Contents |
Overview |
The True Hate Crime Committed There |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) The true hate crime committed there, if God's Word, is ignored.
God's Words of judgment coming soon, His Warning there, implored.
So, that is why these poems are here, and warnings written there.
Because God wants all to repent, for you, He truly cares.
3) The true hate crime committed there, all started long ago.
When Lucifer, he filled with pride, his sinful manner showed.
One third of angels he deceived, their pride, like his, did swell.
And God cast them out of Heaven, to judgments Fiery Hell.
4) The true hate crime committed there, in Eden magnified.
The serpent tricked our first parents, and spiritually, they died.
Their sin nature passed on to mankind's progeny.
And, only God could save us there, from doom eternally.
5) The true hate crime committed there, as Noah built the Ark.
Except for Noah's family, the world was in the dark.
They mocked and laughed at Noah's words, taunts full of evil gall.
These realized it was too late, when rain began to fall.
6) The true hate crime committed there, the cities of the plain.
Sodom and Gomorrah, greatly sinned before God's Name.
God's Angels, and Lot, warned those having filthy sins desires.
But, only Lot and his two daughters escaped God's Righteous Fire.
7) The true hate crime committed there, as Pharoah's will did choose.
Persecution, the way of life, for God's Own, the Jews.
When Moses told Pharoah "God said 'Let My People Go'",
All would see God's Power in ten plagues that He would show.
8) The true hate crime committed there, from Israel's enemies.
Destruction of God's Promised Land, would to these appease.
But, The Lord said Israel, was "the apple of His Eye".
And, all who curse His Land, one day, they will surely die.
9) The true hate crime committed there, down through many years.
Mankind became so corrupt, that The Lord, he did not fear.
To Israel, for four hundred years, God's Words they were not spoken.
And to those who loved The Lord, these truly were heartbroken.
10) The true hate crime committed there, not Christ's Words that day.
Most despised these words, "Christ is The Truth, The Life, The Way".
God had sent His Only Son, Free Gift for all the lost.
But, rejected by His Own, died on a Rugged Cross.
11) The true hate crime committed there, at Resurrection Dawn.
Instead of resurrection, they said theft was why He's gone.
But five hundred witnesses, they saw His Risen Glory.
And, Christ gave The Great Commission, to tell all His Story.
12) The true hate crime committed there, by all the other faiths.
They preferred rules mankind made, not words that The Lord saith.
These will be in for a shock, there at The Great White Throne;
When Christ casts them into The Fire, as ones He's never known.
13) The true hate crime committed there, today, just as back then.
Satan's foes don't want it known, that Christ can be Your Friend.
Jesus took upon Himself our sins, died in our place.
And, by accepting Him, we receive, The Lord's Amazing Grace.
14) The true hate crime committed there, for all, who these words spurn.
They're saying they want to forever, in Lake Of Fire, there burn.
God did all that He could do, to save you from this fate.
Please don't wait to come to Him; at death, it is too late.
15) The true hate crime committed there, for you on Judgment Day.
Your life in thought and word and deed, for all, will be replayed.
For if in life, you did reject, God's Prompting, Loving Voice;
You'll curse yourself eternally, for your foolish choice.