Literal Or Symbolic

Literal Or Symbolic

Literal Or Symbolic
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Literal Or Symbolic

''Literal Or Symbolic''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Literal or symbolic there, two themes herein contained.
Truth in what the words there say, in what is explained.
Or another meaning there, symbolic in display.
For the meaning of the words, in what they do say.

2) First for the Holy Bible, The Word of God, complete.
Fully truth, and error free; from God's Judgment Seat.
The Testaments there, both Old and New, History on display.
Divine Instruction to mankind, in Words that God would say.

3) Rightly dividing The Word Of Truth, a workman not ashamed.
Study to show yourself approved; and pray in Jesus' Name.
Profitable for doctrine, plus correction, and reproof;
And righteousness instruction there, so you're not aloof.

4) Quick and powerful is His Word, sharper than a sword.
Discerner of the thoughts and heart; sin can't be ignored.
Prophecy, both then and now, for Christ's Two comings there.
Calling mankind to repent, so they would prepare.

5) The Bible is the only Book, fulfilled in every way.
Messianic Prophecies for saints of every day.
He came to Earth the first time there, to die and rise again.
He's coming back a second time, to judge all in their sin.

6) From Creation long ago, to Eternity Future, there.
In sixty-six books, therein contained; with the world, God shared.
While mortal in their human flesh; each soul, The Lord would use;
To pen His Words there in His Book; for these, He did there, choose.

7) Tribulation prophecies, wild words and symbols, told;
In words he knew, the Apostle John, now in his life, there old.
But, as First Coming Prophecies, which are known as true.
Second Coming Prophecies, will be fulfilled soon, too.

8) Forever sealed, there in Heaven, is God's Holy Word.
Everyone will give account, to those Words they've heard.
Before The Lord on Judgment Day, before His Righteous Throne.
Welcome there, or cast away, as ones He's never known.

9) But, if His Words therein aren't true, but just symbolic there.
It'd be as if He, toward mankind, just didn't care.
That He'd let us live our lives, full of sins desires.
Then, all damned forever to, Eternal Lake Of Fire.

10) Yet, God so loved the world that He would give His Only Son.
To come to Earth, to live like us; Sinless Lamb, The One.
Then He'd take upon Himself, the Death upon The Cross;
And rise again on the third day, redemption for the lost.

11) Those who with their mouth, confess, The Lord Jesus Christ,
Believing on that Rugged Cross, He paid sins deadly price.
And then believing in ones heart, God raised Him from the dead.
He'll save that person from their sin; as in His Word, He said.

12) While This Gift, Available, to all there, full and free.
You must repent, accept the gift; on humble, bended knee.
For this Gift, it will expire, the moment that you die.
Too late to receive it then; and to Him, there cry.

13) Then, Baptism, immersion; ordinance, for those there, saved.
As Christ died, then rose again, there from an Earthly grave.
The saved soul has died to sin; they rise to life anew.
Now seen as perfect as Christ is, from God's Holy view.

14) While sin nature we still have; in God's eyes, we're a saint.
For Christ's Precious Holy Blood, cleansed away sins taint.
His Grace a License there, to serve...and not one to sin.
We should live in gratitude; to worship, and praise Him.

15) For all there in The House of God, Judgment Must Begin.
Since saved are judged; so are those, in unrepentant sin.
The guilty, God will not acquit, of their evil deeds.
His Judgment there, will fall so quick, in rapid, lightning speed.

16) Next, Communion, ordinance, The Last Supper There.
Gathered in The Upper Room, before His Death, prepared.
The bread and wine, symbolic of, His Body and His Blood.
Broken, shed, for remission, of mankind's sins, its flood.

17) We show the Lord's Death, until He comes; when this meal, we share.
Doing such, remembering Him, and how for all, He'd care.
Willingly, He gave His Life; from Him, no one, did take.
Upon His Death, the grip of sin, on all, The Lord, would break.

18) We don't crucify The Lord again, there to open shame.
For every sin, The Lord would bear, as if He was to blame.
''It Is Finished!!'' He would shout, as on The Cross, He died.
He rose again on The Third Day, defeating death's dark side.

19) For if one sin, was not paid, He'd still be in the grave.
Then, all mankind, would there be damned; no one could be saved.
The one sin, unforgiven, though; rejecting His Love Gift.
To these, the sins upon their souls, from them, He would not lift.

20) God's Holy Word, from Genesis 1, through Revelation 22.
Divinely Inspired through every word; perfect, righteous, true.
While Second Coming Prophecies, not yet fulfilled today;
One day, they will come to pass; just as God's Words, did say.

21) For if His Word, or He Himself, you here on Earth, deny.
Your pleas to Him will not be heard; after death, you die.
Once threshhold of eternity, for all mankind, is crossed.
God can't save those now in Hell; forever damned, and lost.

22) Which Christian believer are you friend?? In truth or just in name??
For if you are just playing church, you'll be the one to blame.
Before they're spoke or even done, He knows deeds, words, and thoughts.
Salvation there, is a Free Gift; it can't be earned, or bought.

23) With His Words, Let God Be True, and every man, a liar.
You can either serve The Lord, or serve sins desire.
All will bow before The Lord, eagerly or compelled.
Welcomed into Heaven there, or cast into Hell.

24) So, with all God's Holy Words, do you, all them, receive??
And like upon His Only Son, do you, repent, believe??
For you yourself, to God's Words; and to His Loving Voice;
Accept as truth, or reject as fraud; friend, it is your choice.

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