Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags

Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags

Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags

''Your Righteousness As Filthy Rags''

Based On Isaiah 64:6

Written By Daryl Stout

1)Your righteousness as filthy rags, there before The Lord.
Showing all your evil deeds, His Word, a two edged sword.
Nothing hidden from his view, motives, deeds, and words.
Those that were done in secret, and all those that were heard.

2)Your righteousness as filthy rags, your good deeds worthless there.
From things you kept to yourself, and all the things you shared.
Perfection is God's Standard, to enter Heaven's Door.
And all the works that you could do, all have zero score.

3)Your righteousness as filthy rags, as in a menstrual cloth.
Tarnished by the blood of sin, a thick and evil broth.
Purity of innocence, gone from the curse of sin.
Mankind, to God, so long ago, turned their back on Him.

4)Your righteousness as filthy rags, yourself you cannot save.
The wages of your sin results, in your death to the grave.
Judgment follows afterward, your lifes review required.
And sinners suffer eternally, in the Lake Of Fire.

5)Your righteousness as filthy rags, it seems all hope is lost.
But, Jesus Christ, died in your place, to pay for sins huge cost.
For every sin you'd ever do, His Precious Blood did pay.
The Only Way To Heaven, for Jesus is The Way.

6)Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can this mess, now lose.
If in all humility, Christ's Gift, you don't refuse.
Turn now from your life of sin, accept Christ Jesus now.
And serve Him now with all your heart, before Him humbly bow.

7)Your righteousness as filthy rags, for when Christ you accept;
Your sins are cleansed there by His Blood, your evil ways reject.
Then on the Day Of Judgment, when your life to God, shows.
He sees perfection of His Son, clean as pure white snow.

8)Your righteousness as filthy rags, what will your choice now be?
Your decision sets the place, you'll spend eternally.
Eternal joy in Heaven, praising Christ, your Friend...
Or torment in the Lake Of Fire, your torments never end.

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