Contents |
Overview |
Christ Lived The Life That I Could Not |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Christ lived the life that I could not; both fully God, and Man.
Lived like us, but without sin; The Lord, The Great I Am.
For the joy ahead of Him, He'd endure the Cross.
For without His Death, all would be eternally lost.
3) Christ lived the life that I could not; righteous, perfect, there.
Died on Calvary in my place...Salvation, Love Gift, Shared.
According to the Scriptures, He arose on The Third Day.
King Of Kings, Lord Of Lords, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
4) Christ lived the life that I could not; His Precious Blood there, shed.
Conquered sin, and death for all, by rising from the dead.
Eternal Life to those accepting Him as Lord, by faith.
Forgiven when our sinful souls, heed the words, He saith.
5) Christ lived the life that I could not; for in my sinful flesh,
Without Him, my life, and His Will, they would never mesh.
But, when I heard about The Cross, on which, The Lord, there died.
Moved to tears, convicted there, of my sinful pride.
6) Christ lived the life that I could not; His punishment, unjust.
The trials, scourging, then the Cross; with nails full of rust.
In agony there, He still prayed, both for me and you.
''Father, Please Forgive Them...They Don't Know What They Do''.
7) Christ lived the life that I could not; why for me, He'd die.
He looked upon the Earth and saw, there from Heaven's Sky.
Not just mankind throughout the years; but both you, and me.
He'd come to die, to give us life, for all eternity.
8) Christ lived the life that I could not; I'm at such a loss,
To even understand why He, took on Him, the cost.
Of every sinful word, deed, thought, that everyone would do.
Redemption's story there fulfilled; as His Word, is true.
9) Christ lived the life that I could not; that I was meant to live.
But, there on that Rugged Cross; He, His Life, would give.
With shedding of His Precious Blood; my sin debt, was paid.
And, with His Resurrection, the Victory was made.
10) Christ lived the life that I could not; and you too, as well.
Those accepting Him as Lord, are spared the flames of Hell.
One day, all who've ever lived, will bow, before Him, there.
But, for those rejecting Him...judgment won't be spared.
11) Christ lived the life that I could not; friend, you now, must choose.
Will you say ''He's just a man'', there with the worlds views??
Or will you accept Him as Your Saviour, and Your Lord??
Without Him, Fellowship with God, can never be restored.
12) Christ lived the life that I could not; and when I see His Face.
I'll bow in worship, praising Him, for His Amazing Grace.
For just saying ''Thank You, Lord''; the words, inadequate.
In gratitude for what He did; my life, I do commit.