Contents |
Overview |
The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians Are To Pray |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Based on Psalm 122:6
Written By Daryl Stout
2) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
From the promise that God made, to Abraham, that day.
''I'll bless them that bless you, and curse them who do curse''.
Evidence seen many times, throughout Scripture verse.
3) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Moses said words to Pharaoh, that angered him that day.
''The Lord God has there declared, 'Let My People Go'''.
Pharaoh said ''I won't do that. Their God, I do not know''.
4) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
So, ten plagues from Heaven there, God would send their way.
All the waters turned to blood, then hordes of frogs, and lice.
Life for Jews and Egyptians, it was not so nice.
5) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Then, the judgments, only went, toward Egyptians way.
Swarms of flies, then cattle died, then boils and sores.
Hail with fire, then locusts, too; damage scope, did soar.
6) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Darkness fell on Egypt, for, three full nights and days.
The final plague of Passover, would break Pharaoh's pride.
First born of people, and their flocks; most that night, there died.
7) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Those who did what The Lord said, deaths plague would go away.
The blood of lamb, innocent, spread on each door post.
God's Deliverance of them, they would remember most.
8) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Pharoah gave up, told Moses, ''You, Jews, Go Away!!''.
So long in captivity, the Jews were finally free.
Then, Pharoah's army all drowned, there in the Red Sea.
9) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Moses up on Mount Sinai, with God, for forty days.
To receive there from The Lord, The Commandments Ten.
But, down below, the Jews engaged, in horrendous sin.
10) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Aaron built a golden calf, the Jews rose up to play.
Moses smashed the Tablets, asked ''Who's On The Lord's Side??''.
God's Judgment did fall that day, three thousand souls died.
11) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
When the spies told what they found, there was fear that day.
Only Joshua and Caleb, there believed the news.
For the rest, the entry to, Promised Land, refused.
12) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
The enemies of Israel, try to strike their prey.
But God, who watches Israel, does not slumber, sleep.
One day, Israel's enemies, they will wail and weep.
13) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Though The Jews, did many times; from The Lord, did stray.
God forgave the Jews when they repented of their sin.
Yet, back into idolatry, they would go again.
14) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
To the Jews, God there would not, a Word, to them, say.
Four hundred years of silence, it was in the air.
Those who truly loved The Lord, were heartbroken, there.
15) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
John The Baptist's birth announced; he'd prepare the way.
The coming of Messiah there, there in Bethlehem.
Christ had come to pay the debt, of all mankind's sin.
16) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Christ declared that He was there, ''The Truth, The Life, The Way''.
But, Christ was not who the Jews, were wanting to see.
They wanted rule of Rome to end, source of misery.
17) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
The religious leaders wanted, Christ out of their way.
They viewed Him there as a threat, to all of their power.
So, they plotted against Him, each and every hour.
18) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
One of Christ's Disciples there, would The Lord, betray.
Cries of ''Hosanna!'' would quickly change to ''Crucify!''.
Christ arrested, tried, and scourged, and sentenced to die.
19) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
For the shedding of Christ's Blood, it was the only way.
To pay the cost of mankind's sin, throughout history.
He'd rise again on The Third Day, ensuring victory.
20) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
The Church began on Pentecost, three thousand saved that day.
The Lord added to the Church each day, such as should be saved.
That Jesus Christ, He lived, and died, and rose up from the grave.
21) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
At The Rapture Of The Church, the saved are called away.
The Time Of Jacob's Trouble now, descends upon the Earth.
Tons of people left behind, who didn't have New Birth.
22) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Russians, Muslims, others too, join invasion fray.
They get to the Golan Heights, then God intervenes.
Israel is victorious in the battle scene.
23) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
A world leader does appear, as if to save the day.
A peace treaty there signed, that they can't refuse.
Three and one half years later, they see it's a ruse.
24) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Defiling The Temple now; the Jews, he did betray.
One third of Jews, to Petra, flee...protected by The Lord.
They call on Him to save them from, Armageddon's Sword.
25) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Spiritual regeneration, comes to Jews, one day.
The believing remnant joins the cry, there in one accord,
''Blessed is He who comes that day, in Name Of The Lord''.
26) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
The rule of Satan, mortal man; both will end, that day.
Every eye will see The Lord there, when He does return.
And, all those opposing Him, eternally, will burn.
27) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
For their sin, The Beast and The False Prophet, now will pay.
The evil of these so great, with the sin quagmire.
Both are cast directly in, to The Lake Of Fire.
28) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Satan and his demon hordes, are all cast away.
Into the deep abyss there, for a thousand years.
The ravaged Earth will be restored, all with happy tears.
29) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
In Millennium Of Peace, there'll be joy each day.
With a Rod Of Iron there, Christ, as King, will reign.
For the knowledge of The Lord, the whole Earth, will gain.
30) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Now, the title of this poem, it has come their way.
Mankind to Jerusalem, to worship Christ, God's Son.
Now on Earth, as in Heaven; God's Will, there is done.
31) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Satan freed, one last rebellion, quickly put away.
The rebels devoured by fire, for they cannot run.
Satan to The Lake Of Fire, his evil reign is done.
32) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
The Lord's Vengeance executed, there on Judgment Day.
Those persecuting Israel, Jews, Jerusalem.
They see fighting against these, they could never win.
33) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
All the unrepentant souls, for their sin, will pay.
Terrified before The Lord, at The Great White Throne.
Cast into The Lake Of Fire, as one's He's never known.
34) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Eternal Kingdom Of The Lord, will never go away.
Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, or entered in one's heart;
Things God prepared, for those who have, loved Him from the start.
35) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
Until Christ returns to Earth, do this every day.
''They shall prosper that love you'', God's Word there, does state.
One day for Israel's enemies, it will be too late.
36) The Peace Of Jerusalem, Christians are to pray.
One day, Christ returns to Earth; and He won't delay.
There's only one Messiah there, Jesus Christ, The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.