Who Offends These Little Ones, Who Believe In Me

Who Offends These Little Ones, Who Believe In Me

Who Offends These Little Ones, Who Believe In Me
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Who Offends These Little Ones, Who Believe In Me

''Who Offends These Little Ones, Who Believe In Me''

Based On Matthew 18:6

Written By Daryl Stout

1) ''Who offends these little ones, who believe in Me;
It's best a millstone's round their neck; they're drowned in the sea''.
Strong words coming from The Lord, who sees and knows all things.
He lived, died, and rose again, to stop sins deadly sting.

2) Evil souls who wish to take, a childs innocence.
Or those who spurn the Gospel Truth, they don't even wince.
Their hearts rotten to the core, deceived by Satan's hordes.
In this life, they won't repent, or make Jesus, Lord.

3) Preying on the trusting eyes, of a little child.
Intent on only doing harm, purity reviled.
No remorse for what they do, so evil, are these souls.
Filled with Satan's demon forces, giving them control.

4) Kidnapping or molestation, all modes of abuse.
On Judgment Day, these wicked souls, will have no excuse.
Doing deeds unspeakable, despicable, despised.
But, The Lord, is witness to, every child's cries.

5) Millions more aborted, as their parents had no love.
But, children are a heritage, a gift from God above.
Decision to get pregnant, it was the couples choice.
Both will pay there, for ignoring, unborn child's voice.

6) Those young and old, who've repented of their sin and strife,
Prayed to ask Christ Jesus to be Saviour, Lord of Life.
Though they witness Gospel Truth; many times, they're spurned.
By the unrepentant souls, who will, forever, burn.

7) Though the Gospel Truth is preached; as Christ, did command.
Sin cleansed only by His Blood, shed from nail pierced Hands.
The Only Way To Heaven; Christ, The Truth, The Life, TheWay.
All who spurn Him, horrified, there on Judgment Day.

8) Even those who witness as a Watchman On The Wall.
Persecuted there for preaching, Judgment that will fall.
Warning of the false religions, and cults all around.
The unsaved, they do not believe, that they are all Hell bound.

9) All have sinned, and fallen short, of God's Glory, there.
Eternally, before your death, you now, must prepare.
Repent of sin, make Christ Your Lord, forsake evil ways.
Or it's Hell, and not Heaven; where for your sin, you'll pay.

10) Christ, The Same, Yesterday, Today, Forever, Too.
If you don't repent, His Warning, to you, will be true.
''Who offends these little ones, who believe in Me;
It's best a millstone's round their neck; they're drowned in the sea''.

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