They Tragically Turned Their Backs On The Lord

They Tragically Turned Their Backs On The Lord

They Tragically Turned Their Backs On The Lord
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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They Tragically Turned Their Backs On The Lord

''They Tragically Turned Their Backs On The Lord''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) They tragically turned their backs on The Lord, back in past eternity.
Starting with Lucifer, filling with pride, and selfish sin mutiny.
One third of the angels believed all his lies, and all his evil desires.
God sentenced Satan and all of his demons, therein to Eternal Fire.

2) They tragically turned their backs on The Lord, as Adam and Eve there, did sin.
For Satan, he thought, when they disobeyed, all of mankind, he would win.
While innocence lost, and sins dreadful curse, upon all the Earth, it would spread.
God's Plan Of Redemption, now set into motion, to save those spiritually dead.

3) They tragically turned their backs on The Lord, as each generation was born.
It grieved The Lord that He had made man, as all of Creation, sin torn.
But, Noah found grace in the eyes of The Lord, an ark would save them from the Flood.
And, many years later, on Calvary's Cross, the saved redeemed there, by Christ's Blood.

4) They tragically turned their backs on The Lord, His Chosen People, the Jews.
God's Blessings they wanted; but also desired, to live life in what way they'd choose.
So, there in the fullness of time long ago, Christ Jesus, God's Son, He was born.
The sinless Lamb, crucified there, and rose from the dead that third morn.

5) They tragically turned their backs on The Lord, just going through all of the motions.
Making the people think they served The Lord, but truthfully, serving sins notions.
Preaching a Gospel contrary to what, The Lord Jesus said in His Word.
These rather not preaching on Hell or on sin, calling the practice absurd.

6) They tragically turned their backs on The Lord, instead served the father of lies.
Spiritually blinded by demonic hordes, at death, these shocked, and surprised.
For only one way, to Heaven provided, accept Christ as Lord now, by faith.
Repent of your sin, and gladfully heed, all of the words that Christ saith.

7) They tragically turned their backs on The Lord, so many throughout history.
But, one day real soon, before Christ's Throne, all will bow on bended knee.
Eternal joy for those who were saved, forsaking all their sins desires.
Eternal torment for everyone else, condemned there to Eternal Fire.

8) They tragically turned their backs on The Lord, a shock they will have there, one day.
But, these would never repent of their sin, and to Christ Jesus, would pray.
Instead of their Friend, they're now terrified, seeing The Lord on His Throne.
He casts all of these now into The Fire, as ones He has never known.

9) They tragically turned their backs on The Lord, will you be part of this group??
For once you die, it will be too late, events of your life, to regroup.
All will be judged by Christ Jesus, The King, The Truth, The Life, and The Way.
And, after your death, eternity set, for you, it's too late to pray.

10) They tragically turned their backs on The Lord, don't be a part of this crowd.
For The Lord gives His Grace to the humble, ignores all the haughty and proud.
Repent of your sin, accept Christ by faith, in all your life, serve The Lord.
For He paid the debt on Calvary's Cross, your sins cost you could not afford.

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