Contents |
Overview |
They May Escape Conviction Now; But Won't After They Die |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) They think that no one on Earth knows, their motives, words, and thoughts.
Planning of their evil deeds, that their minds have wrought.
But, their lives will be reviewed, in Heaven's Judgment sky.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
3) Breaking The Commandments Ten, as if they don't exist.
Acts of kindness in their lives, these have truly missed.
Rules made by The Lord; these feel, to them, they don't apply.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
4) When they do an evil deed, or a heinous crime.
They try to get away with it, avoiding penal time.
Bribing others in corruption; these will always try.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
5) Those who work abominations, or do things that defile.
Murder, lies, stealing things, drunkards, evil smile.
Whoremongers and adulterers, on victims, they do spy.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
6) Extortioners and predators, in witchcraft or occult.
Hatred, strife, seditions there, heresies...tumult.
Satan worship, envyings, evil from each eye.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
7) They're seduced by siren of, Satan's evil song.
He lies, telling all of them; their deeds, they are not wrong.
Like the pigs preferring to, live in muddy sty.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
8) But according to God's Word; The Rules, that He there, called.
You break His Law at just one point; The Rules, you've broken all.
Before the moment of one's death; to Christ, they do not cry.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
9) All have sinned, and have come short, of God's Glory, there.
They won't enter Heaven, if, their soul is not prepared.
If they refuse to have Christ's Blood; on their soul, apply.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
10) At death, when they plunge into, the torment fires of Hell.
They'll regret they hearkened to, Satan's evil spell.
They'll know it's too late to repent; that they believed the lie.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
11) When these stand in judgment there, before The Great White Throne.
Every deed, in secret there, or public; is make known.
No question of the guilty soul; their deed, they can't deny.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
12) They could've on Earth, eagerly, bowed before The Lord.
Knowing that His Word is sharp, more than two edged sword.
Instead, compelled to bow to Him; mercy now denied.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
13) Since they refused God's Free Love Gift, preferring sins desire.
Christ casts these, forevermore, into The Lake Of Fire.
Regretting for eternity, God's Rules, they do apply.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
14) God's Standard Is Perfection; no one on Earth, can pay.
Unless they come to Jesus Christ; The Truth, The Life, The Way.
For no one there, can save their soul; no matter what they try.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.
15) The choice, friend, is yours to make, before you leave this Earth.
Will you repent of all your sin, and receive New Birth??
In Hell, it is too late to pray; God won't hear their cry.
They may escape conviction now; but won't after they die.