Tomorrow Is Promised To No One

Tomorrow Is Promised To No One

Tomorrow Is Promised To No One
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Tomorrow Is Promised To No One

''Tomorrow Is Promised To No One''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Tomorrow is promised to no one, no matter what you may have heard.
For it's appointed, for all to die, written right there in God's Word.
Because of our sin, and rebellion to God, its wages paid is our death.
Which comes without warning, the time is unknown, when we will draw our last breath.

2) Tomorrow is promised to no one, no matter what you may have planned.
For only The Lord, He knows the length, of your life there, in His Hands.
For you may think, you'll live until midnight; and, that you know your lifes score.
But, tragically there, your life, it may end, sudden, one minute before.

3) Tomorrow is promised to no one, for right from conception, we die.
Corruptible flesh, shedding of cells, even before we could sigh.
The curse from the sin, from Adam and Eve, as our first parents rebelled.
And it appeared, that all of mankind was eternally destined for hell.

4) Tomorrow is promised to no one, each day from The Lord is a gift.
Just like Salvation on Calvary's Cross, our burden of sin, Christ did lift.
It was God's Will, that Jesus should die, to pay for sins cost in our place.
And, where you go, the moment of death, what did you do with God's Grace??

5) Tomorrow is promised to no one, destined for all there, the grave.
But, God doesn't want you to die in your sin, instead, to repent, and be saved.
For without Jesus, to pay your sin debt, you're damned, and eternally lost.
But God can save you, until the point, at death, eternity crossed.

6) Tomorrow is promised to no one, including all souls and all nations.
Now is the time, to repent of your sin, today is the day of salvation.
Turn from your sin, accept Jesus Christ, as Saviour, and your Lord today.
For you will face Him, The King Of All Kings, there at His Great Throne one day.

7) Tomorrow is promised to no one, for today could be your last.
And once you die, the chance that you had, to accept Christ will be past.
And, if you fail to make that one choice, you'll suffer the torment and pain;
And, you'll regret ignoring God's Voice, refusing to call on Christ's Name.

8) Tomorrow is promised to no one, which judgment in front of God's Throne?
Will you be there at the Bema, praising His Gift that was shown?
Or will you be trembling, before The Lord, that terrible and somber day?
When all before Him, forever are damned, to suffer, for their sin, to pay?

9) Tomorrow is promised to no one, for you will remember one day.
Reading the words contained in this poem, the Gospel, that Christ is The Way.
For only through Him, can you come to God, by making Christ Lord of your life.
And, then at death, Heaven is yours, filled with all joy, and no strife.

10) Tomorrow is promised to no one, death doesn't have to be feared.
If you've repented of your sinful life, and made Christ Lord, Him revered.
The death of His Saints, is Precious to God, when The Lord calls these souls home.
Now free from sin, forever with Christ, never again, there to roam.

11) Tomorrow is promised to no one, and, if you reject Christ; death, you'll dread.
Eternal pain and doom will be yours, the moment that you're declared dead.
With Satan, his demons, and all evil hordes, your suffering never will end.
For now you see Christ, as your worst nightmare, instead of Him being your friend.

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