The Lord Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die

The Lord Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die

The Lord Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Lord Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die

The Lord Has No Pleasure In The Death Of Those Who Die

Based on Ezekiel 18:32

Written By Daryl Stout

1. The Lord has no pleasure in the death of those who die.
So, don't abort your eternal bliss by heeding Satan's lies.
It grieves Him so, as does the death of each child unborn.
For they were prematurely, from the womb were torn.

2. They say abortion is a woman's constitutional choice.
But, they willfully ignore the innocent, unborn child's voice.
A fetus growing in the womb, a precious boy or girl.
And, instead ''kill them for convenience'', all around the world.

3. The shedding of this innocent blood, The Lord God truly hates.
For He knows everyone before conception...there is no debate.
For we are beautifully and wonderfully made, In His Image there.
But, it seems that life has no value, that no one really cares.

4. Children are a heritage, a gift from God above.
God gave us sex to be used, within the marriage love.
Not for fornication, or adultery be...
For these are not of God, but of sin and impurity.

5. Pregnancy is not a ''side effect'' of the ''physical act''.
It was this way, designed by is a Bible Fact.
For He said ''Be fruitful, multiply, replenish all the Earth'';
For that's the way to bring new life, a physical, precious birth.

6. There is one bodily feature, that every person has.
Our navel was our lifeline, for our nutrients to pass
Between our growing life form there, in our mother's womb.
For without food, like a flower, we never would have bloomed.

7. But, physical birth into this life is not enough, you see.
Everyone must be born again, for all eternity.
No one is righteous before God, The Giver of all life.
Both physical and's either joy or strife.

8. All you sin He will forgive, including abortions' stain;
If you will just come to Him, and accept His Gift so plain.
That He lived, and died, and rose again, to be your Saviour now.
And, you'll see that all life is precious, when at His Feet you bow.

9. The Lord has no pleasure in the death of those who die.
So, don't abort your eternal bliss by heeding Satan's lies.
It grieves Him so, as does the death of each child unborn.
For they were prematurely, from the womb were torn.

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