A Repentant Sinner's Like, The Thief There, On Christ's Right

A Repentant Sinner's Like, The Thief There, On Christ's Right

A Repentant Sinner's Like, The Thief There, On Christ's Right
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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A Repentant Sinner's Like, The Thief There, On Christ's Right

''A Repentant Sinner's Like, The Thief There, On Christ's Right''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) A repentant sinner's like, the thief there, on Christ's right.
They see themselves, a sinner there, exposed in Righteous Light.
He knew he got what he deserved, but Christ did nothing wrong.
He asked Christ ''Remember me, returning with Your Throng''.

2) A repentant sinner's like, the thief there, on Christ's right.
Contrite, sincere, in his prayer; redemption now in sight.
He thought that of his sinful life, Heaven he would miss.
Yet, when Jesus spoke to him, no greater love was this.

3) A repentant sinner's like, the thief there, on Christ's right.
Knowing that their sinful soul, is like a poisonous blight.
Trusting in Christ totally, to pay sin's death stung fee.
Their reward, to be with Him, for all eternity.

4) A repentant sinner's like, the thief there, on Christ's right.
Though their life before was filled with darkness of the night.
The thief likely did not expect the words Christ there would say.
He'd join Christ in Paradise, on that very day.

5) A repentant sinner's like, the thief there, on Christ's right.
Saved by grace through faith, not works; whether day or night.
Our righteousness as filthy rags, as menstrual cloths of blood.
Makes us appear like pigs who just wallow in the mud.

6) A repentant sinner's like, the thief there, on Christ's right.
All the good deeds one would do; in life, day or night.
Without Christ, they're worthless trash; your soul, they cannot save.
Believe on Christ, who lived and died, and rose up from the grave.

7) A repentant sinner's like, the thief there, on Christ's right.
Only those who come to Christ, will see Heaven's Light.
After death, belief too late, no athiests in Hell.
Eternal torment, for all who, took Satan's evil spell.

8) A repentant sinner's like, the thief there, on Christ's right.
Not like unrepentant souls, who meet Him there, in fright.
Since they refused, there to do, the one thing God required;
They will spend eternity in The Lake Of Fire.

9) A repentant sinner's like, the thief there, on Christ's right.
You'll know when you're walking in The Power Of His Might.
You can't fool The Lord, there, friend; He knows your heart and soul.
Will you, today, repent of sin?? And, give Him full control.

10) A repentant sinner's like, the thief there, on Christ's right.
Going through the motions there, won't spiriturally make you right.
Otherwise, you'll hear frightening words, from Christ, there on His Throne;
''Depart from Me, into Hell Fire; for you, I've never known''.

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