Contents |
Overview |
The Seven Dispensations |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) First, the age of Innocence, from Creation to the Fall.
Paradise in Eden there, no curse of sin at all.
But Adam and Eve, both deceived; as the serpent's lied.
They broke the one rule God gave them, and spiritually died.
3) Next, the age of Conscience there, God didn't interfere.
But, sin spread there like wildfire, as evil did appear.
God had Noah build the Ark, the Earth to be destroyed.
Only eight souls would survive, the flood, that God employed.
4) The age of Human Goverment, from Flood to Babel's Tower.
Nimrod had them congregate, consolidating power.
God confused the languages, communication failed.
Man scattered into nations, his sin would not prevail.
5) Then, the age of Promise, when God called Abram there.
To be the father of the Jews, a nation to prepare.
But Abram slept with Hagar there, and Ishmael was born.
But Isaac was the chosen one, relationships were torn.
6) Next, the Law, and giving, of The Commandments Ten.
Moses on Mount Sinai there, stone tablets were there given.
But The Lord forgotten quickly, by the rebellious Jews.
Their entering the Promised Land, The Lord, to these, refused.
7) In the fullness of time there, The Lord came to Earth.
The Sinless, Perfect, Son Of God; A Precious Lowly Birth.
The Saviour the Jews wanted, to free them of Rome's hand.
But, this was not there what The Lord, had instead, had planned.
8) ''Hosanna'' shouted there on Sunday; changed to ''Crucify!!''.
For the sins of mankind, on The Cross there, Christ would die.
But, He'd rise on the Third Day, victory attained.
Salvation's gift, full and free; the saved would then, there, gain.
9) Then, on the day of Pentecost, the Church Age, there began.
The Gospel went across the Earth, to each and every land.
Saved by grace through faith, not works; a free gift to all souls.
Who repented of their sin, and gave Christ full control.
10) But at the Rapture of The Church, the Age of Grace, does end.
Seven years of Hell on Earth, judgments God does send.
Billions perish, lost and saved, in this time of woe.
The believing remnant of the Jews, will their Messiah, know.
11) Then, Millennium of Peace, when Christ to Earth, returns.
The destruction of the Earth, is all now overturned.
Life as it was meant to be, for a thousand years.
The curse of sin is there removed, and all of its fears.
12) But Satan, who has there, been bound, during all this time.
Leads many, as sands of the sea, in one final crime.
To overthrow The Lord of Hosts, destroyed by righteous fire.
For these refused God's Free Love Gift, preferring sin's desire.
13) The Judgment Of The Great White Throne; the unsaved cast away.
There into The Lake Of Fire, torment night and day.
A New Heaven, and New Earth, God does there, create.
Believers worship, praise The Lord, forever celebrate.
14) Everyone will live forever, in eternity.
The question is the place for you; where will that place be??
For the saved, in Heaven there, around Christ's Righteous Throne.
For the lost, in Hell Fire, as ones He's never known.
15) Before your life ends here on Earth, you must make a choice.
Will you accept, or there reject, The Words there of God's Voice.
Repent of sin, accept Christ as Lord; He's Heaven's Only Way.
For He paid your whole sin debt, that you could never pay.
16) But friend, now; if God's Free Love Gift, you choose to ignore.
After death, in Hell, no matter, the prayers you may implore.
Jesus Christ, your worst nightmare, instead of forever friend.
Your eternal torment, pain; it will never end.