Going Through The Motions

Going Through The Motions

Going Through The Motions
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Going Through The Motions

''Going Through The Motions''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Going through the motions, in the things you do.
Looking like commitment there, for everyone to view.
You think you're fooling everyone, with your every task;
But, the Lord sees through your deeds, behind deceptive mask.

2) Going through the motions, your actions to impress.
Making all think, that from God, you are truly blessed.
But, the Lord knows all the truth...the fool is really you.
Nauseating Him, that...out of His Mouth, you're spewed.

3) Going through the motions, all your righteous deeds,
They mock what Christ did on the Cross; when His Blood there, did bleed.
Works don't save, but grace through faith, is salvation gained.
Your righteousness as filthy rags, tarnished with sins stain.

4) Going through the motions, in song and in prayer.
You think that God will hear your words, and He'll really care.
But, many times in history, God destroyed these fools,
They lived by their ways every day, not God's Eternal Rules.

5) Going through the motions, leading none to Christ.
Not telling others of His Love, and how He paid Sins Price.
You lived like a saint when at church, on the Lord's Day there.
But like the Devil, all other days, as if you didn't care.

6) Going through the motions, playing games with God;
Thinking at all of your sins, He will wink and nod.
''The soul that sinneth, it shall die'', declares The Sovereign Lord.
Judged there by His Holy Word, sharp as a two edged sword.

7) Going through the motions, acting like you're saved;
But as with all rejecting Christ, you're headed for the grave.
Then, terrified, you hear the words, that day before His Throne,
''Depart from Me, you cursed one...for you, I've never known''.

8) Going through the motions, backsliding into sin.
Did you truly accept Christ?? Were you born again??
If you're not convicted, by His Still, small voice...
Who are you really serving, friend...your eternal choice??

9) Going through the motions, you'll get a shock one day,
When Christ denies you Heaven there, no matter what you say.
Living like a hypocrite, self righteous, you did boast.
You never did accept The Lord, the One you needed most.

10) Going through the motions, does this sound like you??
You've grieved The Lord who loves you so, in all the sin you'd do.
If you've not been born again, now is the day to choose;
Accept Christ as your Lord today; serve Him...don't refuse.

11) Going through the motions, your life on the run.
Come to your senses, repent now, just like the Prodigal Son.
Rededicate your life to Christ, The Truth, The Life, The way.
For you'll answer for your life, to Him, on Judgment Day.

12) Going through the motions, don't be like all the rest;
For when they stand before The Lord, these truly won't be blest.
Instead, be as the remnant few, serve God with all your heart;
And, at your death, Heaven's joys, to you, He will impart.

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