July Puns in History

July Puns in History

July Pun History
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This page details the contents of the book ''Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down''...originally written by Bob Weaver, meterologist at a Miami, Florida TV station. Some of the pun dates were based on actual events...while others were basically made up.

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July Puns History

On July 1, 1958, Two men invented the radial tire. Everyone said that they made a nice spare.

On July 2, 1950, Hair dye was first packaged for home use. It really got to the root of the problem.

On July 3, 1903, The first chimney sweep was hired, and everyone said ''Soot yourself''.

On July 4, 1774, Betsy Ross asked a group of colonists for their opinion of the flag she had made. It was the first flag poll.

On July 5, 1880, The French captured Detroit...but gave it back...because they couldn't get the parts.

On July 6, 1922, The first canine scale was made, but it only weighed in dog pounds.

On July 7, 1840, Custer became the first man to wear an Arrow shirt.

On July 8, 1954, A cookie factory burned down in Mississippi, and everyone had free fire crackers.

On July 9, 1946, The first dentist was hired by the American League to put on baseball caps.

On July 10, 1924, Metal bus tokens were made, but worth only tin cents.

On July 11, 1935, A large investment was made in importing soap, and the investor bubbled his money.

On July 12, 1961, A chimpanzee was raised on a Texas Farm. It was the first Monkey Ranch.

On July 13, 1950, A club was formed for the purpose of memory improvment. If you dropped out, you couldn't remember.

On July 14, 1903, The recipe for beer was first written...it was the first brew print.

On July 15, 1892, A shipment of fruit was delivered by boat...it was the first water mailin'.

On July 16, 1933, A poultry farmer put his money in the bank, and opened a chicken account.

On July 17, 1634, The first twins were born in America on a Two's Day.

On July 18, 1910, The first tavern opened in Alaska...it was a Polar Bar.

On July 19, 1918, The first bike repair shop opened, and the owner became the Industry's Spokes Man.

On July 20, 1920, The branding iron was invented...cattle were really impressed.

On July 21, 1968, A monument was built for a French leader. It was known as DeGaulle Stone.

On July 22, 1944, A Turkey Farm installed a gobblestone driveway.

On July 23, 1936, The first boat show opened...it had a yacht to offer.

On July 24, 1925, An exhibit of floral prints was shown in the Metropolitan Museum. They were done by a budding artist.

On July 25, 1928, Venetian blinds were first made by a shady character.

On July 26, 1923, Cows were first shipped by raft down the Mississippi River. They travelled on Cattle Logs.

On July 27, 1801, The first National Cooking Champion was crowned. She later appeared on a program called ''The Spice Is Right''.

On July 28, 1947, Wigs were first imported from the Orient. They came by Hair Mail.

On July 29, 1934, The Philadelphia Orchestra hired an assistant conductor. He was the first Band Aide.

On July 30, 1903, The first pain killer was marketed. It saved a lot of moaney.

On July 31, 1948, A boat company in Ohio had a sail on motor boats.

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