Contents |
Overview |
The Blood And The Cross |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Nothing But The Blood, Of Jesus, The Lord, Saviour, Passover Lamb.
Creator of all, The Lord, Kings Of Kings...For Christ is, The Great I Am.
That Precious Flow, the only thing that, could wash all one's life's sins away.
For the sin debt, it was so massive; that Only The Lord, could there pay.
3) The Old Rugged Cross, on which our Lord there, suffered and died for us all.
Despised by the world, who will not repent; and on to Christ, there would call.
But to the saved, at the Foot of The Cross, Christ took our sin and our shame.
The ground is there, level, for all who repent; and humbly there call on His Name.
4) For Christ knew no sin, but became sin for us; oh what Great Love, that is there.
For God's Wrath Judgment, though meant for us; on Christ, not one bit was spared.
So He was there scourged, mocked, crucified; there on an Old Rugged Cross.
Yet, this was God's Plan, from creation of man, to redeem all the souls lost.
5) For without shedding of innocent blood, there's no remission for sin.
From when Adam then Eve, disobeyed; it looked as if death would there win.
Mankind there so evil, in all of his ways, humanity there seemed so dark.
Only eight souls survived God's Huge Flood, there fully safe in the Ark.
6) Countless animals, innocent there; on altars, were there sacrificed.
To temporarily wash away man's sin; life in the blood, was the price.
The shedding of Christ's Blood, there on The Cross, paid for the sins of mankind.
Tragically though, most won't repent, as they are spiritually blind.
7) Yet, there without The Blood and The Cross, as well as the empty tomb, there.
We'd have no hope, all destined for Hell, God's Judgment on all, there not spared.
But many today, avoid preaching these things, as well as repentance from sin.
They don't want to drive people away; but money to keep rolling in.
8) So many false prophets into the world, appear there as shepherds to sheep.
But inwardly, they are ravening wolves; it's your soul that they want to keep.
In terror, all these, before Christ one day; as He tells them there from His Throne;
''Depart from me, cursed, into Lake Of Fire; for you I have never, there known''.
9) The woman of my youth, though gone for so long, it wasn't forever, goodbye.
I'll see her, and all who died in The Lord; one day soon, there in Rapture Sky.
Then, eagerly bow, at the Feet of The Lord; for a hug, handshake, and cry.
Grateful that He, would gladly die for, a sinner so vile, as I.
10) She was a gift, a virtuous woman, that God had prepared just for me.
No one can remove, those things I have, of each precious memory.
But, we are both thankful, that Christ saved us both; and soon, together, again.
Serving The Lord like never before; now free from the curse of our sin.
11) For with tambourine, she'd play as she'd sing, her favorite song there to The Lord.
For it was ''Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus'', God's Gift, she could not afford.
For me, when I heard, ''The Old Rugged Cross'', God's Spirit, He there, pricked my heart.
Convicted of sin, I cried, and there wanted, God's Gift; and there, a new start.
12) The imminent Rapture, for only the saved; the unsaved will be left behind.
For seven years, of Hell here on Earth, it's for all the spiritually blind.
Accept Christ, or The Mark Of The Beast; what is your hope and desire??
Martyred for Christ, to Heavenly Bliss; or cast to the Lake Of Fire.
13) While we both sang in choirs here on Earth, the choir there in Heaven, one day.
Countless souls now join praise throng; to Him, The Truth, Life, and The Way.
For He loved us so much, He took all our shame, and all of our sin, and our pain.
All join together in song of praise, ''Worthy The Lamb That Was Slain''.
14) For if believers on Christ are there wrong, the most we'll lose are a few sins.
That plagued our lives, while here on Earth, when we'd let our sin nature, win.
But, if the unbelievers are wrong; of their lives, they were the boss.
Eternally, they'll pay, horrific debt; they gambled their soul, and they lost!!
15) If church or good works, or other things saved, then The Lord, He died in vain.
He didn't have to do what He did, endure all the mocking and pain.
But, He loved us so, though vile we were, He died on that Cross all alone.
For it was His Blood, on an Old Rugged Cross; shed for our sins to atone.
16) It is appointed, on all souls, to die; then it's too late to be saved.
One of two places, your soul, will there be; not just in casket or grave.
Either with Christ, in Heaven Above; or Tormenting Fires of Hell.
It's what you did with God's Free Love Gift, and words that to Christ, you did tell.
17) Tomorrow is promised to no one, my friend; or next seven seconds to come.
When not expecting it, your life will end; the chance to repent, will be done.
For those in Hell, now know The Truth; but for these, it is too late.
They realize that, The Lake Of Fire, and Torment, forever their fate.
18) Salvation's Plan, so simple for all, the spiritual A, B, and C.
Admit you're a sinner, yourself you can't save; bow with repentant plea.
Believe Christ died, and then rose again; this Free Gift, for you to Receive.
Call upon Him before it's too Him, and fully believe.
19) If you will accept The Blood, The Cross, that Christ Jesus died for you.
And, that He Rose there on the Third Day; His Resurrection, it was all true.
Not going through the motions therein; but serving The Lord, you're sincere.
You won't be ashamed at Rapture or Death, at one of them, He will appear.
20) Friend, seek The Lord, while He may be found; for you cannot say, you weren't warned.
For truly He's coming quickly night time, or midday, or morn.
Everyone gets at least one chance there, to hear the Gospel Proclaimed.
No one will say, on the Last Judgment Day, they never heard Jesus's Name.