Contents |
Overview |
One Appointment You Will Keep |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Many days the schedule fills to overflowing tasks.
No free time left for yourself, in there which to bask.
Like the churning ocean waters, there so wide and deep.
After death, friend, there is one appointment you will keep.
3) It is appointed all to die, then judgment for all souls.
Your Eternal Home depends on who you gave control,
Of your lifetime here on Earth...which way did you leap??
After death, friend, there is one appointment you will keep.
4) Whether you believe, accept, or reject God's Word.
His Words live forever, friend, no matter what you've heard.
Everyone, their natured sin, like quicksand, there so deep.
After death, friend, there is one appointment you will keep.
5) Jesus Christ, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
He lived, and died, and rose again...our sin debt, to pay.
The shedding of His Precious Blood, the cost, it wasn't cheap.
After death, friend, there is one appointment you will keep.
6) Not one single thought, word, deed...does escape His Glance.
All created by The Lord, we're not here by chance.
From things that move very fast, to other things that creep.
After death, friend, there is one appointment you will keep.
7) When you stand before The Lord, there on Judgment Day.
Every aspect of your life, it will be replayed.
Your righteousness as filthy rags, there in sinful heap.
After death, friend, there is one appointment you will keep.
8) Did you put your faith in Christ, the thing that God requires??
Or did you spurn His Free Love Gift, for sinful desires.
Were you like an unclean goat, instead of Christ's own sheep??
After death, friend, there is one appointment you will keep.
9) Don't stake your eternity, in temporal things, for faith.
Repent of sin, accept Christ now, and do The Words He Saith.
The Creator Of The World, He does not rest, or sleep.
After death, friend, there is one appointment you will keep.
10) Either bliss of Heaven's Joy, or tormenting, fiery lake.
The decision for Christ is, a choice that you must make.
Unless you're cleansed by Christ's Blood there, all your sins, you'll keep.
After death, friend, there is one appointment you will keep.
11) This appointment, on that day, before Christ's Judgment Throne.
Will He cast you into Fire, as one He's never known??
Or will He welcome you to Heaven, as one of His Sheep??
After death, friend, there is one appointment you will keep.
12) While the words that God gave me, in this poem, soon done.
I pray that you'll repent of sin, accepting Christ, God's Son.
At death, it's either praise or screaming, not without a peep.
After death, friend, there is one appointment you will keep.