Jerusalem, A Burdensome Stone

Jerusalem, A Burdensome Stone

Jerusalem, A Burdensome Stone
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Jerusalem, A Burdensome Stone

''Jerusalem, A Burdensome Stone''

Based On Zechariah 12:3

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
Prophesied in God's Word long ago.
All against it, can't ignore God's stare.
The Day Of Wrath; one day, The Lord, will show.

2) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
Hated by all nations of the world.
On these nations, judgment won't be spared.
When God's Wrath upon the Earth is hurled.

3) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
Those burdening themselves with it will pay.
All nations against it, the anger shared.
They'll be cut to pieces there one day.

4) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
With Israel, The Apple Of God's Eye.
Those who come against it, will be snared;
By God's Judgment, and all these will die.

5) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
Those plotting its destruction in their eyes.
The Lord will catch them in their evil lair.
All these are in for a huge surprise!!

6) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
Those against it kindle The Lord's Wrath.
He'll remove Protection that was shared.
And, disasters will be on their path.

7) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
Israel reborn, as prophesied.
No more scattered in lands everywhere.
No matter what Earth's nations, will have tried.

8) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
With God's Chosen People, of the Jews.
Though through Christ, God's Kingdom Word was shared.
Christ as their Messiah, they refused.

9) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone, there.
Christ's Death and Resurrection, God would use;
The Church, to Gentiles...Gospel was then shared.
God's Love Gift, redeemed souls, would there, choose.

10) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
Messianic Jews, while ostracized.
With Rapture, judgment on all these is spared.
As they'll look into their Saviours Eyes.

11) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
The one place on the Earth, The Lord called ''Mine''.
God's Wrath shown, the enemies run scared.
To the Jews, The Lord, will give a sign.

12) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
When Russia and the others do invade.
Five of every six troops, die...aren't spared.
Israel's Victory, that The Lord has made.

13) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
One hundred forty four thousand Jews shown.
And, to the world, these will the Gospel, share.
That their Messiah is The Lord, alone.

14) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
Where two witnesses, God's Word, proclaim.
The Time of Jacob's Trouble, none compared.
Salvation for those calling on Christ's Name.

15) Jersualem, a burdensome stone there.
They sign a treaty with The Beast one day.
Seals, trumpets, bowls, will not be spared;
A remnant saved; for they see Christ's The Way.

16) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
While they rejected Christ, The Cornerstone.
One day, they will see The Lord does care;
And, He'll take the Jews there as His Own.

17) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
After Christ returns to Earth, He'll reign.
All blessings that God promised, now are shared.
The Jews will never more endure such pain.

18) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
When the Earth and Heavens are destroyed.
Fifteen Hundred Miles, cubed and square;
New Heavens, Earth, Jerusalem, employed.

19) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
One day, Eternal City, joyous home.
Its beauty, nothing here on Earth, compares.
As the saved praise Christ upon His Throne.

20) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
A visit now, may not be in your plans.
But after Christ returns, it's pure and fair.
The Glory Of The Lord now in all lands.

21) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
To eternally enter this place;
Before your death, must now prepare.
Repent of sin, receive Amazing Grace.

22) Jerusalem, a burdensome stone there.
Pray for its peace, and Christ's soon return.
Be as wheat, and not as evil tares.
The wheat spared; as all the tares will burn.

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