The Last Days

The Last Days

The Last Days
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Last Days

''The Last Days''

Words and Music By Daryl Stout

1. As I wake each morning, to look at the world's news.
All I see is fighting, madness, and everyone's confused.
Wars and famine everywhere, the world is falling apart.
And people dying every day, as they are of fainting hearts.

2. ''The world is coming to an end'' they cry on every hand.
As it seems destruction is the way all across the land.
People running to and fro, aimlessly each day.
And ''We want peace and safety'' is all they ever say.

3. With darkness all around us, it seems all hope is past;
We've lost the battle for our lives; it seems we've breathed our last.
But, suddenly we hear a voice, and a Trumpet sound.
And before we know it, we've suddenly left the ground.

4. We don't know what's going on at first, but suddenly comprehend.
That the Lord Jesus has come for us, to keep us from the end.
The time of Jacob's Trouble now descends on Earth below.
As we follow our Saviour Jesus into Heaven the Saints now go.

5. The Judgment Seat of Christ awaiting each and every Saint.
Our lives reviewed before the Lord; each good spot and each taint.
The way we served Him here on Earth; the motives, words, and thoughts
Are brought into account that day; receiving what we have wrought.

6. Some deeds are pleasing to the Lord; coming in faith to Him.
Other deeds are not so nice from our natured sin.
Gold, silver, precious stones, our works for Christ inspired.
Wood, hay and stubble; our sins now cleansed by fire.

7. But, punishment and condemnation for our sinful deeds
Was taken care of by Christ Himself on that Rugged Tree.
The spectrum wide of Blessings gained, and of Rewards Lost.
But Salvation stayed, the Free Gift there, from that Rugged Cross.

8. The Judgment Done, a Robe and Crown adorns each Saint above.
But each recalls God's Greatest Gift, The Sacrifice of Love.
His Perfect Life Lived here on Earth, then the endless Pain
He suffered on that Rugged Tree for our Salvation Gained.

9. Kneeling now in worship, at Christ's feet they bow.
''Worthy the Lamb that was slain'' they sing together now.
Casting their crowns at His Feet, praising Christ the King.
Salvations Price, His Precious Blood, did our Redemption bring.

10. The Bride of Christ, the Saved, the Church, Are joined with Christ, the Groom
In Matrimony by God the Father, now in that Heavenly Room.
Fulfilled, perfection now at last, with countless saints attending
The Wedding Supper of the Lamb; Return to Earth impending.

11. For 7 years, Tribulation prepares for Armageddon
The Antichrist, Satan's Man, the Final Conflict Dreading.
Countless Saints tortured, killed by this one, the Beast.
Destroyed by Christ at His Return, with 1000 years of peace.

12. But, Satan makes one last rebellion in this final hour.
Fire comes down from Heaven; the evildoers devoured.
The Judgment of the Great White Throne; with the Book of Life therein.
All Saints who accepted Christ; not those rejecting Him.

13.The Unsaved Masses of mankind on that somber day.
The Grace of God is over now, and it's too late to pray.
Their evil lives without Christ, full of sins desires
Now Condemn them forevermore to the Lake of Fire.

14.Then, suddenly, Earth and Heaven pass away with a fervent heat.
A New Heaven and a New Earth, now perfect and complete.
Sin never more to darken eternity's ongoing score.
As all the saved now live and reign with Christ forevermore.

15. What you've just heard in this song will come to pass real soon.
The time is short to make your choice between happiness and doom.
Accept Christ today, do not delay, or think of hesitation.
For if you wait, you risk the Wrath of God's Great Tribulation.

16. He paid Redemption's Price that day, both for you and me.
And by accepting his Death and Resurrection, we're truly free.
He gave the best He had for you, come accept this Gift of Love.
Serve Him fully every day, and reign with Him above.

Ending: He gave the best He had for you, come accept this Gift of Love.
Serve Him fully every day, and reign with Him above.

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