The Signs Of A Cult

The Signs Of A Cult

The Signs Of A Cult
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Signs Of A Cult

''The Signs Of A Cult''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The signs of a cult, which is, religion, in disguise.
Its true secrets only known to certain privileged eyes.
Four main things that these cults do, its members, there deceived.
Exchanging truth there for a lie, its followers, believe.

2) The first sign there of a cult, they add things to God's Word.
To make things sound more appealing, doctrine that is heard.
Instead of God's Truth, they ascribe to other gospels preached.
Prosperity, and feel good things, the concepts that they teach.

3) The second sign there of a cult, subtracting from The Lord.
Christ reduced to just a man, Divinity ignored.
Elevating persons, statues, to God's Righteous Throne,
Taking worship from The Lord, that is His, alone.

4) The third sign there of a cult, they add things to salvation.
Grace plus good works, other things, is their explanation.
But one is saved by grace through faith, and not of works to boast.
On Judgment Day, these deceived, will regret it most.

5) The fourth sign there of a cult, its followers, divide.
They think only of themselves, and deny their pride.
Like a house divided there, against itself, won't stand.
Blindly follow, corrupt leaders, instead of God's Hand.

6) Other things that these cults do, contrary to God's Word.
Politically correct are these; they call God's Word, absurd.
They say that Heaven's Guaranteed, at ones final breath;
But, they'll plunge into Hell Fire, the moment of their death.

7) These cults, leaders, like false prophets, of which The Lord, did warn.
The Truth of God's Holy Word, these laugh it to scorn.
But, when these stand before The Lord at His Judgment Throne,
He'll cast them to The Lake Of Fire, as ones He's never known.

8) Thus saith The Lord, throughout His Word, the things one should not do.
''Intolerant'' of other faiths, is what these cults, there view.
Christ said ''I'm The Way, The Truth, The Life, there for all to see''.
''No one will come to The Father, unless they come through Me''.

9) These cults and their followers, deceived by sinful pride.
They'll find out too late, for them, that Heaven is denied.
Doing things there for The Lord, all of these will claim.
These never did repent of sin, and call on Jesus' Name.

10) The leaders there of all these cults, enjoy all of their power.
Lying to their followers, every day and hour.
Thus Saith The Lord, ''Woe to these, who destroy my sheep.''
In Hell, all these there, will wail, gnash their teeth, and weep.

11) These cults, faiths, and religions that, do all of these deeds.
When they stand before The Lord, no one for them, will plead.
They placed their trust in anything, except for Jesus Christ.
Sadly, for eternity, they'll pay sins deadly price.

12) These cults and their leaders try, to make God a liar.
Preferring to exalt themselves, and serve sins desires.
Saying that they know more than God, they are in control.
The Lord will not share His Glory, there with any soul.

13) So many cults exist today, and Satan does delight.
Blinding many from The Lord, and things that are right.
But, those who won't accept The Lord, the thing that God requires,
They will spend eternity, there in The Lake Of Fire.

14) The Lord, He there knows everyones motives, words, and thoughts.
At The Judgment, all receive, what their lives have wrought.
Those who will not come out from all these deceptive cults,
Eternal doom and torment, for all these, the end result.

15) ''Choose this day whom you will serve'', there declares The Lord.
The Truth of God's Word, sharper than, any two edged sword.
One day, all bow before Christ, there on bended knee.
Not what you know, but Who you know, sets your eternity.

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