Quickly Coming Is The Lord

Quickly Coming Is The Lord

Quickly Coming Is The Lord
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Quickly Coming Is The Lord

''Quickly Coming Is The Lord''

Based on Revelation 2:5 and 16, 3:11, 22: 7, 12, 20

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Quickly Coming is The Lord, in so many ways.
For He'll return in judgment, on a least expected day.
From the letters to the churches, in Revelation there.
All mankind will be judged, no one will be spared.

2) Quickly Coming is The Lord, to church at Ephesus.
For they had left Him, their first love, and gotten in a mess.
Today, this warning does apply, to backslidden saints.
For He'll review all of our lives, the good spots, and the taints.

3) Quickly Coming is The Lord, to Pergamos Church.
Balaams doctrine, sacrificed, to idolatrous perch.
Evildoers, east and west, and from north and south.
Christ will fight these with the Sword, coming from His Mouth.

4) Quickly Coming is The Lord, to church of Brotherly Love.
Philadelphia saints obeyed, To Christ held, like a glove.
Telling them to hold their crown, for He's Coming soon.
For these saved will miss the plagues, in God's Judgment Doom.

5) Quickly Coming is The Lord, when man does not expect.
And for those rejecting Him, a decision they'll regret.
For one day, God's Grace will end, then to late to pray.
To The Lord of Hosts, Christ Jesus, Truth, The Life, The Way.

6) Quickly Coming is The Lord, to judge all the Earth.
Welcoming those into Heaven, who received New Birth.
Judging to the Lake Of Fire, all rejecting Him.
For these hated God's True Light, for darkness of sin.

7) Quickly Coming is The Lord, for all mankind to see.
His Righteous Kingdom never ends, throughout eternity.
Where you go upon your death, entirely up to you.
Determined what you did with Christ, God's Precious Son, so True.

8) Quickly Coming is The Lord, the time to choose is now.
Everyone on bended knee, one day soon, will bow.
Accept Him as Your Saviour, Lord, praise for eternity.
Reject Him, and The Lake Of Fire, forevermore will be.

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