In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory

Janice's Life
How I Knew Janice
In Memoriam
My Relationship Future


To return to the previous page, press the BACK BUTTON on your web browser. This page was last updated Jan. 30, 2025.

An additional tribute page can be found here. For a look at the memorial ad I took out in the local paper on the one year anniversary of her passing, click here.

The picture order, above from left to right, are as follows:

1) My wedding picture to Janice Elaine Harvey, on May 18, 2003.

2) Picture of Janice's Dad, Roland Harvey...their daughter, Janice Elaine Harvey-Stout, and Community Church Of God Pastor, Leon Steele.

3) Picture of Janice's Mom, Sonia Harvey...Sonia's Mom (Janice's grandmother (I don't recall her name))...Janice Elaine Harvey-Stout...Daryl J.D. Stout (yours truly), and Janice's Dad, Roland Harvey. Janice's grandmother (Sonia's Mom) passed away in September, 2006...and Sonia passed away in August, 2020, a year after my Mom (Betty Stout) passed away. I don't know if her Dad, Roland, is still alive or not. My Dad (J.D. Stout), passed away in February, 2007, and my younger brother tragically committed suicide in July,, I'm the last surviving member of my immediate family.

4) Picture of Janice Elaine Harvey (my fiance'), and Daryl J.D. Stout (yours truly). This was taken in front of our apartment just before we left for her church to be married on May 18, 2003.

5) Picture the dachshund we had, Fritz, at the time we got married. Other pictures of Fritz, and the other dog we got (Slinky) after Fritz had to be put down, can be found here.

6) My favorite picture of Janice...although she hated it...saying she looked like ''a bush with legs''!!

7) Her parents, Roland and Sonia Harvey, favorite picture of Janice, their only child. Sonia passed away in August, 2020, and, as noted...I'm not sure if Roland is still alive or not.

8) The cremation urn that I chose for was her favorite color, as evidenced by the color scheme on this go with the black background of mourning.

9) The headstone on her grave. Her urn is in a mausoleum in Apopka, Florida, where her Dad lives. Her Mom passed away in late August, 2020, just over a year after the death of my Mom in early August, 2019. My Dad died 2 1/2 months before Janice died.

10) The cremation urn that I have for myself. Janice loved music, and she praised God with her talents.

11) The memorial flower arrangement I had at Second Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas (my one time church home), in memory of both Janice, and my father, J.D. He and my Mom had just celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary the previous Dec. 20.

12) The two Lucite Replica bricks of the 2 engraved bricks at the Diamond Terrace, which is located at the headquarters of the American Radio Relay League, the U.S. National Association for Amateur Newington, Connecticut, a suburb of Hartford. One is for the one I have taken out in her memory as my wife (which I kept)...and the other is the one I took out in memory of her, from her parents (which they have). While Janice was my wife, she was first and foremost, Roland and Sonia Harvey's daughter.

Janice was studying for her Technician Class Amateur Radio license at the time of her death...and she was looking forward to sharing another one of my hobbies. As a side note, XYL is ham radio shorthand for ''ex-young lady''...more appropriately ''wife''. And, DE is ham radio shorthand for the word ''from''. These bricks have my original ham radio callsign of N5VLZ...but as of June 5, 2009, I changed to the vanity callsign AE5WX. Then, I changed the callsign to WX1DER on December 27, 2012...then to WX4QZ on March 22, 2019...and finally back to N5VLZ on December 15, 2023. For more information on my involvement in ham radio, click here, and scroll down to the link noting QRZ Bio for N5VLZ.

Tragically, a heart attack claimed her life on April 27, 2007; 3 weeks shy of our 4th wedding anniversary...she was only 48 years old. This website is dedicated to her memory.

Special thanks goes to Griffin Leggett Funeral Homes, who handled Janice's funeral. I highly recommend pre-arrangement for funeral planning for matter what funeral home or simple cremation service you use. It can save a lot of stress and grief to those left behind at your death.

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Janice's Life

Janice Elaine Harvey Stout, was born on October 14, 1958, in Kingston, Jamaica, in the West Indies, to her loving parents, Roland and Sonia Harvey. She was married to Daryl J.D. Stout on May 18, 2003...and tragically died at the young age of 48 on April 27, 2007...just 3 weeks shy of our 4th wedding anniversary.

After moving to the United States with her family, to obtain medical treatment, Janice became a naturalized U.S. Citizen. She graduated from St. Mary's Catholic Academy in Bronx, New York...then later graduated from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, with a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Psychology. After moving to Arkansas, she graduated from the University Of Arkansas at Little Rock, with a Master Of Arts Degree in Psychology.

Throughout her life, she didn't let her disabilities hinder her creativity, or her desire to succeed. Janice was caring, unselfish, and gave of herself in so many ways. Reading and music were her passions. She also had a love for all creatures of God's Creation, and she had a special love for dachshunds...also known as ''weenie dogs''. For a look at the two dachshunds that Janice and I had at separate times during our marriage (we only had one dachshund at a time), click here.

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How I Knew Janice

I first met Janice in 1986, after chatting with her on a local computer bulletin board system (BBS). For more information on what a BBS is, click here.

Anyway, I was at her house, helping her with a computer issue, and was seated in a swivel chair, which was on a threadbare rug on a hardwood floor. She told me to NOT lean back in the chair, but like a ''type A male'', I didn't listen (men...take note (grin!)). The chair basically ''bit me'', tipping over, and cutting a huge gash in my lower back. She said ''OK, take off your shirt'', then like any good nurse would do, she broke out the First Aid Kit, and began swabbing, cleansing, and treating the wound. A few days later, I had to go to the clinic, due to lower back pain...and the doctor remarked ''whoever worked on this virtually wiped out any chance of infection''...and that stuck with me all these years.

Just before I proposed to her in 2002, I was walking her weenie dog (dachshund), Fritz, (who thought he was too sexy for his shirt, but he was too fat)...and somehow, the retractable leash came off of his collar, retracted at full speed, and popped me squarely in the groin, sending me to the ground in pain!! To make matters worse, Fritz decided to jump on my groin, where I had just been ''popped''!!

Janice, noting I hadn't entered the apartment with her, came outside. To her horror, she saw me down, in pain, and helped me get inside. Embarassingly, I ''had her take a look'', as I thought I was in mortal danger (males can bleed to death from an injury in that area, never mind the nearby femoral artery). I asked her if she thought any less of me (I thought she was going to dump me like a hot rock), and she said ''I give you credit for your common sense...I would have called the paramedics if I had seen blood''. I knew right then, that she was the woman I was going to marry...and I proposed to her two days later. Besides, if she wasn't going to take care of me before marriage, I knew that she wouldn't take care of me after marriage. So, you could say that even Fritz, her dachshund, wanted me (grin!). But he, like all dachshunds, had an attitude... giving rise to the saying ''a male dog is truly an S.O.B. -- and he acts like one, too!!'' (grin!).

Through our engagement, we had numerous instances of ''reading each others minds''...where we were ''just thinking about what the other one had just spoken about''. That ''bonding'' strengthened us further, as my parents were originally opposed to the marriage...but they accepted her soon after, in seeing how happy we were together. We were married on May 18, 2003 at the Community Church Of God in Bryant, Arkansas, by her pastor, Leon Steele. While the wedding normally takes place in the brides church, and she moves to her husbands church after the a courtesy to Janice, I was at her church throughout our marriage. We spent our honeymoon at DeGray State Park Lodge, north of Arkadelphia, Arkansas...and had planned to go there for a second honeymoon. Sadly and tragically, we never got that chance.

Shortly after we got married, my parents and I, with Janice, gathered at a local restaurant with my brother and his wife (he tragically ended up being divorced 3 times, and committed suicide in early July, 2024). But, the look on his face was absolutely priceless, when my Dad said to him ''Dana...this is our daughter-in-law, your sister-in-law, Daryl's wife''!! (grin!).

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In Memoriam

Even though her untimely death was tragic, I have numerous wonderful memories of Janice that no one can take away from me. Her death came just 3 weeks shy of our 4th wedding was nearly 3 months after the death of my father from pancreatic cancer, in February, 2007. My mother passed away in August, 2019, from congestive heart failure, 12 1/2 years after Janice died...and Janice's Mom died just over a year after my Mom died. To my knowledge, her Dad is still alive, but I've lost all contact with him. I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in July, 2021...and with congestive heart failure in March, 2022. Congestive heart failure is what killed my Mom...and while I still have congestive heart failure (I'm on medications for it), I've known people who've had it for years. Then, my younger brother committed suicide in early July, 2024. So, as noted, I'm the last surviving member of my family in Arkansas.

Janice is survived by yours truly, Daryl J.D. Stout, along with a host of loving family and friends.

A viewing and funeral service was held in Little Rock, Arkansas on May 2 and 3, 2007...followed by cremation, as she had wished. On May 11, 2007, a memorial service was held for her in Apopka, Florida, where the urn of her cremains were laid to rest, until The Rapture Of The Church, when she will receive a new, incorruptible, immortal body.

In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests that memorials be made to:

1) The Community Church Of God, Bryant, Arkansas

2) The American Diabetes Association, or your local diabetes research group. There is a Tour De Cure bike race that takes place each year, and it's a series of fundraising cycling events held in 43 states nationwide, to benefit the American Diabetes Association. The Tour is a ride, not a race, with routes designed for everyone from the occasional rider to the experienced cyclist. Whether you ride 10 miles or 100 miles, you will travel a route; supported from start to finish with rest stops, food to fuel the journey, and fans to cheer you on! Each Tour de Cure event has its own character and style...from unique starting points, to gorgeous scenery, and more!

3) Heart Clinic Arkansas, 10100 Kanis Road, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205.

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My Relationship Future

Because of the continual grieving process...well nearly 18 years after her is very difficult for me to look at this page, read the emails that she had written to me, or even view the wedding video without crying like a baby.

I've been told that ''I have too much baggage, and am too overbearing'' by several church congregations. I recently did find a new congregation where I've been warmly welcomed, and not ''shown the door'', but with vision and other issues, I can no longer drive, or attend in person. The sad thing is that ''Christians are the only army that buries their wounded''. With the shortage of drivers with Lyft, a roundtrip on Sunday would run nearly $150. Because I can't afford that, plus being too far away, and too much of a sacrifice for members to get me, I left the church...but it was because of cost and transportation issues, and NOT because of the preaching or of the members.

Several women I've known (and dated) also have ''too much baggage'' it physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, financial, etc. -- or they or their kids are ''in trouble with the law'', are convicted felons, treated their parents like trash, etc. -- and I frankly don't want or need that ''drama'' in my life.

Years ago, in a Sunday School class in the Singles Department of the church where I was attending, one of the young ladies lamented ''Lord, if you don't give me a man, I'm going to die!!''...and THAT TURNED ME OFF!! I was also engaged once before...but this woman was ''possessively jealous''...wanting for ''me to do all the giving, and her to do all the taking''. Basically, I was to ''give up all my hobbies, interests, etc. outside of work...and spend every waking moment with her''. Thankfully, I ended that relationship before it went any further. No wonder I didn't get married for the first time until I was 43...but I never dreamed that I'd be widower at 47...and still be unmarried nearly 18 years after her death.

And, because of these things, and other issues, I've decided to remain single, until either my death...or The Rapture Of The Church. However, The Good Lord made a liar out of me once before (when I said I'd never marry), and if He wants to do so again, that's fine with me. Regardless, I know that I'll be with Him in The Home Of The Redeemed for all Eternity.

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