The Gift Is Christ

The Gift Is Christ

The Gift Is Christ
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Gift Is Christ

''The Gift is Christ''

Based on 2 Corinthians 9:15

Words and Music by Daryl Stout

1. I entered the room on Christmas Day
Before anyone else in the house was awake.
And underneath the tree, besides the gifts, there stood
Three nails in a Cross of solid wood.

2. And on seeing that, I broke down and cried;
For it was Christ's Love for me, and on that tree He died
To pay for my rebellious sin,
So I could fellowship with God again.

3. He came as a stranger to die in my place,
So into God's Prescence, I could show my face.
And now, my sins were washed away
By His Blood that He shed on that Cold Friday.

4. And He rose from the dead for me on that Easter morn;
And by accepting that, I was again reborn!!
Now as a child of God, I live in happiness,
For by His Love and Grace, I truly have been blest.

5. Though from the start, from the tree we did fall;
We are saved believing He's propitiation for us all.
And someday, He'll come again
To take His Children home to Heaven.

6. To that mansion to behold,
And to walk upon those streets of pure gold.
To live forever with Him,
And to be without disease, or death or sin.

7. The time is short, come join us now,
He's the Truth, the Life, the Way.
Accept Him now as Lord and Saviour,
And please don't delay.

8.Take up your cross, follow Him, and give Him all your life;
And you will see that the greatest Gift is Christ!!

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