Sin Won't Rise A Second Time

Sin Won't Rise A Second Time

Sin Won't Rise A Second Time
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Sin Won't Rise A Second Time

''Sin Won't Be Permitted To Rise A Second Time''

Based on Nahum 1:9

Written By Daryl Stout

1. Sin won't be permitted to rise a second time;
And do the damage that it did to God's Creation Fine.
Where God sent His Son to die on a Cross that was mine;
And accepting that Precious Sacrifice gave me riches so sublime.

2. When time began, oh way back when, all was in God's Will.
The universe all sang for joy; praising God could not be stilled.
Until Satan's rebellious sounds filled the air so shrill;
And when mankind fell in Eden there, it seemed humanity was killed.

3. All mankind was evil -- sin throughout the human race.
But, one man named Noah; in God's Eyes, found the Saving Grace.
Noah's family, and two of each animal filled the Ark's huge space;
And, the Flood destroyed all who were left, and lifes every trace.

4. Except for a believing remnant, sin appeared to have domain.
God's Prophets killed by sinful man, when Judgment was proclaimed.
But, from the world's foundation, God's Son, The Lamb, was slain;
Redemption's Plan for all who'd receive the Gospel plan so plain.

5. Virgin Born, in a manger; God's Son, for all to see;
Living and doing God's Perfect Will...a life of humility.
Knowing He'd be condemned by man, to die there on a Tree;
Rising again on Easter morn, to set the sinner free.

6. The Church was born at Pentecost, to be Christ's lovely Bride;
Sustained by Christ, He'd care for Her, and all Her Needs provide.
He's coming back to Rapture her; to Heaven the saints will ride
To be with Him in those mansions they'll reside.

7. Returning back to Earth with Christ, at Armageddon there...
Evil judged...peace restored...removal of all care.
But at the end, Satan tries one last rebellious dare...
The lost cast to the Lake of Fire, where torment is not spared.

8. Heaven and Earth now anew, and all creation sings
''Worthy The Lamb That Was Slain'' to the King Of Kings.
All in harmony once again, with no more painful stings,
From that which was not of God, but from selfish things.

9. If you want to be a part of that joyous throng so great,
Ask Christ to save you today; dear friend...and please do not wait.
For if you don't, and death calls will be too late;
If you neglect so great salvation, how shall you escape??

10. Sin won't be permitted to rise a second time,
And do the damage that it did to God's Creation Fine.
Where God sent His Son to die on a Cross that was mine;
And accepting of that Precious Sacrifice gave me riches so sublime.

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