At Rapture, No Time To Say Goodbye

At Rapture, No Time To Say Goodbye

At Rapture, No Time To Say Goodbye
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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At Rapture, No Time To Say Goodbye

''At Rapture, No Time To Say Goodbye''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
For it will be finished, oh so fast.
Faster than you there can blink an eye.
The chance to make it there, will now be past.

2) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
God's Quota, For The Church, has now been met.
Countless martyred souls, who there, did die.
New resurrection bodies, these now, will get.

3) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
The time of its occurence is unknown.
When The Bride Of Christ, she does now fly,
Up to meet Her Groom, and to God's Throne.

4) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
At Archangel's Shout, and Trumpet Sound.
Those in Christ, who long ago, did die.
Perfected bodies rise up from the ground.

5) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
The saved who still remain, forever changed,
To bodies just like Christ, there in the sky.
Those left behind feel something happened strange.

6) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
Like a bolt of lightning, in a flash.
Zooming past, it has now gone by.
And at that point, the life on Earth will crash.

7) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
The world says aliens took those away.
Fanatic Christians, with repentance cry.
These kept the world from a utopia day.

8) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
In less than a second, it is done.
From Pentecost To Rapture, in the sky,
All there who believed on God's Dear Son.

9) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
It is done, just like a lightning bolt.
Those left behind, in terror, scream and cry.
Now, evil rears its head, in full revolt.

10) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
Time to join the Church, it's now too late.
Mercy time, no longer does apply.
Judgment now from God, is the world's fate.

11) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
The redeemed, now at the Bema Seat.
Rewards earned and lost, and many cry.
But still there in Heaven, now complete.

12) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
The Age Of Grace, has now come to an end.
The Tribulation, when most there, will die.
Has arrived with all its plagues, portend.

13) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, is now here.
The world thinks their saviour, now is nigh.
The Antichrist, The Man Of Sin, does now appear.

14) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
The Beast's Mark, one takes, to buy or sell.
Those refusing it, condemned to die.
Those who take it, now are damned to Hell.

15) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
Seals, Trumpets, Bowls, of plagues to Earth.
Anger toward The Lord, their evil eye,
Of all there, who would not take the New Birth.

16) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
The Grace of God, the unrepentant spurned.
They refused the Truth, believed a lie.
Forever now in torment, these will burn.

17) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
Believing Remnant Of The Jews now plead.
For Christ to return there in the sky.
Their King, Messiah, Lord, and all they need.

18) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
All those raptured, now return with Christ,
Praising Him Forever, by and by.
His Blood paid our redemption's price.

19) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
The Beast, False Prophet, to the Lake Of Fire.
With just a word, His Enemies, now there, die.
Rejecting God's Love Gift, for sin's desire.

20) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
The Judgment Of The Sheep and Goats is here.
To the sheep, the blessings, there apply.
The goats cast off to nonstop pain and fear.

21) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
Millennium Of Peace, One Thousand Years.
Christ rules o'er the Earth, man must comply.
But, at the end, the Devil, reappears.

22) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
As fast as it occured on Rapture Day.
God's Judgment Falls on those who took the lie.
Rejecting Christ, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

23) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
Salvation for the lost, it's now too late.
The sins of their whole life, now do apply.
Eternal judgment, pain, is now their fate.

24) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
The reason in this poem, so much repeat.
Please don't listen there to Satan's lie.
Any minute now, the Church, complete.

25) At Rapture, There's No Time To Say Goodbye.
Repent Of Sin, Accept Christ, don't delay.
Redemption of the Saved is drawing nigh.
God's Standard is Perfection; you can't pay.

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