Three Strikes, And You're Out

Three Strikes, And You're Out

Three Strikes, And You're Out
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Three Strikes, And You're Out

''Three Strikes, And You're Out''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) In the game of baseball there, batter at the plate.
The thing that every pitcher wants, and all the batters hate.
Instead of getting a home run, or base hit, about...
It's the umpire's dreaded call...''three strikes, and you're out.''

2) To all nations on the Earth, spiritual things, applied.
When they turn away from God, and focus on their pride.
''Freedom From Religion now, it's what we want'', they shout.
But, one day, The Lord tells them...''three strikes, and you're out''.

3) Only caring for themselves, selfish in every way.
They don't want to face The Lord, account for every day.
Like children who don't get their way, all these scream and pout.
On Judgment Day, The Lord will say...''three strikes, and you're out''.

4) Sadly, for America, Divine Judgment's nigh.
Unrepentant, think God's Laws; to them, do not apply.
Our righteousness as filthy rags, as bad as moldy grout.
They'll be stunned, when God tells them...''three strikes, and you're out''.

5) It started many years ago, in Supreme Court Hall.
The Justices, sided with, an athiest's evil call.
Prayer and Bible Reading, now illegal, with no doubt.
There's no appeal, when God says...''three strikes, and you're out''.

6) While heeding to the athiest, surely was strike one.
Strike two, abortion legalized, a mothers choice, was done.
Crying to God for revenge, the souls of all these, shout...
Life starts at conception, there...''three strikes, and you're out''.

7) Besides the murder of unborn, many sins abound.
Drugs, occult, idolatry, sex, lies, all around.
Disobedient, blasphemers, the evil, all about.
Unrepentant, reprobate...''three strikes, and you're out''.

8) The final blow, is when the nation, curses the Jews, there.
They break relations with Israel; now, judgment won't be spared.
They can't win against The Lord, in any fight, or bout.
They touched the apple of God's Eye...''three strikes, and you're out''.

9) But, like the nations, everyone, who has lived upon the Earth.
All bound for The Lake Of Fire, unless they have New Birth.
After death, it is too late, for change to come about.
For at your death, the last pitch...''three strikes, and you're out''.

10) Unlike baseball, life's a vapor, and it's not a game.
Repent of sin, contrite heart, and call on Jesus' Name.
Eternally, the saved praise Christ; in Heaven, sing and shout.
They'll never have to hear the words...''three strikes, and you're out''.

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