Hell Is Not A Party Place

Hell Is Not A Party Place

Hell Is Not A Party Place
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Hell Is Not A Party Place

''Hell Is Not A Party Place''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) God's Word tells the destiny, for those in sins desires.
A place of sorrows, outer darkness, and eternal fire.
For all these who die in sin, spurn God's Amazing Grace.
They'll find out too late that Hell is not a party place.

2) Most on Earth today believe this falsity of Hell.
That it is a place of fun, where everything is well.
But, nothing good exists down there, not even of a trace.
Don't find out too late that Hell is not a party place.

3) Satan and his demons want you to believe the lie.
That Heaven's guaranteed to you, to moment that you die.
But, at the moment of your death, the terror on your face.
You'll find out too late that Hell is not a party place.

4) You hear that you will get to join, all your friends down there.
Engaging in all types of sin, the orgies to be shared.
But instead of riding high, you'll plunge down to disgrace.
You'll find out too late that Hell is not a party place.

5) Those now in this bottomless pit, the place of the damned.
Their pride kept them from coming to The Lord's Nail Pierced Hands.
One day, horrified, when they see, The Lord's Judging Face.
They found out too late that Hell is not a party place.

6) Weeping, wailing, gnashing teeth, and never ending screams.
This place where they can't repent, worst nightmarish dreams.
No matter whether rich or poor, gender, or their race.
They found out too late that Hell is not a party place.

7) Demonic taunting, constant pain, plague all these lost souls.
In their life, all these refused, to give Christ control.
They pray their loved ones won't come to this horrifying place.
Don't find out too late that Hell is not a party place.

8) Friend, you do not have to go to this place so dire.
Christ, He went to Calvary, to save you from Hell Fire.
He took your sins upon Himself, and died there in your place.
To save you from the pit, as Hell is not a party place.

9) When Christ Jesus rose again on Resurrection Morn.
Victory there achieved for all those spiritually reborn.
At death, the redeemed now go, to Heaven's Glorious place.
And avoid the Hell' doom...Hell is not a party place.

10) If you will repent of sin, and on Christ believe.
And ask Him to save your soul, God's Love Gift, you'll receive.
Serve The Lord, proclaim His Word, to each and every face.
Don't find out too late that Hell is not a party place.

11) God's Word is sharper there, than any two edged sword.
One day, everyone will bow, declaring Jesus Lord.
Even Satan and his hordes, will bow on their face.
Declaring there to all that Hell is not a party place.

12) Hell or Heaven will be yours, the moment of your death.
Too late to decide for Christ, after your last breath.
Either joy of Heaven for those taking The Lord's Grace.
Reject it, and torment Fire, Hell is not a party place.

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