Contents |
Overview |
August Pun History |
This page details the contents of the book ''Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down''...originally written by Bob Weaver, meterologist at a Miami, Florida TV station. Some of the pun dates were based on actual events...while others were basically made up.
On August 2, 1966, Cigarette lighters were given as prizes to tennis players who won a match.
On August 3, 1940, A fishing tournament was held. No prizes were it was just done for the halibut.
On August 4, 1854, The first dentist opened an office in the West. He was a Gum Slinger.
On August 5, 1939, The Arabian Embassy held a ball, and everyone danced Shiek To Shiek.
On August 6, 1910, A radical new engine was produced. The inventor said, ''Diesel be very good''.
On August 7, 1931, The world's largest shipment of hot dogs arrived from France, because they owed us 3 million franks.
On August 8, 1890, The metal axe was first sold, and many people went chopping.
On August 9, 1929, The first recliner was made, and the inventor got a chair of the profits.
On August 10, 1913, The first rodeo was held, and cowboys got a few bucks out of it.
On August 11, 1948, The game of Scrabble was invented, and many people sat down for a spell.
On August 12, 1922, Rubber gloves were made, and they came in handy.
On August 13, 1914, A book on lawn care was written, and people who bought it became good weeders.
On August 14, 1913, Valentine shaped candy boxes were made. They were for sweet hearts.
On August 15, 1920, Knitted socks were first used for hand warmers, but they went down to defeat.
On August 16, 1918, Illuminated helmets were first made for miners. It made them feel light headed.
On August 17, 1974, The wholesale price of sugar doubled, and grocers began to raise cane.
On August 18, 1926, The pogo stick was invented, but it made many people jumpy.
On August 19, 1888, The chains were made to attach pocket watches to trousers, for people who couldn't afford to lose time.
On August 20, 1941, A shop opened to repair garden tools. The owner made mower money.
On August 21, 1925, Minature cuckoo clocks were manufactured in Germany by a small time operator.
On August 22, 1909, Rodent traps were invented. It was hoped that many people would gopher them.
On August 23, 1918, Small cushions were made for could buy one for a pinny.
On August 24, 1924, Metal license plates were distributed, and people were tagging along.
On August 25, 1961, The skateboard was invented; it was a wheely good idea.
On August 26, 1915, A macaroni factory opened in New York, but it had to pasta inspection.
On August 27, 1949, A Hall Of Fame opened to honor outstanding women soldiers. It was a WAC's Museum.
On August 28, 1966, A large grove of fruit bushes was cut down in Omaha by someone who wanted to hatchet the berry.
On August 29, 1921, Chicken broth was first canned, and people thought that it was souper.
On August 30, 1934, The traverse rod was invented by an artist who wanted to draw drapes.
On August 31, 1905, The formula for rouge was reddy.