At Least One Chance Is Given There

At Least One Chance Is Given There

At Least One Chance Is Given There
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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At Least One Chance Is Given There

''At Least One Chance Is Given There''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) At least one chance is given there, of the Gospel News.
Ones eternal destiny, depends on what they choose.
Either repenting of ones sin, accepting Jesus Christ.
Or burning in The Lake Of Fire, paying their sins price.

2) At least one chance is given there, to all of mankind.
But, Satan's hordes, want all to be, spiritually kept blind.
To the fact that Jesus Christ, God's Precious Only Son,
Lived and died and rose again, the Victory, there won.

3) At least one chance is given there, so on Judgment Day.
They can't say they never heard "Christ Is The Only Way".
God's Glory there, through Creation, wonderfully declared.
And, for those rejecting Christ, judgment won't be spared.

4) At least one chance is given there, and God will prick the heart.
That the sinner must repent, to get a brand new start.
But if they reject The Lord, preferring sins desires.
They'll regret that choice forever, in The Lake Of Fire.

5) At least one chance is given there, on consciences, there written.
That Jesus Christ, The Lamb Of God, for our sins, was smitten.
On that Cross there, in our place, God's Only Son, would die.
"It is Finished", Jesus shouted, as His Final Cry.

6) At least one chance is given there, for all to be reborn.
Christ arose victorious on Resurrection morn.
And, one day soon, he's coming back, to Rapture all His Own.
And, to return to Earth one Day, to rule there from His Throne.

7) At least one chance is given there, and as you've read these words.
You are now accountable, The Gospel, you have heard.
But while The Lord won't force you, make eternal choice.
I pray that you'll repent, and heed, The Lord's Precious Voice.

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