While Christ Died For Everyone; Each One Must Decide

While Christ Died For Everyone; Each One Must Decide

While Christ Died For Everyone; Each One Must Decide
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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While Christ Died For Everyone; Each One Must Decide

''While Christ Died For Everyone; Each One Must Decide''

Written By Daryl Stout

1)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
What to do with God's Love Gift, for all far and wide.
Choosing to repent of sin, accepting Christ as Lord;
Or refusing what Christ did; God's Love Gift, ignored.

2)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
Whether they'll submit to God, and cast down their pride.
Pride's before destruction, haughtiness before a fall.
Pride or any other sin, not welcome in God's Hall.

3)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
When presented with the Gospel, will it be denied??
Thinking Heaven's owed to them, and that all is well;
Terrified upon their death, as they plunge into Hell.

4)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
Christ lived the life that we could not; salvation did provide.
His Death Upon that Rugged Cross, then rose up from the Grave,
For there is no other Name, by which one can be saved.

5)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
Salvation is not automatic, there is no free ride.
Lip service isn't good enough, one truly, must believe.
Repent of sin, accept The Lord; Gods' Love Gift, receive.

6)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
You're serving Satan or The Lord; which one is your side??
All have sinned, and fallen short, of God's Glory, there.
Without Christ, you're doomed to Hell; Judgment won't be spared.

7)while Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
Believers sins are washed away, with Christ's Blood, applied.
The Way, The Truth, The Life, is Christ, there for all to see.
What you do with Him sets where you spend eternity.

8)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
The Perfect, Spotless, Lamb Of God, never sinned or lied.
For only He can save your soul, from The Lake Of Fire.
Believing On Christ, the one thing, that God, there, requires.

9)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
Your works, your church, can't save your soul, no matter what you've tried.
For one is saved by Grace through Faith, and not of works to boast.
Choosing to reject Christ is one that you will regret the most.

10)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
It's too late to choose the Lord, after you have died.
God's Standard is perfection there, none on Earth can pay.
The unsaved are without excuse, there on Judgment Day.

11)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
The heart of every soul on Earth, is wicked sin inside.
If the saved are wrong, they won't lose much there, when they die.
But, if the lost are wrong, they'll regret taking Satan's lie.

12)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
No matter what your background is, or where you may reside.
The true hate crime committed there, is if we did not warn.
The unsaved of their coming doom, from God's Judgment Storm.

13)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
The Gospel is for everyone, poor or dignified.
Jew or Gentile, everyone, before their death, must choose;
To accept God's Free Love Gift; or it there, refuse.

14)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
Heaven's Gates will close one day, no one else inside.
While God wants all to repent, He won't forever, wait.
Repent of sin, accept The Lord; at death, it is too late.

15)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
Eagerly or there compelled, this truth, un-denied.
One day, all bow before Christ, there on bended knee.
Hell or Heaven, is your place, for all eternity.

16)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
The Rapture closer by the second, The Saints Glory Ride.
The dead in Christ will rise first, up into the sky.
The saved in Christ changed instantly, in twinkling of an eye.

17)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
Tomorrow promised to no one, toward death, all do slide.
Please don't take a chance with your eternal destiny.
Hell or Heaven, no less days, there for eternity.

18)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
Sadly, not all will repent; God's Truth, these do, deride.
The Lord is not politically correct; He made the rules.
Those denying God exists; The Lord calls these ''fools''.

19)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
God did His Part; now the choice, is there on your side.
This could be your only chance to hear the Gospel News;
Another chance may not be there; to take, or refuse.

20)While Christ died for everyone, each one must decide;
Accept Christ now, and in your heart, He will there, abide.
Saved or lost, one day, you will stand, there before His Throne;
Welcomed there; or cast away, as one He's never known.

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