They Couldn't Look Upon Christ There

They Couldn't Look Upon Christ There

They Couldn't Look Upon Christ There
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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They Couldn't Look Upon Christ There

''They Couldn't Look Upon Christ There''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) They could not look upon Christ there, Satan's evil throngs.
When they decided to disrupt, God's Harmonious song.
Lucifer deceived one third of the angelic realm.
And all these were cast out, of their Heavenly helm.

2) They could not look upon Christ there, down through many years.
The Righteousness Of The Lamb, most hated Him with fear.
Moses saw Him from the back, from the rock cleft there.
''No one will see my face and live'', The Lord did declare.

3) They could not look upon Christ there, until He came to Earth.
Virgin Born, The Lamb Of God, a precious, lowly birth.
Those who saw The Lord in flesh, all God and yet all man.
His Blood shed would cleanse our sins, from His Nail Pierced Hands.

4) They could not look upon Christ there, The Lord upon The Cross.
His visage was so marred with blood, His Suffering and the cost.
To redeem all of mankind, from Satan's sin filled curse.
The Greatest Story Ever Told, is there in Bible verse.

5) They could not look upon Christ there, God's Precious, Only Son.
Becoming sin to save mankind, Christ was the Only One.
His Father could not bear to look, at His Son with all sin.
The only time there that The Father turned His Back on Him.

6) They could not look upon Christ there, on Resurrection Morn.
The soliders guarding the tomb there...sin's grip on man, now torn.
Satan and his demons there, were now horrified.
Christ had gained the victory there, over sin and pride.

7) They could not look upon Christ there, His Second Coming Day.
The Grace Of God will then be done, too late for them to pray.
They pray to rocks and mountains there, that they would on them fall,
Because these they took The Mark, refused there The Lord's Call.

8) They could not look upon Christ there, on that future day.
Those refusing to accept The Truth, The Life, The Way.
A Friend no more, but nightmare there...these now who see His Face.
All because they did refuse God's Free Gift Of Grace.

9) They could not look upon Christ there, will you be in that group??
For if you don't accept The Lord, you can't the loss recoup.
The choice is yours...Jesus Christ...or your sins desires.
Eternal joy...or torment The Lake Of Fire.

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