Contents |
Overview |
Available, Not Automatic...Is Salvation's Gift |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Available, not Salvation's Gift.
Mended by Christ's Sacrifice, to heal sin's evil rift.
Like Heaven, this Gift, is not owed, to any soul on Earth.
God's Grace to repentent sinner, those who want New Birth.
3) Available, not Salvation's Gift.
God's Redemption Plan to rescue sinful souls adrift.
Inclusive and available, for any to receive.
Exclusive only for those who, repent and believe.
4) Available, not Salvation's Gift.
''The Only Way To Heaven'' there; unsaved souls are miffed.
Feeling any faith they choose, will pass God's Judgment Call.
But, breaking God's Law at one point, one has broke them all.
5) Available, not Salvation's Gift.
The unrepentant feel that they, by God, have been stiffed.
They'd rather stay in sinful ways, indulging those desires.
And refuse to do the one thing, that God there, requires.
6) Available, not Salvation's Gift.
So many don't believe their souls, need God's Divine Sift.
God's Standard is Perfection, and none on Earth can pay.
And, every one will face The Lord, there on Judgment Day.
7) Available, not Salvation's Gift.
After death, it is too late, the Judgment Path, to shift.
All have sinned, fallen short, of God's Glory, there.
Refuse This Gift, and God's Judgment, on you, won't be spared.
8) Available, not Salvation's Gift.
Repent of sin, Believe On Christ; let Him your guilt, now lift.
Will you be welcomed by Christ there, on His Judgment Throne??
Or cast into Eternal Flame, as one He's never known??