If I Regard Iniquity

If I Regard Iniquity

If I Regard Iniquity
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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If I Regard Iniquity

''If I Regard Iniquity''

Based On Psalm 66:18-20

Written By Daryl Stout

1) If I regard iniquity, within my heart, in prayer.
The Lord, He will not hear me, no matter words I share.
For He is of purer eyes, than to look upon my sin.
For I must repentant be, whenever I go to Him.

2) If I regard iniquity, going through the motions there.
Spiritually, before The Lord, I am not prepared.
His eyes are as a flame of fire, piercing my life through.
For He knows me better there, than I myself, could do.

3) If I regard iniquity, while self righteousness, I profess.
His Holy Spirit will discipline; a rebel, He won't bless.
While forever I'm His Child, the fellowship does cease.
I must repent, and then confess; to gain His Perfect Peace.

4) If I regard iniquity, though all people I may fool.
With my sins that do there break, His Eternal Rules.
His Holy Spirit, grieved by my, fleshly, carnal sin.
Yet, He waits with open arms, for my return to Him.

5) If I regard iniquity, to ignore His Love and Grace.
He'd prematurely call me home, to stand before His Face.
While The Blood Of Jesus does, cleanse from every sin.
License To Serve, and Not To Sin; what we should do for Him.

6) If I regard iniquity, but come to Him, contrite.
I ask forgiveness, and for His Help, to be living right.
Then, He has heard me, and attended to my prayer's voice.
I knew when I accepted Him, I'd made there, the right choice.

7) If I regard iniquity, in mortal flesh I have on.
I rejoice that one day soon, this sinful flesh is gone.
Blessed be The Lord of Hosts, who hearkened to my prayer.
Merciful to me each day, in all His Love and Care.

8) If I regard iniquity, full in my Earthly life.
Satan laughed at all my deeds, with the pain and strife.
But, God's Holy Spirit there, one day, pricked my heart.
I repented, came to Christ, and got a brand new start.

9) If I regard iniquity, as all my sinful deeds.
One day, these washed away, when Christ's Blood, did bleed.
Though still on Earth, He sees me as, Perfect as He is, too.
All my sins, were washed away, and hidden from His View.

10) If you regard iniquity, and don't repent of sin.
You'll regret eternity, when standing before Him.
Instead of taking you to Heaven, as one of His Own.
You'll be cast into the fire, as one He's never known.

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