The Old Things Are Passed Away

The Old Things Are Passed Away

The Old Things Are Passed Away
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Old Things Are Passed Away

''The Old Things Are Passed Away''

Based on 2 Corinthians 5:17

Written By Daryl Stout

1) When a person accepts Christ, and repents of sin.
Humbly coming, there in faith, to give their lives to Him.
Christ gives these a brand new start...His Will is theirs, to do.
The old things are passed away...behold all things are new.

2) While still in this corrupted flesh, no condemnation, there.
Our sin nature still exists, with lifes woes and cares.
But, with the coming Blessed Hope, Christ's Return, in view.
The old things are passed away...behold all things are new.

3) Unfortunately, many souls, just going through the motions.
Deceived by Satan's evil throngs, with sinful lies and notions.
Consequences these regret, when earthly lives are through.
The old things are passed away...behold all things are new.

4) The Spirit says, ''In The Last Days, many leave the faith''.
Preferring sin, and spurning words, that The Lord has saith.
These ignore God's Judgment there, that one day, He will do.
The old things are passed away...behold all things are new.

5) Not everyone who calls Christ, Lord...will enter Heaven's bliss.
These truly didn't follow Him, so judgment, they won't miss.
Their life of sin, they'll find they bit off more than they could chew.
The old things are passed away...behold all things are new.

6) Either Heaven's blessings, or fiery torments of Hell.
One of these awaits you, friend, at sounding of death's knell.
Any other Gospel preached, its doctrines there, are skewed.
The old things are passed away...behold all things are new.

7) First destroyed by water there...the next time, it's by Fire.
How The Lord will judge the Earth, filled with sins desires.
As told in God's Holy Word, with God's Words, so true.
The old things are passed away...behold all things are new.

8) Where you'll spend eternity, a choice that you must make.
On The Cross, Christ died for you; your judgment, He did take.
If nothing's done, at your death, Hell Fire, is for you.
The old things are passed away...behold all things are new.

9) When life's done, eternity, it will never end.
Will Christ be your Worst Nightmare, or your Eternal Friend?
You'll stand before The Lord one day, which choice, will you now do??
The old things are passed away...behold all things are new.

10) While the saved will Praise The Lord, there upon His Throne.
The unsaved cast into The Fire, as ones He's never known.
Sin won't rise a second time, its ways, no more, to view.
The old things are passed away...behold all things are new.

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