A Sampling Of The Sins Done There, On Judgment Day, Revealed

A Sampling Of The Sins Done There, On Judgment Day, Revealed

A Sampling Of The Sins Done There, On Judgment Day, Revealed
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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A Sampling Of The Sins Done There, On Judgment Day, Revealed

''A Sampling Of The Sins Done There, On Judgment Day, Revealed''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Whether deeds were seen by all, or were there, concealed.
The one sin unforgiven there, is shown from the start.
The unsaved soul would not repent, let Christ in their heart.

2) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Sold their soul to Satan there, with the Mark, revealed.
Damned with Satan, and his demons, full of sins desire.
They will spend eternity, in The Lake Of Fire.

3) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Just like a disgusting sludge, around their souls congealed.
Whoremongers, hypocrisy, deceitfulness, and lies.
God's Record, so thorough there; the sinner, stunned, surprised.

4) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Just like tares among the wheat, there in the farmers field.
Disobedient to parents, jealous, envy, there.
Every thought and word and deed; judgment won't be spared.

5) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Instead of life of purity; the dark of sin, appealed.
Unmerciful, and false accuser, things of God, they hate.
No mercy coming for all there; eternal doom, their fate.

6) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Instead of using God's Word there; against their sins, a shield.
Whisperer, Backbiter, Theft, Gossiping, and Pride.
The color of their heart is shown, truly black inside.

7) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Like inside banana there, opened up and peeled.
The shedding of innocent blood, abortion on demand.
Killing unborn babies there, by the doctor's hand.

8) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed,
Rejecting Christ, these would never; before Him, there kneeled.
Sodom and Gomorrah's sins, sex of every kind.
Behavior of all choosing this, reprobate in mind.

9) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Selfish, coveteous, boasters there, evil ways congealed.
Unthankful and unholy there, unnatural love, too.
No question of the guilt done there, shown there in full view.

10) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Breaking The Commandments Ten, stone tablets, not concealed.
You broke The Law at one point then; you broke them, every one.
For these who rejected Christ, God's Precious Only Son.

11) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Trucebreakers, fierce, incontinent, like weeds in a field.
Despisers of those who are good, traitors in what they did.
No one to defend them there; none of their sins, are hid.

12) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Going through the motions there, their fate is now sealed.
Horrified as they stand there, before God's Judgment Throne.
Before He casts them to the Fire, as one's He's never known.

13) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
No one will defend the lost, no mercy, no appeal.
God's Standard Is Perfection, and none on Earth can pay.
Except for Christ, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

14) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Idol worship, blasphemy, and sins not revealed.
In the context of this poem, and in God's Holy Word.
You can't say that you weren't warned; in Gospel Truth, you heard.

15) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
Your sin may not be noted here, but it won't be concealed.
If you fail to do the one thing, that God did require.
You'll be damned eternally, to The Lake Of Fire.

16) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
But for the saved at Bema Seat, all their sins, concealed.
Washed away there by Christ's Blood, shed there on The Cross.
Who lived and died and rose again, to redeem the lost.

17) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
After death, eternal destiny, for you, is sealed.
Either in Heaven with The Lord, with bliss and joy and peace.
Or in Hell without Him, pain and torment never cease.

18) A sampling of the sins done there, on Judgment Day, revealed.
In The Bible are God's Words, they are not concealed.
Eagerly or compelled there, one day, all will bow.
Repent of sin, and come to Christ; make Him Your Lord now.

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