore you to fellowship if you come back to Him, and confess your sin of going your own way.

The answer to the question of Who Is Seated On Your Life's Throne?? determines your commitment to The Lord. Yet, the cost one pays in this life, with the loss of friends, and so much else, will be outweighed by the eternal cost of rejecting God's Free Love Gift.

What One Does With Christ Determines Their Eternity

It seems like a simple choice, one way or the other...and in Truth, it is. Yet, The Lord, He Does Not Force Mankind, Deciding Who They Choose...either Christ or Satan...and either Heaven Or Hell. What one does with God's Free Love Gift here on Earth, determines where they'll spend Eternity, which for all, is entered upon The Moment Of Your Death. Only those two places noted, Heaven Or Hell exist...any other place or state of being, is a lie from the pit of Hell. It'll be either The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned. Of all the Choices one must make in this life, this one is the most it ultimately determines Your Eternal Destiny. The Price Of Being Wrong will be too great for you to pay, and you will be paying for that wrong choice for all Eternity.

That's The Bottom Line

No matter the issue in life, what really matters is ''the bottom line''. And, from the standpoint of Eternity, What Will You Do With Jesus Christ?? determines Your Eternal Destiny. It'll either be Heaven Or Hell; because At Death, No Other Option Does Exist.

Misconceptions Of Heaven There, Prevalent Today

Inspired by a message from Brother Paul Roberts of East Union Missionary Baptist Church (which is now The Second Home for me), this poem addresses five misconceptions about Heaven today, as perceived by the world. They feel that Heaven is only a spiritual's a nonstop praise and worship service...everyone's floating on clouds playing harps...that it's guaranteed at death...and if you don't get it right the first time, you can work your way in through Purgatory or works.

The truth on all these misconceptions is as follows:

1) It is a real place. In John 14:2-3, Jesus told His Disciples that ''In My Father's House are many mansions (dwelling places)...if it were not so, I would've told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And, if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.''

2 While there will be praise and service there, it's not going to be one nonstop church service...for certain, In Heaven And Eternity, The Saved Will Not Be Bored. We'll be able to serve The Lord like we never could on we no longer will have our sin nature to deal with.

3) God created an innumerable number of angels first...then Lucifer, originally the covering cherub, rebelled against God, by launching a coup against The Lord Of Hosts...and he conned one third of the angels to join him in his revolt. All of these rebellious ones were cast out of Heaven, and The Home Of The Damned was created for them. Man and women were made a little lower than the angels...and God gave our first parents one simple rule...and they only broke it once. While angels (the fallen angels (demons), or those who stayed true to God) never die, for every human being that has ever been on Earth, It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment. For the fallen angels, there is no chance at redemption for them, as they were originally in The Presence Of God. For mankind, of the many Choices we make in life, we have the choice to accept or reject God's Free Love Gift. Those who accept it will join the angels in The Home Of The Redeemed, in being with The Lord forever. Those who reject will join Satan and his demonic hordes in The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. In short, you can't compare humans and angels...they're two different created beings.

4) Heaven Is Not Owed To You. If we truly got what we deserved, we would've been sent to The Home Of The Damned long ago.

5) You Can't Earn God's Salvation, because the cost of your sin is A Debt You Can Not Pay...and Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags (literally, bloody menstrual cloths) before God. God's Standard Is Perfection, and Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell. And, the truth is that Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn. There are only two places at death...Heaven Or Hell...and Your Eternal Destiny depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

When Christ Looks Upon Your Life, What Will There, Be Seen??

A companion poem to A Life On Trial, and Everyone's Accountable, among others...whether at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or The Judgment Of The Great White Throne... When You Stand Before The Lord, you will give an account for your entire life from birth to death.

While the issue of sin was settled at The Cross for those at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, they will still have to answer how they served The see if their works to offer Him are noted as ''gold, silver, and precious stones''...or as ''wood, hay, and stubble''. The gold, silver, and precious stones will be extremely pleasing to The Lord...while the wood, hay, and stubble, will not be...and those will be burned up in the Bema Judgment Fire. Those at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ who end up with nothing to offer The Lord, will be ashamed, and have garments with the smell of smoke on them...but they'll still be in Heaven, as they did The One Thing God ''Believe On The One He Has Sent''.

By contrast, those who are at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they will have to answer for every sin they ever thought, word, and deed...and whether it was done in secret, or in the open. Tragically, these didn't do The One Thing God Requires, so they will spend eternity paying for their sin debt.

If We Say We Have No Sin (1 John 1:8-10)

Based in 1 John 1:8-10, there are many in the world today who feel they have no sin...that they are generally good, that Heaven is the default destination at death, because the good deeds will outweigh the bad deeds on Judgment Day. These self righteous ones are, as Jesus noted, ''the leaven of the Pharisees''. In bread, leaven causes it to rise, and it is symbolic of sin and corruption in one's life. Yet, Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, and that one sin is failing to do The One Thing God Requires. Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and The Heart Is Wicked, And Full Of Deceit, especially if you believe the lie from the pit of Hell, The Home Of The Damned, that ''sin is outmoded, and you have no such thing as sin''. Even those who have done The One Thing God Requires, while in these mortal bodies on Earth, they still have to deal with their sin nature every day...and will have to do so until either they reach for themselves, The Moment Of Your Death, or The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church.

The believers ON Jesus, are STILL SINNERS, but they are SINNERS SAVED BY THE GRACE OF GOD. The salvation in Christ for them is a License To Serve, Not License To Sin...and they will still have to give an account with A Life On Trial at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. Yet, while the issue of sin was settled at The Cross, and won't even be considered there...their eternal standing with The Lord will be based on how they served Him on Earth. Tragically, for the unrepentant, who will stand at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, every sin they ever did... in thought, word, and deed...hidden or revealed...will be played back, showing that there is No Question Of Guilt. And, After Death, Belief Too Late, and too late for you to change Your Eternal Destiny.

As Prophecies There Come To Pass, They'll See The Saved Were Right

Many times throughout history, there have been so called prophets, those who could tell the future of what would occur. However, ''the secret things belong to The Lord''...but by the same token, He advises his true prophets on what He's going to do, before it occurs. In Old Testament times, if one of the so called prophets spoke of an event that did not occur, then ''that prophet has spoken presumptuosly, and you need not fear him''. That false prophet would then pay the price by a slow and painful death of having rocks and stones hurled at them, as they were buried up to their neck in the ground. Even in ''the last days'', there are scoffers questioning the promise of When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, saying ''all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation''.

One third of The Books Of The Bible deals with prophecy. As of this typing, everything up until The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, has been fulfilled. And, just as all past prophecies related to Christ's First Coming came to pass...Every Jot And Tittle Of God's Word Will Be Fulfilled...reflecting the title of this poem...which everyone, saved or lost, will realize one day. For some, it will be at The Moment Of Your Death, where Your Eternal Destiny, is realized... Heaven Or Hell...either The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned...all depending on what you did in this life on Earth with God's Free Love Gift.

Salvation - A Free Gift To All, Who'd Receive It There

Some will say that they were deceived when they clicked on the link Get A Free Gift, but as the title of this poem notes, ''Salvation In Christ Is A Free Gift, To All Who Would Receive It''. Any gift purchased for you, whether for your birthday, Christmas, wedding anniversary, etc., likely cost the sender quite a bit. Yet, it costs you nothing, it's likely something you didn't deserve, couldn't afford, but so greatly needed. And, that's the case with God's Free Love Gift. God didn't have to launch Redemption's Plan before the foundation of the world, although He knows the beginning from the end, and knew that Adam and Eve would break the One Rule He gave them. Yet, He made man a little lower than the angels, and His Plan of Redemption would start with innocent animals being sacrificed...for Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission, Done. These animal sacrifices were TEMPORARY, until it was culminated on The Cross of Calvary, where Jesus Christ would be crucified for the sins of everyone who had, or would ever live and walk on this planet (He was the ONLY One on this planet to live a sinless, perfect life)...shedding His Precious Blood to pay for all the sins...which truly is for everyone, A Debt You Can Not Pay. The victory was complete when He rose from the dead on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures....because Without The Resurrection, it's just not the Just One Sin Not Paid For Means Christ's Still In The Grave. Yet, while The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, The One Sin Unforgiven is if you die without accepting God's Free Love Gift...and Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell.

At The Rapture Of The Church, All These Left Behind

At this typing, the next prophetic event on God's Prophetic Calendar is The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. It is a moment, KNOWN ONLY TO ALMIGHTY GOD, when it will occur. Yet, In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes...and At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye. Estimates are that it'll happen in as little as one one-thousandth of a second. For a video on how fast that may be, click here.

Yet, as the title of this poem says, so many things will be left behind...first and foremost, all those who chose to reject God's Free Love Gift, as they failed to do The One Thing God Requires. These will be left to face face Hell On Earth For Seven Years, as part of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble...literally the last seven years of mortal man, before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Some of the other things that will be left behind, is all the possesions of those who were raptured...including residences (homes, apartments, etc.), vehicles (cars, trucks, boats, etc. -- as well as keys to these), finances (bank accounts, IRA's, CD's, stocks, etc.), clothing, health aids (prosthesis devices, canes, walkers, dentures, glasses, contact lenses, oxygen tanks, etc.), food and drink items, appliances (washers, dryers, dishwashers, heaters, air conditioners, etc.), all manner of sickness and disease, and especially the curse of sin and death. Those who were raptured will forever be well cared for, and never have to be worried about again...and neither do they have to worry about their existence, now in Eternity with Jesus Christ, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, the One who made it all possible. The faith is now sight, and they see their faith in The Lord has not been in vain.

Tragically, most of those that were left behind, will either come to Christ, and be martyred for their faith...or they will give in to The Antichrist, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, and ignore what happens in the warning of If You Take The Mark. Those who are martyred, will live and reign with Christ for a thousand years in the Millennium Of Peace, in The Home Of The Redeemed...while those who took The Mark, will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned. This is a companion poem to When At Death Or Rapture There, These Things Are Left Behind.

While Salvation's A Free Gift, It Cost Christ All He Had

When someone purchases a gift for you, it's usually something that costs them quite a bit. Yet, the gift is something you don't expect, likely don't deserve, or can't afford...yet, it's something you greatly need. This is the case with God's Free Love Gift. The cost of sin, for each of us individually, we realize is A Debt You Can Not Pay.

Basically, God's Standard Is Perfection, and Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell. If you fail to do, in this life on Earth, The One Thing God Requires, then you'll find at The Moment Of Your Death, that After Death, Belief Too Late, and you're now in The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

Science Fiction Writer Robert Heinlein coined the expression ''TANSTAFFL''; an acronym for ''There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch''. The only way you get ''a free meal'' if someone is ''treating you'', and buying your it certainly isn't free for them. What God's Free Love Gift cost Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, was His Life on The Cross Of Calvary. He took the scourging, mocking, agonizing, excruciatingly painful and humilating death of crucifixion, that was meant for you and I. Yet, He did so willingly, because He Loved us.

Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent...and these will regret it for all Eternity.

With The End Time Prophecy, Israel's The Key

One third of the Bible is prophecy, and it's the only ''religious book'' that has 100% correct fulfillment in its prophecies. As all the prophecies preceding Christ's First Coming were too, will all the prophecies related to Christ's Second Coming. Every Jot And Tittle Of God's Word Will Be Fulfilled, and the nation of Israel is the key centerpiece. After the Second Temple was destroyed, and the Jews were scattered in AD 70, no one ever thought that Israel would exist as a nation again...but as prophesied, Israel was reborn in a day, on May 14, 1948. Jesus noted that ''When you see the budding of The Fig Tree, you know that summer is near. Likewise, He (meaning Himself) is also near, even at the door''. Israel has been referred to as ''The Fig Tree'', and many followers of Bible Prophecy feel that ''The Last Generation'' before The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, signifying the end of ''The Age Of Grace'', which began at Pentecost...was now underway. While there is rampant speculation on how long a generation actually is, no one one knows when The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church will occur...except for God Himself.

There are still seven years allotted to Israel, and those will occur once The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace (the Antichrist) signs a peace treaty with Israel. From that point, only 2520 days remain until the time When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, to destroy all those opposing Him, and to set up His Millennium Of Peace.

Bless Or Curse The Jews, God There, Will Do The Same To Thee

Based on Genesis 12:3, God told Abram (later Abraham) when He would give Him ''The Promised Land'', that He would bless those that blessed the Jews (God's Chosen People), and curse those who cursed the Jews. This has been evident throughout history. When Israel's enemies attacked the Jews, they were soundly defeated. However, when the Jews rebelled against The Lord, He let their enemies attack them in discipline...and when they repented of their sin of turning away from God (which they did multiple times), the nations that attacked Israel were destroyed. This is illustrated in the tract by Chick Publications (who've been publishing Gospel Tracts for over 60 years), Somebody Angry?. Those who bless and protect the Jews and Israel, God will bless them...and by the same token, those who curse the Jews and Israel, God will do likewise to them. Yet, Jew or Gentile, Eagerly Or Compelled, will bow before The Lord one day...and what they...and even with God's Free Love Gift, will determine Your Eternal Destiny...Heaven Or Hell.

The One Who Shook The Kingdoms There; His Time, It Is Short (Isaiah 14:16 and Revelation 12:12)

Originally the covering cherub, Lucifer guarded the throne of God in Heaven. He had authority above all the angels, including archangels Michael and Gabriel. But, one day, Satan filled with pride, and deceived one third of the angelic realm to join him in a coup against The Lord Of Hosts. Yet, God spotted the rebellion instantly...and cast Lucifer and the angels he deceived out of Heaven, changing his name to Satan, which means ''the adversary''. In Isaiah, Chapter 14, Scripture details the five ''I Will'' statements that the Devil said he'd do...but The Lord said ''you shall be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit''. There is NO CHANCE OF SALVATION for Satan or the fallen angels, because they were in the presence of God...and God created The Home Of The Damned, and The Lake Of Fire for them...and ultimately, for all who would choose to reject God's Free Love Gift.

Redemption's Plan was set into motion before the foundation of the Earth, but even though after being cast out of Heaven, Satan's beaten army of horriffic demons, now settled around Earth, and deceived our first parents into breaking the one simple rule that God had given them...and he thought he still could win the battle for souls. The devil is known as ''the god of this world'', and while it seems he is in charge, with all the evil for nearly 6000 years...ultimately, The Lord Is In Control. In truth, Satan Has Been On A Leash, And God Will Pull It In. In the midpoint of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Satan and his armies try once again to dethrone The Lord...but this time, they are kicked out of Heaven permanently by the Heavenly Armies. Knowing that he now only has a short time left (three and a half years) before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, he and his demonic hordes go into extreme rage...having now possessed The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, and working to slaughter all those who refuse to take The Mark Of The Beast...both Christians and Jews. At the Second Coming Of The Lord, Satan is captured, and cast into the bottomless pit...while The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace and The False Prophet, are cast alive into The Lake Of Fire...which is where Satan will ultimately end up, with everyone else who rejects God's Free Love Gift. Then, in The Lake Of Fire...satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, The False Prophet, and the hordes of unsaved souls who were at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, will all bow down, and declare that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Tragically, for all of these, salvation is too late for them, and Heaven is denied. In this horrible place, Satan is now a shell of his former self, stripped of all his power, and all there will look upon him narrowly, saying ''is this the one that shook the kingdoms??''. Once the New Heaven, New Earth, and New Jerusalem, come into existence, Sin Won't Rise A Second Time. An overview of Satan's Doom can be found here.

You Gloat In Others Calamity; The Same May Befall You (Proverbs 24:17-18 and Obadiah 1:13)

In much of the world today, when people see their enemies suffering loss...whether through family members, wealth, possessions, etc., they rejoice that ''they got what they deserved''. Yet, attitudes like that, may cause the same to fall on those who are gleeful in another person's misfortune. Truly, Vengeance Is The Lord's, and He will execute Judgment in His Time. Along this line, Christians are forbidden to ask for revenge. One day, Justice Will Be Done, as there will be No Question of Guilt, and No One Will Defend The Lost. On Judgment Day, it can be said that They Got What They Deserved, because they also were Given What Was Desired...a life without God, Jesus, or Biblical Christianity. When the lost face The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, He will tell them ''Your Decision Will Be Honored in Eternity, as it was on Earth...Depart From Me, You Cursed, Into The Everlasting Fire; For You, I've Never Known''.

God sends down rain on the just and on the unjust, and many of the calamities that befall all of mankind are part of The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. Only When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, after The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, will The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth during the Millennium Of Peace. For those who've done The One Thing God Requires (to believe on The One He Has Sent, to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, each believer says that I'm Thankful God Did Not Give Me What I So Deserve.

Only God Almighty Knows How Much Time Remains

As the title of this poem notes, Only God Almighty knows how much time remains. He knows the beginning from the end, as He has always existed. He spoke the universe into existence by just His Word, creating the angelic realm, then mankind. While Eternity exists outside of ''time'', which was made for man here on Earth.

The Lord decreed before the foundation of the Earth, when certain events would occur, such as Creation, The Worldwide Flood of Noah, The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah (The Days Of Noah and Sodom Are Here again), the giving of The Commandments Ten to Moses on Mount Sinai, along with other events in Old Testament Times...then, announcing to the world that The Gift Is Christ...where His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, would leave the Glory Of Heaven, come to Earth, to be born of a virgin, then to live and walk like us in all ways, except without sin. For He Who Knew No Sin At All would become sin for us, WILLINGLY taking upon Himself, the sins of every human being born on this Earth...and shed His Precious Blood on The Old Rugged Cross of Calvary, dying by the humiliating, agonizing, excruciating, and horrifying death of crucifixion...but would rise again on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures...because Without The Resurrection, it's just not the same. Forty days after His Resurrection, He returned to Heaven, to prepare a place for all those who would do The One Thing God Requires (to believe on The One He Has Sent, to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift...and He will return at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church to take them to Heaven with Him, where they'll first face The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. The issue of sin, having been settled at The Cross, won't be considered there; but believers will be judged on how they served The Lord while here on Earth...and that will reflect their standing with Him for Eternity...even though they'll still be in Heaven.

After The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, will pummel the planet, until the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, which will end forever, the rule of kingdoms by mortal man. Then, after The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, the Millennium Of Peace will begin, where With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule, and Life As It Was Meant To Be, After Christ's Return, in the Millennium Of Peace.

Once that is completed, one last rebellion will be attempted, but the miscreants who followed Satan, will be devoured by fire...and so will planet Earth, to purge the taint and tinge of sin. Then, the most sad and somber day in all of history will occur, with all the unsaved being resurrected, and standing before The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne... before they are cast into The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

As for Eternity, the Bible doesn't give many details about it...only that all of mankind will exist in it, in only one of two places... Heaven Or Hell...all dependent on what they do with God's Free Love Gift.

Out Of Hell, Or Into Heaven; You Can't, The Price, Pay

As the Apostle Peter told the man who ''tried to buy his way into Heaven'', You Can't Earn God's Salvation. Salvation Is A Gift, Not Earned Or Bought...Salvation Is A Free Gift, To All, Who'd Receive It, There...and Available, Not Automatic, Is God's Salvation Gift. Again, God's Grace Or Salvation There, It Can't Be Bribed Or Bought. For those who fail to do The One Thing God Requires, each one will find out the shocking truth at The Moment Of Your Death, The Price Of Being Wrong. If God Hated All Mankind, There'd Be No Salvation, yet, there'll be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. We are not our own, but bought with a price...the Precious Blood of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Sadly, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. Those who believe that ''God's Salvation Wasn't Enough'', try to add to it, which is an insult to The Lord. We are saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works, lest anyone should boast. The ideas of Purgatory and Indulgences that are espoused by The Roman Catholic Church are blasphemy to The Lord (for details, click here). When Jesus died, he shouted ''Tetelestai'', or ''It Is Finished''...meaning the work that He had come to do, to pay for mankind's sin, was complete...and the resurrection was God's Seal Of Approval on what Christ did on The Cross. Just One Sin Not Paid For, Means Christ's Still In The Grave, and we're all wasting our time.

For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart (Matthew 6:21)

Based on Matthew 6:21, most people here on Earth think that ''he who dies with the most items, wins''. The truth of the matters is that at The Moment Of Your Death, everything you amassed on Earth...wealth, possessions, and otherwise...will be left behind. Here on Earth, anyone knows that moth and rust corrupts our items (the law of entropy), thieves break through and steal, and things like robbery, a fire, a natural disaster, a financial crash, or something else, can wipe out earthly wealth in the blink of an eye.

C. T. Studd said it well in his poem Only One Life Twill Soon Be Past; Only What's Done For Christ Will Last. In this regard, You Can't Take It With You, But You Can Send It On Ahead...yet that's only if one has done The One Thing God Requires (to believe on The One He Has Sent, to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift). After this, serving The Lord and your fellow man or woman, not doing it to be seen of men, or for personal reward or gain...will gain you treasures in Heaven. There, you don't have to worry about moths and rust corrupting them, thieves stealing them, or losing them some other way.

A story written back in 2003, called ''A Bag With Holes'', was done in response to the false doctrine of ''the prosperity gospel''...which stresses treasures on Earth, and not in Heaven...and it would qualify as one of the Other Gospels Preached. This story, with commentary by Charles Gray Adams, Jr., can be found here. It is a sobering study in contrast, telling of two Christians who died and went to Heaven, and are in line approaching The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ.

One did things ''to be seen of men'', and didn't give much time to things of The Lord (he basically felt that since he had ''fire insurance'' to keep him out of The Home Of The Damned, that was all he needed. However, the other ''worked behind the scenes'' in serving The Lord, and his fellow man and woman.

The first man discovered that Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags, and all his deeds were counted as Zip, Zero, Zilch before The he would likely have all his works burned up at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and have ''the smell of smoke on his garments'', with nothing to show for, or give to, The Lord. He basically is ashamed before The Lord, and will be in eternity as ''a beggar with a bag full of holes''...and likely with a crown with no gold, silver, and precious stones on it from The Lord...if he got ANY of The Five Eternal Crowns at all!!

On the other hand, the individual who served The Lord behind the scenes, was attired in a fancy suit, with a bag bulging with ''the righteous deeds he did for The Lord''...and likely had one or more of The Five Eternal Crowns...full of gold, silver, and precious stones from The Lord...and was in a higher position in Heaven for Eternity than his friend. All souls there at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ will either likely admit that Rewards Were There For Me To Claim (in the case of the man dressed as the beggar for Eternity), or Lord, You Deserve These Crowns Much More Than Me (in the case of the man dressed in a fancy suit for eternity). Yet, there will be nothing like envy, jealousy, sin, or death, in Heaven.

While it's better to be in Heaven than not there at's also much better to have The Lord say to you ''Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant. You've been faithful over a few, I will make you a ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of Your Lord!!''.

However, if you take your last breath on Earth, without doing The One Thing God Requires (to believe on The One He Has Sent, to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift) will NOT be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...but instead, be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, and hear the terrifying Words from the Lord, ''Depart From Me, Into The Everlasting Fire... For You, I've Never Known''.

The Prophets And Righteous Desired The Day (Matthew 13:17)

Based on Matthew 13:17, the prophets and righteous long ago, longed for the things that they'd see and hear. These were prophesied throughout The Books Of The Bible, and many were fulfilled when Christ first came to Planet Earth. Yet, while many more are unfulfilled right now, Every Jot And Tittle Of God's Word Will Be Fulfilled... and the all of them will be fulfilled in their entireity, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, and sets up His Millennium Of Peace. Only those who have done The One Thing God Requires, of repenting of sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift will be allowed into His Kingdom of Righteousness And The Home Of The Redeemed. All others will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned. And, Compared To Eternity, Earthly Life Is Short.

The Clothing At The Judgment There; How Lavish Will It Be??

Just like having degrees of clothing here on Earth, one will have clothing for eternity. They'll either be Naked And Alone, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where there will be No Question Of Guilt...and they will be sentenced to The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity...because they would not do The One Thing God Requires, to repent of sin, and receive God's Free Love Gift.

However, for those who did do The One Thing God Requires, to repent of sin, and receive God's Free Love Gift, while they will be in The Home Of The Redeemed in The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, they will see that For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart. They either laid up treasures on Earth (where those corruptible possessions won't make it into Eternity)...or they stored up treasures in Heaven (where those treasures will never be subject to theft or decay)...and they may end up with one or more of The Five Eternal Crowns. This is comparable to the story of the two Christians in dressed in a nice outfit, with a bulging suitcase of heavenly treasures (as he stored there)...and the other one, who was dressed like a hobo, with just A Bag Full Of Holes. or child, rich or poor...will be wearing something in Eternity. What you will wear is determined on what you did with God's Free Love Gift...and if you accepted it, how you served The Lord while on Earth.

What God Said Was Sin Long Ago, It's Still Sin Today

The Lord does NOT change, for if He did...all of us would be consumed by His Righteous Fire and Fury. As the title of this poem notes, ''what God said was sin, long ago, it's still sin today. This includes breaking of The Commandments Ten to the works of the flesh in Galatians 5:19-21...all part of Those Not In God's Kingdom. Mankind would rather have preaching that ''God Is Love'' with no mention of sin, repentance, judgment, etc. But, God's Word Is Not Here To Tickle Your Ears...because as the prophet David proclaimed, Thy Word Is Sealed In Heaven. Like it or not, The Lord Is Not Politically Correct, and The Lord, He Made The Rules. No matter what mankind thinks, says, legislates, etc., he can NOT change the rules that The Lord decreed from Creation. And, that includes on where you will go upon The Moment Of Your Death. It'll be either Heaven Or Hell... The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned. The facts are that Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and Decision Not Required To Go To Hell. At Death, Who Will Your Sin Debt, Pay?? If Not Christ, Then It's You.

The Stench Of Wickedness Therein

Just like the smells of garbage, raw sewage, vomitus, excrement, and other putrid things, makes us nauseated...the stench of wickedness in the universe, basically does the same thing to God. While He knew the beginning from the end, and the development of sin and wickedness was no surprise to Him, it both grieves and angers Him, that the majority of His Creation would turn away from Him, preferring the evil and wickedness of sin and rebellion against Him. Before the foundation of the world, God set His Plan Of Redemption in when Jesus Christ, the Second Person of The Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), created the universe, everything was good, and ''all the angels sang for joy''. But, then Lucifer, originally the covering cherub, became inflated with pride, deceiving one third of the angelic realm to join him in a coup against The Lord Of Hosts. He and his fallen angels were cast out of Heaven so fast, that Christ noted ''I saw Satan fall as lightning from Heaven''. So, Satan and his demonic hordes took up residence on the Earth, and in the form of a serpent, Satan deceived our first parents, and brought The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth to all mankind.

The stench of wickedness spread exponentially, that God decided to destroy all of mankind from the face of the Earth...but ''Noah found Grace in The Eyes Of The Lord''. God instructed Noah to build an Ark, and to take two of every kind of animal on board to keep them alive from a flood that would cover the Earth for forty days and nights. While building the Ark for one hundred twenty years, Noah pleaded with mankind to repent and come aboard; but he was laughed to scorn. Finally, when all the animals, and Noah's family were aboard, The Lord closed the door...and seven days later, God's Judgment fell. All those who refused to come aboard, drowned...only eight souls were saved. Then, after the flood, it didn't take long for the stench of wickedness to appear again...with the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Only Lot and his two daughters survived the fiery judgment, as Lot's wife disobeyed the command to not look back (her heart was still in Sodom), and she became a pillar of salt. Yet, afterwards, Lot's two daughters got their father drunk, and committed incestuous sex with him...but he didn't know it had occurred.

Years later, after ten Plagues of Divine Judgment on Egypt, where Pharoah finally freed the Jewish slaves, while Moses went up on Mount Sinai for forty days to receive The Commandments Ten, the Jews had Aaron build a golden calf...and by their rebellion, three thousand souls died...and they ended up wandering in the wilderness for forty years, instead of instantly entering ''The Promised Land''.

The stench of wickedness continued for years, as The Heart Is Wicked And Full Of Deceit...but then in the fullness of time, Jesus Christ would leave The Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, and live a life like us in all ways, but without sin. In truth, He Who Knew No Sin At All took all the sins mankind would ever commit upon Himself...and would take the scourging and cruel death on an Old Rugged Cross, to shed His Precious Blood, that would take care of A Debt You Can Not Pay (the same applies to all mankind). Then, on the Third Day, He would rise from the dead, According To The Scriptures...defeating sin and the grave, for Without The Resurrection, God's Seal Of Approval of what Christ did on The Cross...the stench of wickedness would still cover the souls of everyone.

God can NOT abide in the presence of sin, and He must judge man's sin and reject it. While millions would come to do The One Thing God Requires, to believe on Christ Alone, The One He Sent, as the ONLY way to Heaven... Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. After The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, will be where the stench of wickedness reaches its zenith. Yet, it will be quashed for a thousand years at the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Then, during the Millennium Of Peace, Life As It Was Meant To Be After Christ's Return.

Unfortunately, at the end of that time, the stench of wickedness will rise one last time, but the rebellion will be instantly terminated...and those who took part will now join all the others throughout history, who chose to reject God's Free Love Gift, having The One Sin Unforgiven on their record...will now stand before Christ at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...where they will be sentenced to The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. Then, because Sin Won't Rise A Second Time, and the stench of wickedness will be gone forever... never again to be seen or felt in all of God's Creation.

Do You Love, Or Hate The Cross, Upon Which Jesus Died??

The Cross, originally devised as what would be the cruelest method of execution, was all part of God's Plan of Redemption, planned before the foundation of the world. Crucifixion is essentially a death by suffocation, not to mention excruciating pain, and humilation. Most victims were crucified in the nude...helpless to fend off the scavenging birds...and the mocking of those around them. Most victims were also scourged beforehand, and the beatings themselves were so severe, that the victims usually died before they were crucified. Like most other things in life, one either loves or loathes The Cross. In reality, The Cross Of Christ was the battle point of history. The song by Bill Gaither, It Is Finished provides a true description of what went on there on The Old Rugged Cross.

Tragically, there are those who absolutely abhor the thought of it...including the majority of mankind. This is because mankind's sins in darkness, are exposed by the light shone from The Cross. To them, there is The Offense Of The Cross. Satan and his demons hordes thought they had won the victory, when Christ died on The Cross. However, when Christ shouted ''It Is Finished'', it meant that the price of the entire sin debt had been paid for all of mankind...and the resurrection was God's Seal Of Approval on what Christ had done. This is because Just One Sin Not Paid For Means Christ's Still In The Grave. Yet, there is The One Sin Unforgiven, of someone dying without repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. However, for those whose hearts have been pricked by The Holy Spirit, in receiving God's Free Love Gift...they stand before Him Humbled And In Awe, and joyously proclaim I Glory In The Cross Of Christ, And Nothing I Have Done. To these, The Cross Of Christ is not just ''a symbol of torture and execution''...but where our redemption was obtained. Today, The Cross Is Empty, and so is the tomb...beecause Without The Resurrection, it's just not the same.

Accepting Or Rejecting Christ; What It Means To You

Throughout this Gospel Poetry Collection, you're probably wanting to know what the results are, depending on your choice to accept or reject God's Free Love Gift. First off, Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, and the Default At Your Death Is Hell; If Christ, You Refuse. There are only two places you can go upon The Moment Of Your Death... it's either Heaven Or Hell...and it must be noted that Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and Hell Is Not A Party Place, plus Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord. In truth, Hell Was Meant For Satan and his demon hordes...but it became the place at death for all those who would refuse God's Free Love Gift.

Indeed, The Contrasts In The Judgments There, That Will Soon Take Place, is as different as night and day. First, immediately after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, in Heaven...those who have accepted God's Free Love Gift, will be judged... not for their sins, but according to how their served The Lord on Earth...then will rule and reign with Him for Eternity.

Second, after the Millennium Of Peace, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, every soul who died without The Lord, will stand there, and answer for every sin they thought, word, and deed...and there will be No Question Of well as No Pardons And No Mercy, as No One Will Defend The Lost...because There Will Be No Appeal There. Then, after bowing before The Lord, to confess that He Is Lord (although salvation is too late for them), they will hear the terrifying words ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known''...and then be cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

You have a decision to make before The Moment Of Your Death, and you have only two Choices... Heaven Or Hell...all dependent on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Default At Your Death Is Hell; If Christ, You Refuse

A companion poem to Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, the default for every person on Earth, at The Moment Of Your Death, is Hell, The Home Of The Damned. In truth, Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and Hell Is Not A Party Place, plus Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord. Hell Was Meant For Satan and his demon hordes...but it became the place at death for all those who would refuse God's Free Love Gift. The thing is, Salvation, A Free Gift To All, Who'd Receive It There... and Salvation Is A Gift, Not Earned Or Bought. However, even with the Simplicity Of Gospel Truth, Many Do Reject.

The One Thing God Requires is to Believe On Christ Alone, the One He Has Sent...but it's up to each individual on what they do with God's Free Love Gift, to determine where one will spend Eternity.

The Just Shall Live By Faith (Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38)

Based on Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, and Hebrews 10:38...the just...who God considers as righteous, shall live by faith. While faith without works is dead, By Their Fruits, You'll Know Them. Plus, we're saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works. The Lord tells us that Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags...literally bloody menstrual cloths before God. The truth is that God's Standard Is Perfection, and with the exception of Christ Alone, every other person who has walked this Earth has not lived a life without sin.

Jesus Christ left the Glory Of Heaven to come to Earth, to be born of a virgin, to live and walk like us in all ways, except without sin. For He Who Knew No Sin At All, became sin for us...taking upon Himself every sin in thought, word, and deed, that every person that would ever walk this Earth would ever commit...dying on an old rugged Cross, shedding His Precious Blood, to wash those sins away...and He rose from the dead on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures.

Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to ''Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways. In all ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct our paths''. Without faith, it's impossible to please God, and unless we have the faith of a little child, we will never enter His Kingdom.

The Tunic And The Toga There; In Heaven, How You're Dressed

A companion poem to For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart, and to The Clothing At The Judgment There; How Lavish Will It Be??, the illustration is as of the clothing in Biblical days. For the believers on Jesus Christ, who have done The One Thing God Requires, there are two parts to the outfit.

The tunic, which is the undergarment, is ''The Righteousness Of Christ''...because without that, no one would make it to Heaven. While all Christians are saints, whether they act like it or not... basically Sunday Saint, But The Rest Ain't, For Most Folks Today...all Christians, after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, will stand at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, in Heaven. The outer garment, and how lavish and fancy it will determined whether they stored up treasures in Heaven, in serving The Lord...or stored up treasures on Earth, serving themselves. The treasures in Heaven will be reflected as ''gold, silver, and precious stones'', and be dressed like royalty. These will regarded as ''the greatest in The Kingdom Of Heaven''...and higher in the hierarchy, because of their unselfish service to The Lord...and they will present one or more of The Five Eternal Crowns to The Lord, as Christ Alone is worthy of all praise.

The carnal, unfaithful Christian, won't be condemened, but will be saved ''like escaping through a wall of flames''...and they will admit that Rewards Were There For Me To Claim. They won't have any of the gold, silver, and precious stones, adorning their outfits, but their garments will have the smell of smoke on them, as all their deeds of ''wood, hay, and stubble'' are burned up in the Righteous Fire of The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. These will be dressed like ''a beggar, with a bag full of holes''; and regarded as ''the least in the Kingdom Of Heaven'', but they will still be in Heaven.

But, Sadly, Not All Will Repent...and for each of them, at The Moment Of Your Death will be one of sheer terror, as they plunge into The Home Of The Damned...with The Horror In Their Eyes. Then, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they will stand there, with neither tunic and toga...but instead, Naked And Alone. There will be No Pardons And No Mercy, as No One Will Defend The Lost, and there will be No Question Of Guilt, and No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. They will be paying for their sins for all Eternity...and Compared To Eternity, Earthly Life Is Short. Where one spends it, is determined by what they do with God's Free Love Gift.

The Lord Removes And Sets Up Kings, According To His Plan (Daniel 2:21)

Based On Daniel 2:21, mankind thinks they have the power, choice, and rule, who is in a position of authority, ruler of a country, etc. But, truthfully, from the president of state on down, it is The Lord who decrees who shall be in a position of power and authority...whether it's a head of state, or all the way down to the lowly janitor who cleans the toilets. In Position Of Authority, The Judgment Is Far Worse. Each of these individuals will stand before The Lord, and answer for how they ruled their people...either with kindness and gentleness...or with angry, oppressive rule, that imprisoned or murdered all opposition and opponents.

In Old Testament times, the Jews wanted a king like all the other nations, instead of serving The Lord. So, because God Has Always Been A Gentleman, He gave them what they wanted...and they got far more than they bargained for. In many societies, corruption so infiltrates the political spectrum, that many will lie about their opponents, as well as cheat and steal votes, or create votes that don't exist. The Bible warns that ''those who do these things will be Those Not In God's Kingdom.

It is rightly stated that ''if you don't vote in an election or on an issue, you have no right to complain, if the vote on a candidate or issue doesn't turn out the way you want it''. But, there is a far more important ballot that everyone on Earth must cast. Besides, voting for who will rule over your city, state, or have to vote where you will spend Eternity upon The Moment Of Your Death. The Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse, because Decision Not Required To Go To Hell. You must vote (choose) to repent of sin, to do The One Thing God Requires, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

The Justice Of Their Sentence There, The Lost Will Then, Confess

At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, every person who died, from Cain (there's no evidence in Scripture that he repented from the crime of murdering his brother, Abel), on to the last person who died at the end of the Millennium Of Peace, who refused to do The One Thing God not just Going Through The Motions, but truly repenting of sin, and receiving God's Free Love Gift. One day, everyone will undergo A Life On Trial.

However, there will be No Pardons And No Mercy granted, as well as No Question Of Guilt, as No One Will Defend The Lost...and No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. For Satan and his demon hordes, salvation is not available to them, as they were in the Presence of God in Heaven...and Lucifer, originally the covering cherub, who guarded God's Throne, filled with pride, and conned one third of the angels into a coup against The Lord Of Hosts. The Home Of The Damned, Hell, and The Lake Of Fire, were created for them. But, Hell also became the temporary holding place before The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...where all the unrepentant, as well as Satan and his demon hordes know that in The Lake Of Fire, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night for all Eternity.

Eagerly Or Compelled, either at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, One Day, On Bended Knee...''every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God The Father''. The unsaved will realize that God's Standard Is Perfection...and they, with Satan and his demon hordes, will then bow, down, and confess the justice of their sentence...before they are cast into The Lake Of Fire, from which there is no escape or relief from suffering, pain, and torment, as They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. When Compared To Eternity, Earthly Life Is Short, so you must make the choice before The Moment Of Your Death, on whether or not to accept, or to reject God's Free Love Gift...because Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, depends upon your choice.

The Lost Cannot Defeat The Lord, No Matter What They Do

Both Satan and his demon hordes, as well as all of the unrepentant, are these who are Those Too Blind To See. They are so deceived and deluded in their thinking, that they feel that they can defeat The Lord, then sin and evil will rule the day. But, they fail to realize and accept the fact that Satan is a created being, with LIMITED POWER...but, Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With UNLIMITED POWER.

As Psalms 2 asks Why Do The Heathen Of Earth Always Rage??. The unrepentant continually plot and plan against The Lord of Hosts, thinking that He has no clue on what they're doing. Yet, The Lord Knows Everything About You, Friend...all of your motives, words, thoughts, deeds, and sins, that you've done or will ever do... and The Lord Is Not Surprised by anything anyone does. It's compared to a game of checkers or chess, where The Lord knows ALL of the moves...theirs and their opponents...ahead of time...and The Lord will ALWAYS win. Yet, No Matter What You May Believe, Life Is Not A's dead determine where you will spend Eternity...based on whether or not you accept or reject God's Free Love Gift. God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and Your Decision Will Be Honored, When You Stand Before The Lord one day.

No Matter What You May Believe, Life Is Not A Game

Unlike The Game Of Life originally done by Milton here on Earth is deadly serious. So much so in fact, that one has to make daily Choices in so many things. These include what to wear, eat, and drink...hobbies and activities to engage in...friends to associate with...where to attend school... what vocation to do during your life...what sports to take part in...when to do chores inside and outside your residence...when to take care of health needs...and even where to attend church.

Yet, for all the decisions we have to make each day, overall, there is The Choice that's more important than all the others. It's your response to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??. Will you say that He was just another man...a good man...or a prophet?? Or do you believe that He is who He claimed to be...creator Of The Universe, Kings Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, God In The Flesh...who left The Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a live and walk among us in all ways, except WITHOUT sin. For He Who Knew No Sin At All, became sin for every man, woman, and child who would ever walk this Earth...taking all the sins they would ever do upon die upon an Old Rugged Cross, and be raised from the dead on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures.

For All Who Truly Come To Christ, He Will Not Turn Away, but those who would refuse God's Free Love Gift, one day, they will be Given What Was Desired. It must be fairly stated that God Does Not Send Folks To Hell; By Choice, They All Go There...Hell Was Meant For Satan... Hell Is Not A Party Place...Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord... Heaven Is Not Owed To You...Decision Not Required To Go To Hell...and Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse.

For All Who Truly Come To Christ, He Will Not Turn Away (John 6:37)

Based on John 6:37, for all who'd truly repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, Jesus Christ Himself said that ''Whoever comes to Me, I will not turn away''. Christ Alone is A Friend For Life, and is ''a friend who sticks closer than a brother''. The Lord Knows Everything About You, Friend, The Lord Is Not Surprised, and He knows whether you are Going Through The Motions, or are sincere in your belief on Him to forgive your sin, and save your soul from The Home Of The Damned at The Moment Of Your Death.

A Nation That's Not Thanking God, Has Judgment At The Door

Based on the tract The Missing Day, from Chick Publications, this poem tells that nations who are not thanking God for His Blessings, have judgment at the door...and the same is true for the lives of each individual. The world, and unrepentant mankind doesn't like the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules...and He told His Chosen People, The Jews, from Old Testament times until now, that if they would follow His Rules, He would bless them with crops, children, and other things...and also protect them from disease and from their enemies. But, He also warned them that if they turned away from Him (which they did time and time again), He would remove His Hedge Of Protection...where their crops would fail, they wouldn't have children, or other things...and they'd be decimated by disease, and attacked by their enemies. When they would repent of their sin, He'd forgive them, and restore that Hedge Of Protection...then Israel's enemies would be destroyed for Touching The Apple Of God's Eye. For those who've done The One Thing God Requires, to these, The Words Are So Inadequate just to thank The Lord for what He did for mankind, in providing God's Free Love Gift.

Your Chance To Hear The Gospel Truth, May Be Your Only One

A companion poem to At Least One Chance Is Given There, everyone gets at least one chance to hear The Gospel about God's Free Love Gift, According To The Scriptures. This way, for everyone, You Can't Say That You Weren't Warned, When You Stand Before The Lord one day. Everyone will undergo A Life On Trial...and it'll be either at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ (for the saved), or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne (for the lost). While at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, the issue of sin won't even be considered (Christ paid for all the believer's sins on The Cross) they lived their Christian lives on Earth, and whether they stored up treasure on Earth or in Heaven (For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart), will determine The Tunic And The Toga There; In Heaven, How You're Dressed. On the other hand, for the unrepentant, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and this is where the title of this poem comes in. What you do with God's Free Love Gift determines Your Eternal Destiny.

One Day...sin, And All It Is...Forever, Gone Away

At the conclusion of the Millennium Of Peace (which occurs after the point When Christ Returns To Planet Earth), there will be The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. After Satan, and his demon hordes, are cast into The Home Of The Damned (The Lake Of Fire) for all Eternity, to join Satan, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, the False Prophet, and everyone else throughout the ages, who made the decision to refuse God's Free Love purify the Earth so tainted with sin, God sets it ablaze with a fervent heat...fulfilling both times that God destroyed the world because of sin...because it was proclaimed, According To The Scriptures, it was First By Water, Then By Fire. Then, He creates a New Heaven, New Earth, and a New Jerusalem, where Sin Won't Rise A Second Time. Then, for the redeemed, life will be forever as it was meant to be...although for us on Earth today...we can't comprehend the beauty of it, because No One Knows The Things God Has Prepared for those who love Him. Yet, forever with A Friend For Life, Jesus Christ (who we'll praise and serve like we've never been able to do in this life...never again will we have to deal with The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. Whether or not you'll join us is determined on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

All Those, Who Against The Lord, Rebel

This poem is a brief summary of the lives of all who choose to rebel against The Lord. They are so blinded by Satan, thinking that they can defeat The Lord...that at The Moment Of Your Death, there is no Heaven Or Hell, and one can gain the whole world, with The Selling Of One's Soul. Yet, Satan is the father of lies, and all those who follow him, when they take their last breath, as they plunge into The Home Of The Damned...The Horror In Their Eyes will be evident, when they realize their mistake for all they refused God's Free Love Gift. They will face The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, and will hear the terrifying words from The Lord Himself, ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known...right before they are cast into The Lake Of Fire, where They Shall Be Tormeneted Day And Night, for all Eternity.

Great Tribulation Never Seen, Or Will Be Again (Matthew 24:21)

Based on Matthew 24:21, and a companion poem to Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, and Hell On Earth For Seven Years, the final seven years of human history, will literally be so destructive, that Christ Himself said if He didn't return at the appointed time, that all life on Earth, man and beast...would die. While the seal and trumpet judgments (7 each) will comprise the first half of the Tribulation...the final 7 judgments, will be like nothing ever seen on planet Earth.

Truly, The Cup Of Man's Iniquity Is Filled, and after nearly six millenia, it's now time for God to execute judgment on a Christ rejecting world. This time will also finish the final seven years of ''Daniel's 70th Week'', and with The Age Of Grace concluded at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, God will turn back to both the judgment of the world, and for the national redemption of Israel. The globalists have always wanted ''a greatly reduced population on the Earth''...and combined with those who will vanish without warning at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The, the large amount of believers on Jesus Christ who are martyred for their faith (known as ''the Tribulation Saints, as well as the large amount of unbelievers who will die in the judgments from God...they will be Given What Was Desired... with likely far greater than two-thirds (if not more) of the Earth's population, dying. Instead of repenting of their sin, to do The One Thing God Requires, to believe on Christ Alone, the One God did send...and saying to The Lord, Your Will, Be Done...god will turn the tables on the unrepentant, and say those same words to them. Then, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, The Justice Of Their Sentence There, The Lost Will Then, Confess, before they are cast into The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned, for all Eternity.

By contrast, those who refused The Mark Of The Beast (many of whom were beheaded), will live and reign with Christ during the Millennium Of Peace, and have incomparable joy in The Home Of The Redeemed for all Eternity. Which of these two places, Heaven Or Hell, one of which will be Your Eternal Destiny...all dependent on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Mankind Wants A Leader, But He Doesn't Want The Lord

Ever since our first parents disobeyed God in the Garden Of Eden, there has been trouble. There have been The Dispensations And Judgments There, Throughout History, where after the age of innocence before the fall, God let man rule by his conscience. But, evil flourished so rapidly, that God destroyed the entire Earth in a flood, and only eight souls were saved in Noah's Ark, along with the animals that were brought aboard. But, afterwards at the tower of Babel, mankind wanted to start his own government, and as noted in Psalm 2, wanted to break off the ''shackles of Divine Rule''. God destroyed their unity by confusing their language; then He called out Abram from the land of Ur, to be the father of the Israelites, a chosen people for The Lord Himself. But, they wanted a king like all the other nations, instead of following The Lord. So, since God Has Always Been A Gentleman, He gave them what they wanted, and they got far more than they bargained for.

Even with Jesus was here on Earth the first time, in regards to His Claims of being The Messiah, to the Jews, Christ was Not What They Were Looking For. They wanted a God-Like Warrior that would overthrow Roman Rule...even though their worship of Him was just basically them Going Through The Motions. In the generations that have followed, it was proved that Mankind Never Learns. While The Lord Removes And Sets Up Kings, According To His Plan, regardless of what mankind thinks, wants, or desires, The Lord's Soverign Over All Creation; All In His Control...and He will place over a nation a king that honors Him, in a blessing to the nation...or does things against His Will, in a curse to the nation who has rejected Him.

When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule...and the ideas of political correctness, and political corruption will be gone forever. And, the leader on the throne not only applies to nations, but to individuals as well. Who Is Seated Upon Your Life's Throne??. If it's you yourself, instead of The Lord, you are asking for trouble, both here on Earth, and for all Eternity...especially if you choose to refuse God's Free Love Gift.

The Lord Has His Limits, Then He Has Seen Enough

A companion poem to Judgment Falls At The Point, When God Has Seen Enough, it shows that like our earthly parents in disciplining their children, The Lord also has His Limits, before He takes action. God cannot abide in the presence of sin, and it must be judged and rejected. From the Flood Of Noah, to Sodom and Gomorrah, to the many times the Jews turned their backs on God, to the reprobateness of mankind (who is constantly working to the point where The Cup Of Man's Iniquity Is Filled)...the Lord surely has far more patience than all of us!! Yet, mankind deeply resents the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules, and the time comes when He must act in a Judgment Of Righteousness.

God Will Not Wait Forever for mankind to repent, and turn to Him...and once mankind goes past The Point Of No Return, at the point When God's Patience Ends, then it'll be too late to cry out to Him for mercy. Like it or not, It's Appointed All To Die, and after this The Judgment, at The Moment Of Your Death, which for you, is The Point Of No Return. There Is No Second Chance, after your final heartbeat and last breath, to change Your Eternal Destiny, which will be either Heaven Or Hell on your response to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

Like A Potter's Vessel, They'll Be Smashed (Psalms 2:9, Isaiah 30:21, and Revelation 2:27)

Based on Psalm 2:9, Isaiah 30:14, and Revelation 2:27, The Lord is The Creator, and The Potter...while mankind is the clay. And, just as a potter smashes the pottery that he is working to create if it doesn't come out right, The Lord as The Master Potter, will smash all those who rebel against Him. All the power of the armies on Earth, combined with all the powers of the demons and devils of Hell, are no match for The Lord of Heaven. Indeed, after The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will truly have been Hell On Earth For Seven Years...when the armies of the world turn to fight The Lord at Armageddon, with insane, hell bent, demonic, Satanic fury... At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds.

God doesn't make junk or was our first parents in the Garden Of Eden, who chose to follow Satan, in the form of a serpent. But, The One Who Shook The Kingdoms, There; His Time, It Is Short...and When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, He will set everything right, bind Satan, and remove The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. At The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, all those who survived The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which, as noted, will truly have been Hell On Earth For Seven Years, will stand before The Lord in The Valley Of Decision. Those who accepted Christ as God's Free Love Gift, aiding the Christians and the Jews (at the risk of their own lives)...will be welcomed into the Millennium Of Peace. However, for all of those who took The Mark Of The Beast, and persecuted the Christians and the Jews...will be cast off Planet Earth into The Home Of The Damned.

Then, at the conclusion of the Millennium Of Peace, after one last final rebellion attempt is quickly quashed by The Lord before it gets started; all those involved are devoured by fire from Heaven. Then, they will join all of the unrepenant souls from Adam's day onward, to stand before The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...where after being compelled to bow before Christ, and confess Him as Lord, The Justice Of Their Sentence There, The Lost Will Then, Confess. They'll know that they're Destined For The Lake Of Fire, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night for all Eternity.

It must be fairly stated that Hell Was Meant For Satan and his demons, but it's also for everyone who chooses to reject God's Free Love Gift. At The Moment Of Your Death, Your Decision Will Be Honored, and you cannot change Your Eternal Destiny; Heaven Or Hell...all dependent on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Sinful Man Wants To Delete Christianity

The title of this poem sums up a tragic statement of truth. Unrepentant man wants nothing to do with Christianity...they want to hear NOTHING about sin, repentance, judgment, Heaven Or Hell at The Moment Of Your Death. All they want is a ''God Is Love'', feel good, prosperity gospel...which are all part of Other Gospels Preached. Yet, The Unrepentant Godless Souls Are Totally Deceived, and if you're part of this group, The Horror In Their Eyes for all of these will be realized at The Moment Of Your Death, as you plunge into The Home Of The Damned...just the beginning of eternal misery, agony, and pain, as They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. They'll realize at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne that No One Will Defend The Lost, there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, No Pardons And No Mercy, and No Question Of Guilt for anyone there. God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and for these unrepentant souls, they were Given What Was Desired.

In A Movie Of Your Life, You'll Star On Judgment Day

Based on the Gospel Tracts of This Was Your Life, and Fame, from Chick Publications, everyone...including you and I...will star in their own movie When You Stand Before The Lord...whether it's at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. The differences in The Judgment is are where they Heaven, for those who did The One Thing God Requires...or in the outer darkness, for those who rejected God's Free Love Gift.

For the saved, the issue of sin, having been settled at The Cross, will NOT even be considered, or shown in the movie. Indeed, it's in The Sea Of Forgetfulness, Where Sins Of The Saved, Lie. However, they will still give an account on how they served The Lord while on Earth...and they will see For Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart. If they stored treasures on Earth, they'll likely be dressed like a beggar with a bag full of holes, having little if anything to present to The Lord...instead of being dressed like royalty, having a bag overflowing with treasures they stored up in Heaven. Regardless, they will be in Heaven, because they repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift.

Tragically, in contrast, for all those at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, a similar movie will be shown of their lives...but, everything will be shown...the good, the bad, and the ugly...and nothing will be edited out, deleted, or removed. There will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, No Pardons And No Mercy, and No Question Of Guilt for all in attendance there. At The Moment Of Your Death, Your Eternal Destiny is sealed, and cannot be changed. The day When You Stand Before The Lord is an An Appointment You Will Keep.

Life Can Change In The Blink Of An Eye

A companion poem to Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and Compared To Eternity, Earthly Life Is Short, no one knows what the next day, or even the next 5 seconds will bring. You can make all the plans you want...but in reality, you can go from the picture of perfect health and plenty of wealth in one minute, to being gravely ill and peniless the next. Or, you can be full of life one minute, and just seconds later, a fatal heart attack has you literally ''drop dead''. And, at The Moment Of Your Death, depending on what you did concerning God's Free Love Gift, determines Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell. And, because a href="">God Has Always Been A Gentleman, Your Decision Will Be Honored When You Stand Before The Lord.

Those Left Behind On Rapture Day, Have Just Themselves To Blame

A companion poem to At The Rapture Of The Church, All These Left Behind, If You See The Man Of Sin, You've Been Left Behind, Miscarriages At Rapture For All Women Left Behind, To Those Left Behind On Earth, and When At Death Or Rapture There, These Things Are Left Behind, all those who are left behind, will have failed to do The One Thing God Requires, to ''Believe On The One He Has Sent''. They will likely blame everyone but themselves, and give all sorts of reasons that they didn't disappear with all the others...and likely will subscribe to false statements, saying that The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church didn't occur at all...but they were abducted by aliens, UFO's, etc. Many may not realize that the time of God's Wrath upon the Earth is about to begin.The Time Of Jacob's Trouble will truly be Hell On Earth For Seven Years...and if Christ didn't return to Earth at the appointed time, no life would remain on Earth...either man or beast. For most of those left behind, their pride won't ever let them accept the blame, that it was their own free will and decision to reject God's Free Love Gift.

To Those Who Sell Their Souls To Satan, He Gives What They Desire

A companion poem to The Selling Of One's Soul, The One Who Shook The Kingdoms, There; His Time, It Is Short...but Satan's doing all that he can to keep people from finding about God's Free Love Gift. A murderer and liar from the beginning, because Satan, Father Of All Lies, Speaks His Language, There...he is Like A Roaring Lion, moving about, looking for who he can devour. Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with them in The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity. But, Satan Has Been On A Leash; God Will Pull It he can only do what God allows him to do. Plus, Satan is a created being with limited power...but Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With Unlimited Power. Those who sell their souls to Satan, don't realize that ''payments don't come due until death and Hell''...and at The Moment Of Your Death, if you ''sold your soul to Satan''...especially if you take The Mark Of The Beast after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The'll realize that it's too late to change Your Eternal Destiny.

One Day, All Will Meet Their Maker, There; Christ, The King Of Kings

A companion poem to One Appointment You Will Keep, and A Life On Trial...everyone who has ever lived and walked on the face of the Earth, will have to face the fact of what will happen When You Stand Before The Lord...whether at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...all dependent on what you did with God's Free Love Gift.

While the issue of sin won't even be considered at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, there will still be ramifications for Eternity, on where the saved will serve in Christ's Kingdom...dependent on how they served Him while on Earth. Tragically, for those at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, every sin they ever every action, motive, thought, word, and deed, will be laid bare for all to see. There will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, as No One Will Defend The Lost...and The Justice Of Their Sentence, There; The Lost Will, Then Confess, just before they are cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Once You're In The Flames Of Hell, You Can't Repent Or Pray

Based on the piece The First Six Days In Hell, and a companion poem to After Death, Belief Too Late, All Believers In Hell, But For These, It Is Too Late, No Athiests Exist There In Hell Fire, If You Wait 'Til It's Too Late, It's Too Late For You To Pray, Once You Enter Hell, Today Is Not Too Early, As Tomorrow May Be Too Late, When The Door Is Finally Closed, Then It Is Too Late, Hell Is Not A Party Place, Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord...and There Is No Second Chance...this poem is the harsh reality of every soul who has ever walked the face of the Earth, who died in their sins, refusing to repent, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

They'll realize, as a whole, and individually...that at The Moment Of Your Death, it's now too late to repent or pray. Every wicked, reprobate, vile, evil, and unrepentant soul, will be there in The Home Of The Damned, until they take their place before The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. They'll have never ending torment by demons, as well as pain, agony, and hearing the constant screams of all the others there...and realize that this nightmare is just the beginning of their Eternity without The Lord.

In earthly life, they felt that The Preaching Of The Cross was pure foolishness and stupidity. Yet, they now see that THEY are the ones who were foolishness and stupid to reject God's Free Love Gift. However, for those who are still alive and reading this...these poems of the reality of Hell DO NOT HAVE TO BE YOUR FATE!!. You still have a chance to make this The Most Important Day in your Earthly repenting of sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. If you truly mean it when you choose to do The One Thing God Requires, to Believe on Christ, The One He Sent...and sincerely repent of your sin, and ask Christ to be Your Lord and Saviour...and that you'll live and serve Him for the rest of your earthly days, He promises that For All Who Truly Come To Christ, He Will Not Turn Away. Then, at The Moment Of Your Death, you'll be instantly transported to The Home Of The Redeemed, where unlike The Home Of The Damned, there'll be never ending joy, peace, comfort, and A Reunion Like No Other with all the others throughout history who've accepted God's Free Love Gift. Please Don't Take A Chance With God, and please Don't Let The Lord's Death For You Be In Vain. For Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell is dependent on your decision.

The Last Sins Of A Nation There, Before It Is Destroyed

Historically, the last sins of a nation, before they're destroyed, have been the sexual sins, as with Sodom and Gomorrah. Tragically, Soon All Of Earth Will Feel Sodom's Fate, when God destroyed both cities with Divine Fire. And, when the entire Earth was to be destroyed, it was First By Water, Then By Fire. While water cleanses, fire purifies...and it will be that way after the Millennium Of Peace, prior to The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...needed to purify the Earth so tainted with sin, for at least seven millenia, from the Creation, until the cusp of Eternity.

As with long ago, The Days Of Noah And Sodom Are Here once again...and truly, The Lord, He Has His Limits, Then He Has Seen Enough. At the point When God's Patience Ends, mankind can do nothing to stop the Divine Judgment. All Nations And All Peoples Judged One Day, as When Nations Turn Their Back On God, And On His Laws All There, the righteousness of God requires that all sin must be judged and rejected. So many people will be part of Those Not In God's Kingdom, as Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. From Within, The Nations Fell, with the nations, and its citizens, all judged separately.

The Laws Of God, They Supercede All The Laws Of Man, because The Lord, He Made The Rules. In The Books Of The Bible, only Israel, Europe, and Asia, are noted...there is NO MENTION of the United States Of America in Scripture...people who think it's there, are only guessing. But, like so many other nations that turned their back on God, they and its citizens who refuse to repent of their sin, and receive God's Free Love Gift, will be judged by The Lord, sooner more than later.

The Sins Reach Up To Heaven There, And Overflow To Hell
Ever since our first parents rebelled in The Garden Of Eden, disobeying the only rule that God had given them, sin has multiplied exponentially. The first time, it was so much so, that God destroyed the Earth in a worldwide flood, with only Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives...along two of each kind of the animals on board...the only ones who survived. Then, The Last Sins Of A Nation There, Before It Is Destroyed, came to pass, with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah...and it has been repeated many times since then. After The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will truly be Hell On Earth For Seven Years...and if Christ didn't return to Planet Earth at the Divinely Appointed Time, no life on or beast... would be left. Truly, Self Is Navigating, The Acronym For Sin, and truly, Sin Is Like A Cancer. Tragically, the list is extremely long for Those Not In God's Kingdom, and it must be fairly stated that God Does Not Send Folks To Hell; By Choice, They All Go Hell Was Meant For Satan...and all his everyone who chose to refuse God's Free Love Gift.

Too Late To Answer Gospel Call There On Judgment Day

A combination of At Least One Chance Is Given There, After Death, Belief Too Late, No Athiests Exist There In Hell Fire, and No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, your time to hear and respond to The Gospel Truth of God's Free Love Gift is TODAY. The next five seconds, let alone Tomorrow Is Promised To No One. Everyone on Earth gets at least ONE CHANCE to hear the Gospel, and respond to it. But, God's Offer Of Pardon Expires At Death...because Prayers Have No Effect In Hell. While you'll hear the Gospel Truth again at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, it will tragically be TOO LATE for you to respond to it, or to change Your Eternal Destiny.

When The Lost See Christ Return, They'll Be Terrified (Revelation 1:7)

Based on Revelation 1:7, mortal man who did not repent of their sin and accept God's Free Love Gift...and especially all those who swore allegiance to The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which was truly Hell On Earth For Seven Years and they also took The Mark Of The Beast...they will realize that they cast their choice with the wrong side. The unrepentant, unsaved hordes of mankind, join with Satan's forces, with insane, demonic, hell bent fury, as if they can defeat The Lord Of Hosts and His Heavenly Army.

But, At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds...with just a Word from the same One who spoke Creation into existence long ago. Their terror will increase markedly as they plunge into The Home Of The Damned...then after the Millennium Of Peace, they will join all the other unrepentant, unsaved souls ever since Creation, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. There, each of their lives will be played back in its entireity...where there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and they will see that No One Will Defend The Lost. They will spend Eternity in The Lake Of Fire, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Rejoicing At The Rapture, There; But We Also Grieve

At The Blessed Hope, The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, when the saved in Christ, both dead and alive from Pentecost until the Rapture, will rise up to meet The Lord in the sky...while they rejoice at the prospect of finally being with Jesus Christ, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, as well as their Saviour...they also grieve at the thought of their familes, friends, loved ones, and so many others, who were left behind to face The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will truly be Hell On Earth For Seven Years...all because they refused to repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. But, God promises that He will wipe all tears away from our eyes...and remind us that Once You Witness To Someone, Their Blood Is Off Your Hands. In Heaven, there will be Nothing That Defiles, and nothing that can take away our joy in being there for all Eternity. For everyone, At Least One Chance Is Given There to respond to The Gospel...and, it must be fairly stated that Hell Was Meant For Satan, and God Does Not Send Folks To Hell; By Choice, They All Go There.

Those Who Don't Believe On Christ, Are Already Condemned (John 3:18)

Based on John 3:18, all mankind has a sin nature...obtained when our first parents in the Garden Of Eden, listened to the deceiving lies of the serpent, and disobeyed the One Rule given to them by The Lord. As a result, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth was implemented...and it won't be removed until When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, when He shall destroy His Enemies. Then, shall come The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, followed by the Millennium Of which point, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth will be removed. Truly, For All Have Sinned, and fallen short of God's Glory... plus there is NONE righteous, without any sin, who has ever walked the Earth...EXCEPT for Christ Himself. He Who Knew No Sin At All, took upon Himself the sins that every man, woman, and young person to ever walk the Earth would ever if they were His Own. Then, He shed His Precious Blood on an Old Rugged Cross, dying for the sins of all mankind...then was resurrected in victory on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures.

Romans 8:1 notes that ''There Is No Condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after The Spirit Of God''. The fact is that Just One Sin Not Paid For Means That Christ's Still In The Grave. Yet, The One Sin Unforgiven is to take your last breath on Earth without repenting of your sin, and receiving God's Free Love Gift. At that point, Your Eternal Destiny is sealed in The Home Of The Damned, for all Eternity, where for you and everyone else there, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Those Who Take The Mark Cannot Be Saved

Written in the poetic rhythm of a Shakespearian sonnet, like several poems in this collection, and a companion poem to The One Sin Unforgiven, The Point Of No Return, and If You Take The Mark, this poem tells the horrifying, somber fate, of all those who are left behind at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, to enter The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will truly be Hell On Earth For Seven Years...and they take The Mark Of The Beast, so they can buy, sell, hold a job, or receive benefits.

What they have done is damning themselves to The Home Of The Damned forever, making Satan as their eternal master...and basically ''slapping God In The Face'', by spurning His Free Love Gift. They will be in the long line of unsaved souls at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where what will happen is that each of their lives will be played back in its entireity...where there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and they will see that No One Will Defend The Lost. They will spend Eternity in The Lake Of Fire, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

It's Your Peril If You Wait; You Don't Know When You'll Die

A companion poem to Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, the truth is that God holds everyone's life in His Hands. He knew us before we were conceived, He knows the number of hairs on our head (let alone the entire body), He knows when our life will end, and He knows whether or not each of us will accept His Free Love Gift. Yet, He gives each of us the free will and choice to either accept or reject that. One's Life Can Change In The Blink Of An Eye, and It's Appointed All To Die...which can be in so many different ways. Yet, only 2 places exist on The Moment Of Your Death... either Heaven Or Hell. There Is No Second Chance after The Moment Of Your Death...because at that point, Your Eternal Destiny is sealed forever. Again, it's all dependent on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

If You're Offended By The Lord; He's Likewise Toward Your Sin

Most people don't like to be told what to do. They want a life of no rules or restrictions, that the world revolves around them, and everyone else has to answer to them. In short, ''everyone wants to be their own god''...just as the lie Satan decived our first parents, Adam and Eve, with...there in The Garden Of Eden. So, when told that Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and that The Lord, He Made The Rules, nearly everyone is highly offended...because The Preaching Of The Cross is to them who die in their sins, they consider it ''foolishness and stupidity''. Yet, to those who repent of their sin, and receive God's Free Love Gift, it is the Power of Almighty God.

The world, and the majority of mankind, except for The Believing Remnant...prefer instead Other Gospels Preached. Basically, Man Thinks This Life's All There Is, So God's Words, They Spurn. They'd rather hear about ''your best life now'', ''God will accept everyone, regardless of what they do'', ''the Church has replaced Israel (Replacement Theology)'', ''There Is No Life After Death'' (just as the Saducees of Jesus' Day, they're ''sad, you see'' (pun intended), ''the propserity gospel'' (name it, claim it, as if God is a magical genie), ''your works will save you'', etc. In truth, Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell is sealed upon The Moment Of Your Death. Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags (literally, bloody menstrual cloths) before The, God's Standard Is Perfection, God's Word Is Not Here To Tickle Your Ears, and God Is Not A Genie, As Some Do Believe. Where you will spend eternity is all dependent on what you do with God's Free Love Gift...because with your choice here on Earth, Your Decision Will Be Honored for all Eternity.

It Will Break Christ's Heart To Say ''Depart Into The Fire''

At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where all the unrepentant souls from Adam's day, to the last person in the Millennium Of Peace, who rejected God's Free Love Gift...will stand before The Lord, where there will be No Pardons And No Mercy, No Question Of Guilt, No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, and There Will Be No Appeal There. The Lord He Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die in their sin...but He will point out to them that He wanted be their Lord and Saviour, but state to them For You Would Not Allow It. So, instead of being A Friend For Life...for all those there, He is The Worst Nightmare There Faced. Because they would not accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour, so now, He is their Judge. As the title of this poem notes, it will truly break Christ's Heart...but it was their own free will and choice...and He will tell them that Your Decision Will Be Honored for all Eternity.

Those Wanting Christ Out Of Their Lives, He'll Grant Their Request

The unrepentant souls, which tragically, are the majority of mankind, want nothing to do with God, Jesus Christ, or Biblical Christianity. They want ''to be their own god'', having the world revolve around each of them...and to believe that there is no Heaven Or Hell at The Moment Of Your Death, and that there is no such thing as The Judgment. So, since God Has Always Been A Gentleman, they will be Given What Was Desired. Tragically, for each one, they'll see at The Moment Of Your Death, that it was the worst choice they could ever make. They will plunge into The Home Of The Damned, prior to facing Christ at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. They will be told that for Eternity, Your Decision Will Be Honored.

Xenophobe And Other Things, Christians Called Today

Jesus Christ, when He was on Earth the first time, told His Followers, ''Since the world hates Me, it will hate you as well''. That has been so apparent through the years, as most want nothing to do with God, Jesus Christ, or Biblical Christianity. They deeply resent The Preaching Of The Cross...but they refuse to accept the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules. So, they curse The Believing Remnant with all poisonous vitrolic language that they can come up with.

Yet, What God Said Was Sin Long Ago, Is Still Sin Today. The World Says We're Intolerant, and yet The World Is Begging For God's Judgment, Which Will One Day Fall...because The Lord Has His Limits, Then He Has Seen Enough. Yet, for all the vile, nasty, hateful words spewed at The Believing Remnant, Christ promised these ''Blessed are you, when you are reviled, persecuted, and all many of evil is said against you falsely, for My Sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in Heaven...for so persecuted were the prophets before you''.

Excuses For Depravity, The Lord Is Not Amused

Mankind is a creature of excuses, to avoid guilt and responsibility. In the parable of the talents, Christ Excuses No One From Personal Responsibility, and When You Stand Before The Lord, there will be No Question Of Guilt. It all began in The Garden Of Eden, when our first parents, Adam and Eve, were deceived by the serpent (who was indwelt by Satan) to disobey God, and break the One Rule that He had given them. When The Lord confronted them with their sin, Adam tried to ''pass the buck'', saying ''The woman that YOU gave me, caused me to sin''. Then, The Lord asked Eve what she had done, and she replied ''The serpent beguiled (deceived) me''.

Ever since then, every human being who has walked the Earth has had this ''sin nature''. For All Have Sinned, and come short of God's Glory...and there is none righteous. God's Standard Is Perfection, which means that to enter Heaven, you would have to live your life without a single sin in thought, word, or deed... because Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell. And, if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record at The Moment Of Your Death, it won't matter how many other sins, great or small, you did in your life; as Heaven Is Not Owed To You...because if you refuse God's Free Love Gift, it will be because you chose to do so. The ONLY One who has walked this Earth, without sin, was Christ Alone...for He Who Knew No Sin At All took the sins that every human being who would ever walk this Earth, would commit. But, The One Sin Unforgiven is the sin of unbelief...refusing God's Free Love Gift.

The Number Of Your Sins Forgiven; It's Either All Or None

It's a simple matter of math. If you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record When You Stand Before The Lord, because you failed to do The One Thing God Requires, to believe on The One God has sent; then Your Eternal Destiny in The Home Of The Damned, is set for all Eternity...because you refused God's Free Love Gift. God's Standard Is Perfection, and if your ''sin count'' is ANY amount besides ZERO, you won't be allowed into Heaven upon The Moment Of Your Death.

Jesus Christ, He Never Changed; He's Always The Same (Hebrews 13:8)

Based on Hebrews 13:8, while everything in life changes, ''Jesus Christ is the Same...Yesterday, Today, and Forever''. On Earth, the jokes are that ''change is inevitable, except from vending machines''... and that ''change is good, especially when it relates to underwear''. However, The Lord, He Made The they don't change, He doesn't either. Part of The Holy Trinity, God In The Flesh, God The Son, is also:

1) The Creator Of The Universe, who also appeared to many through the Old Testament, and then when He was here on Earth.

2) The Same One who told Noah to build an Ark, and after The Worldwide Flood, where The Rainbow Was God's Covenant, With Noah From The Ark

3) The Same One who told Abraham that He would make of Him a great nation...and that He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for its wickedness.

4) The Same One who gave The Commandments Ten to Moses on Mount Sinai.

5) The Same One who was born of a Virgin in Bethlehem, who had come to live like us in all ways, except without sin, for He Who Knew No Sin At All would become sin for us, so that we might become the Righteousness Of God in Him.

6) The Same One who confounded the priests in the temple at the age of twelve.

7) The Same One who would die for the sins of mankind on an Old Rugged Cross, and rise again on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures.

8) The Same One who one day will return for His Bride at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church.

9) The Same One who will review the life of each believer at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ.

10) The Same One who will open the Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble.

11) The Same One who will return to Earth a second time...not as the meek and mild Saviour, but the Righteous Judge to destroy all those who oppose Him.

12) The Same One who will rule over the nations with a Rod Of Iron during the Millennium Of Peace.

13) The Same One who will sentence all the unrepentant at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne to The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity.

14) The Same One who will yield The Kingdom up to His Father, for Eternity future, where Sin Won't Rise A Second Time.

Basically, what The Lord has said, we are GUARANTEED that one day, He will do everything He has said He will do...that we can trust Christ for what He did for us on that Rugged Cross, to pay for every sin we'd ever do...and that if we'd humble ourselves, confess and repent of our sin, and believe on Christ, The One God did send, which is The One Thing God Requires, that to gratefully accept God's Free Love Gift, and serve Him the rest of our earthly days, that the moment we take our last breath, or at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, we would instantly be with Him in Heaven. Tragically, for those who choose NOT to accept God's Free Love Gift, they will be Given What Was Desired. It must be fairly stated that Hell Was Meant For Satan, and that God Does Not Send Folks To Hell; By Choice, They All Go There. Truly, It Will Break Christ's Heart To Say 'Depart Into The Fire', For You, I've Never Known to all those there at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, and No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

The Lost Will Know Why They Are There

Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. For these, at The Moment Of Your Death as each one plunges into The Home Of The Damned, it quickly dawns on them why they are there. They now have The One Sin Unforgiven on their record, as they would not do The One Thing God Requires, to believe on Christ Alone, The One God did send to redeem mankind...refusing God's Free Love Gift.

They will know that all hope is gone, and that they are The One To Blame. They thought that The Preaching Of The Cross was foolishness and stupidity...but now, they know the Truth. They are ready to repent now, but they see that After Death, Belief Too Late...because Prayers Have No Effect At All In Hell...and know that they joined all the rest of the unrepentant souls there, because Those In Hell, Wish They Could There, See The Cross Again.

Then, after the Millennium Of Peace, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they will also know why they are there...experiencing A Life On Trial, now with The Horror In Their Eyes at the realization that Your Life Is Being Recorded...and everything they've ever thought, word, and deed, is now displayed for all to see. They will realize that there is No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White, there is No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and that No One Will Defend The Lost.

All of this will haunt their minds for all Eternity, as They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. They thought that The Price Of Being Wrong wasn't that significant...but too late, they see that The Majority Was Wrong, and they will have to also endure The Mental Anguish Of The Lost for all Eternity. You can avoid all of this before The Moment Of Your Death, by repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift.

Joy Won't Be Removed In Heaven, For Those Saved By Grace

Only one of two places is one's destination at The Moment Of Your Death. It's either Heaven Or Hell...and once there, it'll ultimately be at either The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...all dependent on what the response was to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

Unlike for Those Now In The Flames Of Hell, in The Home Of The Damned...who know that ultimately, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night...because they refused to accept God's Free Love Gift...for those who did The One Thing God Requires, to believe on The One He Has Sent, Christ Alone, for their salvation...there will be Nothing That Defiles in The Home Of The Redeemed. There won't be any sickness, death, disease, pain, sin (in thought, word, or deed), or even the memory of family, friends, and loved ones, who chose to reject God's Free Love Gift.

For everyone, At Least One Chance Is Given There to hear the Gospel Truth. It must be fairly stated that God Has Always Been A Gentleman, God Does Not Send Folk To Hell; By Choice, They All Go There, Hell Was Meant For Satan...and for those who want nothing to do with God, Jesus, or Biblical Christianity in this life, will be Given What Was Desired. To these, God will say to them at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, Your Will, Be Done...and Your Decision Will Be Honored for all Eternity.

Without Christ, There'd Be No Christmas Day

A companion poem to Christmas Means, I Remember Christmas Past, The Gift Is Christ, and The Perfect Year Round Christmas Tree, Is That Rugged Cross...the word ''Christmas'' actually comes from the two words ''Christ's Mass''. In this case, it really means the total number of the elect (the saved), who would repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

But, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent; and tragically, the holiday (originally placed on the calendar near the pagan holiday of the winter solstice), has shifted the theme from Christ coming to Earth, to be like mankind in all ways, except without sin, and to die for the sins of mankind on an Old Rugged Cross, and rise again The Third Day According To The Santa Claus, his elves, reindeer, and everything that leaves Christ out of the picture. And, without what Christ did for us, everyone, at The Moment Of Your Death, would be headed to The Home Of The Damned, and eventually to The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

Yet, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All in that while we were yet sinners, God's Enemies, Christ died for us. And, for those who would do The One Thing God Requires, they are bound for The Home Of The Redeemed, where Joy Won't Be Removed In Heaven, For Those Saved By Grace. Of all the Choices one makes in life, this one matters for all Eternity...on your answer to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

God Commands All Mankind To Repent (Acts 17:20)

Based on Acts 17:20, in times past, mankind was ignorant, but now God commands all mankind to repent of their sin, and receive God's Free Love Gift. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and He will NOT force anyone to make a decision for Christ. Yet, Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, and if you do nothing, in regards to repentance of sin...The Home Of The Damned will be yours upon The Moment Of Your Death.

The Faith Delivered To The Saints, One Should There, Contend (Jude 1:3)

Based on Jude 1:3, the true Gospel, that Christ died on an Old Rugged Cross, and rose again the Third Day, According To The Scriptures...but requiring each one individually to repent (change their mind about sin), and receive God's Free Love Gift. We are saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works, lest anyone should boast. For the redeemed, they all say I Glory In The Cross Of Christ, And Nothing I Have Done, because they realize that Your Righteousness Is As Filthy Rags before The Lord. God's Standard Is Perfection, God's Word Is Final Authority, God's Word Is Not Here To Tickle Your Ears, and God's Words Live Forever, Friend. Yet, mankind finds that The Preaching Of The Cross is offensive...and they instead prefer Other Gospels Preached. Yet, God Is Not Mocked, and those who are guilty of The Changing Of God's Word will be part of Those Not In God's Kingdom.

Mankind Hates The Lord Today, Just Like Long Ago

As it has been from the day when our first parents disobeyed The One Rule that God had given them in the Garden Of Eden...passing a sin nature down to everyone...mankind hates The Lord today, just like long ago. Men and women, as well as young people, want to do whatever they want...not wanting to listen to anyone in it family, employers, other individuals, or even The Lord...who is the ultimate authority. They deeply resent the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules...and they do NOT want to hear about The Preaching Of The Cross...let alone sin, repentance, and The Judgment that each one will face after The Moment Of Your Death. The Believing Remnant will be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...while Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent...and these will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. At both judgments, it will be A Life On Trial...but at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, ONLY the works of the believers are examined...NOT the believers themselves. Otherwise, Heaven would be ''empty''. On the other hand, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, every sin in thought, word, and deed, will be answered for...and there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and No One Will Defend The Lost.

The Redeemed Proclaim ''He Died For Me''

A companion poem to The God That I Do Worship There, He Bled And Died For Me, both here on Earth, and after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and for all Eternity, all those who humbly repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, will constantly echo these words...the second part of the Two Questions that everyone must before, and one after The Moment Of Your Death. Tragically, those who will end up being at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne will have to admit this fact...but to also admit that they made the free will choice to reject God's Free Love Gift. As a result, instead of being in The Home Of The Redeemed, they will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned.

With And Without Warning, There...the Rapture Will Take Place

When The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church finally does occur, many of those left behind will scream that ''they got no warning''. The truth was, that there was plenty of warning given...first by The Lord Himself, at The Last Supper, before He was betrayed, then scourged, and crucified for the sins of all mankind...then by the Apostle Paul, in ''revealing a mystery'', which had never been before revealed. It had been taught and understood that It's Appointed All To Die...but with what The Apostle Paul was Divinely Inspired to Preach, there would be a generation of those who repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, that would be taken to Heaven without dying first!! The Lord said that ''we would know the season of His Return'', but He added that ''Only God The Father knows the exact moment when it will take place''.

So, there has been WARNING that The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church would the faithful pastors who knew that Full Counsel Of God Must Be Proclaimed. However, if folks knew the exact moment of when it would occur, they would basically ''live like the Devil until the last minute, then offer a quick prayer of repentance and contrition'', to make the event. Unfortunately for them, it doesn't work that way. No one on Earth knows who The Last Person Saved will be (even they don't know that they are that person)...but God Almighty does...and as soon as that occurs, The Age Of Grace, The Church Age, will end. By the time mankind realizes what has happened (in less than one one thousandth of a second), it will be too late to take part in it...and they are now in The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will truly be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, until the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, to destroy His Enemies, to restore the incredibly ravaged Earth into a place of incredible beauty for the Millennium Of Peace...and to finally remove The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth.

Want Nothing To Do With The Lord?? He'll Grant Your Request

A companion poem to Those Wanting God Out Of Their Lives, He'll Grant Their Request, this poem emphasizes the same point, but on a personal and individual level, instead of a group level. However, the overall analysis and result remains the same. God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and if the individual repeatedly spurns The Preaching Of The Cross, then they will be Given What Was Desired...and the result will be that God Gave Them Over to a reprobate do whatever they want. They won't have God's Protection from all the evil in the world, or from their going to The Home Of The Damned upon The Moment Of Your Death. They will see that After Death, Belief Too Late, and that No Athiests Exist There In Hell Fire.

Stiff-necked, Rebellious, Unrepentant; That Is Mankind's State (Acts 7:51)

Based on Acts 7:51, from the day when Adam and Eve rebelled against God in The Garden Of Eden...through numerous instances in the Old and New Testament...and right up to the present day, there are numerous times in Scripture where The Lord refers to both His Chosen People, The Jews, and to the Gentiles as well, as a stiff-necked people...combined with their rebellious and unrepentant nature toward The Lord. Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will only The Believing Remnant will repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. The Prophet Jeremiah was absolutely right in that The Heart Is Wicked, And Full Of Deceit, and because God Has Always Been A Gentleman, the unrepentant will be Given What Was Desired one day...but, they will regret that choice for all Eternity in The Home Of The Damned.

Satan Sponsors Any Topic That Will Leave Christ Out

Inspired by a sentence from the book ''There's A New World Coming'', written by Hal Lindsey, author of other books, including ''The Late Great Planet Earth'', ''Satan Is Alive And Well On Planet Earth'', ''Faith For Earth's Final Hour'', among others...satan will do anything to keep the emphasis and focus off of Christ Alone for salvation, and with The Preaching Of The Cross. Whether it's job/occupation, family, sports, church/religion, hobbies, or something else...anything we place before Christ in our devotion and worship makes it an idol...and ''behind every idol is a demon''. God shares His Glory with no one, and He said ''you shall have no other gods before Me''. The Lord Himself is worthy of all praise, honor, adoration, thanksgiving, and worship...and He should be the total focus of our lives. Besides, The Lord gave everything He had...including His Life on The Cross of secure our redemption. While we can never repay The Lord for what He did for us, our focus on Him is the least that we can do for Him.

Behind Every Idol There, A Demon Does Exist (1 Corinthians 10:20)

Based on 1 Corinthians 10:20, behind every idol...which is something we put before our devotion to The a demon. This can be a job/occupation, hobby, vehicle, home, or anything else in life. The Lord said in The Commandments Ten that ''You shall have no other gods before Me'', and ''You shall not make unto you any graven image, nor bow down to or serve them''. Only Christ Alone is worthy of all of our worship, praise, and devotion. Satan Sponsors Any Topic That Will Leave Christ Out, and if that idol keeps us from giving The Lord the worship He deserves, then we are playing with spiritual fire. Those that aren't covered by The Blood Of Jesus don't have God's Protection, and are fair game for Satan and his demons...who will do all they can to keep people from hearing and responding to The Preaching Of The Cross.

You Are In The Book Of Life, If On Christ, You've Believed

The Book Of Life is a Book that has only one thing in it...the names of everyone throughout history, who have repented of their sin, and received God's Free Love Gift. They are trusting in Christ Alone for their salvation, as they know Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags before The Lord...and that they are saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works. At both The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, The Book Of Life will be there...basically the ULTIMATE PROOF, that they are allowed into Heaven. Those whose names ARE in there, will be allowed in...while those whose names are NOT in there, will be denied Heaven.

If by the time a person dies, if they have not repented of their sin, and genuinely believed on Christ Alone, asking Him to forgive their sins, and save them (and not just Going Through The Motions...their names are REMOVED from The Book Of Life, leaving an empty space there. There will be some after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, during The Great Tribulation, also known as The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will truly be Hell On Earth For Seven Years...who will have so hardened their hearts to the Gospel, that they will insead believe The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace...and to be able to buy, sell, hold, a job, or receive benefits...they will end up taking The Mark Of The Beast. At that point, they will have Eternally damned themselves to the Lake Of Fire...with Satan, his demonic hordes, and all the others who refused to accept God's Free Love Gift...and have passed The Point Of No Return, as their names are IMMEDIATELY blotted out of The Book Of Life before they die.

In short, if your name IS in The Book Of Life When You Stand Before The Lord, you will be welcomed into Heaven. And, if your name is NOT in The Book Of Life, you will hear the terrifying words from The Lord Himself ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known. The decision of whether your name will be in The Book Of Life is totally up to you.

Delight Turns To Terror There, In Just Seven Years

For those who Want Nothing To Do With The Lord?? He'll Grant Your the The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, by removing all the ''Bible Thumpers'', ''Jesus Freaks'', etc. -- these folks who chose to reject The Lord, will be delighted that ''those who opposed them are gone''...and that ''they can now work toward the New World Order and one world government that the globalists have wanted for so long.

But, with the removal of the true believers, Gentiles and Jews, who did The One Thing God Requires, The Lord will also remove His Restraint on evil, held back by The Holy Spirit...who indwelled the Church on the day of Pentecost. It will seem that the world will finally get peace and prosperity...but things will unravel quickly, with the Divine Judgments of Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets...3 sets of 7 plagues each...with each one far worse than the one that preceded it. By the time the point of When Christ Returns To Planet Of Earth, likely will over two-thirds...if not far more...of the world's population, will have died, or have been murdered, by the regime of The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will truly be Hell On Earth For Seven Years. Many during this time, to be able to buy, sell, hold a job, or receive benefits, will take The Mark Of The Beast, which will damn them for all Eternity. Their worst fears will be realized in two parts...first, When Christ Returns To Planet Of Earth...and second, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

All God Wants The Saved To Do, Is Just Plant The Seed

Once the believer has repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love part of The Great Commission, to ''preach The Gospel to every creature'', the main thing God asks those of us to do now...aside from serving Him every day, and living like He would want us to witness to our unsaved family, friends, loved ones, co-workers, etc. But, all God asks us to do is to ''plant the seed'...he will do the harvesting, if that person's heart is open and ready to receive God's Free Love Gift. Even if you don't lead that person to The Lord, you still will have had a part in it, if they do come to salvation in Christ. God has declared that Once You Witness To Someone, Their Blood Is Off Your Hands. All you can do is pray for them, that God's Holy Spirit will break their stone cold heart, and bring them to salvation.

However, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and At Least One Chance Is Given There for everyone to hear The Gospel. While Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent, if you have presented The Gospel to them, you have done all that God has asked you to do. And, since someone came to you, presenting the Gospel News, and you came to Christ...the least that you can do, is try to win others to The Lord in the same way. But, it's NOT done by ''cramming a Bible down their throat'' that will turn them away.

Excuses Made On Judgment Day; Worthless Before The Lord

A companion poem to Excuses For Depravity, The Lord Is Not Amused, Mankind Will Have No Excuse There On Judgment Day, and Without Excuse, any and all excuses one makes before The Lord on Judgment the saying goes...''won't hold water''. When You Stand Before The Lord, there will be No Question Of Guilt for what you did, or did not do.

Mercy, But Not Justice; You Should Want Before The Lord

A companion poem to Justice Will Be Done, if The Lord granted ''justice'' to everyone, Heaven would be we'd all be cast into The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned, for all Eternity. For those who did The One Thing God Requires, in accepting God's Free Love Gift, they will receive mercy at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. Tragically, for all those who refused God's Free Love Gift, they will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, where No One Will Defend The Lost...and where they will receive ''justice''...and The Justice Of Their Sentence, There; The Lost Will Then Confess.

Once You're In Eternity, You Can Not Go Back

A companion poem to After Death, Belief Too Late, All Believers In Hell; But For These, It Is Too Late, and It's Too Late For You To Pray, Once You Enter Hell...Your Eternal Destiny is sealed upon The Moment Of Your Death. It's Appointed All To Die, and There Is No Second Chance once you take your last breath here on Earth. Everyone is only One Heartbeat Away from Eternity...and only two places, Heaven Or Hell are available. And, the Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse...because Heaven Is Not Owed To You. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One. If You Wait 'Til It's Too Late, you'll regret your choice for all Eternity, if you rejected God's Free Love Gift.

Other Faiths Founders Dead, But Jesus Is Alive!!

A companion poem to Relationship, Not Religion, this is what separates Christianity from all the other religions and faiths throughout history. While all the others stress works to please their human founder or man-made deity, Biblical Christianity notes that one is saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works. Besides this, compared to all of the ''founders'' of these religions, faiths, cults, etc., -- only the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, Creator Of The Universe, and King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords is ALIVE!!. All these others are still DEAD and in their graves. And for these, Not Everyone Will Enter Heaven...even though they will plead before The Lord that ''In Your Name, we prophesied, cast out demons, and did many wonderful works!!''. Yet, He will tell them ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known.

The Evil Want The Darkness Now; They'll Get It When They Die

Darkness has always been a symbol of evil, as the deeds can't normally be seen. But, The Lord sees and knows everything that is done, in thought, word, motive, and deed...nothing escapes His Glance. The unrepentant souls are just like the criminals from long ago, and even today. They prefer the darkness, and don't want the light of law enforcement...let alone The Light of The Gospel to shine on them, to expose their evil deeds. In The Home Of The Damned, sulphur has a thick, dark, flame...and it's excruciatingly burning and tormenting in its heat. Those Now In The Flames Of Hell realize this truth, but they'll also realize that they were Given What Was Desired, as God Has Always Been A Gentleman...and He didn't force them to make the decision for Christ. These realize now that Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ You Refuse. They laughed and scoffed at the Gospel here on Earth, but they tragically realize now, that The Lord had The Last Laugh...yet It Will Break Christ's Heart To Say 'Depart Into The Fire' to all these who refused to repent, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

Whether You Want To Or Not; Before Christ, You Will Stand

A companion poem to One Appointment You Will Keep, It's Appointed All To Die, and after this The Judgment. Tragically, for most of mankind, it will end up being The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, for all those who chose to refuse God's Free Love Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. At this judgment, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, as No One Will Defend The Lost, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. For these, It Will Break Christ's Heart To Say ''Depart Into The Fire''...but He will say to them Your Will Be Done.

But, even for The Believing Remnant, they will be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, they will still stand before The Lord, to give an account for their lives. They will see that For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart...and they either will be as one Going Through The Motions, and attired as ''a beggar with a bag full of holes'' (because their treasure was stored on Earth)...or dressed as someone in a fancy outfit, with a suitcase full of treasures, as their treasure was stored in Heaven. While standing before The Lord will be far worse for the unrepentant, it won't be ''a picnic'' either for the believers. Individually, many will realize that Rewards Were There For Me To Claim...but, because they did The One Thing God Requires, they will still be in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed for all Eternity.

The Man Upon The Center Cross Said I Could Come In

Inspired from the article, Three Crosses On A Hill - A Study In Evangelism By Donald Witchard, as well as from an Easter Sermon by noted Scottish pastor Alister Begg...and from the song by Don Francisco, Too Small A Price (very graphic, as the crucifixion was graphic), this centers around one of thieves crucified with Jesus Christ. While the thief to the left of Christ cursed and mocked Him, just like the crowd on the ground in front of the Cross, was doing...the one on Christ's right rebuked his fellow thief, saying ''we're getting what we deserve; but this Man has done nothing wrong''. Then, he asked Jesus ''Lord, Remember me, when you come into your Kingdom''. He likely never expected to hear the Words from Christ, that told him ''Today, you'll be with Me in Paradise''. When the repentant thief got to Heaven's Gate...the angels asked why he should be let in...and he replied ''The Man Upon The Center Cross Said I Could Come In''. Basically, A Repentant Sinner's Like, The Thief There On Christ's's ONLY because of The Righteousness Of Christ, that we can expect to enter following Salvation's Roman Road...and not just Going Through The Motions.

Whichever Judgment You Are At, The Outcome's Guaranteed

It doesn't matter which judgment you end up at...whether it's The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, or The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Whether You Want To Or Not; Before Christ, You Will Stand, and depending on what you did with God's Free Love Gift, will determine which one of these three you will be at. If you did The One Thing God Requires, to believe on The One He Sent, prior to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The will be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ.

If you miss The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, but miraculously survive The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, The Tribulation, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven will be at The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats...after the point When Christ Returns To Planet Earth...and whether or not you took The Mark Of The Beast, will determine whether you will enter the Millennium Of Peace, or are cast off into outer darkness for that time...and to eventually wind up at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

Whichever one you are at, Christ Alone, God In The Flesh, Creator Of The Universe, and Judge at The Supreme Court Of The Universe, will pronounce the verdict on each individual at the respective judgments. For those at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, they will hear the welcome plaudit ''Enter Into The Joy Of Your Lord''. For those at The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, if they accepted Christ, and protected the Jews during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, they will hear ''Come, Ye Blessed Of My Father...inherit The Kingdom Prepared For You From The Foundation Of The World...because in as much as you did it to the least of these, My Brothers (the Jews), you did it to Me''. However, for those who persecuted the Christians and the Jews during this time, or those who took The Mark Of The Beast...they will hear the same terrifying, horrifying, words that will be told to all the unrepentant at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...''Depart From Me, Into The Fire...For You, I've Never Known''.

It'll Just Be You And Christ, There On Judgment Day

Normally at a trial, you have someone to defend you as your attorney...whose job is to defend you from wrongful charges...or if you are guilty, to try to get a more lenient sentence imposed for the crime that you committed. However, after your earthly life is over at The Moment Of Your Death, you will be set to be at one of three judgments before The Supreme Court Of The Universe, where you will undergo A Life On Trial. And, Whichever Judgment You Are At, The Outcome's Guaranteed...and it's all determined on what you did with God's Free Love Gift. But, unlike an earthly trial, it'll be only you and Christ Alone there for your judgment. There will be no attorney there, as there will be No Question Of Guilt, because No One Gets Of Scot Free...and you'll see that Excuses Made On Judgment Day, Worthless Before The Lord. From the head of a nation, down to the lowly janitor, this is One Appointment You Will Keep.

Most Prefer To Reject Christ, Than To Repent Of Sin

A companion poem to Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent, More Of Mankind Refuses Christ, Than Those Who Will Say 'Yes', and All Lost Souls, They Will Oppose The Lord Until They Die, these are all the sad truth of mankind as a whole. The Evil Want The Darkness Now; They'll Get It When They Die, when they'll be Given What Was Desired. These feel that The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishness and stupidity...but to the saved, it's the Power Of Almighty God.

Sins Wages, Were There, Paid

According to Romans 6:23, ''the wages of sin is death''...basically what one ''earns'' in this life. Even though we are all born ''physically alive'', the sin nature that we have means that are ''spiritually dead''. And, until one hears The Preaching Of The Cross, they aren't confronted with the fact that The State Of Your Life Spiritually, Sets Your Eternal Place. God's Standard Is Perfection, and people don't realize that the cost of their sin is A Debt You Can Not Pay. The fact of the matter is that At Death, Who Will Your Sin Debt Pay?? If Not Christ, Then It's You. Your Eternal Destiny is dependent on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

The Most Hated King There Ever Was, Upon The Earth, To Walk

When most think of a ''hated king'', they think of evil despots and Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro, and Mussolini, among others...including The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace (who will be Satan Incarnate, whose true nature won't be revealed until the second half of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble).

Yet, the Person who fits this title is Christ Alone, God's Only Son, God In The Flesh. The reason they hate Him so?? The Evil Want The Darkness Now; They'll Get It When They Die, because Most Prefer To Reject Christ, Than To Repent Of Sin, and Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. The Pharisees and Saducees of Jesus' Day deeply resented Him, and saw Him as ''a threat to their power''. He called them a bunch of hypocrites, like whitewashed tombs, but full of dead men's bones. So, they thought that by turning the crowds against Him, because He was Not What They Were Looking For in a ''Messiah'' Figure. They wanted a God-Like Warrior, who would overthrow Roman Rule, make Israel the premier nation, and Judaism the main religion. They were not expecting a carpenter's Son turned Teacher...who had come to Earth to die for the sins of mankind. So, they thought by having Him crucified, that they would never hear from Him or His Followers ever again. However, on The Third Day, Christ rose from the dead, According To The Scriptures. What Satan and his demon hordes thought was their greatest victory, turned out to be their crushing defeat. Indeed, if they had known Christ would rise from the dead, They Never Would Have Crucified The Lord Of Glory.

One day soon, after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, and The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will truly be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. Then, after The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats He will set up His Millennium Of Peace, and With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule. While during His First Coming, and still throughout history, He was, and is, as the title of this poem notes, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords; Forever, Christ Shall Reign.

The State Of Your Life Spiritually, Sets Your Eternal Place

There are two states to one's life...physical and spiritual...and two states of each...alive and dead. Physically, one is alive at their birth, but then at The Moment Of Your Death, from your earthly body, you are physically dead. However, your spiritual body NEVER DIES...and will live on in either Heaven Or Hell for all Eternity. It'll be either in The Home Of The Redeemed...where there'll be unending joy, happiness, and bliss...or in The Home Of The Damned... where there'll be unending agony, torment, and pain. In either place, There Are No Less Days in the time one will be it'll be like the movie ''Groundhog Day'', as every day will be just as the first day...even after one has been in either place for eons of time. Your Eternal Destiny is dependent on what you do with God's Free Love Gift. If you repent of your sin, and receive it (not just Going Through The Motions), then spiritually, you'll become ALIVE forevermore. However, you do have the free will and choice to reject God's Free Love Gift...and if you do, you will remain spiritually DEAD forevermore, in The Home Of The Damned.

Heaven Is So Safe, Secure; No Sin Will Get Inside

On Earth, we have to use things like locks, security cameras, and alarm systems, to keep burglars, robbers, thieves, etc., and others looking to kill us, and steal what we have...likely selling it for illicit drugs, or other things. Yet, in The Home Of The Redeemed, Heaven...there is no need for any protective measures such as this. In Heaven, there will be Nothing That Defiles...whether garbage, waste, or any form of sin or evil. The only way to get one's heart clean enough to enter Heaven, is to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, for The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin. Yet, if you die without The Lord, refusing to repent, and accept God's Free Love Gift, then you will find that for you, The Home Of The Redeemed, Heaven, is DENIED. Instead, you'll end up in The Home Of The Damned. And, Your Decision Will Be Honored, on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Whether You Die Once Or Twice, The Choice Is Up To You

Based on the tract Fame, from Chick Publications, except for the believers on Jesus Christ, who've repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, who are alive at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, for all mankind, It's Appointed All To Die. Yet, for those who've done The One Thing God Requires, if The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church hasn't occurred when they die...they only will die ONCE. For those who refuse to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift they will die TWICE...the Second Death is when they are cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity. And, as the title of this poem notes, it's your choice on how many times you die...although you will be alive forever after The Moment Of Your Death...because You Will Live Forever, Friend; The Question, Where??.

Mankind Wants The Saved All Gone; Soon, They'll Get Their Way

The One Who Shook The Kingdoms, There; His Time It Is Short, so Like A Roaring Lion, Satan, known as ''the god of this world'', has been busy throughout history, working to keep mankind from hearing The Preaching Of The making it look to be ''foolishness and stupid'' to mankind. Yet, to all those who have done The One Thing God Requires, they know that The Preaching Of The Cross is the Power Of Almighty God.

For the unrepentant, they want to have all of the ''Holy Roller, Bible Thumping, Jesus Freaks'', who say that All Roads Lead To God, But To Heaven, Only One, out of their lives, permanently...where they don't have to hear that for each one, they are condemned to The Home Of The Damned at The Moment Of Your Death, unless they sincerely repent of sin, without just Going Through The Motions, and truly accept God's Free Love Gift. These refuse to accept the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules...and that one day, Eagerly Or Compelled, all will bow before The Lord. These will have to admit that God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and eventually, the unrepentant will be Given What Was Desired. And for these, when they stand at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they'll realize that there is No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, that there is No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, seeing that No One Will Defend The Lost, and The Justice Of Their Sentence There, The Lost Will Then, Confess.

At Resurrection Of The Just, The Saved Get Compensation (Luke 14:14)

It has always been when one has done some sort of task or work, there is a reward or compensation. This can be through monetary payment, as salary or wages for a job, or repayment in kind for what one has done. Many people, though, do things with no thought of reward...just doing them out of the goodness of their heart. These, along with those who've done The One Thing God Requires, may not receive any reward of compensation in this life...but at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, the resurrection of the just, they will be rewarded accordingly. Many of these things done will be regarded as treasure stored up in Heaven, as For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart. Those who are doing things ''to be seen of men'', have their reward right there. But, those who do things for The Lord, behind the scenes, in secret...are noted by The Lord, in secret. He will then reward them openly, or at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, the resurrection of the just. This could be souls won to God's Kingom by our witness and what we do, or other things regarded as ''gold, silver, and precious stones'', which will please The Lord...and that should be our desire, just as the Apostle Paul asked The Lord, after his encounter with Him on the road to Damascus, Today, Oh Lord...What Will You Have Me Do??.

Ten Judgments Throughout History

Of all the judgments throughout history, according to The Books Of The Bible, there are ten sets of judgments that stand out. Although there are likely more, these are the one's that I've highlighted for this poem, as follows:

1) The judgment of Lucifier (originally the covering cherub), who inflated with pride, to launch a coup against The Lord Of Hosts, and deceived one third of the angels to join him. All were cast out of Heaven, and The Home Of The Damned...including Hell, and The Lake Of Fire...were created for them. These would eventually be the place for all who would die without repenting of their sin, and receiving God's Free Love Gift.

2) The judgment on Adam and Eve, for breaking the one rule that The Lord had given NOT eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But, Satan and his demon hordes, with revenge on their mind, launched a plan, which first deceived Eve, then Adam ''gave in without a fight''. Their life of bliss was gone forever, as they would now have to work by the sweat of their brow to get food from the Earth. To keep them from re-entering the Garden Paradise of Eden, that they had been expelled from...a Cherubim Angel, with a flaming sword, was placed at the entrance, to keep them out, and away from ''The Tree Of Life''.

3) The judgment of the worldwide mankind had gotten so wicked, that ''the thoughts of every man's heart was only evil continually''. Yet, Noah found Grace in the Lord's Eyes, and he trusted God would protect Him, as The Lord told him to ''build an Ark'', that would save those who wished to come aboard. He got two of each animal, male and female, for the procreation of the species, aboard...but only Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives, were the only humans who chose to board the Ark. Then, ''The Lord shut him in''...and after seven days, the worldwide flood occurred, lasting forty days and forty nights...where even the highest mountains were submerged. All those who refused to come aboard, drowned. After The Flood, The Rainbow Was God's Covenant, With Noah From The Ark...where The Lord promised to never again destroy the Earth that way...but it was First By Water, Then By Fire that the world would be destroyed.

4) The judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, which Lot (Abraham's brother) and his family settled in. They thought it was ''the best land'', but actually it was Doom Town. During the day, in the city...lot was a judge, but at night, evil and untold wickedness was the norm. When The Lord told Abraham that He was going to destroy the two cities, Abraham asked ''Shall Not The Judge Of All The Earth Do Right?? Will You destroy the righteous with the wicked??''. When The Lord said ''No'', Abraham first asked if The Lord would destroy the city if 50 righteous souls were found...then lowered the number to 10. Tragically, not even 10 righteous souls were found, as the city had become so wicked. When two angels of The Lord came to Lot's house, the homosexuals wanted to sodomize (anally rape) the two angels. Lot offered them his two virgin daughters, but ''they rejected his offer''; lunging forth to try to beat Lot and his family to death. The angels blinded these rebellious, evil souls, who couldn't find the door to Lot's place. When they told Lot and his family that The Lord was going to destroy the place, they were laughed to scorn. The next morning, the two angels dragged Lot, his wife, and their two daughters out of Sodom against their will...then both cities were destroyed by Divine Fire. Lot's wife disobeyed the command to not look back, and she was killed instantly, becoming ''a pillar of salt''. When Lot and his two daughters got to a cave, they got their father drunk, and had incestuous sexual intercourse with him...yet, he never knew it had been done. Basically, Lot lost everything he had...and Soon, All Of Earth Will Feel Sodom's Fate.

5) The judgment of Ten Plagues on Egypt, as Pharoah refused to let the children of Israel go. After the 10th plague of Passover, where the first born of both people and animals were killed, if the owner of the house didn't put the blood on the doorposts, as instructed by The Lord, Pharoah finally gave up (his firstborn son, the only heir to the throne, was killed in the plague). As the children of Israel approached the Red Sea, they thought they were doomed, as Pharoah's army pursued them. But, The Lord appeared as a pillar of fire between Pharoah's army to temporarily stop their pursuit. Then, The Lord caused the waters of the Red Sea to part, allowing the Jews to cross over on dry land to the other side. Once they were safely on the other side, the pillar of fire (God's Protection), ''disappeared'', and Pharoah's army resumed pursuit. But, the horses, chariots, and soldiers got bogged down in the mud where the water had been...then The Lord had the Red Sea to close back up on them, drowning the entire army.

6) Numerous judgments upon the Jews for disregarding the warnings from The Lord, on what would happen to them if they chose to forsake Him, and went after the pagan deities. The first one was when Moses was up on Mount Sinai, receiving The Commandments Ten, Aaron (Moses' brother) had the Jews build an idol of a golden calf to worship instead, as they felt Moses had been up on the mountain too long. When Moses came down, he was greatly angered (as was The Lord), and he asked Who Is On The Lord's Side??. After The Believing Remnant came over, Moses angrily smashed the two tablets of stone of The Commandments Ten that were written ''with the Finger Of God'', and made the rebellious Jews drink of the poisoned water. Later, when the spies came back from seeing what was ''The Promised Land'', only Joshua and Caleb, who provided ''a good report'' would be allowed to eventually go in. The rest were made to wander in the wilderness for forty years, until that whole generation of complainers was dead. Moses himself was not allowed to enter, due to an act of rebellion, disobeying The Lord by ''The Waters Of Strife''...but The Lord let him see it from a distance. In the decades and centuries that followed, The Lord had warned the Jews, His Chosen People, what would happen if they chose to go after pagan deities and idols. Instead of a life full of blessings and good health, not having to worry about enemies defeating them...most all of what they did was for naught, many got ill and died, and their enemies defeated them in battle. God had allowed that to occur, to punish the disobedient Jews...but after the Jews repented, and prayed for forgiveness, God turned the tables, and let the Jews destroy their enemies. Unfortunately, this back and forth of cycle of blessings and judgments repeated countless times...until the point where Judgment Falls At The Point When God Has Seen Enough...and The Lord didn't speak to the Jews for 400 years, until the birth of John The Baptist, who would announce to them to ''Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord''. In the interim, those who truly loved The Lord, were absolutely heartbroken.

7) In the fullness of time, God's Redemption Plan, which was in place before the foundation of the world, finally had a physical presence...when Jesus Christ, the Second Person in The Trinity...left The Glory Of Heaven, to come to be born of a Virgin, and to live and walk like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. For He Who Knew No Sin At All would become sin for that all who did The One Thing God Requires (to believe on Christ Alone, who He sent)... would become the Righteousness of God in Him, and He would see The Believing Remnant as Righteous as Christ is (as Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent). So, Christ took upon Himself the scourging that was meant for each of us, and then all the sins that every soul would walk the Earth, would ever commit (in thought, word, deed, or motive), upon Himself, as if they were His Own. And then, According To The Scriptures, He took the Judgment of God upon Himself, that was meant for us, when He shed His Precious Blood as He was crucified on The Old Rugged Cross, for each one to take care of what would be A Debt You Can Not Pay. Then, on the Third Day, He arose from the dead...again According To The Scriptures...because Without The Resurrection, It's Just Not The Same.

8) After The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, there will actually be two sets of in Heaven, and one on Earth, both taking place during the period of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years. In Heaven, for all the believers from the day of Pentecost to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, all these will stand before The Lord at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. The issue of sin will not even be considered there, because on The Old Rugged Cross, The Lord, The Judge Himself, took the sins of all mankind as His Own. What will be considered will be how the believers served The Lord...whether they were just Going Through The Motions, or if they were truly serving The Lord. Those who served The Lord would receive one or more of The Five Eternal Crowns...then, would eagerly cast them at The Lord's Feet, proclaiming that Lord, You Deserve These Crowns Much More Than Me. While the ''unfaithful'' would be saved ''like escaping through a wall of flames''...for these, they will admit Rewards Were There For Me To Claim. The story of A Bag Full Of Holes, shows the outcome of The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ perfectly. Meanwhile, on Earth, for those left behind after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, most will fall for the lies of The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, the Antichrist, Satan Incarnate, and end up taking The Mark Of The Beast...damning their souls for all Eternity. Three sets of seven plagues, with Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets will ravage the Earth, and besides the majority who come to Christ (the Tribulation Saints), who will be martyred by guillotine...likely well over two-thirds of the world's population will die until the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

9) At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds...and soon after that will be The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats. In The Valley Of Decision, formed by a great earthquake when Christ's Feet stood upon The Mount Of Olives (the same where He ascended to Heaven, forty days after His Resurrection), all the surviving members of The Tribulation, will come to stand before The Lord in this judgment. Those who accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour, and helped the Jews at the risk of their own life...will be welcomed into the Millennium Of Peace, where With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule the nations of the Earth. The horribly ravaged Earth, from the time of Hell On Earth For Seven Years will be restored into a place of incredible beauty...not seen since the Creation of the Garden Of The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth is finally released and removed. Tragically, for all who rejected Christ, persecuting the Christians and Jews (with many of these taking The Mark Of The Beast)...they will be cast off the planet into outer darkness into The Home Of The Damned; where they will be during the Millennium Of Peace...and will end up with the rest of all of the unsaved throngs of humanity, from Adam's day until the end of the Millennium Of Peace, will stand before The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

10) The final judgment will be the most somber and sad day in all of The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. All those from Adam's day, until the end of the Millennium Of Peace, will be raised from The Home Of The Damned that was stand before The Lord. They will now see that there was truth to the warning that Your Life Is Being Recorded, and that there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, as There Will Be No Appeal There, as No One Will Defend The Lost, and from A Life On Trial, No One Gets Off Scot Free. Now compelled by the Truth of God's Word, they will bow down, and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord; but they will see that there is No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. For them, Jesus Christ, instead of being their Best Friend, is now The Worst Nightmare There Faced. They will hear the terrifying words from The Lord Himself to ''Depart From Me, Into The Lake Of Fire, Prepared For The Devil And His Angels...For You, I've Never Known.

Whichever Judgment You Are At, The Outcome's Guaranteed...whether it's The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats (if you are left behind at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, and survive The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years)...or after the Millennium Of Peace, The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Your Eternal Destiny is dependent on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

God's Rules Are For A Reason There; Though Most Say They're Too Strict

A companion poem to The Lord, He Made The Rules, and Rules For Thee, But Not For Me, no one likes to be told of rules...whether for a sporting event, usage of an item or medication, or life in general. The majority of them are actually ''for one's own good''...especially in regards to safety...because not following these rules could have severe, if not fatal consequences. Mankind has always wanted to make his own rules, and there are so many in the world now, than you can shake a stick at!! One attorney noted ''There are millions of laws trying to enforce The Commandments Ten. Yet, the rules that mankind makes, NONE OF THEM WILL EVER SUPERCEDE The Rules that The Lord has laid down. The majority of mankind says these are too strict, but it's God's Creation, and His Rules...whether mankind likes it or not. And, the most important rule is that there is only No One Else But Jesus, and doing The One Thing God Requires, that will get you into Heaven at The Moment Of Your Death.

Most Of Mankind In This Life, Won't Admit They're Wrong

A companion poem to The Price Of Being Wrong, and The Majority Was Wrong, it bruises mankind's pride and ego to admit that individually, they made a mistake or an error. It's a reminder of the character on the one-time situation comedy (sitcom) ''Happy Days'', where the character of Arthur Fonzarelli (Fonzie), could not admit he was all he could repeatedly say was ''I was rrrrr....''. Yet, we are to learn from our mistakes and our errors. However, there is one mistake that has eternal consequences...if you die without repenting of your sin, and doing The One Thing God Requires, by accepting God's Free Love Gift. Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, depends upon your choice.

Though Not Occurring Right Away; Judgment's Not Deferred

Throughout history, when someone committed a crime or a sin...many times, they seemingly get away with it. This is because they lie about actually doing it, refusing to admit they did such, and accept the responsibility right then. When Cain murdered his brother Abel, out of envy and jealousy, and The Lord asked him where his brother was, Cain insolently replied ''I don't know. Am I my brother's keeper??''. Unknown to Cain, The Lord had witnessed the brutal murder, and Abel's blood cried from the ground for justice. As judgment, God placed a mark on him, so that anyone finding him would not kill him. As a side note, some groups say that ''Cain was the first black man''...however, the King James Version of the Bible, MAKES NO INDICATION OR STATEMENT OF SUCH. The truth is...we don't know. Many say that black is associated with evil, darkness, sin, the occult, etc., -- yet many blacks have come to know The Lord as well as other races as well. The thing is It's Not The Color Of Your Skin, But The Color Of Your Heart that God looks at.

But, back to people trying to deny they did something, they are not aware that The Lord keeps very thorough and video. So, whether a person accepts or rejects God's Free Love Gift, the same thing applies to ALL...a href="">Your Life Is Being Recorded. And, for the believers at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...or for the unsaved at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, EVERYONE who has ever walked the face of the Earth will undergo A Life On Trial When You Stand Before The Lord. While the issue of sin won't be considered at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, for all of those who are standing at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, those there will see that there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, and There Will Be No Appeal There.

At both The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, it will be Christ Alone as The Judge in The Supreme Court Of The Universe, and you as the defendant. It will be just you and Him there...and He will demand that you give an account for what you did with His Rules, and His Word, The Books Of The Bible. It's Appointed All To Die, and this judgment before The Lord is One Appointment You Will Keep.

Earth's Life's Temporary Things; Their Loss Is As Dung (Philippians 3:8)

Based on Philippians 3:8, of all the things in life, Unless It's Done For Christ, It Does No Good. C. T. Studd said it well in his poem, Only One Life Twill Soon Be Past, Only What's Done For Christ Will Last.

The Apostle Paul counted all of the things in this life as loss, waste, and dung (fecal excrement), so that he might win the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Compared To Eternity, Earthly Life Is Short, and all the things on Earth are temporal. The Apostle Paul was Divinely Inspired to write in 1 Timothy 6:7, ''For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out''. Basically, You Can't Take It With You, But You Can Send It On Ahead. For the believer on Jesus Christ, if they firmly believe that For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart, and store up treasure in Heaven, they will be dressed like royalty, and be counted among the greatest in illustrated in the story A Bag With Holes. Besides, after the Millennium Of Peace, God will purify the Earth, so tainted with sin, by ''setting it afire with a fervent heat''...the final time that the Earth will be destroyed because of sin, because it was decreed to be First By Water, Then By Fire. Basically, if it's not done for The Lord, you won't be able to take it with you into Eternity.

And, for those who refuse to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, what they take to The Judgment Of The Great White Throne will be every sin that they ever committed. Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, because God's Standard Is Perfection. And, for everyone who dies with The One Sin Unforgiven on their record...every other sin they ever did will also be unforgiven...and it will add to the punishment that they will receive and have to endure for all Eternity, because There Are No Less Days in eternity...either in The Home Of The Damned for the unsaved; or in The Home Of The Redeemed, for those who did The One Thing God Requires in repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift.

Eternal Joy, Or Torment There; Which One Will You Make??

A companion poem to There's Nothing Bad In Heaven, And There's Nothing Good In Hell, the contrast is as evident as night and day. There are only two choices one will go for Your Eternal Destiny...either Heaven Or Hell... At Death, No Other Option Does Exist. It would seem that the choice where one would spend Eternity, in either The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned, would be an easy one to make. One either has eternal joy, bliss, and peace...where sin, sickness, death, pain, etc. will have no place....or total darkness, and constant pain, agony, torment, and regret...where there is no joy, love, caring, peace, etc. Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. But, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and everyone at death, will be Given What Was Desired. God Does Not Send Folks To Hell; By Choice, They All Go There... and only those who do The One Thing God Requires, will be in Heaven with The Lord forever. Whichever one eacn person chooses, There Are No Less Days in the time they will spend there for all Eternity.

When The Lord Leads Battles There, No Way He Will Lose

A compantion poem to The Battle Is The Lord's, He is The Conqueror, and The Victor in all things. We are told to ''Cast All Your Cares Upon Him, For He Cares For You (1 Peter 5:7), and while we can't see the outcome of the battle or trial, He can...and if we trust Him, He will bring us through it. But, Christ fought the ultimate battle for our souls on The Cross Of Calvary, when He shed His Precious Blood, to wash away all of the sins of those who would do The One Thing God Requires, to ''Believe on Christ, The One He Sent'', and to humbly and gratefully accept God's Free Love Gift.

Whether You Are Rich Poor, You Can't Pay Sin's Fee

A companion poem to A Debt You Can Not Pay, and At Death, Who Will Your Sin Debt Pay; If Not Christ, Then It's You, it doesn't matter if you a born into a pauper family, or into royalty and wealth. The cost of your sin debt is far greater than you can ever pay, and Out Of Hell, Or Into Heaven, You Can't, The Price, Pay. Before The Lord Your Righteousness Is As Filthy Rags...because God's Standard Is Perfection. You Can't Earn God's Salvation, and You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend, if you're just Going Through The Motions. After The Moment Of Your Death, When You Stand Before The Lord, It'll Just Be You And Christ, There On Judgment Day...and Whichever Judgment You Are At, The Outcome's Guaranteed. It will either be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, or The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. What you decide to do with God's Free Love Gift, determines which one of these you will be at.

Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One

A companion poem to There Are No Less Days, in Eternity, this is no such thing as ''time'', as in a 24 hour day. As the classic hymn Amazing Grace notes in the last verse...''When We've Been There Ten Thousand Years, Bright Shining As The Sun. We've No Less Days To Sing God's Praise, Than When We've First Begun''. Yet, that holds true ONLY for those who've repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift. For those who failed to do The One Thing That God Requires, to ''Believe On The One He Has Sent'', they will NOT be in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, singing that hymn. Instead, they will be in Hell, The Home Of The Damned. The only thing they will have in common is the title of this poem, and its companion poem, There Are No Less Days, in Eternity.

Why Does Man Fight Against God, If He Does Not Exist??

The athiests, agnostics, and the rest of the non-Christians, are waging a never ending fight against God, saying that ''He doesn't exist''. If that statement is true, then they are just wasting their time. Logically, if something doesn't exist, why do anything about it?? Yet, God shows Himself throughout creation, so for everyone, When You Stand Before The Lord, you will be Without Excuse.

Bodies For Eternity, Await Both Saved And Lost

A companion poem to You Will Live Forever, Friend; The Question, Where??, each of us will have an immortal body made for Eternity, in either Heaven Or Hell...The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned. At The Moment Of Your Death, You'll Go With Angels Into Heaven, Or Demons Into Hell. The contrast between the eternal bodies in each place is as different as night and day. While we don't know the exact details, from Scripture, we can get a good idea of what each one will have, in whichever place they go. Which one of these you receive at The Moment Of Your Death, is all dependent on what you did with God's Free Love Gift.

To Whom Much Is Given There, Much Shall Be Required (Luke 12:48)

Based On Luke 12:48, it hearkens back to the teaching that ''did they know better??''. For truly, if a nation, or as an individual, has been given much by The Lord (who provides all things), much will be required. As the parable of the talents made clear, Christ Excuses No One From Responsibility...whether as a nation, or as individuals. If they knew what they were doing was evil, and did it anyway, they will be beaten with many stripes. But, if they didn't know what they were doing was evil, and did it, they will be beaten with few stripes.

Mankind is truly Without Excuse, and for every soul who has walked this Earth, When You Stand Before The Lord, it will be A Life On Trial. If you died without repenting of your sin, and receiving God's Free Love Gift, you will find that No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. The Wicked Shall Be Turned Into Hell, and all the nations that forget God.

For those who did repent and receive God's Free Love Gift, while the issue of sin won't be considered at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, their standing with The Lord for all Eternity will depend on how they served Him. If they were just Going Through The Motions they will be like the beggar in Heaven with A Bag With Holes, because they didn't store up treasure in Heaven, and they learned the hard way that For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart.

Everyone Will Bow One Day, Confessing Christ As Lord (Romans 14:11 and Philippians 2:11)

Based on Romans 14:11 and Philippians 2:11, and a companion poem to Eagerly Or Compelled, One Day, On Bended Knee, and The Name Of Jesus...either at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, every person who has walked this Earth from Adam, until the end of the Millennium Of Peace, EVERYONE, whether rich or poor, small or great, peasant or ruler, pauper or prince...will bow before the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, Jesus Christ, and declare Him as Lord, ''to The Glory Of God The Father''.

Those who first did it in this life, when they did The One Thing God Requires, in ''believing on Christ, He Sent'', then repenting of their sins, and accepting God's Free Love Gift...did it eagerly...and they will do it again the moment they arrive in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, immediately after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and for all Eternity, proclaiming that Christ Alone is worthy of all praise.

Tragically, those who heard The Gospel Truth, and chose to ignore, reject, and spurn it, and died in their sin...are now in The Home Of The Damned, where they find out that Eternal Torment, Not A Joke. They are in Hell, until after the Millennium Of Peace...then, they will be raised to stand before The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, the most somber day in all of history. At this point, The Grace Of God is over, and it's too late to pray. They are now at A Life On Trial, and they see that there is No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, that No One Will Defend The Lost, and worst of all, there is No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. By the Truth of God's Word, The Books Of The Bible, they are now compelled to bow before Jesus Christ, and confess that He is Lord...but they admit ''He is not their Lord, because they never asked Him to be''. The Justice Of Their Sentence There, The Lost Will Then, Confess...and then they will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night, along with Satan, all of his his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace (the Antichrist), and The False Prophet. It Will Truly Break Christ's Heart To Say ''Depart Into The Fire'', but of all the Choices they made in life, the one to reject God's Free Love Gift will be one they will regret for all Eternity.

The One Thing That Is Who You Are, Your Soul Never Dies

Everyone on Earth has a different personality, background, family, upbringing, nationality, etc. You're still a human being, whether born a pauper or a prince/princess, rich or poor, and either male or female. Frankly, the world would be awfully boring if everyone was the same. But, the one thing that really defines you, is your soul...which begins its life the moment you are conceived in the womb. But, from our first parents, when they rebelled in The Garden Of Eden, by listening to Satan in the form of a brought The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth...including death, as It's Appointed All To Die...and mankind lost fellowship with His Creator. Yet, before the foundation of the world, the plan of Redemption and Salvation was put into place, by God The Father, Jesus Christ The Son, and The Holy Spirit...totally in agreement, as These Three Are One. In the fullness of time, Jesus Christ, would leave the Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, and then live and walk like us in all ways, but without sin. For He Who Knew No Sin At All would become sin for us...taking upon Himself the sins that every man, woman, and young person, who would ever walk the Earth, would ever commit. So, Christ took the scourging (most victims died from the beating alone), then shed His Blood when He was crucified on an Old Rugged Cross, to wash away every sin ever done. Then, He rose from the dead on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures. However, blasphemy against The Holy Spirit...basically saying ''No'' to God's Free Love Gift, becomes The One Sin Unforgiven. Because God's Standard Is Perfection, if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record When You Stand Before The Lord, you will find out that, for you, Heaven is DENIED. Yet, at The Moment Of Your Death, you will know instantly whether you are in Heaven Or Hell...either The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned. Bodies For Eternity, Await Both Saved And Lost, so while your physical body will have an eternal body. It'll be either free of pain, disease, defect, and sin, with the vigor of eternal youth and joy, never to see corruption or decay again...or, it will be full of pain, disease, defect, full of corruption and decay, with nothing to relieve the agony for all Eternity. Your soul will be part of that body...either in joy or agony, forever.

The Problem Is With Each One's Sin; And Not Environment

The main agenda you hear today are things like ''Climate Change'' and Global Warming...saying that ''mankind must take desperate measures to save the planet''. But, mankind refuses to accept the fact that ''The Earth Is The Lord's'', and it is Christ Alone who controls the weather...and NOT the environmentalists (that fact alone, absolutely infuriates them). The reason that there are so many weather and natural disasters, are because of The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. These events will increase markedly as ''birth pangs'', prior to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, and The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, with 21 judgments of Seals, Bowls, and Trumpets, before the point When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. After destroying His Enemies, and after The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, before the start of the Millennium Of Peace, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth will finally be removed, and tranquil weather patterns will return worldwide.

The tragic thing is that mankind refuses to accept this fact because of his prideful, sinful, nature...and he does not want to have to confront or answer the question What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??...which is The Home Of The Damned for all the unrepentant, who refuse to accept God's Free Love Gift.

It's A Somber Atmosphere, There Before God's Throne

After The Moment Of Your Death, you will be at one of two judgments...either The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, if you did The One Thing God Requires...or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ will occur shortly after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, prior to The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years. Following this terrible time in history, will be the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth...and At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. Next, following The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, Christ will set up His Millennium Of Peace...and With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule for 1000 years. Shortly after the Millennium Of Peace ends, will come The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Whichever Judgment You Are At, The Outcome's Guaranteed...all based on what you chose to do with God's Free Love Gift.

Never Content Or Satisifed, Are The Reprobates

There are many people in the world, who are never satisfied with what they have...whether it's money/wealth, possessions, positions/jobs, power/authority, sex (nymphomaniacs), etc. It's contrary to what the Apostle Paul was Divinely inspired to write in Philippians 4:11, ''I've learned, in whatsoever state that I am, therewith to be content''. If you look around, you'll see many people in a far worse position and situation than you it physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and even spiritually. These reprobates, who have no regard for The Preaching Of The Cross, dismissing it as ''foolishness and stupidity''...preferring instead ''the darkness more than the light'' To A Mind, There Reprobate...god Gave That To Them, There.

Basically, they wanted to do sin and evil so bad, so God Gave Them Over to do that they wanted. However, The Moment Of Your Death comes with no warning...and for those who chose to reject God's Free Love The Home Of The Damned, they won't be satisfied or content in any way. For starters, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night...with constant pain, thirst, hunger, torture (especially by demonic entities), darkness (sulphur has a thick dark flame), lack of peace, comfort, or escape, and the never ending screams of countless others there with them. Then, after the Millennium Of Peace, they will stand before The Lord, and undergo A Life On Trial, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Their whole life will be replayed, and The Horror In Their Eyes that started when they entered The Home Of The Damned, will be magnified even more... when they discover that there is No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, and that there is No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

All Dying At Conception There, Until They're Born Again

Because of the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden Of Eden, so long ago...when they broke the only rule that God had given them, it brought The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. Now, thorns and thistles would appear to be the main crop man's harvesting would get...they would have to work for their food by ''the sweat of their brow''...women would have greatly multiplied pain in childbearing...everyone would now have ''a sin nature'', being ''spiritually dead''...have sickness and disease...and eventually, they would die physically, as The Moment Of Your Death would become a reality to every human being, and every other creature. This curse also is evident in the womb, as bodily cells die and are replaced, and that continues throughout one's life.

Yet, before the foundation of the world, God's Plan of Redemption was launched...providing God's Free Love Gift to all who would receive it. The unborn children in the womb...tragically many never got to experience life on Earth because of the sin of abortion (because Children Are A Heritage, and God knew everyone before they were even conceived in the womb). While God's Standard Is Perfection, the unborn, the children below ''the age of accountability'' (the Bible doesn't explicitly state what it is, but some feel it's 12 for girls (Jewish Bas Mitzvah) and 13 for boys (Jewish Bar Mitzvah)), and those who are mentally incapable of realizing they're a sinner, who needs to ''be born again''...are considered innocent before The Lord. But, the moment that they realize that everyone is a sinner, bound for Hell...unless they repent of their sin, doing The One Thing God Requires, and accept God's Free Love Gift, they are then ''spiritually dead''...and are no different than the majority of mankind.

At Least One Chance Is Given There to hear The Preaching Of The Cross. It must be fairly stated that The Lord Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die in their sins...and that Hell Was Meant For Satan, because Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with them in The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity. Of all the Choices that you make in life, the one to accept or reject God's Free Love Gift is the most important one you'll ever make. But, you have to make it before The Moment Of Your Death, as God's Offer Of Pardon Expires At Death. And, if you're not ''born again'', and still have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record at The Moment Of Your Death, you'll find that Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, for you, is DENIED.

The God That I Do Worship There, He Bled And Died For Me

A companion poem to The Redeemed Proclaim 'He Died For Me', of all the ''religions'' and ''faiths'' that exist, except for Biblical Christianity, where it's Relationship, Not Religion, because Religions Keep Mankind Enslaved, But Christ Will Set You Free, none of the other ''deities'' ever lived and died for their followers. And, only Christ Alone was the ONLY individual to walk this Earth, without ANY sin throughout their life.

As the Scriptures note, He Who Knew No Sin At All would take the sins of all mankind that have ever walked on planet Earth for all Eternity, upon Himself, as if they were His Own. Then, He would shed His Precious Blood, and die in the place of everyone on an Old Rugged Cross, and rise again on The Third Day According To The Scriptures. One day, at The Judgment...while the wicked and unrepentant grovel in abject terror, the redeemed will proclaim the title of this poem for all Eternity. What you do with God's Free Love Gift will determine whether or not you join us in The Home Of The Redeemed.

In Life, There's Some Things You Can't Know; But One Thing That You Can

No one in this life can for certain know the future, and what will happen either in the next few seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, weeks, years, decades, etc. This includes the specifics of what may happen, weather-wise (severe weather, winter weather, flooding, drought, heat, cold, air quality, etc.), whether they'll stay single, get married, become widowed or divorced, if they have kids (and how many), their job, financial status, health, etc.

Frankly, Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, let alone the next 5 seconds...and The Moment Of Your Death can occur at any time, with no everyone is One Heartbeat Away from Eternity.

Many religions, faiths, etc., really give no indication that you will go to Heaven when you die...most of these so called ''deities'' make so many ritualistic demands that their followers must do to obtain the ''favor'' of these entities...but there's no guarantee that they're satisfied with what you've done. The Truth is that Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse. The Lord knew that mankind could not save himself, or make himself good enough for before the foundation of the world, Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords would leave the Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth to be born of a virgin, and to live and walk among mankind in all ways, except without sin.He Who Knew No Sin At All, took the sins of everyone that would ever walk on planet Earth, for all time, upon Himself...taking the scourging and crucifixion on an Old Rugged Cross meant for each of us...shedding His Precious Blood as He died to wash away all our sin...and to rise again on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures.

For those who have done The One Thing God Requires, in repenting of their sins, and believing on Jesus Christ as ''the only way to Heaven'', they humbly admit that Christ Lived The Life That I Could Not...and it was because of what He did, with His Death and Resurrection (because Without The Resurrection, it's not the same)...they can know that The Home Of The Redeemed, Heaven, is their home, the moment that they take their last breath on Earth. And, they realize that Going Through The Motions does no good...because for all mankind, Your Righteousness Is As Filthy Rags. And, if The One Sin Unforgiven, of rejecting God's Free Love Gift is found on your soul at The Moment Of Your Death, you will enter The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

Those Wanting Freedom From Religion, Will Get It In Hell

A companion poem to The Freedom Of Religion, Want Nothing To Do With The Lord?? He'll Grant Your Request, and Those Wanting God Out Of Their Lives, He'll Grant Their many don't want anything to do with God, Jesus Christ, or Biblical Christianity. They refuse to accept the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules, and that Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse. The actual definition of The Freedom Of Religion, is that ''The Church Doesn't Run The Government -- and The Government Doesn't Run The Church''. The unrepentant are offended by The Preaching Of The Cross, and consider it foolishness and stupidity...just what Satan and his demons want them to do. They prefer the darkness more than the light, loving the choice of sin...not realizing that ''payments don't come due until death and Hell'', and then, the cost is too great for them to pay. Those In Hell, Wish They Could There, See The Cross Again; but realize that they will never get that chance. They'll have to admit that God Has Always Been A Gentleman, that they were Given What Was Desired, and God will say to them at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, Your Will, Be Done.

The Lost Want To Get Off Scot-Free For Their Sinful Deeds

In the parable of the talents, Christ Excuses No One From Responsibility. Mankind, as a whole, does not want to admit their guilt for things they've done, especially as an evil deed, or criminal act. But one day, after The Moment Of Your Death, everyone will undergo A Life On Trial When You Stand Before The Lord...and each one will find out that No One Gets Off Scot-Free. While for believers on Jesus Christ, who've done The One Thing God Requires, at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, the issue of sin won't even be considered. However, they will still give an account of their lives before The Lord. Tragically, for those who refuse God's Free Love Gift, they'll see at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, that there'll be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and No One Will Defend The Lost. In short, Justice Will Be Done.

The Gospel Is Called 'Hate Speech' By All Those Who Won't Repent

Mankind, as a whole, does NOT want to hear that he is a lost sinner, destined for a Christless Hell, in The Home Of The Damned, followed by an Eternity in The Lake Of Fire. They consider The Preaching Of The Cross as foolishness and stupidity...with antiquated rules, etc. What they refuse to accept is that The Lord, He Made The Rules, and that The Lord, He Grades Upon The Cross, And Not Upon A Curve. The fact is that no one can do enough to become good enough for Heaven, because Your Righteousness Is As Filthy Rags before The Lord. And, if at The Moment Of Your Death, you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record, you will find that Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, for you, is DENIED.

The World Promotes A Different Gospel, To Tickle The Ears

A companion poem to God's Word Is Not Here To Tickle Your Ears, and Other Gospels Preached...tragically, so many churches and pulpits have fallen away from sound Biblical Doctrine, that God's Word Is Final Authority, and that Full Counsel Of God Must Be Proclaimed.

Yet, The Preaching Of The Cross, including What God Said Was Sin Long Ago, It's Still Sin offensive to both the unsaved, as well as the ''so called Christians'', who are just Going Through The Motions. They would rather hear ''feel good sermons'' that ''tickle the ears''...with things like ''the prosperity gospel'', ''your best life now'', ''Heaven's guaranteed to all'', etc. -- and NOTHING on sin, repentance, or commitment to Christ. If they heard such, they likely would ''leave that church in droves'', and ''the offering plates would dry up''.

Tragically, so many of these will say to The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, that ''Lord, In Your Name, we prophesied, cast out demons, and did many wonderful works''. And, He will say to them ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known. Those who subscribe to Other Gospels Preached, are ''cursed'' by The Lord...the same said to those who refuse to hearken to Genesis 12:3, where God's Word says Bless Or Curse The Jews, There...god Will Do The Same To Thee.

True Repentance Is Not That You're Sorry You Got Caught

A companion poem to A Life On Trial, and In God's Courtroom, There Will Be, No Mistrial most earthly courtrooms, the defendant says they're ''sorry''...but the truth is that ''they're sorry they got caught''. Serving on jury duty in central Arkansas in the late 1990's, I saw that more than once.

Yet, No One Gets Off Scot Free before The Lord. He keeps such thorough, extensive records, on everyone's life...that When You Stand Before The Lord, you will give an account of your life...the good, the bad, and the ugly. While for those who've done The One Thing God Requires, and the issue of sin won't be considered at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, they will still give an account on how they served The Lord on Earth. For those who died without accepting God's Free Love Gift, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, these will see that there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, that No One Will Defend The Lost, and that No One Gets Off Scot Free. When The Judgment falls, it's too late to be sorry...whether for getting caught, or otherwise.

In God's Courtroom, There Will Be, No Mistrial Declared

A companion poem to A Life On well as what's based from the tract from Chick Publications, entitled The Trial...earthly trials are NOT the end of things. Even if on Earth, an individual may not ever be in a court of law as a defendant in a it a simple misdemeanor (such as a parking violation), or an extreme felony (such as capital murder) day, every one who has ever walked upon Planet Earth, will stand in The Supreme Court Of The Universe...with Christ Alone, God In The Flesh, as The Righteous Judge. No One Gets Off Scot Free, and whether it's at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ (for those who did The One Thing God Requires) The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats (immediately after the time When Christ Returns To Planet Earth (after The Time Of Jacob's Trouble))...or after the Millennium Of Peace at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...the verdict rendered at each of these is it's based on the Justice and Righteousness of Almighty God...because The Lord, He Made The Rules. At each of these judgments, Justice Will Be Done...and there will be also No Question Of Guilt on the part of every individual. God keeps such extreme and thorough records...that whether something in thought, word, deed, or done in secret, or out in the open...he sees and knows ALL of it. In Earthly trials, if there is ''a hung jury'' (a verdict can't be reached for either guilt or acquittal), a mistrial is declared...basically, making all that time, energy, and money that was spent...''a huge waste of time''. Yet, there will be no such thing as a ''mistrial'' from The Supreme Court Of The Universe...even though whose are guilty will liklely say they have been part of a Frame Up. Yet, it will be shown that they made the Choices to do what they did...and there will be no way that they can ''weasel out'' of the verdict that is rendered.

Hell's Chasm Only Crossable By Entering Lost Souls (Luke 16:26)

Based on Luke 16:26, it's the story about the outcome of The Rich Man And Lazarus, Life After You Die. This is the one story that Jesus Christ told that was NOT a parable, and shows the fate of those who end up in The Home Of The Damned. The rich man ''fared sumptuously every day'', while Lazarus laid at the rich man's doorstep, begging for crumbs of food from the rich man's table, but was subsequently ignored. To make matter worse for Lazarus, ''the dogs came and licked his sores''. Both of them died, and Lazarus was carried to Paradise (also known as ''Abraham's Bosom''), and the rich man went to Torments.

Before The Cross, Hell had these two compartments...paradise, and Torments. Paradise was a place of comfort for all the souls who died in faith of The Coming Redeemer...because until Christ shed His Blood on The Cross to pay for sin, no one could enter Heaven. The thief on Christ's right at the Crucifixion, who had just chastized his fellow criminal, that ''We're getting what we deserve...but This Man (Jesus) has done nothing wrong''. Then, He said to Jesus, ''Lord, remember me, when you come into Your Kingdom''...and Jesus told Him that ''Truly I say to, you shall be with Me in Paradise''. This is expounded upon in the poem The Man Upon The Center Cross Said I Could Come In...when he was asked upon his arrival to Heaven's Gate, why he should be admitted, that was his reply. After Jesus Christ rose from the dead (because Without The Resurrection, It's Just Not The Same), He took all the souls with Him there in Paradise, to Heaven. As a result, Hell enlarged itself, so the only place there now is the other compartment, Torments...a place of never ending pain, torment, agony, and torture. Between Paradise and Torments, was a huge gulf (chasm), that was crossable ONLY by doomed, lost, unsaved souls, on their way in. In short, ''There Is NO EXIT from Hell''. However, right after the Millennium Of Peace, when the final rebellion by Satan is crushed, Hell, Death, the sea, and other places, where the unsaved bodies resided, will all be emptied, with every unrepentant soul now at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

It must be fairly stated that Hell Was Meant For Satan, as well as his demonic hordes...and it wasn't originally meant for mankind. But, for all those who, in this life, fail to do The One Thing God Requires, this is the ''temporary holding place'', until (as noted) it's emptied just prior to The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Those In Hell, Wish They Could There, See The Cross Again, as they realize that Hell Is Not A Party Place, Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord, and that After Death, Belief Too Late. You can avoid this same horrible, tragic fate, by doing The One Thing God Requires, in repenting of your sin, and believing on Christ Alone as ''The Only Way To Heaven'', and that He lived, died, and rose again on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures. Basically, what you do with God's Free Love Gift determines Your Eternal Destiny.

Everyone Will Have A Body For Eternity

A companion poem to Bodies For Eternity, Await Both Saved And Lost, and You Will Live Forever, Friend; The Question, Where, the contrast and difference between the bodies is as different as night and day.

The one thing they have in common is that they will be immortal (they'll never die)...but that's where the similarity ends. For the unrepentant, who refused to do The One Thing God Requires, repenting of their sin, believing on Christ, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, their bodies will forever have the look and feel of corruption, and being decrepit. There will be constant pain, agony, torment, hunger, thirst, fatigue (from lack of sleep and fighting off taunting demonic hordes), and anger. The anger will be the result of their cursing Almighty God, because ''all hope is gone''...and at themselves, because they foolishly listen to Satan's lies. They will not get relief from any of these, as They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night for all Eternity. Then, The Horror In Their Eyes...first at The Moment Of Your Death, as they enter The Home Of The Damned...will be magnified far more at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Truly, It's A Somber Atmosphere, There Before God's they will give an account of their entire Earthly life...from birth to death. They will see that No One Will Defend The Lost, and No One Gets Off Scot there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, There Will Be No Appeal There, and most of all, there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Instead of being A Friend For all these, Jesus Christ will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced. They are now compelled, by the Truth of God's Word, in The Books Of The Bible, to bow before The Lord. The final part of this horrifying judgment is that The Book Of Life will be opened, and where their name should have been, there is a blank space there...because each will realize that it was blotted out either at The Moment Of Your Death, or that they took The Mark Of The Beast during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble. The final words from The Lord to these are ''Depart from Me, ye cursed into the everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his angels...For You, I've Never Known...and those last five words will ring in their ears for all Eternity.

Now, to switch to a much brighter note -- for all of those who did The One Thing God repenting of their sin, believing on Christ Alone as ''The Only Way To Heaven'', and gratefully accepted God's Free Love Gift...for these, they will enter The Home Of The Redeemed, either at The Moment Of Your Death, or at the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church. When they arrive, they will meet their loved ones in Christ, who died before them...and now, they have A Reunion Like No Other, with joy unspeakable. Then, all of the redeemed, collectively, proceed to The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. While the issue of sin won't even be considered here, they will still answer for their lives on Earth, on how they served The see which of The Five Eternal Crowns they will receive, and how they will be attired for eternity...whether they will be dressed as in a nice suit (for the men), or in a beautiful dress (for the ladies), or as A Beggar With A Bag Full Of Holes...depending on how they followed the words of The Lord, who said For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart. Yet, all these will be in Heaven with The Lord for all Eternity. As for their bodies, these will be perfect, with Nothing That Defiles...with no need to eat, drink, or sleep (while they can eat and drink, such as at The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb, it won't really be necesary for food or drink to be sustained) existence of pain, sorrow, tears, or death (they'll never again have to say ''goodbye'')...being able to teleport instantly to any place (including able to appear and disappear at will, plus going through walls, doors, etc.)...having the vigor of eternal flaws or ugliness, and no worry about the curse of sin ever again. The bottom line is that you will have one of these bodies...all dependent on what you do with God's Free Love Gift before The Moment Of Your Death...and that choice will determine Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Of Hell...because After Death, Belief Too Late.

Most Of Mankind Won't Repent; But Instead, Rebel

A companion poem to Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent, the sad truth is that except for The Believing Remnant, which does The One Thing God Requires, the majority of mankind will instead believe The Doom Of Satan's Lie, and wind up in The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. There Is No Second Chance after The Moment Of Your Death to change Your Eternal Destiny. Once You Close Your Eyes In Death, Eternal Fate Is Sealed, and Once You're In Eternity, You Can Not Go Back. Please don't be like the majority of mankind in rejecting God's Free Love Gift. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and Your Decision Will Be Honored.

Only What Is Done For Christ, I Can Take With Me

A companion poem to Unless It's Done For Christ, It Does No Good, this poem is basically a personal testimony, and the story behind this entire Poetry Collection...given to me by The Lord, 45 years to the day, when I repented of my sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift.

Designed as a ministry to the saved, and a witness to the lost, my prayer is that all who read these poems, if they don't know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and The Only Way To Heaven, will be convicted of their sin by The Holy Spirit, and see their need to repent...realizing that if they die without The Lord, they will regret that choice for all Eternity. All The Glory goes to The Lord, as Christ Alone is worthy of all praise. All God Wants The Saved To Do, Is Just Plant The Seed, and ''He does the watering of the Garden''.

I know that Once You Witness To Someone, Their Blood Is Off Your Hands. However, My Heart Breaks When Someone Spurns The Lord...yet at The Judgment, to those who died without Christ, When You Stand Before The Lord, You Can't Say That You Weren't Warned.

What The Lord Says He Will Do, It Surely Will Be Done (Isaiah 46:10)

Based on Isaiah 46:10, The Lord's Word is guaranteed. He does nothing without informing His Prophets of what He will do...and every bit of Bible Prophecy is 100% true. In Biblical Times, a prophet had to be true one hundred percent of the time in their prophecies...or they would face a cruel, tortuous death, inflicting by stones hurled at, and dropped upon them, until they died. God is not a man that He should lie, so you can be assured that what He has He knows the end from the beginning...that it will occur, sooner or later.

Yet for mankind, one must make a decision for Christ before The Moment Of Your Death...because the Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse. And, there are only two places one will go at death...either Heaven Or Hell...either The Home Of The Redeemed for those who did The One Thing God Required...or The Home Of The Damned, for those who chose to reject God's Free Love Gift. Your Eternal Destiny depends on how you answer the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

Life's Not Fair Or Burger King, Though You Want It To Be

Though sounding like a cliche', this saying is true...both physically in this life, and spiritually in the next life. First, ''Life Isn't Fair. There are many times things don't go the way you want them to...whether for a job, finances, possessions, etc. -- and you could be affected by adversity, calamity, tragedy, injury, illness, or death...of you yourself, or for your family, loved ones, and friends.

The truth is, all of these things are part of The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. Before our first parents, Adam and Eve, rebelled in The Garden Of was perfect. There was no such thing as sickness, disease, death, pain, adversity, trouble, or evil...let alone things failing (the law of entropy, the second law of thermodynamics)...or disasters such as fires, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, blizzards, etc. But, when they chose to listen to The Doom Of Satan's Lie, in the form of a serpent, and broke The One Rule that God had given them, everything went downhill from there. Ever since that point, The Groaning Of Creation echoes its desire to be released from the curse of bondage that was placed upon it.

As for the saying, ''Fair'' is a call in a baseball game...whether in a pitch, a hit, or something else...and it can mean the difference between a run being scored, and a game being won or lost (more information on this can be found here). Next, the term ''Fair'' in relation to weather, means ''no precipitation and no extreme conditions of clouds, visibility or wind''. Then, with the term ''Fair'' in relation to a carnival, more information can be found here.

As for ''Have It Your Way'', it was a slogan created by the fast food restaurant chain, Burger King with this commercial from years ago. The slogan is part of their menu today. It basically means that you don't have to get the item as how it normally is prepared. You can add or remove items you want extra of, or don't care for...or because you have food allergies, and you can't have those items. More on the history of Burger King can be found here. Ironically, yours truly worked for them for five years in central Arkansas from July, 1978, to August, 1984...and prefer their food over other fast food places such as Wendy's, and McDonalds...because the burgers at Burger King are flame broiled, and not ''swimming in grease''. However, for those who have Acid Reflux, one may need to take an antacid to avoid the heartburn that may result...but it's similar to cooking burgers on an outdoor grill.

Now, with this saying, the same can be applied to Eternity at The Moment Of Your Death. Contrary to popular belief, Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and the Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and He WON'T force anyone to repent of their sin, to do The One Thing God Requires, and accept God's Free Love Gift. It basically boils down to both in this life, and in Eternity, the outcome of the words Your Will, Be Done. This means that you either say to Almighty God, that you realize that you are a sinner...that nothing you can do will save your soul...and that your repent (change your mind) about your sin, and believe on Christ, and ask Him to be Your Lord and Saviour. His Will is ''not that anyone should die in their sin, but that all should come to repentance''. However, if you choose to reject God's Free Love Gift...he will say to you ''Your Will, Be Done'', there at the somber day of The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...before you are cast into The Lake Of Fire The Home Of The Damned, where you will join all the other unrepentant souls (along with Satan and his demonic hordes), and you with them, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Satan And His Demons Will Be Bound (Revelation 20:2)

Based on Revelation 20:2, ever since Lucifer, the covering cherub, rebelled in Heaven, deceiving a third of the angelic realm with him, to launch a coup against The Lord Of Hosts, they were cast out of Heaven, like a bolt of lightning. The Home Of The Damned, Hell, then The Lake Of Fire was created for Hell Was Meant For Satan And His Demons. But, for all those who choose to reject God's Free Love Gift will spend Eternity in these horrible places, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. After causing trouble for mankind for over 6,000 the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds... and an unnamed angel from Heaven will be armed with the key to the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand...and he will lay hold on Satan, and bind him for a thousand years during the Millennium Of Peace. His demonic hordes will be cast into the abyss as well, and The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth will finally be lifted.

While all who enter the Millennium Of Peace will be BELIEVERS (as the UNBELIEVERS are cast off the planet at The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats), those still alive will still have their sin nature...and they will still be in their mortal bodies, able to have children. Each one born during that time will have the opportunity...indeed, the make a decision for The Lord. With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule, with any evil and sin being judged righteously and quickly by God Himself.

Tragically, at the conclusion of the Millennium Of Peace, Satan will be released, and raise up an army ''as numerous as the sand of the sea'', to try to defeat The Lord. But, the rebellion won't even get off the ground, as God will zap them all with fire from Heaven, and they're annihilated. Then, Satan and his demons will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, where The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace and the False Prophet are...and with all the other unregenerate souls at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, for all Eternity, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Political Correctness And Corruption, One Day, Cease

A companion poem to The Lord Is Not Politically Correct, in this life, there is ''political correctness''...and to go with it ''political corruption''. Whether judges, politicians, public officials, or someone else, these are bribed or bought with money, influence peddling, extortion, or lobbying, for various causes. Unfortunately, with all of mankind, since The Heart Is Wicked, And Full Of Deceit, most of all the topics are completely against what is noted in The Books Of The Bible. God's Word Is Final Authority, and Man's Laws CAN'T and WON'T trump or supercede God's Laws...because The Lord, He Made The Rules. As a Bible Prophecy expert noted, ''If You're Offended By These Words, get mad at God...not me. I don't make The Rules...he does''.

After the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, and sets up the one thousand year Millennium Of Peace, there will be NO SUCH THING as political correctness or corruption...and those appointed by Christ will rule and reign with Him for the entire duration of that time. They will no longer be under the curse of sin, and will NOT be able to be bribed, bought, influenced, extorted, etc. -- yet those who try it, will be judged immediately and harshly. Then, as now, and long The Gospel In A Nutshell notes, ''He who believes on Christ is not condemned...but he who doesn't believe on Christ is condemned already''. At all times, The Lord Is In Control, and The Lord Knows Everything About You, Friend. Basically, in everything you do, in thought, word, or secret or in the open, The Lord Is Not Surprised, by what you do, have done, or plan to do. And, When You Stand Before The Lord, there will be No Question Of Guilt on what you did, thought, or planned, as You Can't Take The Fifth Before The Lord. What One Does With Christ Determines Their Eternity...either Heaven Or Hell...At Death, No Other Option Does Exist. And, you must make that decision before The Moment Of Your Death, as After Death, Belief Too Late.

When A Nation Forsakes God, His Blessings, They Are Lost

A companion poem to When A Nation Forgets God, When Nations Turn Their Back On God, And On His Laws All There, and When A Nation Tells God He's Not Wanted Anymore, these poems drive home the point that it is ONLY because God's Blessings that a nation and its people prosper. But, like so many peoples and nations throughout history, they turn their backs on God, forgetting this critical aspect of Divine Truth and Blessing. So, as a result, instead of blessings on the nation, curses begin to fall...such as those noted in each of these poems noted above...including widespread crime, the economy and futures markets (resulting in massive poverty and debt), failing diplomacy and threats of war, illnesses, plagues, famines, and dust bowls, the country's armies flee from their enemies (viewed now as a laughing stock), the breakdown of the family, a generation of youth and others that care nothing about The Preaching Of The Cross, the influx of illegal citizens stealing what they never earned, and more...making it nothing more than ''a third world country''.

Since these nations didn't want God, and since God Has Always Been A Gentlemen, these unrepentant souls and nations were Given What Was Desired...and too late, they see that ''they got far more than they bargained for. The worst part is that for each nation and each individual, Everyone's Accountable...and while The Lord will judge each nation and each individual separately, nothing escapes His Glance or Knowledge...and there will be No Question Of Guilt for anyone When You Stand Before The Lord.

The Final Generation Of Mankind

The title and this poem, is based on these tracts from Chick Publications, including The Last Generation, The Beast, Things To Come?, It's Coming, and Doom Town...all which basically tells of the final generations of mankind before the Divine Judgment of God. Most notably, these were prior to:

1) The worldwide flood, where only Noah and his family, and the animals on board the Ark survived.

2) The fiery destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah for its wickedness, where only Lot and his two daughters survived.

3) The The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, where all the true believers, dead and alive, who did The One Thing God Requires will be removed from the Earth...followed by The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, and the final seven years of rule by mortal man.

4) The moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, prior to The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats and the Millennium Of Peace.

5) The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, after the Millennium Of Peace, where everyone throughout history who died without doing The One Thing God Requires will be sentenced to The Home Of The Damned, The Lake Of Fire, for all Eternity.

At the point When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, His Kingdom will have no end, and there will be no more rule by mortal man. There is ''the final generation'' for several times in history, but at one point, it will be ''the last one'', before Eternity. Everyone will spend it in one of two places...either The Home Of The Redeemed, for all those who in this life, did The One Thing God Requires...or The Home Of The Damned, for those who chose to reject God's Free Love Gift. You Will Live Forever, Friend...the Question, Where. It'll either be Heaven Or At Death, No Other Option Does Exist And, the Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse.

For The Lost On Judgment Day, Their Mercy Cries, In Vain

While Scripture notes that ''The Lord is Gracious and Merciful, and Slow To Anger'', it must be pointed out that God Is Angry With The Wicked every day...and Mercy, Not Justice, You Should Want Before The Lord. However, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, there tragically will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, and There Will Be No Appeal There. All the cries for a second chance, mercy, forgiveness, will basically ''fall on deaf ears'', and ''be ignored''. They had the chance to make that cry to The Lord while in their life on Earth...and if they weren't Going Through The Motions, when they chose to do The One Thing God Requires, their cries for mercy, forgiveness, and a second chance, would've been instantly answered. But, in thinking that The Preaching Of The Cross was ''foolishness and stupidity'' in this life...they will pay the penalty for that belief all Eternity.

Once The Seed Is Planted There, The Watering Is God's

A companion poem to All God Wants The Saved To Do, Is Just Plant The Seed, Once You Witness To Someone, Their Blood Is Off Your Hands. Once we have planted the seed of The Gospel In A Nutshell, we have done all that God has asked us to do for that individual, in fulfilling The Great Commission, ''To Preach The Gospel To Every Creature''.

Like with a garden here on Earth, the seed doesn't sprout instantly after it has been planted...but it must be watered and cultivated. Depending on conditions surrounding it, determines whether that seed will sprout into a plant to be used for food, a flower to bloom, or something else. From the spiritual standpoint, the seed to be planted is telling someone of God's Free Love Gift. If The Holy Spirit pricks their heart, and convicts them of their sin, you may have the joy and privilege of leading them to The Lord. But, be warned that they may laugh at you, calling you ''hateful'', because they consider The Preaching Of The Cross as nothing more than foolishness and stupidity. Only The Lord can soften their hardened heart, but He will NOT force anyone to accept His Free Love Gift...because The Lord, He Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free Will.

Each individual must realize that they individually repent of sin, and come to Christ before The Moment Of Your Death. Once you have witnessed to someone, you've done all that God has asked you to do...and all you can do now is pray for them. Let The Lord do ''the watering of the spiritual garden''...and He will have them in the harvest of souls, if they choose to accept His Free Love Gift.

For me, personally...i don't know if anyone has been won to The Lord's Kingdom, by this Gospel Poetry Collection...but, I just trust The Lord that He will use it to win souls, with this talent and gift that He has given me...and I give Him the Glory for it, as Christ Alone is worthy of the Praise.

Leave Consequences To The Lord, No Matter The Event

Based on a sermon by the late Dr. Charles Stanley, who was the founder of In Touch Ministries, and Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, for 50 years (he went on to be with The Lord in late April, 2023)...that he gave at Dallas Theological Seminary four years prior to his death, entitled Obey God, And Leave All The Consequences To Him, as well as numerous Scripture verses, including Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 6:33, Philippians 4:4-7, among emphasizes that ''No matter the situation that you may be experiencing in life, don't do what's right in your own eyes...or compromise God's Rules and values (for The Lord, He Made The Rules). Instead, trust and obey God in the decision or the direction of your situation, and then leave all the consequences of what may happen, to Him''.

While it can be difficult at times, especially with all the pressures and uncertainty that this life brings...and you may feel that The Lord has abandoned you (I've been in that situation, as I'm sure many folks have). Yet, The Lord sees the end from the beginning, He knows what's best for you and me, and He will never steer any of His Children wrong.

God Is Not A Man, That He Should Lie, and Let God Be True, But Every Man A Liar. Because if we can't trust what He said in His Word was true, then we're all wasting our time, and for each of us, at The Modem Of Our Death, we're all headed for eternal punishment and damnation in The Home Of The Damned...hell, then The Lake Of Fire, for all Eternity. However, as Romans 5:8 notes, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, in that while we were yet sinners...his Enemies...christ died for us...because He loved us!!

If you truly have repented of your sin, believed on Christ, doing The One Thing God Requires, then, with all the others who have trusted The Lord for their salvation, you too will say I Stake My Eternity On Christ, based on what He did for me on The Cross of Calvary...and that He arose on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures. And, since we can trust Him for our eternity, for the salvation that He provided us (though You Can't Earn God's Salvation...and we surely don't deserve it)...we can trust Him for everything in our earthly lives. As the classic hymn Trust And Obey notes in the chorus...''Trust And Obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus...but to trust and obey''.

Futile, Suicidal; The Lost Battle Against Christ

Satan Knows That, In The End, He Is Going To Lose. Even though he has been defeated before, the outcome is the same when you consider The Evil Forces Surely Lose, While They Feel They Will Win. Satan is a created being with LIMITED POWER, but Jesus Christ is God Almighty, With Unlimited Power.

Even if you would combine all the ''power'' of Satan, his demonic hordes, and all of the unrepentant souls throughout history who will not accept God's Free Love Gift, into them all the same power, then multiplying it upon would not even come close to the power that Christ Alone has. In fact, At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. Even though accompanied by the armies of Heaven, and His Church, His Bride, along with an innumerable amount of's Christ Alone that does all the fighting. As soon as He defeats the contending armies with just a Word, The Counterfeit Prince Of Beast, and The False Prophet, will be captured alive, and cast alive into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity. Then, Satan will be bound and chained by an unnamed angel, and cast into the bottomless pit (the Abyss) for a thousand years (along with his demonic hordes), during the Millennium Of Peace...which will follow The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats. At that judgment, the believers will be ushered into the Millennium Of Peace, while the unbelievers will be cast off of the Earth into outer darkness. Christ will then restore the horribly ravaged Earth...which was nearly destroyed during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which was Hell On Earth For Seven Years...into a place of incredible beauty...not seen since the Garden Of Eden after Creation. With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule, and Life As It Was Meant To Be After Christ's Return.

Yet, at the end of the Millennium Of Peace, when Satan is released, he'll raise up an army as numerous as the sand of the sea, to try to defeat The Lord and His Armies. But, the rebellion won't even get off the ground, as God will destroy all of them with fire from Heaven. At that point, Satan and his demons are cast into The Lake Of Fire, where The Counterfeit Prince Of Beast, and The False Prophet have been for the last thousand years (notice that they are still alive), and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. Then, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, all of the unrepentant souls throughout history will stand before The Lord. They will have their entire lives played back, and there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, that No One Will Defend The Lost, and There Will Be No Appeal There. Then, they will be cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity...and finally see the truth of the title of this poem.

In This Life, What Did You Leave, At Foot Of The Cross??

While the ground is Equal At The Cross, there are only 2 sets of items that can be left there...and whichever one it is for each individual, determines Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, whether saved or lost. If you did The One Thing God Requires, in repenting of your sin, and believing on Christ Alone to save you, then the main thing you left at The Cross was your sin. But, even for the child of God, while still in this earthly life, while still have the relationship with Christ, our fellowship can be broken by acts of sin, because we still have the sin nature to deal with. While The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, we still need to confess it and repent of it...noting that If I Regard Iniquity in my heart, The Lord won't hear me. But, as 1 John 1:8-10 notes, If We Say We Have No Sin, we are deceived, and The Truth is not in us. But, if we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. But, if we say we haven't sinned, we make Him a liar, and His Word is not in us''. While out of fellowship because of sin, the believer will lose eternal blessings in this life, and at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, as well as ''their rank in eternity''...but they'll still be in Heaven.

However, if you decide that The Now And Eternal Cost of following Christ is too great...and you refuse God's Free Love Gift, you will find that the cost of your sin is A Debt You Can Not Pay at The Moment Of Your Death, you will enter The Home Of The Damned, and see that you left God's Free Love'll realize that God's Standard Is Perfection, and you'll see that for you, Heaven is denied.

The Fools Heart There Goes To The Left, But Wise Heart To The Right (Ecclesiastes 10:2)

Based On Ecclesiastes 10:2, as the words left and right are opposites in their meaning and direction, whether politically related or not, they are also are a reflection of one's heart and attitude toward the things of God. If they are doing things that The Lord hates, or they were Going Through The Motions, then ''left the faith'', and ''fell away'' from the fact that Full Counsel Of God Must Be Proclaimed, abhorring things like The Commandments Ten, These Things You Shall Not Do, and The Preaching Of The Cross, and also despising the fact that What God Said Was Sin Long Ago; It's Still Sin Today, and that The Lord Is Not Politically Correct, then these have the hearts of fools. On the other hand, the hearts of the righteous do The One Thing God Requires, and do things pleasing to The Lord. Truly, By Their Fruits, You'll Know Them.

If Sin Is No Longer Sin, We Don't Need The Lord

On May 3, 2023, a Decision Magazine article was posted on Harbingers Daily about Aaron Edwards, a theology professor in England, who tweeted that homosexuality is ''invading the Church.'' Edwards said, ''This is a 'Gospel issue,' by the way. If sin is no longer sin, we no longer need a Saviour''. His statement caused a backlash that got him suspended, and then fired. For further info on this topic, with a commentary by Pastor Daymond Duck, click here.

Yet, Pastor Daymond Duck is right with what Aaron Edwards said...that equates to the title of this poem...which, if it was true, then Christ's Death was needless, and a tragic blunder. However, like it or not, What God Said Was Sin Long Ago, Is Still Sin Today. And, the majority of mankind does NOT want to hear this. Instead, they want ''ear tickling sermons'', that don't say a word about sin or repentance, and that All Roads Lead To God, But To Heaven, Only One. It angers them when told that Heaven Is Not Owed To You. However, God didn't have to set up the Plan Of Redemption before the foundation of the world...and instead, condemn everyone to The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. But, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, The Lord Did All He Could To Save Your Soul, and God In The Flesh, Jesus Christ, He Never Changed; He's Always The Same.

The world and mankind detest the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules, and that The Lord Grades Upon The Cross, And Not Upon A Curve...because God's Standard Is Perfection...and Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell. For at The Moment Of Your Death, if The One Sin Unforgiven, refusing to do The One Thing God Requires is on your record, you'll find that Heaven is DENIED to you, and you'll spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned, along with Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, the False Prophet, and everyone else who refused to accept God's Free Love Gift.

When One Turns Their Back On God; To Them He'll Do The Same

A companion poem to When Nations Turn Their Back On God, And On His Laws All There, and God Gave Them Over, whether for nations or as individuals...since God Has Always Been A Gentleman, while He wants all nations and all people to turn from their sin, and repent...and call upon The Name Of Jesus to save their soul from The Home Of The Damned...he will NOT violate their FREE WILL AND CHOICE, to force them to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. Sadly, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. Yet, one day, everyone who has ever lived, Eagerly Or Compelled, will bow before Christ Alone to give an account for their lives on Earth, and confess Him as Lord of all. For those in this life on Earth, who did The One Thing God Requires...for Eternity, He will truly be A Friend For Life... as they eagerly bowed before Him. Tragically, for all the others who will not before Christ Alone in this life...they will be compelled by the Truth of The Books Of The Bible, to bow before Him...and He will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

Sinful Man, So Reprobate; No Question How He'd Vote

If there was an election held, that would pit The Lord Jesus Christ against Satan...most of mankind is so reprobate with his sin nature, that he'd likely vote for Satan. Most equate the ''electioneering and politicking'' as just a bunch of lies and broken promises by the candidates. But, if you contrast Christ with Satan, it's a difference as wide as night and day. Christ symbolizes Truth and Righteousness, and every Promise He makes He intends to keep...including numerous promises from The Books Of The Bible, including The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ (for believers only), The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, the Millennium Of Peace, The Judgment Of The Great White Throne (for unbelievers only), and Eternity.

God Is Not A Man, That He Should Lie, and Let God Be True, But Ever Man A Liar. In contrast, Satan, was a murderer from the beginning, and ''when he lies, he speaks his native language'' he does NOT care for people to see the truth about him. This is because If People Knew The Truth Of Satan's Real Identity, he wouldn't be as ''popular''...because If Satan Showed His True Colors, All Would Run Away. For mankind, The Heart Is Wicked And Full Of Deceit, so the majority of mankind, except for The Believing Remnant would vote for Satan instead of Christ. And, who you ''vote for'' to be your Eternal Lord and Master... will determine where you spend Heaven Or Hell... At Death, No Other Option Does Exist.

There's Only One True Gospel There

A companion poem to Other Gospels Preached, there is only The Faith Delivered To The Saints, One Should There, Contend. This is that Christ Alone, God In The Flesh, The Second Person Of The Godhead, left the Glory Of Heaven to come to be born of a virgin, to live and walk like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. Then, He took upon Himself the scourging that was due all of mankind for their sin...and then took their sins upon Himself. He would then be crucified on an Old Rugged Cross, shedding His Precious Blood, to become the Propitiation for everyone, in paying for each one, A Debt You Can Not Pay. Then, He rose from the dead on The Third Day...all According To The Scriptures. He is now seated at The Right Hand Of God, awaiting the Word from God The Father, to execute The Blessed Hope of all those who died in Christ, and The Believing Remnant on the Earth, at the The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church.

Right after the The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, all the believers will proceed to The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, where they will receive or lose rewards for their service to Christ while on Earth. During this same time, it will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, when The Time Of Jacob's Trouble is ruled by The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, the most evil man to ever walk the Earth (eventually, he'll become Satan Incarnate).

At the end of that horrible time, one that the world has never seen, or will ever be again...When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. Then, after The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, the unrepentant will be cast off the planet into outer darkness...while the saved will enter the Millennium Of Peace...where the horribly ravaged Earth has now been restored by Christ into a place of incredible beauty...not seen since Creation Day so long ago. Then, after the Millennium Of Peace, one last rebellion occurs, but it's quickly destroyed...with Satan now cast into The Home Of The Damned, The Lake Of Fire...where The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, along with the False Prophet, and his demonic hordes, already are. After The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, all the unrepentant are cast into this horrible place, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. These unrepentant souls will include everyone who refused to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, and all those who preached a false Gospel...other than what was noted above. These false Gospels include ''the prosperity gospel'' (name it, claim it), ''there are many ways to Heaven'', and that ''Heaven is guaranteed, no matter what you've done'', among others. The Truth is that Heaven Is Not Owed To You, Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags, and Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, as God's Standard Is Perfection. So, if you subscribe to the Other Gospels Preached, those who preach these false truths, and those who accept them, will be ''cursed''...and up sharing the same fate as Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone else who refused to accept God's Free Love Gift.

''Your Sins Are Unforgiven'', Christ Declares On Judgment Day

Based on the last part of the tract Unforgiven from Chick Publications, this is what Jesus Christ will declare to all the unrepentant, unsaved souls that are gathered at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...before each of them are cast into The Home Of The Damned, The Lake Of Fire, for all Eternity...where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. The sad part is that everyone who winds up there, could've avoided that outcome, by repenting of their sins, doing The One Thing God Requires, and accepting God's Free Love Gift.

Mankind Can Say NO To Christ, Only For So Long

God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and He will NEVER FORCE someone to repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, which is The One Thing God Requires. At Least One Chance Is Given There to hear the fact that There's Only One True Gospel There, The Faith Delivered To The Saints, One Should There, Contend. Some will get more than one chance, but no one knows how many they will get. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One...let alone the next 5 seconds. And, After Death, Belief Too Late, as Your Eternal Destiny depends on your response to the question, What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

The Great Deception

Based on a sermon by the late Dr. Charles Stanley, who was the founder of In Touch Ministries, and Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, for 50 years (he went on to be with The Lord in late April, 2023)...this poem tells of Satan's greatest deception...that ''there are no consequences with your sin''. But, as the late Isaac Newton noted, ''For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction''...basically ''cause and effect''.

Whether the sin committed, or the deed done, there are consequences to the result of it. The lie that Satan gave to Adam and Eve in the Garden Of Eden of ''just one bite won't hurt''...was a lie. Adam and Eve had all they could ever want and need in the Garden Of Eden. Everything was perfect, with no pain, sickness, disease, lack of food or anything they had fellowship with Christ Alone, God In The Flesh...but they threw it all away. That one seemingly insignificant sin they did, breaking the one simple rule that God had given them (they only broke the rule once), brought The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, and a sin nature to everyone who would ever be born of ''the marriage relationship'' between a man and a woman. The ONLY individual ever to walk on planet Earth, without sin, was Christ Alone... who was ''conceived by The Holy Spirit'' in the womb of the Virgin Mary, who herself was one of the many Vessels Of The Lord through the ages. Your only protection from The Great Deception is Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus, and The Whole Armour Of The Lord.

The Whole Armour Of The Lord

Based on Ephesians 6:13-17, Against Flesh And Blood, We Wrestle Not, but all of Satan's demonic hordes, and the spiritual wickedness in high places. When going into any battle, if you don't have the proper armour and weapons, you will easily be defeated. While there are physical battles in life, the spiritual battle has ramifications that will last through Eternity. Without these items, in battles with Satan and his demonic hordes, and all those serving him, defeat in our spiritual lives is assured. Only through The Blood And The Cross Of Jesus, and The Whole Armour Of The Lord, can we be victorious spiritually.

If The Rapture Time Was Known

Like The Moment Of Your Death, mankind, as well as Satan and his demonic hordes, would LOVE to know when The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, will occur. But, as in the custom of the Jewish Wedding Feast, ONLY the father of the groom knows when the house for the newlywed couple to be, is it is ''built on'' to the groom's father's house. Once the groom's father is satisfied that the place is ''as perfect and best as it can be'', he then says that it is time to make the cry Behold, The Bridegoom Comes. Not knowing when her groom to be will arrive, the bride is constantly preparing, making sure she is ready, when the words Behold, The Bridegoom Comes, ''go ye out to meet him'', are shouted. At that point, her heart leaps with joy, as her beloved groom has come to take her to their new home, where they will be for seven days, to consumate the relationship...and after that point, they are presented to the world as husband and wife.

A bit of background first...long before that occurs, in many cases, the Jewish parents pick out a potential groom for their daughter. He comes to their home, and says that he will pay ''a dowry'' (a ''compensation price''), for taking this family's daughter away from in many cases, the young woman worked to help things around the home, or other needed tasks...and was a help for obtaining the family income.

Once the potential groom had made ''the proposal'', it was up to the ''potential bride'' to say ''Yes'' or ''No'', and she had 30 seconds to make the decision. The way this was done, is that there were four cups on the table, to be filled with wine. There was one each for the bride's parents, and one each for the potential bride and groom. While the bride's parents, and potential groom's cup had wine in them, the potential bride's cup was empty. If she turned her cup upside down, without pouring any wine in it...that meant that she declined (saying ''NO'')...and the young man would go away, never to darken their door again. But, if she accepted (saying ''YES''), by pouring wine into her cup, then taking a drink from it, they were now ''betrothed'' (what we would term today as ''engaged''). However, on ''dates'', both parents were usually there as chaperones, to be sure that the couple did not engage in sexual relations until after they were married.

As noted, the bride would be preparing herself for the wedding day, not knowing when her groom would arrive. For that matter, the groom didn't know, either. Again, it was up to the groom's father to decide when the house for the newlywed couple to be, built on to the father's house, was ready for them. Once that moment arrived, the groom's father tells his son, ''it's time to get your bride''. It usually happened in the dead of night, when there'd be shouts, trumpets, music, etc., announcing the groom's arrival. At that point, the bride to be would join her groom to be; and they would go to be married. Then, they would be ''hidden away'' for seven days, to consumate the relationship (what we would term today as ''the honeymoon''). Then, they would be presented to the world as husband and wife.

As for the spiritual application, it's patterned after the Jewish Wedding Feast. God The Father, had His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, The Groom...obtain a Bride for this case, ''The Church''... basically The Believing Remnant of mankind, both Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews). However, the majority of mankind was pronounced with The Heart Is Wicked And Full Of Deceit, with a sin nature pronounced on all mankind, along with The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth...when our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden Of Eden, fell for The Doom Of Satan's Lie, and The Great Deception.

In the end, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. Yet, for those who would do The One Thing God Requires, they would become part of ''The Church'', Christ's Bride. Since mankind now had a sin nature, the entire world and all of mankind belonged to Satan. So, to buy mankind back, the ''dowry'' would be that Christ would leave Heaven, to come to be born of a live and walk like us in all ways, except without sin. Then, He Who Knew No Sin At All, would take upon Himself, the sins of all if He had done them Himself. Next, He would be scourged and crucified, shedding His Precious Blood, to wash away the sins of mankind...which was ''the price'' (dowry) of our redemption. Then, He would rise again on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. And, all who would believe on Him as The Only Way To Heaven, they would become His Bride. Forty days after His Resurrection, He ascended back into Heaven.

The night before He was scourged and crucified, He told His Disciples that ''In My Father's House are many mansions (dwelling places/rooms)...if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you...and if I go to prepare a place for you, I Will Come Again to receive you to myself...that where I am (in Heaven), there you may be also''. That was the first promise of what would become The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church...that would later be revealed to the churches at Corinth and Thessalonica, by the Apostle Paul, who was Divinely Inspired to write much of the New Testament portion of The Books Of The Bible.

The Church Age began on the day of Pentecost, 10 days after Christ ascended back to Heaven...and on that day, 3000 souls were saved...and ''The Lord added to The Church daily, such as should be saved''. The Church, Christ's Bride, would be composed of both Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews), who repent of their sin, doing The One Thing God believe on Christ as The Only Way To Heaven. God has set a ''Divine Quota'', that ONLY He knows. Even Christ Himself said that ''Neither the Son Of Man (one of the many titles Christ has for Himself), nor the angels in Heaven know...but The Father Only''. He did say that ''we would know the season'' of ''the last days'', in which Perilous Times would come. He noted that ''when you begin to see these things, your redemption draws near''.

With each passing day, it's Closer By The Second...and once that Divine Quota has been reached, When Fullness Of The Gentiles Has Come In, that is when God The Father will turn to His Only Begotten Son, and say ''It's Time...go Get Your Bride''. And basically, Jesus will tell Him ''Excuse Me, Dad...i'll be right back''. Indeed, In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes. And, once it occurs, the multitudes that are left behind...because they failed to do The One Thing God Requires, will realize the foolishness of their mistake. Also, at that point, the restraint of evil on Earth, by The Holy Spirit, will be ended...and it will then become Hell On Earth For Seven Years, with the onset of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble...the last seven years of rule by mortal man...before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, to rescue The Believing Remnant of Jews and Gentiles...and to destroy all those who oppose Him. Indeed, At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds.

In short, by not waiting to repent of sin, to do The One Thing God Requires...because Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and After Death, Belief Too Late...hey are ready, because the cry of Behold, The Bridegoom Comes, will come without any warning...because it's ''imminent''. For more details, click here. However, the ''warning'' of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church has been given since the Apostle Paul revealed it to the churches at Corinth and Thessalonica, as noted earlier. And, like with ''weather warnings'', if you don't prepare for it, your lack of a decision will cost you greatly...because a Decision Not Required To Go To Hell.

Salvation's Plan So Easy, But Mankind Says ''It's A Lie''

The Lord made salvation so easy, that even a child could understand it. Yet, sinful man says that ''you have to be part of our church or denomination, and do all these things to be going to Heaven''. Yet, Salvation's Roman Road is easy to navigate, because Salvation Is A Gift, Not Earned Or Bought. You Can't Earn God's Salvation, as Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags before The Lord. God's Standard Is Perfection, and if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record When You Stand Before The Lord, you'll find that Heaven Is Denied, as Heaven Is Not Owed To You, or anyone else... and it never was. If you fail to do The One Thing God Requires, instead of being A Friend For Life, and for all of Eternity, for you, Christ will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

There's Only One Messiah

Based on this message by Rick Segoine, there has always been, and always will be, ONLY ONE TRUE MESSIAH, Christ Alone. Everyone else throughout history, who has taken this title to themselves, to put it bluntly, are all LIARS.

God's Glory Won't Be Shared With Anyone, and the one main requirement to be The Messiah is that they lived a life on Earth without sin...and with the exception of Christ Alone, EVERYONE ELSE IS DISQUALIFIED.

You Will Bow Before The Lord, And Answer For Your Life

A companion poem to A Life On Trial, Eagerly Or Compelled, Everyone's Accountable, When You Stand Before The Lord, and One Appointment You Will Keep, all of these show that everyone who has ever lived, will stand before Christ Alone, The Creator Of The Universe, God In The Flesh, one day...and give an account for how they lived. This will be either at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ immediately following The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church...or after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, at The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats...or after the Millennium Of Peace, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

At The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, all those there will eagerly bow before The Lord. At The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, only those on Christ's Right will have eagerly bowed before Him. The rest, as well as everyone at The Judgment of The Gret White Throne, will be compelled to bow, by the Truth Of The Word Of God, The Books Of The Bible.

While the issue of sin won't even be considered for the believers at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, many there will admit that Rewards Were There For Me To Claim; but they will still be in Heaven for Eternity. However, for all those at The Judgment of The Gret White Throne, every sin in thought, motive, word, and deed, will be revealed there...where there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, as There Will Be No Appeal There, and No One Will Defend The Lost.

Pride Keeps You Out Of Heaven, But Humility Lets You In

The first sin in existence, when Lucifer, originally the covering cherub, who guarded The Throne Of God, inflated with pride, and conned one third of the angelic realm to join him in a coup against The Lord Of Hosts. He and all those who joined him in this insurrection, were cast out of Heaven, and sentenced to eternal banishment...with The Home Of The Damned, Hell, and The Lake Of Fire, created for them...because Hell Was Meant For Satan...and it would also be the eternal home for everyone who rejected God's Free Love Gift while in their earthly life. Pride is at top of the sins that are Hated By The Lord, and the question is asked What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??. Only those who humbly repent of their sin, and do The One Thing God Requires, will be allowed into The Home Of The Redeeemed, Heaven, when they die.

Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission, Done (Hebrews 9:22)

Based on Hebrews 9:22, and a companion poem to The Life Is In The Blood, only the blood of an innocent substitute will wash away the penalty and cost of sin.
This was first seen in the Garden Of Eden, after Adam and Eve had believed the lies of Satan, and broke the only rule that The Lord God had given them. When they did so, they lost their innocence, the paradise of their garden home, and it brought The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth to all of creation...including death, disease/illness, evil, crime, etc. Before they broke that rule, they weren't ashamed of their nakedness/nudity; but now, they were...and prepared ''a man made sacrifice'' (fig leaves), to cover up their nudity.

Yet, what mankind does to pay for sin, is NEVER good enough...because God's Standard Is Perfection, and The Lord, He Made The Rules. The Bible says that ''The Lord took off their fig leaves, and covered them with animal skins''...some believe that two precious innocent little lambs, were killed, and their skins were used...showing that The Life Is In The Blood, and the title of this poem.

A short time later, the first born, Cain, with his brother Abel, came to present a sacrifice to The Lord. Yet, while Abel brought an innocent lamb (showing he understood what God required), Cain instead brought ''fruits of his labor''. As a result, Abel's sacrifice was accepted, but Cain's was rejected. In a fit of angry, jealous rage, Cain killed his brother Abel. When confronted by The Lord (who had witnessed the murderous deed), and asked where his brother was, Cain insolently replied ''I don't I my brother's keeper??''. The Lord said ''What have you done?? The voice of your brother's blood cries up from the ground''. So, God placed a curse on Cain, in that even in his tilling of the soil, he would get nothing but thorns and thistles...and He also placed a mark on him, to keep anyone who found him, from killing him, in ''payback'' for murdering his brother. What that mark exactly was, it is NOT RECORDED in any of The Books Of The Bible...and neither is there any evidence that Cain ever repented from his crime.

For centuries after that, many altars were built, and many animals were sacrificed on them, as a ''temporary covering'' for the sins of the people. Yet, this was a foreshadowing of what would be done many years later...when Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, the Second Person in The Trinity (the Godhead), would leave the glory of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, and then live and walk among us in all ways, except without sin. Then, He Who Knew No Sin At All, would take upon Himself, the sins of every human who'd ever walk this Earth...then as an innocent substitute, allow Himself to be scourged and crucified on an Old Rugged Cross, to shed His Precious, sinless Blood, to pay the cost and penalty of mankind's sin. Then, He would rise again on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures; and all who would repent of their sin, believe on Him, and accept God's Free Love Gift, would have all their sins...past, present, and future...washed away...and be seen by God The Father as ''righteous as His Son is''. Humanly speaking, Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags, and Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell. And, upon The Moment Of Your Death, if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record, The Home Of The Damned will end up being Your Eternal Destiny.

Only The Sin Of Unbelief, Can't Be Wiped Away

A companion poem to The One Sin Unforgiven, and Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, no matter what you've done in matter how vile your sin may be...except for the sin of unbelief, every sin you've ever done in thought, word, motive, or deed, can be forgiven...if you truly repent of your sin, and do The One Thing God Requires, before The Moment Of Your Death, because After Death, Belief Too Late to make a decision for Christ.

Almighty God Has No Grandchildren

A companion poem to You Can't Ride Coat Tails Into Heaven's Space, this poem clearly shows that the choice to either accept or reject God's Free Love Gift is up to each or woman, boy or girl, young or old, youth or adult, Gentile or Jew. While Earthly families have children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, etc., there is no such thing in Heaven's family. Even though For All Who Truly Come To Christ, He Will Not Turn Away, You Can't Ride Coat-Tails Into Heaven's Space... basically, ''piggyback'' on someone else's prayer and profession of faith. Besides, The Lord knows whether you're sincere, or just Going Through The Motions.

Rebellion Just Like Witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23)

Based on 1 Samuel 15:23, the title is straight and to the point. No matter what the sin, Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, and whether it's rebellion, or The One Sin Unforgiven, if these are on your record at The Moment Of Your Death, The Home Of The Damned will be yours for all Eternity.

Rough Weather And Disasters Show God's Anger With Mankind

A companion poem to God Is Angry With The Wicked, Bless Or Curse The Jews There, God Will Do The Same To Thee, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, The Groaning Of Creation, Touching The Apple Of God's Eye...and based upon the tract Somebody Angry? from Chick Publications, this shows that Almighty God is not happy with mankind's actions, especially when it relates to the Nation Of Israel. While God said ''you shall NOT divide My Land'', that Divine Directive has largely been ignored by mankind and the nations...and as a result, they pay the price for it with one, more, or all of these disasters. These will increase in coverage and intensity, until the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, and after The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, when He sets up His Millennium Of Peace. These are the ''birth pangs'', just like a pregnant woman experiences when she goes into labor to deliver her unborn starts small, then increases exponentially, until the baby is born.

Once The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth is removed, these disasters will disappear...and Life As It Was Meant To Be, After Christ's Return; not seen since The Garden Of Eden, after Creation, before our first parents fell for The Doom Of Satan's Lie. What mankind terms as ''climate change'' is actually ''weather''; which has been around for millennia. Mankind is so enraged, when they realize that Christ Alone is ''calling the shots'' on all these things, and NOT the environmentalists...shown in the tract Global Warming, from Chick Publications.

But, a never ending ''eternal disaster of catastrophic proportions'' awaits all those who refuse to repent of their sin, to do The One Thing God Requires, and to accept God's Free Love Gift.

Only God Can Truly Know One's Heart

While people can say and do many things, we can't know their true motives and desires. But, as the title of this poem notes, Only God can truly know one's heart...whether they are being sincere in their thoughts, words, and actions...or if they're just Going Through The Motions, and putting on a facade.

Do Not Cast Your Pearls Before Swine (Matthew 7:6)

Based on Matthew 7:6, the pearls refer to ''wisdom'', such as The Preaching Of The Cross. You likely will be met with resistance by the majority of people that you try to share the Gospel with, but Once You Witness To Someone, Their Blood Is Off Your Hands. Above all, do NOT try to ''cram a Bible down their throat'', as that will make them even more resistant. Only God can soften the heart of an unbeliever...but God Will Not Wait Forever for an individual to make a decision for Christ. They can say ''NO'' to The Lord only so many times, and after they pass The Point Of No Return, since God Has Always Been A Gentleman, they will be Given What Was Desired, where God Gave Them Over to a reprobate mind, to do whatever they wanted. Then for these, at The Moment Of Your Death, these will enter The Home Of The Damned, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night for all Eternity.

You'll Anticipate Or Dread Your Meeting With The Lord

Only two emotions describe the moment When You Stand Before The Lord...anticipation with joy, or absolute terror and fear. It's all determined on what you did with God's Free Love Gift, as it'll determine Your Eternal Destiny, only one of two places, Heaven Or Hell. Note that Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse.

The Land Will Vomit Out All Of Its Inhabitants (Leviticus 18:25)

Just like when you take an emetic when you feel nauseated (your body's reaction to food poisoning, etc.), the land too, one day, will vomit all its inhabitants. This is because those living there are so steeped in sin and inquity, that The Stench Of Wickedness Therein literally sickens the land...and it has to get rid of this ''poison'' to survive. This spiritual poison, known as sin, affects every human being that has ever walked the Earth...with the exception of Christ Alone...for He Who Knew No Sin At All took all the sins of mankind upon Himself, as if He Himself had done them...and was crucified on an Old Rugged Cross, shedding His Precious Blood to wash away our sin...because Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission Done. Then, He arose from the dead on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures...because Just One Sin Not Paid For, Means Christ's Still In The Grave. However, The One Sin Unforgiven is a person refusing to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift before they die, because After Death, Belief Too Late.

What Profit If You Gain The World, But You Lose Your Soul?? (Mark 8:36)

Based on Mark 8:36, and from the tracts of It's A Deal, and The Contract, from Chick Publications, mankind will do or pay anything for money, prestige, fame, etc. in this life...thinking that ''this life is all there is''. However, at The Moment Of Your Death, you will cross the threshold of Eternity, and be in one of two places... Heaven Or Hell. Yet, Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and The Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse. You can NOT put a price on your soul, and the price of your sin is far too great for you to much so, that you will NEVER pay its total cost. And, Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One...far worse than the movie Groundhog Day. It is your choice whether you spend Eternity in The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned...all dependent on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Over Six Millenia, Mankind Can't Get It Right

A companion poem to Mankind Never Learns, it echoes what someone said, noting that ''History teaches us that mankind learns nothing from history''. From Creation over 6000 years ago, and the rule of mortal man, it is clear with each passing day, that because of mankind's sin nature, and quest for selfishness and power, that everything he does in trying to create ''a life of peace'', but without The Lord, is doomed to failure. Only after When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, will The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth be removed, and all things will be set right...and Life As It Was Meant To Be, After Christ's Return.

No Hocus Pocus Or Magic, When Things Done In Prayer

Prayer is the Gift that The Lord God gave mankind to communicate with Him. Phillipians 4:6-7 notes ''Be anxious (careful) for nothing, but in prayer and supplication, let your requests be made known to God. And, in Matthew 6:8, Jesus Christ says ''Your Father knows what you need of, before you ask Him''. In John 15:7, Jesus notes ''If you abide in Me, and My Words abide in you; you can ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you''. One must remember though, that God's Not A Genie, As Some Do Believe.

When believers pray to Him, we do it with a contrite, repentant heart and spirit...because If I Regard Iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear me. Yet, the answers He gives are either ''Yes'', ''No'', or ''Not At This Time''. He knows what is best for us, which are far better than our selfish desires.

But, the most important prayer one can make, is on The Most Important Day...when you realize that you can't save yourself, and that Jesus Christ left the Glory Of Heaven to come to Earth, to die in your place on an old rugged Cross, to pay your sin debt...and then rose again on the Third Day...both According To The Scriptures. Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

You Can Hear The Gospel Now, Or On Judgment Day

At Least One Chance Is Given There, in this Earthly life, for everyone to hear The Gospel In A Nutshell. While Salvation's Plan So Easy, But Mankind Says ''It's A Lie''. One has likely heard the cliche' that ''if something sounds too good to be true, that it probably is''. However, in the case of Salvation's Roman Road, there is NO DOUBT of the TRUTH and SINCERITY of it. While so simple, that a child can understand it, Salvation Is A Gift, Not Earned Or Bought. According to The Books Of The Bible, Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags (literally, bloody menstrual cloths), before The Lord. God's Standard Is Perfection, and Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell. The One Sin Unforgiven, is to die without repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. In this life on Earth, when you hear The Gospel In A Nutshell, you have a chance to respond to it. But, When You Stand Before The Lord, if it's at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, it will be TOO LATE to change Your Eternal Destiny.

Judgment On The World Is Coming, Sooner Than You Think

Contrary to what the world believes, The Lord does not sit idly by, and ''wink at sin''. Indeed, The Cup Of Man's Iniquity Is Filled, The Sins Reach Up To Heaven There, and Overflow To Hell. While God is a God of Love, He is also a God of Holiness, Righteousness, Purity, and and Judgment. The Stench Of Wickedness Therein, where eventually, The Land Will Vomit Out All Of Its Inhabitants. The intense wickedness is likely nauseating to His Nostrils, bringing forth His Righteous Anger...akin to when Jesus Christ drove out the money changers in the Temple, shortly after He entered Jerusalem on that Palm Sunday nearly 2000 years ago.

In ''The Day Christ Died'' (an account of the last week of Christ's Life on Earth), it noted ''Anger in This Man was rare. When it came, it had the dark, silent quality, of an oncoming thunderstorm. It could be seen before it broke''. (As a side note, I've seen those supercell thunderstorms, where the clouds are as black as night, and they will turn day into night). In Righteous Anger, as He overturned the tables of the money changers, He declared ''It Is Written, My Father's House shall be a House Of Prayer. But, you have made it a den (hideout) of thieves''. He was referring to the fact that the pilgrims who traveled a great distance found it safer to buy animals for their sacrifices in Jerusalem, than try and bring them from home. The priests would only accept Temple coinage in payment for these animals, and for offerings the people made. Some say they charged exhorbitant prices for the animals, and also maintained an unfavorable exchange rate for foreign currency. Most likely, this is what prompted The Lord's accusation. Caiaphas, The High Priest, was furious and livid at what Christ did, and gave the order ''Jesus Must Die!!''...not knowing that it was part of God's Divine Redemption Plan.

But Judgment Falls At The Point, When God Has Seen Enough...such was the case with Noah and the Ark, with the worldwide flood...and the fiery destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. After The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, when The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth For Seven Years, begins...with three sets of seven Divine Judgments of Seals, Bowls, and Trumpets...each one worse than the judgment before it...that it will result in nearly all life on Earth will be destroyed when they are done. Then, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, except for The Believing Remnant, the rest of mankind will turn to fight Him with insane, demonic, hell-bent, furious, Satanic anger. But, At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. Then, will come The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats...where the unrepentant will be cast off of the planet into outer darkness...and the righteous will be welcomed into the The Millennium Of Peace...and Earth will be restored to the beauty and purity not seen since The Garden Of Eden, before Adam and Eve ate of The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, that God specifically told them not to. When they did that, it brought The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, with death, disease, and destruction.

In short, Over Six Millenia, Mankind Can't Get It Right...and it won't be made right until Christ returns...and With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule The Nations. God Is Not Mocked, and God Will Not Wait Forever for mankind to repent, and accept His Free Love Gift, nor will He wait forever to execute His Judgments.

God Keeps Such Thorough Records There, That Nothing Is Ignored (Psalm 130:3)

A companion poem to A Life On Trial, Everyone's Accountable, The Judgments And Their Lines, No One Gets Off Scot Free, One Appointment You Will Keep, along with several others...this poem shows that When You Stand Before The Lord, EVERYTHING in your life, from your conception before birth, until The Moment Of Your Death, whether in thought, word, deed, or motive...the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY, will be on display for everyone to see. There will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and No One Will Defend The Lost, as they stand there Naked And Alone. Only the Precious Blood Of Jesus will wash away all your sin...but you must sincerely repent (turn from your sin), realize that you cannot save your soul...and that you admit that Christ Alone is the ONLY Way into Heaven...and you must do The One Thing God Requires, to believe on Jesus Christ, The One He Sent...who died on The Cross to pay for every sin you'd ever do...and He'd rise from the dead on the Third Day According To The Scriptures...and you accept Him by faith, as Saviour, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords. You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend...and He WILL know whether you are sincere, or are just Going Through The Motions.

Those Who Serve The Devil Will Commit All Of His Lusts (John 8:44)

Based on John 8:44, the majority of mankind...who have not repented of their sin, doing The One Thing God Requires, to believe on Jesus Christ, The One He Sent... who died on The Cross to pay for every sin you'd ever do...and He'd rise from the dead on the Third Day According To The Scriptures...and you accept Him by faith, as Saviour, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords...are (as noted in John 3:18) condemned already...and they are of their father the devil, who is Like A Roaring Lion, roaming about, seeking who he may devour. Misery loves company, and Satan wants as many as possible to spend Eternity with him in The Home Of The Damned, The Lake Of Fire.

Satan, Father Of All Lies, Speaks His Language There...and The Only Time That Satan Truthfully Speaks is either when He is speaking before The Lord...or more often when an unsaved soul crosses the threshold of Eternity, when Satan laughingly tells them that ''you will be in torment forever''. He has all the unrepentant, and all his demonic hordes, of the same mindset, that they can easily defeat The Lord Of Hosts When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. But, At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds...and then Satan and his demons will be captured and cast into the Abyss (Bottomless Pit) during the Millennium Of Peace.

After the Millennium Of Peace, Satan is released to raise up ''an army as numerous of the sand of the sea'' in one final rebellion against The Lord. But, it doesn't even get off the ground, as fire falls from Heaven, devouring the invading hordes. At that point, Satan and his demons are cast into The Lake Of Fire, where The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace (the Antichrist, the world's ruler)...along with The False Prophet have been during the Millennium Of Peace the last 1000 years...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night...ending the rebellion of a creature against His well as The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. Then, as the Earth is set afire with a fervent heat, to purify it, so tainted with sin...and God creates a New Heaven, New Earth, and New Jerusalem...where Sin Won't Rise A Second Time.

Next, comes the most somber day in all of history...The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...where every soul who died without repenting of sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, will stand before The Lord in A Life On Trial. But, unlike the courtoom trials on Earth, in The Supreme Court Of The Universe, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and There Will Be No Appeal There, from the judgment that will be handed down. The Lord will tell every one of them, just before they are cast into The Lake Of Fire for all ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known''.

The Lost Think That God's Powerless; As It Seems Nothing's Done

The arrogance of the unrepentant souls, the majority of mankind, toward The Grace Of God is shocking. They think that they can beat The Lord in so many ways...but they will find that He will have The Last Laugh. They despise the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules, so they taunt, mock, and blaspheme Him by their sinful behavior...asking What Can God Do To Me??...and likely giving little thought to the gravity of that question.

In Truth, The Lord Knows Everything About You, Friend...your motives, words, thoughts, deeds, every sin you've ever done or will do...whether or not you will accept or reject His Free Love Gift, as well as The Moment Of Your Death. The Lord Is Not Surprised by anything you've thought, planned, or done...and there's no way you can run or hide from Him. And, there is One Appointment You Will Keep, on that day When You Stand Before The Lord, and undergo A Life On Trial, to answer and account for everything you said, did, or thought, in your life. In The Supreme Court Of The Universe, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and There Will Be No Appeal There, and there is No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Then, it'll be the unrepentant who'll see that THEY are the ones who are POWERLESS against The Lord.

Deception, It Will Be Widespread, In The Final Days

Deception has always been one of Satan's tools, as he is the father of, he was a murderer from the beginning. Originally the covering Cherub, the most beautiful creature created, he inflated with self pride, and deceived one third of the angelic realm into believing they could defeat The Lord in a coup...and that he could become head of the universe. But, The Lord knew about what would happen before Lucifer did...and as a result, Lucifer's name was changed to Satan (which means the adversary), he and all the angels who joined him (now changed to horrific evil demonic creatures), were all cast out of Heaven. They settled around Planet Earth, and deceived our first parents in the Garden Of Eden, which brought The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth.

But, before that, God's Plan Of Redemption was set in motion...that one day, His Only Begotten Son, Christ Alone, would leave the Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk like us in all ways, except without sin. Then, He Who Knew No Sin At All, would take upon Himself, the sins that every other male and female human being would do upon the Earth in their life, in thought, word, and deed...making them as His Own. Then, on an Old Rugged Cross, He would shed His Precious Blood, for only The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, and Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission Done. Then, He arose again on The Third Day According To The Scriptures, because Without The Resurrection, it's just not the same.

Yet, Satan And His Hordes Want You To they spread the deceit and lies, such as ''there are many ways to Heaven'', ''there is no Heaven Or Hell, that there's no judgment after The Moment Of Your Death, and many others proclaiming that ''they're the Messiah''...when in Truth, There's Only One Messiah...Christ Alone...all the others are fake.

The One Who Shook The Kingdoms There, He Knows His Time Is Short, and Satan has pulled out all the stops to keep people from doing The One Thing God Requires. Default At Your Death Is Hell; If Christ You Refuse, as Decision Not Required To Go To Hell. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and if you die without The Lord, you will regret it for all Eternity.

The Majority Of Souls Hate God And His Word

The Preaching Of The Cross is considered foolishness and stupidity by the unrepentant souls...but to the saved, it's the Power of Almighty God. These unsaved souls, the majority of mankind, despise the fact that The Lord, He Made The well as the fact that one day, everyone will undergo A Life On Trial, either at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...occurring shortly after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church...or after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, at The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats...or after the Millennium Of Peace, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

For those who've done The One Thing God Requires, to believe on Christ Alone, the One He Sent, as The Only Way To Heaven, and not just Going Through The Motions...their sins were washed away by the Precious Blood Of Jesus Christ...and it's in The Sea Of Forgetfulness; Where Sins Of The Saved, Lie. However, where they stand in their position in Eternity in Heaven, will be determined how they served The Lord while in their life on Earth.

For those who stubbornly refused to repent of sin, and to accept God's Free Love Gift...basically, those described in the title of this poem, there will be for them, The Horror In Their Eyes, when The Moment Of Your Death arrives. They will now see The Price Of Being Wrong, and see that they have now passed The Point Of No Return...because There Is No Second Chance after The Moment Of Your Death, as After Death, Belief Too Late. Then, when they stand at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they will see that there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Gets Off Scot Free, No One Will Defend The Lost, and worst of all, there is No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Everyone that is there will join Satan and his demonic hordes, in The Home Of The Damned, The Lake Of Fire, for all Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Against Heaven's Government, Treason Is The Charge

Originally, the universe was perfect from Creation...but Lucifer, the covering cherub, filled with pride, and deceived one third of the angelic realm to join him in a coup against The Lord Of Hosts. The Lord dealt with this insurrection so quickly, that Lucifer became Satan...and he and his angelic hordes (now changed to horrific looking demons) were cast out of Heaven...and The Home Of The Damned, Hell, and The Lake Of Fire, were prepared for them.

The charge was TREASON against The Government Of Heaven...because The Lord, He Made The Rules. They settled around the Earth, deceiving our first parents, which brought down The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. Everyone who went against The Commandments Ten, or what The Lord had commanded, was guilty of this charge. The only way they could be forgiven was to offer a sacrifice that The Lord had instituted during The Old Testament...but this was only a TEMPORARY sacrifice to cover their sins. Yet, it paved the way for the fulfillment of the Plan Of Redemption, launched before the foundation of the world. Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, the Second Person in The Godhead, would leave the Glory Of Heaven, and come to Earth. He would be born of a Virgin, and then grow up and live like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. Then, He Who Knew No Sin At All, would take upon Himself, as if they were His Own...the sins committed by every other man, woman, and child, who had ever walked the Earth. He would then be scourged, and crucified on an Old Rugged Cross, shedding His Precious Blood, to wash the sins away of all those who put their faith in Him...then He would rise from the dead on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures. Then, when God The Father looked at these redeemed souls, who did The One Thing God Requires, He sees them as Righteous as His Son is...and the charge noted as the title of this poem...along with all the other sins they had ever done, or will do in this life, are DISMISSED. Truthfully, it's in The Sea Of Forgetfulness; Where Sins Of The Saved, Lie...and these will spend Eternity in the joy of Heaven.

Tragically, for all those who would not repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, the charge noted as the title of this poem, and every other sin they had ever done or will do...remains on their record. God's Standard Is Perfection, and because they refused to accept God's Free Love Gift, Heaven is DENIED, and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night in The Home Of The Damned, The Lake Of Fire, for all Eternity.

Within The Word 'Sinister', Is Its Root Cause: 'Sin'

From the dictionary, the word ''sinister'' is an adjective...meaning ''threatening or portending evil, harm, or trouble; ominous, bad, evil, base, or wicked; unfortunate, disastrous, unfavorable; of or on the left side (left)'' illustrated by The Fools Heart There Goes To The Left; But Wise Heart To The Right. Within the first part of the word, is its root cause...sin...or better described as Self Is Navigating, The Acronym For Sin. It means that in answer to the question Who Is Seated Upon Your Life's Throne, the answer is THEY THEMSELVES...instead of Christ Alone, who is The Only One worthy of all praise and worship.

So much of its defintion describes what has been part of Creation ever since Lucifer, originally the covering cherub, self inflated with pride, and deceived one third of the angelic realm to join him in a coup against The Lord Of Hosts. Yet, The Lord Is Not Surprised by anything that takes place...and Lucifer's name was changed to Satan (the adversary)...then he and the rebellious angels (now changed to horrific looking demons) were cast out of Heaven...with The Home Of The Damned...hell and The Lake Of Fire...created especially for them. They were in the Presence of God, so they have no chance at redemption. Some so overstepped their authority, that God cast them directly into The Abyss, to await The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...after which, they will be cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. They will also be joined by every unregenerate, unrepentant soul, who in this life, refused God's Free Love Gift.

The One Negative Thing About Christianity

At first glance, it seems as if the title of this poem reeks of blasphemy and heresy. But, in truth, there is The Now And Eternal Cost to following Christ...including that those who are in Christ shall suffer persecution...because to the unsaved The Preaching Of The Cross is regarded as foolishness and stupidity...but to the saved, it is the Power Of Almighty God. So, the unsaved treat the believer with contempt, ridicule, and scorn. Christ Himself said that ''I come to not bring peace, but a sword''...basically turning family and friends against each other, especially in regards to one having accepted God's Free Love Gift, while the majority of the others have not. Then, when they note the believer ''committing sin'', as if they were never saved, they say that ''their commitment isn't genuine'', and that they're just Going Through The Motions.

The thing is, every believer has at least one area (if not more) in which they're particularly vulnerable...and God Sees All Your Skeletons In Your Closet There. This can be their response to Christ asking them Do You Have Time For Me??, with quiet time each day...or dealing with sexual sins...breaking one or more of The Commandments Ten, having one or more vices, or something else altogether...because By Their Fruits You'll Know Them. The latter is especially true with those who are doing The Lord's Work deceitfully...he says these are ''cursed''. In regards to the commitment to Christ, Hand To The Plow, And Looking Back; Is Nothing For The Lord.

Yet, every Christian will experience ''the spiritual rollercoaster'' many times in this earthly life. They'll either be on the mountaintop on a spiritual high...or in the valley...feeling like they've been abandoned. For All Who Truly Come To Christ, He Will Not Turn Away...but while in this earthly life, the believer will still have the sin nature to deal with...and it's in constant battle with the new spiritual nature the believer obtained when they repented of sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift. The believer won't be free of that until The Moment Of Your Death, or at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. Everyone will undergo A Life On Trial When You Stand Before The Lord, as Everyone's Accountable. Whether they stand before The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ (as a believer on Christ Alone as the ONLY Way To Heaven)...or before The Judgment Of The Great White Throne (as one who died without repenting of sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift)...everything that they ever did in thought, word, motive, or deed, will be revealed for all to see, with No Question Of Guilt.

For the believer, while rewards will be gained and lost at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, the issue of sin will NOT even be while on Earth, they did The One Thing God Requires, to ''Believe On Christ, The One He Sent''. Tragically, for the unrepentant, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, besides the fact that there will be No Question Of Guilt, there will also be No Pardons And No Mercy, and they will see that No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, There Will Be No Appeal There, and that there is No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

There Will Be A Theocracy; But Not What Most Desire

While The Lord's Soverign Over All Creation, All In His Control, he originally told Adam in the Garden of Eden ''to dress and keep it''. He, and his helpmate, Eve, our first parents, were to rule over creation. But, when they broke the one rule that God had given them, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth ruined everything. The Prophet Jeremiah was Divinely Inspired to note The Heart Is Wicked And Full Of Deceit, in man's quest for power. Truly, after Over Six Millenia, Mankind Can't Get It Right.

So, during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, mankind's evil nature will be at its zenith, as Satan and his demonic hordes implement a rule of terror, trying to destroy everyone and everything on Satan's quest to replace The Lord God Almighty as King. But, at the end of the seven years, at the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, the rule by mortal man will be finished forever. Then, after The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats...where the unrighteous souls who refused to do The One Thing God Requires, are cast off of the planet into outer darkness...and the horribly ravaged Earth is restored by Christ into a place of incredible beauty...not seen since Creation. The righteous, who repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift will enter the Millennium Of Peace.

During this time, With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule, and He will permit no disobedience whatsoever. The believers from the Church Age, from the day of Pentecost to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, will assist Christ with the rule and reign over the restored nations rebuild. Tragically, at the end of the Millennium Of Peace, Satan is released for one final rebellion, raising up an army as numerous as the sand of the sea, to try to defeat The Lord and His Followers. But, they are destroyed in Righteous Fire from Heaven...and at that point, Satan is cast into The Lake Of Fire, where The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace (The Beast/Antichrist), and The False Prophet have been for the last one thousand years...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Then, will come The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, the most somber day in all of history...where every unrepentant soul who refused God's Free Love Gift, will give an account for their life...and every sin in thought, word, motive, and deed, are there will be No Question Of Guilt, there will also be No Pardons And No Mercy, and they will see that No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, There Will Be No Appeal There, and that there is No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

Then, in Eternity, it will be a permanent Theocracy...where Christ will yield the Kingdom to His Father, who will rule and reign for all Eternity. Sin Won't Rise A Second Time, and the redeemed of all ages will enjoy eternal bliss, joy, and happiness, with The Lord who made it all possible...and be able to serve, praise, and worship Him, like we were never able to do here on Earth.

Whether or not you will join this group is dependent on your response to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??. Your Eternal Destiny depends upon your choice.

The Heathen, Satan, Terrified Of Bible Prophecy

A companion poem to As Prophecies There Come To Pass, They'll See The Saved Were Right, Bible Prophecies Show That They're True, Prophecies Will Be Fulfilled One Day, and Things Are Falling Into Place, Just As the title of this poem notes, Satan and the heathen (the unsaved, who have not repented of their sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, they are terrified of what the Bible Prophecies show concerning their fate. With The End Time Prophecy, Israel's The Key, and when it was reborn as a nation in a single day on May 14, 1948, it signaled that The Final Generation Of Mankind, before the events of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble (which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years), before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth...had finally begun.

Truly, The Lord does nothing first, before revealing His Intentions to His Prophets...and all these are contained in The Books Of The Bible. The Evil Forces Surely Lose, While They Feel They Will Win, and they've been so deluded and deceived by Satan (who even thinks he can still win against The Lord). Yet, Satan is a created being with LIMITED POWER, and Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With Unlimited Power. In short, between the forces of evil, and the forces of Heaven, it's no contest...and it'll be Christ Alone who does all the fighting at His Return. It'll be no effort for Him...he who spoke the galaxies and Creation into existence, performed many miracles, raised Lazarus and others from the dead (much to the anger of the religious leaders of His Day), and not only laid down His Life Willingly on The Cross Of pay for mankind's sin debt....then took it back up again in victory on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures. To Him, ''everything is in the past'', and it's just waiting for the Divinely Ordained points in time that He has set, for their fulfillment.

Note That The Lord Will Not Be Mocked, Blasphemed, Or Ignored

Partially based on Galatians 6:7, mankind chooses to mock, blaspheme, and ignore well as the conviction and promptings of The Holy Spirit. Yet, The Lord will NOT allow these sins to go unpunished. The unrepentant will answer for these at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where there will be No Question Of Guilt, plus No Pardons And No Mercy, and they will see that No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, There Will Be No Appeal There, and that there is No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

Professing Themselves To Be Wise, Fools They Have Become

Based on Romans 1:22, mankind thinks that ''we're enlightened'', and that all that's in The Books Of The Bible is outmoded and outdated. However, contrary to popular belief (and mankind detests and despises each of these facts)...The Lord Is Not Politically Correct, The Lord, He Made The Rules, and Jesus Christ, He Never Changed; He's Always The Same. What God Said Was Sin Long Ago, It's Still Sin Today...and there's nothing that mankind can do to change that. Mankind thinks he's one smart cookie...but he's actually just a microscopic crumb. No one has known The Mind Of The Lord, none has become His Counselor, and no one has given to Him, and God still owes Him the debt. Despite what mankind thinks, Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and if we got what we deserved, we would've been sent to The Home Of The Damned long ago. Those who think they're smarter than God will find out at The Moment Of Your Death, The Price Of Being Wrong.

Believers In Christ Need To Put Off All These Acts Of Sin (Colossians 3:5-10 and Galatians 5:19-21)

Based on Colossians 3:5-10 and Galatians 5:19-21, once someone has repented of their sin and received God's Free Love Gift, there is a spiritual war now going on inside them...with tne NEW nature of fruits of the Spirit in Christ...which is in CONSTANT BATTLE with the OLD nature of the works of the flesh and sin. Every Christian has at least one area where they are particularly vulnerable...and while every sin they've ever done or will do has been forgiven, God's Grace is License To Serve, Not License To it's the least that we can do for Him...since we can never repay Him for the lovingkindness of when The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All. Those who live in constant, unbridled, unbroken sin, should lead them to question whether or not they have been reborn spiritually, or if they are just Going Through The Motions. God Sees All Your Skeletons In Your Closet There, and You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend, as The Lord Is Not Surprised by anything you thought, word, motive, or deed...whether hidden or in the open. And, on Judgment Day, You'll Answer Only For Yourself.

On Spiritual Things, The World And Mankind, Both Don't Care

Satan, the enemy of all mankind, ''the god of this world'', has blinded the world and mankind to the Truth of The Preaching Of The Cross. To the unrepentant, it's foolish and stupidity; but to the saved, it is the Power of Almighty God. Satan has got man thinking and believing that after The Moment Of Your Death, that there is no Heaven Or Hell, and there's no such thing as The Judgment. Yet, It's Appointed All To Die, and You Will Live Forever, Friend...the Question, Though, Is Where??. On that day, When You Stand Before The Lord, He will either be A Friend For Life to you, or The Worst Nightmare There Faced. It all depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift. Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, depends upon your choice.

Those Wanting Hell, Will Change Their Minds, The Moment They Go In

Tragically, there are many on Earth, who think that they can live a life of both unbridled, orgiastic, sin...both here in this life on Earth, and throughout Eternity. They joke that ''they are going to Hell, they have their own personal handbasket picked out'', they'll see all their friends there, and they'll be free from the influence of the ''Bible Thumping, Jesus Freak, Christians''. The latter part of that statement is the ONLY thing that they have right. For these, It Will Be A Shock One Day, at The Moment Of Your Death when they enter The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

They will instantly realize several things, including the fact that Heaven Is Not Owed To You, Hell Is Not A Party Place, Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord, and Hell's Chasm Only Crossable By Entering Lost Souls. They will also see that After Death, Belief Too Late, and that Prayers Have No Effect At All In Hell.

Truthfully, Those In Hell, Wish They Could There, See The Cross Again, yet realize that ''All Hope Is Gone. In extreme pain, agony, suffering, and thirst...they realize that They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night, and that The Judgment Of The Great White Throne awaits them. They will see that as they undergo A Life On Trial, that every moment of their thought, word, motive, and deed...whether done in open or in secret...will be revealed for all to see. They will see that there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Gets Off Scot Free, No One Will Defend The Lost, and There Will Be No Appeal There, as the verdict is based on the Justice And Righteousness of God, because The Lord, He Made The Rules. Instead of being A Friend For Life, for them, Jesus Christ will be The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

Heaven, You Won't Get At Death, Without Accepting Christ

Contrary to popular belief, Heaven Is Not Owed To You, as the Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ You Refuse. The One Thing God Requires is to believe on Christ Alone, The One He Sent, to die in the place of every man, woman, boy, and girl, who would ever walk on planet Earth, to pay for their enormous sin debt. Truly, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, in that while we (all of mankind) were still sinners, and His Enemies...According To The Scriptures, Christ shed His Precious Blood, and died on an Old Rugged Cross. Because He Who Knew No Sin At All, He WILLINGLY took upon Himself, the sins of everyone who would ever walk the Earth, and He made them as His Own. As the Perfect, Sinless, Lamb Of God, He paid our overdue sin debt, and the victory was validated on The Third Day, when He rose from the dead, According To The Scriptures.

However, Available, Not Automatic, Is Salvation's Gift. The One Thing God Requires is to believe on The One He Sent, Christ Alone, as the ONLY Way to Heaven. Just Going Through The Motions won't work, and Lip Service Isn't Good Enough. For The Lord Knows Everything About You, Friend...including ALL of your motives, words, thoughts, and deeds...whether hidden or in the open.. As well as all of your deepest, darkest secrets, that you think no one else knows about. He also knows the intent of your heart, whether you're being sincere in repentance and faith, or are just ''faking it''. You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend, and on that day When You Stand Before The Lord, there will be No Question Of Guilt...never mind the fact that You Can't Take The Fifth Before The Lord. And, if at The Moment Of Your Death, you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record, you'll find that The Home Of The Damned will be yours for all Eternity.

Be Careful In What You Ask, Results You May Regret

It may be a cliche', but the words ''Be Careful What You Ask For, As You Might Get It'', hold true in so many ways. Many folks ask and want things out of selfishness and greed; but, like sexual nymphomaniacs, they're never satisfied...having an insatiable appetite for constantly wanting more. They believe The Doom Of Satan's Lie...and for that matter, there are a myriad of them...each with the same result.

There are folks who are always wanting severe weather, to witness the power of nature (i.e. tornadoes, hailstorms, hurricanes, blizzards, volcanoes, etc.). While looking at them from a satellite or a distance can be a thing of beauty...for those who are directly in the path of, or being affected, by these is a living nightmare. They are likely losing their possessions, livelihood, and they or their families, are being injured, or dying!! I personally believe that if The Lord had meant for us to know all the intricacies of violent weather or other things of nature, He would've let us know by now. Yet, all of these violent storms amd other events are part of The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, and The Groaning Of Creation, wanting to be set free...which won't happen until the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

Then, there are those who are wanting ''patience'', but having that comes with numerous ''trials by fire'' you will be severely tested in that regard, before you can have such.

Another cliche' is ''He who dies with the most toys, wins''. Yet, at The Moment Of Your Death...all that you've acquired...whether it be possessions, money, prestige, etc. -- it is all GONE and WORTHLESS to you. Plus, Unless It's Done For Christ, It Does No Good. C. T. Studd wrote this poem, which sums it up perfectly.

For believers, at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, while their ''bad works'' (deeds with no good effect for The Kingdom Of God) will be burned up (the issue of sin, having been settled at The Cross, will not even be considered there)...their ''good works'', such as those with The Five Eternal Crowns, will be enshrined for all Eternity. Tragically, On Spiritual Things, The World And Mankind, Both Don't Care...and want nothing to do with God, Jesus, or Biblical Christianity. They despise the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules...but God Has Alway Been A Gentleman, and if they decide to reject God's Free Love Gift, and He will tell them at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, that Your Decision Will Be Honored for all Eternity. And as the title of this poem notes, they got what they asked for...and now, they regret it.

God's Judgements Get More Severe, Right Up Through Their Peak (Exodus 7:19-12:30 and Revelation 6:1-17, 8:7-9:21, and 16:1-21)

Based on the 10 plagues on Egypt noted in the Book Of Exodus, and the 21 plagues in the Book Of Revelation, this shows that while God's Judgment starts gradually, it increases in severity, right up through its peak. The same can be applied to women going through the labor pains of childbirth. They start out gradually, then increase in duration and severity until the peak, when the baby is born. In the case of Divine Judgments, these increase in scope and severity, until God's People have been delivered. Whether in the case of the Jews who Pharoah refused to let go...or the remnant Jews and Gentiles that are trying to avoid the guillotine of The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, sooner more than later, Justice Will Be Done, because Vengeance Is The Lord's.

One Day, All Mankind Will Know Who's Right

A companion poem to As Prophecies There Come To Pass, They'll See The Saved Were Right, The Majority Was Wrong, The Price Of Being Wrong, and Most Of Mankind In This Life Won't Admit They're Wrong...this poem states one undeniable Truth.

While On Spiritual Things, The World And Mankind, Both Don't Care, the Truth of WHO IS RIGHT will be revealed at The Moment Of Your Death, as you enter either Heaven Or Your Eternal Destiny depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift. As Hal Lindsey noted, ''If the believers ON Jesus are wrong, the most we'll lose are a few petty sins...which in the end, don't make anyone happy, anyway. But, if the unbeliever is wrong, they will spend Eternity paying the debt...that they took The Gamble with their soul, and lost it!!''

No Fault There, At All (John 18:38)

A companion poem to He Who Knew No Sin At All, when Christ stood before the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate, He was told ''Don't you know I have the power to have you crucified, or to set you free??''. Christ replied ''You have no power to harm Me, unless it was given to you from above. He that betrayed Me to you, is guilty of the greater sin''. After questioning The Lord, Pilate said ''I find in Him, No Fault There, At All''. This enraged the chief priests of the Pharisees and Saducees, who saw Jesus as a threat to their power and prestige...not to mention that as for His Claims of being ''The Messiah'', Christ was Not What They Were Looking For. Then, as the majority of the best, Jesus was ''a misunderstood rabbi, who didn't have all his marbles together''...or at worst, He was ''a deceiving blasphemer''. Indeed, when Caiaphas, the High Priest screamed at Jesus ''Are You The Christ, The Son Of The Blessed??''... Jesus replied ''I Am''..the same thing He told Moses at the burning bush. As Hal Lindsey noted ''No wonder the Jewish Supreme Court (the Sanhedrin) went into orbit!! When Jesus made such a claim, they had to either fall down, and worship Him...or kill Him...and, they chose the latter''. Eighteen Jewish Laws were broken to railroad Jesus to His Death...for more details on this, you can order from Chick Publications The Illegal Trial Of Jesus.

Pilate acquitted Jesus 4 times; and yet, he caved to the pressure of the religious leaders, who had stirred up the crowd. The same ones who shouted ''Hosanna'' just days before when Jesus entered the city on a donkey on that Palm Sunday...were now shouting ''Crucify Him!!''. Pilate repeatedly said that ''I find in Him, No Fault There, At All''...and even when the Jews demanded he release a prisoner at the Passover, he thought ''this might work out this time''. So, Pilate chose Barabbas, a thief and a murderer...but the priests had turned the crowd against Jesus, and they demanded ''Release to us, Barabbas''. Finally, Pilate had seen enough...he called for a basin of water, and washed his hands in it...saying ''I am innocent of The Blood Of This Just Man''. The crowd insolently responded ''His Blood Be On Us, And On Our Children, Too''...and so it would be. So, Christ was led off to be scourged (most prisoners died from the beatings alone), and to be crucified. He Who Knew No Sin At All, willfully become ''the embodiment of sin'', taking upon Himself, the sins that every man, woman, and child, who would ever walk the Earth during their if they were His Own.

Christ was on The Cross for six hours, and for three of the hours, the sky turned dark, as God The Father, could not look upon His Only Begotten Son, now the embodiment of sin. In that time, Christ knew what the unrepentant soul would experience in The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. But, just before He died, He shouted ''Tetelestai'' or ''It Is Finished''...meaning that the work that He was sent to do, to shed His Precious Blood to pay the cost of mankind's sin debt, was now completed, and it was According To The Scriptures. Then, God's Seal Of Approval on what Christ had done, was that Christ was raised from the dead on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. Even one sin not paid for, would've kept Christ in the grave.

However, there is The One Sin Unforgiven, which is one failing to do The One Thing God Requires, and refusing to repent and accept God's Free Love Gift before The Moment Of Your Death. Since God's Standard Is Perfection, if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record, it means that NONE of your other sins are paid for, either. As a result, you will be forced to pay them for all Eternity in The Home Of The Damned...and you NEVER will be able to pay off that debt!! Christ won't be able to say to these ''I find in them, no fault there, at all''. However, for The Believing Remnant, who WILL do The One Thing God Requires, for each of them, Christ will say ''I find in them, no fault there, at all''. Which response you get is determined on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Condemnation For All Those, Who Don't Believe On Christ (John 3:18)

A companion poem to Believe On Christ, Or Be Condemned, To The Lake Of Fire, and Those Who Don't Believe On Christ, Are Already Condemned, the ''third time'' is hopefully ''the charm'' that will drive this point home, to those who have not yet repented of their sin, and received God's Free Love Gift.

Contrary to popular belief, or what you may have heard, Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and Heaven, You Won't Get At Death, Without Accepting Christ. You also need to realize that For All Have Sinned, and fallen short of God's Glory. God's Standard Is Perfection, and if at The Moment Of Your Death, you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record...which is failing to do The One Thing God Requires, you will find that The Home Of The Damned will be Your Eternal Destiny.

Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags before The Lord, because believers on Christ, are saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works. And, as contemporary Christian music artist Don Francisco sang in his song, ''There Is No Condemnation when The Son has set you free''. Note that a Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, and Deals With The Devil Are All Fake. While Satan will promise folks anything they want in this earthly life for The Selling Of Ones Soul, Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with them in The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity.

The Heathen, Unsaved Multitudes, Won't Like Things At All

Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent, and for those who refuse God's Free Love Gift, the title of this poem holds true. In answer to the question, Why Do The Heathen Of Earth Always Rage??, the simple answer is that they detest the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules. So, they try to break what they term as ''shackles'' upon them in this life, and in Eternity. They fall for The Doom Of Satan's Lie, and don't realize until The Moment Of Your Death, that As Prophecies There Come To Pass, They'll See The Saved Were Right...and realize that The Price Of Being Wrong is far greater than they can, or want to pay...and they will be paying for The Gamble that they did with their soul for all Eternity in The Home Of The Damned.

When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, Justice Will Be Done, and this is another point where the title of this poem holds true. At that point, it'll be the end of rule by corrupt, sinful, mortal man. There Will Be A Theocracy, But Not What Most Desire...because during the Millennium Of Peace, With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule. At the start of that time, with The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, only the believers on Christ will be allowed in...the unbelivers will be cast off the Earth into outer darkness, to await The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. From The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, which occurred shortly after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church...these will return with Christ, and will rule and reign with Him.

Peace And Safety (1 Thessalonians 5:3)

Based on 1 Thessalonians 5:3, the cry of ''peace and safety'' is what mankind has wanted for millenia. However, after Over Six Millenia, Mankind Can't Get It Right. This is because The Heart Is Wicked, And Full Of Deceit, and no one can know the extent of the depravity. While The Lord Removes And Sets Up Kings, According To His Plan, most rulers of a country ''let their power go to their head'', and in their quest for unlimited power, they usually move to ruthlessly crush and all opposition. This is where there are constant battles, wars, rebellions, coups for power, etc. So, while mortal man is ruling any claims of ''peace and safety'' will never come to fruition. Tragically, after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble will engulf the planet, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years. The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace will sign a seven year peace treaty with the Jews and Israel, and make it look like true peace between Israel and its enemies, has now arrived. Unfortunately, the Jews think that this man is their their True Messiah, Jesus Christ, was Not What They Were Looking For.

Three and one half years later, this false Messiah will break the treaty, defile the Temple, and now be indwelt by Satan. One third of the Jews, realizing they have been deceived, will heed Christ's command to ''flee to the mountains''...many believe this will be Petra in nearby Jordan. The seal and trumpet judgments have already ravaged the Earth, but now, the bowl judgments cause even more massive devastation, like the world has never seen. Indeed, Christ Alone said that if He didn't return at the appointed time, that all human life on the planet will have been killed. As the armies of the Antichrist close in on Petra, to kill The Believing Remnant of the Jews, spiritual regeneration occurs...and they realize that There's Only One Messiah, and He is Christ Alone. They mourn their rejection of Him, as one mourns for their firstborn child. They cry ''Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord'', and plead for Him to save them. Their prayers are answered When Christ Returns To Planet Earth... and At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. For The Believing Remnant of the Jews, their hour of persecution is finished forever, and they will receive all the blessings promised to them since the time of Abraham.

Then, comes The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, to judge the survivors of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble. The goats will be cast off the planet into outer darkness...while the sheep will be ushered into the Millennium Of Peace, with a restored Earth...the likes which haven't been seen since Creation of The Garden Of Eden. With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule, and Life As It Was Meant To Be, After Christ's Return, will have finally arrived...and then ''peace and safety'' will have finally come.

When Christianity's Thrown Out, Anarchy Exists

A companion poem to Righteousness Exalts A Nation, and 'Rules For Thee, But Not For Me', The Hypocrites All Say, the simple fact is that when you get rid of righteousness and morality, based on the Judeo-Christian teachings, and the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules, the terms of Peace And Safety no longer evil runs rampant. The Days Of Noah And Sodom Are Here...and just as with the wickedness of that day, God Will Not Wait Forever for either mankind to repent, or to execute His Righteous Judgment on the Earth.

After The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble will engulf the planet, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years...and 21 judgments of Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets will pummel the Earth for its rejection of The Savior, Christ Alone, Who is the ONLY way to Heaven. The Time Of Jacob's Trouble will be so devastating, that if Christ didn't return at the appointed time, all of mankind would die...and tragically, most would go to The Home Of The Damned. Only The Believing Remnant, who do The One Thing God Requires will go to The Home Of The Redeemed.

Acquittal Or Conviction Of Your Sin

A companion poem to A Life On Trial, One Apppointment You Will Keep, When You Stand Before The Lord, and In God's Courtroom, There Will Be, No Mistrial Declared, while in this life on Earth, you may be acquitted or convicted of your deeds by your peers, or there can be a mistrial declared (where there is ''a hung jury'', and a verdict can't be reached. However, When You Stand Before The Lord, there are only two verdicts that will be rendered for your life...and it is all dependent on what you did with God's Free Love Gift.

If you did The One Thing God Requires, and not just Going Through The Motions, The Blood Of Jesus, Cleanses From All Sin, you will stand before Him, ACQUITTED. While for you, rewards will be gained and lost at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, you will still be in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed for all Eternity.

However, if you basically said ''this commitment is not for me'', because you preferred a life of sin, and committed The One Sin Unforgiven, by spurning The Preaching Of The Cross, then at The Moment Of Your Death, you entered The Home Of The Damned. Then, after the Millennium Of Peace...the time period of one thousand years after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth...where With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule the nations of the will come the most somber day in all of history, when all the unrepentant souls will gather at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Everyone there before Him, will receive the verdict of GUILTY, as Against Heaven's Government, Treason Is The Charge. Your entire life will be played back from conception to death...all your deeds, motives, words, and thoughts...whether done in secret, or for everyone to see. There will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Since God's Standard Is Perfection, and to NOT have ANY sin on their record, to enter Heaven...because everyone here can't meet that requirement, Christ will say to them ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known, and It Will Break Christ's Heart To Say ''Depart Into The Fire''.

Of all of the Choices that you make in life, this one should be the most obvious, and the easiest to make. But, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and if you choose to refuse His Free Love Gift, Your Decision Will Be Honored for all Eternity.

All Want The Rapture To Occur; But Reasons Not The Same

On first glance, it sounds strange that the physical and spiritual realm...want The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, to occur.

But, in truth, it's for very different reasons. For those who've done The One Thing God Requires, it will remove them from this earthly life of sin, tribulation, woes, cares, sickness, disease, and death...taking them to The Home Of The Redeemed to be with Jesus Christ, the King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords, God In The Flesh, for He Who Knew No Sin At All took upon Himself, the sins of every man, woman, and child, who'd walk upon the Earth, as His Own...then shed His Precious Blood to wash away those sins...then would rise again on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. They would join all the others who died in faith, and are already in The Home Of The Redeemed, awaiting their new resurrection bodies, which would be perfect in every way. At the moment of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, the dead in Christ rise from the graves, and are changed into their new immortal resurrection bodies. Nearly simultaneously, all the living believers with faith in Christ Alone to save them, will be changed into their new immortal resurrection bodies. Both will then rocket into the Heavens, to meet The Lord there. As they look into His Holy, Omniscient, Eyes...they fully see the fathomlessness of the depths of God's Love...and He leads His Bride, The Church, saved Jews and Gentiles, through the portals of glory, into Heaven...and What A Difference There Will Be In Twinkling Of An Eye. One moment, the redeemed in Heaven are in their spiritual bodies praising God...and the believers on Earth are in their mortal bodies, dealing with all the sin and corruption of this earthly life. And, in the next moment, faster than one can blink their eye, and faster than light from the most distant star in the night sky enters the eye to strike the retina, The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church is done!! By the time those on Earth realize what has happened, it'll be too late. At that point, the restraint of evil, by The Holy Spirit, is ended...and it will then be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, as The Time Of Jacob's Trouble now descends upon the rebellious, Christ-rejecting planet.

For the unrepentant, they want to be rid of ''the Bible Thumping Jesus Freaks'', as they ''opposed their lives of sin''. These people detest the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules, and so Professing Themselves To Be Wise, Fools They Have Become. Once all the true believers are gone from the Earth, the unrepentant will have been Given What Was Desired. God Has Always Been A Gentleman, never forcing anyone to come to Him in repentance and faith. So, they will see that they got far more than they bargained for, when they stand before Him at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. In contrast, the redeemed will be before The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and while rewards are gained and lost there, all will still be in Heaven...a time of eternal joy, bliss, and happiness, where there will never again be any tinge of pain, sickness, disease, sin, or death...and no one there will ever have to say good-bye again.

In short, which of these two groups are you in?? The group who has done The One Thing That God Requires, and that you're serving Him, and Loving The Appearing Of The Lord?? Or are you part of the group that's wishing that all of ''the Bible Thumping Jesus Freaks'' would get out of their lives forever?? Your Eternal Destiny depends upon your decision...and Your Decision Will Be Honored for all Eternity at The Moment Of Your Death.

No Forgiveness Or Redemption, For All Who Take The Mark

A companion poem to If You Take The Mark, and Those Who Take The Mark Cannot Be Saved, The Mark Of The Beast will be instituted by The False Prophet, sidekick of The Counterfeit Prince Of reality, the Antichrist, Satan Incarnate...during the second half of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years. All of mankind will be compelled to take this Mark, to be able to buy, sell, hold a job, or receive other words, to participate in the mainstream of life to buy food, pay bills, etc. However, in doing so, they must swear allegiance to the Antichrist as God. But, in doing so, they have reached The Point Of No Return, and have committed The One Sin Unforgiven...condemning themselves to The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity...basically ''they have chosen Satan as their eternal master'', and have ''spit in the Face Of God, spurning and rejecting His Free Love Gift. They are now ''in the same boat'' as Satan and the third of the angels that he conned to rebel against God before Earth was created. They were in the Presence of God, and so there is no redemption or forgiveness available to them...the same for all those who have taken The Mark Of The Beast. All these will be cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Those who refuse to take The Mark Of The Beast will be cut off from economic survival...unable to buy, sell, hold a job, receive benefits, etc. They likely will be tracked down, arrested, tortured, and eventually beheaded. However, for these, The Home Of The Redeemed, Heaven awaits them... and they will rule and reign with Christ during the MIllennium Of Peace, after the point When Christ Returns To Planet Earth...and during that time, With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule.

Your Excuses Before Christ, Will All Come Up Lame

A companion poem to Without Excuse, Excuses For Depravity, The Lord Is Not Amused, and Excuses Made On Judgment Day, Worthless Before The Lord, no doubt many of the souls who stand before Christ either at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne will try every excuse and alibi imaginable to excuse themselves from the guilt of the actions that they did...but Christ Excuses No One From Responsibility. He knows all of our motives, words, thoughts, and deeds...whether done in the open for all to see, or hidden and in secret...nothing escapes His Glance.

The majority of mankind despises the fact that The Lord, He Made The, they decided to make like they knew more than The Lord did...yet Professing Themselves To Be Wise, Fools They Have Become. God's Standard Is Perfection, and When You Stand Before The Lord, if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record, you will find that for you, Heaven is DENIED, and you will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned...where you, Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, the False Prophet, and everyone else who rejected God's Free Love Gift...will suffer unending agony, as They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

One Vulnerable Area, In Each Christian's Life

Once an individual has done The One Thing God Requires, they now have a new nature inside of them...being born again, with The Spirit Of God. However, it is now a spiritual war, with the original fleshly sin nature, and it's a constant battle throughout their life. Every Christian has at least one area (some have more) where they are particularly vulnerable. This could be partaking of a particular vice, a sexual sin, not spending time in God's Word, having a poor prayer life, or living like a hypocrite (like they were never saved in the first place). The Grace Of God is actually a License To Serve, Not License To Sin, as it's the least that we can do for Him. Christ didn't have to do what He did, in leaving The Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, in the fullness of time, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk like us in all ways, but without sin, for He Who Knew No Sin At All willingly took upon Himself, as if they were His Own, the sin of every man, woman, and child, who would ever walk the Earth. Then, He would shed His Precious Blood, and die on an Old Rugged Cross...then rise again on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. While The Sea Of Forgetfulness, Where Sins Of The Saved Lie, for each of the saved, as David said after his sin of adultery with Bathsheba, then having her husband murdered, noted ''If I Regard Iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear me''. For If We Say We Have No Sin, we deceive ourselves, and make God a liar...and His Word is not in us. But, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. As the saying goes...''Christians Aren't Perfect...just Forgiven''. God Sees All Your Skeletons In Your Closet There, and You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend, on any area of your life.

All Power Given To The Lord, In Heaven And On Earth (Matthew 28:18)

Based on Matthew 28:18, all power and authority in Heaven and on Earth, has been given to The Lord. While after the Millennium Of Peace, Christ will yield the Earthly Kingdom to His Heavenly Father, Christ Himself is also God In The Flesh. Before the foundation of the world, and even before the rebellion of the Lucifer, the covering cherub (who conned one third of the angels to join him in a coup against The Lord), Redemption's Plan was put in place, by The Holy Trinity of God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit, for These Three Are One. They knew that the crowning of Creation, man and woman, would ultimately break the one rule that God gave them...and would need a pathway to redemption and forgiveness.

For years, the sacrifice of an innocent animal, and its shed blood would TEMPORARILY cover the sins of that individual or a nation (as the nation of Israel)...but it had to be constantly repeated; for Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission Done. Finally, in the fullness of time, Jesus Christ, the Second Person in the Godhead, left the Glory of Heaven, to come to Earth on His Mission to redeem mankind. He was born of a Virgin, and lived like us in all ways, EXCEPT without sin at any time...for He Who Knew No Sin At All would take upon Himself, as if they were His Own, the sins that every man, woman, and child, who would walk upon the Earth, would commit, in thought, word, or deed, against a Holy Righteous God. Then, He would take the scourging that was meant for all mankind...individually, and as a whole...and die on an Old Rugged Cross, shedding His Precious Blood to wash away the sins of all those who would do The One Thing God Requires, Then, on The Third Day, He arose from the dead, According To The Scriptures.. And just before He gave The Great Commission to ''preach The Gospel to every creature'', He noted the statement that's the title of this poem.

He is also known as ''The Word'', as God's Word Is Final Authority, and God's Words Live Forever, Friend, even though the current Heaven and Earth will eventually pass away into eternal oblivion...replaced by a New Heaven, Earth, and Jerusalem, where Sin Won't Rise A Second Time. The Lord's Sovereign Over All Creation, All In His Control, for The Lord, He Made The Rules. So, He alone has the authority to either grant or refuse access into Heaven. And, contrary to popular belief, Heaven Is Not Owed To You, plus Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse.

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20 and Mark 16:15)

Based on Matthew 28:19-20 and Mark 16:15, these are the words The Lord commanded His Disciples, just before He ascended back to share the Gospel with every creature. Since someone shared the Gospel Truth with those of us, who repented of our sin, doing The One Thing God Requires, and accepting God's Free Love is now OUR RESPONSIBILITY to share the Good News (the literal meaning of ''Gospel''), that The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, in that while we still sinners...his Enemies...he died for pay for every sin that we'd ever commit in thought, word, motive, and deed...and that victory was gained on The Third Day, when Christ rose from the dead, According To The Scriptures. All God Wants The Saved To Do, Is Just Plant The Seed, and Once The Seed Is Planted There, The Watering Is God's.

We may not actually have the joy and privilege of leading someone to The Lord, but it will be counted toward us for righteousness, whether or not they repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. Once You Witness To Someone, Their Blood Is Off Your Hands, and you basically have done all that God has asked you to do. If they don't make a decision for Christ right then, your only choice now is to pray for only The Lord can melt their ice cold heart. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and if the individual basically tells The Lord that ''this is not for me'', The Lord will tell them ''Your Will Be Done'', and ''Your Decision Will Be Honored for all Eternity''.

Evil Men And Seducers Grow Worse, And Are Deceived (2 Timothy 3:13)

Based on 2 Timothy 3:13, it tells that not just in the latter days, but throughout the course of history, while God has always had The Believing Remnant, the majority of mankind fit the title of this poem. They despise the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules, and so Professing Themselves To Be Wise, Fools They Have Become. As nations and individuals turned away from The Lord, they were Given What Was Desired, and God Gave Them Over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which should not be done. He lowered His Hedge Of Protection, and basically let mankind go about destroying himself. In reality, The Doom Of Satan's Lie is far more appealing to sinful man, as The Heart Is Wicked, And Full Of Deceit. But, one day, Justice Will Be Done, as Vengeance Is The Lord's...and all the deeds of the wicked will be rewarded accordingly.

When The Temple Is Defiled

The ''Temple Defilement'' referred to in this poem refers to two instances...the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem....and the Temple Of The Holy Spirit for the believer during The Church Age, between Pentecost, and The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church.

The first Temple was defiled in 175 BC, when Antiochus IV Ephiphanes (the latter means ''god made manifest'') invaded Israel. On the first invasion, he stole all the gold and silver implements in the Temple, and murdered the High Priest...selling the office to the highest bidder (the money from it went to him). He was forced out, but invaded Israel a second time in 168 BC...and this time, he committed what's known as ''The Abomination Of Desolation''. He killed a pig, and spread its blood on the altar...then erected a statue in the Holy Of Holies (where ONLY the High Priest could go on Yom Kippur (the Day Of Atonement)), and demanded to be worshipped as God. He outlawed the reading of the Scriptures, Circumcision, and other items important to the Jews, and anyone caught doing such would be killed.

This made the Temple unfit for worship, and it so angered the Jews, that it triggered the Macabeean Revolt, led by Judas Maccabeus (Judah The Hammer), driving Antiochus Epiphanes out. The Jews smashed the statue, and ground it to powder, then began rebuilding the altar from uncut stones. It would take an eight day ceremony to cleanse and re-consecrate The Temple for worship...but there was only enough oil to light the Menorah Candle for seven days. In faith, trusting that God would provide such, they lit the menorah anyway. That act of faith pleased The Lord, that He provided enough oil to keep the menorah burning for the full eight days (until the new supply of oil arrived)...and ''The Feast Of Lights'' (better known as Hanukkah) is celebrated to this day as a result.

However, this will happen again after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, when The Coming Temple is built, from a peace treaty, that will be signed between Israel and The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace. The Jews will think that he is ''their long awaited Messiah'' they felt their True Messiah, Jesus Christ, was Not What They Were Looking For. (As a side note, the First Temple was destroyed at the time of the Babylonian Captivity, where Israel was for 490 years, to give the land its due to lie fallow (un-tilled) for one year out of seven). The Second Temple was destroyed in AD 70, as a result of the Jews rejecting their Messiah when He came to Earth to die for the sins of the world). Yet, three and one half years after signing the peace treaty, it will appear that The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace is assassinated, and then fakes his resurrection from the dead. Now indwelt by Satan, the Beast (what God calls him) goes into the Holy of Holies, and just as Antiochus Epiphanes did long ago...defiles the Temple again with ''The Abomination Of Desolation''. He erects a statue of himself in The Holy Of Holies, takes away the daily sacrifice (possibly demanding the destruction of the Ark Of The Covenant, which hasn't been seen since the First Temple), and declares himself as God. Jesus warned the Jews in Judea that when they saw that, to immediately ''flee to the mountains'' (many believe this will be Petra in nearby Jordan), where God will protect them.

Near the end of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, The Believing Remant of the Jews who escaped, have a spiritual regeneration, and recognize that There's Only One Messiah, Christ Alone. They will mourn, as one weeps for their firstborn son, and recite what was described in describing The Suffering Servant. They cry out ''Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord'', and call on Jesus Christ, their True Messiah, to save them from certain annhilation. Their prayers are answered When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. And, At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. For The Believing Remant of the Jews, their hour of persecution will be finished forever, and they will receive all of the blessings that have been promised to them, since the time of Abraham. The Third Temple will be cleansed and rededicated to The Lord, and it will never again be defiled or destroyed, during the Millennium Of Peace. And, with the New Heaven, New Earth, and New Jerusalem, The Lord God Almighty will be the Temple, which will never be defiled. For full details on these events, from Grace Thru Faith Ministries (which was started by the late Jack Kelley), click here.

The second ''Temple Defilement'' concerns the body of the believer, who has done The One Thing God Requires during The Age Of Grace, between Pentecost and The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. Believers still have their sin nature once they're saved, and it's a constant spiritual war and battle, between doing the fruits of the Spirit, and the works of the flesh. Believers are advised that Quenching Of The Spirit Is Not The Thing To Do. Finally, for those who have not yet done The One Thing God Requires, your soul is defiled before God, as Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags, as true believers on Christ are saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works... because Salvation Is A Gift, Not Earned, Or Bought, and Salvation, A Free Gift To All, Who'd Receive It, There. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and He will NEVER force anyone to repent of sin, and accept His Free Love Gift. But, what one does with this gift determines Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell.

Death, It Is The Start Of Every Soul's Eternity

A companion poem to After Death, Belief Too Late...At Death, Who Will Your Sin Debt Pay?? If Not Christ, Then It's You... Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse...Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One... God's Offer Of Pardon Expires At Death...Heaven, You Won't Get At Death, Without Accepting Christ... In Heaven And Eternity, The Saved Will Not Be Bored...It's Too Late For You To Pray, Once You Enter Hell... Once You Close Your Eyes In Death, Eternal Fate Is Sealed...and You Will Live Forever, Friend...the Question, Though, Is Where??...among others...death is not The End, but the start of one's time in Eternity. What you did with God's Free Love Gift determines Your Eternal Destiny...either Heaven Or Hell, as At Death, No Other Option Does Exist. Things like soul sleep, purgatory, reincarnation, etc., are all lies from The Pit Of Hell, as It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment.

Too Late For The Rapture

A companion poem to What A Difference There Will Be In Twinkling Of An Eye, One Second After Rapture There, A Time That Is To Dread, One Second After Rapture There, Don't Call 911, and Quickly Coming Is The Lord, all those who are still on Earth after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, they will know something just occurred. Not one family will be unaffected, with the sudden disappearance in less than a second, of adults young and old, siblings, and children before the age of accountability (including unborn in the womb)...and the disturbing of many gravesites and tombstones in cemeteries around the world. There will be Miscarriages At Rapture For All Women Left Behind that were pregnant...because at that moment, every womb will be instantly empty. God will make a monumental statement to the world (especially to the pro-abortionists) that ''Life Begins At Conception''. The pregnant women who had done The One Thing God Required, along with their unborn children (if they were saved, or below the age of accountability), and their husbands (if they were saved as well), will instantly be changed into immortal resurrection bodies...a nanosecond after all those who had died in the faith, receive their immortal resurrection bodies...and all together rocket into the sky to meet The Lord Jesus Christ. The saved who are alive and remain on Earth at the moment of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, will be taken to Heaven, without knowing what it is to die physically.

Just like when 'All Aboard', The Statement Made When Time To Depart, when the sound of God's Trumpet blast occurs, and the angel shouts Behold, The Bridegroom Comes, the believers hearts will undoubtedly leap with unlimited joy!! Tragically, for all those who are left behind, widespread panic will ensue, as they realize what has just occurred. Many thought that things like church membership, doing good deeds, and Going Through The Motions would work. But, they will find out that one is saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works...that Lip Service Isn't Good Enough... and that while they fooled the priest or pastor, and everyone in the church, they'll realize that You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend...and He saw through their ruse. There will be no need to try to call 911 for help, as much of law enforcement, paramedics, the military, and other critical forces, have been depleted of their ranks...and the phone networks will likely crash. The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which is literally Hell On Earth For Seven Years before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

Because His Truth Refused, God Sends Delusion, and many souls will end up falling for the excuses made (the majority will deny that such an event as The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church even occurred)...and fall for the lies of The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace. Many will end up taking The Mark Of The they can buy, sell, hold a job, or receive participate in the mainstream of life freely. But, those doing so, have basically done The Selling Of Ones Soul to Satan, and they have therefore forfeited any chance of salvation...damning themselves for all Eternity. The untold number of believers who come to Christ during this time, will know that by refusing to take The Mark Of The Beast, they will be cut off from economic survival...unable to buy food for themselves or their families, obtain medical care, etc., let alone sell, hold a job, or receive benefits. They likely know they will be tracked down, arrested, tortured, and martyred by beheading with the guillotine...but those who are killed, will live and reign with Christ during the Millennium Of Peace.

At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. Then, will come The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, followed by the Millennium Of Peace. Christ will have restored the horribly ravaged Earth to a place of incredible beauty, not seen since Creation Day, and the time before Adam and Eve, our first parents, broke the one simple that God had given them, bringing down The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. With that curse removed, Lofe As It Was Meant To Be, After Christ's Return, and With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule the nations of the Earth, and any disobedience will NOT be tolerated.

This moment, The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, known only to God The Father, is Closer By The Second, and once it occurs, the title of this poem will come to pass, for all those who are left behind...because they failed to do The One Thing God Requires to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. And tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent.

With Or Without Your Consent, Your Life On Judgment Day

A companion poem to A Life On Trial, When You Stand Before The Lord, and Your Life Is Being Recorded, like the title of the movie ''The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly'', it's a perfect description of everything you ever did in your life, from conception to The Moment Of Your Death. Whether it was done hidden and in secret, or in the open for all to thought, word, motive, and deed, will be on display.,,whether you want it to be or not. You'll star in your own movie, appropriately named, This Was Your Life. Whether you did The One Thing God Requires, and are at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...or if you chose to refuse God's Free Love Gift, and are instead, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...this is One Appointment You Will Keep...and you can NOT cancel or reschedule it. This is because It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment. Once You Close Your Eyes In Death, Eternal Fate Is Sealed, and Once You're In Eternity, You Can Not Go Back. In short, After Death, Belief Too Late, and There Is No Second Chance after The Moment Of Your Death to make a decision for Christ.

While Some Poems Are Similar, The Message Is The Same

While some of the poems in this Gospel Poetry Collection have the same Scripture Verse with them, the overall message and theme for the majority for the majority of the poetry is the same. Contrary to what you may have heard, Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and the Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse. As stated in Salvation's Roman Road:

1) All have sinned, and fallen short of God's Glory.

2) There is none righteous on the Earth.

3) The wages of sin is death (physical and spiritual), but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ.

4) God commanded His Love toward us, in that while were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

5) If you confess with your mouth The Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

6) Whoever calls upon The Name Of The Lord, in faith, will be saved.

7) The saved are justified through faith in Jesus Christ.

8) There is No Condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.

9) Once saved, nothing in this life can separate us from The Love Of God.

If at The Moment Of Your Death, you have failed to do The One Thing God Requires, to repent of your sin, believe on Christ Alone as The Only Way To Heaven, and have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record, you will find that Your Eternal Destiny is The Home Of The Damned instead of The Home Of The Redeemed.

Cries For Mercy From The Lost, Too Little And Too Late

At The Moment Of Your Death, if you did not do The One Thing God repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, as you enter The Home Of The Damned...first Hell, then The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity...and When You Stand Before The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, the title of this poem will come to pass, in all cases. The time for cries for mercy and repentance is BEFORE The Moment Of Your Death, because Prayers Have No Effect At All In Hell, and they won't either at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

Of All Mistakes To Make In Life, This One Is Far Worse

A companion poem to Choices, and based on this tract from Chick Publications, all of us have decisions and choices to make in life...and sometimes, we make a mistake, and choose the wrong one. It could be related to job, finances, relationships, health, location, church, doing right or wrong, the menu choice at a restaurant, or something else entirely. But, there is one choice that determines Your Eternal Destiny...Heaven Or Hell...and it's all dependent on what you do with God's Free Love Gift. Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and because Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse, not to mention that Decision Not Required To Go To Hell.

Will Christ Find Faith, When He Returns To Earth?? (Lule 18:8)

Based on Luke 18:8, this is a truly pointed question. With evil seemingly increasing by the second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, etc., it seems that the light and flame of righteousness has all but been extinguished. That is Satan's goal, because Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with them forever in The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. Yet, The Evil Forces Surely Lose, While They Feel They Will Win.

By the time that the end of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble concludes, which will have been Hell On Earth For Seven Years... at the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, most of mankind will have died, or have been martyred or killed. The Lord even noted that ''If He didn't return at the Appointed Time, there would be no human life left on Earth''. Satan's goal is to destroy all of mankind...especially the Christians and Messianic Jews, because The Believing Remnant of the Jews, who were commanded to flee Judea for the mountains of Petra, when The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace committed ''The Abomination Of Desolation...and they alone have the power to call forth The Redeemer. When they realize their error in rejecting the fact that There's Only One Messiah, and believe on The Suffering Servant, they will cry ''Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord'', and plead for Christ to return to save them from certain destruction. Their prayers will be answered, and At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. The Bible doesn't say how many will enter the Millennium Of Peace after The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats...but the number is likely to be far less than those who are cast off the planet into outer darkness, and not allowed to enter the Millennium Of Peace. Only those who've done The One Thing God Required will be granted entry. Which group will you be part of??

Arrogance Before The Lord Guarantees Defeat

A companion poem to Why Do The Heathen Of Earth Always Rage?, What Can God Do To Me??, and Pride Before Destruction, these individuals with a haughty attitude will be in for a rude awakening at The Moment Of Your Death. Those that ask the question What Can God Do To Me?? likely give little thought to the gravity of the consequences of that question. The World Today Is Begging For God's Judgment Wrath To Fall, and sooner more than later When God's Patience Ends these unrepentant souls will experience The Horror In Their Eyes as they enter The Home Of The Damned. These are so full of pride, which was the original sin...but they never give thought to the question What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??.

The Total Battles God Has Lost Is None

A companion poem to The Battle Is The Lord's, all the forces of mankind, and of Satan and his demonic hordes, are no match for Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords. Satan is a created being with LIMITED POWER, but Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With Unlimited Power. In fact, all the battles that The Lord leads for His People, He is GUARANTEED TO WIN. In battles in this life, especially during wars, you try to figure out what your opponent's plans are...but there's no way that you can know for sure. Yet, NOTHING IS HIDDEN from The Lord...he knows the plans and schemes of His Enemies to a tee...IN ADVANCE. In short, it's no contest...and those who try to ''pick a fight'' with Him, will find out the hard way, The Price Of Being Wrong.

Arguments, Excuses, Before God, They Are Worth None

A companion poem to Mankind Will Have No Excuse, There On Judgment Day, Excuses For Depravity, The Lord Is Not Amused, and Without doubt that all those who are at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, will try every excuse imaginable, to escape the judgment of their actions.

Yet, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, and There Will Be No Appeal There, as Christ Excuses No One From Personal Responsibility. Then, The Justice Of Their Sentence There, The Lost Will Then, Confess. But, even for the believers who did The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, while the issue of sin won't be considered there, they too, will be Without Excuse, on the times they were not faithful to The Lord's Commands. These will be like a beggar with A Bag Fill Of Holes, instead of ''royally attired'' for service to The Lord. While they will still be in Heaven, their standing with The Lord for all Eternity will be affected. These may not have any of The Five Eternal Crowns, and their garments will have the smell of smoke on them, for all the wood, hay, and stubble, of their fleshly deeds, that were burned up.

Israel Back In The Land, They Won't Be Destroyed

The nation of Israel, is the ONLY place that God called ''MY LAND'', with its capital city of Jerusalem, A Burdensome Stone for all the nations who come against it. The Jews were expelled from the land twice...the first time was with the Babylonian Captivity (they had refused to let the land lie fallow (dormant) for one year out of seven)...and the First Temple was destroyed. Then, the second time, was in 70 AD, when the Romans destroyed the Second Temple, because of the Jews rejection of the fact that There's Only One Messiah...because Jesus Christ, who was, is, and always will be, The Jewish Messiah, He was Not What They Were Looking For. They wanted a God-like warrior, who would overthrow Roman Rule...and not someone exposing their sin, and saying The Most Hated Words (which are true today, as back then). Those Words were:

1) ''I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No one comes to The Father, but through Me''. -Jesus Christ (John 14:6)

2) ''Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other Name under Heaven, given by men, whereby we must be saved''. -The Apostle Peter after Pentecost (Acts 4:12)

This is ''the death sentence to all religions of the world''. And, Christianith is Relationship, Not Religion, which will get you into Heaven at The Moment Of Your Death. On May 14, 1948, after being in exile since AD 70, the Jews were back in the land, as prophesied, and ''Israel was born in a day''. That triggered the extreme violent anger of all her enemies, who have launched countless battles against Jerusalem, A Burdensome Stone, for the world has certainly come true.

After The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, a huge army of Russians, Muslims, and others, will head toward Israel, with the purpose of wiping it, and all of the Jews off of the face of the Earth. But, The Total Battles God Has Lost Is None, and when the armies get to the mountains of Israel (the Golan Heights), there will be Intervention By The Lord...with five out of every six troops being killed on the spot (the remainder will flee to Siberia, where they will freeze to death)...and the world will be stunned that Israel survived from a battle, that appeared to be their sure defeat, Yet, The Lord has declared that since Israel is back in the land, while she will be disciplined for her rejection of Jesus Christ, her Messiah...she will NOT be destroyed again.

\ The Believing Remnant of the Jews who flee to Petra when The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace commits ''the Abomination Of Desolation'' at the midpoint of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, will repent of their unbelief, and call on Christ to save them from certain destruction. Their prayers are answered When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, and At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. The Jews hour of persecution will befinished forever, and they will receive all the blessings promised to them since the time of Abraham.

Enemies Of Israel Are In For A Surprise

A companion poem to Bless Or Curse The Jews; God There, Will Do The Same To Thee, The World Says Christians And The Jews Are The Ones To Blame, and Why Satan And The World Both Hate The Jews, these enemies of God and Israel hate both with a passion, and think that they can destroy both of them. However, throughout history, The Total Battles God Has Lost Is None.. And it will remain that way throughout the end of time on Earth, and during Eternity. Israel is the ONLY country that God called ''My Land'', and its capital, Jerusalem, is the ONLY city that God called ''My City''. Yet, Over Six Millennia, Mankind Can't Get It Right, enraged with the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules.

And, so while mankind is Professing Themselves To Be Wise, Fools They Have Become. While Israel has been engaged in seemingly unending battles and wars since she was reborn in a day on May 14, 1948...shortly after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, a huge army of Russians, Muslims, and others, will head toward Israel, with the purpose of wiping it, and all of the Jews off of the face of the Earth. But, The Total Battles God Has Lost Is None, and when the armies get to the mountains of Israel (the Golan Heights), there will be Intervention By The Lord...with five out of every six troops being killed on the spot (the remainder will flee to Siberia, where they will freeze to death)...and the world will be stunned that Israel survived from a battle, that appeared to be their sure defeat, Yet, The Lord has declared that since Israel is back in the land, while she will be disciplined for her rejection of Jesus Christ, her Messiah...she will NOT be destroyed again.

After this supernatural victory (where her enemies feel that ''their gods have betrayed them'', but they fail to realize that There Is None Beside The Lord), the Jews plead with God to ''restore the Old Covenant''. They sign a seven year peace treaty with The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, and it kicks off The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will end up being Hell On Earth For Seven Years. The Coming Temple is rebuilt, and sacrifices begin again. The Jews think they finally have the peace they've craved for so long. Unfortunately, at first the fail to realize that There's Only One Messiah, and it's Christ Alone...not the imposter they signed the peace treaty with. This was because when Christ came to Earth the first time, He was Not What They Were Looking For. Then as now, to the majority of the Jews...jesus Christ was, at best, ''a misunderstood Rabbi, who didn't have all his marbles together''...or at worst, ''He was a deceiving blasphemer''. At His Illegal Trial (for details, click here...and for an excerpt from that, available from Chick Publications, click here)...Jesus had kept silent before His accusers, going like ''a lamb to the slaughter''...and He was The Lamb Of God, going to be crucified to pay the sin debt of mankind. With Jesus keeping silent, the Sanhedrin (the Jewish Supreme Court) had to acquit Him. Furious, Caiaphas, the High Priest, screamed at Him ''I adjure you, before The Living God...are You The Christ??''. When Jesus replied ''I Am'' (the same words that He, as God in the Flesh, told Moses at the burning bush, when He was asked ''Who should I tell the Jews that sent me??), the Sanhedrin went ballistic with rage, screaming ''Blasphemy!!''. As Hal Lindsey noted, ''When Jesus made such a fantastic claim, they had to either fall down, and worship Him...or kill Him. They chose the latter''.

Three and one half years after the ''peace treaty'' was signed with, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace (after he has counterfeited his resurrection from the dead), he goes into the Holy Of Holies, defiles the Temple, sets up a statute of himself, and declares himself to be God...committing ''the Abomination Of Desolation'', similar to what Antiochus Epiphanes did from 175 to 168 B. C. On the first invasion, Antiochus Epiphanes stole all the gold and silver implements in the Temple, and murdered the High Priest...selling the office to the highest bidder (the money from it went to him). He was forced out, but invaded Israel a second time in 168 BC...and this time, he committed what's known as ''The Abomination Of Desolation''. He killed a pig, and spread its blood on the altar...then erected a statue in the Holy Of Holies (where ONLY the High Priest could go on Yom Kippur (the Day Of Atonement)), and demanded to be worshipped as God. He outlawed the reading of the Scriptures, Circumcision, and other items important to the Jews, and anyone caught doing such would be killed.

This made the Temple unfit for worship, and it so angered the Jews, that it triggered the Macabeean Revolt, led by Judas Maccabeus (Judah The Hammer), driving Antiochus Epiphanes out. The Jews smashed the statue, and ground it to powder, then began rebuilding the altar from uncut stones. It would take an eight day ceremony to cleanse and re-consecrate The Temple for worship...but there was only enough oil to light the Menorah Candle for seven days. In faith, trusting that God would provide such, they lit the menorah anyway. That act of faith pleased The Lord, that He provided enough oil to keep the menorah burning for the full eight days (until the new supply of oil arrived)...and ''The Feast Of Lights'' (better known as Hanukkah) is celebrated to this day as a result.

Anyway, upon seeing this present day ''Abomination Of Desolation'', the Jews are warned to ''flee to the mountains''...likely Petra in Jordan, where God will protect them. Tragically, only one-third of the Jews will flee...the rest will stay behind, and end up being murdered. The genocide launched by The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace will make the regimes of Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and others, pale by he goes to kill every Christian and Jew that he can find. As each of the Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets pummel the Earth with God's Wrath, the enemies of Israel are emboldened, feeling that they can finally destroy Israel and the Jews. Indeed, Jerusalem falls to the world's armies, and they head to Petra, to wipe out The Believing Remnant of the Jews.

At that point, the Jews have a spiritual regeneration...realizing the Truth that There's Only One Messiah, who was known as The Suffering Servant. The Jews mourn for their error, repenting of that sin, and cry out ''Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord''...and they call upon Him to save them from certain destruction and annihilation. Their prayers are answered When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. The armies of Earth, and haters of Israel, the Jews, and the Christians, all turn to fight The Lord with insane, Satanic, Hell-Bent, Demonic, power and fury...thinking they can defeat The Lord and His Armies. Yet, this is a futile, suicidal attempt to resist the armies of Earth are BY NO MEANS EQUIPPED to fight the armies of Heaven.

Indeed, At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. Then, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, and The False Prophet associated with him (he instituted The Mark Of The Beast, and all who took it were damned forever), are captured alive... and immediately cast into The Lake Of Fire, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. Satan's fate is different, but he will not escape...captured by an unnammed angel, then bound, and thrown into the Abyss (bottomless pit) during the Millennium Of Peace.

After The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, The Believing Remnant of Christians and Jews, are welcomed into Christ's Kingdom on Earth, the Millennium Of Peace...where the horribly ravaged Earth has been restored to a place of incredible beauty, not seen since Creation and The Garden Of Eden. The hour of persecution for Israel and the Jews is finished forever, and they will receive all of the blessings promised to them since the time of Abraham. By contrast, all the enemies of Israel, the Jews, the Christians, and The Lord, are cast off the planet into outer darkness.

Then, after the end of the Millennium Of Peace (when one final rebellion is launched, then quickly destroyed), all of the unrepentant will be resurrected, to stand before The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. On that most somber day, every unrepentant, unsaved soul, from Adam's day until the end of the Millennium Of Peace, will stand in absolute terror and horror before Christ Alone, the King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, and undergo A Life On Trial at The Supreme Court Of The Universe. They will see several things, including:

1) No One Will Defend The Lost

2) No One Gets Off Scot Free

3) There will be No Question Of Guilt

4) No Pardons And No Mercy

5) No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne

6)There Will Be No Appeal There, and

7) The Justice Of Their Sentence, There...the Lost Will Then, Confess.

Because none of these did The One Thing God Required, is the reason why they're here...and all of these hear the terrifying words from The Lord Himself ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known. They are then cast into The Lake Of Fire, where Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, and The False Prophet are...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

The Least Of Your Concerns And Worries After You Have Died

For all of the unrepentant souls, far more than The Believing Remnant, The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishness and stupidity to them...but, to the saved, it is the Power Of Almighty God. These deluded souls, devouring The Doom Of Satan's Lie are so concerned that ''the Bible Thumping Jesus Freaks'' will be trying to cram a Bible down their throat in this they don't want to hear that they are a lost sinner, condemned to The Home Of The Damned upon The Moment Of Your Death...first Hell, then after The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, The Lake Of Fire, for all Eternity. In this life, At Least One Chance Is Given There for everyone, Gentile or Jew, male or female, young or old, to hear The Gospel Truth of The Preaching Of The Cross. But, for Those Now In The Flames Of Hell, that's the least of their worries and concerns...for all of the torment, agony, hunger, sickness, pain, thirst, etc., that they are experiencing, non-stop. However, while Those In Hell, Wish They Could There, See The Cross Again, they realize that all hope is gone...and physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, for all Eternity, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night...because Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One.

Just Like A Filthy Cockroach, Their Evil In The Dark

While these insects are everywhere, they have a ''filthy reputation'', as they spread disease, and you can find them in areas with rotting food and other items. Whenever there's a light, they scurry for cover, as they prefer to be in darkness. The same applies to the majority of mankind, because The Evil Want The Darkness Now; They'll Get It When They Die. The majority of mankind feels that if they can do their nefarious deeds in the darkness, and be concealed, that they will get away with it. Yet, for these unrepentant souls, there will be The Horror In Their Eyes for each one at The Moment Of Your Death. At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and they will find out that No One Gets Off Scot Free.

Seven Truths Eternal About Christianity
A companion poem to Seven Fundamental Truths That I Do Believe, and based on this sermon by Doctor Donald Writchard, this notes Seven Eternal Facts About The Christian Faith. These can not be superceded or overruled by mankind, because The Lord, He Made The Rules, and one can not compromise on them, either.

The Lake Of Fire Empty Now; But Soon Has Folks Therein

The Home Of The Damned, first Hell, then The Lake Of Fire, were NEVER meant for mankind. Hell Was Meant For Satan and his demonic hordes, but it (a stopover point), then The Lake Of Fire, would be the place of all the unrepentant souls who would refuse God's Free Love Gift. For Satan and his demons, they were originally in Heaven, in the Presence of God...but they rebelled against God, and so there is no chance of redemption or forgiveness for them. The same thing will hold true during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble who choose to take The Mark Of The Beast. The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, literally Satan incarnate, will be the most evil person to have ever walked upon the face of the Earth...and he, along with his sidekick, the False Prophet, will be the first two to be cast into The Lake Of Fire, after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. While Satan's fate will be different, he will not he will be captured and cast into The Abyss (the bottomless pit) during the Millennium Of Peace.

During that time, the horribly ravaged Earth will have been restored by Christ to a place of incredible beauty...not seen since the creation and The Garden Of Eden. Then, after the conclusion of the Millennium Of Peace, Satan is released, and he raises up an army as numerous as the sand of the sea, to try one final rebellion against The Lord. But, the rebellion doesn't even get off the ground, as they are all annihilated by Divine Fire. Then, Satan is now cast into The Lake Of Fire, where The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace and False Prophet are (notice they are still alive). Then, as The Judgment Of The Great White Throne by one...each unsaved soul is now cast into The Lake Of Fire...until every unrepentant soul has been judged, and is cast into this horrible place, where for each one in there, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. Those in The Lake Of Fire won't cease to exist... but they will cease to matter.

You can avoid ending up in this horrible place, by before The Moment Of Your Death, to repent of sin, and do The One Thing God Requires, and to believe on His Son, and accept God's Free Love Gift, and not be just Going Through The Motions.

Against Christ, Jews, Israel?? God Has Judgment Planned

From the Scripture verses of Genesis 12:3...Exodus 32:33...numbers 14:35...isaiah 1:2...jeremiah 2:29...Ezekiel 20:8, 13, 21, 27, and 38...Ezekel 39:23, and 26....Matthew 12:30...and Luke 11:23...if you are against Christ, Israel, or the are cursed by God...and He has Judgment planned for you...both in this life, and after The Moment Of Your Death. Like it or not, The Lord, He Made The Rules, and it's your choice whether to accept them or reject them...and the same is true for God's Free Love Gift. God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and Your Decision Will Be Honored for all Eternity.

You Hate The Jews And Israel, If You Support Their Foes

A companion poem to Against Christ, Jews, Israel?? God Has Judgment Planned, God declared in the covenant He made with Abraham and the Jews ''I will bless them that bless you, and curse them that curse you''. Israel is the ONLY nation on Earth that God called ''My Land'', and Jerusalem is the ONLY city that God called ''My City''. He chose the Jews, the Chosen People, from Abraham's two sons, Isaac and Jacob (the latter's name changed to Israel)...and from Jacob (Israel), he had twelve sons, forming the twelve tribes of Israel. God commanded Abraham to leave his homeland, to go to ''The Promised Land'' that He would give to him, and all his progeny...and that Promised Land became the land of Israel, for God's Chosen people, the Jews.

The reason Why Satan And The World Both Hate The Jews is because through them, God gave His Word, The Books Of The Bible... plus, it was through them and the Prophets, that they told of the coming Redeemer, who would free mankind from The Curse Of Sin On Planet was through them that Christ Alone would leave the Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a virgin, and live like us in all ways, except without sin. Then, He Who Knew No Sin At All, took upon Himself the sins that every man, woman, and child, who would walk the face of the Earth, would ever commit; and then be scourged, then crucified in our place, to die on an Old Rugged Cross, and then rise from the dead on the Third Day According To The Scriptures.

To the unrepentant souls, including haters of the Jews and Israel, The Preaching Of The Cross is regarded as foolishness and stupidity...but to the saved (who've repented of their sins, doing The One Thing God Required, it's the Power Of Almighty God.

In the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, one day, the Enemies Of Israel Are In For A Surprise...when armies of Russia, the Muslims, and other nations, go to attack Israel, with the intent to wipe it, and the Jews off of the face of the Earth forever. God lets them get to the mountains of Israel (the Golan Heights), then there is Intervention By The Lord. He sends hail, fire, and blood from Heaven, along with a planet wide earthquake. Five out of every six troops will die on the spot, and the remainder will flee to Siberia, where they will freeze to death. At the end of The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will have been Hell On Earth For Seven Years, the armies of The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace will head toward the mountains of Petra, Jordan, where The Believing Remnant of the Jews had fled after The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace (now Satan Incarnate) committed ''The Abomination Of Desolation''. The armies intent will be to kill these Jews, as they alone have the power to call forth The Redeemer.

The Jews have a spiritual regeneration, and mourn as one mourns for the death of their firstborn, realizing that Christ Alone, The Suffering Servant proved that There's Only One Messiah. They cry ''Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord'', and plead for Christ to save them from certain destruction. Their prayers are answered at the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Then, At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. This includes all those who hated the Jews and Israel...and those who chose to reject God's Free Love Gift. These will be cast into The Home Of The Damned...first Hell, then The Lake Of Fire, for all Eternity...where along with Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, and the False Prophet, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

At Death, Or At Rapture, There; Everyone Is Stunned

People either love or hate being surprised...but at The Moment Of Your Death or at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, everyone will be stunned. No one knows when either one will occur, and even Jesus Christ said that ''No one knows, not The Son Of Man (one of the many Titles for Himself), not the angels of Heaven, but The Father Only''. He laid aside knowledge of some things when He left The Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. Then, He was scourged and crucified on an Old Rugged Cross, and then rose again on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures.

If The Moment Of Your Death, or If The Rapture Time Was Known, folks would ''live like the Devil until the absolute last second'', then they would do ''a quick repentance'', so they could get into Heaven. Like it or not, it doesn't work that way. The only individual who will have very little time after they repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift, will be The Last Person Saved in The Church Age, prior to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church.

In the custom of the Jewish Wedding, only God The Father knows when that moment will be. And, when it arrives, the cry of Behold, The Bridegroom Comes will echo throughout the Heavens and the Earth. Those Christians who are living carnally (doing some particular sin), as well as the true believers (both the Gentiles and Messianic Jews) who are serving The Lord (both have done The One Thing God Requires), will see that In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes. They will be engaged in their earthly tasks one second, and a nanosecond later, they will vanish off the Earth, and join The Lord in the Heavens above the Earth, then taken to The Home Of The Redeemed, Heaven, to face The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. The issue of sin in their earthly lives, having been settled at The Cross, will not even be considered there...but all will realize that Rewards Were There For Me To Claim. While rewards will be gained and lost, and their standing with Christ for Eternity, they will still be in Heaven. Those Left Behind On Rapture Day, Have Just Themselves To Blame...because they failed to do The One Thing God Requires.

When millions of adults and youth...including all children under the age of accountability, and the unborn children still in the womb...vanish without a trace...those left behind will know something has happened. They are now in The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, which will be the worst time of disaster that Earth has ever seen. Twenty-one Divine Plagues of Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets (although the exact order is Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls), will pummel the Earth during the reign of The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, who will eventually become Satan Incarnate. Then, just before The Believing Remnant of the Jews are attacked by the Antichrist's forces, they have a spiritual regeneration, recognizing that There's Only One Messiah, Christ Alone, and they prayerfully and repentingly plead for Christ to save them from certain destruction. Their prayers are answered When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, and At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. Then, follows The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, followed by the Millennium Of Peace, where it will be Life As It Was Meant To Be After Christ's Return. Following that, one last rebellion will take place, but it'll be quickly quashed...and then the most somber day in all of history...The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where everyone throughout history failed to do The One Thing God Requires, will stand Naked And Alone, as their entire life is played back. There will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. They will hear the terrifying words ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known, as they're cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity.

Apologies Not Good Enough, On Your Judgment Day

A companion poem to Arguments, Excuses, Before God, They're Worth None, saying ''I'm Sorry'' won't do you any good at The Judgment before The Lord. In this life, most criminals say that they're sorry...but what they are really saying is that ''they're sorry that they got caught''. Unlike a trial on Earth though, when one undergoes A Life On Trial before The Lord, they will see that all of their life is now played back...with No Question Of Guilt on the part of the offender. Everyone has ''a sense of right and wrong'' in their conscience...but because The Lord, He Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free Will, and everyone makes the choice whether to do good or evil.

You Think You Got Away With It, But God Saw It All

After The Moment Of Your Death, many will be horrified to find out that Your Life Is Being Recorded, and that they will have to answer for everything they did...basically, ''the good, the bad, and the ugly''. So many people in their life on Earth, commit such sins and crimes, and they get away with it...never being punished for it, or getting basically just ''a slap on the wrist''.

However, for everyone, When You Stand Before The Lord in A Life On Trial, you will find out that there will be No Question Of Guilt on the part of the perpetrator. Your motives, words, thoughts, and deeds, will be laid bare, for everyone to see. Those who fail to do The One Thing God Requires will find that No One Will Defend The Lost, and besides No Question Of Guilt, there will be No Pardons And No Mercy. There also won't be any plea bargaining, or bribery of The Judge, to try to get a lighter sentence...and there will also be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. They will hear the terrifying words ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known, as they're cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity.

I Am Preaching To Myself, And Not To Just You

If You're Offended By These Words in the poems in this Gospel Poetry Collection, it's The Holy Spirit convicting you that You Think You Got Away With It, But God Saw It All, in regards to your nefarious deeds, sin, etc. It also must be noted that Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags before The Lord.

And, if you think I'm putting forth ''a holier than thou attitude'', the fact of the matter is the title of this poem. I too, am under conviction daily for my sins...are all the true believers who've done The One Thing God Requires. While for those who've repented of their sin, and have accepted God's Free Love Gift, the issue of sin, having been settled at The Cross will not even be considered at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, the way they served The Lord in this earthly life, will determine their standing in His Kingdom for Eternity. Those in Christ still have their sin nature...just as those who've not yet done The One Thing God Requires...and it'll be with each one of them until The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, or for everyone, The Moment Of Your Death. The difference is that on Judgment Day When You Stand Before The Lord, At Death, Who Will Your Sin Debt Pay?? If Not Christ, Then It's You. And, for the unrepentant, they will see too late, that the cost is one they can not pay.

Most Think They're Too Smart To Accept What God's Word Does Say

Pride was the first sin, when Lucifer, originally the covering cherub, rebelled in Heaven, conning one third of the angels to join him in a coup against The Lord Of Hosts. It got them thrown out of Heaven, and The Home Of The Damned was created for them...first Hell, then The Lake Of Fire. Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with them for all Eternity. Most of mankind are as the title of this poem, but to all mankind, the question must be asked that What Good Is Your Pride Going To Do You In Hell??. After Death, Belief Too Late, and The Lost In Hell, All Curse The Lord; All Hope Is Gone Away. They realize that they have no one else but themselves to blame for refusing to repent of sin, and spurning God's Free Love Gift, while they were here on Earth.

The Lost In Hell, All Curse The Lord; All Hope Is Gone Away

Hell Is Not A Party Place, and Hell Is Not A Refuge From The Lord. Everyone who dies without repenting of sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, will enter The Home Of The Damned at The Moment Of Your Death. One second after arriving, The Lost Will Know Why They Are There...and realize the entrance to The Home Of The Damned is uncrossable, except by doomed souls on their way in...there's NO EXIT FROM HELL!!...and see that ''all hope is gone'' from ever leaving there.

At the end of the Millennium Of Peace, a thousand years after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, Hell will be emptied of its inhabitants, as it and Death will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, which is known as ''The Second Death''. All those in Hell, will now stand before The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where their entire life will be replayed. They will find out that No One Will Defend The Lost, and besides No Question Of Guilt, there will be No Pardons And No Mercy. There also won't be any plea bargaining, or bribery of The Judge, to try to get a lighter sentence...and there will also be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. They will hear the terrifying words ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known'', as they're cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity.

You Only See Your Life Right Now, But God Sees It All

As the title of this poem notes, you can only see the present, and have known the past events in your life. However, God sees the entire picture, including the future, and Eternity, which you can not see. You have no idea what the next 5 minutes, or the next day will bring, as Tomorrow Is Promised To No One. Once the threshold of Eternity is crossed, After Death, Belief Too Late to decide on what you'll do with God's Free Love Gift.

Be Sober And Vigilant, As Satan's On The Prowl (1 Peter 5:8)

Based on 1 Peter 5:8, the Devil is like a roaring lion, seeking who he can devour and destroy. He not only goes after those who haven't yet repented of their sin, doing The One Thing God Requires, to accept God's Free Love Gift...but even more so after all those who've done destroy their witness, testimony, and usefulness for The Lord.

While the true believers are not ignorant of his devices, one must have The Whole Armour Of The Lord on, and be covered by The Blood Of Jesus. It's a constant battle every moment of every hour of every day...and if we try to battle against The Devil in our own strength, He will make mincemeat out of us. The Devil knows Scripture better than anyone on Earth...whether preacher or layman...but he twists the true meaning of it for his nefarious purposes. When a true believer, who is seated with Christ in the Heavenlies, is wearing The Whole Armour Of The Lord, and uses The Name Of Jesus on Satan or his demons, THEY MUST BACK OFF!! They are terrified of that Name, as it represents to them, their humilating defeat at Jesus' Resurrection.

Satan Knows That In The End, He Is Going To Lose

A companion poem to The Evil Forces Surely Lose; While They Feel They Will Win, even though the title of this poem is a Biblical Truth, Satan and his demon hordes, still think that they can beat The Lord in battle, as they are so depraved and delusional in their thinking. Satan was defeated once before when Jesus Rose from the dead...and one day in the not too distant future, The Lord will finish him off.

Satan has only been able to do what God has allowed him to do...and Satan Has Been On A Leash; God Will Pull It In. The One Who Shook The Kingdoms There, He Knows His Time Is Short...and after Satan is cast into The Lake Of Fire after the Millennium Of Peace, he will be stripped of all his power, ranking, etc., and just be a shell of his former self. Even he and his demon hordes will bow down in The Lake Of Fire, and declare that ''Jesus Christ Is Lord''.

How Can The Lord God Be Dead, When He Just Spoke With Me??

There are so many people in the world, both today and throughout history, that say that ''God Is Dead''...especially those who have never done The One Thing God Requires. This is because The Preaching Of The Cross is considered ''foolishness and stupidity'' by them...but to those who have done The One Thing God Requires, it is the Power Of Almighty God. True Biblical Christianity is Relationship, Not's relationship with Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, and His Only Begotten Son.

When one spends time with The Lord, He will speak to them...and He has done so many times over with the talent of writing this Gospel Poetry Collection. My first attempt at poetry was actually before I did The One Thing God Requires. I was in a high school English class, and the emphasis was on writing poetry. Back then, but even more so now, students (especially the males) feel that ''writing poetry is for sissies''. I figured ''I'll try anything once''...and was sitting there, trying to figure out something to write. The Holy Spirit spoke to me, and I thought ''Why don't I write one about Jesus Christ??'', entitled A Friend For Life...based on John 15:13, where Jesus said ''Greater has no love than this, than a man lay down his life for his friends''.

Well, I got 2 lines, then ''went blank''. I could hear Satan mocking me, saying ''Forget this crap!! You'll never be able to write poetry!!''. So, I set it aside for a time...and 2 weeks later, I picked it up, and ''the poetic juices were flowing''. I had 20 lines faster than you could shake a stick at...and as they saying goes, ''the rest is history''.

This Gospel Poetry Collection is designed as ''a ministry to the saved, and a witness to the lost''. I wrote that first poem in October, 1977...and as of late September, 2024...there are now over 980 poems to The Glory Of God. There are a few secular poems on my hobbies of Computer Bulletin Board Systems (BBS's), Amateur Radio, and square some ''tribute poetry'' to certain individuals who I've met in my life. However, the majority of it, is ''sacred'', with many based on, and having Scripture in them (as noted here)...with these all stressing the need to do The One Thing God Requires before The Moment Of Your Death. For an expansion on this, plus a bit of personal testimony, click here.

Life As It Was Meant To Be After Christ's Return

Ever since our first parents, Adam and Eve, sinned in The Garden Of Eden, by breaking the one simple rule that God had given them, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth has kept mankind from having a life free of stress, worry, pain, illness/disease, wars, and death. But after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, and the conclusion of The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, the Millennium Of Peace, where With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule, and the title of this poem will come to pass. While there will still be death for those who persist in serious sins (all will still have their sin nature), there will be far less stress, worry, pain, illness/disease, wars, etc., and life will be a joy instead of a drudgery.

It Seems That Sin And Evil Reign; But One Day, That Ends

When you look at the headlines, especially over the last few decades, the title of this poem is appropriate. Unfortunately, the time of sin and evil will get worse after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, with The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, now at hand. It will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, which will be the worst time of disaster that Earth has ever seen. Twenty-one Divine Plagues of Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets (although the exact order is Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls), will pummel the Earth during the reign of The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, who will eventually become Satan Incarnate. Then, just before The Believing Remnant of the Jews are attacked by the Antichrist's forces, they have a spiritual regeneration, recognizing that There's Only One Messiah, Christ Alone, and they prayerfully and repentingly plead for Christ to save them from certain destruction. Their prayers are answered When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, and At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds.

Then, follows The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, followed by the Millennium Of Peace, where it will be Life As It Was Meant To Be After Christ's Return. Following that, one last rebellion will take place, but it'll be quickly quashed...and then the most somber day in all of history...The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where everyone throughout history failed to do The One Thing God Requires, will stand Naked And Alone, as their entire life is played back. There will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. They will hear the terrifying words ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known'', as they're cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity.

Mankind, In His Selfish Pride, Will Not Take The Blame

Pride was the first sin, and mankind's selfish nature has it where he will lie about his guilt of anything he does. Most will do all they can to avoid detection by law enforcement, as their ''mission'' is to get off scot-free, without any punishment, or maybe just ''a slap on the wrist'' for their deeds.

But, after The Moment Of Your Death, all those who failed to do The One Thing God Requires, will realize too late that When You Stand Before The Lord and undergo A Life On Trial, there will be No Question Of Guilt on the part of the perpetrator. Your motives, words, thoughts, and deeds, will be laid bare, for everyone to see. Those who fail to do The One Thing God Requires will find that No One Will Defend The Lost, and besides No Question Of Guilt, there will be No Pardons And No Mercy. There also won't be any plea bargaining, or bribery of The Judge, to try to get a lighter sentence...There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will also be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. They will hear the terrifying words ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known'', as they're cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity.

The Lost Laugh At Gospel Truth; Regret That When They Die

As noted, the unrepentant feel that The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishness and stupidity. But to the saved, it's The Power Of Almighty God. Tragically, they won't be laughing upon The Moment Of Your Death, once they enter The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. It will be The Lord who has The Last Laugh, as He is Soverign over all Creation, because The Lord, He Made The Rules. Once the threshold of Eternity is crossed, it's too late to make a decision for Christ...and whether you accept or reject God's Free Love Gift while on Earth, Your Decision Will Be Honored after The Moment Of Your Death.

Nothing Good That I Have Done, But What Christ Did For Me

A companion poem to Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags, for those who've done The One Thing God Requires, it's only because of The Righteousness Of Christ, that they are able to stand before Him, and not be condemned. God's Standard Is Perfection and Christ Alone was the ONLY human being ever to walk the Earth, without one sin in thought, word, motive, or deed. It was because of His Sinless Life, that He took the place of everyone who would ever walk the Earth, and take upon Himself, every sin that would every be committed, as if they were His Own...for He Who Knew No Sin At All became sin for us, so that we might become The Righteousness Of God In Him. And, it was because of what Christ did on The Cross Of Calvary, dying for not only MY SINS, but the sins of everyone else...then rising on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures, that those who've done The One Thing God Requires, that the saved stand before Him, seen as Righteous and Perfect as He is...even though we realize we'll still have the sin nature while in this earthly life...and will continue to have it until The Moment Of Your Death, or until The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church.

What Will You Offer To The Lord, When You See His Face??

When You Stand Before The Lord as you undergo A Life On Trial will you be able to offer Him deeds for His Kingdom as ''gold, silver, and precious stones'', or worthless deeds done for yourself, regarded as ''wood, hay, and stubble''?? The latter will be burned up in the fire at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and you will be as A Beggar With A Bag Full Of Holes, even though you'll still be in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, for all Eternity. Yet, those who did things for The Lord and His Kingdom, will receive one or more of The Five Eternal Crowns, studded with gold, silver, and precious stones...of the righteous acts you did for Him. We can never truly repay Him for what He did, as we know that Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags...and what we do is only a microscopic, miniscule, way of saying ''Thank You'', because in truth, The Words Are So Inadequate to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Him.

Will You Be Glad To Face The Lord, Or Will You Be Ashamed??

In answer to the title of this poem, it depends on two things. First, whether or not you did The One Thing God Requires before The Moment Of Your Death. And second, it's in response to the question What Will You Be Doing?? when He calls your name, and your earthly life is over...either at The Moment Of Your Death, or at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. Were you serving The Lord, doing things that honor Him?? Or were you involved in carnality and acts of sin??

You Will Cast Your Lot With The Wrong Side

In a battle of any sort, there are two sides...the winners and the losers. In the grand scheme of things, those who side with The Lord are on the right side, and the others (siding with Satan and his demons), are on the wrong side. As the saying goes, ''The true Christians have read The Books Of The Bible, and they know who wins''.

The Lord, He Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free Will

When Almighty God created the angelic realm, and eventually mankind, He took a calculated risk. He did not want ''robots'' where everyone was ''forced'' to show their love, reverence, and obedience, to One in this case, The Creator Of The Universe. Instead, He gave the angels and mankind free will, where they could make the Choices on which way they would go.

Originally, all the angels in Heaven shouted for joy...but Lucifer, originally The Covering Cherub, inflated with selfishness and pride, and conned a third of the angelic realm to join him in a coup against The Lord. Lucifer's name was changed to Satan, and his beaten army of angels were changed into horrific, evil, demonic creatures. They gathered around planet Earth, and were furious that God created our first parents, Adam and Eve, placing them in The Garden Of Eden, in a land and life of paradise, where everything was perfect. God told them that ''You may eat of every tree in the garden, but you must not eat of The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil...for the day you eat of it, you will die''. There is one never failing test of love and devotion, and that obedience.

Satan, through a serpent, deceived Eve into taking the fruit of that tree, and she had Adam eat of it as well. They lost their innocence at that point, realizing they were naked (previously, they weren't ashamed of such), and covered themselves with fig leaves. Yet, they were soon to find out that You Think You Got Away With It, But God Saw It All. While Eve was deceived, Adam gave in without a fight. He then tried to blame God for what The Lord asked Eve ''What have you done''...and she truthfully replied ''the serpent deceived (beguiled and tricked) me, and I ate''.

Because of that The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth kicked in. Basically, God gave them one simeple rule, and they only broke it once. In doing so, mankind died spiritually, and developed a rebellious, sinful nature toward God. Because of their deed, God took off their fig leaves, and clothed them instead with animal skins...some believe they were precious lambs...a forerunner of Christ, The Lamb Of God, who would take away the sins of the world. They found out that Without Shedding Of Blood, No Remission Done for sin. And, since then, death has been in creation...and will be until after The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, when Death and Hell will be cast into The Lake Of Fire as, ''the second death''. However, this is only for the unrepentant, who refuse to do The One Thing God Requires. The Second Death, It Has No Power, For Those Truly Saved. And, only in Eternity future, Sin Won't Rise A Second Time.

All Those In Authority, Their Scepters, They Will Yield

The Lord Removes And Sets Up Kings, According To His Plan. This can either be the head of a country, state, city, etc., or anyone in a position of authority...all the way down to the lowly janitor who cleans the toilets. When Christ came to Earth the first time, to give His Life on an Old Rugged Cross, to pay for the sins of everyone who'd ever live...he submitted to the wisdom of earthly potentates (kings, rulers, etc.). However, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, He will compel all of these leaders, rulers, etc., to yield their scepters to Him. For those who refuse, He will take it from them by He is King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords.

All Those Throughout History, To Spread The Gospel News

Whether it was individuals in the Old Testament, including prophets...or in the New Testament of Christ Himself, His Disciples, The Apostle Paul, or millions of true believers throughout history...preachers or lay people...each one has had the responsibility of The Great Commission to ''preach The Gospel to every creature''. Scripture notes that ''How Lovely Are The Messengers That Preach Us The Gospel Of Peace''...and it's The True Gospel, that Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son, God In The Flesh, left the Glory Of Heaven to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk among us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN, then take upon Himself the sins of everyone who'd ever walk on planet Earth, then die on an Old Rugged Cross, and rise again on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures and as The Only Way To Heaven.

Pre-Figured On Calvary, The Final Judgment Scene

The last judgment, or more aptly, The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, which will take place after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, which will be after The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will have been Hell On Earth For Seven Years, and prior to the Millennium Of Peace. The unrepentant will be on Christ's Left, and the Righteous will be on Christ's Right. When Christ was crucified, the thief on His Left cursed and mocked Him...but the thief on His Right said ''We're getting what we deserve, but This Man had done nothing wrong''. He then asked Jesus ''Remember Me, when you come into your Kingdom''...and Jesus told him ''Today, you'll be with Me in Paradise''. Indeed, after the thief on Christ's right died (after Christ Himself had died), and He appeared at the Gates Of Heaven, he was asked what he was doing there...and the repentant thief replied ''The Man Upon The Center Cross Said I Could Come In''. The ones on Christ's Right will be welcomed into the Millennium Of Peace. Christ will have then restored the horribly ravaged Earth, into a place of incredible beauty, not seen since the time of Creation in The Garden Of Eden. In contrast, those on His Left will go away into ''Everlasting Punishment'', being cast off the planet into outer darkness. These will stand before Him at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, then be cast into The Lake Of Fire for all they will have the curse of '' The Second Death'' upon them.

The Second Death, It Has No Power, For Those Truly Saved (Revelation 20:6)

A companion poem to Whether You Die Once Or Twice, The Choice Is Up To You, what's known as ''The Second Death'' is ''Spiritual Death'' and separation from God and The Home Of The Redeemed for all Eternity. This is for all those in this earthly life, refused to do The One Thing God Requires, and died without receiving God's Provision for sin. They will be in The Home Of The Damned... first Hell, then The Lake Of Fire...with Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone else who refused to accept Christ as Lord and Saviour. While It's Appointed All To Die, and everyone will die once (except for the true believers who are alive when The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church occurs)... ''The Second Death'' has no power on those who have done The One Thing God Requires.

From The Rapture Of The Church, To The Return Of Christ

This poem is basically a summary timetable of all the events that will occur, from The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, to the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. It includes the Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets, during The Time OF Jacob's Trouble, and other events noted in The Book Of Revelation from Chapters 4-19. There are numerous other companion poems in this Gospel Poetry Collection that cover the same thing.

Evil Souls Get What What They Want, But Just For Seven Years

The majority of mankind has wanted nothing to do with God, Jesus Christ, or Biblical Christianity. Just like what happened at The Tower Of Babel before Intervention By The Lord, where He destroyed their unity by confusing their language. Throughout history, Evil Deeds Greatly Increase, Then God Intervenes. Mankind has repeatedly worked to circumvent what God did, as ''mankind wants to be his own god'', and rule the world. After the The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, the final seven years of Daniel's 70th week will commence, when The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace signs ''a worthless peace treaty'' with the Jews and Israel, letting them build The Third Temple. (For a study on this subject, by the late Jack Kelley of Grace Thru Faith Ministries, click here).

But, three and half years later, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace breaks the treaty, goes into the Temple, and commits ''the Abomination Of Desolation'', defiling The Temple, and ending the sacrifices. The Believing Remnant of the Jews will realize they have been betrayed, and obey Jesus' command to ''flee to the mountains''... likely Petra in neighboring Jordan...where God will Divinely Protect them. As the armies of the Antichrist close in just before the end of the seven years, the Jews, realizing they're trapped, experience a spiritual regeneration. They recall the passage from Isaiah Chapter 53 on The Suffering Servant, and that There's Only One Messiah, Christ Alone. They mourn as one who has lost their firstborn, and they repent of their sin, and cry ''Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord'', pleading for Christ to return, and save them from certain destruction. Their prayers are answered at the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, and At The Second Coming, The Tribes Of Earth Shall Mourn, and At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. For The Believing Remnant of the Jews, their hour of persecution will be finished forever, and they will receive all the blessings promised to them from the time of Abraham.

Once The Rapture Does Occur, All Hell Will Break Loose

Once The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church occurs, the restraint of evil by The Holy Spirit, will be ended. Basically, the planet will become Hell On Earth For Seven Years, as God finally executes His Wrath on a Christ Rejecting World. Satan and his demonic hordes will seemingly have a field day, but they will still be limited to what God will allow. The Time Of Jacob's Trouble will be a time of catastropic disaster, calamity, and devastation, nothing like the world has ever seen...nor will ever be seen again...and it will get increasingly worse, until nearly all human life on the planet has perished. The two main reasons When Christ Returns To Planet Earth will be to rescue The Believing Remnant of the Christians and Jews from certain destruction...because otherwise, all human life on Earth will have perished in the Divine Judgments of Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets over the last seven years.

The Only Wholesome Meditation, Is On God's Holy Word (Psalm 104:34 and Psalm 119:97)

When the subject of ''meditation'' comes up, the emphasis is on things like yoga, chanting, a quiet time, etc. In truth, the title of this poem stands out. There are many passages in The Books Of The Bible, telling of the holsumness and beauty of God's Word; which is basically A Letter From The Lord to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift. History has also been termed as His Story...and everything noted in there, has either occured already, or will occur as prophesied. One third of The Bible is Prophecy...and the true test of it, is that Bible Prophecies Show They're True.

Prophecies Yet Unfulfilled, One Day, Become Facts

A companion poem to Bible Prophecies Show That They Are True, and Prophecies Will Be Fulfulled One Day, the only ''holy book'' that has a track record of 100% prophetic fulfillment is what's found in The Books Of The Bible. All of the Old Testament prophecies of Jesus Christ, were fulfilled to the letter (for a list of these, click here). The prophecies of Christ's Second Coming, will likewise come to pass.

These will start with The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, followed by The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, with 21 plagues of Seals, Bowls, And Trumpets and other judgments that will pummel planet Earth, for its rejection of Jesus Christ. After this horrific time, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, His Enemies will be destroyed, Satan will be bound, the unrepentant will be cast off the planet in The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, and the Millennium Of Peace will begin, with only the believers admitted to it. The horribly ravaged Earth will be restored to a place of incredible beauty, not seen since the time of Creation, that Adam and Eve had in The Garden Of Eden, before they disobeyed the one command that God had given them.

At the end of the Millennium Of Peace, Satan will be released, and raise up an army as numerous as the sand of the sea, to try to destroy Christ and His People. But, the rebellion won't even get off the ground, as ''fire will fall from Heaven, and devour them''. Then, Satan will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, where The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace and False Prophet have been for the last thousand years (they are still alive, yet in eternal tormenting flame and agony)...and all of them will be joined by every unrepentant soul that now is standing at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. At that place, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, There Will Be No Appeal There, and there won't be any plea bargaining, or bribery of The Judge, to try to get a lighter or suspended sentence...and there will also be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. They will hear the terrifying words ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known, as they're cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. Then, the present Earth, Heaven, and Jerusalem are Christ makes all things new, with a New Heaven, Earth, and Jerusalem, where Sin Won't Rise A Second Time.

Not Ashamed Of Sinful Deeds; Forgetting How To Blush (Jeremiah 6:15 and Jeremiah 8:12)

Most people in life, are embarrassed about different things, and end up blushing (being red-faced). This can be from hearing an impure joke, ''a slip of the tongue'', or for some, having to get naked at a medical facility. For obvious reasons, I won't mention the impure jokes, although I admit I've heard plenty throughout my life...especially in high school nearly 50 years ago now...where the girls had such filthy mouths (one incident had them cussing me out worse than the boys), that it would literally make a sailor comparison to the saying ''one cussed like a sailor''...and, I just shudder to think what it's like now. However, I will mention these four other experiences in my life over the years...first, with the hobby of amateur radio.

Before I had cataract surgery, I had experienced extreme nearsightedness much of my life, and by the time I was 35, I was unable to drive at night...and the cause was ripening I was ''legally blind''. I did have successful cataract surgery several years ago, restoring my visual acuity from 20/2000 to 20/20, with a little bit of astigmatism. However, in 2022, the combination of dry corneas and suspect glaucoma, made me give up driving entirely, as it had become too dangerous for me to continue doing so.

Anyway, shortly after I got my amateur radio license in 1991, at this hamfest, I recruited three completely blind ham radio operators (each who knew The Lord, and sang together in church) to help with a deal called ''talk-in''. This is where amateur radio operators give directions to folks coming into the city from out of town for the event, so they can find the venue. The joke got to be that ''Talk-in was being run by four ham radio operators who couldn't see, but they were giving directions to the hamfest''!! The kicker though, was that it was a Friday night and Saturday day event. They had sealed off some of the exits on the west side of the complex where the event was...the overhead lighting in the parking lot wasn't working, it was after dark, and they had recently blacktopped the parking lot, but they hadn't yet striped it. I groaned, admitting ''I'm lost. I can't find my way out of this parking lot''. One of the blind hams asked for the microphone, and announced ''This is a Talk-Out Net, for the Talk-In Station, who can't find his way out of the parking lot!!''. I keyed the mic, saying (in sarcasm) that I wanted to use his seeing eye dog...and he replied in kind ''He's tied to the front bumper right now''!! Needless to say, I was embarrassed, and they were laughing wildly. But, if you can't laugh at yourself, you have a lot of problems. Two of the three have now gone on to be with The Lord, and the third one moved to Pennsylvania to be with family, but he and I run into each other every so often via ham radio.

Second, were two instances related to my marriage on May 18, 2003 to Janice Elaine Harvey Stout (she went on to be with The Lord on April 27, 2007). At the bridal shower, between the announcement of our engagement, and the wedding day, she wanted everyone there. I had never been married before, and I didn't know how this worked, so I didn't care. The people at her church were giving the new couple-to-be advice for their marriage...but no one would sign their names (we found out later who the ''wag'' was who ''had the winner'' of the top 3 entries, as follows, in reverse order:

3) Janice shouldn't be the only one with dish pan hands. After working at Burger King for 5 years, I was no stranger to doing dishes, cleaning toilets, taking out trash, etc. Since my late wife's death, that responsibility has fallen on me.

2) Daryl, pray for The Coming Of Christ (The Second Coming). Jan...pray that it is soon.

1) Violets are purple. Roses are red. When Daryl is blue...Jan, head for the bed!!

The preacher's wife, a natural blonde, and myself, were as red as tomatoes, from severe blushing!! I said an expletive, but no one heard me, as everyone was laughing uncontrollably!! Jan said ''He's turning a much brighter shade of pink than he normally does!!''. I could feel myself ''blush'', and was never so mortified in all my life...but, that had a close second at the wedding itself. We had obtained the wedding ring for myself, and the engagement ring for her, from a local K-Mart store, that was going out of business (there aren't many of those stores left, if at all). Both together were originally between $150 and $200...we got both f0r $25!! Her late Mom provided a wedding ring for her, but I sent at back to her after my wife died, as noted above. Anyway, as noted, I had never been married before...i didn't know how this worked!! I put her engagement ring, her wedding ring, and my wedding ring, ALL THREE on her finger...and, I was about to blurt out ''Where The Hell Is The Other One??!!''. The Good Lord is so wise, and the preacher calmly said ''You're not supposed to put all the rings on her finger!!''. I was so embarrassed, saying ''OOPS!! I'm a bit nervous!!'' which, the congregation laughed wildly.

The last item noted, is that when going to a medical facility, whether male or female, there are times where one must remove some or all of your clothing...basically getting naked (nude). This can be for a physical exam, especially of the genitalia and buttocks areas of either sex (the pelvic exam for females, and the prostate check for males...not to mention that humans are all the same from the back side), in the case of a colonoscopy for both sexes, or in the case of childbirth for a woman. In this corruptible mortal flesh this side of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, something is bound to go wrong, and it needs to be checked by your physician or other medical staff regularly. Scripture notes that, for the saved, ''Your body is the Temple of The Holy Spirit'', as He lives inside of you...and basically, you need to take care of it.

Back to childbirth (Children Are A Heritage), it's a very messy process, and not at all like what was shown on ''Emergency'' years ago). Truth be told, the boy isn't coming out in a tuxedo, and the girl isn't coming out in a white satin dress...and the newborn babies are ''naked as a jaybird'', with the only difference is their genitalia; to know whether it's a boy or a girl...the only two genders (male and female) that The Lord God made. Some folks are rather embarrassed about having anyone see them nude (I know a now former ham radio operator, who would not go to a medical facility because of that); but when it comes to your health, you have to throw all modesty out the window. The truth is that the medical professionals have seen and heard it all before. This includes dealing with various bodily functions (including flatulence (gas) after a colonoscopy), as well as viewing breasts, genitalia, and buttocks, on males and females, young and old. In short, nudity means nothing to them...and they are there to save your butt, and not kiss it. It's basically ''another day at work for them'', and it's equivalent to a parent changing their infant child's diaper, before they are ''potty trained''.

Besides, Our Lord was both ALL GOD and ALL HUMAN...he was like us in every way, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. Basically, ''He had to go to the bathroom'', just as we do today. Even in the Old Testament, before toilets, folks were told to ''have a shovel with you'', to bury the excremental waste of urine and fecal matter. In fact, in many churches nowadays, the first thing that visitors check, is the condition of the restrooms. If they're in the condition of ''most bus station bathrooms'' (dirty and smelly urinals and toilets), you likely don't want to be a part of that church!! Also, The Lord was crucified in the nude, as it notes in Scripture that ''the soldiers gambled for His Clothing''. Being crucified nude added to the shame and humiliation of the, they were vulnerable to the birds and insects of the air. However, in most pictures of crucifixions, the victims had a loin cloth around their waist and genitalia, for modesty's sake.

It also must be noted that with The Ordinance Of Baptism...especially with a Baptist Church...baptism is done ''by full immersion''. The baptism symbolizes being buried to the old life of sin, and raised to walk in the New Life with Christ, as He was resurrected on The Third Day after His Crucifixion...both According To The Scriptures. Baptism does NOT provide salvation for anyone...but it's a public profession that one has done The One Thing God Requires, in repenting of their sin, and Accepting God's Free Love Gift. The baptismal candidates usually have a white robe on them, but with being fully immersed, it's basically equivalent to being caught out in a driving rainstorm, or jumping into the swimming pool with your clothes on. Yet, beforehand, they are told ''to bring a complete change of clothes, including undergarments (underwear for the males, panties for the females, or ''Depends'' if one suffers from incontinence). In a private room afterwards, with other members of the same gender (male or female) with both ''church staff'', and those who just went through the baptismal waters as well, one will strip naked out of their wet clothes (towels are provided to dry off with)...then each one puts the wet clothes in a garbage bag, that they'll take home afterwards, then they put on the undergarments and dry clothes that they brought, to go back out into the church for the remainder of the worship service.

An equivalent is done with a church choir doing a dramatic cantata, such as with the last week of Christ's Life on Earth, including The Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, being Betrayed by Judas Iscariot, The Illegal Trial Of Jesus, then His Scourging, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. When the actors go back stage in separate dressing areas (one for males and one for females), when they change costumes, at times, they're either naked, or in their undergarments. They have no desire (let alone the time) to ''partake in the sin of taking inventory of someone else's body'' (i.e. lust) they have to change their costume to prepare for their entrance on stage for the next scene in the dramatic production.

Anyway, back to the original concept of being embarrassed. Originally our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden Of Eden, were naked, and were not they had not yet sinned, so they were pure (innocent) before God. However, once they disobeyed the one rule that God had given them (they only broke it once), they were now highly embarrassed and ashamed about their nudity. And so, they went to cover themselves with fig leaves...but, that was an example of man and woman trying to cover up the effects of their sin...and what they did was not good enough for God. Some believe that God killed two lambs, animals very dear to Adam and Eve, and the process involved death, the shedding of blood...because Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission Done. This was also a foreshadowing of Christ, who John The Baptist termed as ''The Lamb Of God, who takes away the sins of the world''.

When most people are caught in criminal acts or acts of sin, while they will say ''they're sorry''...the truth is that ''they are sorry that they got caught''. It must be noted that True Repentance Isn't That You're Sorry You Got Caught. This is especially true for Christians, who may be engaged in acts of sin when The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church or The Moment Of Your Death occurs... and they need to think of the sobering answer to the question What Will You Be Doing??, especially in relation to either of those moments. The thing is, for everyone, Your Life Is Being Recorded of everything that you have thought, word, deed, or motive...whether done in secret, or out in the open. Plus, The Lord Is Not Surprised by anything you've done...and When You Stand Before The Lord, and undergo A Life On Trial, there will be No Question Of Guilt on your part.

Tragically, many have so hardened their hearts toward the things of God, that ''they call evil, good...and call good, evil'' (Isaiah 5:20)...and God has pronounced Woe To Them. The sins that were considered taboo and done in secret years ago, are now flaunted in the open; As In The Days Of Noah, for truly, The Days Of Noah And Sodom Are Here...where God destroyed the areas First By Water, Then By Fire. In short, these evil souls are not at all embarrassed by their much so that they've forgotten how to blush, as is the theme of this poem. The Lord has decreed that God's Judgment There When Least Expected, and He notes that ''they will stumble at the weight of my punishment''.

Salvation's Gift Is Like A Card; You Have To Activate

For holidays, birthdays, or anniversaries, many choose to give Gift Cards. These are in various amounts for various products, goods, or services, such as at a restaurant, department store, or elsewhere. This way, the recipient can purchase what they want; and if they are dissatisfied with the purchase, that is their problem...because they made the decision to purchase the item. As for the Gift Card, it usually costs the recipient nothing at all, although the purchaser usually spends a certain amount of funding to obtain it....which can range from what one would consider a small amount, all the way up to a huge cost. And, the gift itself is usually something that that recipient could not afford to purchase on their own. And, each card has both an activation criteria, as well as an expiration date... because if you don't activate it, or use it prior to its expiration date, it's worthless to them, and it's as if the purchaser made the purchase in vain. The same applies if the designated recipient refuses to accept the gift card.

And, just like with a gift card, Salvation in Jesus Christ has many similarities. While it costs the recipient nothing, it cost Christ all He had...including His Life, dying on The Cross in their place, for their sins against God. He Who Knew No Sin At All, took the sins of everyone who would ever walk on Planet Earth, as if they were His Own. Then three days after His Death on The Cross, He rose again in Victory, According To The Scriptures. God's Standard Is Perfection, and that is TOO HIGH A COST for ANYONE on Earth to pay. It means that to enter Heaven, you would have had to lived your life, without doing one single instance of sin, in thought, word, deed, or motive...because if You've Broken One Of God's Laws, Friend; You've Broken Every One.

Available, Not Automatic, Is Salvation's Gift, and like a Gift Card, one must not be Going Through The Motions, when one decides to sincerely do The One Thing God Requires, to ''Believe On Christ, The One He Sent''. At that point, this ''Gift Card'' is activated, and it's good for that individual throughout Eternity. While Salvation is A FREE GIFT to all who would receive it, just like a gift card, there is an activation deadline... because God's Offer Of Pardon Expires At Death, and After Death, Belief Too Late. Please, Don't Let The Lord's Death For You Be In Vain, by refusing to accept God's Free Love Gift. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and if you choose to spurn God's Free Love Gift, He'll let you do it, but There Will Be Consequences When You Die, as The Lord, He Made The Rules.

At Death, No Other Option Does Exist

Contrary to what you may have heard and been taught, at The Moment Of Your Death, only two options are available... Heaven Or Hell. It all depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift. It'll either be Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, or Hell, then The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned. There is no such thing as soul sleep, reincarnation, purgatory, etc. -- all are lies from the Pit Of Hell. It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment. Your Eternal Destiny depends upon your choice.

Heaven Is Not A Saloon, As In The Old West

The title for this was brought to mind, by the comments of a country-western singer, mourning the death of fellow country-western artist Toby Keith from stomach cancer on Feb. 5, 2024; as the individual commented that ''Heaven Is A Honky-Tonk Tonight''.

However, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a ''honky-tonk'' is defined as ''a tawdry nightclub or dance hall, especially one that features country music, with lyrics dealing with vice and misfortune''. There's usually a bar, with drinking (and likely associated drunkeness), carousing, fornication/adultery, dancing (many of the ''dance moves'' can be termed as ''overly suggestive and sexual''), fighting, cursing, etc. Obviously, none of these are what one would consider ''holsum behavior''. Other misconceptions of Heaven, and what really is there, from what we can glean from Scripture, can be found No One Knows The Things God Has Prepared for those who love Him.

It's recorded in 2 Samuel 6:14, that ''David danced before The Lord with all his might''. And, it notes in 1 Chronicles 13:8, that ''David and all the people danced before The Lord, with great enthusiasm, accompanied by singing, and by zithers, harps, tambourines, cymbals, and trumpets''. So, while there is such a thing as ''holsum dancing'', you have to check the context of the activity. But overall, in Heaven, there will be absolutely Nothing That Defiles.

Some churches prohibit members from doing any type of ''dancing''...but in the world of square dancing, you can't be thinking of anything else while out on the square dance floor, including lusting after a dancer of the opposite sex. Basically, during the dance, one needs to be totally focused on the next set of moves that caller is saying, for the dancers to execute (he or she calls a certain move, and two to three seconds later, the dancers do what they call).

There are two types of music that are found at a square dance. The first is known as ''a patter call''...which is a set of square dance moves, depending on the level (Basic, Mainstream, Plus, Advanced, or Challenge)...done to music. It is all done ''impromptu'', ''extemperaneously'', and ''unreheased''...all done off the top of the caller's neither the caller or the dancers ''know what's coming next''. They basically are calling whatever they want (per the dance level), and they know what move or formation leads into the next move, and there's virtually an unlimited number of combinations that they can do, especially the higher the dance level. If one is ''dancing by definition'', one is not necessarily a male or a female...but they are the end, center, point, etc., in the particular square dance call formation. An example of ''a patter call'', at the Plus Level, done by the Tech Squares group, can be viewed here.

The other type is ''a singing call''...which is the square dance moves, to the particular dance level, with a certain song...and the singing calls are usually shorter in duration than the patter calls. An example of ''a singing call'', at the Plus Level, done by the Tech Squares group, can be viewed here.

You can see that with either one of these, one can't just ''walk in off the street'', and be able to square dance...and it's nothing like what some did in Elementary School!! One has to ''go through lessons'' to learn the moves, definitions, formations, etc. Several years ago, at the Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT), they had square dance courses, part of the ''physical education curriculum'' one of these was required from students in their collegiate curriculum. A five part series is covered in these YouTube videos, by caller Clark Baker:

1) Tech Squares History

2) Modern Western Square Dancing and Challenge

3) Calls And Concepts

4) Dance And Music

5) Modern And Traditional Square Dance

The reason that it's called ''square dancing'' is because of the many geometric and fractional formations...such as squares, circles, ocean waves, lines, boxes, columns, diamonds, hourglasses, galaxies, triangles, and fractions of one-quarter, one-half, and has nothing do with lifestyle. The lowest square dance level is Basic, with the highest level known as Challenge 4 or C-4. Dancers at the C-4 level are expected to know around one thousand different calls, with their definitions, formations, and variations, from whether one is dancing as a male or as a female (that's why it's called ''Dance By Definition'' (DBD), or ''All Position Dancing'' (APD). There is also ''round dancing'', which is similar to ballroom dancing, but there are many moves and formations as well...with Round Dance Phases 1-6, with more moves at each level, just as with square dancing.

It must be noted that just because one is dancing the higher levels, it doesn't make them any better than dancers who aren't dancing that level. It means that the dancers at the higher levels have more moves to mess up on (as noted earlier with what the C-4 dancers have to know)!! And, speaking of messing up, you have to be totally sober at a alcoholic beverages of any kind, before or during a dance, are strictly prohibited. You can not be impaired in any way...and some clubs have the authority to have the violator(s) removed from the premises.

There are many square and round dance festivals each year, including the National Square Dance Convention (R)(NSDC), held the 4 days prior to, and including the last Saturday in June, in a different US city. The first convention was in 1952 in Riverside, California...and while the Spokane, Washington, event was canceled due to Covid-19, the event (known as ''The World's Greatest Square Dance Event'') has met every other year...with dancers, young and old, from the US, Canada, and around the world. Wherever you go in the world, all the calls/moves, etc. are in English...for some dancers, it's the only English they know.

The Lord Himself is ''the Master Caller and Cuer'' of our lives, and just like at a square or round dance, one should be in constant focus to His Calls And Commands for our lives. I saw a female square dancer with a T-shirt several yeras ago, that noted ''First, there's Christ...then, there's square dancing''. Lastly, the logo for this Gospel Poetry Collection was found on ''a square dance belt buckle'', which had a companion bolo tie clip, both designed by Dale Larison, who was living in Oregon, the last I heard.

Your Worst Life's Pain's Nothing, If You Die Without The Lord

In this earthly life, there are several examples of what one would consider ''excruciating pain''. These include kidney stones, childbirth (for the females), tearing of the rotator cuff, breaking of an arm or leg (or other severe injury), abdominal or groin pain, angina/chest pain (inclding heart attack), migraine headache, being burned by a wall of flames, or medical treatment without anesthesia, among many others.

While there are varieties of pain medications for these, including powerful, addictive opiates, and other drugs...this pain is mild when compared to eternal pain that is experienced by those who die without doing The One Thing God Requires prior to The Moment Of Your repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. Tragically, there won't be access to any sort of pain medications in The Home Of The Damned, and this excruciating pain will continue, unabated, throughout Eternity...and it will be far worse than any pain one experienced on Earth.

In contrast, for The Believing Remnant, who did do The One Thing God Requires, in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, no such pain medications will be needed, as things like pain, disease, illness, sorrow, crying, death, etc., will not exist there.

Once You Close Your Eyes In Death, Eternal Fate Is Sealed. Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, is determined on what you do with God's Free Love Gift. This is a companion poem to Your Trouble Has Just Begun, If In Sin, You Die.

Just Like At Babel Long Ago, Mankind Tries Again

After the worldwide flood, where all but eight people were drowned, mankind tried again to circumvent the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules. Nimrod (known as ''the mighty hunter'', but he was hunting for the souls of men and women, to send them to The Home Of The Damned. Disregarding God's Command to spread out to other parts of the world, Nimrod devised a plan to built a tower ''to reach to Heaven'', and that it'd be high enough where the people wouldn't drown in another flood. Yet, how quickly they forgot that The Rainbow Was God's Covenant With Noah From The Ark, where God promised that He'd never destroy the entire Earth again by water -- the next time, it'll be by fire. So, as work progressed on this ''ziggurat tower'', The Books Of The Bible, The Lord came down from Heaven to view the building...and He didn't think much of it, as He had created the Universe, and all that was in it. He declared ''The people are one, and they have all one language...and this they begin to do, so nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do''. God stopped the rebellion in destroying their unity by confusing their language. So, people found others who spoke like they did, and they spread out to form the nations. Yet, over millennia, mankind has done all he could to circumvent the language barrier, and it's becoming like before The Tower Of Babel again. And, like long ago, mankind is doing all he can to work around The Rules that The Lord decreed for mankind. Yet, Jesus Christ, He Never Changed; He's Always The Same, and The Rules He decreed long ago, are still in effect. What God Said Was Sin Long Ago, It's Still Sin Today. And, there's only One Way To Heaven...doing The One Thing God Requires. Those failing to do that, will be denied entry at The Moment Of Your Death.

I Don't Want My Name In Lights, But Book Of Life, Therein

There's a cliche' that ''he who dies with the most toys, wins''. But, the reality is that at The Moment Of Your Death all of that is left behind. In truth, as C. T. Studd put it in his poem, Only One Life Twill Soon Be Past, Only What's Done For Christ Will Last. Most people choose to believe The Doom Of Satan's Lie, in that ''this life is all there is, and there is no such thing as Heaven Or Hell, or The Judgment at The Moment Of Your Death...and, therefore, you should get all the fame, fortune, praise, etc., that you can in this life. And, Satan will gladly grant all of that to you...if you're willing to do The Selling Of One's Soul. But, At Death, Who Will Your Sin Debt Pay?? If Not Christ, Then It's You...and you'll find that the cost is way too great, and you will be paying that for all Eternity, where in The Home Of The Damned, with Satan, his demon hordes, and everyone else who chose to reject God's Free Love Gift, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. However, for The Believing Remnant, they don't want the world's fame, prestige, name in lights, etc. Instead, they believe that For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart. So these, having repented of their sin, doing The One Thing God Requires, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, in service for The Lord, their treasure is stored in The Home Of The Redeemed...and at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, they may receive one or more of The Five Eternal Crowns from Christ Himself. Yet, they lay all of these at His Feet, declaring that Christ Alone is worthy of the praise...and rejoicing that their names are in The Book Of Life. Only those whose names are written therein will enter The Home Of The Redeemed, either at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, or when they die. Everyone else will be denied entry, and these will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and There Will Be No Appeal There, plus there'll be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Your Eternal Destiny depends on whether or not you've done The One Thing God Requires, and not Going Through The Motions, and whether or not your name is in The Book Of Life.

Nothing Contradictory In God's Holy Word

A companion poem to Not Confusion's Author, this poem shows that there's nothing contradictory in God's Holy Word, The Books Of The Bible. The Lord, He Made The Rules, and this fact, besides The Most Hated Words in Scripture (John 14:6 and Acts 4:!2), has the unrepentant masses of mankind considering The Preaching Of The Cross as ''foolishness and stupidity''. But, to the saved, it is ''The Power Of Almighty God''. There are so many translations, and The Lord warns about the grievious error of The Changing Of God's Word. For more details, click here.

Life In Prison, No Parole, And Death Penalty

A companion poem to A Life On Trial, this is the sentence usually given for convicted criminals on Earth, who have done the most heinous offenses, such as murder. In the ''justice system'', there are several ''types'' of murder...including capital felony murder (the most egregious), murder in the first and second degree, and manslaughter. But, killing someone is in violation of the sixth commandment of The Commandments Ten, so it's still murder. This even applies to the sin of abortion, as Children Are A Heritage, because God declared that ''Before you were formed in the womb, I knew you'', and that ''Life Begins At Conception''. This fact will be illustrated at the moment of the The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, when there'll be Miscarriages At Rapture, For All Women Left Behind that were pregnant. In short, Abortion, A Convenience For, Those Who Fornicate, and there are part of Those Not In God's Kingdom), to ''get rid of the inconvenience of the unborn child; as they feel ''pregancy is a side effect from having sexual intercourse'' (what do you think the act was designed for??!!). All these aborted/murdered unborn babies are in Heaven with The Lord, and unless their mother repents of this sin, doing The One Thing God Requires, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, they will NEVER see their child again. For the women who were pregnant, and did do The One Thing God Requires, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, at the moment of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, they and their unborn child will be changed instantly, and taken to Heaven. However, for all those who die without doing The One Thing God Requires, while They May Escape Conviction Now, But Won't After They Die. Hell's Chasm Only Crossable By Entering Lost Souls, and once someone enters The Home Of The Damned, the only way they will get out is when they stand before The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. At that place, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, they will see that There Will Be No Appeal There, No One Will Defend The Lost, and No One Gets Off Scot Free. Your Life Is Being Recorded, and You'll Answer Only For Yourself When You Stand Before The Lord. And for them, the title of this poem will come to there will be no escape from The Lake Of Fire, and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night for all Eternity.

Heaven After Christ Returns; Until Then, It Is Hell

Originally in The Garden Of Eden, with our first parents, Adam and Eve, life was truly Paradise. They had all they could ever want or need...plenty of food, a perfect environment with fantastic weather (they didn't need any clothing), no sickness/disease, or pain, no fear of animals or insects, no thorns, thistles, or weeds...let alone crime, plus fellowship with The Creator Of The Universe. Tragically, they threw it all away when they listenened to The Doom Of Satan's Lie, and broke The One Simple Rule that God had given them (they only broke it once). Their rebellion resulted in The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, and the pronouncement that It's Appointed All To Die. Indeed, The Groaning Of Creation continues to this day. It will become far worse after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, when The Time Of Jacob's Trouble begins, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years. Christ Alone said that if He didn't return at the appointed time, all life on Earth would perish. At Christ's Return, His Enemies Cut To Shreds, then there'll be The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats. Pre-Figured On Calvary, The Final Judgment Scene, where the Sheep (the Righteous) on Christ's Right, who did The One Thing God Requires, as well as helping the Christians and Jews during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, will be allowed into the Millennium Of Peace, where The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth will finally be removed, and it'll be Life As It Was Meant To Be, After Christ's Return. Tragically, for the Goats (the Unrighteous) on Christ's Left, who did not do The One Thing God Requires, plus they persecuted the Christians and Jews, and also (in the ultimate act of rebellion) took The Mark Of The Beast), will be sentenced to The Home Of The Damned, and stand before Him at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where they'll be condemned to The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity.

When The Quota Of The Church Has Finally Been Reached (Romans 11:25)

Based on Romans 11:25, and a companion poem to When The Fullness Of The Gentiles Has Come In, God has set ''a Divine Quota'' from the Day of Pentecost up until The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, a total that only He knows. While The Lord has added to the Church daily, such as should be saved (Acts 2:47), once that point has been reached, The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church will take place. Imminent And Signless There, And Closer Than You Think, is the moment that will occur...and once it does, it'll be too late to become part of The Bride Of Christ, and to be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and join in The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church will immediately precede The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years...starting when The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace signs a ''peace treaty'' with Israel...allowing them to build The Coming Temple. But, three and one half years later, he will break it, and commit The Abomination Of Desolation, going into the Temple, declaring himself to be God, and ending the sacrifices there. It will be the worst time that the Earth's inhabitants have ever seen, and if Christ didn't return at the apppointed time, all life on Earth would perish. Tragically, those who come to Christ will likely be martyred by beheading via the guillotine...and the majority that reject Christ will end up taking The Mark Of The Beast)...and they will condemn themselves to The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

Imminent And Signless There, And Closer Than You Think

The word ''imminent'' means that it could occur at any noted in these examples.

1) If the wife knows that her husband is to arrive home from work after 4pm, once 4pm has arrived, then his return is imminent.

2) In the case of meteorology, a severe thunderstorm with rotating updrafts (known as a supercell)...once that storm starts rotating, and a wall cloud forms on the southwest part of the storm, development of a tornado is imminent.

3) With childbirth, when a pregnant woman goes into labor, it signals that the birth of her baby is imminent, and she should be taken to the hospital immediately, or there should be a midwife there to help deliver the baby.

4) With Bible Prophecy, The Doctrine Of Imminency applies to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. The only condition that needs to occur beforehand is When The Quota Of The Church Has Finally Been Reached, When The Fullness Of The Gentiles Has Come In. That Divine Quota is a number that only God Almighty knows. Yet, it's Closer By The Second, and it will occur so quickly, that by the time the world realizes what has happened, The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church is over and done with. And after that point, it's too late to become part of The Bride Of Christ, to be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and join in The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb. The only way to be part of these events is to do The One Thing God Requires by repenting of your sin, acknowledging that you can't save yourself, that Christ is the ONLY Way to Heaven, and you receive God's Free Love Gift prior to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, or The Moment Of Your Death.

Not Even A Second There, Is Rapture Duration (1 Corinthians 15:52)

Based on 1 Corinthians 15:52, the Rapture will occur so quickly, in a period of time so short, that it can't be divided...faster than:

1) The time it takes for thelight from the dimmest star in the night sky to reach the eye and strike the retina.

2) One One-Thousandth Of A Second.

3) You can blink your eye.

4) A lightning strike.

5) A single strobe light flash.

6) The time it takes for a neuro-electrical synapse firing in the brain to occur.

A video from Final Act Productions shows how fast the Rapture may occur. By the time it's done, as noted above, life on Earth will take a rapid, massive, turn for the worst. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church is Imminent And Signless There, And Closer Than You Think, and it's Closer By The Second. The only way to be part of it, is doing The One Thing God Requires by repenting of your sin, acknowledging that you can't save yourself, that Christ is the ONLY Way to Heaven, and you receive God's Free Love Gift prior to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, or The Moment Of Your Death.

The Great Equalizer, When You Die (Hebrews 9:27)

Based on Hebrews 9:27, and a companion poem to It's Appointed All To Die, because of The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, and The Wages Of Sin is death...both physically and spiritually. When our first parents broke The One Simple Rule that God had given them (they only broke it once), Death entered all of creation. At the end of time, after The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, Death, Hell, and everyone throughout the course of history who refused to do The One Thing God Requires, will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night for all Eternity. Whether rich or poor, man or beast, Death will come for everyone. The only ones who will escape that are those who've done The One Thing God Requires, and accepting God's Free Love Gift prior to The Moment Of Your Death, prior to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church.

The Chief Of Sinners (1 Timothy 1:15)

Based on 1 Timothy 1:15, the Apostle Paul, who was Divinely Inspired to write much of the New Testament, admitted that ''he was the chief of sinners''. Indeed, before he met Christ on the road to Damascus, he was ''the head Pharisee'', searching out Christians and killing them left and right. But, after his conversion, he admitted the phrase that all true believers admit on a daily basis...that they are ''the chief of sinners''. Christ Alone, He Who Knew No Sin At All, willingly took upon Himself, as if they were His Own, the sins committed against a Holy God, by every man, woman, and young person, that would ever walk the face of the Earth. However, The One Sin Unforgiven would be refusing to do The One Thing God Requires and accepting God's Free Love Gift before The Moment Of Your Death.

Trinity Of Worship There, Only One Is Right

While the word ''Trinity'' is not in The Books Of The Bible, for that matter, neither is are the words ''Bible'' and ''Rapture''. The word ''Trinity'' means a group of 3 individuals or entities, and there are 3 of them.

1) The first one is what the majority of the world belongs to now. This is the Narcissistic Trinity of ''Me, Myself, and I''. As Zeus said to Narcissus, ''Watch Yourself''. They believe that the world and everything else revolves around them.

2) The second one will be what most will belong to during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. This is the evil trinity of The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, The False Prophet, along with Satan and his demonic hordes.

3) The third one is for The Believing Remnant, of those who've done The One Thing God Requires, in repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. This is the Holy Trinity, of God The Father, God The Son (in the Person of Jesus Christ), and God The Holy Spirit. While they are three separate entities, These Three Are One.

For everyone, the question is Who Is Seated Upon Your Life's Throne??. In Truth, only the Third One will get you to The Home Of The Redeemed, while the First And Second One will get you to The Home Of The Damned, upon The Moment Of Your Death.

Your Soul's Cost Is Priceless, There; And You Can't Buy It Back

A companion poem to The Selling Of One's Soul, and Deals With The Devil Are All Fake, you basically can't put a price on your soul. Yet, Satan will give you whatever you want and desire in this life, in exchange for your soul. The problem is that doing such will be the same as taking The Mark Of The Beast during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which makes both of these as The One Sin Unforgiven on your record. And, once that sin is on there, it can't be removed...and you've condemened yourself to The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

The Lost Will Wish That They Had Listened To The Gospel Preached

If there was a true place of total regret, it's The Home Of The Damned. No Athiests Exist There In Hell Fire, and for that matter, neither are there any agnostics. All Believers In Hell, But For These, It Is Too Late. They're Reacy To Repent In Hell; They Waited Far Too Long. This fact will torment them for all Eternity...aside from the darkness, agony, and torment from taunting demons, never ending hunger, thirst, pain, being alone, and everything else that will make their Eternity ''a living Hell''... because Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One, and it'll be nothing like the movie Groundhog Day, where the lead character finally escaped the endless loop. Those in The Home Of The Damned, will realize too late that Hell's Chasm Only Crossable By Entering Lost Souls. However, Hell will be emptied after the Millennium Of Peace, and every unrepentant, unsaved, lost soul, from Adam's time until the end of the Millennium Of Peace, and each of these will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. There, they'll see that there'll be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, and There Will Be No Appeal There. The Lord, He Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free Will to accept or reject God's Free Love Gift. Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, depends upon your choice before The Moment Of Your Death.

Heaven Only For Those Souls Truly Born Again

Many think that Heaven's guaranteed when they die, no matter what they've done in life. However, Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse. Only The Believing Remnant, who have done The One Thing God Requires, will be granted entry.

Every Sin You've Ever Done, They Can Be Forgiven

In the classic hymn, To God Be The Glory, by the late Fanny J. Crosby (who, even though blind for much of her life, was greatly used by The Lord, in writing a myriad of hymns), part of one verse notes ''The vilest offender, who truly believes; that moment from Jesus, a pardon, receives''. And, in the song by Contemporary Christian Music artist Don Francisco, entitled No Condemnation, the refrain notes ''It Doesn't Matter What You've Done, It Matters What You'll Be; There Is No Condemnation When The Son Has Set You Free''. Indeed, until the moment of your death, if you sincerely repent (turn from) your sin, and not just Going Through The Motions, and do The One Thing God Requires, every sin that you have ever done, or will do in life, WILL be forgiven...washed away by the Precious Blood Of Jesus Christ. Then, The One Sin Unforgiven will NOT be on your record...meaning that you will be declared as righteous as Christ Alone. And, because God's Standard Is Perfection for one to enter Heaven, He will see that you meet that standard, and He will welcome you into Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed at The Moment Of Your Death. However, take note that Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and God's Offer Of Pardon Expires At Death. So, in this life, if you fail to do The One Thing God Requires, the number of your sins that will be forgiven are Zip, Zero, Zilch.

None Of These In Heaven, There; You Will See, Or Find

A companion poem to There's Nothing Bad In Heaven, And There's Nothing Good In Hell, this poem shows that the things you'll find in The Home Of The Damned, will NOT be found in The Home Of The Redeemed, and the difference between the two is like night and day. Only one of two places, Heaven Or Hell are Your Eternal Destiny upon The Moment Of Your Death. It all depends on your answer to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

All Praise And Glory To The Lord, For What He Gave To Me

In the classic hymn Count Your Blessings, this is advice for everyone. In a poem of both praise and thanksgiving, I show several of the many blessings that God has given me, since I accepted His Free Love Gift back on March 28, 1978...which of all the blessings, was the best one of all.

Rebellious Souls Declare With Rage, They Won't Be Born Again

The Preaching Of The Cross is to the unsaved, foolishness and stupidity. But, to the saved, it's the Power of Almighty God. When presented with The Gospel Truth, these unrepentant souls treat it with absolute gall and scorn. They believe The Doom Of Satan's that there is no Heaven Or Hell, or such a thing as The Judgment after The Moment Of Your Death. So, they vehemently declare that ''they will not be born again''. The thing is, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, Mankind Can Say 'NO' To Christ, Only For So Long, and At Least One Chance Is Given There to make a decision for Christ. At The Moment Of Your Death, Your Eternal Destiny is sealed, and There Is No Second Chance once you've crossed the threshold of Eternity, to change your mind.

''Come Up Here!!'', The Words That All The Saved In Christ Will Hear (Revelation 4:1)

Based on Revelation 4:1, this is what the Apostle John heard, after The Lord finished giving him the letters to the seven churches. He was ''in the spirit'', catapaulted forward into the future, to see all that would occur from The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, through The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, then the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, to the Millennium Of Peace, to The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, to the start of Eternity future...with a New Heaven, New Earth, and New Jerusalem, and where Sin Won't Rise A Second Time. This is the moment what all the believers in Christ, dead and alive, from Pentecost to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, are wanting. However, only those who've done The One Thing God Requires, will hear those one else will. And by the time they realize what has happened, it'll be too late, as they'll have been left behind to face Hell On Earth For Seven Years.

In Heaven, The Saved Serve Christ, Like They Never Could Before

On Earth, in their sinful, corruptible flesh (those who've done The One Thing God Requires, still have their sin nature)...the saved are, in effect, limited, to what they can do for The Lord. But, once they enter The Home Of The Redeemed, at either The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, or The Moment Of Your Death, they will no longer have the encumberances and limitations that they had in this life, and especially be finally rid of their sin nature. Then, throughout Eternity, they'll be able to serve The Lord like they never could on Earth.

If It Takes Glory From The Lord, It Is As A Cult

As cults make it appear that they are doing The Lord's Work, the fact of the matter is that they are nothing more than fakery, full of charlatains, who are Going Through The Motions. Satan Sponsors Any Topic That Will Leave Christ Out...and the father of lies wants to take all Glory from Christ Alone, who alone is worthy all praise. Satan, The Father Of All Lies, Speaks His Language, There, and Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn. So, he has mankind worship creation and the well as he himself (he has always wanted to usurp The Throne Of God, and to be God)...rather than The Creator. So all the counterfeit religions (including cults), denominations, topics, hobbies, etc., that put the focus on anything and everything else but Christ Alone are guilty of blasphemous actions and deeds, and they will answer for it on Judgment Day.

Your Works And Church Membership Will Not Pass The Test

No matter what you've done in life, or where you attend church, none of that will be good enough When You Stand Before The Lord. Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags before The Lord, because God's Standard Is Perfection. Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, and Just One Thing Will Save Your Soul...doing The One Thing God Requires before The Moment Of Your Death.

Powerless To Exit Hell, Or The Lake Of Fire

A companion poem to Hell's Chasm Only Crossable By Entering Lost Souls, once someone dies without doing The One Thing God Requires, which is sincerely repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, and not just Going Through The Motions...they will enter The Home Of The Damned. Once they enter there, they won't be able to leave it, until after the Millennium Of Peace...when the final rebellion by Satan and all the unsaved souls is destroyed by Divine Fire. At that point, all the unsaved from Adam's day until the end of the Millennium Of Peace, who have been in Hell, The Home Of The Damned, are now transported to The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, which will be the most somber day in all of Hell is emptied, and with Death, are cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity. Every one of the unregenerate, unrepentant souls, will have their entire lives replayed, in thought, word, motive, and deed. There will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, and they'll see that No One Will Defend The Lost, and No One Gets Off Scot Free. They will be compelled to bow before The Lord, by The Truth Of God's Word, to declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to The Glory Of God The Father. However, there is No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...and they will hear the terrifying Words from The Lord to ''Depart From Me, Into The Everlasting Fire, For You I've Never Known''. One by one, each soul, screaming in vain for mercy, is cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Sins Transfer, There Done

In truth, Sin Is Like A Cancer, spreading like a roaring wildfire in high winds. It started with the original sin of pride from Lucifer, originally the covering cherub, who conned one third of the angels into a coup against The Lord Of Hosts. Yet, God knew this would happen, and was ready for it...casting these rebellious ones out of Heaven, sentencing them to eternal banishment. That first sin then spread like wildfire...where Satan, in the form of a serpent, deceived our first parents into disobeying The One Prohibition that God had given them (they only broke that rule once). From there, mankind died spiritually, and developed a rebellious, sin nature...which infected everyone that would ever be born, and walk on planet Earth. Only Christ Alone, who was born of the Virgin Mary, one of the many Vessels Of The Lord throughout history that God would use...was conceived in her womb by the Power of The Holy Spirit, would NOT have the curse of sin on Him. Even Mary knew that Christ would be her Saviour, as she sang ''My Soul Does Magnify The Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God, My Saviour''. If she was sinless, as some believe, WHY did she say she needed a Saviour?? Christ's Mission, as part of the Plan Of Redemption, set before the foundation of the Earth, was to leave The Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, and be born of a Virgin, as the perfect, sinless, Lamb Of God. He would then grow up like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. God In The Flesh, He was made ''a little lower than the angels'' for a time, so He could identify with us in all ways. He had to eat, drink, sleep, and ''answer the call of nature''. After His Baptism in the Jordan River, when He began His Ministry at age 30, He was in the wilderness, fasting for 40 days, then tempted 3 times by Satan. Yet, He Who Knew No Sin At All, defeated Satan's temptations each time. His anger, such as when He threw the money changers out of the Temple right after His Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday, was a Godly, Righteous, it was not sin. However, the Jewish Sanhedrin, held Him in utter contempt. Basically, Christ was Not What They Were Looking For in The Messiah. They wanted a Godlike Warrior, who would overthrow Roman Rule...not someone who would lay down His Life upon an Old Rugged Cross, to pay for the sins of all mankind. He would take the sins of everyone, as if they were His Own, upon Himself, then be scourged, stripped naked, then humiliated and crucified like a common criminal. The transfer of all mankinds sin went to Him, so the shedding of His Precious Blood, would wash away the sins of all who would place their faith in, and on Him, as The Only Way To Heaven. His final words were ''Tetelestai'', or ''It Is Finished''...meaning the Mission that He came to Earth to do, was complete. Then, on the third day after His Crucifixion, He arose from the dead, According To The Scriptures, as the resurrection was God's Seal Of Approval on what Christ had done...and because without The Resurrection, it's just not the same. When an individual does The One Thing God Requires, in sincerely repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, and not just Going Through The Motions, all their sins are transferred off them to The Lord, who has paid the cost of them. Then, all the sins that Satan had caused the true believers on Jesus Christ to commit, will be transferred from The Lord, to Satan, one day. Tragically, for all those who choose to spurn The Gospel Truth, and who die in their sin, the transfer of sin will be from Jesus, to them...including every sin they every did in thought, word, and seed, as well as The One Sin Unforgiven, failing to do The One Thing God Requires before The Moment Of Your Death. Since God's Standard Is Perfection, (without one sin in thought, word, deed, or motive)...and these obviously do not have it, their Eternity will be in The Home Of The Damned. In Heaven, there will be Nothing That Defiles, and in the New Heaven, New Earth, and New Jerusalem, Sin Won't Rise A Second Time. In Truth, in The Home Of The Redeemed, sins transfer was is forever out of Heaven. The Number Of Your Sins Forgiven; It's Either All Or None...and it all depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift, before The Moment Of Your Death. This is because you must answer the questions of At Death, Who Will Your Sin Debt Pay?? If Not Christ, Then It's You, and What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??. Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, depends upon your choice.

God Notices Your Deed For Him, Even If It's Small

Folks believe on Judgment Day, their good deeds will outweigh their bad deeds, and God will welcome them into Heaven. That's only one part of The Doom Of Satan's Lie. In truth, For All Have Sinned, and come short of The Glory Of God, because God's Standard Is Perfection...which means you would have to live your entire life without one single sin in thought, word, motive, or deed, to enter The Home Of The Redeemed. The Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse. The One Thing God Requires is to repent, or turn away from sin, and believe on Christ, God In The Flesh, the one God sent...who left The Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. Then, He Who Knew No Sin At All, would take upon Himself, the sins that every human being that would ever walk the Earth, would ever commit, in thought, word, deed, and motive, upon Himself, as if they were His Own. Then, He would die on an Old Rugged Cross, shedding His Precious Blood, to wash away the sins of mankind...then He rose from the dead on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures, and He is coming back to Earth one day to rule and reign. Yet, this has to be done before The Moment Of Your Death, because After Death, Belief Too Late. Once you have done this, then what you do for The Lord is like money being deposited in your Heavenly Bank Account. While Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags, the works you do through The Righteousness Of Christ, in service to Christ Alone is what will benefit you at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, because At Resurrection Of The Just, The Saved Get Compensation, or rewards, as part of The Five Eternal Crowns. This is because For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart...and in The Home Of The Redeemed, there is no need to worry about your account being robbed, or the assets decaying away, as they do here in this Earthly Life. For those who did these ''deeds'' to be seen of mankind, that's all the reward they will receive. Yet, those who worked behind the scenes, as it were, in humble, selfless service to The Lord, He will reward them accordingly. And, as the title of this poem notes, it won't matter the magnitude of deeds one did, or what they God has noticed all of them. There won't be any jealousy, envy, or pride, in The Home Of The Redeemed, as Nothing That Defiles will be allowed to enter there.

Eternity, For Saved Or Lost; Time Will There, Stand Still

A companion poem to Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One, once the threshold of Eternity has been crossed at The Moment Of Your Death, everything changes. First, depending on what you did with God's Free Love Gift, it determines Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned. No Other Places Exist When You Die...not Purgatory, Soul Sleep, Nirvana, Reincarnation, etc. It's Appointed All To Die, and after this, The Judgment. This Judgment will be one of two places after The Moment Of Your Death.

For those who've done The One Thing God Requires, it'll be The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, which will occur after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. While the issue of sin won't be considered there, rewards will be gained and lost, but they will still be in The Home Of The Redeemed, Heaven. Here, Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One, is akin to the last verse in the beloved hymn Amazing Grace (which wasn't in the original hymn), where it notes ''When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun. We've no less days, to sing God's Praise, than when we've first begun''.

In contrast, those who believed The Doom Of Satan's Lie, and died without doing The One Thing God Requires, they will immediately enter Hell, The Home Of The Damned. Then, after the Millennium Of Peace, the period of time after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, and The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule...hell will be emptied, and all of the unrepentant souls from Adam's day to the end of the The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. On the most somber day in all of history, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, plus There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Then, these are cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One. In other words, after they've been there for eons of time, the time they will have to remain there will have NOT be shortened even one millisecond.

Unlike the movie ''Groundhog Day'', where the main character finally escapes the looping pattern, there is no escape from Your Eternal Destiny upon The Moment Of Your Death...and it all depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

No Other Places Exist When You Die

Tragically, most in the world today, and throughout history, have believed The Doom Of Satan's Lie. There are many parts to that, such as:

1) There is no Heaven Or Hell after The Moment Of Your Death. This is what the Saducees of Jesus' day, believed.

2) You go to Purgatory for several years or centuries to ''purge away your sin'', before you can enter The Home Of The Redeemed, Heaven.

3) You will experience Soul Sleep, Nirvana, or are reincarnated as someone or something else.

4) You are going to live for many years, and you don't need to make that decision for Christ today.

5) Your good deeds will outweigh your bad deeds, and God will welcome you into Heaven.

6) Heaven is guaranteed at The Moment Of Your Death, no matter what you believe, or what you've done in your earthly life...whether you had the personality of Mother Teresa, or of Adolf Hitler.

7) Even if you're an athiest, agnostic, or non-Christian, God will let you into Heaven.

The truth be told is that ALL OF THESE ITEMS ARE A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL!!. In response to the above:

1) It's either Heaven Or Hell...The Home Of The Redeemed, or Hell, The Home Of The Damned.

2) The Roman Catholic Church doctrine of Purgatory is a ruse for Hell, The Home Of The Damned. They say that what Jesus Christ did on The Old Rugged Cross of Calvary was NOT enough...and you have to earn your salvation. The facts are that when Christ died, He shouted It Is Finished...meaning that the work that He had come to do to pay for the sin debt of mankind was now completed. Then, he rose from the dead on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures.

3) The Saducees of Jesus' Day didn't believe in life after death. But, when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead...then He Himself rose from the dead, it shot that out of the water, and out of the sky. In the story (this was NOT a parable) of The Rich Man And Lazarus, Life After You Die (a different Lazarus than the one that Christ had raised from the dead), the rich man fared sumptuously every day, living a life of luxury. Yet, Lazarus, a lowly beggar was at his door, wanting just the crumbs or scraps of food from the rich man's table...yet he got nothing. To make matters worse for Lazarus, ''the dogs came and licked his sores''. Eventually, both of them died...and their destinations were as different as night and day. Before Christ had been crucified, and then rose from the dead on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures, Hades was divided into two compartments. The first was known as Paradise (also called Abraham's Bosom), where the spirits of the righteous dead, who believed in a Coming Redeemer, were...and they were comforted. The other was Torments, what would be classed today as Hell. The rich man lifted up his eyes in Torments, and seeing Abraham and Lazarus in Paradise, called for him to ''dip his finger in cold water, and put it on my tongue, for I'm tormented in this flame''. Abraham tells him that ''You had good things in life, and Lazarus had nothing. Now, he is comforted, and you are tormented''. Abraham continued with ''there's a great chasm between us, that no one can cross over from either place''. The rich man pleaded for Abraham to send someone to the house of his brothers, to warn them of this place, and Abraham told him that ''they have Moses and the Prophets''. The rich man asked to allow someone to rise from the dead to warn them, and Abraham said that ''if they won't believe Moses or The Prophets, they won't believe it from someone who rose from the dead''. After Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection, He took the spirits of those in Paradise with Him to Heaven...including the thief that was on His Right, being crucified with Him. When the repentant thief got to the Gates Of Heaven, and was asked why he felt he should be admitted, the repentant thief replied The Man Upon The Center Cross Said I Could Come In. With Paradise now taken with these saints to Heaven, Torments (now Hell) enlarged itself, to where now only the unrepentant, unregenerate souls are. They will remain there until after the Millennium Of Peace, the period of time after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, and The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule...hell will be emptied, and all of the unrepentant souls from Adam's day to the end of the The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. On the most somber day in all of history, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, plus There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Then, these are cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One. In other words, after they've been there for eons of time, the time they will have to remain there will have NOT been shortened for even one millisecond.

4) Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and everyone is One Heartbeat Away from Eternity.

5) One is saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works, lest anyone should boast. Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags (literally, bloody menstrual cloths) before The Lord. Plus, Your Works And Church Membership Will Not Pass The Test.

6) Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and Default At Your Death Is Hell; If Christ, You Refuse.

7) Those who have not done The One Thing God Requires are on the same level as an athiest, agnostic, or non-Christian...let alone Satan and his demonic hordes. In short, for all of these, Heaven Is Denied at The Moment Of Your Death.

Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with them in The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity...because ''they hate you, and all of mankind...whether you're young or old, male or female, Jew or Gentile, Protestant or Catholic, or something else. You DON'T have to believe The Doom Of Satan's Lie, and you don't have to go to Hell. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, as The Lord, He Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free Will. A Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, but one is required to go to Heaven. Your Eternal Destiny upon The Moment Of Your Death, depends on your response to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

Am I Now Your Enemy, As I Tell You The Truth?? (Galatians 4:16)

Based on Galatians 4:16, the Apostle Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament portion of The Books Of The Bible, he asks a very pointed question. Of all the faiths and religions out in the world today, only one can be right...even though each one feels ''they are the Truth''. However, Other Faiths Founders Dead, But Jesus Is Alive. Religions Keep Mankind Enslaved, But Christ Will Set You Free. It's Relationship, Not Religion, is the main point. In fact, Biblical Christianity is NOT a's a relationship with Jesus Christ...and it's not just Going Through The Motions. Christ Alone told His Disciples that He was The Way, The Truth, The Life, and that ''No One Comes To The Father, But Through Me''. That was reaffirmed by the Apostle Peter when He declared that No One Else But Jesus is how one can be saved. Both John 14:6 and Acts 4:12 are The Most Hated Words, according to mankind, because The World Says We're Intolerant. But, they refuse to accept the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules. Biblical Christianity is also the ONLY faith where ''its God'' has accurately predicted the future. All the prophecies in The Books Of The Bible, up until the moment of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, has been fulfilled to the letter, 100% of the time. No other ''religions'' even come close with their ''prophets''. This track record means that all future prophecies after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church will be fulfilled as well. The other ''counterfeit religions'' are not happy that ''they have been found out''. As they saying goes, ''a lie has many faces, but the Truth has only one''.

Only One Has Walked On Earth, Without A Single Sin

God's Standard Is Perfection for one to enter The Home Of The Redeemed at The Moment Of Your Death. This means that you would have to have lived your entire life on Earth, WITHOUT A SINGLE SIN in thought, word, motive, or deed. Unfortunately, after the rebellion of our first parents, Adam And Eve, in the Garden Of Eden, in listening to The Doom Of Satan's Lie, they broke the only rule that God had given them...and they only broke it once. They, and all mankind, died spiritually, and developed a rebellious, sin nature. Far too many today believe that ''Heaven's Guaranteed When You Die'', or that ''My good deeds will outweigh my bad deeds''...although nobody considers what'll happen if the scales are ''in a tie''. Only one of two places, Heaven Or Hell is where you will go at The Moment Of Your Death...and Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse...because Heaven Is Not Owed To You. Christ Alone, God In The Flesh, was the ONLY individual to live their life on Planet Earth, WITHOUT A SINGLE SIN in thought, word, motive, or deed. Then, He Who Knew No Sin At All took upon Himself, as if they were His Own, the sins of every man, woman, and young person, male or female, who would ever walk the Earth. He was scourged, then crucified on an Old Rugged Cross, shedding His Precious Blood, to pay the sin debt for all mankind. Then, He rose from the dead on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures, because Without The Resurrection, it's just not the same. And, the resurrection was God's Seal Of Approval on what Christ did on The Cross. Even one sin not paid for would mean Christ is still in the grave, like all the other ''religion and faith founders''. Yet, Other Faiths Founders Dead, But Jesus Is Alive. Once someone does The One Thing God Requires in repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, they are now seen by God as righteous, perfect, and sinless, as Christ Alone. They now meet God's Standard Of Perfection, and they are welcomed into Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, when they die.

God's Word Is Not A Buffet, Where You Can Pick And Choose

After church on Sunday morning and Sunday night, folks like to go out to eat at various restaurants. The best deal is the buffet, where a wide selection of food (salads, vegetables, meats and other main courses, beverages, and of course, desserts. Everyone's taste and metabolism is different, and some things they have to avoid, or others they don't care for. And, with a buffet, you can pick and choose what you want to eat, and not take anything that you don't want, or can't have. However, when it comes to Scripture and The Books Of The Bible, All Scripture Given By The Lord, and it's profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness...and every bit of it Truth, because The Lord, He Made The Rules; and many times in Scripture, there are commands that note These Things You Shall Not Do. You can NOT treat God's Word like a buffet, where you pick and choose what you want, and ignore what you dislike, because it's offensive. In Truth, The Preaching Of The Cross, is to those who die in their sin, foolishness and stupidity. But to the saved, it's the Power of Almighty God. Mankind just wants to hear that ''God Is Love'' and that ''He'll Wink At Sin''...but that is NOT what God will do. While The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, He can not, and will not, allow sin in His Presence. God's Standard Is Perfection, and if there is no evidence of repentance and faith (as God knows if you're Going Through The Motions, or if you're sincere in your commitment to Him), you are basically playing ''Russian Roulette With Your Soul''. If that gun fires, you won't be able to do it again, as There Is No Second Chance after The Moment Of Your Death. It's the same as having The One Sin Unforgiven on your record...refusing to do The One Thing God Requires, to repent of your sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

The Unsaved, At Death; Like Satan, And His Demon Hordes

There are only two kinds of people in both faith, and spiritual standing before God. First, Jews and Gentiles, and second, saved and lost. Biblically, a Jew can't become a Gentile, and a Gentile can't become a Jew. But, either Jew or Gentile, who by default are spiritually lost, because of the sin of our first parents in The Garden Of Eden, can become saved, by doing The One Thing God Requires, repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. Unfortunately, far more will choose to follow The Doom Of Satan's Lie...with some engaging in The Selling Of One's Soul to Satan, for promises of wealth, fame, and power, in this life. Tragically, these will find out at The Moment Of Your Death, that Deals With The Devil Are All Fake. Satan and his demon hordes have no chance at salvation, as they were originally in the Presence Of God, and yet, they rebelled. Since misery loves company, Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with them for all Eternity in The Lake Of Fire. They know that there is no salvation or redemption available to them...and once the unrepentant die in their sins, and they're in The Home Of The Damned, they realize the same, sobering fact. No Athiests Or Agnostics Exist In Hell, and while they know The Truth, they also know it's too late for them to escape what lies ahead of them, and they also see that Eternal Torment, Not A Joke.

When God's Judgments Start To Fall, Most Will Won't Repent

A companion poem to They Would Not Repent, despite God's Warnings beforehand, and then when His Judgments began to fall, the title of this poem speaks to the majority of mankind. They deeply resent the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules. Their hearts, so hardened and hell-bent with sin, as they feel that The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishness and stupdity. Yet, to the saved, this is The Power Of Almighty God. Shaking their fists at The Lord in utter contempt and defiance, Rebellious Souls Declare With Rage, They Won't Be Born Again. So, since God Has Always Been A Gentleman, God Gave Them Over to a reprobate mind, to do things that should not be done...and He gave them what they want. They will find out, individually, at The Moment Of Your Death, as they enter The Home Of The Damned, that they all got far more than they bargained for...that Deals With The Devil Are All Fake, and The Evil Forces Surely Lose, But They Feel They Will Win. Only The Believing Remnant who choose to do The One Thing God Requires, will escape God's Judgment for Eternity...although they will go through The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. Here, while the issue of sin won't be considered, rewards will be gained and lost, but they'll still be in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, for all Eternity.

At The Foot Of Calvary's Cross, Is The Meeting Place

In the song It Is Finished, the battle for mankind's souls for Eternity was on Mount Calvary, where Jesus Christ, the Perfect, Sinless, Lamb Of God...god In The Flesh...was crucified for all mankind's sins. He Who Knew No Sin At All willingly took upon Himself, as if they were His Own...the sins every man, woman, and child, that would ever walk the Earth, would commit. He would shed His Precious Blood, and die the death of a common criminal, to satisfy the Judgment Of God upon all mankind for their sin. Satan and his demon hordes thought they had won, with Christ dying an agonizing, excruciating death on that Old Rugged Cross. But, when Christ shouted It Is Finished, it meant these two things:

1) The power and bondage of sin on mankind's souls, was broken...especially for those who would do The One Thing God Requires.

2) The Work that Christ had come to do, was completed...and it was validated with God's Seal Of Approval, with The Resurrection of Christ on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures.

Every sin the true believer would ever commit was now forgiven, and it was in The Sea Of Forgetfulness, Where Sins Of The Saved, Lie. The Believing Remnant, were now seen as Righteous as Christ Himself, and for each upon The Moment Of Your Death, these would instantly be in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed. Tragically, for the unrepentant, who refuse to do The One Thing God Requires, they will see at The Moment Of Your Death, they are now in The Home Of The Damned. They realize that There Is No Second Chance to make that Decision For Christ...and since each of them have The One Sin Unforgiven on their record...every sin they've ever done, in thought, word, motive, or deed...will be shown to them at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. At that meeting place, where every unrepentant, unsaved soul, will gather...there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, plus There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Then, these are cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One. In other words, after they've been there for eons of time, the time they will have to remain there will have NOT be shortened even one millisecond. And each one will realize for Eternity, that they are The One To Blame.

Absent From The Body, But Then Present With The Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8)

At The Moment Of Your Death, No Other Places Exist When You Die, except Heaven Or Hell. Your answer to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??, will set your Eternity, and which of these two places you will go. The Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ You Refuse, and you will go to Hell, The Home Of The Damned instead of Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, if you choose to reject God's Free Love Gift. You will be absent from the body at death, but only those who have done The One Thing God Requires will be with The Lord in Heaven for all Eternity. Both Hell and The Lake Of Fire are the Two Places Where The Lord Can Not Be Found...and while the unrepentant will see Him at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they will never see Him again after that point. Those Wanting Freedom From Religion, Will Get It In Hell, and then in The Lake Of Fire. The Lord, He Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free Will, as God Has Always Been A if they didn't want Him, they will be Given What Was Desired, and God will tell them at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, Your Will, Be Done.

Sin Not Mentioned At The Bema; But At Great White Throne

With the two different judgments...for the saved and for the also is worth noting the issue of sin at these. At The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, which is ONLY for believers who've done The One Thing God Requires, and that will take place shortly after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. This Judgment examines the WORKS of the believers ONLY...and NOT the believers themselves. Had it done so, sin would be considered, and Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, would be empty. However, when a true believer did The One Thing God Requires, the Precious Blood Of Jesus washed away all their sins...past, present, and future. In short, the issue of sin, having been settled at The Cross, will NOT even be considered at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...even though rewards will be gained and lost there.

In contrast, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, this is for all the unsaved and unrepentant souls of all time...who failed to do The One Thing God Requires. As a result, every sin that they thought, word, motive, or deed...and whether it was done in secret, or in the open...will be duly noted. There will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, plus There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Then, these are cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One. In other words, after they've been there for eons of time, the time they will have to remain there will have NOT be shortened even one millisecond. And each one will realize for Eternity, that they are The One To Blame.

All Commands There From The Lord, Not Optional, There

Most of mankind deeply resent the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules. The ''rules'' were made for our own good, although most think these ''restrictions'' are grievious. The commands from The Lord, including The Commandments Ten, and These Things You Shall Not Do, are not ''suggestions'' or ''options''. While mankind may try to disobey rules in sporting events and other areas of life, You'll Answer Only For Yourself, When You Stand Before The Lord, including if you broke any of His Rules. And, if You've Broken One Of God's Laws, Friend; You've Broken Every One. God's Standard Is Perfection, and if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record at The Moment Of Your Death you will find that for you, Heaven is DENIED.

If Christ Is Not Your Saviour; Then, He'll Be Your Judge

Christ Alone, Creator Of The Universe, God In The Flesh, will be The Judge of all three different judgments. These will be either The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, and finally, The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. For those who've done The One Thing God Requires prior to The Moment Of Your Death...and you're not just Going Through The Motions, then Christ is your Savior, and He will welcome you into Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed. If you haven't, then instead of being A Friend For Life for all Eternity, Jesus Christ will be The First Nightmare Faced...and He will tell these ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known, as He will be Your Judge.

I Would Rather Live My Life, As If God Exists

The title for this poem is patterned after a Christian meme that notes ''I would rather live my life as if there is a God...then die, and find out there isn't -- rather than to live my life as if there isn't a God...then die, and find out there is''. In short, If Christians' Beliefs Are Wrong, They Have The Least To Lose. And, for many, at The Moment Of Your Death, that The Price Of Being Wrong is too far too great for them to pay. Sadly, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent, and many will discover that The Majority Was Wrong.

If Christians' Beliefs Are Wrong, They Have The Least To Lose

A companion poem to The Price Of Being Wrong, and The Majority Was Wrong, as Hal Lindsey noted, ''If the believers On Jesus are wrong, the most we'll lose are a few petty sins, which in the end, don't make anyone happy, anyway. But, if the unbeliever is wrong, they will spend Eternity paying the debt of The Gamble...that they gambled with their soul, and lost it.

You're Welcomed Into Heaven, Or Cast Into The Fire

When You Stand Before The Lord after The Moment Of Your Death, it'll be at one of three places:

1) The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, shortly after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church.

2) The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, shortly after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth (if you're on Christ's Right).

3) The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, after the Millennium Of Peace.

For those who've done The One Thing God Requires, in repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, they'll be at either Judgment 1 or 2, noted above...and they'll be welcomed into Heaven. Tragically, for those who chose to spurn God's Free Love Gift, they will be at Judgment 3 noted above...and they will end up being cast into The Lake Of Fire.

You May Not Lead Someone To Christ; But In The Process, There

When You Stand Before The Lord, either at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, right after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church...or at The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, right after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, if you are on Christ's Right with the won't matter if you actually led someone to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ...but if you were still ''in the process'', that will still count. All God Wants The Saved To Do, Is Just Plant The Seed, as Once The Seed Is Planted, The Watering Is God's...but He may use you as part of the ''soul cultivation process'' for that individual. Now, if they choose to spurn God's Free Love Gift, the blame and fault for that is not on you...because Once You Witness To Someone, Their Blood Is Off Your Hands. You can still pray for them, that The Holy Spirit will melt their stone cold heart, and that they will be receptive to The Gospel Truth. Yet for everyone, God's Offer Of Pardon Expires At Death, and It's Your Peril If You Wait; You Don't Know When You'll Die. And, After Death, Belief Too Late to change Heaven Or Hell, as No Other Places Exist When You Die.

Divine Judgment, Retribution; One Day, Will Take Place

So many feel that this life is all there is, and that there's no such thing as Heaven Or Hell, let alone The Judgment, after The Moment Of Your that ''if they get away with it in this life, they're home free''. To their shock and dismay, they'll discover too late that They May Escape Conviction Now, But Won't After They Die. Everyone will undergo A Life On Trial When You Stand Before The Lord. For those who failed to do The One Thing God Requires, every sin they ever thought, motive, word, or deed...done in secret or in the open...will be displayed for all to see. There will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, plus There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Then, these are cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One. In other words, after they've been there for eons of time, the time they will have to remain there will have NOT be shortened even one millisecond. And each one will realize for Eternity, that they are The One To Blame. However, for The Believing Remnant at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, while sin won't be considered there, as they did The One Thing God Requires, rewards will be gained and lost, which will determine their standing for Eternity. But, they will still be in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed...and Eternity will be far better for them, than for all those who chose to go to The Home Of The Damned, because they chose to reject God's Free Love Gift.

Christ Still Has The Nail Prints, and Scars To Bring To Mind

When Christ rose from the dead, His Resurrection Body was PERFECT. However, He still had the nail prints in His Hands and Feet, and the scars from the crown of thorns on His Head, and from the spear wound in His Side after He died. He showed His Disciples the wounds, which were VISIBLE, but TOTALLY HEALED...saying ''a ghost or spirit body doesn't have flesh and bones, as I do'' they were still understandably shocked that after the cruel death He had experienced just days earlier, here He was in their presence, alive and well. He even asked if they had anything to eat...and although eating and drinking wasn't apparently necessary, He did that to show them that this was no illusion. One of the women brought forth some broiled fish and honeycomb...and after He gave thanks, He began to eat. He confirmed to them that According To The Scriptures, The Son Of Man (one of the many titles for Himself) would be betrayed into the hands of sinners, be crucified, then rise again. They now began to understand that all He had spoken of was true. Forty days after His Resurrection, He ascended to Heaven, with the Promise of The Comforter, The Holy Spirit...who would arrive ''like a rushing mighty wind'' on Pentecost, with the start of The Church Age, The Age Of Grace...which would continue until The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. Hal Lindsey, author of such books at The Late Great Planet Earth, Satan Is Alive And Well On Planet Earth, The Promise, There's A New World Coming, and many more (available on Amazon and elsewhere), has noted ''I want to touch those scars, to remind me of the price that Christ paid for my redemption''. Tragically, for the unrepentant, the scars will be a mute reminder that Christ died for their sins...and yet, they chose to reject God's Free Love Gift.

Discipline Done By The Lord; More Than We'd Conceive

While discipline seems grievious when it's administered in this life (i.e. spankings, restrictions, etc.), no parent would be legitimate without doing such to correct their children when they misbehave. The proverb wisely notes that ''Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child. But, the rod of correction will drive it far from him''. Personally, I got my share of spankings growing up, and I consider myself much better for it, thank you very much. It should be noted that any discipline should be done in love, and NOT a fit of angry rage. Tragically, nowadays, the thought is that ''if you spank a child, it'll ruin their self esteem, and make them more violent toward their parents and others''. Discipline sets boundaries, both physically, and know that These Things You Shall Not Do. Yet, most of mankind absolutely detests the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules, including The Commandments Ten. The Law Made For The Lawless Ones, but you hae all these lawyers today trying to absolve people from their guilt. Yet, Christ Excuses No One From Responsibility. Your Life Is Being Recorded, and after The Moment Of Your Death, When You Stand Before The Lord, you will undergo A Life On Trial. Everything you've ever said or done, in thought, word, motive, or deed, will be replayed...and there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, plus There Will Be No Appeal There. The discipline meted out by The Lord will not be temporary, as in this life, but for all Eternity. If you die without doing The One Thing God Requires, and you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record, the penalty for that, and every other sin you ever did, will be added to the cost that you will NEVER be able to pay. Because God's Standard Is Perfection, and you have all those sins ''on you'', you'll find that instead of Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed (which for you, is DENIED), you will instead spend Eternity in The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned, and with Satan, his demonic hordes, and everyone who refused God's Free Love Gift, the common thing for everyone there is that They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. As for the true believers, not those who are just Going Through The Motions, instead of being at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they will instead be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. Rewards will be gained and lost there, but they will be in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed for all Eternity. As for these two judgments, Sin Not Mentioned At The Bema; But At The Great White Throne. Which of these two judgments you will be at following The Moment Of Your Death, is determined on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

The Gospel Either Opens Eyes, Or It Hardens Hearts

These are the two main Truths of The Gospel. One will either realize they are a sinner, Destined For The Lake Of Fire at The Moment Of Your Death, unless they repent, and accept God's Free Love Gift...doing it sincerely, and not just Going Through The Motions. Or, they will further harden their hearts in rebellion toward God, and Rebellion Just Like Witchcraft. The Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ You Refuse, Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, and Your Decision Will Be Honored. Basically, if you, of your free will and choice, choose to reject God's Free Love Gift here on Earth, that will carry over into Eternity. And, Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, depends upon your choice. God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and you will be Given What Was Desired.

If It Weren't For Prophecy, The Saved Would Have No Hope

Mankind can't see the future, and while he may think he knows what will happen...either during the upcoming day, week, month, year, decade, etc., the hard facts are that he can not know the specifics of the events that will occur, especially considering that Tomorrow Is Promised To No One...and that also includes the next 5 seconds. Every breath that you take, and every beat of your heart, is a gift from God. He literally ''holds your life in His Hands''. As for the title of this poem, with the way the world is today, and what has happened in the past, for those who've done The One Thing God Requires, if The Lord had not told them the future, the outlook would be extremely depressing. This is highlighted in the fact that Without The Resurrection of Christ from the dead, it's just not the same. As the Apostle Paul noted ''If Christ isn't risen from the dead, our preaching is in vain... your faith is in vain...those who died in Christ have're still dead in your sins...and we're the most miserable of all creatures, as we're all Destrined For The Lake Of Fire. But, Christ HAS risen from the dead, and is the first fruits of them that sleep (Christian Death). Biblical Christianity is the only ''faith'' that has ''prophecy''...which has been fulfilled to the letter, in minute detail...100 percent of the time. Prophecies Yet Unfulfilled, One Day, Become Facts. This includes such events as The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds, and that's immediately followed by The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, the Millennium Of Peace, then the most somber day in all of human history, The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. The latter is where everyone who has ever walked on planet Earth, who refused to do The One Thing God Requires, will now stand before The Lord, where Justice Will Be Done. At this judgment, everyone there will undergo A Life On Trial. Here, No One Will Defend The Lost, and No One Gets Off Scot Free. Plus, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, as they will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned, The Lake Of Fire...where with Satan, his demon hordes, and all who refused to repent and accept God's Free Love Gift, will be, and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. However, for all those, who in this life, did The One Thing God Requires, will have a much different future. This is because No One Knows The Things God Has Prepared for those who love Him. But, for everyone, Each Day In Eternity, The Time Is As Day One...either in The Home Of The Redeemed, Heaven...or in Hell then The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned.

Abortion For Convenience Of, Those Who Fornicate

A companion poem to Children Are A Heritage, The Lord, He Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die, Who Offends These Little Ones Who Believe In Me, Miscarriages At Rapture, For All Women Left Behind, besides The Gospel Truth, this is a topic that none of the unrepentant souls want to hear. Those engaged in the literal murder of an unborn child, are having abortion done, because they feel that ''pregnancy is a side effect from having sexual intercourse''. What do you think the act was designed for??!! The ONLY time sexual relations are considered ''holsum'' are within the confines of a marriage relationship, between a man and a woman, as husband and wife...designed for the procreation of the species. Everything else is both adultery and fornication. The cries and screams of all of the aborted and unborn children, are being heard by The Lord...not to mention the act performed by the doctors, is being noted as well. This is expounded upon in this tract from Chick Publications. The women who have the abortion done, unless they repent, and accept God's Free Love Gift, they will NEVER see their child again. All of the aborted and unborn children are now in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, with The Lord...because even though All Dying At Conception There, Unless They're Born Again...none of these had the chance to hear The Gospel Truth (they were murdered before that point), and they are below ''the age of accountability''. While Scripture doesn't indicate the age of such, until a person realizes that they are a sinner, and that the Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ You Refuse, Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, and Your Decision Will Be Honored...they are considered innocent and sinless before The Lord. However, once they reach the age of accountability, and realize such, they are now part of Those Not In God's Kingdom...unless for each one, before The Moment Of Your Death, they choose to repent, and do The One Thing God Requires, and they receive God's Free Love Gift, in all sincerity, and are not just Going Through The Motions.

Those Who Complain To The Lord, They Will Not Get Far

Mankind detests the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules. So, they persecute the Christians, saying that ''they are promoting hate speech''...but the fact is, the Christians are NOT the ones who made The Rules. The fact is that God Is Angry With The Wicked every day. Yet, The Lord, He Does Not Force Mankind, Deciding Who They Choose, because God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and for everyone, at The Moment Of Your Death, you will be Given What Was Desired. For the unrepentant souls, who end up at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they can complain all they want, but it won't get them very far. This is because on that day, for each of them, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne.

The Lost Will Stand In Silent Shame, There Before The Lord

Habakkuk 2:20 notes that The Lord Is In His Holy Temple, There; Let All The Earth Keep Silence Before Him''. Indeed, when the lost stand before The Lord at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they will be Without Excuse. After all the evidence has been presented, showing that there is No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne... The Justice Of Their Sentence There, The Lost Will Then, Confess.

Only Those Tuned Into God, Will Hear Heaven's Call

Years ago, there was a song done called Turn Your Radio On (this version by The Statler Brothers), which noted the importance of ''being on the right frequency, to get in touch with God''. When The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church occurs, ONLY those who've done The One Thing God Requires...whether they've died, or are still alive...will hear ''the call''. They will hear (not necessarily in this order):

1) Behold, The Bridegoom Comes.

2) Their name.

3) ''Come Up Here!!'', The Words That All The Saved In Christ Will Hear.

4) The shout of The Lord Himself (literally a shout of order the resurrection of the dead in Christ, and the translation of the living).

5) The trumpet blast.

All this, In Twinking Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes. It will be over in less than a second...yet the saved in Christ will hear everything noted. For a video on how fast The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church may occur, click here.

Yet, those who have NOT done The One Thing God Requires, they WON'T hear ANY of the above. Yet, they'll realize as soon as The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church is completed, that something has happened...and that they are still on Earth. Some at that point will break down in tears, and repent...but for others, the repentance will not be genuine, but superficial (it won't last). And for others, it will further harden their hearts in rebellion toward The Lord.

The Talents God Has Given Me, None Of Them, My Own

The Good Lord has given me several talents over the years, including:

1) Writing Gospel Poetry since October, 1976. At one time, I also wrote chordal improvisations to several of these, but the message is more important than the music.

2) Singing. Originally, I couldn't hit a tone in a bucket back in high school in south Florida...but several young ladies in the alto section ''took me under their wings'', and by the end of my sophomore year in High School, I was voted ''Most Improved Chorus Student''. Further details, and on my competition with a fellow choir member, is detailed in The Road To The 1977 Florida All State.

3) Amateur Radio...originally being Net Control for several traffic nets (which I still do today), and since October, 2007, being a Volunteer Examiner to administer the license exams. I've also ''elmered'' hams, with preparing forums, and PDF files, on certain aspects of the hobby...and these can be found here.

4) Square Dancing. It's good clean fun, and great cardiovascular exercise.

5) Drama and Theatre Arts. This was with plays in junior and senior high school, and in taking part in church choir cantatas over the years (the latter around the last week of Christ's Life on Earth, before His Betrayal, Illegal Trial, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. These are further detailed in the poems Drama, and A Thespian Is.... Also, a study on The Last Eight Days of Christ's Earthly Life, from Palm Sunday to His Resurrection, can be found in a 3 part series, located here.

6) Pun Humor. A pun is basically ''a play on words''...such as when the antenna worker changed the lights on the tower, it was the ''high light'' of his career.

7) Computer Bulletin Board System (BBS) System Operator (Sysop)...where I met, and married one of my users, Janice E. H. Stout. She went on to be with The Lord in late April, 2007...but I know one day, I'll see her again...and I have all the wonderful memories that no one can take away. We were what was called ''Married With Modem Sysops'', as the BBS was originally on ''dial-up'', before telnet access became available.

Overall, all of these had quite a bit of a learning curve, but The Good Lord gave me the talent to be able to perform these well, and I give Him all the Glory for that.

The Lost Won't Cease To Exist, But They Will Cease To Matter

Based on this column from the late Jack Kinsella, the title of this poem is summed up at the bottom. It shows how everything was originally created pure and perfect in the universe, until Lucifer, originally the covering cherub who guarded God's Throne, inflated with pride, and conned one third of the angels to join him in a coup against The Lord. He, and all the other rebellious ones were cast out of Heaven...Lucifer became Satan (the adversary), and the fallen angels became horrific demons. They settled around Planet Earth, and through a serpent, Satan deceived Eve, then Adam, into breaking the one rule that God had given them...and they only broke it once. It brought The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, and all mankind developed a rebellious, sin nature, toward The Lord. Things got so evil, that God commanded Noah to build an Ark...and only his family and the animals on board survived the forty day worldwide flood (everyone else drowned). Unfortunately, it didn't take long for sin to take hold again, and through the course of history with dispensations and judgments (detailed here), Redemption's Plan came to fruition, when Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, the second person in the Trinity, stepped out of Eternity, leaving the Glory of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, and live like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. For He Who Knew No Sin At All, would take the sins of everyone who'd ever walk the Earth, on Himself, as if they were is own. Then, He'd be scourged and crucified on an Old Rugged Cross, then rise again on The Third Day According To The Scriptures. Bible Prophecies Show That They Are True, and as all of the Biblical Prophecies concerning Christ's First Coming to Earth, everything related to His Second Coming, will be fulfilled to the letter. These will begin with The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, followed by The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years. Then, When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, Justice Will Be Done, as At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. Then, will come The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, with the sheep on His Right, being allowed to enter the Millennium Of Peace. The horribly ravaged Earth will have been restored a place of incredible beauty, not seen since Creation. By contrast, the goat on His Left, will be cast off the planet into outer darkness. At the end of the Millennium Of Peace, Satan (who had been bound all this time) is released to incite a final rebellion...but they are instantly devoured by Divine Fire. Then, all the unrepentant of all time from Adam's day until the end of the Millennium Of Peace, are raised to stand at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Here, on the most somber day of all history, everyone there will undergo A Life On Trial, and will see that see that No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, and that there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, There Will Be No Appeal There, and there will be No Salvation At The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. For Eternity, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night, and be constantly reminded of the horrible mistake they made in rejecting God's Free Love Gift.

In Your Quiet Time, Be Still; There To Hear The Lord (Psalms 46:10 and 1 Kings 19:12)

A companion poem to Do You Have Time For Me??, and The Effectual Fervent Prayer, The Lord has given His Children the most powerful gift and way of communication with Him...prayer and quiet time. As noted in the Scripture verses cited for this poem, The Lord tells us to ''Be Still, And Know That I Am God''...that The Lord Is In Control.. And while The Lord may not be in the wind or the raging fire, He is in the Still, Small Voice...and we'll hear it only if we're listening for, and to Him. Unlike here on Earth, when you call someone on the phone, send them an email, etc., they are usually too busy to talk to, and with you. But, The Lord is ALWAYS AVAILABLE... and even though The Lord Knows Everything About You, Friend, He wants all of us to bring our cares to Him, and confess our sins to Him, so we can be forgiven and restored to fellowship with Him. For most of us, our ''prayer time'' is when we say grace before the meal...and our only Bible Study time is in church on Sunday, if even that. Lip Service Isn't Good Enough, and The Lord knows if you're just Going Through The Motions. Years ago, there was a song done called Turn Your Radio On (this version by The Statler Brothers), which noted the importance of ''being on the right frequency, to get in touch with God''...and Only Those Tuned Into God, Will Hear Heaven's Call, especially at the moment of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. If you're listening for Him, and earnestly seeking Him, He will speak to and with you. While you may not actually hear an audible voice, you will know that it's The Lord talking to you. For all mankind, He is pleading for them to do The One Thing God Requires, as Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, depends on your answer to the question, What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

Hell And Lake Of Fire Made For Satan And His Hordes (Matthew 25:41)

A companion poem to Hell Was Meant For Satan, The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night, was meant originally for Satan and his demons, and not mankind. Yet, for all those who refuse to do The One Thing God Requires, in repenting of sin, and receiving God's Free Love Gift, instead of being in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed at The Moment Of Your Death, all of the unrepentant will end up here.

The Enemies Of Israel Are In For A Surprise

The Books Of The Bible tell us that ''No Weapon Formed Against Israel Shall Prosper''. Their enemies (Russians, Muslims, and others) want to wipe both the State Of Israel, and the Jews, off of the face of the Earth. This angry hatred is straight from The Pit Of Hell, as Satan knows that the Jews have the power to call forth Jesus Christ, their Messiah and Redeemer, after The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which is Hell On Earth For Seven Years. With that cry from The Believing Remnant of repentant Jews, it'll be the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. During The Church Age, or The Age Of Grace, Israel has been partially blinded, until ''the fullness of the Gentiles has come in''. At that point, The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church will occur, and Israel's blindness will be removed. As Israel's Enemies attack, thinking they will surely accomplish their goal, The Lord will intervene, in what's known as the Prophecy of Ezekiel 38. For a detailed study on this, by the late Jack Kelley of Grace Through Faith Ministries, click here. In short, The Lord tells Israel's enemies that ''if you want to get to Israel, you have to go through Me first''. God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants, that ''The Promised Land'' belongs to the Jews FOREVER. While they've been evicted from the land twice, The Lord said that in the last days, that ''He would bring them back into the land'', and they'd never be uprooted again.

Give Into It Once, And There's Corruption For All Time

The idea for this poem came from a Dog Care Manual, noting that dogs (especially puppies) are inclined to beg at the table for ''people food''. If you are stern with them, they'll quickly learn that begging doesn't pay. However, ''if you give into them once, you will have corrupted them forever''. Even children will cry and throw a temper tantrum to get what they want...and more often than not, to basically ''shut them up'', their parents will give in to their child's behavior. This originated in The Garden Of Eden, when our first parents, Adam and Eve, fell for The Doom Of Satan's Lie. It basically says things like ''just one bite, one drink, one cigarette puff, one sexual encounter, etc., isn't going to hurt you''. Adam and Eve had a perfect world and environment in The Garden Of Eden, including fellowship with The Lord, but they threw it all away. The Lord gave them both one rule, and they only broke it once. As a result, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth has ravaged Creation ever since. Sin Is Like A Cancer, and Sinful Man Wants TO Delete Christianity. He prefers the darkness more than the light, and wants to hear nothing about God, Jesus Christ, Biblical Christianity, Heaven Or Hell, and especially that It's Appointed All To Die, and after that, The Judgment...let alone the fact that Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, and the fact that You Will Live Forever, Friend...The Question, Though, Is Where??. Yet, one day, Eagerly Or Compelled, everyone will bow before The Lord one day, and everyone will be Without Excuse.

Judgment Falls From God Above, When Creatures There, Rebel

A companion poem to Judgment Falls At The Point When God Has Seen Enough, and Judgment On The World Is Coming Sooner Than You Think, among others, God Almighty CAN NOT, and WILL NOT let sin go unpunished. The Lord will not acquit the guilty, and everyone, will stand before The Lord in Judgment. It'll be at one of three places:

1) The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ for those who have done The One Thing God Requires, occurring shortly after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church.

2) The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, which occurs shortly after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

3) The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, which occurs shortly after the Millennium Of Peace.

However, before each of these judgments, God has intervened at times throughout history...including the worldwide flood of Noah's day, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah...and right after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Mankind utterly detests the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules...but there's nothing that mankind can do about it. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and everyone will be, at The Moment Of Your Death, will be Given What Was Desired.

The Rich Man And Lazarus, Life After You Die (Luke 16:19-31)

Based on Luke 16:19-31, this was a true story told by Jesus, and not a parable. It centered upon two people...a rich man, who fared sumptuously every day, and a poor beggar named Lazarus...who laid at his gate, wanting at minimum, the crumbs from the food of his table. Lazarus was apparently sick with sores, and the dogs came by and licked them, no doubt causing more pain. For both of them, the time came where they realized The Moment Of Your Death. Lazarus died, and was taken to Paradise, known as ''Abraham's Bosom'', a compartment in Hades, where those who died in faith of a coming Redeemer (Jesus Christ) were comforted. The other compartment, where the rich man went, was known as ''Torments'', a place of suffering and pain. In Hell, the rich man lifted up his eyes, and saw in the distance, Abraham, and Lazarus together. The rich man cried out for Abraham to ''send Lazarus to dip his finger in water to cool my tongue, for I'm tormented in this flame''. Abraham told him that ''in your life, you had good things, and Lazarus had bad things. Now, you are tormented, and he is comforted''. He continued, noting that ''Hell's Chasm Only Crossable By Entering Lost Souls...and that those in Torments can't come to where we are...and we can't go to those in Torments''. The rich man pleads for Abraham to send Lazarus to his five brothers, to warn them of The Home Of The Damned, so they don't have to come there. He's told that ''From The Books Of The Bible, that they have Moses and The Prophets''. Desparate, the rich man begs that ''if someone will rise from the dead, they'll believe them'', and Abraham tells him that ''if they won't believe Moses or The Prophets, they won't believe it if someone rises from the dead''. Speaking of which, after Christ rose from the dead, even though He was seen by over 500 witnesses, many still would not believe it. But, this true story...basically showed that No Other Places Exist When You Die, only Heaven Or Hell...either The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned...and you will go to one of them upon The Moment Of Your Death. Your Eternal Destiny, depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

The Times Throughout History, When God Declared ''It's Done''

A companion poem to Judgment Falls At The Point, When God Has Seen Enough, and The Lord Has His Limits, Then He Has Seen Enough...these are the times when When God's Patience Ends...and He declares ''It's Done''. This was done many times throughout history, but never more important than when Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh declared on The Cross as He Died, to pay for the cost of the sins of all mankind, shouted ''It Is Finished''...meaning that The Work He had come to do, was done. He then arose on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures, and for all who repent and believe on Him, and receive God's Free Love Gift, the same applies to the judgment for their sins. For everyone, at The Moment Of Your Death, when God says of your earthly life, ''It's Done'', it's now too late to make a decision for Christ, as Once You Close Your Eyes In Death, Eternal Fate Is Sealed. No Other Places Exist When You Die, only Heaven Or Hell...either The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned...and you will go to one of them upon The Moment Of Your Death. Your Eternal Destiny, depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

Nations Cursing, Forsaking The Jews

A companion poem to Bless Or Curse The Jews, God There, Will Do The Same To Thee, God's Promise in Genesis 12:3, applies not only to individuals, but to nations as well. The way that each one treats Israel will determine whether or not they enter the Millennium Of Peace after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. God will bless the nations and their citizens if they bless Israel and the Jews, and curse them if they do likewise. This is also based on this tract from Chick Publications.

Set Your Minds On Things Above, Not Things On The Earth (Colossians 3:1-2)

Based on Colossians 3:1-2, it has been said that ''People who are Earthly minded are of no Heavenly Good...and those who are Heavenly minded are of no Earthly good. Yet, Compared To Eternity, Earthly Life Is Short. For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart, and this Earthly life is NOT all there is. You Can't Take It With You, But Can Send It On Ahead. Those who have done The One Thing God Requires, will be in Heaven for Eternity...but at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, if that's the only thing they've done for The Lord (unless that individual is The Last Person Saved before The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, they will be like a hobo with A Bag Full Of Holes, compared to those who are ''dressed like royalty'', with a suitcase full of things done for The Lord, and not for themselves. As this poem by C. T. Studd notes, ''Only One Life, Twill Soon Be Past. Only What's Done For Christ, Will Last.

Three Times Of Two Thousand Years, God Pours Out His Wrath

Based on comments from Mike Gendron Ministries, the number of man in Scripture is ''6'', as he was created on the sixth day of creation. There have been three two thousand year periods in history, where God poured out His Wrath on the Earth, because of mankind's sin. At the end of the first two thousand years, God dealt with the sin of mankind with a worldwide flood, pouring His Wrath upon the Earth. Only Noah found grace in the Eyes Of The Lord, and he built an Ark of safety for two of every kinds of animal, and for any human that would come aboard. Tragically, only Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives, chose to come aboard...and everyone who chose to remain outside, drowned in the Flood of God's Wrath. At the end of the second two thousand years, in the fullness of time, Jesus Christ, God in the Flesh, the Second Person in the Trinity, would leave the Glory Of Heaven, to come to be born of a Virgin, and to live and walk like us in all ways, EXCEPT without sin.He Who Knew No Sin At All, would take upon Himself, as if they were His Own, every sin in thought, word, motive, or deed, that every man, woman, and child, who would walk the Earth, would ever commit. God would then pour His Wrath out on His Son, who shed His Blood to pay the cost of mankind's sin, for Without Shedding Of Blood, There...No Remission Done. Then, According To The Scriptures, on the Third Day after His Crucifixion, He arose from the dead...because Without The Resurrection, it's just not the same...and the resurrection was God's Seal Of Approval on what Christ did on The Cross. As we approach the end of the third two thousand years of history, at the end of The Church Age, with The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, will be God pouring out His Wrath on the Earth for their rejection of His Son. Mankind absolutely detests the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules, and the day When God's Patience Ends, He will act...and there's nothing that mankind can do to stop it.

The Ark Of The Covenant, When It Is Revealed

Patterned after The Ark Of The Covenant in Heaven, God gave specific instructions on how to build it, and what it was to contain. This would be inside ''The Holy Of Holies'', an area where ONLY The Jewish High Priest could enter on Yom Kippur, The Day Of Atonement. A veil separated this inner part of the Temple from the outside, and anyone else who entered this area would be instantly killed by God. The Ark Of The Covenenant would contain three items, as follows:

1) The Commandments Ten, although it was the second set that God Moses smashed the first set to the ground after coming down from Mount Sinai (where he received the first set, written with The Finger Of God), when he saw the Israelites engaged in ''an orgy of sin'', having built a golden calf as an idol.

2) Manna...a wafer that God fed the Jews, who were wandering in the wilderness for forty years, due to their rebellion against God. The word itself means ''what is it??'', which is what they asked when they saw it.

3) Aaron's rod (staff) was the only one that budded (sprouted leaves), when God chose a new leader to follow after Moses' death.

On each side, were two cherubim (angels), who ''guarded'' it...and it was carried on a special stand, with four handles for four people to carry it. If anyone touched The Ark, they would be instantly killed. It was in The Holy Of Holies in The First Temple, but was successfully hidden away, before The First Temple was destroyed, at the time of the Babylonian Captivity for 490 years. The period of time was the penalty, because God had commanded the Jews to let the land lie fallow (unharvested) one year out of seven...and the Jews ignored this for all that time. So, God let their enemies (the Babylonians) capture the Jews, and destroy The First Temple, to give the land the much needed rest that it was due. The Ark was not in The Second Temple, because it's likely that The Lord told certain Jews where to successfully hide their enemies would not capture it and destroy it. The Second Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, by the Roman armies, as punishment for the Jews rejecting their Messiah, Jesus Christ, when He came to Earth the first time.

Before, and since Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948, their enemies have put forth the lie that ''There is no Ark Of The Covenant, there have never been a Jewish Temple, and the Jews have no right to the Temple Mount, let alone the nation of Israel''. Several Bible prophecy teachers believe that The Ark Of The Covenant was successfully hidden away years ago, and it will be brought forth at the apppointed time...likely for The Coming Temple that will be rebuilt upon the Jews signing a false peace treaty with The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, who will appear shortly after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. Before the Jews can build The Third Temple, there must be cleansing water, obtained by the ashes of the sacrifice of a red heifer. Only nine of these have been sacrificed throughout history, and Bible Prophecy indicates the tenth one (yet to be done as of late September, 2024), will be done before The Coming Temple is built. With the revealing of The Ark Of The Covenant, it will destroy the lie of several world religions, and prove that The Books Of The Bible, are true. Three and one half years after the peace treaty is signed, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace will enter The Holy Of Holies, defile The Third Temple, committing ''The Abomination Of Desolation''. One third of the Jews will flee to Petra, where God will protect them until the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. Just before then, The Believing Remnant of the Jews will realize their error in rejecting Christ as Their Messiah, and will mourn as one does over the loss of their firstborn. They will repent, and call on Christ to save them from certain destruction, and their prayers will be answered.

We Only Know Error; It's The Acronym For Woke

A movement started after 2000, known as ''W.O.K.E.''. It basically promoted everything that God declared an abomination (homosexuality, abortion, breaking of The Commandments Ten, with ''The Freedom From Religion'' instead of The Freedom Of Religion, among many other sinful, evil, vile, nefarious, wicked topics). With God's Word being ABSOLUTE TRUTH, because The Lord, He Made The Rules (and these people absolutely detest this fact), the ''philosophy'' that these epouse, promotes ERROR and LIES.

Repent To God Upon His Terms, And You Won't Be Refused

Based on ''the Gospel Presentation'' by Dave Hubley, who has several articles on Rapture, this poem shows the simplicity of the Plan Of simple as the ABC's, as follows:

1) A)dmit that you are a sinner, that you can't pay your sin debt, because God's Standard Is Perfection, and Your Sins Are A Barrier betwen you and God.

2) B)elieve that Jesus Christ died on The Cross in your place to pay your sin debt, and He rose again on The Third Day According To The Scriptures.

3) C)all upon The Name Of The Lord, telling Him you're sorry for the way you've lived, and that you're willing to Repent (Change Your Mind) about sin), and want to accept Christ Alone as The Only Way To Heaven, as Saviour and Lord.

Tragically, the Simplicity Of Gospel Truth, Many Do Reject. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and He won't force anyone to choose to accept His Son.

Specifically, this is ''The Special Message'' that Dave Hubley has with each of his postings.

The special message I promised you:

For anyone who may read this article and has not trusted in Jesus Christ and, therefore, has no hope or peace in your life.

You can have hope. You can have the peace that Jesus has promised to all who have made Him their Lord and Savior. The peace that passes understanding.

It requires that you come before God on His terms.

And, what are His terms according to His Word?

* Genuine repentance (turning to God, instead of continuing to reject or ignore Him).

* Confession of sins (that you are a sinner, and acknowledge that to God).

* That you understand that the wages of sin is death (physical and spiritual)(Romans 6:23).

* To acknowledge to God that you are unable to pay that debt.

* Belief that Jesus Christ paid your death sentence for you on The Cross, and rose from the grave three days later, conquering death, just as He promised.

* To believe that Jesus is the Way, the only Way, that God has established by which humans may be saved from the consequences of their sin and rebellion.

God has made it absolutely clear that there is no one who comes before Him, under His terms, that will be refused.

* No one: no race, no color, no country of origin, regardless of any previous belief system: no one.

* No matter what your past sins have been, God can and WILL forgive you because He says He will.

* Salvation is available to everyone without any exceptions.

If you put all your trust for salvation in Jesus, and Him only, you can follow The Sinners Prayer, by simply saying, ''Thank you, Father God, for hearing my prayer, and saving me,'' because we can trust Him to keep His Word. He always has. He always will.

''Truly, Truly, I say to you that he who hears My words and believes the One who sent Me has eternal life and will not be condemned. He has crossed from death to life'' (John 5:24).

There are no answers and there is no hope in the world by governments, organizations, politics or politicians. There are only lies and deception. But you can have the Truth and the peace you seek.

The answers are in the Word of God -- The Bible. If you ask God, with all your heart, He will hear you.

''And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart'' (Jeremiah 29:13).

Pro Salvator Vigilans

To contact Dave Hubley, send email to canoeman96 at gmail dot com

Death Is Not The End Of Life, But Eternal Start

A companion poem to Death, It Is The Start Of Every Soul's Eternity, The Moment Of Your Death, and The Rich Man And Lazarus, Life After You Die...unlike the Saducees, who didn't believe in life after death, this poem shows that At Death, No Other Option Does Exist, aside from The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned; either Heaven Or Hell. And, Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One. Once You Close Your Eyes In Death, Eternal Fate Is Sealed, and Once You're In Eternity, You Can Not Go Back. A Decision Not Required To Go To Hell, and Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse. Eternal Torment, Not A Joke, and once your Earthly life is done, There Is No Second Chance to make things right, because After Death, Belief Too Late.

If Christ Would Return Today, How Would You, There Live??

A companion poem to What Will You Be Doing??, this poem asks what you would doing if you knew that Christ would return today...either in The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, or at the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. With the first event (His Second Coming is in two parts), it'll be too late to become a part of The Bride Of Christ at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, as In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes. It'll be over in less than a second...and by the time folks realize what has occured, it's too late. With the second event, Every Eye Shall See The Lord One Day, and it'll be too late to fall at His Feet, and call Him Lord. Basically, Will You Be Glad To Face The Lord, Or Will You Be Ashamed??, especially if you were involved in acts of sin at either event. If the world knew the day or the hour of Christ's Return, either at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, or When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, you would think that there'd be worldwide repentance. Yet, most folks will ''live like the Devil right up until the last second'', hoping to ''squeeze into Heaven''. However, it doesn't work that way. As Christ warned in Matthew 24:44, ''Therefore, be you also ready. For in such an hour as you think not (you are not watching for His Return), The Son Of Man comes''.

Cut All Ties To Israel, And Your Nation's Done

Many nations through history, because of Satanic hatred, wanted nothing more to do with the Jews and Israel, God's Chosen People, and His Land. So, they made the decision to break off diplomatic relations with Israel, or to deprive them funds and weaponry to help them defeat their enemies, or to help their enemies, who want nothing more than to see Israel and The Jews forever wiped off of the face of the Earth. This was a form of God's Warning that was that Bless Or Curse The Jews; God There, Will Do The Same To Thee. Nations that have made this decision have found widespread disaster, and calamity throughout their land...whether natural disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes...medical disasters such as sickness, famine, and death...or even financial disaster with horrific inflation, criminal activities (theft, corruption), or where the country's currency isn't worth the paper it's printed on...making life miserable for everyone. The leaders of the country usually make the decision ''to divide the land of Israel'', ''to cut Israel off'' or to help their enemies...and The Lord is NOT pleased with their actions. God declared that in the latter days, all the nations of the world would see and feel that Jerusalem, A Burdensome, they would turn their backs on them. However, this had to be done, because Stiff-Necked, Rebellious, Unrepentant; That Is Mankind's State...both for the Jews and the Gentiles alike. It would bring about the development where Israel Shall Stand Alone One Day, because it'd be the only way that the Jews would realize that it wasn't their military forces, or those of their allies and friends that saved them (by this point, they will have abandoned Israel)...but it was Intervention By The Lord that saved Israel and the Jews from certain destruction and annihilation. Because all the nations of the world eventually will cut all ties to Israel, and come against them in battle, with the intent to destroy them, God Himself will destroy these rebellious nations throughout The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, and at the point When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. During the Millennium Of Peace, it will be the Nation Of Israel, who will be pre-eminent over all the nations of the Earth...and to the enemies of Israel and the Jews, when Christ takes His Chosen People as His Own, It'll Be A Shock One Day.

The Lord, Who Keeps Israel, Does Not Slumber, Sleep (Psalm 121:3-4)

Based on Psalm 121:3-4, The Lord's Sovereign Over All Creation; All In His Control, and The Lord Is Not Surprised at anything that occurs, whether in open or in secret...whether motives, words, thoughts, or deeds. Nothing escapes His Glance, and for His Chosen People, the Jews, and the land of Israel, He made a Covenant long ago with Abraham, and his two sons, Isaac and Jacob, that they would have ''The Promised Land'' forever. He told them that if they followed His Commands, Statutes, and Laws, that He would bless and protect them from their enemies, as well as from sickness, and other evils that plagued other countries. Yet, He warned them that if they disobeyed, God's Protection on them would be removed, and He would let their enemies drive them out of the land, and enslave them; not to mention they'd be afflicted by the sickness and other evils. When they repented of their sin, He forgave them (this happened back and forth numerous times)...then because Vengeance Is The Lord's, He took revenge on their enemies. But all through history, the enemies of the Jews and Israel thought they could easily defeat them. While the Jews were first driven out with the Babylonian Captivity (for not letting the land lie dormant (fallow) for one year out of seven), and The First Temple was destroyed...after the Babylonian Captivity (which lasted 490 years), they were allowed to return to the land, and built The second Temple. However, because of their rejection of the fact that There's Only One Messiah, because Jesus Christ was Not What They Were Looking For in their Messiah...they were driven out of the land in 70 AD, and The Second Temple was destroyed. But, on May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation again, and the Jews, who had been scattered across the Earth for millennia, finally began returning to ''this desolate land''. Within a few years, they turned it into ''a land of milk and honey'', with so many things. Yet, their enemies plotted time and time again, in numerous wars, to destroy them once and for all. But, as the title of this poem notes, The Lord has no need to slumber or sleep, and He knows the battle plans of the enemies of Israel and the Jews, before they think them up!! As a result, God's Protection is on Israel, so they won't be destroyed...because The Lord declared that once Israel was reborn as a nation (as was prophesied), God would never drive them out of Israel again. Now, after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, will descend upon the Earth, which will be God pouring out His Wrath on mankind for their rejection of His Son, and for the persecution of Israel and the Jews. When The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace signs a peace treaty with Israel and The Jews (he breaks it 3 1/2 years later, defiling The Third Temple, and committing ''The Abomination Of Desolation'', one third of the Jews (The Believing Remnant) will flee to Petra, where God's Protection will be upon them. Then, as the Antichrist's armies descend on them, the Jews realize that There's Only One Messiah, and cry ''Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord'', and plead for Christ to save them from certain annhiliation and destruction. Their prayers are answered When Christ Returns To Planet Earth...and At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. These repentant Jews will be the first citizens of Christ's New Kingdom On Earth, in the Millennium Of Peace. Their time of persecution will be finished forever, and they will receive all the blessings that God promised to them since the time of Abraham.

At Death, Heaven Is Not Guaranteed

A companion poem to Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse, this poem is the sobering truth that the majority of mankind don't want to hear. Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, and if it's The One Sin Unforgiven, which is not doing The One Thing God Requires, you will find yourself in The Home Of The Damned on The Moment Of Your Death.

The First Thing That Your Eyes Will See The Moment That You Die

A companion poem to The Moment Of Your Death, The Horror In Their Eyes, The Faces That I Want To See, Those In Hell, Wish They Could There, See The Cross Again, and What You Will And Will Not See, this is a comparison of both what one will see when they cross the threshold of Eternity...Heaven Or Hell, The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned. There's Nothing Bad In Heaven, And There's Nothing Good In Hell...and which place you go upon The Moment Of Your Death, depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

In Heaven, Or The Lake Of Fire; All Say Christ Is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11)

Based on Philippians 2:10-11, whether in Heaven Or Hell, The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned, Eagerly Or Compelled, depending on where they are...''every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to The Glory Of The God The Father. This includes all the angels and all the true believers in Heaven (who did The One Thing God Requires) well as Satan, his demonic hordes, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, The False Prophet, and every other unregenerate and unrepentant soul, in The Lake Of Fire.

They Say That Christians Have Hate Speech; But, Rules They Didn't Make

When the true believer is doing their part of The Great Commission, to ''preach the Gospel to every creature'', the majority of mankind refers to The Preaching Of The Cross as ''foolishness and stupidity''...and also accusing the Christians of spreading ''hate speech''. The fact of the matter is that The Lord, He Made The Rules, and NOT the Christians. In short, the unrepentant and unregenerate are ''complaining to the wrong entity''. Tragically, what they also fail to realize is that Those Who Complain To The Lord, They Will Not Get Far. It's God's Creation, and it is His Rules, whether mankind likes it or not.

Satan Loves Religion, As It Keeps Folks From The Lord

A companion poem to Relationship, Not Religion, and Satan Sponsors Any Topic That Will Leave Christ Out, this poem notes the the Devil loves religion. All its required rituals and other things take the Glory off of Christ Alone, to whom it is due. All these things distract them from the Gospel Truth, because Simplicity Of Gospel Truth, Many Do Reject, and Salvation's Plan So Easy, But Mankind Says It's A Lie.

Heaven Only For The Saved; Hell For All The Rest

A companion poem to Heaven Only For Those Souls Truly Born Again, this notes that No Other Places Exist When You Die, and You Will Live Forever, Friend; The Question Though, Is Where??. The Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse, but God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and at The Moment Of Your Death, Your Decision Will Be Honored on your answer to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??. The answer will determine where you spend either Heaven Or Hell...The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned. If you do The One Thing God Requires, repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, you'll be in The Home Of The Redeemed, at at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, where your name WILL be in The Book Of Life. If not, you'll be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, and sent to The Home Of The Damned, because your name WON'T be in The Book Of Life. And, If Not In The Book Of Life, It's The Lake Of Fire.

If Not In The Book Of Life, It's The Lake Of Fire

Based on Revelation 20:15, all those who will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne will spend eternity in The Home Of The Damned, with Satan, his demonic hordes, and all the unrepentant souls who failed, in their earthly life, to do The One Thing God Requires. On this most somber day, for everyone that's in attendance there, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, plus no plea bargain with The Judge for a suspended or lesser sentence. They will also see that No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, and There Will Be No Appeal There. Since none of their names are written in The Book Of Life, so God has decreed that If Not In The Book Of Life, It's The Lake Of Fire. Like it or not, it's God's Creation, and The Lord, He Made The Rules. God wants no one to die in sin, but all to repent, and accept God's Free Love Gift. Yet, He knows that Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent.

Four Foul Balls Of Sin There, And America Is Done

In the game of baseball, there are several things where the batter won't get on base, or score a run. These are if they are ''thrown out'', ''a pop fly'', three strikes, or four foul balls. In the case of the United States of America (USA), although it was the first nation to recognize the nation of Israel, when it was reborn on May 14, 1948 (signifying that The Final Generation Of Mankind had begun), it began a preciptous decline shortly after that. There is no mention of America in Scripture, and ''the four foul balls'' which will mean the end of America, are as follows:

1) When the US Supreme Court sided with athiest Madalyn Murray O'Hare, and basically ''threw God, prayer, and Bible Reading out of the schools and other public places''. Ironically, one of her sons, William J. Murray, later in life, did The One Thing God Requires, repenting of his sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. When he told his mother what he had done, she basically hung up on him, and never spoke to him again. It was reported that she was murdered and dismembered, but she apparently never did The One Thing God Requires. If that's true, then she is now in The Home Of The Damned, awaiting her turn in the long line that will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...where all those there do NOT have their names in The Book Of Life, and so for each of them, If Not In The Book Of Life, It's The Lake Of Fire, for all Eternity. Those Wanting Freedom From Religion Will Get It In Hell, and since God Has Always Been A Gentleman, they will be Given What Was Desired.

2) When the US Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand. The majority of people in the world belive that ''pregnancy is a side effect from having sexual intercourse''. Truthfully, what do you think the act was designed for??!! Abortion, Convenience For, Those Who Fornicate. Children Are A Heritage, and the blood of all these aborted and murdered babies...either within the womb or just after birth, is violently screaming to The Lord for revenge. While the US Supreme Court overturned that recently, leaving it up to the States, the number of abortions have actually increased.

3) When the US Supreme Court legalized sodomy for the ''gay rights movement''. Their tragic lives show that ''there is nothing gay about being gay''. Years ago, the word ''gay'' meant happy and cheerful...but not anymore. This is a mockery and corruption of the institution of marriage that The Lord God ordained with Adam and Eve in the Garden Of Eden long ago. Soon, All Of Earth Will Feel Sodom's Fate, when God blasted both Sodom and Gomorrah off the face of the Earth by Divine Fire, for its sexual wickedness. With the US being the biggest exporter of pornography in the world, it is like everyone else...where The World Today Is Begging For God's Judgment Wrath To Fall. For more information, see this tract from Chick Publications.

4) When the US, like several other countries have already, will join the rest of the world in breaking off diplomatic relations with Israel. The world has forgotten the warning that is noted in Genesis 12:3, where it notes Bless Or Curse The Jews, God There, Will Do The Same To Thee. That will be ''the final pitch'', and ''the last straw'', before, or possibly in conjunction with The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The which point, America, and the world's economies will collapse, setting up The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, right up to the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. For more information, see this tract from Chick Publications.

As noted, There is no mention of America in Scripture...The Books Of The Bible speak only of Israel, Europe, and Asia. And, after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, Israel will be the primary nation during the Millennium Of Peace, where for a thousand years, With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule.

You'll Miss Heaven, If You Try To Get There On Your Own

Most folks think that they can work their way, or buy their way, into Heaven...or that Heaven's the default at death. The fact is that You Can't Earn God's Salvation, Salvation Is A Gift, Not Earned Or Bought, Out Of Hell, Or Into Heaven; You Can't, The Price, Pay, Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and the Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse. Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. The only ones that will enter Heaven are those who do The One Thing God Requires prior to The Moment Of Your Death. One is saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works...because Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags (literally, bloody menstrual cloths) before The Lord. God's Standard Is Perfection, meaning that to enter Heaven on your own, you'd have to have NEVER done a single sin in thought, word, motive, or deed. But, if you fail to do The One Thing God Requires, before The Moment Of Your Death, then you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record...which means you no longer have ''the perfection required'' to enter The Home Of The Redeemed, and instead, will go to The Home Of The Damned.

All Who Blaspheme The Lord's Name, They Shall Surely Die (Leviticus 24:16)

Based on Leviticus 24:16, and a companion poem to Bless Or Curse The Jews; God There, Will Do The Same To Thee, this poem throughout history shows numerous examples where those who did blaspheme The Lord's Name, they will pay for that in both physical death and spiritual death. Pharoah persecuted The Jews for over 400 years, and when Moses told him that The Lord said ''Let My People Go'', Pharoah responded that ''I don't know The Lord, and I will not let His People Go''. In short, his nasty answer would cost him his empire. Ten Plagues from God would destroy Egypt and both Pharoah's kingdom and army. In the ancient nation of Persia (which is Iran today), Haman had such a hatred of the Jews, that he wanted all of them ''hung at the gallows'', and he was going after Mordecai, among many others. In the end, it was Haman who was hung on the gallows that he had built. Near the end of World War II, when the majority of the world ignored the Holocaust, when US President Frankin Delano Roosevelt ignored the cries of the Jews, and would not approve a national homeland for Israel, God struck him dead. Vice President Harry Truman was the first leader of a nation to recognize Israel, 11 minutes after it declared its independence on May 14, 1948. An official in the nation of Turkey declared in a speech that ''Israel and The Jews would feel the wrath of Allah''...seconds later, he fell dead of a massive heart attack. The leader of Iran, known as ''The Butcher'' for the murder of millions of his own people, launched an attack on Israel, and said on Passover, 2024, that ''The Zionist regime would be no more''. A month later, he died in a helicopter crash in the mountains of Iran. God made an eternal Covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob...and The Lord, He Made The Rules. God Is Not A Man That He Should Lie, so every Promise He has made...especially in regards to the nation of Israel and the Jews, He intends to keep without fail. The Lord declared in The Books Of The Bible that ''He who touches Israel is Touching The Apple Of God's Eye. The Lord Who Keeps Israel, Does Not Slumber, Sleep, and nothing escapes His Glance. And, rejecting The Gospel Truth is seen as ''Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit''. According to The Lord Himself, that is The One Sin Unforgiven...and all those who have this on their record at The Moment Of Your Death, they not only die physically, but spiritually...and will enter The Home Of The Damned. Then, they willl appear at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where they'll be sentenced to The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity. And, with Satan and his demon hordes, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Every Heart Beat, Every Breath, Is A Gift From The Lord

God is the Giver Of Life, and only He has the right to take it. When He created Adam, He literally breathed into his nostrils, ''the breath of life'', which started his heart. Then, He took one of Adam's ribs, and created Eve, his helpmeet and soul mate. He gave our first parents everything they could want and need in The Garden Of Eden...but sadly, they fell for The Doom Of Satan's Lie, bringing down The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. The Heart Is Wicked, And Full Of Deceit, and the majority of mankind takes for granted, the blessings that God gives them...where they won't even thank Him or acknowledge Him. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One, and neither is your next heart beat, or your next breath. Everyone is literally One Heartbeat Away from Eternity...and it'll either be Heaven Or Hell, The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned, as No Other Places Exist When You Die. Your Eternal Destiny depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift, for surely, The Gift Is Christ, the Greatest Gift of all.

Lord, Why Would You, There Accept, A Sinner Such As Me??

The Day The Spirit Of The Lord Came And Pricked My Heart, the title of this poem was what I asked. I still ask it to this day, and likely will ask it once I enter Eternity, and The Home Of The Redeemed. I Am So Unworthy There, Of This, I Realize, because I was shown that The Books Of The Bible declare that Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags, and the true believers, who've done The One Thing God Requires, are saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works...because The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, in that while mankind, His Enemies, was still in sin, He died for them...then rose again in victory on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. I realized that Going Through The Motions wouldn't cut it, and that Lip Service Isn't Good Enough. So when I prayed to The Lord, to ask Him to forgive my sin, to come into my heart, and be My Lord and Saviour, I really meant I wanted to be ready for Him to take me at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, because I knew each one must face the fact of The Moment Of Your Death. Yet, for the true believers who are alive at the moment of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, they will instantly be given their immortal bodies, without ever knowing what it is to die physically. And, The Second Death, It Has No Power, For Those Truly Saved...that outcome is for those who refuse to do The One Thing God Requires before The Moment Of Your Death. After Death, Belief Too Late, and No Athiests Exist There In Hell Fire. Those In Hell, Wish They Could There, See The Cross Again, but realize that They're Ready To Repent In Hell; They Waited Far Too Long. As for me, I'm Not Ungrateful At The Bema Seat, But Undeserving, There, as Lord, You Deserve These Crowns Much More Than Me.

If You Do Not Know The Lord, God's Wrath Abides On You (John 3:36)

While God has always loved man, and The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, He did that in sending His Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, and to live and walk like us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. This is because after our first parents, Adam And Eve, fell for The Doom Of Satan's Lie in The Garden Of Eden, bringing down The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, mankind died spiritually, developing a rebellious sin nature. Since God's Standard Is Perfection, without a single sin in life in thought, word, motive, or deed...and mankind now had that sin nature, that disqualified all humanity from Heaven, the The Home Of The Redeemed, at The Moment Of Your Death. Hell Was Meant For Satan and his demonic hordes, who followed him in rebellion against The Lord in Heaven. But, since everyone is meant to live forever, and by default, they don't meet the fact that God's Standard Is Perfection, they end up in The Home Of The Damned...first in Hell, and then after The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, The Lake Of Fire, where all there (including Satan, his demons, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, The False Prophet, and everyone who refused to repent of their sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift while in their Earthly life), will see that They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. It Surely Is A Dreadful Thing To Fall Into God's Hands, but Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and a Decision Not Required To Go To Hell. However, when Christ Alone came to Earth, He Who Knew No Sin At All, became the embodiment sin for all mankind, that we might become the Righteousness Of God in Him. He took the scourging, shame, and horrible death by crucifixion, that was meant for all mankind, shedding His Precious Blood, to wash away the sins of all who would repent of their sins, and believe on Him. After His Death on The Cross, He rose from the dead in victory on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. Then, all who would do The One Thing God Requires, and not just be Going Through The Motions, they would no longer have God's Wrath on them...but His Mercy, Grace, Love, and Forgiveness. Mercy, Not Justice, You Should Want Before The Lord. God is NOT going to ''wink at your sins'', and let you into Heaven. This is because Heaven Is So Safe, Secure; No Sin Will Get Inside. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and each individual's response to the question What You Do With Jesus Christ?, sets Your Eternal Destiny. Every one will be Given What Was Desired, and to each individual, Your Decision Will Be Honored for all Eternity.

Those Who Die Without The Lord, Have No Eternal Hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13)

Based on 1 Thessalonians 4:13, those who die without doing The One Thing God Requires, have no eternal hope, in several none of these are available to them:

1) Escaping the never ending torment, pain, hunger, thirst, agony, darkness, and screams of all the other unregenerate and unrepentant souls.

2) Having a chance to see The Cross Of Christ again, with the chance to repent of sin, and accept God's Free Love Gift.

3) Seeing friends, family, or loved ones...let alone anyone else...again.

4) Having a way to avoid The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, and The Lake Of Fire.

5) Hoping that their sins will not be traced back to them.

By contrast, those who positively respond to The Preaching Of The Cross, DO have the eternal hope of the following:

1) Escaping this life of toil, pain, sin, and death...with a new resurrection body that will never die, or be subject to decay again...having the vigor of eternal youth.

2) Seeing The Lord, who made it all possible, for them to enter Heaven, when they did The One Thing God Requires.

3) Seeing all their family, friends, and loved ones, who died with faith in The Lord, and to know that they'll never have to say ''goodbye'' again.

4) Knowing they will avoid The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, and The Lake Of Fire.

5) Knowing that at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, the issue of sin will NOT even be considered.

Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell depends on whether you put your faith and hope on Christ Alone to get your to Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed...or if you choose to put your faith and hope in the things of this world, and that there is no such thing as Heaven Or Hell or The Judgment after The Moment Of Your Death. The Price Of Being Wrong will be far too great for you to pay, throughout Eternity.

Religions Cannot Coexist In The World Today

There is a myth, part of The Doom Of Satan's Lie, saying that ''all religions can co-exist''. This is akin to saying that ''there are many ways to Heaven''. Yet, The Most Hated Words in Scripture are in these 2 verses:

1) John 14:6 -- Jesus Christ said ''I Am The Way, The Truth, The Life. No One Comes To The Father, But Through Me''.

2) Acts 4:12 -- The Apostle Peter on Pentecost, preached that ''Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other Name under Heaven, given among me, whereby we must be saved''. In other words, it's No One Else But Jesus that will get you into Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, at The Moment Of Your Death.

Both of these Scriptures are ''the death sentence to all other religions''. And, with Biblical Christianity, it's Relationship, Not Religion. It's your answer to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??. Satan Loves Religion, As It Keeps Folks From The Lord, and Satan Sponsors Any Topic That Will Leave Christ Out.

Christ Didn't Have To Come And Die, For Us, His Enemy

Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, The Second Person in the Godhead (Trinity of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), did NOT have to do what He did. But, in The Plan Of Redemption, set before the Earth was even formed, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All. He Who Knew No Sin At All, became the embodiment of sin for all mankind, so that the redeemed, those who would believe on Him, as ''The Only Way To Heaven'' would become ''The Righteousness Of God''. It's ONLY because of Christ's Righteousness being imputed to the Redeemed, that they have any hope of entering Heaven upon The Moment Of Your Death...let alone to approach The Throne Of Grace in this Earthly life. As the song The Day He Wore My Crown, notes ''He could have called His Holy Father, and said 'Take Me Away!! Please Take Me Away!!''. ''He could have said ''I'm not guilty!! And, I'm not going to stay!! I'm not going to pay''. Indeed, as the song notes, ''He Could've Called Ten Thousand Angels, to destroy the world, and set Him Free. He Could've Called Ten Thousand Angels. But, He died alone, for you and me. No one took His Life from Him, but He chose to give it willingly''.

When All History's Said And Done, God Has The Final Say

Based On Isaiah 46:10, The Lord's Soverign Over All Creation; All In His Control...and The Lord, He Made The Rules. He declared that ''I Will Do All My Pleasure''. While The Lord, He Did Not Want Robots; He Gave All Free Will...ultimately, His Will is going to be done, whether mankind likes it or not.

Pride, The First Sin To Appear; The Final One, Is Sex

The first sin in all creation was pride, when Lucifer, originally the covering cherub, inflated with it...basically deciding ''I should be running things around here!!''. He said his five ''I Will'' statements, which were that he would ascend into Heaven, he would exalt his throne above the stars of God, he would sit on the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north, he would ascend above the heights of the clouds, and he would be like The Most High. In other words, he wanted the position and glory that belonged to God alone. He deceived one third of the angelic realm into joining him in a coup against The Lord of Hosts...but God spotted the pride and rebellion long before it came to fruition. This pride expanded to what one would call ''The Narcissistic Trinity'', of ''Me, Myself, and I'' other words, the humanistic philosophy, that one's self is the most important. The final sin of a nation before it falls, is sex. It basically encompasses everything outside of the marriage relationship between a man and a woman...which includes things like adultery, fornication, and sodomy. In multiple empires throughout history, when ''the sexual revolution'' took over, it was ''the straw that broke the camel's back'' of that nation...and it wasn't long after that, when that nation and its empire crumbled. Both of these sins have affected every nation on Earth, and will continue to do so until the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

The Transition Instantly, The Moment That You Die

Terry James of the Rapture Ready website, was pronounced clinically dead 3 times on Good Friday, 2011, from ''the widow maker heart attack''. Each time, he noted that there was ''a blip'', and instantly, he was in Heaven. He lost his eyesight in 1994, and has been totally blind since then...but when he died, he found himself in the midst of this throng of scores of young people, cheering for and with him, beckoning him to join them. Then, things got dark, and he was back on Earth...although he admitted the third time, they were running toward some central point, which likely was The Throne Of God, where Jesus Christ was. He said that ''he never saw The Lord'', but added that ''he didn't want to leave''. The last time, he was on the cardiac catheterization table, and had a stent placed in his heart. Terry tells more of this in his new book, with co-author Jonathan Bretner, Hereafter - It's Far Better Than You Can Imagine.

No One Can Say On Judgment Day, That God Wasn't Fair

Based on this column from the late Jack Kinsella, the title of this poem drives homes these two points:

1) Your Decision Will Be Honored at The Moment Of Your Death.

2) God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and you will be Given What Was Desired. The truth is that If God Was Fair In Judgment There, All Would Go To Hell, and Mercy, But Not Justice, You Should Want Before The Lord.

If Anybody Is At Fault, It Is You And Me

This is one central topic that no one wants to talk short, admitting that they are guilty of something that they should not have been doing in the first place. Unfortunately, in many courtroom trials on Earth, the offender, who is convicted of a certain crime, says that ''they are sorry''...but True Repentance Isn't That You're Sorry You Got Caught. In regarding Jesus Christ's Death on The Cross, it wasn't for His Sins that He was being crucified...for He Who Knew No Sin At All, took all the sins that everyone who would walk the Earth would ever commit in their life, on to Himself, as if they were His Own. By the shedding of His Precious Blood, all who would believe on Him, doing The One Thing God Requires, prior to The Moment Of Your Death would have all their sins washed away. Because these were not just Going Through The Motions, but were sincere in their commitment to repent, and accept God's Free Love Gift, they now have The Righteousness Of Christ on them, so they could enter Heaven when they die. They saw that God's Standard Is Perfection, and that Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell. It was Christ's Love and Our Sins that held Him to the Cross, and NOT the Nails in His Hands and Feet. If You Do Not Know The Lord, God's Wrath Abides On You (John 3:36), but once you've sincerely done The One Thing God Requires, as Romans 8:1 notes, there is No Condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.

Earth And Heaven Pass Away, But God's Words Will Not

Based on Matthew 24:35, in what's known as The Olivet Discourse, and a companion poem to God's Words Live Forever, Friend, Jesus Christ told His Disciples that ''Heaven And Earth Will Pass Away, But My Words Shall Not Pass Away''. After the Millennium Of Peace, prior to The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, to purify the Earth, so tainted with the tinge of sin, God will set it ablaze with ''a fervent heat''...and it'll encapsulate what's known as ''the current Heaven''. In their place, will be a New Heaven, New Earth, and New Jerusalem, for all Eternity, where Sin Won't Rise A Second Time. The Lord, He Made The Rules covering Eternity past, present, and future. If The Lord did change, we would all be consumed by His Righteous Fire.

Until Your Last Breath And Heartbeat, You Can Choose The Lord

As long as you are still alive in your Earthly life, unless you've taken The Mark Of The Beast, you can change Your Eternal Destiny, by doing The One Thing God Requires, by repenting of your sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. The Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ, You Refuse, and Once You Close Your Eyes In Death, Eternal Fate Is Sealed. However, if you were left behind at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church...if during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, if you take The Mark Of The Beast, then you have set The Home Of The Damned...first Hell, then The Lake Of Your Eternal Destiny.

To Join Heaven's Banquet Feast; To God, You Must Reply

Two things everyone enjoys doing in this life are eating...especially if it's done at family reunions. For believers on Jesus Christ, who've done The One Thing God Requires, right after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, there will be A Reunion Like No Other, where they will be reunited with all the other friends and family who've also done The One Thing God Requires, to never again, have to say ''goodbye''. Then, after The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, the redeemed, all part of ''The Bride Of Christ'', will be part of the greatest wedding be married eternally to her Groom, The Lord Jesus Christ. Following that, will be the Marriage Supper Of The Lamb...with Christ Himself, and the angels serving all of the redeemed in Heaven's huge, expansive, Banquet Hall.

Unlike any other meal one has enjoyed on Earth, the Marriage Supper Of The Lamb will feature the finest food and beverage one can think of, where everything will taste absolutely delicious, no one will go away hungry, there will be plenty of food and drink for everyone, and the best parts of all, are that there will be no discomfort from overeating (i.e. ''a food coma'' or indigestion), need to wash dirty dishes, or needing to use the restroom afterwards. This is because in Heaven, there will be Nothing That Defiles...and to me, that includes no need for toilets, showers/baths/sinks, deodorant, pain medicines, or other medications. Our new bodies will be PERFECT, with NO FLAWS. As it notes in Scripture, ''the blind will see'', ''the deaf will hear'', and ''the lame will walk/run/leap for joy''. No more need for things like eyeglasses, hearing aids, dentures, prosthetic devices, walkers, canes, medical implants, etc. -- as when we are changed in ''the twinkling of an eye'' at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, our bodies will be changed for Heaven, to be pure, incorruptible, and to last forever. In contrast, our current Earthly bodies, are impure, corruptible, and will die one day...and there's no way they'd survive one nanosecond in The Home Of The Redeemed. Only in our new, perfected bodies, could we be able to deal with the unspeakable beauty of Heaven...because No One Knows The Things God Has Prepared for those who love Him. They will be just like the Resurrection Body of Christ Himself, that:

1) Appear and disappear at will...thinking of you want to be, and a nanosecond later, you are there...what we call ''teleportation''. No more worries of being ''caught in a line of traffic''!!

2) Go through solid walls and doors without opening them...even if they're securely locked, and as thick as a bank vault door.

3) Eat and drink, although it apparently isn't necessary...never mind no need to worry about obesity, antacids, digestive tract issues, etc.

4) Have the vigor of eternal youth, with no disease, death, or decay. These bodies will never again have to worry about things like ''the need to rest/nap/sleep'', ''the call of nature'', ''the curse of sin'', etc.

5) Will be recognizable as they were on Hal Lindsey noted, ''everyone will look good''...there will NOT be ''anything ugly'' in Heaven.

However, just as the fact that Available, Not Automatic, Is Salvation's Gift, the same applies for obtaining a seat at the Banquet Table for The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb. You must do The One Thing God Requires before The Moment Of Your Death. Otherwise, you'll be at the other part of the Two Feasts Of The Future. Instead of being at The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb, you'll be at ''The Feast Of Fools''...where your physical body will be devoured by the birds of prey from the air.. And your soul/spiritual body will be in the never ending torment of The Home Of The Damned.

There's A Hole Within Your Heart, That Only God Can Fill

It has been said that ''nature abhors a vacuum''. In that regard, before Adam and Eve fell for The Doom Of Satan's Lie, everything they had was perfect. First, in their beings...physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. They didn't have to worry about sickness, disease, death, any kind of crisis or burden, and they had the Fellowship with The Creator of The Universe. God gave them one simple not eat of ''The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil''...but except for that, everything else was for the taking, and there were no other prohibitions placed upon them. However, Satan, Father Of All Lies, Speaks His Language, There...and after being thrown out of Heaven, along with one third of the fallen angels, who joined him in a coup against The Lord, his anger against mankind was vitrolic. Indeed, Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with them in The Home Of The Damned...first Hell, then in The Lake Of Fire. He hates mankind with a passion, and especially the Bible believing Christians (those who've done The One Thing God Requires, and the Jews. The World Says Christians And The Jews Are The Ones To Blame, and the reasons Why Satan And The World Both Hate The Jews are that:

1) They are ''God's Chosen People'', originally set apart for God, to spread The Gospel Truth to all mankind.

2) It was through them that God gave mankind The Books Of The Biblea.

3) It was through them that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, not only the Savior, but the King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, left The Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk among us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. Then, He Who Knew No Sin At All, would take upon Himself, the sins that every man, woman, and young person, that would ever walk this Earth, would commit (except for The One Sin Unforgiven...which is Blasphemy Of The Holy Spirit...basically, rejecting The Gospel Truth), as if He had done them Himself. Then, He would be scourged and crucified in our place, to take care of the cost of sin for each of us... A Debt You Can Not Pay. Then, He would rise from the grave on The Third Day, According To The the Resurrection was God's Seal Of Approval on the Work that Christ did on The Cross. Satan thought that he had gained the victory, in having Christ crucified...but it turned out to be his biggest defeat. That has enraged Satan more, and like with all the others who have been deceived into following him, The Evil Forces Surely Lose, While They Feel They Will Win. They think they can defeat The Lord, but Satan is a created being with LIMITED power...yet, Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With Unlimited Power.

Back to Adam and Eve, when they broke the one rule that God gave them (they only broke it once), that perfection of body, soul, spirit, and life, was gone...and they now had a vacuum...literally, a hole in their heart, where God originally was. Because of that, all of mankind born since then (with the exception of Christ Alone, who was Virgin Born), has a sin nature. In that regard, For All Have Sinned, and fallen short of God's Glory, because God's Standard Is Perfection...with that being the only way you could enter Heaven at The Moment Of Your Death. That means you would have to have lived your life, WITHOUT a single sin in thought, motive, word, or deed. However, when one hears The Gospel Truth, The Holy Spirit pricks their heart, then they repent of sin, and believe on Christ (The One Thing God Requires, then The Righteousness Of Christ is imputed to them, and that makes them qualified to enter Heaven when they die. Upon doing this, that vacuum that was in their heart previously, is now filled, and while they have troubles and persecution in this life, Our Sufferings Now, Do Not Compare, With Glory That Awaits. Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent, and they will try everything they can think of to fill that vacuum hole in their hearts...whether it's money/wealth, fame/prestige, illicit sex, drugs, alcohol, hobbies, or anything to please ''their carnal, fleshly, desires''. Satan Sponsors Any Topic That Will Leave Christ Out, and Unless It's Done For Christ, It Does No Good...because as the poem by C. T. Studd noted, Only One Life Twill Soon Be Past, Only What's Done For Christ Will Last...and that includes your choice on whether you will accept or reject God's Free Love Gift.

The Secret Things There, All Belong, To The Lord Alone (Deuteronomy 29:29)

Based on Deuteronomy 29:29, God has kept certain things from mankind...both for his own good, and so that mankind would heed Proverbs 3:5-6, to Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways. In a battle, or even in a sporting event, you never want to let the opposition know of your plans. Yet, mankind has always wanted to know the detail of several things, such as The Moment Of Your Death, the moment of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, the specifics on weather (hurricanes, tornadoes, floods), nature (earthquakes, volcanoes), their life (health, finances, marriage, circumstances), etc. For instance, if every individual knew when The Moment Of Your Death...let alone when The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church would occur...they would ''live like the Devil right up to the very last moment, then repent and then do The One Thing God Requires, so they could then enter The Home Of The Redeemed instead of The Home Of The Damned. But, it doesn't work that way, and mankind detests the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules.

There are several instances in Scripture, where servants of God interpreted strange dreams, on what would occur...and these things did in fact, come to pass. One day, in Eternity, all the things we've wondered about, will finally be made known. But, the biggest point in all this was that Satan and his demon hordes did not know that The Cross was God's Plan Of Salvation for mankind. So, Satan thought by having Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, crucified, that mankind's doom in The Home Of The Damned was sealed forever. When a person was crucified, a sign was placed above their head, noting ''the crimes that they had done'', which were worthy of ''the death penalty''. In the ''physical realm'', the sign noted ''The King Of The Jews'', which was true. But, to the Romans, that could have been considered as treason, worthy of death. However, in the ''spiritual realm'', Satan realized when Christ declared ''It Is Finished'' right before He died...that ''he had lost''. This was because Christ, He Who Knew No Sin At All, became sin for all mankind...taking all of mankind's sins upon Himself, as if HE had done them Himself. The Scriptures declare that Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission, Done, and with Christ's Resurrection on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures, Satan's Doom was sealed. All who would do The One Thing God Requires, in repenting of sin, and by faith, asking Christ to be their Lord and Savior, would be forgiven of ALL their sins that they had done, or would ever do...and would then meet the requirement that God's Standard Is Perfection, and be allowed into The Home Of The Redeemed at The Moment Of Your Death. Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent, but God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and everyone has their own free will and choice to either accept or reject God's Free Love Gift. In the end, everyone will be Given What Was Desired, and that No One Can Say On Judgment Day, That God Wasn't Fair. The sobering truth is that ''if God was truly fair, ALL OF MANKIND would've been sent to The Home Of The Damned long ago, to join Satan and his demons.

Believers Persecuted Now, But Not After They Die (2 Timothy 3:12)

Based on 2 Timothy 3:12, where it notes that ''All who live Godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persection'', this has been the story for all who've served The Lord throughout history. The unrepentant souls, spiritually blind, laugh, mock, scoff at, and persecute the True Believers, because to the unsaved, The Preaching Of The Cross is foolish and stupidity...but to the saved, it's the Power of Almighty God. Indeed, The Fool Says ''There's No God''. In many cases, the believers ended up being arrested, tortured, and suffered martyrdom. Yet, all of them were Eyewitnesses Of His Majesty; Who'd Die For A Lie??. They saw the Power of God in the Old Testament, then saw the miracles of Christ when He was on the Earth the first time, before He was crucified, and resurrected According To The Scriptures. Because of His Victory over sin and the grave, and the believers witnessing what He had done (as the Apostle Peter noted, ''we were eyewitnesses of His Majesty''), knew that faith on Him would be rewarded in Eternity. As the title of this poem notes, while they were persecuted in this life on Earth, many counted it a blessing, because they believed that Our Citizenship In Heaven; Not This Earthly Place...and that Our Sufferings Do Not Compare With Glory That Awaits.

Only Christ Can Forgive, Pardon; For The Sins You've Done

When someone has done you wrong, many folks feel it better to hold a grudge, and never forgive the other party for the heinous deed that they did. However, mankind is fortunate that The Lord was not the same way in His Dealings with mankind. When Adam and Eve broke the only rule that God had given them, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth was the result, and God declared that ''Your Sins Are A Barrier between you and Me''. However, before the foundation of the world, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, by leaving The Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk among us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN...because He Who Knew No Sin At All, would take upon Himself, as if HE had done them, the sins that every man, woman, and young person, who would ever walk the Earth, would ever commit. By the shedding of His Precious Blood, it would wash away the sins of everyone who would do The One Thing God Requires. The believers are encouraged to forgive those who've ''done them dirty'', even as God, for Christ's Sake, has now forgiven us. Jesus Christ, is God In The Flesh, so Christ Alone has the Power to forgive every sin you've ever done. This is because God's Standard Is Perfection, and if you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record at The Moment Of Your Death, you will NOT be allowed into The Home Of The Redeemed...but instead to The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity...where you'll join all the other unrepentant souls, as well as Satan and his demons, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, and The False Prophet...where Scripture declares They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

Eyewitnesses Of His Majesty; Who'd Die For A Lie?? (2 Peter 1:16)

Based on 2 Peter 1:16, the Apostle Peter noted that ''we were eyewitnesses of His Majesty''...seeing Christ at The Transfiguration, His many miracles (including healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, raising people from the dead, feeding of the multitudes, walking on the water of the Sea Of Galilee, calming the tempestuous storm), with the ultimate miracle of after being scourged and crucified, to rise from the dead Himself on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. What He had done could NOT be denied...and they knew that Believers Persecuted Now, But Not After They Die. Except for the Apostle John, who died a natural death on the island of Patmos, where Christ gave Him the Book Of Revelation, the ultimate in End Time Prophecy...all the rest of the disciples (and many of the Old Testament prophets) died horrible martyrs deaths, Yet, counted it a blessing, because they believed that Our Citizenship In Heaven; Not This Earthly Place...and that Our Sufferings Do Not Compare With Glory That Awaits.

Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Based on Proverbs 3:5-6, it tells us to trust God in all things, and to Leave Consequences To The Lord, No Matter The Event. He knows what is best for us, and the only reason that He witholds some things from us, is not that He's being ''a stingy tyrant'', but it's for our own good. Plus, ''The Just Shall Live By Faith'', and the true believers are saved by ''Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works.

When The Enemies Of God, All Witness His Power

The enemies of The Lord, aligned with Satan himself, are so depraved and deluded in their thinking, that they fully believe that they can defeat The Lord and His Armies. However, Satan is a created being with LIMITED Power, but Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With Unlimited Power. No matter the schemes and plans that Satan and his demonic hordes...let alone all of mankind who've not yet done The One Thing God Requires...have planned; The Lord knows all of their plans, in detail, in advance. From the destruction of:

1) The worldwide flood in the days of Noah.

2) Sodom and Gomorrah in the days of Lot.

3) An army of 185,000 soliders that were slain by one angel of The Lord in one night.

4) The walls of Jericho, after God's People marched around it for seven days.

5) The armies of the world at the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

6) The old Heaven, Earth, and Jerusalem, when God makes all things new.

...among so many other events...those who are against The Lord see too late that they are no match for Him, and His Power.

Serving My Creator There, The Least That Can Be Done

Because The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, by leaving The Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk among us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN, then to be scourged and crucified on an Old Rugged Cross, to shed His Precious Blood to wash away the sins of all who would believe on Him in repentance and faith...then to rise again in victory on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures, it is THE LEAST THAT I CAN DO to repent, and accept His Free Love Gift...then to serve Him in the remainder of my Earthly Life...knowing that when my life reaches the point of what's known as The Moment Of Your Death, or at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, I know that Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed will be my home for all Eternity.

The Leaders That They Do Deserve, God Gives To Each Nation

A companion poem to The Lord Removes And Sets Up Kings, According To His Plan, He also gives each nation the leaders that they do deserve. When they serve The Lord, and obey His Commands, He blesses them with righteous leaders, who give that nation safety and prosperity. On the other hand, When A Nation Tells God, He's Not Wanted Anymore, since God Has Always Been A Gentleman, He does to that nation what he does to individuals...God Gave Them Over to a reprobate mind. So, the leader that they get is godless, evil, and against everything that The Lord has commanded... detesting the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules. So, these nations get the following:

1) Widespread crime (no place is safe...and it seems like ''criminals get the justice'')

2) The economy (prices of everything skyrocket...where basically, from I Wish We'd All Been Ready (by Larry Norman), ''a piece of bread would buy a bag of gold'').

3) Turmoil in the futures market (prices of animals and crops).

4) Diplomacy (the country's enemies laugh at them).

5) Illnesses and plagues (widespread disease, for which there's no cure).

6) Famines and dust bowls (crops are wiped out, and many go hungry).

7) A country's armies flee in terror from the military of their enemies.

8) The breakdown of the family (rampant divorce and infidelity, most prefer shacking up instead of marriage).

9) The wealth of nations is removed (countries and its citizens in debt).

10) A generation of youth who don't care about God or Christianity...let alone the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules).

11) Illegal citizens take from those who legally live there.

12) Now a debtor nation, like all the others.

As a result of all of these curses, patriotism is gone, there's widespread death, the majority of wealth is gone, and things like porn/filth, and evil are everywhere. They now learn the hard truth that If You Sow The Wind, My Friend; The Whirlwind, You'll Reap, and that God Is Not Mocked. Everyone's Accountable, and Every Idle Word That's Spoken There will be answered for When You Stand Before The Lord.

Those Saying 'They Don't Feel Loved In Life, By The Lord'

Based on a sermon from Dr. David Jeremiah of Turning Point Ministries, for those who don't feel loved by The Lord, that's not God's's theirs. In truth, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, by leaving The Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk among us in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN, then to be scourged and crucified on an Old Rugged Cross, to shed His Precious Blood to wash away the sins of all who would believe on Him in repentance and faith...then to rise again in victory on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures. Christ Didn't Have To Come And Die For Us, His Enemy, but because of His Great Love, He gave His Life Willingly, and For All Who Truly Come To Christ, He Will Not Turn Away.

The Many Ways, The Devil Lies; It's Hard To Keep Track

Satan, Father Of All Lies, Speaks His Language, There. There is absolutely no Truth in him at all, and the fact is that Satan And His Hordes Want You To Burn with them for all Eternity in The Home Of The Damned...first, the flames of Hell, and then in The Lake Of Fire. Satan Loves Religion, As It Keeps Folks From The Lord, and Satan Sponsors Any Topic That Will Leave Christ Out. He is so depraved, and angry with The Things Of God, that he's on a mission to deceive as many souls as possible, and to keep them from Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, when one reaches The Moment Of Your Death. However, Satan's Forces Cannot Cross The Line Of Christ's Blood, Shed...and Satan Knows That In The End, He Is Going To Lose. Again, his mind is so depraved that with all the unrepentant souls, can't accept the fact that The Evil Forces Surely Lose, While They Feel They Will Win. His ''job'' is twofold...taking as many of the unsaved souls to The Home Of The Damned...but also to destroy the testimony of those who've done The One Thing God Requires. However, we're not ignorant of his devices, and know that he is Like A Roaring Lion, seeking who he can devour. But, he will flee when the righteous saints resist him, and they plead the Precious Blood Of Jesus.

We Ought To Obey The Lord, Than The Words Of Men (Acts 5:20)

Based on Acts 5:20, the majority of the world says that we should obey mankind's laws. That holds true ONLY if they do NOT go against The Laws and Rules that The Lord God has made. At that point, as the Apostles of the early church declared, ''We ought to obey The Lord, than the words of men''. Mankind detests the fact that The Lord, He Made The Rules, but God's Words Live Forever, Friend...and while Earth And Heaven Pass Away, But God's Words Will Not.

One Said 'Yes', And One Said 'No', To Gospel Of Salvation

In many families, the tragic fact is that while At Least One Chance Is Given There to everyone, to hear The Gospel Truth...there will be cases of where one said YES to God's Free Love Gift...but another one said NO. God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and He will not force anyone to repent, and accept God's Free Love Gift. And whatever choice is made, God tells each person that Your Decision Will Be Honored for all Eternity at The Moment Of Your Death, which sets Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell.

Nothing New Under The Sun, Everything's The Same (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

Based on Ecclesiastes 1:9, mankind says that ''all things continue as they were from the beginning of Creation''. In truth, since Adam and Eve broke the only rule that God had given them, The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth has brought death and misery to all mankind for over six millenia. However, at the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, Business As Usual Will End, as will the rule of mortal man. Christ will set up His Millennium Of Peace, and With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule.

If The Blood Of Christ, Ignored; Or The Rugged Cross

For Christianity, The Blood And The Cross are intertwined, because Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission Done. Many say that ''Christianity is a slaughterhouse religion'', but it was only through the Precious Blood Of Christ, that the sins of all those who come to believe on Him in repentance and faith, would be forever washed away. Indeed, The Sea Of Forgetfulness, Where Sins Of The Saved, Lie...and The Lord declares to all those who've done The One Thing God Requires, ''their sins and iniquities, I will remember no more''. Plus, Without The Resurrection, which is God's Seal Of Approval on what Christ did on The Cross, Christ's Death was a tragic, needless, blunder...and everyone on Earth would be headed for The Home Of The Damned when each one reaches The Moment Of Your Death.

If All Souls From Adam's Day Until Now, Had Been Saved

Someone had calculated that ''had everyone from Adam's day been saved, and done The One Thing God Requires, there would be PLENTY OF ROOM in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, and plenty of room to spare''. In contrast, the only ones in Hell, then The Lake Of Fire... The Home Of The Damned... would be Satan and his demonic hordes. They were originally in the Presence Of God in Heaven...but when Lucifer, the covering cherub, inflated with pride, and declared his five ''I Will's'', then conned one third of the angelic realm to join him in a coup against The Lord, all of them were sentenced to eternal banishment, and because of their deed, there was no forgiveness, and they were cast out of Heaven...with both Hell and The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned, made for them. Yet, only The Believing Remnant, will end up going to Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed for each of them at The Moment Of Your Death or at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church; because Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. And, the Default At Your Death Is Hell; If Christ, You Refuse.

Raptured Bodies Won't Be Found On That Appointed Day

At the moment of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, there won't be any trace of the bodies that ''vanish into thin air''. At many cemeteries, many of the graves and tombstones will have been disturbed, as the dead in Christ are changed into their new eternal, resurrection bodies...and rocket through the ground and out of the grave, into the sky. The true believers who've done The One Thing God Requires, that are alive at that moment, will be changed ''in the twinkling of an eye'', and rocket into the sky, where they'll meet all the dead in Christ, who rose into the air a split second before them. All their clothing, prosthetic and medical devices, as well as personal possessions, fall to the ground. Both adults, and all children under the age of accountability, including the infants, and unborn children in the womb, are taken as well. Faster Than A Strobelight Flash, The Rapture Will Be Done...before those left behind realize what has just occurred. However, at that point, it's too late to become part of The Bride Of Christ, and everyone left behind will now fact The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

God Is Not A Teddy Bear, Who Will Wink At Sin

The majority of mankind thinks that Almighty God is like ''a kindly old grandfather, with the personality of a teddy bear, who will let anyone and everyone into Heaven, no matter what they've done in life...whether good or evil. However, that deluded idea is a lie from The Pit Of Hell, The Home Of The Damned. Judgment Must Begin in The House Of God, and if Judgment is to fall upon those who have done The One Thing That God Requires, it surely will fall on the unrepentant souls who refuse to do that. God's Standard Is Perfection, and the ONLY way that you can enter Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, is to have lived your entire life on Earth, WITHOUT A SINGLE SIN, in thought, word, motive, or short, TOTAL MORAL PERFECTION. However, the Scriptures declare that For All Have Sinned, and fallen short of The Glory Of God...and there is NONE RIGHTEOUS on The Earth. The ONLY individual who has walked on Planet Earth, without a single sin His Entire Life, is Christ Alone, God In The Flesh. He left The Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, and to live and walk like all mankind in every way, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN. Then, He Who Knew No Sin At All, took upon Himself, as if they were His Own...every single sin that every man, woman, and child/young person, who ever walked this Earth, would do in their life. Then, He was scourged and crucified in the place of everyone, on an Old Rugged Cross...shedding His Precious Blood to wash away those sins...for Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission Done. Then, He rose from the dead on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures...and after 40 days, ascended back to Heaven, to prepare a place for His Bride, who He will come to get at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. Only those who have done The One Thing God Requires, will vanish in a millisecond of time, when the cry Behold, The Bridegroom Comes splits the sky, with the voice of the Archangel, and the sound of The Trumpet Of God. In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes, where both the dead and alive in Christ from Pentecost to the moment of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, will rise up to meet The Lord in the air, and forever be with Him. By the time those left behind realize what has happened, it'll be too they will have entered into The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth. All who are just Going Through The Motions, or who refuse to do The One Thing God Requires, will hear the terrifying Words from The Lord Himself, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, of ''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known''.

I Can Do All Things Through Christ, Who There, Strengthens Me (Philippians 4:13)

Based on Philippians 4:13, the Apostle Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament of The Books Of The Bible declared this Scriptural that while in our own strength, those who have done The One Thing God Requires, know that, on their own...they are basically powerless and can do nothing. However, with knowing Christ as Savior and Lord, the true believers can do all things through Christ, who strengthens them.

To Take The Mark, Or There, Die Lost; Heaven Is Denied

These are the main two ways one can miss Heaven. If You Take The Mark during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, or by the time of The Moment Of Your Death, you have failed to do The One Thing God Requires, you'll find that for you, Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, is DENIED...and instead, you'll be headed for The Home Of The Damned...first, Hell, and then The Lake Of Fire, for all Eternity. The Lord, He Made The Rules, and only Heaven Or Hell will be the eternal home for everyone. Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Repent... and for these, the title of this poem will apply to them.

The Eternal Plans Of God, Mankind Cannot Thwart

Mankind thinks he can outwit The Lord with his plans, but The Lord Is Not Surprised by anything that mankind thinks about, or does...because as Creator of The Universe, He is Omnipotent (all powerful), Omniscient (all knowing), and Omnipresent (everywhere). You Can't Fool The Lord, My Friend, so there's no way that you can ''pull the wool over His Eyes''. The Will Of The Lord will ultimately be done, but His Ultimate Will is not for anyone to die in their sin, but for all to come to repentance. Mankind also can not stop The Lord from doing what He has already decreed that will be done, as Thy Word Is Settled In Heaven.

The Wise And The Foolish Ones, Both Now, And Back Then (Matthew 25:1-12)

A companion poem to If The Rapture Time Was Known, and Behold, The Bridegroom Comes...and based on Matthew 25:1-12, the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, has both physical and spiritual truth to it.

A bit of background first...long before the Jewish Wedding occurs, in many cases, the Jewish parents pick out a potential groom for their daughter. He comes to their home, and says that he will pay ''a dowry'' (a ''compensation price''), for taking this family's daughter away from in many cases, the young woman worked to help things around the home, or other needed tasks...and was a help for obtaining the family income. Once the potential groom had made ''the proposal'', it was up to the ''potential bride'' to say ''Yes'' or ''No'', and she had 30 seconds to make the decision. The way this was done, is that there were four cups on the table, to be filled with wine. There was one each for the bride's parents, and one each for the potential bride and groom. While the bride's parents, and potential groom's cup had wine in them, the potential bride's cup was empty. If she turned her cup upside down, without pouring any wine in it...that meant that she declined (saying ''NO'')...and the young man would go away, never to darken their door again. But, if she accepted (saying ''YES''), by pouring wine into her cup, then taking a drink from it, they were now ''betrothed'' (what we would term today as ''engaged''). However, on ''dates'', both parents were usually there as chaperones, to be sure that the couple did not engage in sexual relations until after they were married.

As noted, the bride would be preparing herself for the wedding day, not knowing when her groom would arrive. For that matter, the groom didn't know, either. Again, it was up to the groom's father to decide when the house for the newlywed couple to be, built on to the father's house, was ready for them. Once that moment arrived, the groom's father tells his son, ''it's time to get your bride''. It usually happened in the dead of night, when there'd be shouts, trumpets, music, etc., announcing the groom's arrival. At that point, the bride to be would join her groom to be; and they would go to be married. Then, they would be ''hidden away'' for seven days, to consumate the relationship (what we would term today as ''the honeymoon''). Then, they would be presented to the world as husband and wife.

As for the spiritual application, it's patterned after the Jewish Wedding Feast. God The Father, had His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, The Groom...obtain a Bride for this case, ''The Church''... basically The Believing Remnant of mankind, both Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews). However, the majority of mankind was pronounced with The Heart Is Wicked And Full Of Deceit, with a sin nature pronounced on all mankind, along with The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth...when our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden Of Eden, fell for Satan's lies and The Great Deception.

In this case, ''the wise and foolish'' deals with those who have truly been born again, and those who are just Going Through The Motions. In the parable, the wise virgins had oil (which signified The Holy Spirit), and the foolish ones did not. The foolish ones asked the wise ones for oil, but they were declined, being told ''there won't be enough for all of us''... and to ''go into town and buy yourselves some oil for your lamps''. When the midnight cry of Behold, The Bridegroom Comes came, the wise virgins were prepared, and followed the bride and groom into the wedding feast. The foolish virgins, while now having oil, were like all those who failed to do The One Thing God Requires prior to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church...and so as a result, they missed the event. When they pleaded with the groom to allow them into the wedding feast, they were told the same words that Christ will say to all the unrepentant, unsaved souls, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne...''Depart From Me, For You, I've Never Known. And One Day, Heaven's Gates, Forever Close...and it will be too late to enter The Kingdom Of God. The same thing occurs at The Moment Of Your Death, if you die without doing The One Thing God Requires...because God's Offer Of Pardon Expires At Death.

Acquitted At The Bema, But Not At The Great White Throne

According to The Books Of The Bible, For All Have Sinned, and come short of The Glory Of God. Depending on one does with God's Free Love Gift, especially prior to the The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, determines whether you will be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. For those who truly do The One Thing God Requires, and not just Going Through The Motions, there is No Condemnation on them. But, If You Do Not Know The Lord, God's Wrath Abides On You. The issue of sin, having been settled at The Cross, will NOT even be considered at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...because that will ONLY examine the WORKS of the believers, and NOT the believers, themselves. However, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, every sin that individual had ever done, in thought, motive, word, or deed, will be revealed for all to see. As a result, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, No One Gets Off Scot Free, No One Will Defend The Lost, and There Will Be No Appeal There. The Judgments are based on the Righteousness of God, because The Lord, He Made The Rules, and so, the verdict is FINAL and IRREVOCABLE. Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, The Home Of The Damned, because God's Standard Is Perfection. Everyone will undergo A Life On Trial, and it is One Appointment You Will Keep.

The Warnings Are All Around, But Most Take Little Heed

A companion poem to The Warning, and based on this tract from Chick Publications, the sad truth is that there are so many warnings in life, but most folks feel that ''these don't apply to them''. The warnings are mainly for one's safety and well regards to things like weather and nature...traffic and, nutrition, and medicine...hazardous materials...evacuations...and much more. But the greatest example of The Warning is what God has told mankind, in regards to preparing for Eternity. It's Appointed All To Die, and Tomorrow Is Promised To No One. When You Stand Before The Lord, it's One Appointment You Will Keep, and You'll Answer Only For Yourself, when you undergo A Life On Trial. No Other Places Exist When You Die, except for Heaven Or Hell. Your Eternal Destiny is dependent on your answer to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

God Wanted A Family, So He Created Man

For reasons we can't understand in this life, God wanted a family, so He created mankind. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the paradise of the Garden Of Eden, had everything they could ever want or need. Tragically, they chose to break the One Simple Rule that God had given them, and they only broke it once. The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth was the result...with mankind dying spiritually, and developing a rebellous nature. They would now have to work by ''the sweat of their brow'' to survive. Deceived by Satan, in the form of a serpent, he said that ''God was holding out on them'', and they fell for The Doom Of Satan's Lie. Originally the Covering Cherub, Lucifer deceived a third of the angels to rebel with him in a coup against The Lord of Hosts...resulting in him and all of the rebellious angels being sentenced to eternal banishment in The Home Of The Hell Was Meant For Satan, and then The Lake Of Fire, were originally created for them. Tragically, it would become the eternal place for all who refused God's Free Love Gift. His name was changed from Lucifier to Satan...the Adversary, and The Accuser Of The Brethren. Across the Earth for at least six millenia, Satan has been roaming across the Earth, Like A Roaring Lion, seeking who he may devour. But, before the foundation of the world, Redemption's Plan was set into motion. God didn't want mankind to fall, but The Lord Is Not Surprised, and He knew that mankind would rebel, plus the fact that Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. However, for The Believing Remnant, Christ Alone would become The Only Way To Heaven...leaving the Glory of Heaven, to come to Earth, to be born of a Virgin, and to live and like mankind in all ways, EXCEPT WITHOUT SIN, for He Who Knew No Sin At All would take every sin of all mankind, from Adam and Eve's day until the end of the Millennium Of Peace, as if they were His Own. He would then be scourged, and die on an Old Rugged Cross, then be resurrected from the dead on the Third Day, According To The Scriptures. The fact is that If God Hated All Mankind, There'd Be No Salvation...yet, The Lord, He Did Command His Love To All, in that while mankind was still sinners, enemies of God, Christ died for us. Then, Without The Resurrection, it's just not the same. All who would believe on Christ in repentance and faith, doing The One Thing God Requires, from Pentecost to The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, would be known as The Bride Of Christ, who is The Groom...and all there would be part of God's Forever Family. Almighty God Has No Grandchildren, as You Can't Ride Coat-Tails Into Heaven's Space. Each person, individually, must make the choice whether or not to accept or reject God's Free Love Gift...and at The Moment Of Your Death, Your Decision Will Be Honored for all for all Eternity.

Mocking, Spurning Of The Lord, It Is Blasphemy

A companion poem to God Is Not Mocked, and All Who Blaspheme The Lord's Name, They Shall Surely Die, this is A STERN WARNING to all of mankind. For every soul on Planet Earth, all will undergo A Life On Trial When You Stand Before The Lord. The fact is that Your Life Is Being Recorded, and every thing you've ever thought, word, motive, or deed, will be revealed at The Judgment, because that's what will come after The Moment Of Your Death, as It's Appointed All To Die. Believers who have done The One Thing God Requires, will be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...and while the issue of sin won't be considered there, their standing for Eternity with The Lord will be determined on how they served Him while on Earth. In contrast, all those who mocked God, and commited ''blasphemy against The Holy Spirit'', which is The One Sin Unforgiven, will be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. On that somber day, all of the unrepentant will be gathered, and there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, plus no plea bargain with The Judge for a suspended or lesser sentence. They will also see that No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, and There Will Be No Appeal There. God's Standard Is Perfection, and if at The Moment Of Your Death, you have The One Sin Unforgiven on your record, you will spend Eternity in The Home Of The Damned.

Of All Faiths, Religions There, The Gospel Truth Is Spurned

A companion poem to Satan Sponsors Anything That Will Leave Christ Out, and that includes the myriad of distractions in our lives each day. Whether it's our job, hobbies, possessions, sports, family, etc., the Devil would have us worship these things, rather than Christ Alone, who is Worthy Of All Praise. Satan created all the false religios of the world because he knows The Books Of The Bible better than any preacher, priest, you, or me. He also knows that Religion Keeps Mankind Enslaved, But Christ Will You Free...that Religions Cannot Co-Exist In The World Today, and that with Biblical Christianity, it's Relationship, Not Religion. So, he spreads his deceit, and the majority of mankind fall for The Doom Of Satan's Lie. As a result, they spurn The Gospel Truth, believing that The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishness and stupidity. Yet, for the saved, who've done The One Thing God Requires, they know that it's The Power Of Almighty God. Misery loves company, and Satan knows that Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent, and he wants as many as possible to spend Eternity with him and his demonic hordes in The Home Of The Damned...first Hell, then The Lake Of Fire.

When Seeing They're About To Die...Panic, Fear, Sets In

There are many emotions that occur when one realizes that The Moment Of Your Death is imminent, or about to occur. For the majority of mankind, they will scream in absolute terror and they feel the flames of Hell, and see the demons come to take them into The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. However, for The Believing Remnant, who've done The One Thing God Requires, they will hear beautiful music like they've never heard on Earth, and will see in an instant, The Lord Jesus Christ, The One Who made it possible for them to enter Heaven. It will also be A Reunion Like No Other, especially at the moment of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church...when all those who've died in The Lord, will be reunited again, with joy unspeakable, in The Home Of The Redeemed...knowing that they will never have to say ''Goodbye'' again, and that all their needs will be forever met. Tragically for the unrepentant, unsaved souls, they will never see another soul again...all they will hear in The Home Of The Damned will be never ending, blood curdling, horrifying screams of terror, and cursing God, because for all of them, all hope is gone. Except for the true believers still alive at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, everyone will end up facing The Moment Of Your Death, and Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, and the emotions noted, will be what you experince on your answer to the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

Once A Word Said, Or Deed Done; Those You Can't Undo

Like trying to unsay a word, or to unscramble an egg, you can NOT do either both are IMPOSSIBLE. The same applies to a deed that you've done, a thought or motive that has come to mind, then is acted out into a deed. Now, having a temptation to do a sinful deed is not a sin, but it becomes one, if you decide to act upon it. When The Lord Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days, after His Baptism in the Jordan River by his cousin, John The Baptist...Satan tempted The Lord 3 times. Yet, The Lord did NOT fall for the temptation, and commit a sin...because if He had done so, ALL OF MANKIND would be Destined For The Lake Of Fire. Yet, He Who Knew No Sin At All, would take upon Himself the sins of every human being who had walked the Earth...from Adam and Eve's day until the end of the Millennium Of Peace, as if He Himself had done them. Then, as Our Passover And Mediator, His scourging, then death on an Old Rugged Cross, by the shedding of His Precious Blood... pure and untainted by any sin of His Own...would wash away the sins of every individual who would do The One Thing God Requires...and making them eligible to enter Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed when each one experienced either The Moment Of Your Death, or at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. His Victory over sin and death was guaranteed when He rose from the dead on The Third Day, According To The Scriptures, because Without The Resurrection, it's not the same. Plus, the Resurrection was God's Seal Of Approval on what Christ did on The Cross. His Grace is a License To Serve, Not License To Sin. Just One Sin Not Paid For, Means Christ's Still In The Grave, but there is The One Sin Unforgiven, which is refusing to do The One Thing God Requires, in refusing to repent, and receive God's Free Love Gift. This is what's known as ''mocking God's Plan Of Salvation (as Most Think They're Too Smart To Accept What God's Word Does Say, in that For All Have Sinned, and come short of God's Glory); and it's known as ''The Blasphemy Of The Holy Spirit''. When combined, it means that Mocking, Spurning Of The Lord, It Is Blasphemy... and that's The One Sin Unforgiven, both in this world, in the world to come, and for all Eternity. This is either if one fails to repent of sin, and to accept God's Free Love Gift...or during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, The Great Tribulation, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years...when one takes The Mark Of The Beast). Either way, that individual's name is blotted out of The Book Of Life, which for everyone, is opened When You Stand Before The Lord. If your name is NOT in The Book Of Life at The Moment Of Your Death, then you are Destined For The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. You'll be at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where every sin you've done in thought, word, motive, or deed...will be revealed for everyone to see. On that somber day, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, plus no plea bargain with, or bribery to, The Judge...for a suspended or lesser sentence. You'll also see that No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, and There Will Be No Appeal There. God's Standard Is Perfection, and Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell. In contrast, for those who've done The One Thing God Requires, The Home Of The Redeemed awaits each true believer, upon The Moment Of Your Death, and their names ARE in The Book Of Life. The true believers were, and are, sincere in their commitment to The Lord, and are not just Going Through The Motions. And, It's Not The Color Of Your Skin, But The Color Of Your Heart that determines where you'll spend Eternity. If your sins have been washed away by the Precious Blood of Jesus, then Though Your Sins As Scarlet, They Shall Be White As Snow...and you will enter The Home Of The Redeemed at The Moment Of Your Death. Otherwise, every sin you've ever done will make your heart as black as coal, will guarantee that you'll enter The Home Of The Damned upon The Moment Of Your Death. Your Eternal Destiny depends upon your choice.

Just Like A Virus Destroys Data, Sin Destroys Your Soul

Whether it's a germ laden virus that makes you ill, or a computer virus that destroys data, Sin Is Like A Cancer, and it will spread rapidly, and destroy your soul, if you haven't done The One Thing God Requires. For those who have done The One Thing God Requires, and are not just Going Through The Motions, sin may not destroy your soul, but it will destroy your testimony for The Lord. In both cases, the individual, either at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ (for the saved), or at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, will be ASHAMED for the way that they lived their life. For the believer, it will mean a less honorable place in Christ's Eternal Kingdom, but they'll still be in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, Heaven, for all Eternity. However, for the unrepentant soul, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, they will first have The One Sin Unforgiven, on their record...then, every sin they've ever done in word, thought, motive, or deed...will add to the punishment and damnation that they will receive for all Eternity in The Home Of The Damned. Only One Has Walked The Earth, Without A Single Sin...that is Christ Alone...and how fitting it is that The Creator Of The Universe, God In The Flesh, should judge all mankind.

Satan Makes As Fiction What The Bible States As Fact

They say that ''imitation is the sincerest form of flattery''...but Satan can only IMITATE...a cheap copy of the original...because only God can CREATE the original, in so many ways. Originally, at Creation, God declared everything was ''Good'', and even in Heaven, the angels shouted for joy. However, discord and dissonance entered the beautiful harmony of Heaven, and all of Creation, when Lucifer, the Covering Cherub, inflated with selfish pride, declared his five ''I Will's'', and deceived one third of the angelic realm into joining him in a coup against The Lord Of Hosts. Each of them were sentenced to eternal banishment, and cast out of Heaven. With his name now changed to Satan, his job has been to call God a liar, and to say that everything that's in The Books Of The Bible is fake, and that God is a liar. However, Satan was a liar and murderer from the beginning, and for over six millennia, he has been deceiving mankind into believing The Doom Of Satan's Lie. He started with Adam and Eve in The Garden Of Eden, and their believing Satan instead of God, evicted them from their Paradise, and brought down The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth. Satan is so depraved in his thinking, that he and his demonic hordes, as well as unrepentant souls, are part of the group, where The Evil Forces Surely Lose, While They Feel They Will Win. If Satan could prove that God was a liar (and that's an impossibility), then ALL OF MANKIND would be Destined For The Lake Of Fire. In short, Satan is fighting a losing battle, because God knows everything that Satan (and all of mankind for that matter) will do, because The Lord Is Not Surprised. Normally, in a battle or game on Earth, you don't know the moves that your opponent will do in advance. But, The Lord, being omnisicent (all knowing), omnipotent (all powerful), and omnipresent (everywhere at once on Earth), He knows the thoughts, words, motives, deeds, actions, and sins, that everyone has done, or will do in this earthly life. Mankind can NEVER meet that standard, as he was made ''a little lower than the angels''.. And as one person noted, ''Mankind has been getting lower ever since''. Plus, God's Standard Is Perfection, and The Lord, He Made The Rules, because it is His Creation. Satan is a created being with LIMITED Power, but Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With Unlimited Power...and there is no way that Satan can defeat The Lord.

Once Into Eternity, No Chance Or Need To Sleep

One thing every creature, man or beast, needs in this life, is the rejuvenating activity of slumber/sleep. Adam was the first individual to experience such, whe God put him to sleep (Divine Anesthesia, as it were), where He took out one of Adam's Ribs to create his helpmate, Eve. Before they both fell for The Doom Of Satan's Lie, and broke the one simple rule that God had given them (they only broke it once), there was no need for sleep. But, once they sinned, and The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth went into effect, the need for sleep became apparent, as creatures would become fatigued from activity. It's equivalent to ''recharging your internal battery''...because as with a low battery, you can't do things as efficiently as you would otherwise, and it can become dangerous...even to the point of bringing The Moment Of Your Death to occur much it brings disease and carelessness into your life, which could end up causing serious injury or death. As newborn children sleep much of the day, dogs and cats do likewise. The rest of the animal kingdom also has to sleep at some point in time. Many consider sleep as a break from the stress of things in life, although one may also have bizarre dreams and nightmares, which makes the sleep as not as restful an experience as they would like. However, once the threshold of Eternity is crossed at The Moment Of Your Death, everything changes basically, ''an eternal insomnia'' kicks in. For those who die without doing The One Thing God Requires, they will have no way to escape the torment and agony in The Home Of The Damned...and they will have no chance to sleep to get more energy, making them weaker overall...unable to defend themselves against Satan's demonic hordes. They also know that they will share the same eternal fate as Satan and his demons, as all of them are Destined For The Lake Of Fire, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. In contrast, all of the true believer, who are not just Going Through The Motions, but are serious in their commitment to The Lord, after doing The One Thing God Requires, once they enter Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, they will have ''the vigor of eternal youth'', with no worry or possibility of fatigue, growing old, or the need for rejuvenating slumber. It should be obvious which outcome is more desirable, but tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. The believers on Jesus are instructed to not sleep (in a spiritual sense), but to watch for The Lord's Return, for The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church can come at any moment.

Just As A Doctor Sees Your Chart, Christ Sees Your Whole Life

A physician goes to medical school to learn all about the anatomy, inside and out...whether for humans, or animals (veterinarians). Yet, in the realms of biology and physiology, ''Christ Wrote The Book''... and the same is true for The Books Of The Bible. When you go visit a doctor, he or she looks at your chart, for your current medical conditions, surgeries, medications, etc. -- so they know how to prescribe a regimen of care for your illness or your overall well as performing needed surgeries or procedures, when required. The charts, including a provided list of all your doctors, surgeries, conditions, medications, etc., can better help them understand your medical condition, needs, and overall health.

In contrast, Jesus Christ, The Great Physician, wants to heal you spiritually...and that's available if you choose to do The One Thing God repenting of sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift. All mankind has the disease of sin, and because Sin Is Like A Cancer, it spreads rapidly, and can ultimately be fatal...both physically and spiritually. Only Salvation In Christ can cure this fatal disease of your life and heart...your eternal outcome depends on what you do with the Prescription from The Great Physician, Christ Alone.

All Nations Forsake Israel, Before They See God's Hand

Likely after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, Israel will be living at peace...but the anger of their enemies will be at its zenith, especially after The Battle Of Psalm 83 (where Israel defeats Hamas and Hezbollah, who attacked them on Oct. 7, 2023), and The Destruction Of Damascus (Isaiah 17). A coalition of huge armies of Russians, Muslims, and others, will launch a sneak attack on Israel, with the intent to forever wipe Israel and the Jews off of the face of the Earth. The Jews think they are the ones who are defeating these foes in the last days, but when this sneak attack comes, they will be defenseless...were it not for the Soverign Hand Of God. In what's described as The Battle Of Ezekiel 38 (a 4 part series), God will let the enemies of Israel get to the Golan Heights, or ''the mountains of Israel''...but no further. At that point, He will launch His Attack, with earthquakes, plus hailstones and fire from the sky. The armies will attack each other, and 5 out of every 6 troops will die on the spot...with the remainder fleeing to Siberia, where they'll freeze to death. If they don't go there, they will head back to their homeland, but God also sends fire down on these nations, and in the end, ALL who attacked Israel, will die. At this point, the Jews will recognize that it was Almighty God that saved them...and they will plead for a return to ''The Old Covenant'' (not ''The New Covenant'' that Jesus Christ set up at The Last Supper), and for the rebuilding of The Third Temple, which The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace will enter halfway through The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, committing ''The Abomination Of Desolation''. One third of the Jews will flee to Petra for safety, and the worst time that Planet Earth has ever seen will begin...3 1/2 years before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

Satan Didn't Make You Do It, For You Chose To Sin and Temptation Is Not A Sin, Unless You Act On It

Years ago, there was a TV show, with black comedian Flip Wilson, who had a character that always said ''The Devil Made Me Do It''. However, as Hal Lindsey notes, saying that phrase is basically ''a cop-out''...not wanting to take the blame. In fact, you chose to commit the sin that you were tempted with. Now, Temptation Is Not A Sin, Unless You Act On It, and once you act on it, then you have sinned. And since God's Standard Is Perfection, if You've Broken One Of God's Laws, Friend; You've Broken Every One...and Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell. The ONLY way to get that removed is to The One Thing God Requires, by repenting of your sin, and receiving God's Free Love Gift.

Those With No Forgiveness There, From Their Life Of Sin

The tragic title of this poem has the common denominator to these people or entities:

1) They refused to do The One Thing God Requires before The Moment Of Your Death

2) During The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, they took The Mark Of The Beast

3) They were in the group of one third of the angels that joined Lucifer in a coup against The Lord. All were cast out of Heaven, Lucifer's name was changed to Satan, and the fallen angels were changed to horrific looking angry malevolent demons. For each of these, there is no forgiveness for their sin, the ultimate slap in the Face Of God.

If At Death, The One Sin Unforgiven's On Your Soul

The One Sin Unforgiven, the one that will not be forgiven in this world, or in the world to come, is the sin of rejecting God's Free Love Gift...basically ''blasphemy against The Holy Spirit''. If at The Moment Of Your Death, you have failed to do The One Thing God Requires, then you have this sin on your record. Since God's Standard Is Perfection, and if You've Broken One Of God's Laws, Friend; You've Broken Every One...and Just One Sin Will Send Your Soul To Hell, in a way, it doesn't matter how many other sins you committed in your life on Earth....but the amount of sins you did commit will increase the total penalty and punishment that you will have to endure in The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

Time Stands Still For Everyone, Once In Eternity

A companion poem to both Eternity For Saved Or Lost; Time Will There, Stand Still, and Each Day Of Eternity, The Time Is As Day One, no matter how long you have been into Eternity, the total time that you will be spending there is NOT decreased or increased in any way. For the unrepentant, They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night, and Scriptures note that ''the smoke of their torment rose up forever and ever''. For the saved, we go to the last verse of the classic hymn, Amazing Grace, which notes ''When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun... we've no less days to sing God's Praise, than when we've first begun''. In a way, it's like the movie Groundhog Day, but while the saved in The Home Of The Redeemed DON'T WANT TO LEAVE...all the unrepentant in The Home Of The Damned, CAN'T LEAVE where they are.

No Humans See Your Judgment, It's Just You And The Lord

A companion poem to It'll Be Just You And Christ, There On Judgment Day, only you, The Angels Of Glory, and Christ Alone will be either your Saviour at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ...or your Judge at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. No attorney will be there to advise or defend you at either place...and while the issue of sin won't be considered at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, the believers standing in Eternity will be determined on how they served The Lord while on Earth. In contrast, at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, every sin done, in motive, thought, word, or deed...done in the open or in secret...will be on full display for all to see. There will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, There Will Be No Appeal There, and No One Will Defend The Lost.

Only Precious Blood Of Christ Grants You Immunity

In criminal cases on Earth, most are willing to testify against suspects, only if they're granted ''immunity''...meaning that while they may in fact, be guilty, of criminal charges, the granting of ''immunity'' will exempt them from charges or punishment for their actions. This topic has included actions done by heads of state (i.e. Presidents), and it could be for actions they did as ''official acts'', but NOT for ''unofficial acts'', outside the sphere of their job and its duties. However, in The Supreme Court Of The Universe, God's Standard Is Perfection; meaning that to enter Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed at The Moment Of Your Death, you were to have lived your life on Earth, WITHOUT ONE SINGLE SIN in thought, motive, word, or short, TOTAL MORAL PERFECTION. The truth is that For All Have Sinned and come short of God's Glory, and His Standard. It's Appointed All To Die, and after this The Judgment. It will either be at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, for those who've done The One Thing God Requires...or for those who didn't, it'll be The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. As the title of this poem notes, ''Only The Precious Blood Of Christ will wash your sin away, and make you immune from the charges all your sins will carry with them. Without this immunity, you will be convicted of every sin you ever did, and be sentenced to The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. No One Will Defend The Lost, and if you choose to reject God's Free Love Gift, you will see that you alone are The One To Blame.

Unrepentant Man's Begging For The Antichrist

As In The Day's Of Noah, the world wants a leader...but, mankind wants nothing to do with God, Jesus, or Biblical Christianity. The World Is Begging For God's Judgment, Which Will One Day, Fall, and one day, When God's Judgments Start To Fall, Most Still Won't Repent. Since God Has Always Been A Gentleman, mankind will be Given What Was Desired. Shortly after The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace will come on the scene, and in The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, it will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years before the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

God's Judgments Will Overpower, What Satan Will Do

With The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth, it seems that Satan has the upper hand, with every catastrophe and disaster that occurs. But, as the title of this poem notes, the Judgments that The Lord will send upon mankind, will far outweigh what Satan can, and will do. Satan is a created being with limited power, but Jesus Christ Is God Almighty, With Unlimited Power. Satan and his demonic forces and entities are no match for The Lord, for The Lord knows everything that Satan and his forces, along with mankind, will do...before they are even revealed. It's as if it's a Divine Chess game...when Satan says ''Check'', God says ''Checkmate''!!

Mankind's Earthly House Of Cards Will Come Crashing Down

When one builds ''a house of cards'', sooner or later, gravity will take over, and the entire structure will come crashing down. As in the game, that applies to mankind, who basically ''wants to put all their eggs in one basket''...and just store up treasures on the Earth. Yet, For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart...and Only One Life Twill Soon Be Past, Only What's Done For Christ Will Last. Comparison is also made to one building a house on the beachfront, with a foundation of sand (with earthly things)...and that'll be destroyed with the first big wall of water. But, those with a sure and firm foundation (built on Christ), their structure will survive any storm that comes.

If You're Earthly Minded, Then You're Of No Heavenly Good

A companion poem to For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart, and Set Your Minds On Things Above, And Not Things On The Earth, this truly shows where your commitment to The Lord is. As C.T. Studd wrote in his poem, Only One Life Twill Soon Be Past, Only What's Done For Christ Will Last. If you repented of sin, and did The One Thing God Requires, by accepting God's Free Love Gift, but if your treasures were set are on Earth, then at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, you will be dressed as ''a beggar, with a bag full of holes''; and regarded as ''the least in the Kingdom Of Heaven'', but you will still be there. As Hal Lindsey noted, ''It's better to be 'a Heavenly Hippie' than not be there at all...but it's far better to have a case full of spiritual rewards to present to The Lord''. Then, you will hear the welcome plaudit and commendation from The Lord, ''Well Done, Thou Good, and Faithful Servant!! You have been faithful over a few things, so I will make you a Ruler over many things!! Enter into The Joy Of Your Lord, into your Master's Happiness''.

After Rapture Of The Church, The Age Of Grace Is Done

The Age Of Grace, where one is saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works, began on The Day Of Pentecost, and it will end on the day of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes, One Second After Rapture There, A Time That Is To Dread, because at that point, the restraint of evil by The Holy Spirit will end, and as The Time Of Jacob's Trouble arrives, it will literally be Hell On Earth For Seven Years. This will be the final seven years of rule on Earth by mortal man, and if The Lord didn't return at the appropriate time, no life would be left on Earth. The signing of the peace treaty by Israel with The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, will start the final countdown of 2520 days, to the point When Christ Returns To Planet Earth.

For The Lost, Eternally, A Time Of Regret

Compared to the happiness for the saved in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, the emotions for the unrepentant in Hell, then The Lake Of Fire, both The Home Of The Damned, will mainly be one of regret. Besides constant tormenting, agonzing pain, demonic torture, they will have the recurring memory and regret that they refused God's Free Love Gift. While Those In Hell, Wish They Could, There, See The Cross Again, they realize they will never get that chance.

Satan's Forces Laughing Now; One Day, They Will Wail

As the title of this poem notes, Satan and his demons are laughing now...especially at the blindness of the men and women who've considered The Preaching Of The Cross as foolish and stupidity. Millions will fall for The Doom Of Satan's Lie, which has many forms...such as ''there is no Heaven Or Hell, no such thing as The Judgment after death'', ''there are many ways to Heaven'', ''your good deeds will outweigh your bad deeds'', etc. The truth is that Heaven Is Not Owed To You, and one is saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works. Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent. Yet, God Has Always Been A Gentleman, and Your Decision Will Be Honored concerning Your Eternal Destiny.

The Laodicean Church Is Alive And Well

As the Apostle Paul was Divinely Inspired to write, ''In the latter days, Perilous Times shall come''. One of the signs would be ''The Great Falling Away'', when The Church, which had originally been true to The Gospel Truth, has now fallen away from its first the Church of Ephesus had done (Revelation 2:1-7)...but it has now become The Laodicean Church, just Going Through The Motions, with no real commitment to The Lord. They feel that they have everything, and need nothing...but in Truth, they are ''wretched, poor, blind, miserable, and naked''. And, just as The Land Will Vomit Out All Of Its Inhabitants for their iniquity...The Lord is nauseated by this sham of a church, and He will vomit them out of his mouth!! They refuse to accept the fact that God's Word Is Not Here To Tickle Your Ears, and that God's Word Is Not A Buffet, Where You Can Pick And Choose. In Truth, God's Word Is Final Authority, because The Lord, He Made The Rules. And, all these will say at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, ''Lord, we prophesied, cast out demons, and did many wonderful works in Your Name''. He will say to them ''I never knew you. Depart from Me, into the everlasting fire, For You, I've Never Known.

The Rule Of Mortal Man And Satan, Both Will End One Day

Ever since sin entered Creation when Lucifer uttered his five ''I Will's'', then as Satan, deceived our first parents in the Garden Of Eden with The Doom Of Satan's Lie, both Satan, ''the god of this world'', and mortal man, have ruled over the Earth. But, at the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, both of these will come to an abrupt end...and not a moment too soon. Over Six Millennia, Mankind Can't Get It Right, so during the Millennium Of Peace, a restored planet Earth (that was nearly wiped out during The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which was Hell On Earth For Seven Years), will have Life As It Was Meant To Be, After Christ's Return, with a pristine beauty not seen since The Garden Of Eden. Then, With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule, and He will NOT allow ANY disobedience, as any sin will be quickly, and righteously dealt with. While a final rebellion will occur at the end of the Millennium Of Peace, it will be quickly put down...literally not even ''getting off the ground'', with Divine Fire falling from Heaven, to devour the rebels, which were ''as numerous as the sand of the sea''. Then, the present Heaven, Earth, and Jerusalem, will be destroyed, as it was First By Water, Then By Fire...and a New Heaven, Earth, and Jerusalem, will be created to last for all Eternity. Next, Satan will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, part of The Home Of The Damned, where The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace have been for 1000 years (notice they are still alive)...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. Then, the most somber day in all of history, where the unrepentant of all ages from Adam's day until the end of the Millennium Of Peace, will be resurrected to stand before Christ at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Here, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, plus no plea bargain with The Judge for a suspended or lesser sentence. They will also see that No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, and There Will Be No Appeal There. Then, all of these will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, meeting the same fate as Satan and his demons.

Room In Heaven, But Hell Is Bursting At The Seams

If All Souls From Adam's Day Until Now, Had Been Saved, there would have been plenty of room (literally, an abundance) in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, and plenty more to spare. Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Will Repent; and as a result, Hell is ''bursting at the seams''. But, Destruction And Hell, They Are Never Filled...and one day, these, along with Death, the last enemy to be destroyed, will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, part of The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. Heaven Only For Those Souls Truly Born Again, and not just Going Through The Motions. Another way to put it is that Heaven Only For The Saved, Hell For All The Rest. Your Eternal Destiny depends upon your response to the question, What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

All Sin, Corruption, Bribery, Will Be Known One Day

In this life, many criminals feel that ''they beat the rap'', in never being prosecuted or convicted for their crimes. In truth, You Think You Got Away With It, But God Saw It All. One day, everyone who have ever lived will undergo A Life On Trial, and it is One Appointment You Will Keep. For those who have done The One Thing God Requires, in repenting of their sin, and accepting God's Free Love Gift, they will stand at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ. While the issue of sin, for the believer, was settled at The Cross, and won't even be considered there, many believers will lament the fact that Rewards Were There For Me To Claim...because what they thought was ''gold, silver, and precious stones'', was actually shown to be nothing more than ''wood, hay, and stubble''. While the statement ''Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags applies to everyone, for the true believer (who was not just Going Through The Motions, it's only The Righteousness Of Christ that will admit the believer into Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed. What ''deeds'' survive the flames of The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, the believer will be rewarded with one or more of The Five Eternal Crowns. No matter whether they had many rewards in Heaven, and were dressed like royalty...or if they had few, if any rewards in Heaven, and were dressed as ''a beggar, with a bag full of holes''...they will still be in Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed for all Eternity. Again, For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart). By contrast, the unrepentant of all ages from Adam's day until the end of the Millennium Of Peace, will be resurrected to stand before Christ at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Here, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, plus no plea bargain with The Judge for a suspended or lesser sentence. They will also see that No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, and There Will Be No Appeal There. Then, all of these will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, meeting the same fate as Satan and his demons.

After Death, Prayers By The Lost, Are A Waste Of Time

A companion poem to After Death, Belief Too Late, this shows that There Is No Second Chance after The Moment Of Your Death. Once You Close Your Eyes In Death, Eternal Fate Is Sealed. At Death, No Other Option Does Exist besides Heaven Or Hell...either The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned. Your Eternal Destiny depends upon your response to the question, What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

Prayers To Other Deities, None Of Them Will Hear

A companion poem to There Is None Beside The Lord, in short, if you're praying to statues, deities, individuals...basically to anyone except Christ Alone, you're wasting your time and your breath. Only The Lord hears what prayers you utter, and if it's to anyone or any entity besides Him, you can be assured that there will NOT be an answer to them.

After Rapture, Life On Earth, Quickly Goes Downhill

A companion poem to One Second After Rapture There, A Time That Is To Dread, and to One Second After Rapture There, Don't Call 911, life on Earth will quickly go downhill. At the moment of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, all those who did The One Thing God Requires, from the day of Pentecost until the Rapture...whether dead or alive...will be resurrected and changed to immortality, rocketing to the sky at the cry of Behold, The Bridegroom Comes. At that point, the restraint of evil by The Holy Spirit will be ended, as The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years, will fall on all those left behind, because they were just Going Through The Motions, or had not done The One Thing God Requires. It will be the worst time that planet Earth has ever experienced, and billions will die. Untold numbers will come to Christ, but the majority of them will be martyred for their faith. Then When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, He will do so, because otherwise, no life would be left on Earth. He will rescue The Believing Remnant of Jews and Gentiles, because At The Second Coming, The Tribes Of Earth Shall Mourn, and At Christ's Second Coming, His Enemies Cut To Shreds. After The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, where the unrepentant are cast off the Earth into outer darkness, the surviving believers will be allowed to enter the Millennium Of Peace, where the horribly ravaged Earth will be restored into a place of incredible beauty...not seen since The Garden Of Eden. With A Rod Of Iron, Christ Will Rule, and He will NOT allow ANY disobedience, as any sin will be quickly, and righteously dealt with. While a final rebellion will occur at the end of the Millennium Of Peace, it will be quickly put down...literally not even ''getting off the ground'', with Divine Fire falling from Heaven, to devour the rebels, which were ''as numerous as the sand of the sea''. Then, the present Heaven, Earth, and Jerusalem, will be destroyed, as it was First By Water, Then By Fire...and a New Heaven, Earth, and Jerusalem, will be created to last for all Eternity. Next, Satan will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, part of The Home Of The Damned, where The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace have been for 1000 years (notice they are still alive)...and They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night. Then, the most somber day in all of history, where the unrepentant of all ages from Adam's day until the end of the Millennium Of Peace, will be resurrected to stand before Christ at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne. Here, there will be No Question Of Guilt, No Pardons And No Mercy, plus no plea bargain with The Judge for a suspended or lesser sentence. They will also see that No One Will Defend The Lost, No One Gets Off Scot Free, and There Will Be No Appeal There. Then, all of these will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, meeting the same fate as Satan and his demons.

Millennium Of Poetry There, That God Did Give To Me

This poem is an overview of this Gospel Poetry Collection from its start back in September, 1976, in a High School English Class, to what it is today, with over 1000 poems to The Glory Of God. While there are some secular poems on my hobbies (such as Ham Radio, square dancing, and being the System Operator of a Computer Bulletin Board System (BBS)), it also has tribute poetry to individuals, and even some animals, all part of God's Creation. But, greater than 90% of the poems are sacred, designed as ''A Ministry To The Saved'', and ''A Witness To The Lost''...with an invitation for everyone to repent of sin, to do The One Thing God Requires, and receive God's Free Love Gift. Those who sincerely do such, and are not just Going Through The Motions, will enter The Home Of The Redeemed, Heaven, at either The Moment Of Your Death, or at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church. In contrast, those who fail to do The One Thing God Requires, before The Moment Of Your Death, will be left behind at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, to enter The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will be Hell On Earth For Seven Years. If they take The Mark Of The Beast, then they will be guilty of The Selling Of One's Soul to Satan, and have condemned themselves to The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity.

Heaven's Treasures Far Better, Than Earthly Wealth Or Fame

A companion poem to For There Where Your Treasure Is, There Resides Your Heart, while earthly treasures can be stolen, or destroyed by moths, rust, etc., the treasures laid up in Heaven, are NEVER subject to theft or destruction. Compared To Eternity, Earthly Life Is Short, and after The Moment Of Your Death, you will spend Eternity in one of two places...either Heaven Or Hell...The Home Of The Redeemed, or The Home Of The Damned. Your Eternal Destiny depends upon your response to the question, What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??.

When The Cults And False Religions See The Bible's True

There are so many ''religions'' and ''cults'' that would rather be doing Other Gospels Preached, because to them The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishness and stupidity. But, to the saved, it's The Power Of Almighty God. One of The Signs Of A Cult, is that If It Takes Glory From The Lord, It Is As A Cult. These deny doctrinal and Scriptural Truths, such as the Deity Of Christ, we're saved by Grace Through Faith, And Not Of Works, For All Have Sinned, The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, and the fact that God's Word Is Not Hear TO Tickle Your Ears. They won't want to preach anything that would offend their congregations, and ''dry up the offering plates''. So, you won't hear anything on the need of sin or repentance, let alone end time prophecies, including The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, the The Millennium Of Peace, or that Default At Your Death Is Hell, If Christ You Refuse. These give credence to the latter days statement that a href="">The Laodicean Church Is Alive And Well...and they are too blind to see that their actions literally nauseate The Lord, and that He will vomit this sham of a church out of His Mouth. Tragically, Far More Will Reject The Lord, Than Those Who Wil Repent...and on Judgment Day, they will be Given What Was Desired. It's Relationship, Not Religion that will get you into Heaven...and Biblical Christianity is that just that. Before The Moment Of Your Death, everyone must answer the question What Will You Do With Jesus Christ??. Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell depends upon your choice.

The Wound Is Now Incurable, Judgment's Guaranteed (Nahum 3:19, Jeremiah 30:12, and Micah 1:9)

Based on Nahum 3:19, Jeremiah 30:12, and Micah 1:9, this poem is a companion to The Point Of No Return, and Sin Is Like A Cancer. Once cancer has hit ''stage IV (4), the patient usually has a less than 10% chance of survival. As for spiritual matters, this is akin to crossing the threshold of Eternity at The Moment Of Your Death. Once you've crossed this point, There Is No Second Chance, to make a decision for Christ, and there is no going back. It's just like when cancer or the effects of infection start spreading, the wound is now incurable, and nothing can be done. This applies also to Judgments from God to a nation or an individual that turns their back on Him. When they first do so, He'll send prophets or preachers to warn them to repent. If that isn't forthcoming, He'll lower His Hedge Of Protection, increasing the remedial judgments...such as weather, financial, societal, and other catastrophes. If the nation still refuses to repent, and turn back to God, then they will have crossed ''the rubicon'', and be Given What Was Desired, and it can then can be said that God Gave Them Over to a reprobate mind, where they will never be satisfied, and they are now destined for destruction...just as in the days of Noah and Lot. The entire Earth was destroyed by a Divine Downpour, that flooded the entire Earth for 40 days and 40 nights...and when Sodom and Gomorrah were blasted off the Earth by Divine Fire. In the case of the Worldwide Flood, only 8 souls (along with 2 of each kind of animal on board) were saved aboard the Ark that God commanded Noah to build, to protect them from The Flood. Then, in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, only Lot and his 2 daughters survived...although in a cave afterwards, his 2 daughters got their father drunk, and had incestuous sexual intercourse with him...and he didn't know it had been done. The Lord Has His Limits, Then He Has Seen Enough, and When God's Patience Ends, it'll be too late for either cries for mercy, or the chance to repent.

When The Rapture Occurs, It Will Be A Big Surprise

As per Matthew 24:44, where Jesus Christ warned ''Therefore, be ye also ready...for in such an hour as you think not, The Son Of Man Comes''. Only Almighty God knows the exact moment when The Church Age, The Age Of Grace, ends...which will be when The Last Person Saved is reached. In Twinkling Of An Eye, The Rapture Comes, and it will be finished faster than one second elapses. Those who are watching for The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church, won't be surprised...but everyone else will be...and before you realize what has happened, it will be done.

Mercy At The Bema, But, Not At Great White Throne

The differences between The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, and The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, are as different as night and day, and different as the categories at The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, as follows:

1) All those at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ will spend Eternity in Heaven, in The Home Of The Redeemed. All those at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne will spend Eternity in The Lake Of Fire, The Home Of The Damned.

2) All those at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ won't have to answer for the sins they've done, but rewards will be gained and lost. All those at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne will answer for every sin they ever did, in thought, word, motive, and deed.

3) All those at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ will hear the welcome plaudit ''Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant. Enter into the Joy Of Your Lord''. All those at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, will hear the terrifying words ''Depart From Me, into the everlasting fire, For You, I've Never Known.

4) All those at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ are the equivalent of the Sheep at The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, who will be allowed to enter the Millennium Of Peace. All those at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne are the equivalent of the Goats at The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, and will be cast off of the planet into outer darkness, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

5) All those at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ will bow eagerly before The Lord, declaring that He, their Savior and Lord, is Worthy Of All Praise, and have the joy of Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed, for all Eternity. All those at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne will be compelled to bow before Christ, declaring that He is Lord, before they are cast into The Lake Of Fire for all Eternity, where They Shall Be Tormented Day And Night.

6) All those at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ will receive Mercy and Pardon, because the issue of sin was settled at The Cross Of Christ. All those at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, will NOT receive any Mercy or Pardon, as they died in their sins.

7) All those at The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ are as Righteous as Christ Himself, and because God's Standard Is Prefection, and only Christ has that...with His Righteousness Imputed to those who repented of sin, and accepted God's Free Love Gift, they are welcomed into Heaven, The Home Of The Redeemed. All those at The Judgment Of The Great White Throne can NOT meet that Standard Of Perfection, as they have The One Sin Unforgiven on their record. And, like glue, all the other sins they did in life, are stuck to the sin of unbelief...and that will increase their punishment in The Home Of The Damned for all Eternity. Your Eternal Destiny, Heaven Or Hell, depends on what you do with God's Free Love Gift.

The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians Are To Pray (Psalm 122:6)

Based on Psalm 122:6, Christians are commanded to ''Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem, as they shall propser that love you''. It's a companion prayer to ''The Lord's Prayer'', where Christians pray ''Your Kingdome Come, Your Will Be Done, On Earth, As It Is In Heaven''. Unfortunately, the ONLY way that true peace will come to Jerusalem, will be after the moment When Christ Returns To Planet Earth, after The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, which will have been Hell On Earth For Seven Years. After The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, Christ will set up His Millennium Of Peace, and with Satan and his demons bound in the abyss, The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace, and The False Prophet having been cast into The Lake Of Fire...The Curse Of Sin On Planet Earth will have finally been released...the horribly ravaged Earth will be restored into a place of incredible beauty (not seen since The Garden Of Eden)...and it will be Life As It Was Meant To Be, After Christ's Return.

The Most Important Day

The most important day in one's life, is not the day of their birth, their engagement, their marriage, or their death. The most important day is when they repented of their sin, and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. If you have not yet had this most important day in your life, you need to do so before The Moment Of Your Your Eternal Destiny depends on it, because After Death, Belief Too Late.

The Lord, He Did It Just For You

Even though millions have accepted God's Free Love Gift throughout the years, even if you alone were the only person in eternity...Going To The Cross, The Lord, He still would have done it just for you.

The Lord Did All He Could To Save Your Soul

As the title says, The Lord did all He could to save your leaving Heaven's Glory, and coming to Earth, to be born of a walk on the Earth like us in all ways...except without sin (for Christ, He Knew No Sin At All). As He was Perfect, without sin...He was not subject to death. But, He allowed Himself to be ''beaten to a pulp'', and crucified on an Old Rugged Cross in our die, and have His Precious Blood pay for every sin that would ever be done, by everyone who would ever walk the Earth...with the victory achieved three days later with His Resurrection. The thing is...YOU HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY to make a decision on whether or not you will accept God's Free Love Gift. If you do nothing...thereby refusing to accept AUTOMATICALLY REJECT Him...and it is a choice you that will regret for all Eternity.

Don't Let The Lord's Death For You Be In Vain

If you choose to reject God's Free Love Gift, then The Lord's Death for your salvation will have been in vain for you. The Lord Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die without Him...but where you will spend Heaven Or a choice that you alone must make. While Hell Was Meant For Satan and his demonic hordes...if you do nothing, in regards to a decision for Christ...upon The Moment Of Your Death, you'll join them in The Home Of The Damned.

If You're Offended By These Words

God's Word tells us that The Preaching Of The Cross is to them that perish...foolishness...but to the saved, it's the Power Of God. For those who are offended by the words on this page, and in the poems of my Gospel Poetry Collection...The Lord, He Made The Rules...NOT ME...and if you reject God's Free Love Gift, you will regret it for all The Home Of The Damned.

The Sinners Prayer

In this life, the most important prayer one can pray...and the most important decision one can to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, by praying The Sinners Prayer. If you truly ''mean business with God''...with a repentant heart, and a contrite spirit, when you pray that can rest on the Authority of God's Holy Word, that you will have Eternal Life in Heaven when you die. However, if you're just Going Through The Motions when you pray...instead of Jesus Christ being your Best Friend at The Moment Of Your Death, He'll be The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

The Lord, He Made The Rules

The Lord Jesus Christ, The Second Person in the Holy Trinity, Created the Universe...and made the ''Rules'' for life. Just like sports games, or with traffic laws...if you break the rules, you are going to have to pay the consequences. And, if You've Broken One Of God's Laws, Friend; You've Broken Every One. So, If You're Offended By These Words, don't take your anger out on I did not originate these ''prohibitions'''. It was The Lord Jesus Christ Himself who ''laid down the law'' at Creation. However, if you get angry with God, I guarantee you that you won't get far. For if you ''push God too far'', you will regret it Eternally.

Christ Alone

While part of The Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ Alone, God's Only Begotten Son...created the universe...left Heaven's Glory to be born of a Virgin in a manger...lived like us on Earth, but without sin (as Christ, He Who Knew No Sin At All)...died on an Old Rugged Cross, rose from the dead on The Third Day, According To The coming again to rule and reign over Earth...will judge the life of everyone who has ever the ONLY way to Heaven, and is who I'm trusting for my life...both now, and at either The Moment Of My Death, or the Rapture Of The Church. I pray that if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, that through this poetry collection that God has graciously given too, will see, that Christ Alone can be the Best Friend you've ever had...or He'll be The Worst Nightmare There Faced.

For Me, To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain

Based on Philippians 1:21, no matter what I may achieve while on Earth, it pales in comparison to what I'll receive at either The Moment Of My Death, or at the Rapture Of The Church. Even in this corruptible, sinful,'s a joy for me to serve Christ I'll gain a new, incorruptible body one day...and I'll have blessings far greater than I ever could gain here on Earth. This Gospel Poetry Collection...done for the Glory Of designed as a ministry to those who have received God's Free Love Gift...and a witness to those who have not. If even one person is brought to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ from this poetry, it will make Heaven much more joyous for me...but, I trust His Holy Spirit to prick the heart of those who read this collection. However, just to be in Heaven with my Elder Brother, The Lord Jesus Christ... who made it all possible...will be joy enough. I pray that if you haven't yet received God's Free Love Gift, that you'll do so before The Moment Of Your Death.

A Hug, A Handshake, And A Cry

When I meet The Lord Jesus Christ face to face...either at The Moment Of My Death, or at The Rapture Of The Church, I am going to want a hug...a handshake...and a cry. I can NOT understand why He left the Glory Of Heaven, to come to Earth to be born of a Virgin, to live and walk among mankind in all ways, except without sin (for Christ, He Who Knew No Sin At All), and to die in my place on an Old Rugged Cross...obtaining the victory over sin and death on the Third Day According To The Scriptures. As I have greeted people on Earth, while I have done a handshake... and maybe a hug...especially with the greeting done with square dancing...i usually don't cry...although I did with The Inner Beauty of the virtuous woman that The Lord gave me in the person of my late wife. However, when I meet the One who made it all possible for me to go to Heaven, I'm going to want to get a hug, and a handshake from The Lord...and a good cry before I am so unworthy in His Presence. I'm sure that many of those who have accepted God's Free Love Gift will want to do likewise. Will you be part of this joyous occasion and group as well??

Will This Be Your Final Altar Call??

At Least One Chance Is Given There to everyone who has been born on Earth...the one chance in their life to hear the Gospel. However, the amount of chances a person gets to repent of their sin, and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, varies from person to person. Only God Himself knows whether you have ONLY ONE, or MANY chances to make that eternal decision. The first...or next ''altar call'' that you hear...might well be your LAST!! Tomorrow Is Promised To No One... and, you could literally DROP DEAD WITHOUT WARNING...with NO TIME to ask Christ to save you. Once the threshold of Eternity is crossed at The Moment Of Your Death, it is TOO LATE for Your Eternal Destiny to be changed.

The End

These two words signal the conclusion, the finality of the topic in discussion. While I hope and pray that this will NOT be the end of my poetry collection...the fact of the matter is that either at the moment of my death, or at the Rapture Of The Church, there will be no more poetry written, or posted. In fact, shortly after the Rapture, this entire collection may be removed by The Counterfeit Prince Of Peace. The writing of this poetry is a talent that God graciously gave to me (along with many others)...and I'm using this as a witness to the lost, and a ministry to the saved. As noted so many times in these poems, once you've read one or more of these...and if you haven't already accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, THE END of your chance to make that eternal decision will come at The Moment Of Your Death. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One...please don't make the eternal mistake of failing to make that decision, which determines where you will spend Eternity. It'll either be in Heaven with the Redeemed, praising God...or cursing during your never ending torment in the Lake Of Fire...the choice is YOURS.

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Secular Poetry

I also wrote other poems on three of my hobbies (ham radio (also called amateur radio)), Computer Bulletin Board Systems, and Square Dancing), as well as on the 1963 Volkswagen that belonged to my late father, and did some ''public service announcements'' (PSA's). These include:

Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's 40, A Tribute To J. D. Kerr, A Tribute To Bill Wilder, and A Tribute To The NSDC.

The first one was written for the 40th anniversary of the Arkansas State Square Dance Federation in 1989. I took up square dancing as a hobby in 1985, and danced regularly until 2002. After a 5 year hiatus, I took it up again in 2007, after the tragic, untimely death of my wife. While I don't do much active dancing anymore, I work behind the scenes (as of 2020) as Editor, Webmaster, and Circulation Chairman for the Arkansas State Square Dance Federation.

The second poem was done in tribute to a former caller, J. D. ''Pappy'' Kerr...who did a lot for central Arkansas square dancing over the years, until his health forced him to retire in the 1980's. His wife, Billie, passed away several years ago in a nursing home...and sadly, J. D. met the same fate a few years later.

Next, the third poem was written for long tim caller ''Wild Bill'' Wilder. He greatly scaled back calling, due to health issues in late 2013...and tragically, his wife, Barbara, passed away just months before he did.

The final poem is in tribute to The National Square Dance Convention (R), known as ''The World's Greatest Square Dance Event''.

A Tribute To The Nets, A Tribute To Volunteer Examiners, Forty Years Of Handi-Hams, Hammin' In The Park, I'm So Thankful For A Hobby, That's So Versatile And Fun, Ode To HamTestOnline, Ode To PCARS, A Tribute To Connie, KB0ZSG (SK), The Pride Of Being A Ham, For Long Time Hams, It's QCWA, To See What Repeaters That Bill Can Time Out and Twas Hours Before Hamfest.

I became an amateur radio operator in August, 1991...getting in under the No-Code Technician license, with the callsign N5VLZ on Aug. 7, 1991. After the FCC dropped the Morse Code requirement for any US amateur radio license in February, 2007...and after my wife died in April 2007; I signed up with HamTestOnline on July 15, study and upgrade...first to General on July 29,2007...then to Amateur Extra, on Aug. 11, 2007...and became a Volunteer Examiner to give amateur radio license exams. As of June 5, 2009, I received the vanity callsign AE5WX...then as of Dec. 27, 2012...i received the vanity callsign of WX1DER...then as of March 22, 2019, I received the vanity callsign of WX4QZ. However, as of Dec. 15, 2023, I returned to my original callsign, N5VLZ, now as a vanity callsign.

I've done much work in central Arkansas with Ham Radio, and continue to do so with mainly Operating Internet Radio via the modes of D-Star, D-Rats, Echolink, Packet Via Telnet, and Winlink well as conducting license exams with the University Of Arkansas At Little Rock Ham Radio Club. The poems give an overview of the hobby...a tribute of thanks to the people at HamTestOnline...the people with the Portage County Amateur Radio Service Club in Ohio...the Quarter Century Wireless Association (established in 1947, for those who've been licensed at least 25 years), and Handi-Hams (established in 1967...they help people with disabilities to study for, and obtain amateur radio licenses)...a tribute to the group of the Volunteer Examiners, who give back to the hobby, by giving amateur radio license examinations (I personally serve as a VE Team Liasion in central Arkansas, with the ARRL/VEC group)...a tribute to the amateur radio communications nets (which handle both emergency and routine traffic, along with discussions on a wide variety of topics).

I'm also webmaster for the Cabot Nightflyers, a one time mid-evening net in the Central Arkansas area (it is ON HIATUS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE). I am also Net Control for several Ham Radio Nets during the week.

Plus, there's a poem composed for Hammin' In The Park...a mini-Field Day setup...similar to the Field Day event...but this is on a smaller scale. Several area ham radio operators gather at an area park a few times a year, setup their stations, and antennas, and operate. They use generators, batteries, UPS units, etc., as commercial power is NOT used during the exercise...since in a disaster, commercial power would likely NOT be available. In a disaster, Amateur Radio operators can ''still get through''...even if the internet, power, phone lines, cellphone towers, or other modes of communication fail. And, there is so much to do in the hobby...65 things that one can do in the hobby, courtesy of CQ Magazine, is located here.

Also, while Ham Radio is a male dominated hobby, the fact is that the women ''clean the clocks'' of the men, when it comes to making contacts!! One of the pioneering females in the hobby was Connie Ballantyne, KB0ZSG. Getting on D-Star several years ago, she founded the International D-Star Net, and ran it until she was diagnosed with breast cancer...she lost her battle with it in February, 2020. Steven Reiners, KC9SIO, continues the net in her memory, and I wrote this poem for her. I regret that I was never able to meet her in this life...but I understand ''she gave the best hugs, and made the best cookies''. Next, one of the most active, talkative, and knowledgeable ham radio operators, is Bill Drummer, KC8YQL. He checks into a large number of Nets On Echolink, D-Star, and D-Rats among other modes. He jokes that ''I'm going to time out the repeater''...and since most of the D-Star Nets are on reflectors or repeaters, each has a ''timeout timer'' to avoid ''burning out the electronic circuitry''. I wrote this poem in what may seem like a ''roast'', but it's a ''toast'' to his efforts. No one can accuse Bill of not being ''radio-active''.

Lastly, the big thing of ham radio is hamfests...whether a small local one day event, all the way up to Hamvention. And, whether big or small, the poem Twas The Night Before Hamfest, accurately describes things before, during, and after the event.

The Sysop Of A BBS

Long before the internet, there were hobbyists who created the Computer Bulletin Board System, or BBS for short. The name, bulletin board, was originally a place for posting messages. In time, areas where one could download files, play various doorgames, and even chat with the System Operator (Sysop), or other users in real time. Originally, these were ''dial-up'', but most have now gone to either ''telnet'' or ''web'' based...where one can use a telnet client such as MTel Telnet Client (OS/2, and Windows 95 through XP), or PuTTY Telnet Client (Windows Vista and above), or even with their web browser. Some BBS's charge a fee for access, but most are run as a hobby by the Sysop (System Operator)...who basically shares the resources of his computer with others, out of the goodness of their heart.

My Little Volkswagen

My late father was a member of a group of fellow Volkswagen owners at one time, and I wrote this poem about his car, one he had since 1963. It was sold shortly after his death in February, 2007 to the Central Arkansas Volks Folks Group.

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Public Service Announcements

I wrote two Public Service Announcements (PSAs) for Radio and Television. One was for Good News America, God Loves You, on a local Christian Radio Station, when I was at Geyer Springs First Baptist Church (where I was saved in 1978).

It also includes PSAs on Water Safety Classes, done by the American Red well as a PSA, and a poem called No One Asks The Engineer, proving the folly of trying to beat a train to the railroad crossing...because ''the law of physics wins every time''. This is why they could never seat me on a jury with a railroad crossing incident case.

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Tribute Poetry
There are several ''tribute poems'' to individuals who have meant a lot to me in my life over the years...including:

In Loving Memory -- In Grateful Thanks

So many people think that the holidays of Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Remembering September 11, 2001, etc., are just another holiday...a time for parties and picnics. However, this poem reminds us all that FREEDOM IS NOT FREE. My late father srved in the US Submarine Service during World War II, and served in the US Navy, then the Naval Reserve, until his retirement as an E-9 Master Chief Quartermaster in 1987, 20 years before his death in early 2007 from pancreatic cancer. I personally have the utmost respect and thankful gratitude for ALL matter what country they were in, and no matter which branch of the military they served in.

I personally would've never passed the physical, as I was born without arches in my feet, and I had such poor eyesight much of my life. Had I not had the arches built into my feet over 50 years ago, I would've been confined to a wheelchair long before it is, I have to use a cane and a walker to get around. So, every time I'm out, and note a veteran...or a law enforcement official, firefighter, or paramedic, I make sure that I thank them for their service...and truly mean it.

Sing To The Lord A New Song

This poem was done for Donna Gosser, Worship Arts Minister, at Second Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas (my one time church home), for her 40th birthday. At the surprise party for her, I had on a T-Shirt that noted ''Forty Is Not Old...If You're A Tree''. I noted that, with a pause...then said ''But, if you'll note, even the trees lift their arms in praise to The Lord. When I finished reading the poem (which I had placed on a plaque, and presented it to her), she had tears streaming down her face.

The Inner Beauty

The Good Lord brought me a wonderful, virtuous the person of Janice Elaine Harvey, back in 1986. We were friends for over 17 years, and had never thought of marriage, let alone to each other. We hit it off in 2002, and were married on May 18, 2003. This poem was a tribute to ''the inner beauty'' that she had. Tragically, a heart attack claimed her life on April 27, 2007...and the poem, and this page are lovingly dedicated to her memory. We were just 3 weeks shy of our 4th wedding anniversary, when God called her home to Heaven. However, I know that either through death or rapture, I'll see her again.

Upon Remembrance Of You, I Thank My God

Based on Philippians 1:3, this poem was done for Gearl and Cindy Spicer, on their 5th anniversary of service at Geyer Springs First Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas...the church where I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour in 1978.

Thank You

Written for Paul Sanders, now retired pastor of Geyer Springs First Baptist Church from 1967-2002, thanking him for the work done for the Lord in his many years of service to Him there.

My Hall Of Fame

Done in the same poetic sonnet style of Springtime, this poem was written in honor of my parents, J. D. and Betty Stout. My father went on to be with the Lord in February, 2007, after a short battle with pancreatic cancer...and my Mom went on to be with The Lord in August, 2019, after a battle with congestive heart failure.

A Buddy And A Friend

This poem was written in memory of Charles ''Buddy'' Martin...who my late Mom and I met at several Clive Cussler Collectors Society Conventions over the years. Doctor Cussler (who passed away in February, 2020) was an adventure writer, with a worldwide following, with several books on the New York Times Best Seller Lists, having authored a large number of books...including The Dirk Pitt Adventures, The Oregon Files, and The NUMA Files, among others. Buddy was such a joy to be around...he always had a smile, and a laugh for everyone he met. His courage, in spite of all his adversities in life, was truly an inspiration to all who knew him. He passed away all too soon...but his memory will live on forever, in the hearts of those who knew him.

I Choose To Fly Southwest

Normally when I travel, I prefer to go by Amtrak Passenger Train. Unfortunately, sometimes scheduling, etc. doesn't make that mode feasible. While I am not a fan of flying, I choose to take Southwest Airlines when I fly. They have the lowest fares, and their crew makes flying fun. Unfortunately, health and financial concerns have ended my travel outside of central Arkansas.

The Tale Of The Weatherman

I've had several ''weather experiences'' over the years, including being a 2 time lightning strike survivor (indirect, but I still got the shock, and have severe nervous system damage as a result...but I carry no electrical charge, and can be handled safely (LOL!))...being under 2 tornadic funnel clouds...being within a mile of an F-1 and an F-4 rain wrapped tornado...and nearly drowned in swirling floodwaters. That inwardly touched off a fascination and desire for weather. Even though I'm not a meteorologist, ''I know enough to be dangerous'', as a ''weather geek''...and ''I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night (LOL!). One of their classic commercials was how this ''nuclear physicist'' saved a nuclear reactor from melting can view that here.

I can read much of the meteorological shorthand, and have some idea of reading the forecast model graphics, but I'm not in a position to ''make a forecast''. Along this line, people think that being a TV Weatherman is a ''cushy job''...but, they really don't know what goes on behind the scenes. This poem, written for fellow ham radio operator Bobby Best, WX4ALA (who passed away a few years ago), tells of what forecasters, meteorologists, etc. go through to prepare a forecast every day.

Crusoe Is Our Hero, Weiner Dog Extraordinare

My late wife, Janice, got me biased toward dachshunds, also known as ''Weiner Dogs'', ''Sausage Dogs'', ''Weenie Dogs'', etc.

Regardless, they do have an attitude...and there are pros and cons that you should know before getting a dachshund, noted here. More on the dachshunds my late wife and I had during our marriage (we only had one dachshund at a time) can be found here.

I have found a dachshund, who is a New York Times Best Selling Author, and who has a myriad of videoes and items on Facebook and YouTube. He is Crusoe The Celebrity Dachshund. He has a worldwide following...thinks he is human...and is guaranteed to bring a smile to your day.

A Tribute To Smokey The Porker

After a visit in June, 2022, with Jeff, KC0JC (a fellow ham radio operator), I thought of an appropriate tribute poem to Smokey...a pig that Grady, W4GLE (another fellow ham radio operator), had gotten; and eventually had slaughtered for preparation of meals for food for the needy in his community. He also has what he calls ''Shady G's Barbecue Sauce'' and ''Cowboy Candy'' him at his email address on the QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Website for details. Several fellow ham radio operators tried to get Grady to not ''do Smokey in''...but in the end, preparing meals for the hungry was more important.

When a ham radio operator eats ham, they're termed as ''cannibalistic'' (hi hi)...and I was that at an area Subway restaurant, at a central Arkansas area Love's Truck Stop. Jeff is an over the road (OTR) truck driver, and he got into Little Rock a day early before he had to make a delivery. So, we gathered to ''break bread'' and fellowship.

However, I think I've been doing the ham radio traffic nets way too long (I've been licensed since 1991), and have too much time on my hands (hi hi). But, this is my first (and likely last) attempt at doing limericks. I prefer the rhymed verse poetry better.

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