Justice Will Be Done

Justice Will Be Done

Justice Will Be Done
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Justice Will Be Done

''Justice Will Be Done''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) One day soon, before The Lord, justice will be done.
As mankind, in judgment there, stands before God's Son.
Like with Cain killing Abel, innocent blood there spilt.
All laid bare before The Lord, no question there of guilt.

2) One day soon, before The Lord, justice will be done.
The guilty stand before The lord, with no place to run.
All the motives, words and thoughts, of their evil deeds;
Are shown to all, and for these, no defense to plead.

3) One day soon, before The Lord, justice will be done.
For those hating Israel, ever since time begun.
The nation that The Lord did choose as His very own;
Jerusalem will be the place of Christ's Earthly Throne.

4) One day soon, before The Lord, justice will be done.
For all aborted babies there, who never saw the sun.
For convenience, they wire killed; from the womb, were torn.
But God knew us before conception, and before we're born.

5) One day soon, before The Lord, justice will be done.
For all victims there of crimes, and of violent gun.
Thugs who took advantage, of victims as their prey.
These, terrified before The Lord, there on Judgment Day.

6) One day soon, before The Lord, justice will be done.
For those who bore the burden of lies and rumors spun.
To the perpetrators there, the tables now are turned.
The lost, sent to The Lake Of Fire, these will forever burn.

7) One day soon, before The Lord, justice will be done.
God's Word says of mankind, of righteous, there are none.
God's Standard is Perfection, and no one on Earth can pay.
Ecept for Jesus, God's Dear Son...The Truth, The Life, The Way.

8) One day soon, before The Lord, justice will be done.
Judgment set for all at death, life's race has been run.
What you did with God's Love Goft, there on Calvary;
Will determine where you spend, your eternity.

9) One day soon, before The Lord, justice will be done.
Christ bore the sins of all mankind, the eternal tons.
If your reject what Jesus did, for your sins desires;
You'll burn in never ending torment, in The Lake Of Fire.

10) One day soon, before The Lord, justice will be done.
For all who accepted Christ, now the victory won.
Eternal blessings, heavenly joy, these all now recoup.
The question is "will you, friend...be part of this group??".

11) One day soon, before The Lord, justice will be done.
For believers who were killed for faith on God's Son.
A Crown Of Life for these now, in Heaven, without tears.
They'll rule and reign with Jesus Christ, through eternal years.

12) One day soon, before The Lord, justice will be done.
All things new, never more, by sin, will be undone.
For all the saved will praise The Lord, in the eternal score.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, shall reign forevermore.

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