Contents |
Overview |
The Book Of Life |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) The Book Of Life, has written, therein on its many pages.
The names of those accepting Christ, who for them, paid sins wages.
These are saved by grace through faith, of Christ's Work on The Cross.
His Death and Resurrection there, to redeem the lost.
3) The Book Of Life, with all the names, under Blood Protection.
Shed at Calvary by The Lord, His sinless life, perfection.
These gladly bow before The Lord, to Him, their voices raise.
That Jesus Christ, God's Only Son, is Worthy Of All Praise.
4) The Book Of Life, it is shown there, at The Great White Throne.
To prove to all the unsaved there, names are not there, shown.
Of their own free will and choice, preferring sins desires.
These are damned forevermore, to The Lake Of Fire.
5) The Book Of Life, a dreaded sight, for those rejecting Christ.
For in the place of all mankind, He paid's sins awful price.
They heard the preaching of The Cross, and it, they did ignore.
Refusing The Lord's Still, Small Voice; to them, He called, implored.
6) The Book Of Life, names removed, for those who loved the dark.
Worshipped the Beast, they willfully, chose to take the Mark.
Their names from, The Book Of Life, removed instantly.
Fiery Torment, will be theirs, for all eternity.
7) The Book Of Life, there opened there, on that somber day.
When God's Grace is over, and it's too late to pray.
For if you refuse the warning, that God's Voice there, Behooves...
Your name from this vital book, will there, be removed.
8) The Book Of Life, when opened there, by Christ's Nail Pierced Hands.
Will your name join all the saved, from each and every land??
Or be gone, as you never, to Christ, a sinner, cried.
The Lord, He has no pleasure, in the death of those who die.
9) The Book Of Life, your name therein, it's not guaranteed.
Just for those accepting Christ, His Blood, all these, do plead.
What is your decision, friend?? For once you pass away,
It's too late to change your choice, on your eternal stay.