Hell On Earth For Seven Years

Hell On Earth For Seven Years

Hell On Earth For Seven Years
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Hell On Earth For Seven Years

''Hell On Earth For Seven Years''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Hell On Earth for seven years; a time that's coming soon.
After Rapture Of The Church; a time of certain doom.
Restraint of evil of mankind, no longer is the case.
Mankind gets what he desired; spurning The Lord's Grace.

2) Hell On Earth for seven years; a time not ever seen.
Satan's forces have their way; demonic forces, mean.
The Age Of Grace, now finished; as the true Church, raptured home.
Peace removed there from the Earth; no safe place to roam.

3) Hell On Earth for seven years; but not for the True Church.
God promised to protect the saved; not leave them in the lurch.
In Heaven, Bema Judgment Seat; rewards both gained and lost.
Salvation for all gathered there; obtained at The Cross.

4) Hell On Earth for seven years; it starts with World War Three.
Israel's enemies defeated there; in battles, all to see.
Neighbor countries, then Damascus; many souls are killed.
Psalm 83, Isaiah 17; prophecies fulfilled.

5) Hell On Earth for seven years; incoming evil swarm.
Russia, Muslims, others there; swoop down like a storm.
It looks like Israel there is doomed; but God then, intervenes.
Five out of every six troops die; in God's Judgment, seen.

6) Hell On Earth for seven years; nuclear war so feared.
The outcome to make all mankind; that day, disappear.
But, a charismatic man; comes as a man of peace.
Annihilation threat it seems; now has been released.

7) Hell On Earth for seven years; a treaty is there, signed.
With the Jews, who feel that; true peace is now designed.
Their Temple will now be rebuilt; but peace it will not last.
Three and one half years ahead; the trouble brewing fast.

8) Hell On Earth for seven years; two witnesses appear.
''Heaven's Kingdom Is At Hand''; the message preached so clear.
They shut off rain on all the Earth; repeated plagues, they bring.
Three and one half years they'll preach; of God's Judgment sting.

9) Hell On Earth for seven years; seal judgments, now begin.
Famine, death, are everywhere; result of mankind's sin.
Unsaved souls perish there; Divine Judgments seen.
Believers martyred for their faith; death by guillotine.

10) Hell On Earth for seven years; a pause in diatribes.
As God seals Jewish men; from each of the twelve tribes.
12 thousand men from each of these; declare through the world.
The Gospel News to every soul; evangelism unfurled.

11) Hell On Earth for seven years; trumpet judgments claim.
A third of trees and all the grass; destroyed in Divine Flame.
A third of oceans turned to blood; freshwater poisoned, too.
A third of sunlight, moon, and stars; no longer there to view.

12) Hell On Earth for seven years; man still won't repent.
Bottomless Pit opened now; with this judgment, sent.
Demonic locusts with scorpion pain; sting those not in Christ.
Death flees from these, now cursing God; for the judgment price.

13) Hell On Earth for seven years; bound demons now released.
To kill one third of mankind; who think there is still peace.
War breaks out in Heaven; Satan is removed.
He'll soon get his wish on Earth; true colors to be proved.

14) Hell On Earth for seven years; two witnesses now are killed.
By the charismatic leader; the world in joy, is filled.
For three and one half days on Earth; the reprobate rejoice.
But to their shock and their dismay; The Lord has the last voice.

15) Hell On Earth for seven years; the witnesses alive again.
Stand before the unrepentant souls; and this man of sin.
Then seen by all upon the Earth; these raptured to the sky.
An earthquake hits Jerusalem, and seven thousand die.

16) Hell On Earth for seven years; the leader seems to die.
Now indwelt by Satan there; to spread his evil lie.
Resurrected from the dead; but it is all a fake.
Now, False Prophet, has a choice; for every soul to make.

17) Hell On Earth for seven years; a Mark is now in place.
To buy, sell, or to hold a job; get benefits replaced.
You take this Mark in your forehead; or there in your right hand.
But, everyone who takes this Mark; eternally now is damned.

18) Hell On Earth for seven years; this evil man, now walks.
Into the Temple, defiling it; and makes the image, talk.
Abomination Of Desolation; believing Jews, now flee.
To Petra, where God will protect; the remnant who will see.

19) Hell On Earth for seven years; bowl judgments now arrive.
These will be the worst plagues yet; for all those still alive.
Cancerous, loathsome, grevious sores; on those who took the Mark.
Their hearts and souls forever more; filled with sin, so dark.

20) Hell On Earth for seven years; all oceans turned to blood.
All ships destroyed, all sea life dies; in the judgment flood.
Then all water turned to blood; for killing of Christ's own.
The unrepentant there refused; to bow before Christ's throne.

21) Hell On Earth for seven years; the heat wave is now on.
Supernova is the sun; no cool place there, to run.
Then darkness falls everywhere; Satan's kingdom reigns.
The unrepentant cursing God; gnaw their tongues for pain.

22) Hell On Earth for seven years; Euphrates now goes dry.
Armies march toward Armageddon; for the battle cry.
To kill remaining Christians there; and the Jews as well.
Assembled there by Satan; who'll lead them into Hell.

23) Hell On Earth for seven years; final bowl now appears.
Planetary Earthquake Huge; mountains, islands, disappear.
Hailstones of a hundred pounds; fall now from the sky.
Mankind still will not repent; but curse God, as they die.

24) Hell On Earth for seven years; as armies now close in;
To kill the Jews in Petra there; and Satan would then, win.
These Jews repent, call to Christ; to save them, and He does.
Those against Him see their mistake; as it so big, there was.

25) Hell On Earth for seven years; but Christ now, returns.
With just a Word, armies destroyed; into Hell, they'll burn.
On the Mount Of Olives there; The Lord now steps His Feet.
Judgment first, then Earth restored; joy is now complete.

26) Hell On Earth for seven years; but Satan is now bound.
Cast into the bottomless pit; on Earth, he's not found.
The Beast and The False Prophet cast; into the Lake Of Fire.
Tormented forever day and night; for their sins desires.

27) Hell On Earth for seven years; that time forever done.
Millennium Of Peace on Earth; and worship of The Son.
Righteousness and Equity; now rule this Kingdom, there.
Sin will not be tolerated; and judgment won't be spared.

28) Hell On Earth for seven years; then Millennium is done.
Satan released one last time; rebellion against God's Son.
Now he's into The Lake Of Fire; tormented day and night.
For his pride so long ago; he rebelled against God's Might.

29) Hell On Earth for seven years; now eternally, won't end.
For unrepentant souls on Earth; too late, their knees, now bend.
Salvation is too late for these; who rejected The Lord's Grace.
Never again will they see; The Lord's Judgment Face.

30) Hell On Earth for seven years; never to be again.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem; totally free from sin.
Redeemed souls through eternity; never ending joy.
For every soul that was saved; adults and girls and boys.

31) Hell On Earth for seven years; what's said here in this poem.
All will quickly come to pass; once Church is raptured home.
If you, friend, want to avoid these calamities;
Both here on Earth, and after death, through eternity.

32) Hell On Earth for seven years; but simple ABC's.
Acknowledge you're a sinner there; Salvation it is free.
Believe on Christ, who lived and died; and rose on the Third Day.
Repent of sin, accept Him now; The Truth, The Life, The Way.

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