The Way

The Way

The Way
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Way

''The Way''

Based on Matthew 7:13-14

Words and Music By Daryl Stout

1. Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction;
and many there be that find it.
But, straight is the gate, and narrow the way, that leads to Eternal Life...
and few there be that find it.

2. Mankind thinks that when he dies, he's owed Heaven from God above.
Man feels that God sends no one to Hell; for He is a God of Love.
But, man forgets that God is Holy...judging, rejecting sin.
Just one sinful deed you've done in your life...into Heaven,..God won't let you in.

3. Man thinks that praying to anybody, gets Heaven at the grave.
But, no other name but Jesus, is given; whereby we must be saved.
A person, a figure, a church, denomination; or others...can't get it done.
For it's written there in God's Holy Bible...''There's none, not one''.

4. Man asks what if the saved are wrong...believers on Jesus Christ.
The most we'll lose are a few petty sins, that dogged us throughout our lives.
But, if the unbeliever is wrong; of their own lives, they were the boss...
They'll spend eternity paying the debt; they gambled their soul, and they lost.

5. Man says ''all my good deeds that I've ever done, outweigh all of the bad''.
But, all our righteousness, in His sight, is likened to filthy rags.
Our life is a vapor, fading away, and it will soon be past...
Only that which was done for Christ, will through eternity last.

6. You say ''But, I believe that there is a God''...friend, you're doing well.
The demons also believe, and tremble...and they are already in Hell.
And ''I have a full life yet to live, and many years ahead'';
Tomorrow is promised to no one, my friend...and it's too late after you're dead.

7. Only one of two places awaits everyone, when death knocks on their door.
Heaven Or place in clean up one's lifetime score.
For you are saved only by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
The decision to reject Jesus as Saviour and Lord, is one you'll regret the most.

8. The many translations of His Precious Word, some leave verses out...
Inspired by Satan, The Evil One...the source of all fear and doubt.
Adding, removing from His Holy Bible; it's too great a price to pay...
When you one day face Him, and account, for all of your sinful ways.

9. Not everyone who says "Lord" to Jesus, will enter glory true.
To these, He'll say ''Depart from Me...for you, I never knew''.
Only those that were doing the will of the Father; embracing Amazing Grace...
Not all those who were spurning it...ashamed now that they see His Face.

10. Before the foundation of the world, there was a Lamb who was slain.
Born of a Virgin, He lived and died; the third day, He rose again.
To take our place there where we should have died, on an Old Rugged Cross.
So, we could be in Heaven with Him...and not in Hell with the lost.

11. "It is finished" He shouted there when He died, signaling that His Work was done.
No other sacrifice needed, because of the Blood of God's Dear Son.
With the bread and the wine, as symbolic only...there in Remembrance Of Him.
Looking forward to eating it with Him in Heaven, when He comes again.

12. Admit that you're a sinner today...yourself you cannot save.
Believe Jesus, God's Son, came for you...lived, died, rose up from the grave.
Ask Him to come into your heart today...your Saviour and Lord to be.
For He Alone is The Way...The Truth...and He will set you free.

13. Then, when your life comes to an end, you will not be faint.
For precious in the sight of The Lord, is the death of each of His Saints.
To be with countless angels there...Father, Spirit, and Son...
They all will say ''Welcome Home, Faithful've indeed well done''.

14. Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction;
and many there be that find it.
But, straight is the gate, and narrow the way, that leads to Eternal Life...
and few there be that find it.

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