I Wonder What The Lost Will Say

I Wonder What The Lost Will Say

I Wonder What The Lost Will Say
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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I Wonder What The Lost Will Say

''I Wonder What The Lost Will Say''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) I wonder what the lost will say, there on Judgment Day;
When they stand before The Lord; The Truth, The Life, The Way.
Many reasons they will have, why God's Gift, they refused.
But, when their lives there, are played back, they'll be without excuse.

2) I wonder what the lost will say, when they themselves defend.
For, Christ is now their worst nightmare, and not eternal Friend.
As every thought, word, and deed...they did is revealed.
Just like an empty battle fighther, these all have no shield.

3) I wonder what the lost will say, as The Book Of Life is read.
Only the names of the saved, are written there, in red.
Tragically, none of the lost, have their names therein.
They refused Christ's sacrifice, who died for every sin.

4) I wonder what the lost will say, before The Risen Lord.
His Word judges all those there, sharper than a sword.
All those there who did deny, existence of The Saviour.
It's too late now, for all of these, to try to earn God's favor.

5) I wonder what the lost will say, those saying they were God.
Or another deity, as down lifes path they trod.
Now terrified to look on Him, His Righteous Eyes aflame.
To all these who refused, to call on Jesus' Name.

6) I wonder what the lost will say, when they see the redeemed.
Those cleansed by The Blood Of Christ, sinless, pure, and clean.
They'll see the joy that they can't have, and cry out in despair.
For they refused to make Christ Lord, when the chance was there.

7) I wonder what the lost will say, in answering for their choice.
For selfish reasons, they refused, to hearken to God's Voice.
Instead they lived life for themselves, and sinful desires.
Now, they'll burn eternally, in The Lake Of Fire.

8) I wonder what the lost will say, for you'll be in that crowd.
Just as Satan and his hordes, the haughty and the proud.
For if you do not repent of your life of sin,
You'll curse when you ignored The Lord, and turned your back on Him.

9) I wonder what the lost will say, but you can escape this group.
Repent of sin, accept Christ now, let Him your life, regroup.
Serve The Lord in holiness, then when your death there comes.
He'll welcome you to Heaven, and smile and say ''Well Done!''.

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