Contents |
Overview |
Perilous Times |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Based on 2 Timothy 3:1-5
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Perilous times continued then, all throughout the lands.
As sins evil nature there, corrupted every hand.
God's Righteous Judgment Flood, would there be employed.
Except for Noah's family there, all others were destroyed.
3) Perilous times did not abate, after the Flood was gone.
Satan had enslaved mankind, rebellious sin thrived on.
Except for the believing few, the remnant of God's Saints.
It seemed all would forever ever be, blemished with sins taint.
4) Perilous times existed during Our Lord's time on Earth.
He left Heaven's Glory for a Precious, Virgin Birth.
Born like us, in all ways...but, His Life was without sin.
He lived a perfect, sinless life...none other was like Him.
5) Perilous times, the battle there, on that Rugged Cross.
As Jesus Christ, The Lamb Of God, died to save the lost.
According to The Scriptures, He arose on the third day.
For He is The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
6) Perilous times increased greatly after Pentecost.
Many of the early Church, paid the supreme cost.
Martyred for their faith in Christ, on Jesus' Precious Name.
These one day, when Christ returns, they with Him, will reign.
7) Perilous times for the Earth, in the final days;
Before the Rapture of the Church, when mans sinful ways,
Will dominate every way of life, in word, in thought, in deed.
Most reject Christ's Precious Blood, that on The Cross, did bleed.
8) Perilous times there abound, in mankinds sinful crowd.
They'll love themselves, covet, boast, and they will be proud.
Blasphemers, unthankful, to their parents, disobey.
Unholy, reprobate, truce breakers, each and every day.
9) Perilous times, full of sin, God's Love Gift, these refused.
Loving pleasure more than God, these liars, false accuse.
Traitors, and appearing godly; they deny God's Power.
But payback soon is coming there, in God's Judgment Hour.
10) Perilous times, filling all mankind's hearts with fear.
But, for the saved, their fervent prayers, The Lord Of Hosts, does hear.
From the behaviors in this poem, the saved should turn away.
For vengeance, to the Lord, day, He will repay.
11) Perilous times, o'er all the Earth, from ground to Heaven's sky.
But when the saved see these things, their redemption draweth nigh.
For one day soon, Christ will return, to judge sinful desires.
And, all rejecting Christ will go into The Lake Of Fire.
12) Perilous times, and persecution, sin twisted all life shapes.
But, to all, there is one way, eternally, to escape.
Repent of sin, accept by faith, that Jesus Christ is Lord.
For His Word is sharper than, any two edged sword.
13) Perilous times, for the redeemed, one day, these will end.
For those accepting God's Love Gift, with Jesus as their Friend.
Accepting Christ's Death on The Cross, to be their Lord and Saviour.
With the Righteousness Of Christ, the saved now have God's Favor.
14) Perilous times, for the lost, will be magnified.
They'll realize too late for them, the moment that they died.
Tormented for eternity, because they refused God's Grace.
And terrified, on Judgment Day, when they see Christ's Face.
15) Perilous times, in God's Word, and words of this poem.
What you do with Jesus Christ, sets your Eternal Home.
But, God won't force you to decide, to hearken to His Voice.
Friend, your eternal destiny, results on your own choice.