There Will Be No Appeal There

There Will Be No Appeal There

There Will Be No Appeal There
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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There Will Be No Appeal There

''There Will Be No Appeal There''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) There will be no appeal there, at The Great White Throne.
For everyone in judgment there, as their lives are shown.
The verdict based on Righteousness, of God's Perfect Law.
His Standard is Perfection, not one of sin or flaw.

2) There will be no appeal there, on that somber day.
The unsaved stand before The Lord, and it's too late to pray.
Since God's Love Gift these refused, preferring sins desires.
They'll suffer there eternally, there in The Lake Of Fire.

3) There will be no appeal there, for all in that crowd.
They would not accept The Lord...instead, they were too proud.
Nor would they there humble themselves, and of their sin repent.
And now, all these are terrified...those that were hell bent.

4) There will be no appeal there, but many try to plead.
They'll say they did things for The Lord, and served the churches needs.
But, they will hear the shocking words, from Christ upon His Throne;
''Depart from me to Eternal Fire...for you, I've never known''.

5) There will be no appeal there, as God's Grace now is done.
These had chances to repent, and accept His Son.
Their whole life is now played back, in motive, word, and deed.
Without excuse, all these there, no one for them to plead.

6) There will be no appeal there...before Christ though, they bow.
Declaring Jesus Lord Of All...but it is too late now.
They spurned the witness of the Gospel when it was proclaimed.
Their choice condemned, these who would not call on Jesus' Name.

7) There will be no appeal there, nothing there concealed.
In secret or in open view, everything revealed.
The Book Of Life then opened, looking for their name.
But, it's not there, and these are cast, into Eternal Flame.

8) There will be no appeal there, this nightmare...not a dream.
Forever in The Lake Of Fire, they'll suffer and they'll scream.
They'll recall the chance they had, the fault is theirs, alone.
They refused to have Christ's Blood, for their sins, atone.

9) There will be no appeal there, though tears fill God's Eyes.
For He has no pleasure in the death of these who die.
Each soul there is one less soul, in God's Kingdom There.
Had these come to know The Lord, this judgment would be spared.

10) There will be no appeal there, please don't join this throng.
Repent of sin, and come to Christ, sing praise, eternal song.
For if you truly come to childlike faith, believe.
Eternal joy, instead of judgment, you there will receive.

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