The Alpha And Omega

The Alpha And Omega

The Alpha And Omega
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Alpha And Omega

''The Alpha And Omega''

Based On Revelation 1:8, 1:11, 21:6, and 22:13

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The Alpha And Omega...The Beginning And The End.
Jesus Christ, Saviour, Lord...a Nightmare, or Your Friend.
King Of Kings, Lord Of Lords, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
All mankind will stand before Him, in judgment, one day.

2) The Alpha And Omega...The First And The Last.
He is the same today, tomorrow, also in time past.
Omnipotent, Omnisicent, and Omnipresent, He.
Not one thing escapes His Glance, throughout eternity.

3) The Alpha And Omega...Creator of all things.
Before sins rebellion, did all creation sing.
Lucifer's rebellion there, to Him, was no surprise.
For He sees all things there done, with His Righteous Eyes.

4) The Alpha And Omega...The Lord God in The Flesh.
He'd leave Heavens Glory there; into His World, would mesh.
Lived like us in every way, but with no sin or guile.
He'd give His Life, a ransom there, for all sins defiled.

5) The Alpha And Omega...The Lamb Of God, there slain.
Salvation for all who'd repent, and call on Jesus' Name.
Tragically there, many souls, this Gift, would reject.
They wouldn't let the Precious Blood, of Christ, them protect.

6) The Alpha And Omega...Lived, Died, and Rose Again.
He paid the debt no one could pay, for their natured sin.
And, one day, He'll judge all those, who loved sins desires.
He'll sentence them forevermore, into The Lake Of Fire.

7) The Alpha And Omega...He's coming back real soon.
And, all who reject His Gift, will meet eternal doom.
The Lord, He has no pleasure in the death of those who die.
Prideful, sinful souls who would not, there to Jesus, cry.

8) The Alpha And Omega...on Blessed Rapture morn.
From Pentecost to Rapture there, all spiritually reborn;
These in Christ, dead and alive, will join Him in the air.
And, the joy of Heaven there, no thing on Earth, compares.

9) The Alpha And Omega...Christ, The Lord, The Groom.
Wedded to His Precious Bride, The Church, in Heaven's Room.
All the saved praise The Lord, who bore their sin and shame.
Cast their crowns there at His Feet...The Lamb For Sinners, Slain.

10) The Alpha And Omega...He wants you to be saved.
Repent of sin, accept Christ lived, died, rose from the grave.
Serve Christ in humility, and when your life here, ends.
Christ won't be Your Worst Nightmare...but your Eternal Friend.

11) The Alpha And day, Christ, you'll meet.
All declare that He Is Lord, bowing at His Feet.
You'll either praise Him for His Love, or curse yourself that day.
For after death, belief too late, and there for you, to pray.

12) The Alpha And Omega...if you, God's Grace, refuse.
Eternal torment will be yours, your foolish heart, did choose.
I pray that you will hearken to His Gracious, Loving Voice.
Don't let your sinful pride make you, there pick the wrong choice.

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