Removal At The Rapture; And In The Coming Years

Removal At The Rapture; And In The Coming Years

Removal At The Rapture; And In The Coming Years
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Removal At The Rapture; And In The Coming Years

''Removal At The Rapture; And In The Coming Years''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
Several things done by The Lord, His Judgment Now Appears.
The time for rescue of His Church, has finally arrived.
Judgments now to blast the Earth, those that He contrived.

2) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
First, His Church, His Precious Bride, the end of all their fears.
Those who died in faith in Christ, with saved souls, remain.
Disappear in twinkling eye, redemption fully gained.

3) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
At the Bema Judgment Seat, the raptured saints appear.
Their lives reviewed, and rewards, there both gained and lost.
But sin not considered there; 'twas settled at The Cross.

4) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
The Age Of Grace now finally done; His Judgment now appears.
Hell On Earth is now the rule, for all those left behind.
Given there what was desired, for their evil minds.

5) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
The wealth of all the nations there; money disappears.
Economies crash around the world, the pride of all their power.
Almighty Dollar, worthless now; in this judgment hour.

6) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
Restraint of evil on the Earth, crime fully appears.
Everyone now for himself, loot and pillage there.
Protection gone, from all these thugs, no one will be spared.

7) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
Identity Of The Antichrist, soon is fully clear.
Coming as a man of peace, but this is Satan's man.
Incarnate evil, for the world, his Mideast Peace Plan.

8) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
Veil supernatural, now gone from far and near.
Demonic minions flood the Earth, evil now abounds.
Peace and safety disappear, none there to be found.

9) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
Seals, trumpets, bowls of judgment, fill everyone with fear.
Each one worse than one before, in scope it entails.
God's Mercy is now gone, and judgment now, prevails.

10) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
Safety of believers now; their lives full of fear.
Martyrdom is now the price, for Heavenly Salvation;
But many souls are won to Christ, from every land and nation.

11) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
The difference between right and wrong; their consciences now seared.
Unrepentant can not die, by their own hand.
Death shall flee from these souls, in each and every land.

12) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
The false peace from Israel, now fully disappears.
The treaty signed there in time past; now broken, Jews betrayed.
The Beast's Mark, to buy or sell, now is there, displayed.

13) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
A large amount of people there, the carnage fully clear.
Through the Judgments sent by God, and many battles there.
Mankind can't stop the rapid pace, of Judgments God prepared.

14) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
The Unsaved when Christ Returns, in Glory, there appears.
They think that they can Christ Destroy, in their deluded heads.
With just a word, His Judgment Falls, cutting them to shreds.

15) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
Influence there of Satan's Hand, and his demon peers.
The Antichrist and Prophet False, sent to the Lake Of Fire.
Soon joined by Satan, and those not doing what God required.

16) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
The Judgment of the Sheep and Goats; separation clear.
Survivors of the Tribulation, now Millennium of Peace.
Unsaved masses cast to Hell, judgment now increased.

17) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
Christ restores the ravaged Earth, a beauty to appear.
Restored there like Eden's Garden, was so long ago.
For the knowledge of The Lord, now everywhere one does go.

18) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
At end of Millennium, Satan re-appears.
Fans rebellion one last time, for those with sins desires.
These devoured, judgment falls, there from Heavenly fire.

19) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
The Judgment Of The Great White Throne; the day the lost have feared.
Their lives replayed, there compelled, before Christ to bow.
But, salvation for all these sadly, too late for them now.

20) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
To the horror of the lost, fiery lake appears.
Never ending torment there, for all eternity.
For all those rejecting Christ, refused to bow their knee.

21) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
The current Heavens and The Earth, destroyed, and disappear.
Now, New Heavens, and New Earth, appear from God above.
Sin won't rise a second time, in universe of love.

22) Removal at the Rapture, and in the coming years;
One by one, after Rapture, all these will come clear.
Will you repent now of your sin, forsaking sins desires??
Accept Christ as your Saviour, Lord; the one thing God requires.

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