When Christ Returns To Planet Earth

When Christ Returns To Planet Earth

When Christ Returns To Planet Earth
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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When Christ Returns To Planet Earth

''When Christ Returns To Planet Earth''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) When Christ returns to Planet Earth, a contrast that will be.
From stable birth so long ago, that shepherds came to see.
His First Coming, it was to die, to save mankind from sin.
The Second Time, He comes to Judge those rejecting Him.

2) When Christ returns to Planet Earth, two stages it will be.
The Second Coming, an event, that every eye will see.
But seven years before this day, the Rapture splits the sky.
And all redeemed, dead and alive, changed in a twinkling eye.

3) When Christ returns to Planet Earth, Israel there to save.
And all died, refused the Mark...for Christ, their lives, they gave.
With the saints, and Heavenly Host, Christ comes from the sky.
And, in defiance, Christ's enemies, they curse God, and die.

4) When Christ returns to Planet Earth, to stop destructions toll.
Too late to bow before Him then, His Judgment now there rolls.
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, claims Earth as His Own,
And sets up the Millenium, with Jerusalem as His Throne.

5) When Christ returns to Planet Earth, the curse of sin will end.
A nightmare to the unsaved there, but to the saved, their Friend.
Satan bound a thousand years, the vice of sin released,
As Christ restores the Earth there, for Millenium Of Peace.

6) When Christ returns to Planet Earth, closer by the day.
For He is The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, THe Way.
God won't wait forever, for all to come to Him,
In humility and in faith, repenting of their sin.

7) When Christ returns to Planet Earth, never more to leave.
All those who rejected Him, eternally will grieve.
But all those accepting Him, their voices, they will raise.
That Christ Alone, The King Of Kings, is Worthy Of The Praise.

8) When Christ returns to Planet Earth, all things in life now past.
Only that what's done for Jesus Christ, will forever last.
Good works, a church, or a religion, Heaven's Entry fails.
Accepting what Christ did on the Cross, truly there prevails.

9) When Christ returns to Planet Earth, which group will you be in?
The ones rejecting His Love Gift, to die for their own sin?
Or will you be with the redeemed, to sing the praising score?
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, will reign forevermore.

10) When Christ returns to Planet Earth, you can be there with Him.
Realize that you can't save yourself, from your natured sin.
Repent from sin, accept Christ now, as your Lord today.
For everyone will before Him, on that Judgment Day.

11) When Christ returns to Planet Earth, if His Gift, you refuse.
No one to blame but yourself there, your sinful life reviewed.
Because you chose to live in sin, and serve evil desires.
Eternal torment will be yours, in The Lake Of Fire.

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