Contents |
Overview |
Those Now In The Flames Of Hell |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Most don't want to talk about this horrifying place.
Destiny for all refusing God's Amazing Grace.
Never ending darkness, pain, and sulfurous smell.
Billions there in judgment, those now in the flames of Hell.
3) Some preachers sidestep Hell to not offend their congregations.
But, Christ died and rose again, for every soul and nation.
The place meant for Satan and his angels there to dwell.
Suffering forever, those now in the flames of Hell.
4) Satan and his demon hordes, are out to deceive.
''There's No Hell'', the deadly lie, they want you to believe.
Many make a deal there with Satan...their souls sell.
At death, they regret it...those now in the flames of Hell.
5) Whether rich or poor in wealth, or with worldy fame.
These mean nothing if you never call on Jesus' Name.
Athiests, religionists, others there as well.
All ignored The Lord...those now in the flames of Hell.
6) Weeping, wailing, gnashing teeth, the home of the damned.
Demons taunt in darkness...there's pain on every hand.
All there see that there's no way, the torment, they can quell.
Cursing God forever...those now in the flames of Hell.
7) All these failed to do the one thing that God does require.
Believe On Jesus that He Sent...not serve sins desires.
These wish their loved ones could hear all the warnings they would tell.
But, there's no escape for those now in the flames of Hell.
8) Jesus Christ died on the Cross to save all from this fate.
He pleads for them to make Him Lord, before it is too late.
Decision time, it is too late, at sound of deaths knell.
Point of no return...those now in the flames of Hell.
9) It's not purgatory or reincarnation there.
Or a state of soul sleep, or where judgment will be spared.
By the Truth there of God's Word, all souls are compelled.
Repent of sin, or join all those now in the flames of Hell.
10) The Lord, He has no pleasure in the death of those who die.
Only saved will join Christ there, in Rapture in the sky.
Come To Jesus, do it now, before life's final bell.
Otherwise,'ll join those now in the flames of Hell.
11) Family, friends, loved ones, and, all upon the Earth.
Will go here upon their death, unless they have New Birth.
All have sinned, no one righteous, all their lives do tell.
Unless they're saved, they will join those now in the flames of Hell.
12) All will get at least one chance, to hear the Gospel News.
The decision for The Lord, every one must choose.
Will you bow at Jesus' Feet...or toward Him, rebel??
You'll blame yourself, if you join those now in the flames of Hell.
13) Tomorrow, it may never come...and you could die today.
Repent of sin, accept The Lord...The Truth, The Life, The Way.
Don't be like all those in there now; eternally, they fell.
Wishing they could get out, those now in the flames of Hell.
14) If you don't do anything in regards to Christ.
On that Cross, He died for you, to pay sins awful price.
On Judgment Day, ''I never knew you'' you, Christ, will tell.
You're cast into the fire with those now in the flames of Hell.
15) You don't have to go into this dark and horrid place.
Repent of sin, make Christ your Lord, receive Amazing Grace.
Serve The Lord, sound this warning, with each soul, there tell.
God doesn't want them to join those now in the flames of Hell.
16) Every soul, one day will bow, there before God's Throne.
Their eternal destiny, decided on their own.
What they did with Jesus Christ, and the Words He'd tell.
Home in Heaven, or with those now in the flames of Hell.