God's Protection

God's Protection

God's Protection
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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God's Protection

God's Protection

Written By Daryl Stout

1. Throughout history past, and to this day...
God's Protection saved the remnant few.
When it seemed that most fell from The Way,
The Saints Of God did what The Lord said do.

2. God always sent His Prophets out to warn
Of the coming judgments from above.
Those rejecting Him, He laughs with scorn
At all their evil plans to spurn His Love.

3. Those who took His Word and did repent,
Confessing unto God their evil deeds.
Accepting of the sacrifice He sent,
Forgiveness in the Precious Blood He'd Bleed.

4. No matter what some did throughout their life,
When they forsook sin; now, The Lord they choose.
Even still with trouble, pain, and strife,
They were blessed by God, when them He'd use.

5. The prideful and the wicked, they will fall
From their haughty place, and be brought low.
For they refused to heed God's loving call,
And follow in the way that they should go.

6. Noah and his family in the ark,
Along with two of animals therein;
Were saved when the sky above rained dark,
Escaping Divine Judgment on man's sin.

7. Lot and his two daughters they did flee
Sodom and Gomorrah's Judgment Fire.
But, Lot's wife died, as she turned back to see...
As her heart still wanted sins desire.

8. Daniel was saved there in the lions den.
And, Jonah...in the belly of the whale.
Because they voiced a heartfelt prayer to Him
Who controls the calm, and stormy gale.

9. Shardrach, Meshach, and Abednego
When to the fiery furnace they were sent.
They walked inside there, for God they did know.
The flames and smoke, their clothes, it did not rent.

10. For until God says that ones work is done
In the life He gave them on this Earth.
The decision and the choice for everyone
Is accepting or rejecting The New Birth.

11. God's Protection is truly for His Own.
For all those who would give their lives to Him.
For to His Children are His Blessings shown,
As they're now forgiven from their sin.

12. For those in persecution suffer long,
Because they witnessed of God's Love on High.
But, even though they're weak, The Lord Is Strong,
And, rapidly...redemption draweth nigh.

13. But, to all those who have rejected God,
Without protection, they think ''all is well''.
As down the path of sin and death they trod,
And tragically, are one heartbeat from Hell.

14. If God's Protection is not yet yours today;
Turn away from sin and evil's face.
Accept Christ now, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
And, then partake of God's Amazing Grace.

15. But, if you foolishly decide to wait,
Thinking that you'll live for many years.
Death can end your life..then, it's too late
For you to repent with bitter tears.

16. Then, after death, The Judgment awaits all
Whoever lived their lives upon this Earth.
For one day sure, The Lord will your name call
To review all of your life since birth.

17. Accounting of their lives mankind will give,
When they stand before His Great White Throne.
They'll forever reign with Christ and live...
Or be told that them He's never known.

18. For when The Book Of Life is opened there,
God will search it for their names within.
If it's not found...then, they don't have a prayer,
Too late now to be saved from their sin.

19. Those who spurned Christ's Gift for sins desire
Will be without excuse or things to claim.
For they'll be cast into the Lake Of Fire,
Because they refused to call His Name.

20. But, for those who put their faith in Christ
That He died in their place for their sin.
For not their own, but bought with a great price,
And, gladly spent their lives to serving Him.

21. They will reign eternally one day
With Christ Himself, who gave so full and free.
They'll kneel before Him, in loving praise, and say
''Thank You, Dear Lord...that You died for me''.

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