Contents |
Overview |
The Heart Is Wicked, And Full Of Deceit |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Based On Jeremiah 17:9
Written By Daryl Stout
2) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
No one there can know its full extent.
From the tops of heads, down to ones feet,
The sinful soul, toward evil, there is bent.
3) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
All have sinned at least once in their life.
Marching to the Devil's wicked beat,
Desiring to perform deeds full of strife.
4) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
If only one commandment, you did break.
Condemnation on you, it's complete.
With free will, sins choice there, you did make.
5) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
Its extent can not be fully known.
On the Day Of Judgment, Christ, you'll meet.
All will stand before Him on His Throne.
6) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
Whether deeds are seen, or there concealed.
Whether done once, or sin, did repeat,
In Judgment before Christ, all is revealed.
7) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
Murder, lying, lust, or things you stole.
Blasphemy, and more, you did entreat,
All because you gave sin full control.
8) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
Whether deeds were thought, or were there, done.
From birth to death, your life reviewed, complete;
It is shown that you're the guilty one.
9) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
And, every soul preferring sins desire;
All one day, will bow at The Lord's Feet,
And, the lost sent to The Lake Of Fire.
10) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
Every soul that sins is doomed to Hell.
But Christ came, sins power, to defeat,
And to free mankind from sinful spell.
11) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
God's Standard Is Perfection, none can pay.
Christ's Death and Resurrection, did complete,
Redemptions Path, He is the Only Way.
12) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
If you choose to stay with Satan's lies,
And ignore The Lord's precious entreat;
At your death, you'll get a rude surprise.
13) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
Without Christ, you are forever, doomed,
Will you repent of sin, bow at His Feet??
He lived, and died, and rose up from the tomb.
14) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
No matter what you may have seen or heard.
For in Christ, salvation is complete.
All the Truth is written in God's Word.
15) The heart is wicked, and full of deceit,
And, if you won't call on Jesus' Name;
On Judgment Day, there's no more Mercy Seat;
You will be the only one to blame.