The Scriptures Are Not Open To Private Interpretation

The Scriptures Are Not Open To Private Interpretation

The Scriptures Are Not Open To Private Interpretation
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Scriptures Are Not Open To Private Interpretation

''The Scriptures Are Not Open To Private Interpretation''

Based On 2 Peter 1:20

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
The Holy, Perfect Word Of God, for every soul and nation.
Those who change these Holy Words, to suit their desires;
They will spend eternity, there in The Lake Of Fire.

2) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
No matter what mankind may give, for an explanation.
The inerrant Word Of God, there in Heaven, sealed,
The Gospel Truth to all mankind, through Scripture, revealed.

3) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
Those who tamper with God's Word, are an abomination.
Adding to God's Words, these get Divine Plagues One Day.
Removing God's Words, Heaven's Bliss, is taken away.

4) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
All the way from Genesis, right through Revelation.
Creator Of The Universe, The Lord God, does not change.
Salvation only for those who will call on Jesus' Name.

5) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
Doing so, risks there for you, eternal condemnation.
One day, all will bow before Christ, there on bended knee.
And what you did with Christ, determines your eternity.

6) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
How shall we escape, if we neglect, so great salvation??
That Jesus Christ, God in The Flesh, for all, came to die.
And on the Third Day, Rose Again...the fact can't be denied.

7) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
No matter what a preacher says, there to their congregation.
First and foremost, in God's House, the Judgment must begin.
With God judging His own, what about all those in sin??

8) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
The Holy Spirit will guide you with further explanation.
But, only if you have repented, of your sin, today.
And by faith, asked Christ to save you, from your sinful ways.

9) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
Don't be deceived by words there, part of tickling orations.
So called Christians, in name only, one day at Christ's Throne;
Will be cast into The Fire, as ones He's never known.

10) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
For other gospels that are preached, there throughout creation,
That deny "Thus Saith The Lord", throughout His Holy Word,
Preachers of these false gospels, judgment not deterred.

11) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
Or to other so called books, or of their translations.
Christ, the only way to Heaven, it's your choice to make.
Deals that you make with Satan, all of them are fake.

12) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
The Judgment of the saved and lost, one of segregation.
All got in life, at least one chance, to hear the Gospel News.
Either they accepted it; or it, they refused.

13) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
All will be judged at God's Throne, His Adjudication.
Our righteousness is as filthy rags, without Christ, we're doomed.
The Lamb Of God, who lived and died, and rose up from the tomb.

14) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
Though to the unregenerate, it's viewed with consternation.
The Preaching Of The Cross, The Power Of God, there to the saved.
Foolishness to those who die in sin, their souls, depraved.

15) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
Earth and Heaven pass away, in Holy Conflagration.
But, God's Words, they live forever, for eternity.
The Lake Of Fire is a place, that you don't want to be.

16) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
When one truly comes to Christ, Heaven's in elation.
For God's Word is sharper there, than any two edged sword.
One day, all will bow before Christ, and declare Him Lord.

17) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
On Judgment Day, you'll be without excuse, and explanation.
Your whole life replayed, the deeds, the motives, words, and thoughts.
Nothing hidden, you will there, receive what you have wrought.

18) The Scriptures are not open to private interpretation.
Everyone there judged one day, without exaggeration.
You can't lie before The Lord, or with a story, fudge.
Christ will either be your Saviour; or He'll be your Judge.

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